v Fi a "n Ivl X " IT r' r., r 3 n - v vX f- 23 AMHERST OFFERS fll NTERAC w MEDAL College Alumni Put, Up Gold Prize for High Scorer In School Meet Scholastic Athletic Schedule for Today Ilnfirlmll InlrrnrlialitKlle Leneiie t I'hllmWnhln nt (lrmnntnivii. fSoutlirrii IIUli nt fYntral lllili. fYunkforil Utah lit Northeast lllxh. Otlirr Onmrfi Pwnrlliniow. nt 1. T,uke'. irnrtlnnflrlil nt OAlllnR-nnl. Catholic IIIrIi nt Wwt t'lithollf. Anililrr Illith nt lnylrlovn tilth, ICmlnor IIIkIi nt Clifltenhiun tilth. Hnlemnlum nt Wilier 1'nrlc Illeli. (holnut Hill nt Ilnrtrforil Hrliool. Ilrown ITn nt Wllmlnalnn rrlendt. lAiitdoniie llltli nt .Mrillit tilth. Trnnlx Cuimlrn Hloli v. flermnnlnwn Illitli. Ilnirrfnnl Hcliool n. Wml 1'hllii- fclnlilii. .. . .... lllnnoTn Pnn . Ittulnor HUh. rhfll'niinm High v. C'rntrnl HUh. i:iilmn'il n. Imer Mrrlon HUh. 0 Irani f'vllcse n. friuikforil Illch. Trark Wtrl rhtluilcliililn v. Northeast. Amherst rolipRo Ims tiRain offered n gold mortal to the Htuilcnt sooritij; (lie Melirt totttl of points in the ititoi- tcndcmic trnek nnd field clmnipidiisliip meet to be Iiclu rriuay iiftornoon ut Franklin Field. The offer is made through the nltimui of the college, and it is the Kccond yenr thnt this prize has been put up for competition. Ijnst yinr C'np'tnln licnjiimiu Fnncctt, of the I'plscopal Academy, wa8 the in dividual winner, with n total of four teen points. Fnucett is, Eplscopnl'n Mar this season, nnd will he eligible for the meet and is likely to repeat, though Ka)innnil Kiday, of I'enn Chnrter, and HiRgins, another Quaker lad, will benr watrhinR. (Jenuantown Academy lias Diusmore, the all-round ntlilete ; Couley and Bates. C'aptnin MnrlsH is Friends' Central's best athlete." nnd will make n bid for Indi vidual honors. Southern Heats Catholic High A comparison of the tennis in the Catholic League nnd the Interhcholnstiu League this season indicates thnt the Interscholastics have tlio htronger ag gregations, nnd It is strange, that the Mores have favored the latter aggrega tion to a great extent. Southern High's victory vev Catholic High yesterday, 11 to fi, afforded further comparison. It must be remembered, however, that this is the first year for the Cath olic School League and tho vouuirstcrs in that organization are concentrating tneir euorts on winning the games in their own series. Catholic High wn.s on the short end of the game, t) to 1, nt the end of the font t!i iniihi'' and succeeded in stimlir' a rally in the fifth and ninth iuulugs which netted two runs apiece, but Southern also ndded to Its total in the ninth. Silver's hitting was n feature, with a triplo and n homer to his credit. Finnegan. tho Southern twirW wn in fine form. He funned thirteen of the I'lirillc nnd Gold vnutiiKtip ntul vnn given good support. Errors by Gitli- ' olio' High Imtl cotislclfcrftblo to do with tha onesided score. Notes of the Schoolboy .,i.al''-lor', Shoot's victory In tho Junior r,i1IP0 12 a WR'I'e. flhoolc, Marouard, L ,P Wynmetlln nnl Thomas wero ?JfJ...,..iIh.9 'l"n 'lnr are not In tho in. IJS!2'.nV0.i I'i?u' faut It would b very th.'W."1' ln,Jc,!d, to mo them compels with Ji. tt.l.,rffa,.NnIfi. 'm. rrhnp noma laeue W '" ,ho Jnteracademlo if.-il'tPi"1 h.1".n nrnt-rlUKn tcnnU tam. "nJ eU.jP'f,"'.1.1'. ""fknn" and I.nno camo ?h?nit "y1.1 ott'town yesterday and showed mmn&rLysj?j. ,o "' th nct KTrm S,hirtr mal a nw reeord In ten 5n;nMiJ" VCK Voach t'llnton Strons'a younRsterp won the Junior tltlo with n. acoro ?' .Points (matches) won nnd onlv nn .,f.'i. H?".,..rc.ar It was at and niiiaii iiuiiii iosi in a venr wn Tha In the HUNTINGTON DRILLS COLGATE PLAYERS All-American Quarterback Runs Squad Through Formations In Spring Practico Hamilton, N. Y., May 18. Ellcry C. Huntington. Jr.. nf New York, who pSwHtbiniSffiiffi, " b" appointed head football coach to mnla'ilil.ry" wl" nnvo th0 ch"nc" for ,,1C Colgate University team by the JSr5!ttr&,:wwffl ssuard, ftui,cwij!1!,iw"c "irnt Mrv hn every mitch nnd -very point durlnn tho m- "Wo for a few dayB looking over tho "eSn Charter " not bo d"r,cuU r pround and supervising the spring prnc- re iicm unuer temporary direction 01 Captain Woostor. fclV' i- Ip.nnoi,.,,.mn.'.,9 'on "Ht Into third inir,,i?.,llriiS,!,."19t "lh-Houtherti tramo ?i r,pi-!"yi "olOblntt. the third baseman for LiJl-Snwn,own ''"".was hadly spiked. He r,l.H,l..-rrumi'1 py- . " hr was no Stm!1".1?.1" pll,y,r on hand to tako his place. ,J -"" .!!?ur,',?l!on 'r tho delay In o'clock not cna unl" n,r 7 f"mL"RD in"j' "l"8 .not ln "haps when tho it!.nm"i.n.rrl,ved' Another de ay. ns explained SLn,r,m .nn'1 P0l1 fan' wn"! "" ,00l S?.H!, ,m,.II.lf,!in .,,",nir. .,lmo to "! tnoso cU'Iit runs In Iho third Innius." mS.71JJanlnSin ?"ch, wl" ,H'' Jnt o. scLTat &o';r""" tcam W,," Uc0rB0 wJinU.J&IF1' Ti"',1! tlro on ,l10 "ehedule for JiLn.,",aiJ ha c "mintown.Contral teams PRINCETON RECORD BROKEN Swede Does Two Miles In 9:30 1-5 In Intcrclaes Meet I'rlnrctnii, N. .?., May' 18. Keene Fitzpntrick selected estcrday ns the time for holding the nunual Cale donian games of the university nnd for tho first time this spring the nthletcs were favored by perfect weather con ditions and a fast trdek. One principal record went by the boards when Alan Swede, the Tiger dis tance stnr, reeled off two miles ln 0 minutes SO 1-5 seconds. American Derby Called Off Iloston. May 1R. Tho J10.000 American Derby on tho prnuram of tho Ornnd Clr rult mcotlnir nt Heudvlllo In Aucrust. has been (ailed off, It was nnnoumed todiv. Kntllm, which closed ton days nKO, wcro toj few to wurrant n renewal this year. Depot Girls Defeat Flelsher The Philadelphia Depot Q. M. C. Blrla1 baselmll team yesterday defented tho rielshcr girls, -1 to 0, In a slx-lnnlnc jramo played nt Twenty-sixth and Morris streets. MIhs Juno Mulvnncy who pitched for tho depot Blrla. was In lino form. Postpone Lynch-Moore Bout Jersey City. N J., May 18. Tho boxlne contest between Joi t.nch, of New York, nnd Pnl Moore, of Memphis, which was to have been held here Inst night, was post poned one week The principals agreed to this arrangement after Lynch failed to mako tho Htlpulnted welttht of US pounds nt 3 o'clock In the afternoon. Moorp. who welshed llflij Pounds, declined to tako his opponent's for feit of JSOU, It was announced. Eastern League New llVvcn 4: Hrldgeport. 2. Hartford. '-; Worcester, 1. Mbnny, Hi Waterbury 3. Hpilnzfleld. .; Plttsfletd. 4. A GOOD LIBRARY IN YOUK EMPLOYES' REST ROOM WIIX III: AITIUXIATEn WOMRATH'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY 15 S. 13th St., Phila. Vflll Kxnlnln Their I'lun on lteniift FAKM AND aABDEN IIKII fEED PRODUCE QUICK & POSITIVE RESULTS Bulst's Golden Giant SBJGAR CORN A perfect yellow swrol earn. Kxcelit the "Golden Bantam" In tr.a and qaallty. This new introduc tion produces rows from- eight to nlne-a Inches long with twelve to fourteen rowa. The flavor Is ex ceptlonnlly rich and delicious. l'kr. 10, Tint, aoc Quart, SSo Tf wanted by parci'l post ncld 5c per pint to cover packs ce. Uobert Buist Company and G South Front Street Philadelphia, In. ST0LL'S42H1s1?. ITflc DINNER or SUPPER C no Jil Inc. Soun. Meat. 2 J II Veo.. B. B. & Coffee, w 40 C fLHI ItKd Includlnci . B. and Coffee, 2 Vegetables 40 STILL IN THE CAME. FOOD JUST THE SAME. DON'T FORGET THE NAMEI STULL'S successfully tlurlnc the years ho as sisted In hnmlllnic tho team, will bo re tained, Inst year ho was virtually In cntlro charge of tho team, tho results of his work showing In Colgnto victories over Cornell, Princeton, JJrown, Ko Chester nnd Husquclintinn. Tho team lost but ono game, to Syracuse, nnd played n tin with Dartmouth. f LEAGUE ANNOUNCES DATES IIuntluKton'ti nppolntmcnt is one of especial sutiifnctlnii to tin student body, for he Is n Colgate man, of the class nf KIM, wns choncn All-American quarter, and has given of his time nnd Hprvices to the squad generously earn penson since his graduation, with the exception of tho two years ho served with the American forces in France ns n captain of artillery. Tried Formations. "For the Arm time in the history of football nt Colgate wc took on forma tions," he said, In discussing tho re sults of his work with the squad. "Thnt has never been done before In spring practice, but It wns necessary this year because wo tre lacking In tested ma terlul, due to the loss of nine vctcrnus of Inst year's team. "Some of the second string men who were not ilo to make the varsity tenm Inst sensnti are showing very market! improvement in their spring training, however, nnd the squad has been aug mented considerably by tho entrance of nddltionnl promising tnntcrinl in the freshman class. , Of theso new men Maion, Hose and Audrus have so fnr shown to excellent advantage. Lots of Enthusiasm "I have never seen more enthusiasm nmoug a squad nt Colgate. Wc have been sadly handicapped by Inck of In door training quarters. The gym wits built a quarter of n century ngo nnd Is a mere doll's house. Hut success of the pending Colgnto campaign for n million dollars and n new gym will afford ade quate accommodations, so tho boys are all pepped up over tho prospect. "There doesn't seem much doubt i.p here ns to the success of tho drive, ns the site fnr fie new gym Is being cldarcd now. With emplo indoor training quar ters there is every prospect thnt Colgate will make even a better showing In foot ball and other sports than It has in the pnt." Huntington's selection ns conch Is as surance that the Iiankhart method of training, which has been used ho 8ea8on Will Open Saturday, May 20, , With Six Clubs In Circuit Tho lntertownshlp Lcnrut will otn. ths season on Haturduy, Mny 20. Six clubs will comprise the league, idle Hour, Orcrnpolnt, University. HelnMil, Curtis nnd Ilethany, William I. llowlsnd, of tho Ilcineld Country Club, was r-eleclcd nrctldent of the learu and A, U Ilurtls, of the Ulo Hour Tennis Club, wns chosen secretary, to succeed A. H. Garland, who resinned. The schedule fol lows: May 29 Idlo Hour at Ileirield. Clrcenpolnt at Curtis. University at Dethanv, June B Oreenpolnt at University. Curtis nt Ilelneld. Ilethany nt Idle Hour. June 12 University nt Curtis. Idle Hour nt Oreennotnt, Ilelneld nt Ilethany. June in University at llelflold, Bethany at flreenpolnt. Idlo Hour nt Curtis. Juno 2d Ureoiipnlnt nt Ilelneld. University at Idle Hour Curtis at Ilethany. July 10 Ilelneld at University. Clrcenpolnt nt Idle Hour. Ilethany nt Curtis. Julv 17 Curtis at Clreonpolnt. Helneld at Idle Hour, llethnnv nt Unlerslty. July 21 Uclfleiii t Curtis, Oreenpolnt at Uethnny, Idlo Hour nt University, July 31 Ilelneld nt Oreenpolnt, Curtis at University, Idle Hour at Ilethany. August 7 University nt Oreenpolnt, Beth any at llelHeld, Cyrils ilt Idlo Hour. Autocar to Have Team The Autocar Athletic Association, which has for tho last live years had a nine In thH 'Mnln Mne I.enRuo. has decided to place an Independent, semlprofcsslonsl team on tho Held this senson. Games will ho played nn the Autocar rteld at Ardmore. Pft,, with nil nrit-cUsi teams. Tho season will open Saturday next. and. the mnnncement Is desirous of booktnir a name for that dnte nnd for succeeding Saturdays nnd holidays throughout tho season. Arranircments to plav the Autocar nine may be made with Ilohert Johnston, secretary of tho Autocar Ath letic Association at Ardmore, Valfjer Scores Five Knockdowns Toronto, (Int.. Slav 18. Henny VaUrer won tho reftre.'i uecl'ilon over Nick Younir Michaels, the Central New York lightweight chnmplon In n ten-round bout hero last night. Tho little, frenchman scored Flic knockdowns, two In tho second round nnd again III the third, fifth nnd final rounds. all for the count, Moth boys weighed In nt rlngsldo. Valuer. 120: Michaels, 133. TWILIGHT SEASON OPENS TOMORROW Disston and Germantown Ninos to Play Southampton and Nativity, Respectively HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER roit COAL New principle; constant sup Ply: 24 to 30 gallons, lc, Heats radiators also. There Is noth ing Just as good. Frco book. Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2d i'ataaMf .THE WHITE ' ENAMEL fog JB ENAMEL jfj m. I FOR WOOD-METALOR PLASTER ATM Store Of ThomscnWood Finishing Co. glSEISJSfSIMSEISISISiaiSHSISJttllSJSJSISEIS!! I During C lean-Up and Paint-U p 1 Week Phoenix I Paint proved I most everybody's stand-by. Let it be yours now ana a every season! 1 At All Progressive Dealers Phoenix 1 Paint and Varnish Co. Manufacturers s RJ3JSI 121 Market St., Philadelphia llSteD WE J1T- DIAMONDS GOLD & SILVER Jewelry nf AH Itlndst Highest rrlres vU Pcnn Smelting & Refining Works "The Old Cold flnop" .90G Filbert St., Phllo... Pa. PURE FRESH PAINT a en eve Me E Estimates Our estimate will tell you how much that job o painting will cost you but no estimate can include the increased satis faction you get from the added comfort and attractive ness or even the increased protection paint affords or the actual cash value it adds to your property! "lave-thc-Surface" Kuehnle PAINTERS Vine & 17th. Sts. SPRUCE 5474 RACe893 STEAMSHIP NOTICKS Wc Will Buy Ladies' Cotton 176-Needle Sewed or Looped Toe HOSIERY Submit Samples & Quotations Sea Board Raw Products Co. SI East 42d St., N. Y. City TELEPHONIC, VANDERDILT 5402 STKAMSHIP XOTirES DIRECT SAILINGS Semi-Monthly Service U. S. Shipping Board Steamers Philadelphia to East San Pedro (Port for Los Angeles) San Francisco Seattle, Wash. SS"ARTIGAS" .Sailed S.S.West Togus (100-A-l) June 1 A Steamer (100-A-l), June 15th Accnts for U. S. Shinning IlonrJ NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. For Rates, Etc Apply to ISO South Fourth St.. rhlla.. Fa. Phone, Lombard SSOI-S, Main 830 Pniiaenircr and l'relllit Service i . ni.i,n.,.,n,.,.. ... ...., la Vnliliirn Plillndclnlilii " Antwerp . j JJ 2 S Itorol Ororite New York " Plnnoulli. Clierbours ami Southampton . ." . '.'. May , Manrebiiila New Vrk " hrrbouric nnd Southampton ... .... Yay faronla Nw J.ork I'ljinoiitli. Chrrbourc and Indon May 55 ' p Columbia ..fft'Y ,n,rU ,, ''"ndomlerry nnd UIuhkoiv May 2j rSI Chlnnnli Plilladflnlila " l.lvrnmal M,. I m K, A. Victoria :N,rw ,VM'' '.'. "l',:,,",0,Il ,ind I'lrpool ". ...". . . May u H vWlla h a. elph la .on dim ; . . . Mttt 3S I I'nueonla -iiiinueiniiia -- ..iirnmoi . . !,. ;, t lr imiltiKna !. .1 t A ... - - . . J U I I i FARM AND OAItDEN SOW MAULFS SEEDS PLANT YOUR GARDEN NOW Grow luscious fresh vegetables in plenty for your table this summer and to can for next winter. Make your garden beautiful with Maule's flower seeds. Maule's Seeds produce and are backed by our Four-Leaf-Clover Guarantee. Buy seeds, fertilizers, implements, insecticides, etc, at our retail store on tho first floor of tho Maulo Building. Stop in during the week any limo before 5 P. M. Get your f reo copy of the second edition of tho 1920 Maule Seed Book. Our customers all over tho world exhausted 'the first printing of 450,000 copies long ago. Our 43 ycara' experience aa seedsmen, gar deners and farmers is at your service. $ HENRY MAULE; Inc., 21st & Arch Sts. Italia Vltellln ;, Annlo-Kryptlan VntrU ...... llureimlnnd . . . Vrrbanla Imperntor . . . Kannoiila .... oul tleorsn Cnronln Columbia . . . . K. A. Vlrtorln Mauretnnla .. linperator . . . I'Mlailelnhlift fllahrnw . l'hlindelnhln " Antnrrn , . . . .New York " Liverpool . .l'iillnilelphlii " llrlitol ., . riiiiaueinuin " i.nrrpooi . ...iNew i , . , . N eiv . . . .New . ..New ork " l'linioiit ....New J'ork " Tondonderrr nnd (llamow I'll... ...,r. inivi ...,....,.,,.,. . J0'.1 '.'. Cherbourg nnd Hniitlmmpton .' ior.k ! I'ntrn". I'lihrornlk and Trlente . . . . orY .. ''J'lnoiith. Chrrlmure and Houtlmmnlon ork " I'll mouth and Cherhouric ... .. . A'nilf ' rjinilnfiil.,rv nnJ fli..ui ...New York " tiuernntown nnd Liverpool . . . New York " C'hrrhoiirs and Houtlinmnton ...New York " Cherhouric and Southampton For inter Nnlllne Apply to 1300 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA IV June H Iiiiio in I une. la limn in lime l.i I ii ne Hi 'une III lune in June :i nine n July 3 Inlr l July 3 July 17 ...Jul: . . .Jul' Pmenier Office, 1319 Wilnut St.. Phil. , Freight Office, 405-8 Boone Bld., Philt. LUCKENBACH LINE rhlladelphla Scrvico TO Rotterdam Amsterdam S. S. Pleiades Mny 22 S. S. Waterbury Mny 23 U. H. Shlpplnr Board) LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP CO-, Inc. GAILEY, DAVIS & CO., Agcnta 403 lloume llldr. l'hone Lombard 8005 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM Via Plymouth and Boulogne-Sur-Mer Noordtm Mr 221 June 26Au. 4 New Amitcrdtm ...June lJuly 7 Auf . 10 Rolttrdim June 10Julr 2l)Aui. 28 Rrndam J"' 13Auj. 18 I'ataeuter OOlce. 1031 Walnut St.. rhlla. "VACATION TRIPS" net the brarlntr ocean brferes. rofrethlnu Bleep, delleloua food and all other benetlte of WATKll TKAVKIi on tlifl well-appolnlod ateamahlp' of this favorite line. Let ua heln plan your yarntlun trlpt l'tequent alllnei to BOSTON SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE Merchant, and, Mln.r Trnn.pprtatlo C3( Million;, of MHpmi Tarried Not a life loat.". EARN-LINE U f . Intorpprnttil IR91 . a. bbippmg Board Steel Steamen General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester A Steamer June Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Fluvanna" . Loading SS "Lake! Golera" June For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Chriatiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service U. S. SMppInf Doard Sleet Sleanm SS "CALVERT'. Ma"Js A Steamer June, j (From Pitt 78, Sosth Wharvu) Tho Charles T. Megeo Co. Altnlihr U. S. Shipping Btt4 urcxci uuildmg PHILADELPHIA Betl-Z-Iiomhard $109 J! Twilight baseball, which ontortnlneil 6 many thounnmls of I'lillndclpliinns Inst year, will have a tryout tomorrow when teams ln different sections of tho city piny, their first after-supper. engagement. The hour for starting has been Advanced somewhat, but tho man ngcrs Intend to give the cntcrprlsa a thorough test. Manager I'rcd Long, of tho Disston club, nnnounccs that tho Sawmakcrs will begin nt C:15 p. m., when they meet Southampton nt State road nnd Unruh street, nnd Manager Dnvo Bcn nl8 bos set tho time for Germantown to tacklo Nativity nt Chclten and Mag nolia nvenucs, as fil.'iO p, m. . The fans of Tacony hnc been clam oring for tho opening gnrao and for that reason Long anticipates a big crowd. rruA nf.nlnf niatttnti tenm. nf tho Com mercial League, will talte the Held and ' tnc uaitcry win ue ionuny ui uu JlcOoory. Disston has been playing fine ball nil season nnd hns nn exceptionally lienvy-hltting aggregation, Including such sluggers ns IJcrt Castor, Dick Nleld nnd Duck Itred, Southampton will depend on Duld, nnd Myers, but will also have another pitcher In the thf ': v person of Cnmnbcll along with thorn; uuid is said to bo ono or. mo tieot-., hurlcra In this section. r :;, . ' aaf K' Protect Your Automobile OI'KN ienon fnr nntomobllee, now tieclnnliif. I also open aeneon for automobile thieve. Th tame applied to rollUlone, nceldents and flrei. Complete protection from nil tlieen dleaatera can be hail with nur automobile Insurance pollclee. Tlier are low priced, too. AnU. tin, Harris J.Latta PENNSYEVAKIA BLDO. Tin re 3432 PHILAMXPHIA. iocust S7S M. ,"! y. L I iimiMaiimiiiiaiiiwiaiiiiaiiiM Begin at once using THE NEW MOTOR OIL that eliminates carbon and solves lubricating problems Any of these dealers will supply you with the right type North Philadelphia F. C. Bailey 2228 N. Broad St. Joseph Flickstcin 1031 Diamond St. Gibb's Garage 4809 N. Broad St. Kenneth Garage 1707 N. 12lh St. Keystone Pure Oil Co. 2527 N. Broad St. Kraus Bros. 2032 N. lGth St. Martin's Auto Supply House 2822 N. Broad St. North Broad Street Garage 3312 N. Broad St. Peerless Garage 1404 Oxford St. Pierce Arrow Garage & Repair Shop 2210 N. 26th St. Jno. C. F. Snyder & Sons 2306 N. 28th St. Twentieth. Century Garage Broad & Hunting Park Ave. Albert Woehr 5848 Park Ave. Wright & Corson, Inc. 2701 Diamond St. West Philadelphia North of Market St. J. G. Esmonde 6015 Market St. Fifty-secortd Street Garage 52nd St. and Wyalusing Ave. Market Street Garage 5817 Market St. Maurer Bros. 5212 Girard Ave. Mitchell's Garage 62nd St. and Woodbine Ave. J. V, Monaghan Co. 4613 Lancaster Ave. Overbrook Garage 63rd St. and Overbrook Ave. West Philadelphia South of Market St. P. E. Cooper 8-12 S. 39th St. Darby Garage Chester & Quarry Sts. Geo. C. Martin Garage 5228 Broomall St. H. A. Paxson Garage 5960 Irving St. Rittenhouse Street Garage 2030 Rittenhouse St. Triangle Garage 23rd & Moore Sts. Warwick Tire Shop West Chester Pike above (i'Jth St. Woodland Motors Co. 51st St. & Woodland Ave. Tioga West Allegheny Garage 2312 Allegheny Ave. Westmoreland Garage 2013 Westmoreland St. North of Market Street and South of Girard Avenue Samuel Garner 2325 Penna. Ave. Hummel Co., Inc. 909 N. 26th St. J. F. Hummel, 31st St. and Girard Ave. Jawers Accessory Store 604 N. Broad St. Pierce Auto Supply Co. 1427 Fairmount Ave. Northeastern Section Allegheny Garage American St. & Allegheny Ave. Allen Auto Accessories Co. 4634 Paul St. Bert L. Conn "'' 3014 Frankford Ave. George Dc Haven 4605 N. 5th St. Lussc Bros. 2707 N. 6th St. Oakland Service Station 1310 N. 5th St. Palmer Square Garage 1706 Frankford Ave. Alvin Swenson 4134 Kensington Ave. Theo. Press Garage 4542 Richmond St. Germantown and Chestnut Hill Allan's Garage 19 Highland Ave. Colonial Garage 28-32 E. Mt. Airy Ave. Manor Garage 147 Queen Lane St. Martin's Garage St. Martin's Lane.& Navahoe St. Tulpehocken Garage Wayne Ave. and Wash'n Lane Wayne Avenue Garage 5728 Wayne Ave. North Western Section Banham Motor Co. Ridge Ave. and Dupont St. DilJman's Garage 4415 Mitchell St. Fleming Bros. 513 1 Ridge Ave. Oak Lane City Line Garage York Road & City Line W. A. Kennard City Line & Oak Lane Ave. Northwood Garage Haines & Carlisle Sts. Oak Lane Auto Station 69th Ave. & York Road Suburban AMBLER Ambler Garage ARDMORE Gravelle's Garage Penn Motors Co. BALA CYNWYD Bala Garage Cynwyd Garage BERWYN . Fel's Berwyn Garage BRYN MAWR R. H. Lengel's Garage Warner's Garage BUSTLETON Robert Lennox CHESTER Edgemont Motor Corp. 4th & Townsend Sts. Miller & Robinson North Providence Ave. Deakyne & Smullen S. Edgmont Ave. Andrew H. Hinkson 2202 West 3rd St. Sun Shipbuilding Garage Morton Ave. Tire and Accessory Shop 517 W. 3rd St. DEVON Fel's Devon Garage FERNWOOD The Fernwood Auto Supply Church Road artd Baltimore Ave. , JENKINTOWN Independent Fire Co. A. C. Krewson Auto Co. MORTON W. R. Thompson NARBERTH Lee's Garage PAOLI Paoli Motor Co. ROSEMONT Rosemont Garage t SWARTHMORE bwarthmore Garage WAYNE Wayne Auto Paint Shop w WOODLYN Woodlyn Machine Shop New Jersey ATLANTIC CITY Brighton Autd -pply Co. 2727 Atlanffc Ave. Cuskaden Supply Co. 2006 Atlantic Ave. Pacific Garage 1715 Pacific Ave. CAMDEN Campbell's Garage 116 N. 2nd St. H. Stokes Lounsberry 533 Arch St. Lane's Garage 565 Haddon Ave. State's Supply Co. nil Broadway MERCIIANTV1LLE Merchantville Auto Co. MT. EPHRAIM Mt. Ephraim Farmers & iuiuiers' supply Co. Sunoco is not only the highest quality motor oil possible to manufac ture, but it is made m six types to guarantee a perfect lubricant for every car made. It is a straight-run, non-compounded, 100-per cent distilled oil and never leaves a hard flinty carbon deposit. It has the correct body (viscosity) to insure a proper piston ring seal, thus conserving the full power of the engine and preventing waste of gasoline and oil. Go to any of the Sunoco dealers listed above at once. Have your crank " urmucu, ucuiica ana nnea witn tne proper type ot Sunoco. You Look for This Sign never will know what a powerful, smooth-runnim? prminr. ' in .,.. ..! begin using Sunoco instead of just "oil." SUN COMPANY PHILADELPHIA OFFICE FINANCE IJUILDING More Than a Million Gallons of Lubricatina Gil Per w00i. Bllllllllllll!ll!lllllllllll!llll!l!!II1lll!llllmtll,llllimilHlllimllimillimilraMnil iiiinmm.niimuu, ,m,. .., ....... " - , , KjI- wammmmmmmmmimmmi mr, . ljMfH mMtiMrimW BMBmiimMiim m' ' ' ' "" -'""'""wiiiw . ' "-,! i?;l i i,l .41 m M t M 1 mi -M ';Pi 'I si ?4 a INr. .- n& M.rv rK-vjuk e ..w' v.") II ,i '.I. ti-x .i,y yU ... M : i V . .'i t y Hi.riii,' . " A-WV."V ?- A . S'Jr "'vi'.if'ii irf. U V l . 7 ' ' ""7 T : """-"""""W-wmmhbihhi