?, Wi T ... .1, . ii ir i i " -- re mi rroil Apt.) S rm.,prv, pavp, wnq Binnw rma. AVE.. .W.i 147. aermentown rtlrbl room! large grounds) ihad.l no r"'--- -.u (w..r.4V tr.ln. nA m1.t rf. gr l".""MI". ......... ...... ....... ..... IrfiMTNUT '. 9011 Two dealrehla fur I pished sin Ifirlor suite iiahsd Sinai, room lor arenviamen unu nil"-. .. . ..t.aln.ae nr vvhvalMan. jr" ---r. . " -T7i- . BnOt-t:, .r am.. " ...--.. -. r----v 1034 Ona vacant room. fiiESTNUT ST.i 2007 Deslrabl, alnala v imibroornj wrn ....- ' and IFiTeStKTJT. '4038 nooma for rent for li.S .i a people, .econd floor, front ana back. 'ffoTIIT ST. 1825 Furnished room lor "iiTtieman of refinementi reference. fx-UBT ST., 1508 Three root ".. ti.tMi also 1 alnala room rooma and prl- ffit 8T.'.Il810 noom and bathi alao nicely rffirnlaheo1 alngte room. SnWELTON A.ylii ioir i'our rooms.nouee- itpln. private bath! rooma, housekeep- u nrh rlvale bath. IpRUCH'ST.. 1117 Very desirable va&an. tli. furnlahedj -hot water! near bath? riillinUl wwan, p'nllCB ST., 1387 Second-floor front room " ...it. fn,n. n. iinfiirn.. .nntharn Hr, 'ifoi also' room with use of bath.ejectrlclty. rurel k.i.t. so?.. I,ara. mod. furn. rm.i cor. BV.r.. .itii,,it .vnnaura All rnnvenlenraa. nou.aj .,,,..,..-.. --.- .- - . irrir N.'. x". hotel nunio ntautifuiiy furn.l alnaia ana aouma room, ciecirici ii. milr ratl conv. to atitlona) bt .ymmngatlon for travallni; ptorUi mod. ipHUCj:. 1235 Larao furn. rooma. on on lr4A HnVirg wlndowai ault, fdr a. reaa.j rf. fpnuCB.101 (Holmhurm Uoubla and aln .ii Tvaci ; htautlfully furn.l Blto.lt.. phonta. TwitBT., N.. ai3 jwntr will lt I room tfl reuncu vwwF.. -........., v...nBn. T"1""'. i i fiTlt ST.. B.. 816 (th I'errtn). balnw Hpruca "iTtarire front roomi nawly furnlahed) naar kith, Walnut THUS J. fifit'tt.. 2081 Two -or thra rommunlrnt- ma. accuiiu ""- -- ---,..,,..., mnina wbihj,;!-!"' litit. 8.. 247 nooma, rum. or unrurn.. HWIWIIHilini.f w.-... ,.. .........! fiSELf tumlthed aanUcman'i bachelor apartment!. bath, marWe "howjri private. Ph'na Mr. It. T. lluahaa, 1007 Diamond at, r.NTtnB Ant floor, 0 rooma arid private "bathi laundry and ,yrdl alectrlo lliht. iMrdwood floora. roplar 7007 J. ci UV1NO ItOOSf. 2 bedroom, private bath and wrehi modern! aelect loca. W. P.I 18 win, center cltvi reaaonabla. Pr"tnn 8480 W FINEIiT furnlthed Kent'a bachelor apart- iath mBthll ihAWlPI n.lVad Tlinnd I mOHVl v" ...". .-.-..-....-.. ..v.i. IKri 1 1. T. iiugwea, 1007 DUmond at. li!D ST.. N.. 1311 Unfurnished, 3d floor! HUIinPHW ,Tutnr H""r'in'i HTWT PlflI.AnKT,riIIA IIECOND-FtiOOrt front room; reflned home! eood reildence aeotlon. Woodland 448 J. (IKTtMANTmVN &APi,EWOOD AVK.. 148 For rent. 2 dou hi.. 1 alnirle room, furnlahedi aenaratelv ler toaethen attractlva location; convenient I bath, mone uermantown in J. ROOMS WANTED WANTKD Clean room with American fam ily, near Pier 27. Nl by aea captain's !f II 801, ldaer Office. NEW' JKKSrn' HEAHHOHK OCK.N CITV CEAN CITY Wish to rent 2 furn. roomi ft buth Julv A Aug. B 783, T.edrer Omce. BOARDING BPrtUCE ST., 1033 Slnale room, with board! libit board. 8TOUCE. 1032--One larae double room, 2 elnale rooma. . BunranAN TUB aniSTNOn. formerly Elklna Park. n 103 B, Walnut lane. Oermantown Ex. eenent table; delightful rooma: ehade, crounda and other comforte: ratea per couple, 828 to Jt wr weokjOentllea only Phone rte rman tVw58?J57MIt8rTlANKijNCOl I.Y. STItATKOnn 0U) OUCII AHD INN, Stratford. N. J. Nei'i'r wt , lam, ...-m ,.ui.n tin roiivs; iwieKIBt. APARTMENTS 19 E. PENN ST. June 10 to September 1 modern houeekeeolnir anartm.nt fi... ntahed, old Oermantown mansion; o.tcnslvo tround; trains, trolley, rest rooms; con venient; may be aeen by appointment. Otr- minlnwn, 8028. .venlna. fnOll JUNE 1. crntraliv lnm-,ii hnni.n. In aparlment) 0 rooma and bathl nicely luiiuiiicu. .ii, iirr inonin; reierences cc. ;!!5?',') JJABTBAUM UROS. & FLEISHEIl. H2 H Penn Square. " AMES APARTMENTS 7 Kortheeet corner lOlh and Ponlar ats.: a: ATTOACTIVEIiY furnished apartments, u rooma and 2 batha. for summer months; Btr .be seen between 11 and 2. or Phone Bar' Irf 711. 4880 Chestnut et., Apt. 80C fOB RENT Apartment, a rooms and bath wrch. 1284 8. 46th at., furnished. Can be HtnSunday or call Locust 2041 Monday for ippolntnunt. ' 41TII AND CHESTER llnfiirnl.h.rf ....... menu rooms and bath all outside; renL reiionabl-j Immediate liossefslon. thnSiT wii j. woodland. " UNKUHN. apartment. 1000 Wallace .t.i u rooms, bath and Wtchsnette: hot-water yMv.t10: ll,nt' c" . Worrell. 033 I I7th st. ' APAItTMRVP MlflAnntrAnirLmu Central apartmenta a apeclalty. Sherwood API Agenry, 225 8. nroad at. Rome ery ...... ... .mn. ,!.. , ...in,. nouagKeepimr. 22 Nl 4TH ST. Three rooms and bath nrit flnnr U. rnnmi nnd h .. u.. j Iunl hedt! UPl he,U, elctrl:ty'and gaa tPHUCE ST.. 1012 (Holmehurst One and t-jihgd. elws. light; phonem wld ervlce. IDOl-OB ffPUUCH , (th IlevincV Attracttvi apartmenta. (urtilataad or unfurnished, with Bininir roorn aurvloe. SV.0 ItOOMS, kitchen and ball,, in private partmenti all convenlencea; oung mar. - -....o .-..g..cm ..w.n, no. a Hit SI' .S?HT,A.p.V:J'.'"f.I2Afom. lVn A "SEZrJL --V W 4V1-HW. -ll WAU ii Utuyej PL. BAVERFORD Attractive modem furnlthed 'jpartment. 7 rooms. 2 batha. jtini to " Oct. t 1115 per month. Phone Ardmore OKI. " IF ?RUCE ST.. 1010 Extremely des. second lio most attractlva rooms: private baths' niOHLAND PARK Lt., airy apt., unfurn.- sgaRrgr "" fcai u cedr u"- ifia1!.?1?-'Apartment, o rooms and bath, leeust 264 inU ' porch ,ront' m01rn. Call ihiSn??"!,15' .""ilshedi 5 rooms. t.h.1. wxP0","' fln) ,oc- for um. J. C ?"lt, 14 Nyack ave. I.anedowne 1058 W. aiHf.u? ST- 1T28 Suite 2 beautifully j -.. . .....u u.iuj no nnuBBKeeping. ,lil.?JA0N? HT. Two-room housekeep. .log aoartmant! nawiv n. m ... Jrr.-irx. Ueonv.nlences "" i .OOJ?3. bath and kitchen, electric! M ArBLEY ST.. 20 (near Win. Ti.no.i.t , .' lia5?iS,fp.air,nl"nl ""furnished. 2d floor; best lyilloni all convs Wyoming 2631 J. ' "WiaAVAWMBNT. Brpomi and bithi ---""' locmian. 1B23 ur I. n.v,. u - "fiS.I: ,AI??"."P'-ipfti Jo. k.. . ... ' .),:: "-.-V,.v"w ".., ur wk, it aeairea. 8herwoodot. Agency. 228 a. riroa.i ir ' lift "Trn. bachelor apta.; 2 rm'i. MU blh; alap ,nKe room. wltn &&,. FINE APARTMENT UVn liiriS1 gjjVMAN a, hall, 8J2 oermantown ave. U,H nd ?imOU"1eJP1r.,r "S1" 'urn., electrlo na Mum, seoond floor. 1844 N. 10th at. !T -WIST PllirnEI,PHIA , D. J. MULLINS TVrSErucj. Belmont 219. ment-iTiirunli,l!,dhou"1ePlnB apart Stfiy nr,im and. ba,bi M"! at. boulevard; 4..- turn., sunnv l.rm . '..-. itSBfaLLlint,, 't25w..kry-:' ri n"nYT'i" ' o. NEW .iBnnpv 1.4.. '.:r: 'g. h ariarlmV - ffurn,-n.Ba room ...l.nn. bd.i season or longer. r t?NN8YLVANIAHlinrin n xr . WrpJih.d .';:.Pear.Wayn'1 Junction; 3 ! on".i,'d aprtmnts. second floor; best wl.", ll cnnv.ni...;...' Wyomn gtfjt " . -ATLAXTin HITV XT a FOR RENT t'lT'lr furnl.l.1 Ml1: ad auiViT "Pariment, o room and ii",. Witor aervKX'M.'. l!.,!.9. l " "ft LEnriAn n,. WrrJSWggBD APARTMETJTB " "."''nut .t..El.g.ntly i ffai. 3 bathai tJSf ."l otel servloo: a 5!fJ.t.s i,,.J,uM. A Octcber ao.um- I T'mTrur-.".-:. "tm. It."!, DlaminJi ". urniped 0- !? PetSliT,allK".'?. near lotht Vfi.rYWl KDt.. lit. fata. ''t .vJry''cJ'SvUr,.ji.,,u'ia"o for.quit ...VWll 41VA1-U -"Mill. 'u, .. v Hu?,W t rVaVironi- ,"npl.t.ly tar. iSskmt. Dl.Ju?lfeTt0. obr; ' i . , "ls. 18x7 Spruce at. ' . L?NT"o CITV, V, jr. f " ?,7&Mv fA. . -fun... for JMK)MHI T fiKTd tfNib (cVrro room nrtsirt. alibi t .Inn 'MT-ilt Kdfi'i'toW M iXli. ztu I a.... ' ' ' ' i j.J. AS 3MTATB Ak.TAT. CITY !. i 2016 SPRUGE SIKET-FOR SALE' cypress 6t. All In tho moat i8t Floor: SiBSHi ',sr 2nd Floor: riJffiJii.RPnfeTEBlS nRonooMn a - - - "'"'" Jiuu.Ma AND DATIIi 3d Floor: SJloMlifflSSi TNVO BAT"S- 8Bwinc noou MEARS,, & BROWN 202S9Mth 15th Street APAHTMENT3 WANTBp" LAHOH houseksepln cltv"fi,nfia?iPVmIV,r,T"t '" center or apt. ID weat Philadelphia. U 820, 13. Off, HQTJSEKBEPINQ APARTMENTS 2020 )20 OltBEN BT Haueekeeplna; apta.i private bathl 40 and up. Sea janitor. Tnm)ahd S-rtOOMB and bath, furnished apartment n WeetPhlladelphlai cloie to elevated! to unlet from June 1 lo H.nt. IR. Avi,. j . ... A. j .E ,. ..mm rent fvu. sk vut, uvuior uul tlce. Phona Harm osu j. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan 20 MINtJTES TO DnOAD 8T. STATION. Furnlehed and unfurnlihed eultea. THE LINCOLN LOCUST I1ELOW 1T ST. HAS' DESIIlAUI.n VACANCIES J. WARREN FRIAR HOTEL COLONIAL spmiCK AT llTH BT. Select apartment family hotel; In the center of the cltyi operatlnc on the American plaai iiyi oner will n cur table c. PITMAN BAKEn Flense me iiiu. exaviina JR., Manager THE GLADSTONE 11TII ANIJ PINK 8TS, ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE LITTLE HOTEL. 226 8. Hroad at.- A cooa place 10 ve wnua in i-iumucipnmt REAL ESTATE 3?OR SALE CITV 2008 N. 33D ST., 3 story. 11 rooms, both nnd laundry! hot-water heat! pood wn dltlon. Immodlato possession! elosln-f out und bath: pnsatsston In Oil ca' tli: possession In Oil ,.ya. EklE REALTY CO. Tloea 0428 1423 EIUH AVE. ' VALUABLE PBOPUHTI US 421 South et 1730 Point Breeze ave ; corner. 410 N. 2d et.; corner. 152-54 Brouduse ave. 213 W, Olrard ave. to 220 1741 Point Breeiu ave. 402 S. 2d St.: 840 B. 2d Bt. OOU block. South at. a,o415N. Front j.. 341) - 2d et. Lombard . 104 8 Houses Facing McPherson Sq. On Indiana ac. near Kenalnuton ave.; ROOd uuncurunce urownaione inmini'wi'i. thaua with fl rooms, 95.100, and rooma, 900. O ft. and Allegheny ave. , NOW VACANT NEWLT RENOVATED THROUOHOUT 4nBn.Bom.rset at.. 7 rm. J2400:. 2074 Elk hart at.. 3 rm... sty. j300: 30JI -Stanton at.. 7 rms.. porch front. $4200. AVM. LLVIS, INf.. 2051 Kenelngtnn ave. 2525 H. BTH ST. Two atory. brick, modern comonlrtices: lnwn: bath, electrlo light, hardwood fluors. hot-ter heat; vacant. nio H. 2d st, Iombard 2104 "1 AND 214 N. 10TH ST. Two modern, ",,... ..nin.! central: lmnrovlmr loca- tlon 11'IUUIt, n. ....'.-. ... . tr,trTiTi i.tit. vu ry. inn si. M.'mber Philadelphia Real Estate Board. oprhui. 2018 N. Park ave.: 13 rooma. 2 bntha. run ning water In rooms, newly papered, painted inaid. and out: good location: a bargain tf you act. RKESER. 2201 N, 7tn st mW. HUNTINODON ST. The house you oms; good Tocitlon; J450O, nbESTCR. 2201 rooms: gooa N1Ttnsl BROAD ST. between Westmoreland nnd On tarioThree story. 10 rooms. 2 baths; lot 25x100; only $5000 needed. JAMKH U 01.11-0. .-" ...r.i.ufc ... !008 MAUVINE, 8-story dwelling; good con- dltlon; possession. Harry G. C. Williams wofnut st. 2310 SPRUCE ST. Four-story brownstone residence. 18 rooms. 2 baths; price 110,000; ..... t.rma' nosseBSlon. Halite of DAVID M. HEKS, 004 Walnut at, A REAL 1IO.ME 2S0O block N. 2tli street east side); 8 rooms, batn, porch, electrlo llcht: hot-water nea.; nenuii.ui cona lion "inX F. THOMAS. 2315 W. Lehigh nvi MniiTir HROAD ST. Fine 13. room rail. dence; electric lights: 28.0x150; rear porch. OLENN. 1517 Columbia ave Diamond 4810, 1721 ELLSWORTH. 1814 Catharine. 1822 FllXWaier .uiim. ijuiip.imii. luoi-uu a. Ettlng. 2241 oraya ferry, jaaiuainbrldge. 712 S7 lth and rear. OIBBON. 020 8. Broad? FOR BALE Desirable store properties In Front St.: well financed: cheap. OLABH- noi aecuuci oi iihiik.viu uvo. tuia iv. nm.nniiBO, 1414 h. l'enn square loc. 2941 SUITABLE manufacturing altea for aale within city, ranging from 0 to 83 acres; railroad facilities J. II. Prater. 1835 Arch. i.di YTAHftt.r) HT.-Flve rooms, bath flr.t. class neighborhood; 82330. Address 1441 Cayuga st, IMMEDIATE possession. st.1 4238 N. 16th, 8 rooi wMvement. Call J. LAN ssesslon. 4250.52 N, Carlisle rvuina aim utini ail lm- Aftuii. or ...ni iv. inth. voRUALE Three-story brick, 2 baths. 15 room. Dn. V. W. BADLER. Real Estate Trrjsj. 2425 N. 17TH ST. Modern, 2-tory home; doslrable: sacrifice for quick sale. TAUIiANE. OO'I Walnut st. 212 AND 214 N. 10TH BT. Two modern 11. room dwgs.; centr.il: Improvllng loca. tloni J. EDWARD ,I-UTZV 240 N. 17th at. M.mher Phlla. Real liatate llourd. "315 SPRUCE ST. Ten rooms and bath. I850U. O. F. - E. F. SHINEHOUSE. .ft and F)twatcr, 1214 N. 80TH ST. Desirable dwelling; va- C,mi ULA'NBr'oOO Walnut at 805 B. 11TH Eleven rooms. 2 baths, steam ;P.y-tTbiIoWn A CO .217 8. Brn. . CHAS 1025 WOLF Two story, modern i bedrooms and bath on 2d floor. West. 1423 Wharton 1005 WOLF Two story, modern 4 bedroom and bath on 2d Moor. West, 1423 Wh.n.' 1721 DOUNTON ST. Six rooms nnd- bathi n?lc" 81880 BROWN CO . 217 H, Br".lit' "088 N. 23TH 8 rms., solid brownstone Trt" "nne location. 15280. Olennl517 eolumVg' mtATZ BT.. above Columbia, 11 rooms, eoiv homfs. V8080. OLENN, 1517 ColumhlJP'7 2008 PARK. 13r. hot-water ". eleo. "Tig" rear porch: per cond. Olenn. 1817 Columhi: NINH HOMES, 2200 Jiiock N. ilratz .,' N clear p 'ill incumbrances. JOHN WWKN. NINlin. lU-t O I HI mx 8148.80-32 N. 7TH ST. Three story 8 rooms, white plumblng;.l3S0O. eome empty, move In. REESER. 2301 N. 7th st 1214 N. BOTH BT. Deslrablo dwelling; va- cant; w".;" ",!' s TAULANE. $00 Walnut st. 800 HOUSES FOR SALE; all sections; ,iW down, balanra aame rent. 0QWifv"NNEl)Y. 400 S. Van Pelt st. BHHRIDAN ST.. 8100 BLOCK N. Six rooms and bath; fine location! bargain. Newman A Ball. aJn'i uirm.iwii n... 2148 E. BIRCH ST. Five room and shod! Immal.l. nOaSeBllOn. P. J. RAFFERTY. 8187 Kensington ave. 1527 CHRISTIAN ST. ana uuiia ng in rear; 18000 clear: Immediate possession. J B. JARDELLA 1838 Christian at. K11 H 1 HT1I T. 8-sty. St. & dwg. t lot 181 871 pr. $7000. Davis A Moore. 50th A Haito. 1835 TITAN Two-sty dwg I lot 15x55;. price 12800, Davl A Moore, Cilth and Baltimore 2285 N. HOWARD 8 sty.i lot 18x84; p $4000. Davis ft Moore, BBth and llalllm 2020 BAINBRIDQE 8 sty., 10 r.l lot 18x78; nrlce tOCOO. Davis A Moors. BBth A Ballo. 1880 N. lBTH-13 rm... h.-w heat! nne nome. n..Momii, " wm...m-.i .. .u.u 1B11. Nt 18T1I 15r, . . ' ,.m, IN. qi.1T? 10, amratr l 24xl7.'.10i garagi ,i'i noia u carlflne heme. Olenn. 1517 Columbl 2028 N. 11TII 11 rooms. S batbl conv. loo. hliENN. 1817 Columbia aye. "M..WA.Xrt,Kn.:iiii bUrTABLlJ for ..apartments. 1418 .Master st. Wm, Badfler'a Sons, 182ft Columbia avs. rvni farfl uric. ' ". '"' . '" I... t i. ii MCAI, atlATll 0 BAMB CITY iHyWNBflHBKUttBBU nWwwHBTnBlflHrwlBWRj 1 porfcct nn4 up-to-date condition. fflti TO- TWO HibberdB. Worrell 5c Co. 885 N. 17th lfllSaSO Rt nitinwu n i.. jtii. enAie .l. Ma-e.i-.i4T Ull efl I(.I7 urTSIIIWIIi tear ' uuttonwood good bulldlnca vJlS.'J'LW'.28 "ome. 4 batha. side yarde. 00x00; wm aell separately; oosseaelpn. JJ B,..?or 10lh VA Mt. Vernon, double feet" room' 3 batha, garage; lot 0898 "3R'-80 nidge ave., extending to Watta t.i 20.000 square foot! auitabla for automobile nuelnres, etc. 1020 Ureen, club, meeting rooma and apart menta yardMt' vrnon' 14 rooma. 2 balbs. aide KlOOreen, 10 rooma, ateam heatl 18x188 tq st, 2128 Wallace, 0 rooms. 18500. Corner 18th and Master, apartments. 8 baths " ;nJ2 f allnwhlll, near Parkway. 2320 N. 2flth, corner, (i rooms and garage. 181113 Thnmnun .nil lftin.19 Havhift Ml X100. ' 3.2! y.ln " rboms; cenlrAl. 323 N. 10th. 11 rooms; neir Parkway. GROUND Ground for Evory Purpose BENJ. GINSBURG 1101 Pennsylvania Bldg. N.W.Cor. 16th & Chestnut Sta. Phones Spruco D29 930 Wf? COLUMBIA, store and dwelling. nn M?iumbl "tore and dwelling... 110,800 1702 N lSh'tor Rnd dwir- an rr' HR2 tnjiT w iK ,J rooma , o.OOO 200lrlf;.:2,",.",or Bn1 dwelling.... B.ou i4ia S1'". !' rooms, 5?2K s?th. store and dwelling.... 4,000 jjioHN. 7th. 0 rooms , 0li rt and Somerset, atoro 3040 wJnd ."welling 8,800 5nl J JiiSSdf toolt 3.!0 "oil t.1.01""-. 8 rooms I iS.vTrnfr- 8 rooma 'J,.Vn,odstock. 0 rooms ..... Tnaersoll. e,t of j-,),, r00tn Ph j.goo WM L TRAVKN'S SONS. 2010 Columbia, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION bth " JS?riMARSirAI.I. ANI) OREEN ?Jn' . V OnOUOHLY BteNOVATF.D 11 ra.,.1""" house i PltOTOaRAPIIIC BKT biii irin'?"1,L8JDE YARD on OREKN HT. . bUIlAlLK FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES II .f m-J. aJ0Vt. aS.M; n'duced price. Ap T y itAl.nd'ir.lS 'Candy Fucton', 130 Pegr st. (opposite 440 N. 2i .t 1 Eafst)wllckA?rCnIJ7 WF" ANP ACREAGE vanTfrn.naA0o,ttnd Albunrer lane. 8 acree. .jr,aSk:frd& O'.nwood avea.. triangular lot. i5aln "tj. Oermantown. 125x110; Irregular FimEnrA L,ns" nr. ,6obb. Ck. Pli. 7acfeS KImwood ave. cor. Is and nl.. about 400x78 &,-1 'h h. 42il20, trre.ili; Olney 4 Rising Sun ve . about 418118. LA PATTERSON. 180 S. lBth 256 S. 16TH ST. Ju5..r.0xlifl..!rrH!r; 12 rooms and bath, condition: ' "" hol,alr heat'nf' "n ooi C F. SIMON, 112 S. 16THST. IP Vr.lt T fia-V' 1 .. -r v!rSr .lwr coica or a room anart rntnts with hardwood rtoors tiled bath" S. W. Cor. 19th & Cherrv Sr Three-story dwelling; lot 24x105: close to Parkway: possesion September 1 cl0,e ,0 JAML5 U. WINCHELL 17TH AND SANSOM BTS wnynot buy Walnut at FOR atV.ll- -1 OA rA T v tfvV VeivVi!l? rap f :7r.:: .vy0 1217 Walnut. a20oto8n.onVe.ett:. njaAi n.unui',. lau M. inifi ai.c, nuiujlKAOf UUULEVAHD Three. .."l.I7vBorcn terrace front. 8 rooms and 2 batha; 2-car garage: hot-water lieit oTec. T,mV m,oIern n every detail; poistsslofi; sac rlflce for quiok sale. For particulars i!S tewM.8" MALU)V' aS N. 8th""u A flax a.Tr"niratit a tfMa, - TTmmr 125N, 1HTII ST.. 12 rooms. " SJIS- J? "' "tore & dwg.; to rear st t!5?- n ft" J!1" "ior" and dw-l bus. ?oo. 1441 N. flth at., 19 rooms, 1812 Iflltr.hlnaAn .. It .nnn.. Wm. Sadler s Sons, .jffi Columbia av. Corner Joyce and Willows Sts. 52 by '85; 2 street fronts, with 2-irtnry build- P. J. RAFFERTY. 8157 Ifen.lnatnn ave. 5015 NO. 4TH ST. MeSr Immediate possession; $6000. -.. KUHN A LOWERY. 5th and Rockland sta. For Sale Prop's in Good Loca. 1314 N. UPPINCOTT ST I SOOO block Hutch Inson and.Percy ats.. 1806 W. Clearfield at vacant; 3288 N. American at.. 300 block Albanu at.. 8381 Haverford ave.. 702 Chel tenham ate. Cresoentvtlle, corner. Newman ft Hall. 8282 Oermantown ave. ""n OLNEY AVE., between Broad and lflth- Corner house! P3 ft. lot: room for garage: :cllialv. ...I nn, A .Ann.. .. .h it IT."' orch, stearn heat, tlectrle light hardwood oora througnout; all modern Improvements; first offer by owner. Call Diamond 8070 J or writ. n T innit T.rf... n.i.1. " uu,u D. F. McCONNELL Spruce B72B 4 S, 15th at. 1551 N. 20TH ST. Three-story dwelling. 10 rooms: price $4500. 2037 Oxford st Three-story dwelling, o room! nrlee $8600. " Estate of DAVID M HESS, 004 Walnut .1 1014 PINE ST. This central brownstone front residence, containing 4 bathsrooms can be purchased nt a very low figure: Doal session at settlement. WHITESIDE i M0. LENAHAN. 18th and Pine. " wo PHYSICIANS 2200 Fltawater St.: suitable location for nhv. slclani B story, 11 rooms: office and waiting CHAS, L. DROWN A CO , 217 B. Broad at. BUI s. 1TTH ST.. store and dw.nin. 1720 S. Broad St.; cheap, . 1420 Christian at,, good condition. LEWIS COHEN, 2d 17th and Balnbrldge. or 1113 Lincoln Bldg. ' BEAUTIFUL corner residence. Marston and Cambria ats.i every modern convenience! price! only $7000. .John J. Foran. 441a Cresson st. Phone Manayunk 070. 14250" 2487 N. COLLEOB AVE., U rooma"! $65b0. 1744 N. Bth at.. 12 large roornV. J x80: :i0.000. store and dwelling. N. W, cor Frankford ave. and York (2400). Apply BTRAWHEBRY MANSION llargaln. aeon block N. Hollywood t.. between 29th and 80th: 6 rooms and bath; sample house open at 2048 from 1 P. rn. to 4:80 p. m. CAM. PEL ZE1TZBW. 2108 N. 20th 'at, ' M1, CHEBTNUT8T. Property. No., lOla-lBM. 18 Ctestnut st.i lot 58 ft. on Chestnut a?. 333 ft. to Sansom. 53 ft. on Sansom st. Foi further particular address ESTATE a. n. WILSON. Penn Bldg . Phils. " BIX email houses adjoining eaoh other."! rooma and bath, brownstone steps, pressed. brck fronts, in i" iog section, rentlrir -. .,H m.. mnnlh rtrlM llfinA ...h . Jt-L av aiu yy .......... ,-.. T.v.u .v... a OUO. BAROAJN TO BBTTLE KBTATB dw.lllng.TandtA.oi3.l0w.llv.a.,rule.. locust 2941 quare. DESIRABIiE APARTMENT HOUSE' T facing on 3 Important ...Jr.sT.. can be bought at the right price If for development ""rV.v.T'nw . wnmATO ttiv .,.. IjISVijtv m f" i ' "mui if DEmX.ir,20mnHfmaVrAVS,.rW.,7; oWeVo . ,i .fjIrKi MAIi MTATX 7Q11 4AL CITY ,New Homes Pulaski & Apsley Three story, community tennis courts, stone garages. Inrlosed porohes, front lawn, etery mod ern . improvements and comfort rnri are In three homes nrlce 111.000. in" .rain to wayne junctl on Reading R. R.; 848 trains Take train to Wayne Junction it. R.l 845 trains a day, Wal or car 83 on. 18th at. to Wayne ave. and Apsley; one blook to the houses fuiaskl and Ap- aity. Off Lincoln Drive Philadelphia's , most , beautiful resldtntlnl drive section, up-to-the-minute new homes, with ga rage, plenty of closet room B bedroom, a modern bathroom and a. full, unobetructed view of Lincoln Drive; a, more com plete ana attractive homo no one would want; price 810,500; auto along River Drive to 14ni foln Drive above llortter st., or Wayne ave. trollev on ink at. Jo .Wayne ave. and llortter st, half k block walk; electrlo trains on Pennsylvania Railroad to Upsal a hlock and a half walk. Office. 0030 Wayne ave. OverbrookHomes $6900 New home with garages on Atwood road: very attraotlve. modern In evory tile bath, shower, ( detain porcn. nn.li flpanlar.a. hot-water heat, etc.: only 10900! come out today. Take Market i. aievnten to una st.. tree pass S,.n..3,, ' north to Lebanon ave. (1100 north): then walk 2 blocks to 3tn and Lebanon ave.; one p-cent fare. Representative at Each Operation Dally and Sunday John H. McClatchy . llnllilrr nnd Owner 848 LAND TITLK 1ILDO, 4728 NORTHEAST BOULEVARD Three i. 'tory, porch, terrace front; I room and 3 bath; 2-ear garage; hot-water heat, eleo trie: modern In every detail; possession: sacrifice for quick sale. For particular and Inspection, call MALLO.V. 1241 N. 18th at. Tioga 4838. 8041 DAUPHIN Three story, porch: gar. prlv.; pos.; reas price Dechtel'8282 Rid Ilusfneaa Properties nnd Store 3 CORNER LOCATIONS . W- O.rmantcwn uve. S, Tioga at., 4$x3. . H Oermantown ave. & Tioga st.. 40x113. w. . vvuajiKu no watt, St,., 40X42. BEST RETAIL SECTION FRED J. HCIUEFBR. 9;p CHESTNUT ST. 1022 R1DOU AVHNIH5 2-story business bldg.; lot 20x80: 2 street fronts: DOHieaalnni rut. fln.np., m.i.. i.aaa MYERS A BARTH. Ridge ave.' and 10th at! i-ii.ntiial, business property, busiest sec tion, near 12th and Market; possession. MARONKY & DILIX3N, 008 Handera B dg Locust 2018. 112.8011 Oermantown ave., Oermantown: 0 story store and dwelling: milt anv hn.l. ": nst section of Oermantown. DANIEL rrT.T.jT t nan r a h..... .... w . ..-,.. r...... .,.., inn lllin iwnw. 2022 COLUMBIA AVE Store and dwelling, 11 rooms: rent 175: price 18000. v"""" vim.-Nfu. nun roiumbla MAHKKT. 811 Flye-.ty. bldg.. 17t!3. Oeo. w. Miner, inr.. ii'Qi cneslnut. Wal. 0800. 11? N. 3D Four-sty. bldir.i early rmss. Oeo. .. piiurr. iin;.. nun .neninut. vval. noon. 23 MARKET Pose. August 1. BARBER. HARTMAN CO. Commonwealth Bldg. 2140 COLUMBIA AVE. Store and dwgTTo rms,; price 7nnn. quiN?T. iniOColumbl. Building Txits. TAietory Ultra. Etc. 150.000. SUBJECT to offer of spot cash. In center of Oermantown: li acres: 2 street fronts of COD feet. 200 feet along Heading R. R. ; old mansion and stable on grounds; plenty of labor near by: Ideal Industrial site and unusually cheap. Daniel O'Conncll. 048 Land Title Bldg. ONE DESIRABLE LOT. with railroad front, age. northeast corner N. P. R, R una Indiana at.. 22,500 square feet; aultuble for atopeyard coalard. storage or Ics plant. J. H. RHOADS. 135 S, 8th st. ic.oiiiAuiAj'., aparuneni nouse; sue racing on 2 Important Htrerts; can be bought at inr n.ni nrtrw i inr n.veioum.nt purposes. LEVIC1C WOtiDOW, 707 Walnut st. SITES, railroad Penna. nnd Reading, J2O00 per acre and up, according to location; In quire for terms. Dleterlch. 787 Walnut, Furtorlfa 22,000 SQUARE FEET Factory, dyehouse and finishing works, engine boilers, elevators, fire tower, best location In Philadelphia. 75,000 square feet: central location, pos session: engine, boiler, elevators. 10,000 sq. ft.. N. IS. section: light on all sides) steam nt., eloc, elevator; lm. posa. 1 O.OOO aq. ft. OARAOE, SERVICE STA. and TRUCK AOENCY. Elevator, electrlo light and power. Tools, equipment and stock, Immediate poaaesslon, Prlco $28,000. JAMES U STEVENSON A SON 822 Land Title Bldg. Valuable Mill Property Valuable mill In the heart of the Kensington textile district, containing 40,000 oquar rnet of floor space; bonded bv 8 streets, affording plenty of light; excellent power plant and othsr attractions: will be sold to settle estate; prlca $125,000. 11 710, Ledger Office. FACTORIES, BUILPINO SITES Ground with aiding MAR0NEY & DILLON 7tcut 8018 Flanders Bunding. FOR SALE for about DO cents so. ft. Six- mtnrv h.lV llkrtnrvi KitlMlnv la.ln. fl atreetal Plenty of light, rood nmi.r nl.n. and elevator; about 38,000 aq. ft.; building can be seen any time at 1088-41 N. Front at,, a iiii,piiii. 65,000 Sq. Ft. of Floors 63,000 feet of land with railroad siding, 80th and Master; possession; easy terms. WORRELL A CO.. B53 N 17TH FACTORIEB AND WAREHOUSES ouuu l-u -4-uh.uuo oguAHr; kbbt POSSESSION! RAILROAD DIETERICH 787 WALNUT SIX factories. , Kensington, different sizes; sutt Pv.!"JP.'nej.i,l't on request. ftr,t.-r,iJi, .mi . van i'.ii 18,000 SQUARE FEET factory for sale; cen trail possession. B 821, Ledger Office. ravetorlea.Warehonse, Manofaclnrlng Floor 20,000 SQ. FT. $3 a square foot: 7 blocks from Clt Ity Hall. 170 Mt. Vernon! set from me cor. uroaq nna rlaht In the automobile section. HIBBERD B WORRKLIi A CO.. 885 N. 17th Btorea KENSINGTON AVE. STORES Wa have them Insldo and outside; see us several avnllablo for Immediate occupancy. WM. LEVIS. INC.. 2951 KgNBiNQTON AVE. Btwe). and Dwelling KENSINGTON AVE. STORES We have them, Inside and outside; see u; several available for Immediate occupancy. WM. LEVIS, INC. 2051 KEN8INOTON AVE. Store and 1,0-Rqom Dwelling 1123 COLUMBIA AVE. All convenience.! Immediate possession Two stores and dwgs., InH. Phlla.: good loo. I will flnanoe. M. A. TX. 1282 S M Warehausef Cehtral Warehouse '- V I ' " ' ' " ' HlBAZt EBTATK 3TOR SALB WBHT riUMPKLPHIA Mr. Tenant! Rent Free! How about your rent troubles? Here's a suggestion toward solving them Buy ono of our two-story "Apartment Homes." The income of one apartment will practically pay nil expenses of carrying tho entire property and you will bo occupying tho other free. Our houses are located in the most exclusive residential sections of West. Philadelphia. 62d and Spruco Sts. 55th-and Walnut Sts. 49ttf and Walnut Sts. 65th and Chestnut Sts. 54th and Walnut Sts. 54th to 55thf Sansom St. AH these apartments contain 5 rooms nnd bath on each floor, hot-water heat, electric light, tile baths, and the rooms aro excep tionally large. This Is the greatest home-buyer's opportunity over offered in .Philadelphia. ROBERT PATRICK, 615 Real Estate Trust Bldg. PHONES, WALNUT 20-34 AND 27-D1 ?Overbrook Homes 1) New samplb ho MARLYiNROAD New samplb house open west 01 04th st. (South of Jefferson st.j Jefferi THFJ MOST CO MPf.ETK AND COM PACT 2-STpnY HOME OFFERED TO HOME BUYERS. 20-ft. ton fronts! brlvate garage. Inclosed and neaed; cement porchea. Central Plant Heat (that .Insure , plenty of heat and hot water.) Trunk room and mald'a room In basement. An all-tile bath with stall shower. Moss & Taylor 3-Family Apartment N. W. Cor. 36th & Powelton Ave. Size of Lot, 50x178 This Is a 8-story remodeled building, containing 8 apartments of 5 rooma and bath each, and 4 private garages In rear; possession of 1 apartment ran be had If desired, For price, terms, rental, eta. apply JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND SANSOM STS. APARTMENT HOUSE NEAR 44TH & WALNUT STS. Well-cnnttructed modern apartment house, containing n suites, each liaUnc 8 large outside room and 2 baths. The building provides all the desirable fea tufea for a cheerful, roomy home for tho discriminating family. Rents per nnnum, 810 ROO, the price Is $75,000. of which 115,000 III cull will bo required. JOHN C. KNOX. H4 H, 52d st. Cash Required 'oth at. section lurse single ionnn houseL garage away from ;pouuu ousei B bedrooms. 2 tile baths, electrtu light, hard. wiwvi nnnm. nni-waier ii.wfc. laundry in basement; 14 min utes to City Hall, let us show you thl home before vou buy; nothing to equal It for the mone In this sec- tloni prl" siu.ouu. HOWARD StECKE. Jr. 0205 Raco st. $4500 2020-24-30 South Frazier St. Well-built 2-story porch dwelling, attractive street; possession May -u. JOHN C. KNOX 144 8. B2D STREET. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Semidetached: cash required, 18500: No. 2.1 Marlbornuah road (87th and Chestnut sts.): large living mum .n.n flp.nl. r. itlnln rnnm. UllCnen. shed; lot 83x80: 8 large bedrooms, large til. natn ano snower uuin n mo, iiiu floors; third-story unfinished! hot-water heat! 2 blocks, from elevated. 14 mlnutea City Hall: open for Inspection all day Sat urday and Sunday. J. HOWARD MBEKB, JR.. 8205 Race st. SOUTH 52D STREET Two-sty. semidetached porch-front dwelling. 4 rooms, Including laundry on first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; exceptionally conv. lo cation. For particulars apply to JAMES J. HAGAN 912 Christian Street 543 1-23 WHITBY AVENUE GARAGE PRIVILEGE 917 S. 54TH STREET All vacant. Just put In best condition, semi detached, hot-water heat. 3 bedrooms, gts ami electrlo; making a very attractive home proposition: well financed. Agent at 5431. Saturday nnd 8unrtay a to D. Caah Htnulrcd 0th at. aectlon: -4 bedrooma. $3300 fireplace: third story unfln- I ished: 25 ft. living room ; (semidetached south sldel ' n Biurjr, mifBiuiiD iiuiHt I -. 4ln not tAfM Mlat... I large dining ng room lcltchon, outshed: hot-water heat electricity, hardwood floora tile bath bullt.ln tub. with shower: wonderful surround ings. PRICE $10,000. J. HOWARD MECKE, JR., 8203 RACE BT, PEACH STREET West side, between Springfield anl Warrington aves. Two-story porch-front house, Oood condition 1214 S. Peach Street Price $3200 WM. II. LOWER A SON 2518 Columbia ave, 5137 PINE ST. FACING BLACK OAK PARK Attractive 3-story porch-front, dwelling, hot, water heat, electric light, all latest improve, ments; possession within 00 days. JOHN C. KNOX 144 8 B2D FIT. Cash Required Five blocks, north B2d. .Atim-v uiuk-n un.il a ncurooms. II block aaati 4 bed room a. Urge porch. Itvlnr roAtn i..in JbOUvJ Porch, living room, dl room, kitchen, outahad. Iar5 bath; In rood condition, can bo aan any timet key t Willi". !( l.i fUUUV J. HOWARD MEKE. Jr. B205 Race St. BARGAIN 5818 Hadfleld st. 0818 Pentridge st. Both strictly modern, uo to the minute with 4 bedrooms: tho last 2 I have; f am going to tho shore and want to clean un make offer. J. II. HUDSON. 23 nirty avi ' Lansdewne Pa. ""' NEV 2-atory 0-room residence, with aarace' possession: evsry modern appointment! electrlo light, hot-wntcr heat, parquetry floora throughout i owner moving to other city: will sell $2000 less than last call In row. Eugene L. Townsend B. E. cor. 49th and Baltimore ave. renovated; white) and mahoganyt isbso.'v bedrooms, $8050; corner. $4050; r,Dr?s.n'..4 tlve on premises tu:au to 5 "- CROWLEY. 1237 N. 80lh , N. E. COR. U2d and Race ats. Two-sto D. F. McCONNELL Spruce B72B. 12Q7 Harrison niM,., 008. N. 418THT. . Ten rooms. 3 ArJolv'8' ,ncl0,d "eJ. station- ary tuoa, JAMK3 D. WINCHELL .n, au oansom SI. 8.BTORY. lO-roorned modern housenbeaiiTl fully flnllhert throughout; orlc. $.anUiA "oty.O-rm. sldeyard houssi Dutcfi l.'.Ti "!?.. 'Iffht: newlv lianrrrd ih.I.n.t.n.,.. 'IL'l JL,ro. wH-.ftT PHIIiADKf.PltrA tni.iV. ,WA...i?V. Rnft.i ri.i.f..... ..D-.' 500,1 Baltimore nve. 'ATE CO, 8117 CHESTNUT ST.i whit and mahoranv" Dutch hall, tile bath and snower. eieo. trlclty. I), rooms; Imm.dfate MsSesJloSj nslnted and paptied throughout, ""'"""t 3D AND OXIORD STS.. cor., strictly mod". 888 OOP. ' Llnsley A Adams, nd and Arrh WEST PHILA. home, between $3000 and CHEAPEST HOME8 IN WEST PHIiTa" 6051 Haddington St.; 8 largs bedrooms T itoV. rnom and bath on second floor; new' ftat l, .11 larira din nir room, kltrh.n l.i fV-.f' u.tch '" i ' i i i I i r f i iwni RBAL B6TATE FOR SAUE vrrsHT riinDF.t.rniA 812 PRESTON STREET , (Between Brown and Parrlsh wesl of 40th st.it 8-etory brick and stono dwelling: remodeled; lo room, bath and back kitchen! shed; newly papered! painted: electric: new cement cellar. Possession at once PRICE IS CHEAP-$7000 Open Sunday. Key at 810 Pr.ston st.. This Is an Ideal place far home. JAMES F. COX & CO. 1503 Real Estate Trust Bldg Thono Walnut 1801 Evening, Proston 2980 W MITCHELL BUILT HOMES 4028 Chestnut t. Three story. 10 KWi1! 11 .b.,,!.vr0,-watr heat, eloc trio llsht; 110,000. 000 Marlyn road. Seven rooma and fronVrPceVsOO?' ,mme"ate u- JAS. N. MITCHELL 48TH AND MARKET Home and Large Garage webuTitory bow,.nmg0dearnnd Wm.H.W.Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 8. 40TH ST '...K. corner Cone.toga at.- mmmmiM uuQiin tunimoni 1717 J --w.-.w. iMfiiiSiSMS::: IN 0VERBR00K SECffM S,S:"--da: J. A. HEALY Drexel Hill iinsuowno 332 1023 S. FARRaoiit ri.ii,.m." and,ba-th"mldnti":Ced, residence 10 rSims afrco!Jn Three- EUGENE L. TO'WNSEND 8. E. cor. 40th and Baltimore av. "ftTjSSira "h Ut&&: wid iianis. Darauetrv floors. Ilvln iiall. .. atricted neighborhood. Price $21) 00 ' tuutlNh L. TOWNSEND B- B- cor- 4l"h "" ""'""" ave 532 S. 59TH St Modern main-street homo: practically n.. 3 bedrooms. Inclosed porch, vacant.7 Wi Lambert oc McDermott 4n p Wo have several desirable three story properties, modern in everv Lambert c5c McDermott i03, "d Malcolm Street 5300 Block NTdANTlVlNC"" CONWAY &c CO. 8$M' 501ii WALTON AVE Two story O m". excellent condition; electrlo lights- nirfT. In white; convenient neighborhood; "JE. JOS. ALLEN POTTS r,.,. I JOS. ALLEN POTTS ,D03 "altlmoro ave. $4600 ".wtiSSCS J. A. HEALY l f mm -Mvurrn COnVa. MUdfi cona i nm mn.. -- "rexel mil. la. Lunsdown ! 1133 MARLYN HOAn '..,.... - -HJ.'leJ'FM. hot-water' hT1 closed porch; "hardwood Yno' 'lYi'M t A'i- JQS. ALLEN POTTS D05 Z" "I-1-J-' U1 J.O Baltimore... noors m evarv ... . .-- "HO. &rJfa.'MnSvrt hall; bargain (5 oirieVr",h,TiV.,r, """ WOfVT Am. ...-...: . Dutch OniDrexejnid tt & ,... YOU WOULDN'T OO to a blark.mlih . .u " store to have a aho? pSt 'on m r.e There's a place for cvervthin.7 .An u, thing In lt place Bo If flail nV,mn1 "rTy' bj.r. CROSS stands for a that Son,i"i,m; Estate 80th nnd Larr-hUn'. J."01"1- " 30TH ST. between Walnut und Lorn.. " Seven-room house rorch f ront aniiSSLf liT" cation, attractive orlce for iiuiek huvSi ? n.'0.' offering Call owner. Diamond 1070 v""" write to P 10(17 Ldm. neiii. u a07 J' or "' "im ouuu 22 S, CONESTAOA Porch, whit ni,.i.1 5218 Addison st. 2 story, porch ml!,,f 8413 Wallace at. .. ."t .J'?drm -.. .--- -.-- . nurcn 17th and lininnriage or 1113 Lincoln IiMn- ADDISON ST , 5200 block 7-rnoin C front dwelling, open plumbing if? .rch; West Philadelphia's mo?t conv oratlof,". of E. LAURENCE WEWTI'n ' 302 Abbott Bldg rireil'? r,. STORK 5520 BALTIMORE AVP (IMMEDIATE I"OHse"h1oN) LUINWAI & CO. B7th ami Cedar ave Woiii.,j . I'M II ATT fUriVf 4JT ... L1" -'. ' .rM.;i-r.i .VItMirn o.,.T. brick houM. in ?xIIent condition ASkr rush, nrlrn nnl v IT000. - ..-... ,.vvu J. A. HEALY Drev.l mti Lansdowne 332 B717 UROOMALL AVE Two-storv n;T dwelling oxcellrnt condition: SmE"0'1 session. Harry d. L. Williams R"o Walnut st SHERWOOD section. 8841 Ashland .;: Beautiful 2-wory poroh-front dweMlnr S'T water heat electric light, tile ?. buih- '" shoner u real home bargain: ovvnaV m ,i'Jn from city TAl'LAXE. nnn 'wEE.1. Roving BABOAIN 4 large bedrooma7i77i" C-rr" av. psaa uoor oiuau amount of ciih ..J V 88.80-41-37 CEDAR AVE Vervr.Zrv vestment, 10-12-18-20: H. Co5e.tad JP' sty., porch good condition. Lewfa rnh.1' th and Balnbrldge or 1113 Lincoln BM?" -tarn j story, in rooms -i h..1 yard hot-water neat, el, fight J,''' s; south ep , ery deslrablei ihl.D?" n IcCLUItE A CO.. I'lifii"?' ,hf!,,1'a IT BT above Baltimore "ave -rt.Vrl atorv, o cnamoera, nxce ent inJ. "" financed: possession. $7300: bargain locatlom BAKER. 5801 lialtlmor. .Si $5000 for 0521) Regent at Six rooms- .i-l'" light, laundrj-. etc.; only one lSu? .''! laundrj-. eto.i only one uare' froS Imme. pojs.1 open for Inspection?? in II McCaffertv 3T2 1 pin ..nr to" trolley: dav. Joh 370J HADFIELU ST , In tho heart or hi.T wood rccllon Two story,, rooma an!t h!I?f" electrlo light, h-w heat parqu'try rloV.h to aell quickly a bargain Owner norsi LAROE 8;.storv residence on Belmont . ,o rooms. - nainsi pries sttTlio. -...- EMPIRE TR ItUHT CO., 44th A Lancet.. Bv. 0100 BU1CK Washington ave. rma.. bathi strictly modern! Inclosed porch" heated aatraa T.tnalav A: Adama aa.1 .... . "r1.0; i - ' " -' ',". ""'.,-". rrn at. WEST' Pi-. home between $80o3"Ind (40001 help fln, M. A. Fox. UiaT'.'.t'1 rmount Parki R-rm. house, bsf.h. jXH oawvco, lauiagOM. sxootcthMiSi rooms. 4 batha . 0 rireplace In iiia lar:e wood floors, large rlos.i. ' J.'l hard P'nnt: mmeilalepoe,..0,"ion.' Mo 'rxWl'' Bhl.L, care Integrity Co. 4th and ii...AM.P MtmEKN o-room house, v . flj3TTi: CATHARINE ST . UI00 block .Modem ,. T front, dwtlllng. hot-water heat eft.?!1" light. Iaundr large loti th nous. ic,rlc cellent iindlton 13. liAURBNfcR weuJJ,," 802 Ahbult Bldg Broad and B... U8TEn- I ii in i nil m i i XEAIy SSTATX VOR SALE mini Mini liiniEij luiunii rninmsiirj mm OKHMANTOVN OKHMANTOVTH r .- jt , R L-jfc 5ftl5r at aHVFnjtirl'r Mt&tlmW fBaXaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflrarrEKAll VVaHfalaallUaU iH - Ff Ifim This beautiful place contains almost three-quarters of an aero of . tj pround. It is located in the heart of Germantown, and can bo y bought right, r( JOHN W. GRAHAM, JR. ; 331 Land Title Building . & Telephones: Spruce 3907; Wyoming 4731 1 fy NEW COLONIAL HOMES $7000 TO $9000 NEAlttNO completion 2-story home. In a beautiful location of quaint OertnaaH town. On a street 73 feet wide. . ' r..i.i,r.n"r,ur.l,F Planned fronts, of sloping hipped roof design as used In larsT Ii?ioriU,...,nRnlon.. Oreen and red-tiled shingle roof, rrhlt. atucco wall ajM porcn rinars with casement windowed bay and flower boxes. ', ,.tTJ"i.ln!ld.con.l,,"..' 7 room and shed, laundry and garara In basement. Ifot., water heat; electrlo fixtures; gas. range: marble-tiled bath, with built-in tlfb nel TO reet'd ,tand an llnen clo,e" Parquetry floor; largo front terrace,' yard. n rlJi J00'.8" 2i 34, ?B nnd 05 to York Ttoad and Olney Avenue transfer weat Ini'K.I 8,rtt n? LncUft Avenu.; or Nog. 53. B2. 49 and 76 to Chelten Av.no and Chew. Wlngohocklng Station on needing la four squares distant " or OffiiV,Vwnnw'i,.1:rlyda0P!ri 59' ChM,nUt MMl 2l"' CARSON BROS., Builders, Locust Ave. below Chew St jiwa rwcaiin riEcmi kimim nil mm C0NLYN 5c LAMBERT STS. Opposite Belfield Country Club New 2-story dwellings, 6 rooms and bath. Porch, Modern Equipment. Hardwood Floors. $5000 Convenient trains and trolleys. Warm in Winter. Cool in Summer. Good neighborhood. North of Thorpe's Lane, East of Wister St., Germantown. RAINSF0RD, Crozer Building Agent on PromiBes. Immediate Possession.' WEST PHILADELPHIA west PIHLADELPntA , . . . NEW HOMES SPRINGFIELD AVENUE EA8T OF 51ST STREET FINANCED 4 bedrooms. Inclosed porch fiarqustry floors throughout, and arra garage Price $11,000 Superior In construction and design to houses priced $2000 In excess of this. EASY TERMS Chester avonue car to Mat at. one block north. Samplo house open every day. MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY I J 1021 South 00th Street aniBiHiiawiiaimmniHBiiHiiiB ARTISTIC HOMES OXFORD ST. (Betneen 00th and 01st Sts ) The Largest 2-sty. House BEING OFFERED TODAY 4 bedrooms, nil tile bath with stall shower; tile kitchen, back stairway. Inclosed and heated porch; plastered basement; laundry with toilet. Large Private Garage Mr. Howard N. Olcr Representative on premises 0LER & SHAPIRO BUILDERS AND OWNERS S. E. Cor. 57th and Muster Sts. ar.i;iFii!niiiiiiiaiiiiniiriiii'iiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii'iiii;iiiiiiiiiiii:'J:i!ai!i!iin:iii;:iiin f0verbrook Homes NEW SAMPLE HOUSE OrEN MARLYN ROAD KtW (South of Jelterson st ) THE MOST COMPLETE AND COM PACT 2-STORY HOME OFFERED TO HOME BUYERS. 20-ft stone fronts private garages, Inrlnacd and hated cement porches, Central Plant Heat (that Insures plenty of heat and hot water) Trunk room and maid's room In basement An all-tile bath with stall shower Moss & Taylor 325 S. 44TH ST. POSSESSION AT SETTLEMENT Tine 2-story nearlv nw, in rooms and bath hot-water heat, electric llsht. tiled bath with ahowcr porch Inclosed: everything modern hard to equal choice location; price $11 000 VERNON STANTON neVt0 02,1 Witherapoon Building OWNER LEAVING CITY will eell modern 2-atnrv home In exclusive, restricted Orerbrook district attractive price lo home buver for Immediate nale possession by lease upon payment of substantial de- AD0LPH B. CASPER, Realtor (10TH AND LANSDOWNE AVE. 0045 MARKET ST , store and dwallln acant. modern, must be sold ut one.' bargain Llnsley A Adams. 113d und Arch at.' nnin rtlKRTN'L'T Vncunt. i),a,.,,.i.i.. . -,,-,----, k, , h. ,,-- -... y moo. ..in. . . ... . -....., .uunei, excell.nr nnd. 2 ty gar '.lotto Sansom st $81000 Wm. T. Harris, 205 Haverford av . Narbertl HKNU Hi.. "'nr.X'" no J'arr sh. 3 ued. rooms, bath, $3100. finance. Crowu. 1237 N 00th St. -rowle, 0700, BLOCK Ca'thaflne st strlctfjrnn" Inclosed porch, 7 rms, .laundry, reason able. Llnsley A Ailsma. 03d and A."""' WALNUT. B40O. Penn apts , II outslda rV and bath, detached bldg . prlv. m.'SJ smS Keys at Richard P. Powell" aaM k'-?3 -BXSI LAJICHWOOD AVE IWh S .... ' rooms, elec lights fine home, 'possaai.n OLKNN 1B17 Columbia uve lyUm'ZS'Ifi 5847 ADDISON fl ISON HT 2 stji poroh tfi7, rooma and buthi buy wlnrin... .v.:1... hail; only $3800. Delany. West End Bldg 00m tvoentar v" , i4 uneainut st " .iu. ".'' l".T l!?,el v"-i moderate Led, B sty., twlrr. 10 rms. 1 oath faun cHasTT: brOwn"a" cq' Sit'IJ "iTS.':'1 SSliU h-w. "0O. 8460 IRVING ST. 7 "n 7 room and bath, h. w" floors, Jb.-w. hut, Inclosed porch 1 87 son' ...iiu.au porcn; ,7 letb and Ctiestnw, .unvi N4 vi.w,a, , I i .l..ii 'in is) KXAt 1MTAT !0R BAT, mm biijei mm aim mm rma mm Stores) nnd DwHIInga ..lAjwvir HT.. norl side w and dwellng to Filbert sT-- IfiW"8""! Apartment Hoosw each apartment. .(.' tAiSiX.: '.!!?!?!" If quired: tXriiv.tr, I.T.?". A"0" .. paying carrying rtiwiTthl. I a"oo'dbSyr Owner, phone Belmont hftir. v. "TO V' i - Oarages) GARAGE rj.S?.' ?$? BaUlmnre ave. Capacity r.:n,,t 62x278 MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1021 S. GOTH ST. SOMETHING NEW Immediately "r" receipt 0t etatlng price and d fe P?eWUd Wd Wloro? f.c'h qPuT'mVnt.hU WPnre'5. ;or.f"J'' "overal of which are ready for occupancy. Here aro a few suggestions: Furnished Houses rfor r-nt summer. 150 to f 300 per month. P elham A trand-new house Juet n.i. V- rompleted at a reduced price for quick sole. Two-Story Modern Washington lane: 8 rooma. twin: l?'m"ov6h.nVo. el"trl ,Uht! ""' Detach. All-Stone Comer houao on wait aide, with Kuth i'r'0 light: th'orSughly ii;. Large Single House " w-. stre.t. Up"aI Mod. Two-Story House with cement,, porch: hot-water $4500 0l"tr' Ila,,ti 7 rooms; on" Church Lane forrT."raJm $0000. Mt. Airy Xn erv eslraW k .v . houses, ono $9000. ih "'" 32O.O0O Both modern and for Immediate occupancy. Glyndon Priestma KT e r m a n t o wX omce. hoot OERMANTOWN AV Telephone, Oermantown lift ' Member Phlia. ReslTiUl. llo1.0 card. $33,000 Mansion 3&!Xfi.rK: of Oermantown. at railroad rtatlon.V.'S,l'm estate or .,.. -jivi. i.nru. iiounaance of aged lr..i and ahrubbery: ground walled and terrli.5 easily worth $75,000. owner needs rash fd,: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Plumbl ning, laundry tubs good ne7eh..C. 2r train und trolley, only $3000. 'A4ndi ''' ",r.Vr?an.ti."0 oViS AUOai neur N IS' -' r. mm unvuita st. 113 13 OOONTZ AVE. Mods rn ,. dwelling In flrst-clas r"hborh,tor), rooma bath, electricity. laSnJry uJi...' conveniences: Dutch hill, bre.k'faat i cn"b',0anrr. Cld1"for",cVllvVrrfiuS $8000400 E. Walnut Lane." e new. Insldo and out. a a?? n"5 l.,1lc,r, '"hts: 10 ronf; (i.,'ie';..v'"!n- A. ft. M,rj2X newly reno- twin: steam h nnd 2 baths (1 8747 Oermantown ave Meehaa. 0048 WAYNE AVE. 8-story ng. alLaUrTi new dwelling, lot 82x140; a baiRl hS water tieut. laundrv. garage, ileitis0! ipsal station, overlooking LlHoAln . Phone anrmantown 8181 w: 1,no01n drive, 55(13 IILAKBMOKK BT near OOtTkl n, ii" tlr'y1 rlnov.v-ed,0'! Sf '" 812 Wt Ul'HAL BT Thr.i" story ..1" detached 10 room, a iMthai Si i?" s,rooo"ctrl0 iUht "rcS' w&iiixjrsas; t'AHl. HELMOTAO. B909 rieerH...,, ,. 0387 NtmWOOU ST., Oermantown "ali and dwelling; good business loe.iIrT "'" J EDWAftVri.lH?. ejV'J'Wifr. , Member Ph ladafnhl. h..l itll.t "R - 200 WHAINEB HT. Klak JLrTi:1 m;d.at.p'o...'.'.",VnrZ VSrUgST ,wrt a CARL IIELJflvrrAdfcvHMj'lSerilei;. '0M0 CLKARVUSW. Oto., iStTafiSt hot.watar heat. .imih. -s:. .VT"" . mm vsm vmm am m (1 OKnttAlVTOTVlV 812 W HOitTTE t HI' . near Upsal BtatbST' . ".w stone eemldelached. S-HSry houi. k baths, sleeping porch, extra side llghu J.J Poor outlet: weather stripped, for oulcw .VS price $18,250 Belmont iflta'w qU,c ' in v r ,,a n Ki j!' J ii ii : w a 14 Ii li ...:,' "I , lU'A'lt ..o.-.- 4 t"1m.lJ. "J 1 . f& "1"U s.