IT m w,vt Pi ll' . K.V J-yyJ fa, W frmS I w St "( in fcir i.V r5" Vv- T phlrfrfe'n Five Yeara .. "flMs, May 17. Juics llcflnt, a farm t WfMfw,' listed pa a deserter slnco Au i aTttet., 3D14. has Wn nrreatrit at LUlo. !,. developed that he had been se , rtwW for five years in a granary , v'fcNkr thevlllnge of Aucnle, In Pas de : tfetafo. Nclehbors surjnlicd him with Ing-placo secret icrmaus nol left hi, self- imposed confinement lu July last, after fire years of solitude. i, ,$ ffd and kept his hidfng-pl , i',JhtrlaK the war, even the tie ,H-g,i ' eMacoTjring hira. Itcant left $k Pju: k h!. rcf 11 1 . A) rs Bonds for Investment Circular Uron TUquest The National City Company Crponait OBtct in over It edit Atlantis Cltr IMS Iloardvralk u. Ik fc BRITISH-AMERICAN JOBACCO COMPANY, LIMITED AOTICH TO H0M1EI18 Or MIAMI? WAB- rantb to man Kit ran okdinaky SHARKS. NoTitu is ireunnY oira that it susIqtlon of the Companr Dasstd on. the 10h tlajr ot 31a), llKO, It was revolved ns fallow! 1. (a) Tht It la dralrable to capttallz the lum ot 13,202,833 or auch other sum a Way b renuirM to rrtect a distribution ef Ordinary Sbarr at the rate herein; aftsr mentioned part of the undivided Jroflte of the Company ameuntln to 1,013,733 12a. Id. aa shown by the Company's Balance Sheet aa on the 30th Beptember, 1P10, and that such turn be appropriated and apptled only In making txiiment In full on behalf ot the Mem ber and Holders of tthare Warrants hereinafter mentioned (In the proportions In which auch members and holders would hare been entitled to participate therein If the same had been distributed aa ft Dlrldond In cash) for Ordinary Shares cf the Company of (1 each such shares to be distributed pro rata among tho Mem Mr on the lteatster of Ordinary Share holders on the 17th day ot May, 1020, and the holdera of Share Warrants to Dearer Tor Ordinary Shtres on the same date at th rato of one of such Ordinary Shares of f 1 each fcr every four Ordinary Shares of ft each held by them In the Company (but so that Registered Shares and Shares com Ortsed In Share Warrant to Hearer shall not be added tocether for tho purpneo ct tbla distribution) Fractional Certificates representing the rUht ot the Registered Ordinary Shareholders and Holders of Sharjs) Warrants to Dearer for Ordinary Bharea respectively to a fraction ot an Ordinary shire being; Issued wheneer nec essary to effect such distribution. The pro visions of Section 02 ot the Companies (Consolidation) Act 100. with regard to the delivery of Certificates shall not com pence to run till tho 12th day ot July, 1820. . (b) That the holders of Share Warrants to Dearer tor Ordinary shares In order to become entitled to be entered on the IKg tster In respect of any of the shares so to bo distributed and to obtain Certifi cate, must In the first Instance deposit with the Company at Its Ileslstered Of fice. Westminster House. 7 Mlllbank London S. W 1 on or befor. th 12th day ot July, 102O. Coupon No. 70 de tached from such fehare Warrants as tvldenee of ownership and must sign an acceptance of such shares In such form as the Directors shall requlr, prolded that uch de te may bo extended to a later dato In tho absluto discretion ot tho Direc tors (c) That all of the said shares shall rank for dividend aa from the 12th day t ot July, 1020. or the date of Issue ot the particular shares whichever shall be later To enable the holders of Share Warrants to Dearer for Ordinary Shares to be entered on the Register and to obtain Certificates for the new shares In the Company to which they are entitled, they must obtain the ap vroorlate form from the Head Office of the Company at Westminster House, 7 MlllbanK, London, S. W 1, or the Office oftue Com- ntiu MAID OF ORLEANS ON ROLL OF SAINTS Splendor and Solemnity Mark Canonization of Joan of Arc by Pope WORLD OFFERS TRIBUTE Aocuwd of Political Activity John Heyes, 4041 Reno street, em ployed as a laborer in tho bureau of water, who la acting aa a chauffeur in tha rcg istrar'a offico of the bureau, was suspended today by Chief Davis, charged with political activity. It is said that the accused man distributed marked sample ballots in the office of the registrar. Hayes lives in the Forty-fourth ward. Chief Davis recom mended that ho bo dismissed. Fifth Aenue. New York, deposit tn or bcrore tne istn uay oi jury. 1020. or within such utended time as the Directors may In any particular case allow. Coupon No. 70 detached from each Ordinary 8hare Warrant to Dearer held by them, tocether with the form duly signed and completed at tho Head Ofnce of the Com pany. Westminster House, 7 Mlllbank. Lon don. S. W. 1. Upon such deposits belnr made the Share bolder shall be deemed to have requested the Company to enter the holder of such Share Warrants on the Register and to Issue tho Certificates relating to the Shares which he Is entitled to have allotted to him In ac cordance with the above Resolutions. The new shares when allotted v. Ill In due course be registered ani may be exchanged later on If desired for Shara Warrants to Fearer upon pajment of tho usual Stamp Duty and fee. The new shares will rank for dIUdend part passu with the existing Ordinary Shares as from the 12th day of July. 1020. or from the date of the Issuing of the particular hares whlcheer shall be later 'Registered Shares and shares comprised , tn Share Warrants to Bearer cannot be added together for allotment purposes, NOTICE IS ALfcO HEHEBT GIVEN that by Resolution of the Company passed on the 10th day of May. 1020, It was resolved as follows v 2. (a) That It Is desirable to distribute among the Members on the Register of Ordinary Shareholders on the 17th day of May. 1920 and the Holders of Share War rants to Rearer for Ordinary Shares on the same date who shall comply with the conditions hereinafter mentioned as and by way ot a capital distribution such a number of shares In the Garland Steam ship Corporation of Delaware. V 8 A. (representing Capital assets of the Com- fany In excess of Its nald-up Capital for he time being), as will give to each Reg istered Ordinary Shareholder and Holder ef Share Warrants to Dearer for Ordinary Shares ope share of the Garland Steam hlp Corporation for every twenty Ordinary Chares held by him In the Company (but ao that registered shares and 'hares comprised In Share Warrants to Hearer hall not be added together for the pur pose of this distribution) and that such hsres he distributed according!- (b) That Instead of Issuing Fractional Certificates of the Garland Steamship Corporation the Directors of th Company be and they are hereby authorised to sell the fractions to which the Shareholders would hale been entitled If Fractional Certificates had been Issued at the price of one shilling for each fraction of one twentieth or auch other sum as the Di rector may obtain and to distribute the proceeds In cash among such shareholders tn tha proportion In which they would have been entitled to the fractions It fractional Certificates had been Issued (e) That the holders of Share Warrants to Bearer for Ordinary Shares In order to become entitled to a distribution ot the ahares of the Garland Steamship Corpora tion must In the first Instance deposit with the Company at Its Registered Office, Westminster House 7 Mlllbank London. n. w. 1. on or before tne istn day of July, 1020. Coupon No HO detached from Share Warrants to Rearer as evidence of owner hp. and must sign an acceptance of such ahares In auch form as the Directors shall require provided that such date may bo ex tended to a later date In tho absolute dls cretlon of the Directors (d) That the Directors be and they are hereby authorized In the case of any hold era of Share Warrants to Rearer who shall not have delivered Coupon No SO to the Company, accompanied by th" required ac ceptance duly signed on or bfore the 12th day of July. 1H20, or before auch later data as the Directors In their absolute discretion may decide, to e'll for such sum and upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may In their absolute discretion determine the shares of the Garland Steam ahlp Corporation tn which such holders would have been entitled and dlitrlbute th proceeds ot such sale (but without In terest) among the persons who would have been entitled to such shares In accordance with their respective rights and subject to such proof of their title as the Direttorn hall deem sufficient and pending nurh distribution to deal with such proceeds in auch manner as the Directors shall deem convenient () That the writing off of tha sum of 1473.437 10s being the purchase price paid by the Company for the said All duo Shares of th Garland Steamship Cor- ? oration out ot the said sum of H 012. SS 12s. Id he snd Is herehv confirmed To enable the holders of Share Warrants to Hearer for Ordinary Shares to obtain Cartlflcate for the Shares of the Garland Steamship Corporation of Delaware V S A,, to which they are entitled they must btaln the appropriate form from the Head ?fflce of the Company at Westminster House.. Mlllbank. Ixndon 8 W 1 or the Office ef the Company at Ml Fifth Avenue New Tort, and deposit on or before the 12th day 01 JUiy, iv-u .iiuiu .n mi aeiauiea from each Ordinary Share Warrant to Bearer held by them together with the form duly signed and completed at the Itsad Office of tho Company. Westminster House. 7 Mlllbank, London K W 1 Upon such deposits being made th Share holder shall be deemed to have authorized th Company to request the Garland Steam ahln Corporation to Issue the Share to which he Is entitled In th event of a holder of a Share Warrant to Hearer falling to deposit Coupon Ko 80 accompanied by the required accept ance duly signed on or before the 12th day oflJuly. 1020, or before such later date a th Director In their absolute discretion rnar decide. Coupon No. 80 will cease to ba available for exchange tn accordance with th term of th Resolution and the holder will be entitled only to the proceeds of at of the Share but without Interest Registered Share and share comprised in Share Warrants to Dearer cannot be added together for thl purpose. BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY, LIMITED A, M. RICKARDS, Bfcretarj. n.i.A ilth Uay. 1V20. Westminster House, 7 Mlllbank, London, hares of the Garland flteAm. hlp Corporation unless neia ny citizens of the Unltsd States do not carry nny voting "l.. ail ....AA I.mb Ikiam i tnl.llet,Aj a-. riant UBHt.ll "" wtH v.Muit.nwj tie- twetn tho United States and tho belligerent IJy the Associated Pre- Home, May 17. Joan of Arc, the shepherd lass, who in 1420 was called from the peaceful fields of Domrcmy to lead the armies of Franco In victory ngnlnst the English and Hurnundy. yes terday was exalted to sainthood. Thirty-thousand persons witnessed the rlto in honor to tho meek strl whose leader ship founded modern France and whose life inspired the allied world during the dork hours of the great war just cloacd. Impressive ceremony and ancient rltunl marked the addition of her nnme to tho roll of the saints. After Pope Benedict hod been enthroned in Ht. Peter's, dlBnuarles or the churcu ad- v.inerrt nnil voiced tho claim that the pontiff should inscribe the name of Joan of Arc in the sacred list. Monslgnor Galll replied for the pope, saying Uo must first Invoke divino blessing on the pvent. Then clmplnlus intoned the litany of tho saluts. Then rope Heno diet, again seated on the throne, listened to n second bequest on the part of the officials of the canonization. After prayer the pontiff remained in reverent silence for a space, and then rose the first notes of "Venl Creator Splritus," wore chanted for by the choir. Then for a third time offirlals de manded that their supplications be granted, Mgr. Galll answering that, as the pope was convinced "this thing was pleasing to God, he had decided to pro nounce the sentence of canonization. Pope Places Namo on Sacred List Then Pope Benedict announced to the Cnthollc world the solemn fact of the addition to the body of the saint of Joan of Arc, ordered in the name of the Holy Trinity that her memory be held in pious devotion by the church, and called upon surrounding ecclesias tics to witness the fact. He at once directed the conslstorlal advocate to draw up the deed of announcement, and left the throno. intoning n "Tc Donru." The bells of St. Peter's announced the happy event, and the bells of all the churches of Rome answered. The rite was concluded by celebration of mass by the Pope, the light from Ucnvenuto Cellini's historic caudc-nbra fnlllnt- over tho irorcpouslv vested ec clesiastics gathered about the altar. Pope Benedict concluded his part ot the ceremonies with an oration on the llfo of the new saint, and as he spoke n pic ture of Joan of Arch, which was placed behind the high altar, was unveiled. Tho impressive procession that marked the beginning of the ceremonies was then reformed and slowly wound Its way back to the Vatican, passing through reverent, weeping throngs which again received the apostolic benediction. Great emotion was shown by descend ants of the family of Joan of Arc. who had places in a tribune with members of tin- French Senate and Chamber of Dep uties, municipal councillors and other French pilgrims who came to Rome for the canonization. Seldom has Home, accustomed as it Is to pageantry, seen a more brilliant spectacle than that witnessed when the pontiff entered St. Peter's. Priests and monks in black, brown and white robes headed the procession, and after thcin game ecclesiastics iutoning special prayers and hymns composed for the solemn occasion. Then came richly colored bauncrs bhowlng scenes from the life of Joan of Arc. Following close behind were lay and religious members of the pontifical court and the Sistinc choir, singing "Ave Maria Stella." Then came chaplains who carried tho papal miter and triple crown on crim son cushions, which preceded but a 6hort distance the papal cross. Americans Take Part In Ceremony Another interesting group was formed by urebbishops and patriarchs wearing their miters, jeweled crosses nnd rich brocades. They were attended by knights of religious orders. Then came cardinals, the Ugure of Cardinnl O'Con nell, of Boston, Mass., towering above the rest. All these led up to tho appearance of the pontiff, who, with his upraised hand, bestowed the apostolic blessing on the multitude. Following the chair of state, in which Pope Benedict was borne, were the soldiers of the Swiss Guard in their picturesque partl-colored uniforms. Among those seen taking part 'in the procession were Archbishop Edward J. Hanna, of San Francisco; Bishops John P. Carroll, of Helena, Mont. J Daniel M. Gorman, of BoUe. IA .ho. and Paul Joseph Nuasbaum, of Corpus Chrlsti, and Father Edward Highney, of New port. It. I. ; John J. Connelly, of Wil mington, Del., nnd John A. Butler, of San Francisco, besides all the students at the Aracrlcnn College at Home. FRENCH LEAVE FRANKFORT Germans Are Told of Evacuation In Laconic Proclamation Macnce, May 17. (By A. P ) The Frcnrh troops occupying r rank fort, Darmstadt and other cities on the east bank of the Ithine, evacuated them this morning, it is nnnounced here. The Germans were Informed of the departure through a laconic proclama tion issued by General I)egoutt, posted in the various cities, which read: "The French keep their word." The evacuation proceeded in an orderly way and amid entire quiet, kingsummqns"denava Bonoml Unable to Form Ministry In Italy Home, May 17,--(By A. P.) Signor Bonoml, minister of war in the retiring cabinet, has abandoned his attempt to form a ministry because the Popular nartv in Parliament has declined to Hfirtirlnnte Klni? Victor Emmanuel has again consulted former Premier Nittl nnd, as i result, has summoned Hlsnor de iS'uvn, minister of public works nnd transport in tho Nittl government. Booua Ticket Qot Vienna Bread Vienna, May 17. -The food control ler told the Austrian nsaemhlv that bread rations had been obtained on 800, 000 bogus bread tickets during tho last year. During the samo time fifty-nine tons or sugar were stolen from trains. iNHtOATirWAT. Both Bm eg . MONBAT, MAT; IT,?: the valub or The Peirce School Summer Course for Teachers l appreciated by the Public School Boards who sand their Instructors here (or special work. WHITE 1TOB INFORMATION Peirce School of Business Administration TJae Street. Watt ot broad Philadelphia, KDUCATlfWAT, Both Seres Strayer'a Btntneu College J6L,i,",,l Oreatt Bnrtnn School 01 Chestnot St. Phone Wafnal 84 P"1". a-raduate ar tn constant demand fet j-tHtvuia poaitio asr, speedy system. ares- BtiflrthatHl wnmpiis Dusinesi Rooa-payln i asr. Br and secretar Claue. anv tltr particular ruiLA. nimiNKsn coixw nna t.'ollete or uommerf Cheainnl Bt, rhllade lal course. Dar ana Nlaht tea. Intensive training, unroll time. uu or wrlta (or (ull Irulara ana eaialorue. 1017 i COIXKGB adetphl COLLEGE SENIORS ! ! Business Training Fellowships! The Metropolitan Merchant of today want oollese-tralnsd men and wemeni they recognise your ability nd are wllllnr to mest you halfway In providing- you with the practical business training necessary (or your ulti mate success. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES Twenty of ths laraest department (tores In New York City have co operated with New Tork University In establishing; a Oraduate Course (or the purpose of training colles graduates as teachers of salesmanship or for tha numerous executive positions, aa directors of training and personnel manager In th stores. The Oraduate Tralnlnr Course require two yean (or completion and combines THEORT and PRACTICE a follows: Morning to study and lectures at th University. Afternoons and vacation to PRACTICAti nUBrNBSS TRAINING. YOU ARE PAID A SALARY WHILE YOU LEARN! Oraduate Fellowship, each worth from S70O to S1000 yearly, are awarded each college man or woman accepted for th course. Tou have a bona fide business connection with the co-operating stores during training, and you ar given an opportunity to study all department In many stores. For further Information write or call on Dr. Lea Oaltnway, New York Unherslty. Room S0J-C, 32 Waverly Place, New Tork, N. T. BtJ Wm' Ak TKACIIKR8 orm TKACI MM0 lni (re .registration far warmjll ffhel gradnate. BPBKAU, lOOH Jl ons wait; WKBf larket fit. ATMNTip.ClTY. N. J. NEW JERSEY SCHOOL FOR ATYPICAL CHILDREN VKNTOOB PARKWAY AND flUMNKB AVE. Margate Park. Atlantic City. N. J. A aelect ehool at adjustment wher ,p clallted Individual medical and educational treatment and training.. combined with the invigorating qualities o(7Ulantlo city ell mat, atlmulat th greateat physical and mental development In nervous anf back ward children. Details nt upon application . t ftOTMiW trunfnttf ws),JS';'" H. M . VK Rplar 4taW 1IMHKR riAMPS Young Warften and Olrta On beautl (ul Naomi Plae Tree Cmhp for Lake, 8000 (t. above sa, In iHtadra air ot Pocono Mountain. Four "".('?'?,.?'. Tork and Thlla. Rungaiowa. and tentaon sunny hill. Experts basebs tilt. 1 .ti.i)h TV PILf . j jj...-1-i-fcri -Hi idnnet t-nuu.'.r-M-'. - WOODLAND CAMPcSPgifNtY. . Bmall camp.ror girt 8 to W warm, Fur ther information, addresa Box lie. Port Henry. N. T. FABK AND QABDEN PABM AND GARDEN I Farmers, Gardeners, Country Cluba attd owners of large eeUtea find in this wonderful power drWen J"? machlna that enables them to reduco their labor cost to a jnW. mum. Probably no Invention In recent yeara enable.) true gir denera to increaao their profiu liko tho efficient, practical Merry Garden Auto Cultivator It is the sensation of tho implement world-equipped with thoweU mi j. m. . .... .tj a.ttaMaU f est nf lsotozrjiraat Known unmuuo a n.p. waisr luvioi nvu ..- -- - zr --- -- - per minute, cultlrttlng to dtpth of to 5 incite when i needed. One JWiloW walking behind and tuldlnB It without effort, can do aa whworlewrmttU machine a 4 men can do with hand cultivators, and do it eat an Mtttr. Cultivate, dUc, weed. operate ltwn mower -and furnlshee Svy1,'rp'i' easily backed up; turn In W-ln. drele. Price only ? ".. FJ. Cleveland. Ohio. Sold on money Dec busm-swims... We want agood live dealer to actas our Mir representative In thh) territory, if vou want to aeoire tha telling agency- ssSS&EISSssi tot complete particulars. Atlantic Machine Mfg. Company 606 Wert Prpt Avnu CUvalaad, Ohio """t i r-.w toiBB . , , , ,- , ..:...mBmj2Ljj- f touts "BBM Evlnrudt Mttor yw lTv mf??J&H!& yF2archa AaV"AeM)sal jwsdtr fSgJJJJJJJjMpM ?t.Th. hfp Cornjratli PARCELS POST f THE TEST OF TIMlfSg$4 I prove th eicellent re- iarfr-5lUYW I suits our patients get U?CTttrKiOVA I from the Tll'fcw?'All J SWEETAIR Wfia P method of painless den- U Q ""DR. MOSES fPfl 7th & Market Street H FfTfTl f"r"",'y Q" llotvUal Btaff J i Hand KnittingWooIs Direct From thm Mill For Making Hwrutera and Noteltles, 30 DIFFERENT f1.00 COLORS lb. PURITAN WORSTED MILLS 121 NO. 7TH ST., PHILA. Hrnd (or Hample Celor "" JPUene Ataxket Credit Men Are Salesmen Good or Bad TVTO credit man can be a good salesman unless he knows - personally credit men in other lines of business situated in other localities. A credit man must always look to the future for the re payment of his employer's money or do a C. O. D. business, which, of course, makes a credit department a luxury. Credit references are of no value if you have no knowl edge of or confidence in the informant. There are today thousands of prosperous business en terprises which owe their success to what the National Associa tion of Credit Men has done during the last twenty-five years to extend the personal acquaintanceship of their credit men. They became acquainted through the conventions and , work of the National Association of Credit Men, which is to hold its Twenty-fifth (Silver Jubilee) Convention at Atlantic City, June 1st to 5th, 1920. A person who is worthy to have charge of a Credit Department must have as broad and actual , (not theoretical) acquaintance as possible with all lines of business. Such broad visioned knowledge can be obtained through the contacts and discussions at this convention. He will learn, for instance, why quick transportation is vital to the credit end of business. He will see more clearly how antiquated and inadequate transportation facilities tie up millions of dollars of credit, making it utterly useless to the consignor or the consignee. It will become more apparent to such' a man that the modern transportation vehicle, the motor truck, delivering the short haul load from store-door to store-door, saves time, re duces outstanding book accounts and bank loans, and mini mizes claims, to say nothing about increasing the number of satisfied customers. Credit men, if you cannot do it in any other way, give up part of your vacation and spend your own money to attend the Convention of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CREDIT MEN TO BE HELD AT ATLANTIC CITY, June 1st to 5th, 1920. 1 This country right now needs real credit men. The Autocar Company Established 1897 Ardmore, Pa. 1 Manufacturers of jthe ,Autocar Motor Truck CRUISE In the wake of Colum bus to quaintest America on a ship of the Great White Fleet. Every convenience for travel comfort. Rooms with or without private bath, or single bertha and bed maybe had in rooms. with private bath. Wide decks, com tortable salons and smoking rooms. Sixteen oot of twenty-threo days i spent on the cool ocean. 1 An ideal Summer outing to the wonder ) country of th Western Hemisphere. Sellings twice each week from NwT . York an NewOrleans. Ask yourlocal ticket or tourist agent or writ direct for beautifully Illustrated folder. United Fruit Co. Gnttal Officttl 1 1 State St.,Boton,MM. STEAMSHIP SBRV1CB wtiJrtltt Passenger Department J7BtttryPiace,NewYork TsBB.BlBBB Wft&M 1'FT . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSmmk GREAT WHITE FLEET BERMUDA WF Only 2 Days Sail from NeYork-A A 'M hx :A Days Ideal for Your Summer Vacation C M O'lttertns; crystal caves, marvelous sea gardens. UKPiiui iwo-ai ivcllnc. dm danclnr. All tlitse nnd many more are among isms dellKhttul two-day yachtlnir cycling, driving-, tennis, a-oir MulM.c.olor fish. :rule, hbatlntr, bathing. A dannln-r. All n il.a.ure ami dallahts of nermuda. Bermuda Is Cooled by Ocean Breezes favfrarr-i summer tcmneraturo 79 dctrreas) SUMMER VACATION TOURS EfTecllvo Jane 1st. 1020 i..uJl.a aluM. hntal at n-4 ment Intttretntlnm (- 4 tln 8 Days $87.00 9 Days $9 1.50 upward, accordin( to hold and steamer accommodation No Passports Required tor Bermuda S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" Sailing from New Tork every ten daya and on alternalo Wednesday and laturaays. Menu tor ae ncrlptlve literature to f-vcKs-ssa FURNESS BERMUDA LINE I-lirnes Mouse. 34 Whitehall Htreet. New YorK 0 BTEAMSmr NOTICES STEAMSHIP NOTICES INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE 'MARINE CO. WHITE STAR LINE AMERICAN LINE If. Y. Cherbourg Southampton Philadelphia . . . .Mar lBlJnne 12July 10 New Turk May 22 June loUaly 17 tit. Faal May SOIJune 26July 2i NEW YORK-UAMllUnn Mongolia May22july 3Aur. HSept. 25 Manchuria June 10July 3l8ept.llOct.2S PIIILADELrmAJ-LIVEHrOOI. Haverford May 20 Jleglnn June 10 nilLADELrlllA GLASOOW OalalmU May 22 Eastern Sea Jan IS PHILADELPHIA HAtMBUItO Eastern Shore Mav22 West Ekonk . . J till 5 RED STAR LINE W. T. SOUTHAMPTON ANTWEBP Finland May lSlJnn. telJuly X Kroonland Jan. fiJJuly 10 l.aplana .sane izjuiy n Zetland July 81 PHILADELPHIA ANTWEBP West Gambo May 2S Nervier .. June 1 Wathenn. June a West Ekonk ..- June B West Tacook June 6 -Cherbourg Bouthamptoa May 29JnIy 8lAnr. It July 8Aug. Aor. II N. T.- Adrlotlo . Olympic , N. T. QUEEN8TOWN MVEBPO0L Celtic Mny lSJune 10Jolr it II alt I o May 22Jnne 20Joljll Mobile (formerly Cleveland) ....July II NEW VORK AZOnES OIBRAI.TA NAMJES OENOA Cretlo Mar It ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE PHILADELPHIA LONDON Eastern Shore Marti Waucondn Jnntl Mackinaw Jobs II nOIiLAND-AMEMOA LINE PHILADELPHIA BOTTEBDAM Amiteldyk .... -Junilll Paiunier Offie. 1319 Walnnt St., Phil. FrelM OJBce.UoS-S Bonne Bldf., P.ll. United States Shipping Board's Passenger Service New York to Rio da Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenoe Ayret n. n, iAi.i.rtii, i.uuu tons ta wr H. H. MAIITHA WAHIIINOTON, 18,000 ton (b) Ju"?j H. B. HimoN, 17.000 ton io)!.. JurJJ H. H, AEOLUS. 2.000 ton (o) , JulyJI (a) Flrat Class, (b) First and Second Class, (c) First. Boeoaa and Third Class. Jor passage ratei and other parttoilars apply to anv Paatenoer Aoenou or to f Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE Passenger Drp't. 82-03 Dearer at., N. Y also at the LuiM . umce. nc Keyser Dldf ., Malllmore. 418 Olive street, St. Louis. Mobile. Alabama. EARN-LINE Incorporated 1801 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service PhUadelphia Manchester A Steamer June Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Fluvanna" . Loading SS "Lake Galera" June For rates and particulars apply to Eam-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St PHILADELPHIA, PA. Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. FAR EAST SERVICE FROM PHILADELPHIA Yokohama Kobe U. S. S. B. SS "Henry Steers" Mar 25th Yokohama Kobe Shanghai U. S. S. B, SS "Eastern Planet" June 10th For Batee, Etc., Apply Barber Steamship Lines. Inc. 1 17 nATTEBV rLACK, NEW YOIIK Gailey, Davis & Co., PhUadelphia l invVTil. U ATI at 11 . nrnn Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiank. Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service 0. S. SMppIei rJ Sleel I SlMWri SS "CALVERT'.May 16 A Steamer Junsl fFrom P;r 78, 5oet r7rrrU The Charles T. Megee Co. Ant$ lor U. S. SUppiat Drexel Building PHll AilFLPHIA Bell Lombard S 100 Boston to Liverpool aSrortVictorta1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 JULY 28, SEPT. 1, OCT' 0 Plrt Clas PaHCTI 0tU For rate, and full V""""' rOBNESfl-WAItRKN WN FOBNKSH, WITIIV CO.. H FttrneM House. WWIu " "' W a "wmm-r a.u-z. .fpaaw . twmMt aieyy v i k u !i: MJ -'.Av ,iu i'. V. . Halloas.