Wit 4-mv V t- i. y ;'; "i v rt'i I - GALVANIZED, COPPER . . Bcrger Co., 59 N. 2d St. H, Market 854. Kvten, Ualn 4000 . TiliiilV I )S RELACQUERED X ul (o new. Vftl or I will rail and civ Mil- U BRASS BEDS nionnlu.1 out tla 1 rhena ami man will rail and i mat. Phon Tlera 8tS. T. E. MILLERSHIP StJT In 8111 fltrmantonn Ate. I' jote These Hat'Prices I K' 'VIlBV Wttrtrfri a tru "V 1- rM.4a. ftS.OK. II iff .''2Lj,,,.fP"'V renataled ai.ov. .nam e eaaal ts nnr, tl ,,-CHAS. CARPEN 'pJ ma rubfrt St.. rhii. a,; ttrt,' ra, v$ ;6j? 1 1 a ; Cm? ins? C y Service is all n Realtor lias to tell. SERVICE i only m n d o po i i lb I e through organization, experience and juat hard work. It ia our endeavor to sive our Clients the SERVICE they have a right to exprxt, MEARS & BROWN Real Estate 202 S. I5TH ST. Honttt, contcltntiout eye t vie at moderate colt. TORIC As Low tml Tarie Lentet the 'witter field of vition. Toric Curved $C Bifocal Lenses at low as LOOK THROUGH SCEARE'S Invisible Bifocals No Contpicuaut Unit, no lodging placet for dirt. Open BtnrdT UatU 1. X. L, -. s en" mS? '-"' ' tv, MW 1 - r :T h vv Mt- .-""tr lr . ''1' Mf ' w?.,..ii.il '- . . -. LL'-yi "Man's Mind h Shown ' By His Doublet" Frtm tht Spanhk YOUR opinion of a man's tute h often determined by the appearance of his motor car. Shtllen Loo mi Automobile Upholitery Fabrics register good taste and discrimination. These exquisite fabrics ate available in a range of patterns, and colors which will insure distinction for your car. fezzfwmziMm THE SEAL Of DISTINCTION Sidney Blumenthal U? Co. Inc. 305 Fourth Avenue, New York Fourteen Eait Sixtieth St. A lainrlOQS Ktnldentlal Hotel. Oupotltfl te MttronollUn Club anil Wth Artna Entrants. to Central raric, Apartmenta. alntle or en lalto. for tor dtalred period EAGER & BABCOCK Naw l'erk Cltr kU4WLmrSn mk Ertelt's Victor Victrola ' Salesroom LargeAgsortmcnt rh. Kenalncttm m 01 nccorun 2135 Noi;th Front St. 2135,. DOLL HOSPITAL OLD DOI.LR TIIADB NEW QUAKER DOLL CO., Mfra. 1KH ORTH Hl.Vril HTHI.E.I, 11 VsL? jscimcKl OdariS let baby Teethingrash.pricklvhcU.cliaf inc these are a few of the trjinc skin ills uhich make baby fretful and keep anxious mothers busy trinjr to soothe the torment. U-KStNOL OINTMENT is thr cry thins to six c quick relief. Try it and note how soon baby's fretful crinfc stops asthiiRcntle, coolinc ointment reduces the itching and burninR. Kcilnol Soip (orbt' tialr Vpp licltandtlkr. Alnlldrhttuii. esmo Vfytfj ffc4)iil!lrl ' in . iiyrva mmmTM w m m taaaaviaiUiaaaav X" Real Estate I mAM,l,.1mT "Wr I ft, 5X:coffMcn lOTUfcAacNSfc r 1 I I I I ' . I; Diamond Jewelry I A' ' Our fort -eight years of diamond selling, offering only ttt&l jjf the highest grades obtainable, aF P , enabjes us to .give absolute jj I A ' ' assurance of permanent satis- ,aH x$8t Y. ' ' faction. Jmtt&J&A T I. R''r sy?-f Pins . W fern JbC ii, llroocnc; Wrist atones w iv ) ; ' . Bar Pins Link Htittons ' jj ? ' r ;? S. jfiCtiC fe S0lS, 1U0 Chestnut St. - DIAMOND MERCHANTS JIIWKLUriS SIL.VKKSMITH3 i ' ' ll(iVSv Doing Our c iTji 1 '' WX Sit y W , ; . ElM icifo Knrn, 3 ( "'"' Ril E9 patent eolt. brown. S ; 1 S o 22 Vaues 1 C I For a Limited M ' aUB ufiS ' T v mie Unly ips !m C8S JpJ BJ rn Airf; jfacfc" (gSew litjht shade Jj Q JUrf; pnenr co. nn nnrf black. PW , t 0 31 S. 15th St., 2d Floor g ES2 tOn.n foi Ynur ConvAniance From 8 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Wm Hbv Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention xsjffl i $&?r . I ibh MsBbT mmWm 3' 1 $15,000 Room Rent v Suppose you could hire a Gargantuan hall, fill it with a million and a half housewives from all parts.of our country and arrange with these, pros pective, buyers of your goods for a brief hearing all of this at a cost of say $15,000 per convention. Supposing that you had arranged such a con vention and were in search of a speaker to address this 'gathering of 1,500,000 what would you pay for the world's most interesting and convincing speaker? If you could afford one cent per woman to assemble an audience, what could you not afford for the presentation of your; story to that audience? When you advertise in The Delineator and The Designer, you have the car of 1,500,000 house wives for a brief period. For profit's safe, employ the best advertising brains available to plead before such a supreme court of opportunity. Butte rick Publisher The Delineator Tim Designer (f2.H0 a Year) Everybody's Magazine ($2.75 a Year) ($1.50 a Year) BONWT TELLER- &.CO. CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET Announce for Saturday MISSES' TAILORED SUITS. Pony and Eton Jackets Poiret Twills Men's-Wear Serges Tricotines 56 SUITS' (formerly 59.50 to 69.50) 38.00 64 SUITS (formerly 75.00 to 95.00) 54.00 72 SUITS (formerly 95.00 to 110.00) 68.00' 47 SUITS (formerly 125.00 to 165.00) 88.00 Sizes 14 to 18 FOURTH FLOOR Misses' CAPES Formerly 69.50 44.00 Pleated and severely tailored ef fects. Developed in Navy Trico tine. Sires 14 to 18 FOURTH FLOOR Misses' COATS Actual 135.00 Values 78.00 Three-quarter length coats of Bolivia and Bokara, lined thru out. Sires 14 to 18 FOURTH FLOOR Women's and Misses'. rsj r fc K Start to Pay Next Month Immediate Delivery No Down Payment All von hae to do is in mnko vour initial pur chase of Records here there is no down payment of the Victrola, in fact you don't start to pay for it until next month, and then the terms are only If you have no Talking Machine in your homo at all, this is a wonderful chance to buy it. It you have even the handsomest cabinet model, it isn't a bit of good to you when the kiddie want to hear it In their nursery but with one of these smaller ones in tho house, you can take it where you wish, and they will enjoy it, and you'll be mighty glad you bought it. REMEMBER Immediate Delivery' No Down Payment and Full Exchange Privilege G. W. HUVER CO. The Horn af B.rrtea 1031-33 Chestnut pianos ft Players FROCKS and GOWNS 68.00 Formerly 95.00 to 165.00 For Women: Afternoon and evening gowns of- georgette crepe, crepe de chine, figured chiffons, net and a limited number of tricolette. For Misses: Afternoon, Dinner and Day Frocks, developed in georgette crepe, crepe de chine, satin, taffeta, tricotine and poiret twill. MISSES' DEPARTMENT FOURTH FLOOR WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT THIRD FLOOR 1 a 1 IS WOMEN'S SHIRTS and BLOUSES Dimity Shirts High and low neck; long and short o Qf o Q) - (( sleeves; misses' sizes included. - ?, - 7 & tl Hand Made Blouses Hand - drawn, val and filet lace o QQ g Jj" "Basque Tie-on" Blouses Of Marquisette; pleated frills around neck and sleeves. Embroidered in rose, tan or French blue. Crepe de Chine Overblouse White only; with copen, rose or navy piping. 09Pen' A Charge Account 0 yr-a," 925-27 MARKET STREET Children's Tailored Hats $1.98 Value to 43.98 . Smart sailors, neatly banded and ribbon streamers. Black M,la"' STRBJST TI.OOR Tomorrow Oar Regular Monthly in aU H T? The Real Bargain Event of the Month! Others Try to Imitate This Sale, Originated by Vs-ButThey Never Can or Do Offer the Wonderful Bargains We Do A Profit Sharing Sale Sensation! Woirleir s t Misses Coats, Suits & Dresses Reduced From Regular Stocks Values Range Up to Double This Is an opportunity to save 60 on brand new spring and summer suits, coats and dresses, that ore up to the mlnuto In stylo, perfect in tailoring and of finest quality materials. This event brings the great est navings yet announced this season, as it is a true Profit Sharing Day bargain. HIRSCH'S THIRD FLOOR ntm fai Men's & Young Men's $35.00 All-Wool Suits For Profit Sharing Day Wo lake a decided reduction ,to intro duce men to tho way wc offer bargains on this Monthly value giving day. , Double breasted and form fitting models in n large variety of patterns and colorings for choice. The best Men's news in the paper today. HIRSCH'S FOURTH FLOOR w Girls' Silk Dresses Values up $5.95 Very Sizes up to $10.00 D o I i g h t f ul frocks of silk taf fetas, poplins and plnid silks, effectively trimmed with ribbons. from 0 to H years. Little Boys' Wash Suits, $1.39 In sizes from 2 to 6 cars. Girls' Voile Dresses, $2.00 Pretty styles. Sizes 6 to 11 years Infants' White Dresses, 50c Neat lar( trimmed styles. ninSOH'S 3EC0ND riiOOR Menrs $10.00 Silk Shirts $6.95 c w umJi m( C r o p e k do lilne. broad- it c 1 o t n a anu taffota silks. Heavy satin strlpo.1. Some, with collars to match. Men's Silk and Knitted Neckwear STREET TOOX 50c Our $5.98 Skirts $3.39 Wool plaids in light and dark col ors. Shirred mod els, with pocket and button trimmings. $10&$12.50 5Q.75 Silk Skirti.. O THIRD r&OOR Taffeta, Tricolette & Georgette Waists ;$475 Values to $10.00 Thcsci aic most wonderful values as many of them aro marked at pirtl half price. All the new collar ind sleeve effects. Plain tailored and trimmed styles, AVhite, mMi and colorings. Street Floor ' $teJ women s Pumps $2.98 A new style as il lustrated in dark brown calf. French heel STREET riiOOK Women's Silk Lace Hosiery . .$1.49 Thread slllc. Black, erev. conlowin an ' nvy blue. HIRSCH'S STREET rLOOR 9.75 10.00 Women's Silk Hosiery 79c Heavy sill: and silk fibre Dlack and colois. HIRSOn'S STREET rLOOR Girls' Athletic Union Suits 95c Of lalnsook. Athletic Hlles HIRSOn'S STREET rlOOR Women's Union Suits 79c Fine ribbed, low neck, wide knee HERS CUTS STREET TLOOR Women's Fibre Silk Hose 35c Black and colors HraSCK'S STREET PI.OOR Imported Silk Lisle Gloves . . 16- and 12-button lengths Hlnrl, white and colors. HIRSOH'S STREET rLOOR .$1.19 Moire Silk Handbags $1.69 Fitted with minor and pin He. All colors. HIRSCH'S BTREET XOOK $4.00 Silk Envelope Chemise. .$2.55 Crepes de chine I.uce and ribbon trimmed. HIRSCH'S STREET riiOOR $1 & $1.50 Silk Camisoles 79c L,aco trimmed and ribbon stinps. HIRSCH'S STREET rXOOR Well Known Corsets $2.00 P. N Toplcsi, Tt. &. O , r B and Iloyal Worcester make"", low Riid medium bust model HIRSOn-B SECOND FLOOR Women's $1.00 Bloomers 50c Batiste and crepe HIRSCH'S STREET FLOOR $1.25 and$TjJOChemise .. . . .79c Nainsook, lace trimmed HIR3CH'S BTHJiET HiUUH 111 iSH'WaBfiK1. rmCiTTti -BARGAIN li!(WTTiifjprai4 frT'Ti i-""' WfllfliV: SAiEMSNi .mmI i! i i ,n -i , i 1! A Big Profit Sharina Dav Savins? on I Women's New Silk Dresses xjc-Nucjn Values to $29.75 Silk taffetas, satins, treor- gettcs and satins,; jerseys and velours. All newest trimmed and straight line moneis. mi Sjzcs for women and misses. MS. Women's. New Suits Values Range up to $25.00 Choice ltcduccd from our own slocks anl the values aro most extraordinary. Fine quality tricotines and serges ... H-vuuivu uavK ami siraigni line models, neatly tr in mod or plain tailored. HIRCH'S-925-27 MARKET ST. rarwL i Ml 111 m J I WFL ' hlm10:i. 5 I JK ' W ,, ; : fe i k r. U . ,l) " ',hT-h"h$-'t 'M 1: r i a 4 v.; .S-''f vM r? ViAC ffS. u.2!i8in t,v- iA. r".-flrT, tSSw&B&M I I A. 9riVrf . '