', I, $T .t -' ' . - S.J . ( . . w ri,y Y-ri: .-vekfcw 'Tv -V f xmniftg tcr ; f e , -;ca Jt fc-Al ms;;.s&5y rv' m''-"va ; srrirt ;V fc5 Ii'-nl. A MA 1 &$K m .-lyM.KV V. -c;w-v j fei m v 0"i w m IK MM ? n&: "HIA f&. fl15$ tm if f jcti? t-'ffl mrnn tj, uV-s.vfcr: .; A' Lv ,v,i P :v .." ifaSAta 9$a. v;v-w- JX &&i IV rs 2 wr? C8SSSes I V rj ', '"t. m 1 ji;' iH..? : 4 e-jN Ml JR 'tJ: ?SJ ?s i ' ' r . i -. . lubttt aaa X ra- &&i to y W vj 'V? V Kf.T V J V && 'bS&tit . J,.K'V $SfcyV vri krV Ledger 1'ho'to Service! GIRLS PLAYING BASEBALL at tho Athletic Recreation Center. ' Miss Kathcrihc McDermott, the batter, missed ' J tho ball by inches and Miu'EUa Arenberg isrcady to .catch the,ball barehanded. It's a rubber halt. w vAXsm W.i: SWftK -WNWwW" ?iK 1 c v .- fe' V'' ITVtArtAWAnii ki rr Jlnn ftr-im iltftr., fr.nrsi fWi LV'-'j rftfe iN . Ledier rhoto Service. EST PHILADELPHIA HIGH SCHOOL cirls will appear in the operetta "Little Miss Mullet" tonight and tomorrow night. Some of the cast arc seen in tho photographs. At the left Miss Louise DoaU nnd Miss Mildred Keeblcr. Center, back row Miss Gladys Moore, MJss Ruth Gilbert, Miss Alberta Elwell. Front row Miss Dot Mcisel, Miss ' ' "" Dot Mcndte and Miss Rosaline Lnndesbcrg. In the photograph at the right are Miss Louisa Gallagher (left) and Miss Ida Frcy. L.'Mi "ZM - rm. ,. , i&t 14, m 'SSwmCSTI r,?XP3 mk K3.Y& fit's Wt& '"" ', gi. &$,& . 2rir&m 'J'jJii. .- SI i5.i fiH;vr w& W- A .'Kl M',,"7;l (J ii-- i ma8oraj".niiiwii-rcgyxT ' -'" -"Trr -i :-y-, "lcv)s . m Vtof Ifrfl. "- iS tl .Va?- , T - ;&w W'l ;t. .v- ,.'- 5K! .css: t.7?Wii'i W " w-fc.' as O' . mfixi 4v". v'"!? l AHi(W .'-)Uk.4 u tftrl 13 ,- j L !y' ".'. " '! s.''Ki i .',:' y. r,nr'!&".b, li i' -h :"Z , 'J1 k"4'M- ? ?.- w-!?rv i- ,V " .4 IVK' '"""" iAlMV)W - 'fc-. . v"" V "-.'V' z.mmmimtmp ( itdger Thoto Sen-Ice. THE LAST BREAKFAST in Philadelphia for a littlo while for tho marines that went away on tho transport Henderson early yesterday morning. .y?. r, vr ' i ' IlV. . yie. 4m?K r .V' !& t. -?!: a z ji, v V snw &3 T( tscjj 'JSy!i ,, r;.L?r fV i 9B W"VT "" rrv-i.tv.'v' t - 5?? ia- 5KKTw:a!SBami.i3!j W.& ;j., ' -VM . T a-V i i ;h - " 7MK! .. N ?tji rS? 2j iwr .pt Irf' imzizi2zsx9am&. , mM i.s5aizr?gaaguja iaxssr53ysrs ;c5B7Sisixa :: wwifr' i tJ yvnk rt 4 mjmmxsea "THE 6C Pennsylv Merle I.edior Thoto Service. lyfdeer Thoto Service. 3 LAND OF HEART'S DESIRE" is one of the four Irish plays to be given by the Philomathcan Club of the University K,A5.M0D POND acting chief of the Bureau mnsylvania at the Academy of Music on May 19. Some of the cast are (at the table, left to right) Miss Dorothy Buckley, ol City Property. The appointment was made j Schaff and Miss Florence Caldwell. In the photograph at tho left is Miss Ida J. Whitaker, who will appear as the yesterday in spite of the fact that Jolin .. M u. m Fairy Child. mtctxr v '" .'fov.i v mz jglaniK, '. " i' :nc -t- i 'ft Jk. .B-vHHk BBBKdaBBBBBBBBVaSaBlB S,H aaV aBaHlaw .isBavV v Y $sB iMI a9 pMe y9 itt' Mi IHu' wJ 1 h' kji 7! fl 9 HyiwPKRitt.. jeau aL aw sa IPS am K.-i- C41C i Pf.fimfSiKvlLTl TIFWWffW Arthur still refuses to bo discharged as head of that bureau. l f zsl v:v.-J ffgwwwfc ? -w: L'JJ Centr'ljNew Tholo, .i i5A r" A " r "iS1 CiJ hbbHbbWbbHbVv " JKli' . Jfek. ' JBBBBBBBBBft.' bIbWI , JUMtV '"''' BBBBBBBBBBB, BVrBBV ' JbBBHbBBbV;' 'Hf: , BH! r '- i'K 'JBB8HbVbkIh fHHBBBBBaV'i- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiBBBUBWH BBHHBHBBBBBBBBBhU r bbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl BHBRBHHBPBHbmWHH fe'l'lj' JWW -'l' "r'."fc, '"' '-'ffi ?-' . .V -!gPS!v THE PRINCE OF WALKS at Uarbados,. where he is seen maKing an oinciai inspccuon oi me uin uuiacs on in (-.;?' '':.S-:: "J lawn at the Government House. - -r .."r-y?"r' Arr ' ' , , . ., ;g. : , -yy,,,.. . WTTT' """ '"' '"5"TXXSyT,.'TO" W ""' "'" ' ' " I BjKggfeCHBBBWBlWV m V ? . kvPaB4feiy7y Jwte3''3BliBBBffi?y,v!!u'y.f' f .V:'ly. iit'-'V-aj i ) rinBThllBli BHBflQBBBBBH 1 WBHvU?F i&t4cw,w'.&3BnBBBBBBflfe94VM tivy" -i v" ,in"i .' "h tflB lumMUBwSKJ! 'BBVHkBBBBBBBb i-I,K- &Mffr&. V2B Mi.1& "Jfcfzi-&1 B&wAiVjttaiVTmrirM . m Central Now Thoto. Underwood & t nderwood. COLON Thomas r-edier rhoto s.nice. AN AIRPLANE ENGINE STARTER attached to cnirino of an automobile, originated byXantahi B. C. Hucks,, )EI DUNCAN F D NEILL nautical adviser to Sir GENERAL PERSHING calling on tho Presi- CAPTAINS OF RIVAL TEAMS in the William Penn Charter ' British-pre-war. pilot. Suptot OcftK and ckptataXBSi.wpufnS the dent of Panama. The general dressed in hito School $gfaV- MH (Wt). M nw, and C. B. Shamrock IV, here for the yacht races. is standing with his host on tho balcony of the Mitchell, Yellow s. The 1 cllows won the event. presidential palace in Panama City. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO rv. i-i in THE BEAUTY CORNER Fvl 1 1 -' -nHVl 4 !-, .w - - - .. -,- rTT-U. Wr""t BBBWBBBflBBlBVBBlBnBVBT. " " 1 ' '. V 1 V BBaVHylr . bbbbbbbbbbhbk. . . . a .-:. mmmmmmml J i ilaVt - ,-, '-"mJWaW" -y- -. ::.' .t,?vwX' SV.rac.'rSBB'i v BBBFVBi.?',,BiiiH BtflfBBBBBBBBBBBV BV BBBVrywBBpBraA yGPWHC y KBV' S y'yj y!!fc Br XjMJjxjS X r W t J . .f ,'? BB3 aft tjfc&CfT f jJBBmBBaBBB I H y ' ' t BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHIbBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBB X -EJl JJ(a 9 y t - - iii, i .JUjgMuijMjBU, w!mmWmmnm-- mmmmsmmMBM WBmr&mmm Inlirnotlnnal ' Tutiran Tthnln U..,!.. ffTrif1 nrAmmT' TirTIf i T Arn r-1 A J. (51 TlllllnrifiiDni" nuj-i it. s Tiri. .... .-- ..v, iww ut iiw. iwina luivnii iviitwvry zttn;f inrrcLL out "' THREADING nnd putting seat on swan-neck faucets with a turret lauieaB nomas 7llln1'3 'Z PREMIER DANCER on way to Europe. She isRosinn MUCH DEPENDS on Mrs. Annette Adams, district n. .. , , ,, . . .' ,.,,,. twitted through ." lice streets. The operator, William Zerwcck, of 2244 North Carlisle street, threads about 350 faucets a day. . gj&WJJK Sho 111 attorney in San Francisco, whether or not Jack Demp. PWWWUifor Una (future ahoUld be Jw"eJ i"r visit Italy, France and England. sey wifi uc at liDorty to dox ueorgesiiyarpenuor in tno m ni uu(ioam iy fiw ukuhw vw(p(, ..- near future. Sho is in charge of the case against the LspGEB ' ' M ' American. boxeBichnrireA. with draft, dorlcinc. 7 neck faucets with a turret lathe at Thomas Savill's Sons, Thirteenth nnd Wal S , . , -. - -wy . . ' " A I . . .V J W 'T -, , -j. -, - - - ( , -, t ,4 K f I " 'V r s .i-. v l ; r t Xn j.ai.fA yus.iSii.j'' ( J . .. "A J ? m i. -'" :tigSr'6. fci S:":" TV" " r -t;