vc .! t iW s y Euentn0 public S&ftgtfe- ' S; "pb&h ; , ' ' - . i i ! iiiiiwm ii wMwwwtTrtirTi ii ii i " "" ""-"" i ,B. ' '- tpmXlg"Cre yipwWMwMBWMWWWWWBaBWM jyvs mil ii i mmrM-xmtwtKsr?jt iyn?ii3saT&;s "rarw p i "g'iaTfiig- , 223 JwaBaBBBin BfeiafSBaBBaBaBaBBa Mf J " K'MBPfagr' ..jSJBnBaFPfiwJaM i tf m iKi" i RtkS Jf iJL .xAYBYBal vVl(IBBaBWBVH wir.ii'ft.fci3&. " Irfdcer Photo SrW t fl VcJ'tlKMrPiBawK'SBaffBaK r v'4Ba?VfcM WaHt lc r ll1 i uBaVal tflaVVtfiiBulBawNPrZlCBaVBr fcK'?'K''';,k.,'l f "y WBaVar" v ''iJL&aWaWaWaWa J! v .... aaBBBBBBBBmaBaaaMftaBBaBBBaaaBBaaaBBaBBttBVBVBatMNBMSBaVaVlBVaBVBaVVaVSVaVal VJ 1 1 Ledier rhol srvice. BaWaV. $f & !&PWBMf P'nrtll 'y tw &vQYawaflaBp( Hi Wily' i I ",r lyEST PHILADELPHIA HIGH SCHOOL Kirls will appear in the operetta "Little Miss MulTct" tonight and tomorrow night. Some of the cast arc seen in the photographs. Bal 1FH$1I i$ I , At the left Miss Louiso Doak and Miss Mildred Keeblcr. Center, back row Miss Gladys Moore, Miss Ruth Gilbert, Miss Alberta Elwcll. Front row Miss Dot Mciscl, Miss J!-, tl: mMmPWi'MmMkrVMX 'MtMMiUWMi I j.' Dot Mcndtc and Miss Rosaline Landesborg. In the photograph at the right aio Miss Louisa Gallagher (left) and Miss- Ida Ficy. jggfu mptf fMMHmk C$famMJ I $ BmBBP'TJSB mP' Bf i'WMmMMMmk.. ' HlBVBiEiZIQI THE LAST breakfast in Philadelphia for a little while for tho marines that went away on tho transport I BBaBB IgfiBi -c & r BaVlBaWAWAWAWjl ? if Inns) VaBaBaBjBaWj BaWAfl & KJBV vAmhH m -- mmi '. vaar''",M,,,s""j,,,,MwMaia,,'T"'Baw''w imiw h n it n .. B nBjfi j .y . fcxCs BawaV9awBawBB w ,-"-&$ V"v vHjVj'v BBaH ' r hSH fc Boh. BawawawaWaWawaVaWBB -wr wrn ?w iwm. x ,Nwiiwwggirg a nryy vApr-ii av EJ&irirmVapBBBBBBBBBBBBBrTn( !? "THE LAND OF HEART'S DESIRE" is one of the four Irish plays to be given by the rhilomathcan Club'ofthe'universVty RAYMOND POND acting chief of the Bureau IBWBBMPM1H,B j&fg-. , HIbYAYjHBBWbYJH ' of. Pennsylvania nfc the Academy of Music on Mav 19. Some of the cast arc (at the table, left to right) Miss Dorothy Buckley, of City Property. The appointment was made &aajBBaHBBjBBaVBaVi!i TVJBjB . BaWBlBFBaWBBBBaBaBJ Merle SchafT nnd Miss Florence Caldwell. In the photograph a t the left is Miss Ida J. Whitakcr, who will appear as the YtUl" refuses to bo dfschar cd as head wEPlz9BMBaWBaWBawBKl. J&EBfA'M. 'WaWawBft aWBMBMBBWa! " l .,.. . -, - - j, rrT . Central Nv rhoto. . 'mrrz; ' "TT"", " ' 'gggggg'JJliJEllJSrS r , ,." Mn " THE PRINCE OF WALES at Barbados,. where he is seen making an official inspection of the Girl Guides on tha , ) r W$:P V ' -4gBtS5& M rjKKKffSBSm ' ' k. 'v'";:"p.'ri ,"1. tawn at the Government House. 'HHHB HH ''fiiyi I?CTMBBI ' !Hr Hk:ftV. ffl . ? I ?Vr'''' '',-. ''v'" v fHDBHHHB flBHHHiH ir jHhIIkHiIhIhhbHK - !HIH IK fl1 vvtt 1 v.' Central Now rhoto. Underwood A l ndcrwood. .J'.'dgcrJChoto r,nlt COLONEL DUNCAN F D NE1LL nautical adviser to Sir GENERAL PERSHING calling on tho Prcsi- CAPTAINS OF RIVAL TEAMS in the William Fcnn Charter ThosiV-Ooft , and CUtaTB?. tain?f th" "tf&JrrW S Ifltehdl1 Ydlow? The Y loShhe cvent. ' B I Shamrock IV, here for the yacht races. " standing with his host on tho balcony of the Mitchell, Yellows, ilio cllowa won tno event. I presidential palace in Panama City. WUS233SSS AN AIRPLANE ENGINE STARTER attached to engine- of an automobile, originated by Captain B. C. Hucks, i British' prc-waK pilot. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO THE BEAUTY CORNER w ' ' ; c w Bt BBH ''' ' -''BB. ' ''''"'"' VBBBBflPi' " i Bf' BkKL: ' '4v''J(?,Tfc i4eBMHaMtfBBBBBlB I ' -''.. 0BYfl ' I -"' I : " bYbYbII v: ' m""H EjKbwBbVbVbV dRrMft2v sT ? V . B ibIObb) aWBlCiU-9 ,. 4 s ? JIbbVbw&.bv'i -1 'i nv I ' JJVIwli w -- i wJbIbbIIbIk Al '1 '4wbbP r 'BMBYbkMb4 BYBMBBJl&teHSl ' v!SL2ip BbIbII KSBlBBfBKrilS i r Jr BaBBBil -f mT i . jBLiJP'HPBaBaBBHBr BaBSBsliinBkiBBaBaBMlttaBtfSviS"" J rf UllllBlBll a .tfi ft K' j SVlHnbbvf jfXBIIlPBlllllllllll rlr Vj 'ifP 1'Y ty:,MaBBjBjBBBBBJteiM M-WBBBBBBsSBi , WiJM-rr' R- lAi'iBHMili1 ' i I ' PP" Bl mBYBtBYBtBl ' mWmWWmw imik 'BakBlBl t'V S" iT;."itia':i i 'BJf''MB i' ' - t S;i , ? 1BJ C? f -.y j J -BaBaRB BJBPi(Ufir '"TsfW'flBBJBl iylBiflTHHBMttBaWsVjVsVjVi i&C'-W ,r'?!'r4?s?'-K BaWsflFK ' s5 ' waWaWaWaWaVAl ' BaVJBflBaWjBaBlP? 'MKBaVBal Mv''sk-;,''''" -'Xu ;?JBB i:IBawJPf-l ''' V. ly BmBBBB BVAVBaK if 1 VBafl J?i1 ,-? .hsv',,BB lialK-' f w K BawBaB BmBBjBJBmf? vjtSBa BaHBaal i"r yl$z2?'&kj 'A' aBaaV SbVa'V'v' " VBamfBal aVBaaVXaVBaT JOBaaV VaVaVaI fstf7i'ihJ.:'' yBasVmS Bam ' F ' iBaVJBal vC!liBBaBHB':''y JBaaV1!! aBaaBaH BaBBaP'V'''A ''Vl "' 7 i. -i --- hi v . v. w "r - -. i r i Kji..'.i'0. .h v ,-., ( .u: .. h bdk m bh ,my xi w,m nii ti j. . i v uiirt .r w,i:J it..vt it i m MllyVaBaBaBaVBaSaaBaBI BaWSH5 " .?3SHe IU - -- V .?f-?i i aa"amaamammmaaawBi faaaF'jS: 7i:-m9 tHW,mvv&'iYM&&'trt M&, I JiVmdfZXi THREADING and putting seat on swan-neck faucets with a turret lathe at Thomas Savill's Sons, Thirteenth and Wal-r- lie" streets. The operator, William Zerwcck, of 2244 North Carlisle street, threads about 350 faucets a day. '' r xv" International, prmmirr DANOER on wav to Eurone. She is Rosina MUCH Galli. of tho Metropolitan Opera Company. Sho will attorney Visit limy, i rniiiu unu Jjiiyiiiuu, 4. Ideer rhoto Hep Ice. i3tJiJiirt-h& MISS MATT IE KIRWAN, 2053 Garrett St., Philadelphia DEPENDS on Mrs. Annette Adams, district ,.. ,. , , .i . , . , ,,, , ,,,,; through ) in San FranciBco, whether or not Juck Dcmp- I'Wogrwl for Una (future uhouli be '"'& be at liberty to box GeorgestCarpejit!or in tho A mutl, addressed to, the Beauty Cornet1, EVENING i u- soy will near future. Sho is in charge of tho case ngainst the American- boxer, (Charged. witu qrait 'dodging,. , V 1 s ' UtMilM . TTa m it . rm v t,vggfififcLitt agfejitfi 1 1 1 1 1 i ..IwAiarBaBaBamjBlgjii'?MBy 4 j www viaiijy ' 'ji$fl.iJWTO iit 'jjyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa