' .,!." ? c v-- J T " v ',"" '" ' '' Vhnyi i i i "t ii ;ti ii Li ,, i . i ' . . . . t I - M r! r- v- THLRON OF LOST VALLEY By V1NG1E K. KOE Author of "The Staid of th6 WhUptHno BUU," "Th tiivt Tttk GUMPS-And She Laughed t Me By Sidney Smith r; of Night (CorvrloM, IDiD, by tM, Vfad 4 Co.) THIS PTAJITB T1IK BTOllY Tharon T.i is "" A00"'1','' rtftttrol Wtf .m Last's household, Jim i , notorious for his sfcl with punt, imf AM controlled Ifte valUvfor years. But Courtrey ' ." n,"lu AM ?, aoJ com behind. We od'MWortu 2-r Mat ''" n ttoottnii and hands cr nl belt of pistols. She seeks to Uarn. the name of his murderer and tow? to "act htm.", More cottle have teen selitd, and Tharon colli t out her thirty followers to dep Courtrey. 'Ajwi rides El lieu and is chased by Courtrey. Rhe stops at the cabin of the man in uniform, icith Courtrey a ttw voids behind. "That," sho eays, "is the man I'm going to kill some day." m iinnc it oontinckh tt WAS a gift he had Blvcn her. nothing -m, and riie made up her mind that om rAtft should rlecp In peaco under ilio 'Minting pine at Last's Holding and that hlS CfOHS BIIOUIU Ulu Bimiu uvcivxi IhoM other two in uie carvcci granite. , Billy, watching, rean ner miuo wun Uio half-tragic eyes of love. ...! I .wminirlv unconscious, but JicAly alive to everything, was at great ir. imnfd. 'wltli a surging, tenseness, ii., ii, iM fateful thing was sliding over into his hands to work out. his and Ban . ".'.?" "ii: V. full well that he and Sinner both were Ilka to be slated for renin, night had fallen when the eav- . inriii nciin. IIU1 1IT3 Ui IIWW Vll W JI 'ICBulla?d of the OoTd.n Cloud had (he erica to come out and look at the lltUo oia man """'fy - " lone ana laiuimiu. , , , . , roinc to Usfs and 'burled him dewntly t OVn- ,r ... ,.. ...I. ,.. nut . ' ..'.i. i,.,i Th.iron: Iliouitli TUAn I MR I IT 1 IILll I .U T1 (( UHU wu Knt nnd Dllly tried to dissuade her. Jii CorvgnT nanner went though the invn llk a wind, asking lor me gun oc iitry man ho met. By noon every .n hlVen examined, one shell exploded. I... I. if ihn nicked, uneven s en if the mysterious, hamjn which had Snapped lis death Into Old IWs heart. When the sun was straight overhead snd all- Iist Vallcv was sweet with the Sinmef hare, the Vigilantes, closo pack Jd and silent, swung out toward the Stronghold It was blue-dusk when they drew up it the corrals beside the fortress house. Lounging around In cAt.Uke quiet were ome ililrty men, riders, gunmen, TNvhIn ' nnr called for Courtrey ,thero wis a sound of boots on the hoard MOM, tnaioe, a woman n iJ"y" u.w, and the rattle king came swinging out, Ms hands at his waist, his two guns touring the crowd. Tall. BtralgtH as a tancr, ma iron cray head uncovered, h was a strlk tnr figure of a man Ills henchmn uatelifd him sharply. At his side clung lh film woman. Ellen htr milky race thin and tragic. He shook her loose ind faced the newcomers. well 7 ne snappen -wnava mist Courtrey." said Banner, "we're here In th' name o' th' law. We demand f n ihfm truns o' yours," If tne Knowieage inai Jim imniier whu l brut man needed confirmation, It had It In that speech. Pew men In tho irsrld ceuld havo made It. and gotten i..: . " r .'... . ty with It None In a different set ting. Courtrey heard It, but ho paid little hed to It at the moment. His cee went to the face of Tharon Last and drank In Its heauty hungrily, rrcsentlv he shifted hie gar.n and regarded Kensot with a. cold light that Ml it. "Who wants 'em?' he asked draw- llntlv, We do" 'Hell! Want Courtrey's guns! You're jnouest, Jim. , "An what do you want. Tnaronv In Milln of the tenseness of tho rtoment the olce that had laughed at ittatli and torture in Hound Valley be rime melting soft as It addressed the tin "taw:" said Tharon "Iiw th' law l promised ou on Baston's porch!" its.' An now oo oy mint jouu ll that? If t nod my head we'll drive inie buncn o' epawn out o" here so nmeK it it make your Heart awtm. What oo you tmnk you re uoln'7 "I don't think. T know now Know what we can dowhat th' law means." f.ourtrey glanced again nt Kenset. "Col ftnmn lmnftrtarl knnu1iltr T Me It "Take It or leave It ! Show us them tuna!" cried Tharon harshly. 'I don't think .so," said Court rtv, nodding Like a Dalr of nnaken !Mlnc- tnr. ward, Wylackle Bob and the ArUona alranger were suddenly in the fore ground, hands hanging apparently loose MS carels, In reality tense aa strung ''. ready to snap with flro and lead. mo moinani was pregnant. The very eeath. I -I ".., n. oyfti,o uu, Aiiaruu "i swung siaewne from her saddle, fr all the world as If she were break er under the strain, leaned far over WRtya shoulder, and the next moment lllnnsm Bh0t' ,naW'n ,n th dyVJ'J?. n oa.ln "-nd a 1,,rch Courtrey iS5 kward' tossed up his right arm. k .1, - .i. v,u? "'sieii. uis bail went wih In the nlr. wild. The blood from wl. Jwfsc'lJBll.th?-nl .IP" over liiYi j "' . """u" nini, ine gun It M4 held went huttllnE away nlonir lh. nn. ------ tim,ki.v ."" "" w i mo seiners .MhH,,?,n hls saddle poor Thomas Sektiwi1' ttr .58 .one' thundered tot.ih?rU.to..th5 wy doowtop, pressed nr Ilk'e rciirton.1"' V"a 0I Ken8tt "fetOn!" h r,t A . KJ..U -1 a at hr that Tu8nWUnr oft h,s nor t0 ,eP ut another was before him. eSS.hVKML. of 5"W'!IJ"1" ng gJWjtd it Wm the spot IS'Tt SS3 Wk irii ,.. ',nostJln h rose he aSJi tt WB tfnt1 w th purple. faced rh.mpway,nB on ner " ond "I in",9 -pu.1 ,he. 5Vn. to. her tempi e! all eT;i.T .- T"V.n-..f. X Tor." si she rev's n. V. ?: '"l".u".y.. "hilt f-rtllr. ', you don't ulef." a worth whit T mi clear out I'll pull th' S blMe"eli.,i'f VJthlU ltsftlf- . t" light ;12"JI hinda W8re o thin tlim"'1" seemed to shine hpm,R 'kern, li to shine I'er long whlt I'.'f-'orrn. "--- "-' vimiik id na oress clunar to her '"' fence Cliv? wRf l"lcls by the cor- e She hlH '?oked at hr th wide p....:" i crim. ey and the J..i." " "" Ol nuDHinnntA hai..j -a him. Now" .h. i. i'-1: "113 arA 1 ..".' vuiypn U4JI wi", '"". U1KB I !ovr1 lm tnletake!" Pln " hor heart, an- no kt tad.!8..1' "omethlng stronr wlil.ln s.'r.&SS: ..w!'n one irrnrff0 w"an.UIHra ! Mmi: . exncctinr ..ATT '.-.-"""" "iSCWS &!& W ESK" i.y,n one iiff.,1 r , X "" .ver seen. "tat it"?54.h: S;ot T-ma. ,.m Bu.1 acroes hri arAtinj 9 'he CArnp '.,. S ' ', ;WiW7 ,. i i . ." naii.uiiir with il bPat us to in ni"?' da'ned V'. B'heJn'3;,?01"' f move down Wind," ttc. X and grlpBcrt his arm In tt strong fingers. "Shut up, Jim Banner." she said tensely. "ou' enly begun. That's in- gun, i mako no doubt, an' .Ellen knew itbut If w'r worth klllln' w'll dg Into thin harder'n ever. Here's poor Thomas, makes one moro notch on my record. I'm not sayln' quit I An' you'ro th' bravest man In Con an, tool" At Last's Holding the Vigilantes nioppcu iot real ana rooa. They, had boon In saddlo the better part of forlyelght hours. Young Taula, Jose and Anita set up a steaming meal, und they ate like fAmlshcd men, bv rolays at tho big (able In the dining room. Tharon. Last sat quietly ut the board's head throughout tho meal, pcnslyo, thinking of Dilen, but grimly planning for the future. And Billy and Kenset watched her, eai h with a secret pain at his heart. "Lord, Lord," Bald Billy to himself, "shos llstenln' when ho speaks like efte never listened to uny ono before I" In Kensel's mind drilled over and oer' again tho ceaseless thought "A hand or a neari sne could nit them both with ease. Its true, true she's a gun woman I Oh. Tharon, Tharon t" and he did not know ho spoke her name be neath hlu breath. But other things were crowding for wardho was leaning forward telling that clrtlo of irrlm. lenn fnron tliat ir Mhey could not handle this thing them- nciicr, moro were mono in tno Dig world of below who could that there were mon of the secret service who could find that gun no matter where Courtrey or ISIlcn hid It, that Lost Valley, no mat ter what Its Isolation or Its history, was yet In the United States of America, anu could be tamod. Then the Vlgllanteo wero gone with Jangle of spur and blt-chaln, and he wa the last to go, standing by Captain In the dim starlight. Tharon stood be side him, and for some unaccountable, reason the grim purposo of tholr acquaintance pcenied to drift away, to leao them together, alone under the stars, a mim and a maid. Kensot stood for a long moment and looked at the faint outline of her face. Sho was still In her riding clothes, her head baro with is ribbon half untied in tho nape ut her slender neck. Tho tree-toads were singing ort by the spring-house and thft cattle In the big corrals made the low, ceasetesB night sounds common tu a herd. Tho riders wr-ro gone, the vaquoroe; wero at their posts around the retting slock, tho low adobe house was settling Into ther.qulot of the night. Ml&erably Kenunt Innlto.l at l hi. .un Of a girl. anc was .strange to him, unfathom able. There wern rlenflin hmnalli l!i changing blue eyeo which appalled him How, would he fool toward her when me ining was qone when she had kill ed Courtrey? nut she rnut not be allowed to do It Not though It took his life. If she was pledged to this thing, he w as no less pledged to Its prevention. He felt a sadness within him as he saw tho soft curve of her cheek, tho outline of her tawny head. With an Impulse which he could not govern he reached out suddenly and took her hands In his and pressed them against hlo heart. The pounding of that heart was notlccablo through her hands Into his. But he did not .speak h could not. but he had no need. He could hae said nothing that would have cleared the situation would hae told himself or her what was in that pounding heart or nia for to save his llfo he did not Know. And- Tharon frowned In the darkness anu drew her hands from under those prenning ones, "Mr. Kennpt " hn hsM aiAnti.t "'you're always tryln' to make me weak,' iu urcait me uown wun words an looks n luucncs. jnce nnnas p yours- ynuiii em. iney no maito me weak I Don t put 'em on mo again!" And with a sudden, sharp savagery she struck his handa off his brcabt, whirled away In tho darkness and was gone. Kenset, tw o days later, gave Sam Drake a check for 9500 and a letter, Unpotmarked but sealed with tape and wax. Prake, who owned somo half breed tronwoods. rode the beat one down tho. Wall. Kmset had cautioned him not to talk before he left he feared Drake's propensity for speech. But he was the only man In Lost Valley whom he felt he could approach. With tho courier's departure h rod' back to the Holding and told Tharon and Conford what ho had done "These men are the best to he had." he said, "and they will go anywhere on earth for money.'1 out inaron rrowned and struck a fist Into a bo ft palm. . ,"w.hat you mean." shs cried, "by takln' my work out of my hands like tllf I won't havo It! I won't wait!" What I meant whn t taiii,t ....-. bridle that day In the glade," answered the man : "to stop you from bloodshed." Then ho went bark In Mn .-ohlr. n.,j his Interrupted work and eet himself to "u in pauence ror tne return of Drake. Ilut In boat Vftllrv 9 li,n ,. i. in, ii nau oegun insidiously to work with the nnnmrani'n nf li".n., i Tharon's band at Courtrey's doorstep. It burst up like a mushroom with a ohanco remark mado by Lola of the Golden Cloud Lola, who had seen, since that night In e-pring when Tharon Last stood in the door and promised to 'get" her father's killer, that Courtrey was slipping from hor. A woman like Lola 1b hard to deceive. Much experience had (aught her to fee) the chango of winds In tho matter of allegiance Sho knew that surely and swiftly this man had gon down the path of un reasoning love, that ho would give any thing ha possessed, do anything potslble to win for himself this slim mistress of Last's Holding. . Thereforo she played the one card ant held, hoping to rouse the bully, and did JUBt the thing she wag trying to avert. "Buck." Klin anlil ho hlaoL. l..J his shoulder, her dark eyes watching povertly his careless face, "tho Last girl Is lost to every Valley man. Sooner or later she'll leavo the country, mark my word, with thin VnrtKt Kni-vfxj. .il... for she's In love with him, though ana doesn't know It yet." With a Blow movement CnnHr t. .. ,un in HDuui juia. anu uiieo ner from him. His eyes wero narrowed as he looked Into her face "For God's sake!" he said, "what makes you think that?" I "Knowledge," said Lola, "long knowl edge of women and men." "If i thought that." said Courtrey slowly his eyes losing sight of her as .il hi. . .u.... ,- ...-.' .'"ye ua nqciucu iu jouk ucygnu uer, If-I' uiousiiv u-wiiy, lieu! It njata truth .Whv t It's th' ftinrl'f" th And he rose abruply. though he had Juat settle himself In Lola's apartment for a pleasant chat, ne was liln habit whenever he rodo In from the Strong hold. '!f,a.:" he "f1'11 Presently. "I might's w;el tell you that I'm piannln' to hive this girl for mine, mine, you under- f.t'!'. ''t,1111- hy '" ' CR't have, her like I've had you Bho'd blow mv ftfad off th' first time I stopped holdln' htr hands." Ho laughed at tho picture lit had conjured, then went on "An' so I feel grateful lo you, old girl, for that remark. It sets me thlnkln'." And he stooped and kUeed her an the lips' The woman returned tho Mas, a wonderful caress, slow, soft, alluring, but the men did not notion. J i i.i race was flushed, ins eyes study- ing. Th 'hen he Bwunr nutcklv put i)imii.i. . t. a ffi1i4A. 1...l bhJ T nf .... ' limply down on a couah and covered wi niicu uioeM9 w)ui iicr iiHnap ., -.un, muok r- BIK "Oh. Buck! Buckl bIib whispered brokenly, . Courtroy went straight homo, ttlll, cold, thinking hard. I us henchmen left him In solitude, after the first word or two. They knew him well, and that something1 was brewing. At midnight that night h r roustd vt yiackio. bod, uiaok wart ana the man who was known aa ArUona, and the four or mom wont out on mo leveia ror a se cret talk. tho next day tno master or the Stronghold rode away on Bolt As he loft. Ellen, standing In the doorway like ay like a pale ghost, liftod her traglo eyes to irAVM pat J ( y BR aoiTT Gifts'-J i bS about FofrroKiE PETEYHc Ought to Use The Young Lady Aorou tho Way The young lady across the way Bays hc looLs best in blur, having so much color, and she does hopp the Ited peril will never get a foot hold in this country. : , f -VieuL-VHEe Have tiffiMfr . (VbyT3EEM? we uoovtexAU I ' I '" " I laRtjptaiiMatMMeNWPaifj I W..,, ,.. ! i, , w- ,." " ,s"f'.. SOMEBODY'S STENOGShe Gets Her Wish OTCT HO HUM -X SURE The Sprmgos.allriGht AWtRlGHT ALL RIGHT 1 O'O-HUMl M Sv' ti ViA ffi tM&iU- xy . wsw,.,'; iI!V,., "CAP" STUBBSJust His ijjf'j W!?" U(ufXJ I i fi tffT.AlCMiiZiMi:, M l'T-llJl I 5T UE ABOUT jHfrV V IV I iV AOUT A HALF TBIH ( cTiiVTSHE, VP jftRT-r ' ' ' " ' I L. wma e-X f l l ' 4 A ' " i 4r" '. 9o Smoked Glasses JIMMY SOW BELIEVES THAT w II ,4J v'(l mw .11 i rt .1. .V'l . 4 'It V; '- 3ot 1 wi -wr ,ntv3ti HH"r,IT M- .. T'-T-i;r j(iii.H.xr J .jar llfW. " rT1 yxrjK RECLlNWAfeoUAJD! X Could tiOWra 30AA&WHER6 JJ AA4J - TT wWtTl' teTTTfi wAvV . 1 . v A 'v.,VV... iV';w 'sttihtw (srrnrrn w r r& .ci-" W -riFF- Luck LOVE IS BLIND AND DEAF. TOO f m 1 tf&T SPA WN HIOMT IMTO '8M f Qrs L & I uWTrj Jitt.t f&ttir4' AvlJH'MJrtCrl ib 1ZJm?YK? ' Oe tt - ,T.. V". J- M) ' WVJA 8ki -'Wi 1 1 r s& mm X Vi' -: OH-AVJ-fiEEl I Bet its fiaje out iki The Osuaitrv i .J UE .1 A, flHiflli '. inT3 &.vn iy III i Mm ilPI i iV-- Jf V I M SS -" r :ily. MSS toW3$ A!.'Aii l'''""Ji'iu ii'iimA A,, -.- - By Fontaine Fox SCHOOL JWtVs rlAli' 'ttW TfOl 11 Iff 'u.. .ftMV .v m r 3S j A?HfN ANtt THCr VOKS OLt LUCK'S A.QtOMP vnTre- I'LU SHONM THAT DAYS W.W. H'4 AU-Ri5,-tVWJ B?T fl A C00 J Veto on WW Urn TAO- I1 :.. . i l fwr"l 1 .ouvo vie. E ,unui.o.vie. CO i r.--iw- Itmw i mn -' Zl. Corrrltht. 1918. by ToB!e Lrtr Take This L -r J 11 a in T tZo 1 vv. v,a H MISS O'FLAGE - whw body H IT DOWAi ii m m rir K :imm 7 1 M. U EyHA,VuAiat WrV PYRANvlb l'tV SHCr - m.SEmr?N RI6NT CH I BACK NOW AND.'rAerONtVT - NNKUCOrxAlI.ONperhf. a, rA r lli o fy aj ft e - . wh Tnucnrcpi,i s ; jxvjuirtcur r. , . By C. A. VoiffU I J WO VOH0tt l Bu DWIG Hf3 Ztf VJiJ. V.'.IJiC. ! Vw ksmkV esso.WATc?. Ml RViimvi, C. By Hayicard L&TTefc OH.pcJR REAvSOHC f AAINLT , T tdET Tl RBD SITTIA16.' You m SMCoT . r Y 1- t(0 Sj 5&: 5J fesy'qnpiii , 5f Edwifta M bis faco with the lock of a faithful doj. 8t forged to his aide (CONTINUED TOMQKflOW) Ls Mu i.&L&U&LZ$L fd -fkii&s