1 I H Sv ( ft w I BE V". ' l ' MX F TJiTRADING Southern California Edison Company 6 Gold Bondi, Due 1944 TO YIELD 7 The history of the Coin- pnny's success, Its earning n power, management and credit standing rccom ' mend these bonds ns ii highly desirable invest-., ment. ALMQS T Hvaatnfe public 'MMMtm' W'a-'"-"" ''ffT-A' .y :'', V"'"" - " ' '' - i ".".iV" .' " ' f ' '"- " i ' ' ' mmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm " NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS ATASTANDSTILL'3 Desultory Covering of Shorts Imparted a Firmer Tone to the Market Circular on request for PE-tOt TheNationalCity Company Correspondent Offices In over So Cltlea Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Block 1225 Boardwalk JJ Now orli, May 14.--Thn extreme iliilliii'xM of the trailing in totIn.v'n Mock mnrkrt nlmnt rrnclinl n point o( coin i)pti MtiiKimtlon. Altliinit'li tlioro vviim llttlo riiroiiriiKPinrtit to bo found in oithor tlio llniinrlnl or iniliiitrinl niltm tlonu. I lie tono of I lip innrki't un inn- torlnlly Improved compared with tlio roocnt iosoIoiis. TIiIm with tlio price rooovorj nn duo ontlrol) to rnveritij; of tho Hliort Interest nppnrontly by some of tlio lesser nieiiibor of tlio lienr party, hm tlioro was virtually nothing to In lliienco nn.v rotront upon tlio part of the more ncRrossho oloinent of tlio reac tionists .Wither did tliey evlnee nnv disposition to do mi. Yet It vvni ob' vimm tlint tho technlcnl position of the market vvn miicIi as to tinariant fur ther extensions of short llne.s. At tho same time (ho bii.vinj: power otherwise o.. ,. , - . conuiiueu of tlio same. narrow liniitu- OltUatlOn Confrontinef onH, ntvomitlnft for tho listlesynexs of i tho dealitics on the niisuinir. , Trices worked to u higher level, dur ing tlio morning, gain in some of tho I more closelj held specialties extOiMlinj to over t points, hut the nvernge recov er wan within a point About the only nnteunrtlij feature nttrntling tlio i sIukri'sIi oiioiations was the renewed strength of the railroads, more espe cially tho minor or low -priced issues. nmiotigli tlio standard Issues also scored substantial lmptociiiciit. Tlio strength in this ilivNion developed after tho more urgent requirements of the shorts had been sntistiod in the industrials. Cull money was lilicnill.v supplied at S per cent, but was speedilj absorbed in anticipation of higher rates for loans over tho week end. Inasmuch as the tightness of mono) in tho last few da..x was largely the outcome of the lieavj government withdrawals, there wits a general fooling mono) conditions would be easier next week, as tlio mono paid out by the government in bond interest would s,,on llnd its way buck in the banks again. On the other hand, at tention was rediioctod to a delicati credit situation by the continued liqui dation of Liberty bonds mid Victor) notes at new low records. The market was almost at a stn niNt ill American Investors The problems pertain ing to credit, liquida tion of Liberty Bonds, the recent railroad strike and politics are discussed in a new circular we arc send ing to our customers. It also gives some in teresting facts about a ten - year convertible bond of a company which dominates an im portant industry. Complimentary copy on request Hemphill, Noytj & Co. Members .Vcio York stocm Exthangt during the intcrntcdiato period, but ml' winces continue to bold at top levels on I I Mill 1 1 tin v ltjiit iwl uiitiiilv it ftnlt tit it tint it t I Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia ' s lor cent. Traders 'regarded the dull- I IVw York lioniim Scrunton m"" "H 1'iillrutive of an oversold con (lit ion i ,( Low Bond Prices High prices for commod ities menu low prices for securities. Arc jou taking advantage of the opportunity offered by present conditions to buy sound bonds yielding abnormally high .re turns? We have prepared a Cir cular Letter No. 2420 on this subject, which vc will send en request. Bonbright & Company ,437 Cheitnut Street Philadelphia New York Chicago Boston Detroit Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold Private Wires to New York v and Pittsburgh MOORE LEONARD I fc LYNCH CUSHMAN NGVYHALL MANAGER l I340 WALNUT STREET HITZ CAftLTON HOTtL , MIWYORK MIMBCR MQADYW - NtWYORK. HILADELPMIA C PITTSauabH TOCK UCHANOtS MARKET VERY THIN FOR LOCAL STOCKS . 1 icw Bottom Prices for Phila delphia Electric and United Gas Improvement licsldes continuing extreme!) dull, llie oca I market proved to bo exceeding!) thin, as indicated in the further maik , ing down in limited values, regardless, of intrinsic position or earning onpnoit) J of the corporations which issues wer'ej effected. In most parts of the list the 1 offerings continued small, but tlio bii) - I lug demand unfortunately proved even, smaller Theie was -evidence of recur ' rent liiiiid'itiou in scattering pails of the list, being tho more conspicuous in I'hi'iidelphia Klootrie. and o.s so in I'eiiiisvlvauiu Hailroad. A decline of $: in American (ias to! 10 on sales of nine sluues was olivine ing illustration of the pronounced uar- ' rovvness of tlio market and total lack of sncciilative interest. W'lii'e tho 10- J 1 essions elsewhere wore a matter of' small fractions, the fact remained that 1 all offerings wore made at price ion- cessions' frgm )esterda)'s closing Jevel, 1 t thereb) bringing prices back to and be low the recent low levels. New low ! water mark was made h) I'liiladclphia I I Klectrie at 'J4 and I'nited fins lm- 1 provemont nt -J.'!'... I'liiladclphia ltapid Iransit at the same time cuunlcd its bottom price of the )oar at "2. Klectrie Storage (lattery continued under modeiato selling pressure, fold ing to llll'v Insurance Co. of North Amern u was . Iiiglior at tlio start at I -'.. tin t Tin led In hold American Stores, however, showed a gain of nt 4!lVi. tllv. Halca In I ,!( ROD 00 ono I0) irn on 3400 700 .110 oo too .100 200 2.00 Ml 100 2(00 1100 1000 lino 200 200 01 400 1101 4101 100 soo MOll .100 401 101 1(100 H00 Ml .loo 210 1900 100 1700 2.200 SOO too 000 100 228 110 10) 100 100 ;oi too too ISO 100 1000 1200 300 4(00 too 103 1(0 200 000 .110 2 lit icon-) 160 J 410 1703 .')10J 2 1 700 ICO V0IIII 100 3)0 i.MO 101 11(0 1901 .l.'.CO 2200 200 010 EX100 (01 IU0 701 200 100 103 700 ltro 100 .11 0 3200 2000 100 101 201 A01 H0 19 J am too 7.10 I7C0 io(0o 500 200 I1C0 200 l-'O 800 100 1(100 100 son 100 tio .100 1.100 HUh Adams KxprcJig 32 Advnnco Humcly .... 33 Alaska Gold Mines... 1J4 Alaska Junaa f M... 1 All-American Cables. 107 M ...5-',o. Net l)W INIimi vJHB( S3M . 3VS . ton . 90 .13ttt . 42 1 04 M 91 U , 03 1.1 H 20J-i 00 H AIlls.ClinTFncr. 7 Am Asrlo Cliem . . . . Am Ueet Sugar Am Can , 7 Am Can pf 12 Am Car & Fdy Am Cotton Oil 0 Am Drue Syn , . . Am Hide fit t.enllior 7 Am Hide & Lonthcr nf. 04 U 0 Am Internat Corp ... 8734 a m Linseed 1 Am Linseed pf 0 Am Locomotive. Am Safety rtnzor . . . .. Am Ship & Com.... Am Smelt & llcf.... . 7 Am Smelt & llcf of.. 9VA Am Snuff 101 Vi 8 Am Steel Foundries.. 3934 7 Am Sugar Itef '29 V 10 Am Sumntrn Tcb .... 87 Vi 8 Am Tel ft Tel 03ft 20 Am Tobacco 129J4 0 Am Tob Sco temp efts 48 V 7 Am Woolen 109 J4 .. Am Writing Paper pf. 39 . Am Zlno Lead & Sm. . IS 0 Am ZI110 Lead &. am pf SCK 4 Anaconda Copper .... 40 4 As?o Dry Cloods. . . . 3S 7 Abso Dry Gds 2d pf .. 61 H 0 Atch Top & Santa Fc. 79 H 8 Atch Ton & S Fo nf.. 7i!4 10 Atl Gulf ft W I S S, 7 Alliuitla Coast Line. . . Ualtlmore & Ohio . . , 8.80 Daldvvln Locomotive, 2.80 Harnsdalo Class A.. .. Uatopllas Mining ... . Bethlehem Motors . 8 nethlehem Steel 8 Uethlehcm Steel B.., .. Booth Fisheries 9Yz .. Bklyn Uapld Transit. 12 10 Uusjis Bros 114 Vi .. Butte Copper & Zinc. !i . Butte & Superior Cop. S3 .. Buttcrlok . .. . 14Vi 0 California Packing... 70 4 Calumet & Arizona... 10 10 Canadian Puclnc..., 8 Central Leather 4 Cerro do Pasco Cop, 10 Chandler Motors . . . 4 Chesapeake & Ohio., CM & R t pf K T ctfs .108 . 84 54 . 32 Ji .110VS . 4?. . 1 . 2134 . 88 tt-lit 32 12 Yi 114 2 107 Va 33 8.1 93 09 H 00 Vi 139H 40J4 12 J4 19 93 Vi h6Vi 8114 0114 91 34 13 20 89 Ji 9li; 191)4 39 12914 84 J4 03 12934 88 108H 394 llli (014 88 li 32 0114 19H 7414 Kb 4'i 32 U 114J4 ."0J4 H 32 H 34 - It, 114 2 .. 10714 11 33 J4 15 88 3 9.1t44- 1 U Li 014- H 13114 V 40 li- 3 1214 14 19-14 14 J414 1 8734 114 88 3 9114- 114 3 4- 111 1334 H 2014- StH 114 10114 9Vi 12914 8434 - 3J4 93 H- Vs' 22934- 114 8814 14 100 Yx 3914- (4-1414- 14 8014 14 i- 14 3 4'i 0115- 115 70H 7414 .. 100 114 84 M- J-5-, 33 J4 .11.-. . r,94 , 411 .13314 LI RH .. Chicago & Gt West... 7',j 2 Chicago & Gt West pf. 2. .. Chi Mil & St Paul 34 .. Chi Mil &St Paul pf.. 50 7 Chi & Northwestern.. 79 42 1 21J, 88 89 Ji 915 12 11414 8 34 22 Vi 14 Vi 74 no 11434 OS 40 MOii 42 034 715 :oj4 1314 48H 70 53 K ISJi . . uiij 11 1 & pac ;ii .. Chile Copper lAJa 1.80 Chlno Copper 32V4E3'?4 1 coca-Cola 34 1 Col Grnphophono .... 30'5 .. Col Graphophone rts. H 4 Comb-Tab Record.... 80 Ji .. Comput Tab Bee ns.. !4 0 Consolidated Cigar... ftOli 2 Con Interstate Cat M. 14 4 Consolidated Textiles. .15 34 'iji 114 14 li 1 H 14 7 Continental Can f 7 1 Continental Candy ... 11', 4 Corn Products Ret.... 1314 12 Crucible Steel 1.1HV5 10 Cuba Cano SugaV 42 Vi 7 Cuba Cano Sugar, pf.. 80?i . . Cbn Am Sug Co new. . . 84 U 10 Hel Lack & Western. . 170 .. Denver & Rio O pf. ... II 'i .. Elk Horn Coal 21 .. l'nierson-Brantlng , 2015 7 KnuTsoii-Brantlng pf. 7SVi 6 Hndlcott-Johr.son ....102,5 7 Lndlcott-Johnscn pf .. 07 34 .. Krle IU'j .. L'rlo Isfpf 18V5 .. L'rlo 2d pf 13J 8 Famous .Players-L ... 70 Vi Federal Mln & Smelt 1434 3 Federal Mln & Smlt pf 44 3i . . Freeport Texas 21 d 10 i'lsher Bodv 125". Fisher Body pf 10.134 3 Fink Rubber :0 .. Gaston Wms & Wig.. I2H General Chein pf . . . 90 0, General Cigar (12 7 General cigar deb pf.8lli 8 General L'lectric 141 'i .. General Llectrlo rts.. 134 1 General Motors ctfs.. 3734 A General Motors deb... 7115 7 Gen Motors deb 7... 82 n Goodrich B F 02 2 Gray Davis 2515 .. Green Cananea Cop... 3134 4 Haskell & Barker Car 0334 . Hendee ctfs .10 Vi 1 Hupp Motor Car 17 .00 Indlahoma Ref 734 0 Inspiration Con Cop. . 52 s Int Agrlcul Corp pf.. 8.1 .. Intl Harvester New. I2A . Int Mer Marine 31 o Int Mer Marino Df... 8414 3ii2 28 V5 Vi 50 Vi Vi 59 Vi 13 J .14 87 11V5 92 H 13434 81 Vi 60 34 44 V5 170 HVi 21 20 78V-4 1'2V5 t734 M?i iRVi 13J4 70 V4 14 4(1 H 21 V, 12515 10334 30 3s 12 Vi 00 njj 8114 10?4 IV5 20 7115 8 cor. 23 M34 CIV4 ;ovi 10 Vi 734 41V5 83 U4!i 31 84 42 i - 14 2114- H 88 - 134 H0J4- 34 9V4 .. 12 14 11415- 15 834- 14 23 15 HVi .. 70 t GO 1 II4V5 .. 08 -40 132 r 42 - 034 754 21 f4 80 4 34J4 154 1SJ4 14 1214 4- 34 3254 H 3015 114 34 14 50 Vi-Vi-SO - It 34 34 4 87 11 li 13V4 1C0 4 42 4 8034 54 34 170 - 1115 21 2011 3155 13 W-70V5-HJ4- 43 4- "iH 21 Vi v: 1V8V5 I 103 34 3034- 12 Ji - 00 02 - i 81 Vi- 234 H(3i- Vi I b 4 !4 I8J4 "14 32 3814 00J4 S34 09 0834 30 . 44 Vi .104 34 . 8814 20 Vi . 40 . 32 Vi . 2534 . :03( 0?4 Vi V5 "34 1 M 34! Ji' V4, V4I 5 I Vi ?4 Vi !4 Vi Vi 14 v 3 14 14 1 34 1 4, 27 - 7154 4 82 - 02 I 2V5 iSVif Vj 3134 13 H I 2'4 10 Vi 1 Vi 17 794 - Vi 42 4 ". 83 - 3J4 124 15 4- u 31 h 34 84V5- 15 Dlv, Int i. Internat Motortruck. .. Int Mo Truck rts,.. . . International Nickel , .. International Pnoor . .. Iron Products Corp.. 48 4 Kansas City Southern. .1034 4 Kelly-Sp Tire 107 7 Kclsey Wheel . C3V4 t Kennccott Copper .... 2734 8 Keystone Tiro te Hub. 10 K 0 Lackawanna Steel ... 7434 4. 00 Lehigh Volley 4155 2 Lcewe Co 2814 .. Loft Corp 15J-3 12 Lorlllarcl Tol 130 7 Lorlllard Toll tit...... 101 7 Louisville & Nashvlllo 99 .. Maxwell Motor 25 .. Maxwell Motor 2d pf. 20 0 Mny Uept stores pf... 10055 10 Mexican Petroleum. . .18134 2 Miami Copper 2114 1.00 Mlddlo States Corp... 3114 4 MldvnUwSteel & Ord.. 42 Ji .. Minn & St L new 1334 Mo Kansas & Texas. 734 .. Missouri Pacific 23 Vi .. Missouri Pacific pf... 4134 .. Montgomery Ward ., 4 Mulllns Body . . Vnt Aniline & Chcm . . Nat Conduit & Cable. 0 Nat Ennm & Stamp, 0 New York Central., 2.80 New York I.tick... .. New York N II & H. 2BJ5 7 Norfolk & Western... 0214 ' 7 Northern Pacific 73 Ji 4 Ohio Cities Gas 40 . Okln Prod & Ref 434 8 Otis Klevator 121 3 Owens Bottling Much. 83 ... Pacific Devcl Corp... 05V4 6 Pacific Gas ft Hlcc. fl Pan-Amer Petrol... 7 Pan-Amer B .. l'enn Seaboard Steel, 3 Pennsylvania R R. . .. Peoples Gas Chicago . . Pere Marquette . . . 8 Philadelphia Co ... . . Tierce-Arrow Motor 8 Plcrcc-Arrow Mot pf.. 9754 .. Pierce Oil 10J4 8 Pressed Steel Car.... 0714 7 Pressed Steel Car pf.100 8 Pullman 112 5 Puntn Alegro Sugar.. 108 15 1 Hay Con Cop........ 1734 4 Reading 8534 . . Remington Typewrite? 70 .. rteplo Steel 8RV5 0 Rapuhtla Iron & Steel. 03 8 Republic Iron & Stl pf OS 15 It Rels fc Co 1st pr... 80 B.20 Royal Dutch Amtr. . .HSJi 1 nt Joseph Lend . . St Louln San Fran. . . Saxon Motor .78 Shell "transport .... .. Sinclair Oil 0 Southern Pacific . . . . . Southern Rail 20 Standard Oil of N J 7 Stan Oil of N J pf H4V5 . . Standard Oil N J rts.. I?i 4 Stewart Wurncr Sp.. 42 4 StromDcrg Carb 0815 3 Superior Steel 43 7 Studebaker 71 Ji .. Tenn Cop & Chcm.... 1(1 55 2.50 Texas Co 48?j '. . Texas & Pacific 4134 0 Tobacco Products .... 0355 .. Transcontinental OIL. ISVi fi Transuo & Wms Steel. 531i 2.50 Twin City It T 3014 0 Union Bag & Paper. .11834 .. Union Oil 20 10 Union Paclflo 110 4 Union Pacific pf C2V5 4 United Alloy Steel 41 1, 8 United Drug 12734 2(0 3.00 United Drug 1st pf... 4854 20J 13 United Fruit 2C0 3 United Retail Stores.. 7054 .. U S C I P & Fdy 10V4 0 U S Food Products... 01 Vi 11 u o ina jicoiioi o; 8 US Rubber 8 US Rubber 1st pf. ..US Realty & Imp 5 US Steel 7 U S Steel pf 7 Utah Copper . . Utah Seo 4 Va-Carollna Chcm 0 Vanadium Corp .., . Vlxaudou Inc .. ... . . WiiDash . . Wabash pf A . . Western Maryland . . Western Paclflo . . 7 Wohiern Union Tel 4 Wcstlngliouso K & M Hales BOO 800 1300 10C0 430 V 000 . 310 100 800 2290 7001 100 1300 2000 200 100 200 100 1C0 too 4300 100 1200 1700 000 200 2900 400 too 100 3Q0 300 100 400 100 1900 400 1000 1100 2030 200 100 200 100 D400 1800 300 100 200 000 500 4200 100 300 40U 100 1(0 3C0 100 7400 100 2000 5800 100 200 2200 100 4300 1100 800 2700 720O 3800 f 00 100 900 100 400 100 1940 400 7000 12700 0D0 000 200 100 200 410 1000 100 100 1G0 . 2:30 Net High Ihvw (NYtm) Chite. o 40 Vi SI 1V4 18 V' . 21 34 . UJi . 73 35 . 05 . S3 Si .080 1201 3r0 2901 1200 :noi 303 400 21930 1001 .".CO 100 100 3tno 1U0 100 800 GOO coo 400 2100 too 703 12J0 1430 40f 5 0 mi 200 ... 1034 ...108J4 ... 8334 ...04 .. .107(4 ... 10 J', ... 734 ... 73 Ji ...75 .. 18 ... 7Ji ... 2355 ... DJi .. 37J4 ...85 47 i 4 Wi stlllg II (c M 1st pf 02J4 Wheeling & L V 1054 4 White Motor 8154 1 Willys-Overland 18 7 Willys-Overland pf... 80 . Wisconsin Centrnl ... 2734 7 Woolvvorth pf 110 " Worthlngton Tump .. 07 Kx dllJni. t Kx-rlclil". t 1814 7154 43 J4 . ICO 03 J4 37 20 74 41i 2814 14 Ji 13S 2.V 30 100 Ji 180 2154 30 H 4215 13 2334 41 33 38)4 00 H 34 09 C8 30 28 14 to 7314 39 Ji 414 120 83' CS 44 Vi 103 V, 0734 255 40 33 H 21 Vi 3054 83 14 0754 HIJ4 87 100 112 108 1 34 84 54 70 8714 0114 05 80 mV5 15 54 2.1 Vi 1134 7734 34 J4 04 54 3134 (0934 U4V5 134 43 00 48 6934 10 Jf 4734 43 63 18V4 8314 30 14 115? 28 34 IIS 0214 41J4 12734 18 V5 208 14 0014 1054 CO 34 8334 OS 108 83 93 Vi K034 10V5 714 73 Ji 74 18 7Ji S3 0 34 27 8434 4034 02 Ji 10 4034 1734 70 27 110 07 114 V4 Ji 34 14 34 14 154- 234 18J4 14 72J4 1 45 1 1034 V 107 2 0SV4- 114 2734 H 20-1 7434 . . 4155- 54 2814 14J4- 34 135 - 1?4 101 90 '28 20 - I 10054 180 aivi- 3154, 4334 1334 734- 2514 154 4114 14 32 3854 1 0034- 114 034- 14 09 V5 08J4 J4l 30 4- Ji 28V5 Ji M14 254 73J4 34 39J4- 14 434 54 120 3 4.1 IIS 3 4414 .. 10434 1J4 H734 54 2015 Vi 40 54 3214 - 54 2534 V4 301, V, 5134 Hi 07 V4- Ji 10V5 li 0714- 14 too 113 - 54 108 - 14 1734 8534 194 70 4- 1 &8V5 115 03 4- 1J4 95 80 - 1V5 1I8J4- 54 IS 15 -I Vi 2434 134 11J4 H 7734- 34 35 85 4- Hi 42V5 1 (0934 154 114 V5 r Vi 134 . 42 4 134 00 - 1V5 48 Ji 0034 Hi! 5 .. 4834 1 4434 -54 C3 - 14 1854 54 5314- 14 30V4 .. 1154 34 28 ?4- Ji 115 - i 0254- 54 tin- 54 12734- !i 481-5- IVi 2C0 4- 34 7014 4- 15 114 0t!i Ji 8434 Ji 8034 I- IJi 10814- H 5334- 84 r 11634- C0J4 4-755- 73 Ji V, 4- 154 18 7Ji-23154-934 27J4 84- 4034- I 02 Ji- 314 10V4 4 V, 8034- 134 734- Vi 80 4- i 2734 . no - 1 C7 - 54 1 Commodity Markets Philadelphia Stocks COTTON MARKET New York, May 14. The cotton inar- ..i sj ket opening vvns rather featureless to- da.v, tirst prices showing " points net fllC. 4- 1 1 .10 llluh Ihw p in I.-.O Am Sirs.. V.W, -lit''. t.'U. II Am (ins. 40 40 III L' I decline to 4 points iidvnnoo. Liverpool i:i4 i:i Hlnr..ll-Tnt llll-'s 117 'ijwiis a buyer of July. Uooin traders HS7 I Co N A L1I L'SVj 2SU... bought a little cotton on private rc- .11 I.0I1 nl.. 4P4. 41 414,4 s I ports of heavy rnlns in Oeorgin. but 1 tMidvnlo. 1.1 . !.. I.. 4- 'j ator sold on iinoflieial nrodletlnns for I fnlr conditions In the West. There iviis bout cool lil PITTXBURCM TRICK UIIPIN8 Kvji Phil r.iee im; 4(11 Phil H T UJ'j 'XI 10 tUending S."'1 S.V", !." Tmin ltd. I'l, 1ai J.lt! T (i I.N II l.'l '.. 200 do war. 's K 10 tr s stl. :: f"', TOO tWA.1, K 10H UVH 10 V N V & ' I'ii 12 l'J -' ' 1 ' lonsiderablo complaints al .os"' ' .s 1 niglits in the eastern holt. I'll 'u l. 1..KI..1 11....,! ...t I'll 2u !' ..til lliltllll tl.Viilu tii-1.nu fnll nlmiit ... . . ' " .-...- .. .. . r. 1. i. ...... v t.t .. - ' . .i.i n,.lnR lmt rprrninnil nil tit., liuu jut . . . 1 l ......I.. 1 !..!. ...!.. llll.t IIIKf Mllll(t III lllllll'JIIUlllMl HI 11 bullish consumption icport. and wore about 10 points over Inst night's close. i.-s v time) 1 1 :;o ' ii:ii, u, 10i, 'i 12 -2 t rhanc maf bv coinpdrlson with Ui-t 1 fQV kdl on New Vurli Him k Kxihanae I July IIONI) lllKll !.' I .11 NVt I hue eiii!ffliMiiiiaiiiiii.iiiiiiii:i!i!iiii!irj:iiiii!i;i;i;!!iiii;!Ui;ii;i!:i(ii;iaiiirj'JU Investment S Suggestions 9 We have just prepared n circu- 1 lar listing 90 attractive bond y orferinRS, lnciuriinf:: 28 Municipals, 14 Railroads, 16 Public Utilities, 6 Industrials, 17 Foreign, 15 Short Term. The rate, maturity, price and yfeld of these bonds are in dicated, as well as their tux exempt features. Many of the bonds are leRul investments for Savings Banks and Trust Funds. Send for a campltmenturji copy of thia circular, No. L-60 A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. 115 South Fourth Street 1 ffiSfflliiHMIMIJKlfiBEOMBIttE 'S hftl.K 111 iP0i I lilec I 'on Tr Is .1!! .VI .-,!! .. 1 Lehigh Vnl g IV..s :003 75 7." 7."i .. 1 Lib Bonds 1st i,s. S.- 10 R.-.I0 S.-, 0 1 I 1-." 2d 4i,s. M Ml S4 so Sl.so .'JO 7 :td i'4s.. .:ts ss.'j ss.u'j .(is 04 'i Itli 4'',s. 85 4(1 s5 18 S5.:i(l .22 22 Vlct'y -n,s H.-i 7S li.-, 70 115.78 12 10 Natl I'rop I -lis 15 15 15 .. lid I'n tern otf.llilns lOI'-j 101's.. I Uend'g g Is 7!Mj 7!'j 711' i Vj l NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Now Yorli. -May 1 1 In the absence of official cables from llrazil. owing to a holidnv there, the local coffee futures 'market opened ver.v quiet this morning, unchanged to 1 point higher, with M tiansai tions conliiied to a couple of lots FS ... .i... M..-..1. .i.,ii. ... Ill llll' .111111-11 llt'Jlli'1.1 Tlio innrket continued inactive around imddnv. with trades in September and March at initial figures, tlio undertone being ver.v stead), with operators uvv nitiug developments. ('inn offers' from llrnxll were few in number and iiracticall) uucliHiiged. The local spot market continued to show a moderate demand from tho interior nt iinclianged prices The Safest Investment on Earth: LIBERTY BONDS at thn prrnrnt "llnrcaln" Iriel Scott Stump Investment Securties tJI'KOIAMHTH IN ODD LOTS Stock Exchange Bldff. l'HILADKM'llIA. I'A. New York Onlrr. 40 Ktrhanr I'liro Rmnrbeal CoalmvlII. NarrUtown. 1'u.i Chiuiibrrbunr. l'. Dlrisrt 1'rlmlr UJrra we rp lllll hipleml.-r Dectmtirr Murth Vl I IOH H (III1R 1 1 nutpno II .10DI.11 U .101. 11 IS y tim) Toilayg npn h in 11 BSWtr. 10 1.1 01 it no fen i ii hi 1 1 so i :.t 14 filsl.11 Or I Doe Ian March I're rlnao 40.:il) nK.II.'i . n. on .1.1 I Ml .14 .1M 'C'liinw a m III IDId 40 III 17 as on a? 0", .11 fl.1 .11 SO :n ill .11 si :ti .il' 34 a I .1.1 7 I 1 ..111 p in. ns io n.'i wi a i. in ai in Tioga Trust Increases Dividend Tho Tioga 'Crust Co. lias declared a semiannual dividend of 1 per cent, pay able June 1 This Js an Increase of I per cent In the regular semiannual ills, iributl ii. :uevIous declarations having bi!-n Hindu u- 'J in lent regular and I per cent extra Tho sum of J 10,000 has -rfen ailiied to surplus, making tho total JflG.OOO. BAR 8ILVER Commercial bur silver was quoted In Sew York, today at 39c nu ounce, a decline of Jie in ixmuon, ni "u lower, ni ou. GRAIN MARKET Chlcagn, Mav II. After an iriegu lar start, the corn market improved this morning. The volume of business was sniull. but lui) lug orders In the pit were sufficient to iib-orb offering. JQi homo iiiurters seiithiicnt was bearish on tech nical conditions, lmt receipts were iignin small, amounting to only .'11 cars here. Ma.v opened 1 i,o lower, nt $l.!irtj bill rallied ' cent later July was quoted at $1.75 to SI. 75'... al the outset, com pared with SI 75','j at the close jester da), mill impioved 'i cent. September started nt SI. 02 to ?1.(12, nguiust S1.(I2', )esterdil's last price. Onts were steadier, but trade wns 'light. Openitnrs wore waiting for n leader. I'xporters wore again in the market for wheat and shippers declared that all the wheat offered over night for I'uropo had been accepted. HecelptK of oats hero todnj were sixty cars. .Ma) opened V higher at, !fl.(H:i. anil moved up lo $l.()."iVfc. .IliTv started at 1HV ' 01r)sc. ngiilnst III ' t Iho closo yestordn). and later sold at JJ1,V'. September started at 7"V4' In 75'yc, jigalnst 75!I'C at tho elosu jeHtonlu). and later sold at 750. Heceipts of wheat hero today were live enrs. n .Minneapolis 18(1 cars, al Duliith lifty-scvon cars and nt Wiuul peg 12S cars, Leartliie fulurei runiioil an foo Cliliaco I'orn (nnv rtlvT lm Vent Open lllnh 1)W ini.in cio. Mj . t n.1 1 U.14 1.U3 1 . tl IU'4 julv i I 7.1 I 7Uli 1.7H 1 70S I 7.V Mnv'"-. 1 nt4 l uH4 1 ni iiiiVjint'i July tiX 'Ji nS i'2'l mt. Ju,'Br',T21 30 21 10 21 '.'O -M 37 '21 42 juii"'" 'isnn os '18 us in.oo io.o.i III'! tAnki-rt Prices Steady on Paris Bourse farls, May 14 Prices were steady on thn Hourse today Three por cent lentes were quoted ut 68 francs j exchange, on london, 68 francs. 30o; C pe,r cent loan, 87 francs, 06c. The dollar was quoted gt 16 francs sotjic FOREIGN EXCHANGE Jsew nrU, May 11 The opening quotations In the lorelgn exchange mar ket were Irregular vv lib slight changes Prime Luropean ecnanges showed de clines Kiel ling was again easier, dc- Financial Briefs Tho North Philadelphia Trust i'o linld Its annual banquet fortmiplojci of tho company at tho tlellcvue-Ktratford IiihI mun.l Mellliin. fur .ml nml c.il.les nt "" i nore were niiy iroseiu lll . ., ' , ,., . I ulnnor was follovveil ny u nance 1 Ot A' I........... .. ARn .1.... .. nnlllmr ..I , d,n-, ,-i.iii.n .. vi ...j..i. Relllng at 16.36 for cables and checks at 15 37. Llro were quoted at 20.00 for cables and checks at 'JO C2. Other quotations weie. Ilolglan cables 1145. checks 14.17; Swiss cables 6 70. checks 5 72. guilder cables 3G '., checks 30, , pesetas e.ibles 1C.85, checl.s 16 80; Stockholm cables 21.00, cliecks 20 90 J f hrlstlanla entiles I8 60, cliecks 18 10; Copenhagen cables HG.70. checks 1GC0; marks 2 07 YKSTCIIUAV'S I'INAI. HL'orATIOS'H SlerllnK Francs l.lr Uulldna Dninn. .1 si 1.1 22 20 a: am. CablfH .1 st" )IV2n 20 SI mm TODAYS OI'KNIMJ QL'OT VTIO.NH a si in :i7 2H 02 aos 3l 1.1.11 2" ilu 3HV NOON yUOTATIOS'S Mrrllns: Kraiu'H I. In- liulltlerH 3R1U 1.132 2" .12 3111. .1 S2 1.1311 20 W) 3I1'A Dfinnnd C'ublrs DniHiul Cilhles MONEY-LENDING RATES M;iV 10I1K- Money on call, both classes of collate rat. opened lodnv .it 8 per cent for lending and renewing There vviih no Indication of leliixation In thn time money market toda, tho only rate mentioned being '.' peiv font Business was at a minimum. In piliin meroantllft paper, the minimum was again closo lo 7 Mi per cent Prime bank acceptanies weie quoted, noiiilniillv, nt CUti6Vi Per cent The market was narrow ami Inclined to dull ness i 'all loans on acceptances were un changed at 5'i per cent. I'll II. Mir.l.I'MIA Call, r, nor cent, time, fi tier cent; cojnmerclal paper, thr to sl months, U per cent (Note These nro morel v nominal quotations, as the legal rate of Inteiest In the siato of Pennsylvania Is llxed nt fi per cent Plus premium and commis sion lime money for thirty to ninety dnjs Is loaning 7 per cent, whllo com mercial paner from threo io six months Is being offered nt 7 and 7' per cent ) LONDON Money Is quoted at 69i per cent Discount rales, short and three months bills, 6',j per tout BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearlnmi today compared with cor rmpoiidln day lant two xnars lO'.'n mill 1018 Phlla , 8S,iimi 731 ini.nns sr.s tno.ft.is.'.'oi v. . 730.874. ii4(i sin.noi I7H llHlllinorn IS. 200.130 I2.HH4 1120 llQHton 07.0111,017 0(1.11.0 111.1 6U.13U.U71 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chlrairo. May 14 HODS- r.stlmatrd re rttpt, 30.000 lieert, left nifr. 1.1.542. HteaOy to loo lower $18 111 paid Avrraue rci vetlerday. I4 111) I'ATTI.U 15llinatl reentpts, 7000 head BIIKEP Katlinateil ruelpta,. 5000 head. l'lttsliurdi, l'a.. May 14 1IOC1H Ite rolpta. 1200 head Market higher Htavlea, J4 r.0(i(H.55i heavy yorki-ra J1H4P HI -Jll; lliht yoiHera. 11.1.25815 75 pl(a, I1I.75M '"hhBBP AND LAMIIH-Itcrelpta, 1400 head. Market aleady. Top aheep, 11.50i top lamhn, 1". ... i CAI.VEH Reeeli'ta, 200 head. Market al..rfu TAT! IIS. " (WWVfl Tho averngo price of twentv active Industrial stocks decreased 0.49 per cent yesterday to 90.80. while the twen ty railroads declined 0.03 per cent to 71.73. A. I. VS. .Smith, president of the Northeast Coal Co. and afllliated com panies; Henry W Bromley, vice presi dent of the North American l.aen Co , and William S. Kvnns, of tho luni or West & Co., havo been elected direc tors of tho Colonial Trust Co. The membership of IJ J. Scott on tlio New York Cotton Lxchonge, has been sold to II. a. doss for $2-. 000, a jp. crease of J2500. vfllllnm S. Kvans, of West & Co has been elected to tho board of directors of tho Coopers Creek Chemical Co., of West Conshohocken. The New York .Subtreasiirv gained $.111,00(1 from the banks .veslerdii). mak Ing a cash net gain since. Friday of $2,866,000. y Reserve Banks Discount Rates Ofllcloli discount rates at the twelvo Federal rtesorvo banks were as follovvs (Tho first column gives rates for all periods up to and Including a flftcen day maturity, tho second for a period of sixteen to ninety dii)s The third and fourth columns glvn tho rates of dig. counts of collateral loans secured by government bonds or notea ) fom'l paper fioilm. ,1. (U 1,1 Ul 1H)H II noton Nw York Philadelphia Richmond . Cleveland Atlanta . Chicago . 81. I-ouU Minneapolis Knnaaa'Clty Dallaa . San Krnnclm o 1MI in I.. nrt das I5ilin ansa I ii 1 II 0 ,, II n (I n n II il II fi il H (I it 0 il ft 14 r'! "? ni4 51, BVi 5 '4 5 'A nvj r.Vi ii-, r'i Ilntes on outhlnndimr reriin.-r. in ,.r Indebtedness continue unchanged at 6 per cent with tho exception of Minne apolis, where tho rale Is 4?, per cent GOVERNMENT BONDS Panama coupon 2a 1030 Tanama reg-latered 2. 1S30 Panama coupon 'i 1031 Panama reslatered 2 l3s Panama coupon 8 10HI Panama realalerM 3. Hull Philippine 4, lli.1l Philippine 4a, 1035 . Philippine 4a. HI.HI U H Govt roupon 2a. lliin V H Oovt registered 2s 1030 IT H Oov( loupon 4a 1U2ii U H llovl reglatered 4a, 102.1 Hid mi .101 101 .101 . 7S 7R . S.I . A I . SI mi'i lOI'J ion i on Ask 102 102 102 1112 SI SI 111 ia U.I 111.' 111'.' 107 107 U. 8. Releases Nitrate of 8oda Washington, Mny II. Under nu thorlty of o Joint resolution ndoptoil re cently by f'ongrcss, tho War Depart ment yesterday released 100,(100 tons of nltrati! of soda for solo to tho public Tho selling prlco haH been fixed of SS8.D0 per ton, which Is estimated to government. INDIAN PACKING HITS NEW LOW Curb Issue at 8 Aftor Selling Abovo 50 Less Than , Yoar Ago New York. Mny H. There here Ir regulor clinnRrs In tho Ilrjmd Ktroct curb mnrkof today with most liniiorlnnco at tached to tlio action of Ind nn I'sckiiiR. wlilcli sold down from H'i to N'h. " now low tocord. I? than n yoar ngo this stock sold above TiO. United Hetall Candy, whlclf advanced to 17 last wook, was inner pressure, sollliiB at 14?i to 14 nml Hwccts Co. of America sold at 1!)i to IVi; Suli marinc Hoat was In t Rood demand, movlnR up from 1.'I to UI-JJ. Ocnoral Asphalt won one of the mnit nrtivo fcnttlroi, nilvniieluif over two points to 70 In the forenoon with n reaction in Iho Inst half of the day. Hlmnis Petroleum was dull, with n small amount of business nt 17. Phillips ronecd from .'11 to .'10 11 lid International Petroleum sold nt 5W. IMIUHTIUALS II lull 2!i . 7 1.114 7 7Ni till 12 n4 2. 2'4 .12 lit II 12.1 134 14 30t .11 'J 1H4 I IVi 3S 22U 3S llll 7 12(i Kt 2 10 20 3'i 80Vj 3Sft 5S I'n 34 34 .1H4 14 4 ' I 30 a 17 1014 btl !. 1 2V4 II 7 low 2W 15 it OIlW 20 54 Si 114 as 24 it 13 '! 3Hi 31 41$ 37 .. 3014 00 7Ji 12i S'4 38 20 3'; S0j '4 3S 6'i i.v; 4 ai 3. "Si 3.1 17 10H 754 I 1U i:no U.ni. ?H u.(, 7 711 20 r.;; K4 ny, OS 4,M 125 l.iH IN 3S'4 31 '-'Ji 14 uw 11(4 2W 38 2.11 .HI 1,4 on 12(4 atfc '4 20 80'4 ',4 .m 13S p. . as n 3o4 1H 3'4 30 n 104 SO ,vt 1 1U 26 26 81 28 4' 50 1" .A 11. :l 0 7 i r. S3 2S 59 Vs. i; 0 7 .1 Arm Coal Amerlrnn Candy . Am Woolen Ills Ilrlt Amer Tob loupon Columbia I'.mcrald (leneral Asphalt . . Uerculea Paper . .. Ileyden Chemlenl .... Indian Parking1 . .. National leather . . North Amer Paper ... Porfertlun Tire . Itadlo Com lladlo Com pf . . II J llfnolda (new) . Mlngrr Mfe Submarine lloat Swecla Co Tlmea Miiuare Auto U S HUh .Speed Tool . U H Htrani United I'lit Prod . L'nlli.d Itet Cundj Itanlcr . IMIKI'BNDKNT nif.S Allen Oil Allied Oil lloatnii W'jomlnK Carlb n Cltlea Service "11 ' Cltlca Hervlee pf. Coaden A Co Dominion Oil Klk llaaln Pet (llenroek Oil (Iranada , . . llufley aillenple Home Oil Houaton Oil lludaon Oil lot Petrol . . . Inland Oil Kay County linn I.lilnKston Morrltt Oil Metropolian I'd . .Ifprlen Pel ... . Norlli Amer OH Phllllpa Pel Phllllpa Pet Itli Itcd Iloek Oil Itjan Oil Salt Creek Prod Mequujah OH Slmmn Pet Skelly OH Texas PailOo Oil. Tr nltr oil Troplral Oil . un Texan llll . Vlptorla Oil ne .... MIMMi VtaBka Pr Columbia.. . Atlanta . Helcher Plvlde neither Hxtennlon ....... Ills I,edKc 1100111 . . r IIOHtnn A. .Montana Caledonia MlnliiK Calumet H .teronie, Candelarla Mln . Corler. Silver Crcnon Gold Crencent McNamara Hureka Croenua . . tJurrka lloll) 40 .Mlnlns Uoldcn Halo Hxp . Gold Cona Hold Development (lold lieu una . . . Hold Merger Hold Silver Pick .. Hold one . . . Hreut Mend .. .. Kmma silver Heila Mining Knox Divide I,outnlana Co ... McNamara Marah Mining . . .Mother l.ode . Mother lode new . Murray Mog . . . North Slar Ophlr Silver ..: , .. I'rlnie I'on ... Hot heater Mlno Hope tirovip San Toy Silver Kins: of Ariz Silver King Divide Steuard Mining- Sllrceaa Mlnlnir Tonopah-Helmont innopah Caah Ilov Tonopah-JIm Ilullor TonoDah Mldw.iy Tonopah Mining Tonnpnh Itenme Hula united KaMern Victory West llnd C White Caps While Caps Kxt IVIIbert Ycrriniitun ItONDS Allied Puckers 0s Del A Hudson 7a . Texas Cm 7a Weat r.lco 7a MORE COTTON CONSUMED Spindles Active During April Num bered 34,346,737 Washington, May 14. Cotton con sumed during April nmounted to 667,839 bales of lint anil 29,955 bales of Intern, thn census bureau announced todnv Consumption In April Inst was 475,875 bates or lint and 11,478 of llnters. Cotton on hand April 30. In consuniliu; establishments, wns 1.809,253 bales or lint und 287,716 of llnterb, compared with 1,379,392 of lint and 273,748 of llnters a year ago. and In public ntoniKO and at compresses 2,967,931 bales or lint und 392,876 or llnters. compared with 3,976,257 ot lint and 211,326 of llnters a year iiro. Imports durlliR April wore 69,357 bales, compared with 36.163, and exports 546,125 hales of lint and 6158 of llnters. compared with 411.916 of lint and 951 of Haters In April last year. Cotton spindles uctivu dtirluK Apt II numbered 34,346,737, compared with .13, 2,o8,670 ill April last year. Quotations Mixed on Refined Sugar New York, May 14. Tho Federal Sugar Ilellnlng Co. has iinnnuirtoed a prlco for rellned sugars or 26 cents per pound, less 2 por cent for cash for July and August delivery. Tlio American Kugnr Heflnlng Co. niyl the National Co. continue, to offer rellned nt 19.5, less 2 per cont for cash. Albucklo Dros. quote 23 cents, but aro accepting no business. Tho raV market continues narrow, with only 1C.0B0 bags reported In the sales of yesterday. Boston Wool Market Dull lloatnii. May 14. Tho Commercial Ilul. letln tomorrow will say: "Tho wool mar ket bns been dull this week for tho most part and prices aro easing a lilt except on thn choice flno wools tho world over. The Australlaii clip pool has been rejected by the growers who want a fren market. The goods market Is very dull anil unsettled and cancell.i. lions have been reported morn generally In woolens. Iluylng In the West has lessened." 1 11 11 11 in is is '!' 2'4 2V4 II II 0 t" IS IN 0 11 0 ii Z ii 10 in in 50 5(1 51) .IS 54 5 '4 71 7.1 7.1 .1 5 .1 '. " N r.'4 r." ,V t i i .1 3 .1 li is is 1 1 t HI HI HI 7', 7' 7 '4 IS IS IS 10 10 10 ir W P is is IS :ii 31, 31, 12 ti 12 1 A 1 '4 1 ' 111 in in ii ii ii .1 .1 3 on', fig iiiii'I inn Km US'. OH". lS lis' 08'. Uii'I Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, May 14. Spot cotton was unlet today with prices easier on the basts of u decline, of 14 iolnts for mid. tiling at 20.10(1 Tlio sales wero 4000 bales. The recolpts 14,000 bales, In cluding 12,100 bales American. Futures were easy In 4ho earlv dealings. Spot prices were: American, middling, fair, 3190d; good middling. 28.90d: fully middling, 27.65d; middling, 26.40d; low middling 23,10d; good ordinary, 19.9Ud. and ordinary, 18.90d. Steel Merger Hits Snag New York, May 11 While tho pro. posed Independent steel merger, hivolv Ing Ilethlehem Steel Corporation and Uickavvanna Stool Co., Is not definitely off, It is leiKjrtod by onn of tho news bureaus that many obstacles havo been encountered which Interests Identified vvlth transaction ,may not bo nblo to overcome, .. 1 u 1 UM mu mBHMKiuHHHnuiHMBavaiiiiniBi aiiffliiiiiniiiiiHll'fflWyalMaiMMBBMBMawwaMaaaaaegpBggeMMaaMaMBaaBjyw m o NLY by the test of everyday business contact can you realize me iuu vaiue of Continental-Equitable service. OFFICERS JOHN V, SKl'.l.l.V, President 1 JKRKMI.XII J. NIII.MVAN. Vleo Preahlenl JIIIIN .11. t'AMPHKI.I., Mre I'realilent .KIIIN It. VJINTK1). Vice Prealilent .KtllN V. I.OIKIIINKV, Seeretnrj' anil Treasurer limVAKIl T. KMITII, Aaslslnnt fieerelarr and Treasurer 1MM.IAM J. I'lTZPATHICK AWatnnl Herrelnrr JOHN P. Mr.1IKN'.MIN'. Aaalntiint Trenaurer , IIK.NUY 1. HTITKKI.f.. Trust (Mirer IIKMtV M. Kni.t.KIt, Title Officer .HIHKI'II .11AM.ON, Ileal Kalnte Officer ltltOWN' & WILLIAMS, Counsel DIRECTORS M'ATHON" K. AI.COTT LDWAH!) P. llHALi: ALlltKH K. llUflK JOHN M. CA.MI'IILLL JAMKM .11, DALY THOMAS DHVI.IN ciiAni.ics r, lmui'.niNO JAMIW A. FIiAHHIlTV MOWAltD II. IHI'.NCII JOHN J. HKNDICnSON HKNltV C. LOUdllt.lN WILLIAM 1. MrflLINN PI'.TKIl 1'. MOVUXN, M, 1. JOHN V. HKKMiY JtinKIIIAII SULLIVAN JOHKP1I C. TItAINKll JOHN It. UMHTKI1 AtlllltnV WKinilTMAN IRA JKWKI.fi WILLIAMS CONTINENTALr EQUITABLE Title aw Trust Company Twelfth above Chestnut Philadelphia Capital: $1,000,000 Surplus: $1,000,000 Over $11,000,000 Deposits Bethlehem Steel Corporation 7 per Cent. Equipmont Trust Certificates Dnted Mnv 1.1. 1020. Due Annually. May 1.1, 102 1 to Muy 13, 1030, Inclusive Issued and Outstanding $2,660,000 Issued Under the Philadelphia Plan Guaranty Trust Company, New York, Trustee $30,000 Due May 15, 1926 98?4 and Dividend 50,000 Due May 15, 1927 98 and Dividend 15,000 Due May 15, 1928 98 !i and Dividend 5,000 Due May 15, 1929 98 and Dividend Prices to Net About 7 'Per Cent Tliit issue of Equipment Trust Certificates will be secured by new cquipmentconUting of 1,000 pre cars, upon which the Bethlehem Steel Corporation 'hat made an initial cash pajlment of 20 per cent. Title to the equipment remains vested in the Trustee until the last maturing installment has been paid. Biddle &, Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET 8 Safety Profit, Can be had in a bond which is the only obligation of a company that is one' of the largest in its line. Net earnings last year over $21,500,000. Aver age last 3 years about $19,000,000. This year will probably exceed $30,000,000. Total interest charges, $3,500,000. Followed by stock with a present market value of $150,000,000. Extraordinary convertible features. May we send you particulars?' , jAeKtEGo: Investment Banners Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Real Estate Trust Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. IN!l!Ultlll!l!l!lllllllllllllllllI!llll minim I llllf! I II llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimillinilmilllllllllli n :.rih' -m 'IF msmMmmwmmm i;iiiiMiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii wkwmwmmmmwmfflm NEW JERSEY MUNICIPALS Exempt From federal Income Tax $19,000 Essex County, N. J., Hospital. 4 t 154,000 Essex County, N. J., Imp 4s 10,000 Elizabeth, N. J 43s ,28,000 Plainneld, N. J 5s 80,000 Passaic County, N. J 5s 300,000 Bayonne, N. J., Water 5y8s 42,000 Perth Amboy, N. J., Water, .43s 100,000 Collingswood, N. J., Imp 5s 47,000 Haddon Township, N. J., Imp.5y2s 75.000 Haddonficld, N. J. 6s M. M. FREEMAN & CO. 421 Chestnut Street TO VI LID ntJi: Alton 1927-1934 4.80 1924-1929 4.80 1928-1929 5.00 1921-1932 5.00 1930-1934 5.00 1926 5.25 1921-1958 5.25 1925 5.25 1926 5.50 1926 5.50 Phone Lombard 710-711 Philadelphia V GE0.A.HUHN&S0NS RTorus and noNns Mtmbera of the Philadelphia. Nt York and ChlcaKO Stock Kuchinits Ntvt York Cotton Kxchanira Commission Orders Executsd In All the Principal Markets uio.Lr.viiK couut hluu. 1418 W'ulnut Hi, NHVV YOlllv IIKl'-ICH 111 llroaJwuy, New York Ainrr. Watrr WorVa & YArc, On, Jim Joiim & I.miKlilln An. 1B3U rhlruao Union Nliillon I1U,. 11)03 I'oniwilldutril Tfvllln 7. I0S3 Krutiblln ltvyy. & l.t. Common ' KUrnlolir Coinmoii & I'rVfrrrrtl Miihoulna & Nhriiunsu ltvi, & ,. .,,r llur Mlirtl y '' Morton Lachenbruch & Co. Utili TITUS 1IIJ)II 1'IIIL.l J1; J2E"ctt 88,j. Kaoj 6080 ' New York Chlcasra Detroit I'lttsbanrb iib inn nrni'iun nnui v ti a- jm w gnvi, Sfr ' I""- W ,mw vivvbv vyn I.V IStM '. .. A:.lx .. . M l' .. -,.7..: ; y.i.-.K.TT ,, k.v ' ,, iinJtK. a.. m ,,ViwLmc$ta ,.,'i-,4,ij;vri...,hi . . .. jM.-Xk ,.; ". vlm ' 'u ( . V- V-.., tAuM';-". ' k ,4 IstMlsTil asTssllTllll Hi II 1 1 llMsssssssssssaliilaMaaai 1 WiranaWlir mri.Y.r lilllall" - v .m'. ni r 'Z . ' ',-.. What jf Yield urn vnn irflUincr from your Investments Is tiio return common surnto with increabcd costs ? Wo havo somo excellent offerings whoso yield is high und safety unques tioned. Baker, Ayling & Young J. W. HWAIN, Jr..!MW" Land Title nidff Uosloit rililadclplil v , , n . 'J .a " ,-:v . c . ' " . vi . m V aW.Atitt- Uj1 MiLsM