-VVSt '$ .C' . V- . y.V.iV'V'V.,. - . . r '", 4 A ( V 'ah .' 2S' 4 .! 'r vti. J ' "' - WITH $10 IN BANK $50-a-Weok Clork Tells of Deal Ho Put Through With Charles Vy. Morso GOVERNMENT BLOCKED SALE ny llio Asocln.etl Tress New York. Mny 14. With n hnnk nccount of $10 nnd unlimited confidence In his ability to get hundreds of thou sands more, K. A. Moultan. of Now Ilochelle. n JfCO-n-wcck employe of a steamship firm, last night starOrd the -onjrrewlonnl committee Investigating the relations of the Morso Interests with the United Stntes shipping board with n recltnl of how .ho negotiated with Charles W. Morws In nn attempted purchase of four steamship1? valued at $730,000 each. , Moultan said he Intundcd to purchasn the Huron. St. Paul, Ulnclinmton nnd Minneapolis from the United States Steamship Co. and that ho gave Charles W. Morse, head of this company, per sonal checks for $340,000 toward the purchase. Tho checks were dated in advance. Reminded by Representative Tom' Connally, of Texas, that ho had pre viously admitted having only $10 In a New Rochcllo bank, Moultan said he Intended to put tho money up to rarer the checks. "This was all n moonshine proposi tion." Connally said. "No, I could havo cot tho money," Moultan replied. ' Moulton said tho deal collapsed when the United States Government refused to transfer the shjps to Canadian rcg iatry, and that Mr. Morse released him from his ('obligation nnd he in turn lave Mr. Morse a release. . "Swapped releases," Representative Connally suggested. ' Says Morso Saved Himself "Oh, no," Moultan replied. "Morse aaved himself from a million dollar suit. I could havo sued hlra for not getting the ships." Moultan admitted he had attended conferences In Washington with Emer gency Fleet Corporation officials In conlpany with other men. Ho is said to be a son of an official in tho Canadian Mnrlue nnd Fishery Department'. Moultan's testimony followed that of Ira Campbell, counsel for tho Emer gency Fleet Corporation. Mr. Campbell told the commlttco that tho , Virginia .Shipbuilding Corporation, one of tho Morse Interests, in an attempt to have $530,000 advanced to the plant for work on ships, infotmed Emergency Fleet officials that they would put up as collateral for security on the loan, mort gages assigned to them by the United States SteamshJp Company, tho parent Morse concern. These, mortgages, according to Camp bell, were to be held against the four ships named later by, Moultan in his tetimony, which were to be sold to two Canadian Companies on an initial payment of $340,000 with the mortgages securing the bnlunco of the equity of the United states atcamsuip company, their owner. Hurley Refused Advance Mr. Campbell further testified that on his advico Edward N. Hurley, then chairman of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration, rofused to advance tho $."(), 000. The corporation already had ad vanced tho Virginia yard S-oO.OOO on a mortgage on tnc plant, lie uilvixcri re jection, ho said, on the ground tbnt the shins were being transferred to foreign registry. Moultan was warned by Chairman Walsh thit anything he said might bo used against him. but he waived Im munity. The chairman nsked him whether he was implicated in the load ing of prepaid freight on two of the four ships in question for overseas destina tion, over which tho shippers have started lawsuits. Ho said that indi agsggsfgggggsl ' '""" "P t.f I fif f .iPllggcgscr agggsV aasTBBslBaf' rectly ho had secured cargoes for tha St. 1'aul find Huron. Moultan related that on request of Charles W. Morso he was Introduced to tho law firm of Whitman, Ottingcr & Rnnsomo and that he asked this firm to organize two Canadian corporations for mm for tho operation of four ships un der the Canadian ilitg, Meantime, ho said, he got in touch with tho Canadian marine, officials nt Ottawa nnd Inspectors looked over the vessels nnd passed them for overseas trade under Canadian laws. Representative Patrick Kelly asked Moultan how ho expected the law firm to incorporate two steamship companies for him without telling them who the officers were to be. "Oh. I suppose they would do the Usual thing," he replied. "Uso somo of the clerks In their office to Incorporate. "You know that Mr. Morso Is a shrewd business man," Kelly nsked. "How did you expect to get four ships on $10 in the bank?" " WAR.SPEEDS WEDDING Corporal Badger 8alls for Border After CJalmlng Lantdnte Bride Lansdalc, May 14. Within two hours after he was married to MUi Pearl Yocum, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Yocum, Corporal Harrison Tyler-Badger, of the United States ma rines, was on board a train for the Philadelphia Navy Yard nnd a few hours later was en routo to tho Mexican border. Corporal Badger nnd Miss Yocum were to hnvc been married on Mnv 20. but when he received notice that his company was about to leave for tho bor der lie obtained n few hours' leave and came to Lansdalc. Corporal Badger's nomc is in at. Louis. STUDENTS CALL OFF STRIKE Court Decision In Expelled Man's Case Placates Albany Classes Albany, May 14. (By A. P.) Classes were resumed today at tho Al bany Law School which had been closed for two days by n "strike" on tho part of the entire student body. The appellate division of the Supremo Court late yesterday reviewed the al leged cause of tlic "striKc" when it vacated a temporary injunction, ob tained by Jacob M. Goldenkoff. re cently expelled from the school for making alleged radical utterances, un der wjilch he sought to continue his studies. The. "strike" wns called Wednesday morning noon after Goldenkoff appeared in the senior clnso roo.m. NAVY DEAD COMING TO U. S. First Shipment From France to Ar rive at New York Ndxt Week Washington, May 14. Bearing tho bodies of 1511 offlccrH nnd enlisted men of the navy nnd marine corns, the Kcrcus is expected at New York Mon day or Tuesday from Brest, with serv ices Wednesday afternoon on tho pier where Joseph iib Dnnicls, sccrctury of the navy i will bi the principal speaker. The TCcrcus is bearing the first bodies of American sailors to be removed from France. On board also arc fifteen bodies of officers nnd men who, died on duty in Mediterranean and Adriatic waters. Twenty-six of the bodies will bo brought to Washington for interment in Arlington cemetery, while the re mainder will bo forwnrded to their homes. LABOR TO TAG LEGISLATORS New York Unions Plan Drive Against "Hostile" Lawmakers Albany, May 14,--(By A. P.) A concerted drive against members of the 10'0 Legislature, "hostile to organized labo.r." who seek re-election next fall will bo recommended to the labor or ganizations of Jhe state by the ex ecutive, council of the Stute Federation of Labor, it wns announced today. The coiiucil, mVeting hero, decided to send to all labor organizations the voting records of members of the Leg islature duriug the last session. THB slate surface gives you a spark-proof surf ace. It gives you a beautiful shingle in the natural, fedsteea ted or green slate color. Theasphalt in Carey Shingles is the best quality nature affords, and is re fined and tempered to, make a water proof body by the oldest and most " experienced makers of asphalt roof togs. The wool felt too is made in the, Carey milis further to assure the superior quality of Carey Shingles. KspwJUjr ASBESTOS magnei 4 Soot tax Evety Building Write or telephone. We guarantee tathf action. AMERICAN INSULATION CO. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS OP CAREY PRODUCTS rtoiKnns avenue and toklky stuht-PHILADELPHIA II DOPO LA CADUTA Dl NITTI Si Dice cho I'On. Bonomi As- 'sumerebbo la Presidenza dol Consiglio del Ministri PubllmM and Distributed Under ... ramaix no. s. 1B1T, on nie at the Postofflce o( Phila delphia. Pa. A. B. DLTtl.r.SON Postmaster General. Pnrlgi, 14 magglo TYOn. Bonomi, mlnietro della 6tierra sotto II dlmlsslo nario Qablnctto Nlttl, ' fortemento so stcnuto per ndsumore la presidenza del Consiglio del Mlnlstrl. Cio' sceondo un dlspaeclo ciunto da Roma al glornalo 11 "1'ctit Parisien.'' Homn, 13 magglo I mcmbrl del pn,r tlto cattoljco alia Camera del Deputatl son fortemento crltlcntl daU'Osscrvatoro Itomano, organo del Vntlcano, pcrcs sersi unitl al socialist! nell'flbbattorc 11 Oablnctto Nlttl. II glornalo dice che doveva nccordarsl 11 voto dl flducla polche' II govcrno nclla questione del postclegrafici dlmostro' quella forza c fermczza domandata dal cattollcl. Londra, 13 maggio. Un dlspaccio da Boma all 'Bxchango Telegraph annun zia cho l'ltalla ha deciso dl rltlrnro le sue truppe da tutta l'Aldanla, ad cc cezlone del Distrctto dl Vallona. Tule notlzla si crede abblo attlnenza con un agglus tamento della questione Adrlatlca per la quale sarebbcro in cprso i negoziat 1 dircttl tra l'ltalla c le Jugoslavia. Lo dlfflcolta' per un nc cordo al rlguardo stavanO apunto in dlvergenze sorto trn 1 duo pass! per In llnea di confine o l'occupaziono del tcrritorlo in Albania. Rome, 13 magglo. Icvacuazione dollo truppe" Itollano dall 'AlChnla nrn' compluta verso la fine del corrcnte mese. .Le forze itnllane occupcrnnno Vallona o l'lnterland, che rimarrebbe sotto In sovranita' delr1 Italia. Be Ylttnrln Kmanuele hn lunsamcntc conferito con gli onprcvoll Paolo Bosclli, uiovanni (iiollttl cU Antonio saianura. rlguardo la crlsl mlnlstcrlalc. Nono o' possible nucora faro prevlslonl, per qu'anto molti ritcngano clie l'On. Nlttl rlavra' l'incarleo dl formaro 11 nuovo Cabinctto. Un dlspaccio da LIvorno onnunzln cho il vnporo italiano "Asslrla" 11 quale fa il scrvizio tra quella cltta' c la Slcilln, Sardcgna c Corsica, ha urtato ad una mina ed e' affondato. A bordo del vaporc vi era una clurma dl 00 uomini. , L'cVulpoggio sarebbo stato salvato da torpcdlni ere Invlatc s.ul posto del disastro. Londra. 1.1 macclo. II corrisnond- cntc del I ii Agenzla Itcuters manda da Romn che, dal glornv cho la Camera rlprese le sue sedutc, la poslzlone del Govcrno si rese difficoltosn ncrche' cento deputatl del partito cattollco si crano agglunti nU'opposlzionc. Mentrc una larga mnggloranza sostcneva Nittlnclla sun polltlca estcra, l'opposizlonc raf forzo' le sue file per la dlscussione della politica interna c la caduta dl Nlttl si deve al rifiuto dl conscntlrc a discuterc 1'agitazionQ del personale dellc poste c del telegrafi. Beatfyg ADDISON. May 12. ARTHUR W. ADDI SON, aged 60, Services Saturday, 2 p.. m.. late residence. 431 Monument St., Gloucester City. N. J, Interment ClarWeoorn. N. J. ARNOIS. May IS. ALUXANDBH AR NOIS, Notice of funeral, from residence. 01 R. Sedgwick ave., Qermantnwn, ARZT. On Msy 12. BARA1I U widow of William II. Arxt. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, Sunday, at 2 p. in., residence, 3007 Redner st. Interment pri vate. RATTEUX. Msy 11. EI.IZADKTH M widow of .lacob Ratteux. In her 82d year. Relathes and friends Invited to funeral services, Saturday, 3 p. m., late residence, 3830 N. 15th st. Interment Mount Peace Cemetery. Friends may view remains Fri day evening. niNNS Mav 13. CHARLES V., son of Charles and Ida Dlnns, aged 174 months. Funeral services Saturday. 3 p. in., at 2332 V. Sergeant st. Interment private. POYD. Suddenly. May 12. WILLIAM Ji, Jr.. husband of Elsie Boyd (nee Orenlnger) and eon of William J and Margaret Doyd. flr. Relatives and friends, also nth District Police. Bush Hill Y. H. A.. Mount Slnal. No. 03. L. P. of A., ara Invited to attend funeral, SaturLiy, 2 p. m,, late residence. 8.17 N. 18th st. Interment Mount Morlah Cemetery. Friends mav call Friday evening. . - HURT. May 12. LAWRBNCH i dearly helned son of May n. and late George A. Rurt. Relatives and frlenda Invited to fu neral, Monday. 8:30 a. m.. residence. 0283 Waahlngton ave. Reiulem high mass St. Carthage's Church 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. BIJZRY. Fifth Mcnth 11th. CHAMBERS M. DUZIIY. aged 84. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral, from late residence. Wenonah. N. J., Seventh Day. Fifth Month 18th, at 010 a. m. ; also Friends' Meeting House. Mulllca Hill. N. J., at 11 a. m. CASNER. May 11, MILL1CENT CAS NER. Relatives and friends, nellevue Coun cil. D. of I..: Camp No. 203. p O. S. of A.; Anna M. Ross Auxiliary, No. 1, S. of V,. Invited to' services, Saturday, 2 p. m., sis ter's residence. Mrs Eleanor Oambel, 1B34 Oakdale st. Friends may call Friday. 8 to 10 p m. COB. May 12, MARY J , widow of John H. Cos, aged fit). Relatives and friends In. vlted to funeral services. Saturday. 2.30 p. rn., residence of her son-ln-Iaw, Charles M. Jolley, BIOS Hawthorne st . Frankford, Re mains may be vlowed Friday evening, CONAJtD. At Boverly. N. J Mav 12. CHARLES, husband of Adelaide M. Conard, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv ices. Saturday. 2:80 p. m.. eon's residence, John W. Conard, Farnum st , Beverly, N, J, Interment Monument Cemetery. CRONHEIM. May 11, .MINA. widow of NATHAN , CRONHEfM Relatives and friends Invited to funersl services. Friday. 10 a. m. precisely, at the residence of her son-in-law, Morris Newman 1820 N. 32d st. Interment Adath Jeshurun Cemetery, Kindly omit flowers. DAVIS Msy 11. at Harrlsburg. Pa.. ANNIE RUSSELL, wife ot Frank B. Davis and daughter nt Henry D. and the late Jennie Forbes Russell, Services At the residence of her sister, Mrs. (lerrgo A. Rassett. 4027 N. Hutchinson st.. Frldsy. 1 p. in. Interment private. DEVINEY Mav 12 CHARLES H, hue band of Marv a. Devlney (nee Mount), aged 82. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Saturday, 3 p. m , from hla late residence. Jullustown. N. J. Interment Jullustown. DICKINSON. Of Riverton. N. J.. Mav 12. MALCOLM MaoFARLAN. husband of Elfla Evans Dickinson. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral lenlees, Saturday, 3 p. m.. chapel of Andrew J. Balr A Son, Arch and jutn sts. internum private DOWNS. Suddenly. May 0 JAMES X, husband at Margaret A. Downs tnee tueiyi. Relatives and friends Invited ta attend funeral, Saturday, 8.80 a, m frrfm hla lata residence, 0831 Klngeesslng ave Solemn re quiem mass at the Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament, 10 a, m. Interment Holv Cross Cemetery Automobile service, UNDERTAKERS KDUCATIONAL Both Netea Our graduates srn in constant demand for arood.Daylnir ang poen Gregg shorthand. the easy, speed ' sneedv system. L.omDleta buin. b'ompiete Duslness and secretarial courses. Day and Nigh Pfssies. Intensive tralnlnr. Knrnl any time. Call or writ for full particulars and catalogue. rim, iu'"'"'-"" iullkue ana louese 1017 Chestnut Bt,. 'e of OommtrM rniiaaeinhla LEARN WIRELESS In the school the government selected for train ng 2000 men. Established In toil, the first school teaching wireless exclusively fn America. Marconi Panel Set and new be Vorest Radio Phone In operation. Expert Instructors. Call PIIIM, SCHOOL OF WIRELESS T.-.W.V Blag.. Ilroad A Cherry Hte rMla, LKAKN TO Hl'Mll VUIIHKUTLY-ITWaU M.JI.f Afltal IMIDI1I KITn in KAatllalll O pfflg. "U K A.HA.ISHaaJ BfASklAH 4l&lk.TtAH gist "rhai.vKi.T.r iwwr" : Slrayer'a Buslnets College rhllsdelphla'a Oreatett Iluslness School am riifstnut Ht. Phona Walnut 8M Young M'omen and fllrls f Pacnno tta.t Four hours .from New York Mil s DiiAHUiici u. rnium. Mirector 404 W Oabool Lana. PWladalJiiia. y Jfcl," BROAD aVM V, . DIAMOND DKATllfl DUNWOODT. Rnrfrl.nlv. I PMIitrfelnhla- on May 11, B. EVANH nUNWOODY. In hla 78d year. Funeral en Haturday. at a p. m from tha residence of Mra. J, H. Serrtll. Newtown Square. Pa. Interment private, at Newtown Friends' nurlal around. Convey ances at Newtown Hquare to meet trolley leavln 60lb at. 2 o'clock, and JVcat Cheater " KitErtY. Mar 12. MARTHA A,, widow of William Isaat Emery, aged 78, Relative ana inenns, w. c. T u Invited to funeral services. Baturday. 2:Sn n. m.. 444 Wtili Inaton ave.. Clifton Helahti. Pa. Interment e private, Arlington Cemetery. Friends may call Friday. 8 to 0 p. m. FINK.--May 12. ADAM, husband of Ada M. Fink (uee Duma), aeed 09. Remalna may be viewed Friday, 7 to B p. m.. at hla late realdence, 108 J Harrison at., Frankford, Interment Saturday, strictly private, FLEMING. At her residence. 8837 Haver ford ave.. May 13. MAIUlArtttT JOI1N80N. wife of Robert Flemlnr, aged 41 years. Services Saturday, 2 p. m., at the Tenth United Presbyterian Church. 3Sth and Hamil ton sts. Interment at Mount Morlah Cem- ,JJrv-...Y,,,!'.ln,t P"day evenln. , Ot,nNNON. Mav n. icI.rANOn TJ. Or.EM.NON (nee Dlllett). widow of Thomas Olennon. Ilelatlves and irifnas invitea to attnd funeral. Saturday. 8:30 a. m.. irom 2828 W. paunhln at. Solemn rrqulem mass i ins i.nurcn or tne Most rrecious inooa tbe XToat 10 a, Interment New Cathedral Ceme- tery 1920. MARY 11., widow of Cart Anthony uniosmun, in ner 78tii year. 1 rienas ana relatives Invited to funeral. Saturday. 11 a, m.. 244 irroad at. ORCED. Suddenly. Mav 12. KIERAN. husband of Marv Oreed (nea Maher). Fu neral Monday, 8.80 a, m., residence. 4907 Hoopes at. Solemn requiem mass t Mother, of Sorrows' Church 10 a, m. Interment bi. iniaa uemetery Relatives and friends, also Liberty Hell Lodse, No. B87, 1). R. IV A., invueu. ItAia. May 12. HAMnrcr. HXin. Funeral Saturday, 1:30 p. m.. from hla nephew's real dence. 130 Delnhlne at. ninev. Tnterfnent at Qreenwood (K. of P.) Cemetery. Remains may n viewed Friday, after 7 P. m. Pleas omit flowers. HANNA. May 11, DAVID D husband of Mary Steer Manna. Relatives and friends Invited to services, Saturday, 8 p. m.. residence. 118 K. Pomona terrace. Qer mantown. Interment private. IIKLUIUTII. May 18, ANDREW, hus band of lato Wllhelmlna llellmuth. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral servloee. Saturday. 10 a. m.. late residence. 2428 N. warnock st. Interment Oreenmount Cem tK', Krl?n.,1, Clv c" Friday evenlnr. . IIOLSTKIN ihy 11, I.AU11A V.. v.lfe ot Charleii F. Holateln. Services Saturday, t p. m., 732 Poplar , Interment West Laurel Hill Cemetiry. -Friends may call Friday. 7 to 0 p. m. HOMILI.ER, May 12. MAROARET A... widow ot late Henry J. Itomlller, aaed 80. Relatives and friends Invited to services, flnturday, tl a, m., dautrhter'o rosldence, B.11B, N. Lawrence st.. Olney. Interment Northwond Cemetery. . HUNTER. May 18. M I R I A M O F. It TRUDt:. daughter of Reeco II., Jr., and Ella Masnln Hunter, aged in months. Funeral Saturday. 2 p. m., from her parents' resi dence, Ntmtown Square. Pa, Interment Arlington Cemetery. IRWIN. May if. MAROARKTJ. IRWIN. Relalhes and friends Invited to services, nn Friday. 2 p. m.. 1817 Falrmount ave, (nt. JfSlINBON Mav 1S HAMttlCr. M.. hut. band ot I.lna Johnson (nee Ke'. Funernl Sunday. 1 n. m., lata residence. 200 In- Plymouth place. Merchantvlllt. N. J. terment private. private KIRCHER. May 11. JACOB KIRC1IKH. aged A8 years. Relatives and friends, also Heywood Bros. & Wakefleld Co., aro Invited to funeral services. Saturday, 3 p. m.. at Ma late residence, 007 Crelghion st, Inter ment private, at Fernwood cemetery. LKUSCH Mav 13, MARGARET C. be loved daughter of Robert and late Alma O. Leusch, aged 17. .Services Sunday, 2 p. m., residence, 114 Wharton nve., Olensldo. Interment private, areenmnunt Cemetery. I.OCKARD. Mav 18. nt tha Method st Eplscoiml Home. Miss ANNA K. IXJCKARD. aged 87, Funeral services at the Home, Belmont and Edgeley aves,, Saturday, 2 'McALRtONER. At Woodstown. N. J Mav 12. MARY ANN. widow of Joseph Mc Albtoner, aged SO years. Funeral services at her late residence. Woodstown, N. J., Satur day, May 15, at 3 p. rn. Interment In Bap tist Cemetery McCONNELL. On May 11. ALBERT I, husband of Lillian A. McConnell, Relatives and friends; also employes drays Ferry Branch. Philadelphia Etectrlo Co.. are In vited to tho service, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m at his lato residence, 0810 Paschall ave. In terment at Mt, Morlah Cemetery. Viewing Frldav evening. McOURK Msy 13. MAnY A., daughter ot late Bernard and Catherine McOurk (nee Shannon). Relatlxea nnd friends and Sacred Heart Confraternity Invited to funeral, Monday, 8:30 a. m., from late residence, 2701 E. Lehigh ave. Solemn requiem mass at Ht. Ann's Church. 10 a, m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. MeNAMEE. Mav 12. ANNIE, daughter of late Patrick and Annla McNamee. late of Olenflnn. County Donegal, Ireland, Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Monday. "30 a, m., from parlors of Mrs M, Mc Laughlin & Son, 2821) Green st. Solemn re quiem masn Cathedral Church O a, m. Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery. MEIER. May 12. SOPHIA, widow of Jo seph I. Meier (neo Gomper). aged 80. Rela. tlves aro Invited to nttend funeral, Saturday, 2 p. nu. from her daughter's residence, Mrs. Emma Forschnsr, 4rtI4 Salmon st. Inter ment Tresbyterlan Church Ground, Brides- "filhvnOttRO. On May 12. BARBARA A., widow of Frederick C Newboursr, Funerai ten Ice nn Saturday at 2 p. m.. at her late residence, 3704 Walnut st. Interment prl vato. PATTON. At his h'ime. 1310 Walnut at.. May 13. DAVID PATTON Relatives and friends, also William II. Schntdor Lodge. No. 410. V nnd A. M , and Harmony Chap ter, No. B2. R. A. M.. Invited to services. Saturday. 2 p. m., at the Oliver II. Balr Bldg., 1R20 Chestnut st. Interment private. POTTS. May 12. JOHN POTTS, husband of the late Ellen Potts. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Saturday, 2 p. m., late realdence. 3504 N. 2d st. Inter ment Oreenmount Cemetery QUIOLEY. May 11. JOHN A . son of Mary A. Kano and late Hugh F. Qulgley, aged 20, Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral, Saturday, 8:30 a, m , residence, 448 N. Dearborn at. Solemn requiem mass at Church of Our Mother of Sorrows 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. RBAQLE. May 12. MARGARET Rela tives and frlenda Invited to sen Ices, at late residence. 120 N. 41st at.. Sunday. 4 p. m. Interment Monday, Stone church, Pn, RHOADS'. May 13. ETHEL A daughter of Franklin and Rose Rhoads (nee Friday), aged 4 years 0 months. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral, Saturday, 2pm, parents" residence, 5020 Keystone st , Wlssl nomlng. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery, niCH. Fifth Month lllh EDWIN O RICH, aged 76. Ilelatlves and friends In vited to funeral. Slxth-dsy, Fifth Month 14th, at Horsham Meeting House, Montgom ery county, at 3 p. m. RUGO. May 12. ANNA J . widow of Elliah O. Run. Funeral services Saturda), 2:30 p, m residence, 0040 Irving st Inter ment private. Mount Mornh Cemetery. Ro malna may bo viewed Friday evenlmr. RUSSELL. May 18. MARY, widow of James Russell, Funeral services Monday. 2 p. m., realdence 2450 Memphis st. Inter ment private, North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Vlewlnsv Sunday, 8 to 10 n, m BCHWARZ. Suddenly. May 12, at 107 Race nt., HARRY J., son of Charles and lata Ellen Hchwari. aged 24, Funeral Satur day. 8 a. m. Interment private, Holy Cross Cemetery. SHARPLESS. On May 13. at the reel dence ot her sister. Mrs. F. E. Hale. 1230 Wagner sve,. OERTRUDR H.. widow of Charles W. Sharpless, nnd dauehter of the lata William S. and Elizabeth Bowen. Announcement of funeral later. SIMCOET. May 12. CATHERINE SIM COB. Relatives and friend lnlted Co fu neral. Saturday. 8:30 a. m. from residence of sister. Mrs. Mary Klannagaii 8102 Kelm st, High mass at Church of Ascension 10 a. m 'Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemeterv. TURNER, Suddenly, May 11 WILLIAM1. KDUCATIONAL noth Sexes SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Special Courses for the Spring and Summer Sessions Are Now Being Organized Accounting II (Evening) Accounting Mathematics (Day) Accounting (Preparatory) -(Day and Evening) Bookkeeping (Day and Evening) Business English (Day nnd Evening) Commcrco and Industry (Day) Gregg Shorthand (Day and Evening) Pitman Shorthand (Day and Evening) Commercial Arithmetic (Day and Evening) Typewriting (Touch) (Day and Evening) Realty I Evening) student who registers any of these courses for now will be 'entitled to a reservation for continuing his course in the regular fall and winter sessions. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Street Below Berks, Philadelphia i ii.. husband of Hannah Turner (nee Jackson). Relatives and friends, also uouri norm Philadelphia, No. 201 V. of A . nnd Ton (tuna Tribe. No. 210, I. O. II. M., Invited to attend funeral services, Saturday, fl a, m.i residence of his father, 39IO N. Reese st. Interment Hlllsldo Cemetetry. Remalna may bs viewed Friday evening. . , WATKns. May 18, 1020. MARY K. (nee McKallen), widow ot Hnmuel Waters. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Monday, 8:30 a, m., late residence. Hustle ton ava. and Penn St.. Frankford, Solemn requiem msss at St. Joachim's Church. 10 a, m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. WILSON. May 12. RTiinL K,, dauxhter ef William and Margaret Wilson, Relatives and friends, alto employe of Uroun "A," Curtis Publishing Co., Invited to funeral, Friday, 3 p, m., parents' residence fi(!S2 Montrose st. IntermenU Fernwood Ceme tery. Friends may call Thursday evening. TOtNQ. On May 11 JOHN A., husband of Llltle D. Younir. Relatives and friends: also Fernwood "Lodge, No, 1143, F. and A. M.I Twenty-first district police, nnd West Philadelphia Republican Club, are Invited to the service on Monday, at 2 p. m.. at his residence, 8A17 Ludlrw st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Frlendi may call Sun day evenlnr. NEOLIN SOLES and 0Sullivan,8 $1 7C Rubber Heels lM DK5T MATKRIAX. CBH WORK GUARANTEED Goodyear Shoe Repairing B01 Fn.nF.RT RTFTtirr PANAMAS Men't & Women DONE UP. RIGHT SCHWARZ THE HALTER 1504 San.om St. HPR1NO RKHORTS ATL,NTIC riTV. N. J. COURXESY. QUALITY. SERVICE HOTEL KENTUCKY KENTUCKY AVE., NEAR BEACH European Plan Rates. II 60 to $4.00 dally. American Plan ia to : dally; $17.60 up w t w t( 1 y a Elovntor: clectrlo light tolephono every foomi running water n rnomn, private natnn. rhono 310fi. N 11 i n? ENNADY. BMCKSTONE VIRGINIA AVENUE AT BOARDWALK American A European ftans. Hot A cold gea fresh water baths. Open all year. DAVID BEKO JAMES C. WALSH Otmtr Cen, Manager GRAND ATLANTIC VIRGINIA AND REACH Hot and cold running water In renms. Private 'baths. Rates. 14 CO day up. Spe cial weekly. Capacity, 600 Booklet. New Ownership Management O. U. PAINTER HAROLD I.ANDON Let us mskn oil feel at home In the "City of Rolumt Henllh" Hotel Morton Ocean end Virginia Ave. f'upnclty 250. Elevator, private baths, etc.t nlwnm open. NEW MANAGEMENT (VfONTICELLO I atUCtLSINCOMrOOI.SlRVIUWIOaJISlW r Kentucky Ave, A Beach. Cap. 500. Modera hroughout: levator; 18 up dally; special wkly. Amir, plan. Ilklt. Meckley ft Fetter. HOTEL MARTINIQUE KENTUCKY AVE. i. BOARDWALK European Plan ftR,; r".'.'. S2 up JACK O. REYNOLDS. Manager. On Boardwalk at Mnntnelter Avau Now open. Private baths, running water all rooms; elevator. Spring rates, H. M, RKEVEB. THE CARLTON CHELSEA AVE. AND BEACH Opens May 15. Bookings now being made. Ownership management, CHAS V. ZA7.7.K1A THE WILTSHIRE Virginia ave. and beach. Capacity 350. Prlv, baths, running water, elev.. etc. Amer. plan Special spring rates. Booklet. BAM Iter. ELLIS, Owner; N. J. COLLINS, Mgr. PITNEY I,ew orlc Ave- nMr B00- American and European plan. Capacity 250. Noted for wnll-cooked food. Large, warm rooms. First-class service. Bpeclsl spring ratee nn nrnllcatlon. Try CLARENDON Hotel Virginia Ate. hot nnd cold near neaelt. All rnnmn with running wnteri private haths. HOTEL BOSCOBEL S"0 St Open all year: 115 up weekly. Phone 117. A. B. MARIO HOTEL EDISON ?&,!" "4nn hotel from beach. Comfortablo rooms. Run nlnr water. Private baths Spl Spring rat e s, Westminster K'- Av- nfar dc- eist. ttCTumuinr tn t prlVRt. i,ath,. rua water; tB wkly.; 13 00 up dally. J. nuhre. WELLSBORO S. Kentucky Ave. Rates J.I, 0(1 dav up, I 117.50 up weekly. MTDRH b PROTHKRO. I HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Always ready. Terms mod erate. Phone or write. M. Walsh Duncan. RISCAYNF Runnliur water In ever PUVftllll. room. Rklt E. RL1TNDIN OCK.AN CITY. N. .1. OCEAN crrY. N. J, "America's Gnat ramify Keaort" LENOX, 5IAH.S. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. nigh and Cool In the Rerkshircs OPENS JUNB 13 Desirable Cottages with Hotel .Service IIOWIS & T1VOROOER, Managers Address until Msy 30, rare Hotel Relmont, 4Id Ht. and Park Ave., New York, Wlntor Resort, Prlnrrsa Hotel, Iltrmuda i:ddcationai. Reth Senea Please aend me full relative to the rmin. Information The School of Commerce Is In ties- mnrxea x. p.ui. mo eimro year I Name Home Address . Business Address K. L. fl-H-'JO L- 50 . ATLANTIC SITY.N.O., , I An-AiRcricaa PlaaHotel i 01 uwuiu.uuivwuirvKai.'-wuuux t I riMpnooraARAOi. I capacittcoo. Wafrrj:jBuzfifr BrniNO RFORTfl AHIIt'BV TARK. N. J. rs UBuy MONTEREY HOTEL The Resort Hotel Pre-Emincnt A S Directly on the Ocean Vr OPENS .TTTNR 10 American Plan Capacity 000 Famous a la carta Grillroom Dally Concerts and Danclns d Cold 8ea Water In Rooms snnnMAN nr.NNis Manager N.y. oraee. 8 Weet 4flth t, Telephone Vnndrrhllt 2200 MrDONNRi.t. en Members N. Y. Stock Exchange NORTH A8BURY PARK. N.J L I T A N Onens May 28th luxurious suites; capacity 800. T. L. 1LRRIB0N. Mgr. Kentucky ESS nf table; large ro service! now management. Fish & First Avenue? 9 minutes n; rAiiirn, i rooms! wmte A uraves. i REACH HAVEN. N. J. THE ENGLESIDE Opena June 18. Every modern convenience; private bathr with sea and fresh wnter! nve tennis courts! booklet. R. F, KNOLE. .Man ager. Also the Covington. West Philadelphia. THE BREAKERS dcfS'S0iR.,S scent's Delight, Fishermen's Boatmen's Ideal. Hay Fever Subjects' Haven. Uooklet. Rates, Open June 12. . SEASIDE PARK. N..J. THE MANHASSET Directly pn the ocean front. Capacity 1100 Booklet. II. ROBS TURNER. Owner-Prop. POINT PLEASANT llBAC!!. N. J. DINE BLUFF INN JTOIMT PLEASANT, N.J. Amonp the pines on the beautiful Mnna quan juvor snore, f.very attraction shore, river & country. Ail outdoor of sen I sports I iner, I Booklet. J. E, Ilcerbon CArE MAY. N. J. MISS I1ALPIN wishes to announce the open. ina Boi ii Special earl of HOTEL WINDSOR on May let. IT season raiss on lOU rooms. M private bat OCKAN (iltOVE, N. J. Hotel Whitfield Cor' Surf n(i "each noici TViuuiem Aveit nMr Abury Casino and all amusements. Fireproof i mod ern. select hotel. Ilklt. Chas. M. Herman. Tho Atlnntic "each and Plttman Aves. Iw House at heach, ivy nuuacnmi. Lav !4 Main Ave. Phone. Layman it Lewis, owners. SWARlIIMOBi;. PA . STRATH HAVEN INN 8WARTIIM0RE, PA. Open all year. Dinner dancea Wed. and Sat. evonlngs. Motorists and Tourists welcome. Phone (ISO. DEVON, PA. Wynburnclnn P" M?j" ,Un"' Especially desirable for business men with families. Rooms with bath at reason able rates. Danclnc Largo grounds, wide verandas. Phone Berwyn 17. WKRNF.RSVILLn, TA. SUNSET HALL en , " cijr- . ful home comforts: crisp, dry nlr. beautiful mountain walks. Excellent tifble Not a sanatorium fIKO S, PAUL. Mgr . WF.RNERHVILT.E, PA. POCONO MOUNTAINS Delaware Water (Ian River View House &!' Kj,.aiK Centrally located Iloat'g, path's:, flsh'Rr. All mid. Imp tin un Mrs.I.ltsle T.Lallarre Eat. The HUlcrest ThorouWy Mjjaern. BWt. -. m ,. ir, .u(j. Mount Pocono. Pa. MONOMONOCK INN llountnlnhome's Leading: Hotel Mountnlnhome. Pa. Rooms steam-heated! running- water: private baths: booklet: excellent table. , The Ontwood mr. a Excel, table. Rklt. E. L. A E. V. ARTMAN. Cresro MAPLE LAWN, Cresco. Ta,. In Pocono Mts. nnw oiJcn.rom lien a: baths, etc. Free booklet now openijirout flsh'g: el. Us.; modV nrlv. I ii. i;outrignt. i Pocono I'lnes, Pa. POCONO PINES INN Elev. 20(10 ft. Lodge, Cottages. Cahlns. ' Camp. Casino Garage. Oolf, Tennis, Blll'rds Howling. Orchestra. Dancing. Boating. Bath, i Ing. Fishing, S-mlle lake, Onens June 13 i Booklet 524 Stephen Olrsrd Hldg., Phlla. ' Kast'Mtroudsburg. Pa. UAPIXHUItST INN, UxmI Utroudsburg. Pa, Accom. -UU; modern: 275 ft. verandas: s-acre shsdy lawn, 10-cro grove; croquet, tennis, bathing-, garage: booklet. MRB. M. L. DACII. Swlftwater. Pa. The Swiftwater ,NaWonr "modern "!n every respect. JOHN II. tVOODLINO. PORT JKl'FKKBON. N. Y. . Belle Terre Club Inn Port Jefferson Long Island will be opeiieil under new manafiis ment. Mjty 2tli, 1020 Oolf, Tennis. UoatlnB. llnthlne nml Flehlnc. Mrs. A 11. Hnrrls STUAMSIIII NOTK'I'.s 'anl2 Oas Fnm Htm Vark. , fool--Average Summer Temperature IB SUMMER VACATION TOURS Including steamer, hotel and sldo trips, 8 Days $87 9 Days $91.50 and upwnrd, according to accommodations. Kffrctlve June 1st. 1fl?n Safe, Swift, Palatial S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" SjU'uk from New York every 10 days .No passports required for llermiidu. bond for descriptive circular to Furness Bermuda Line 31 Whitehall fit,. Now York 5 M. i KN r-ZL M E T It o p o New. Ilooklet BERMUDA INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. AMERICAN mt N. Y. Clierboura; Hnutlmmpton riilladelphU . . . May ISlJuiie Ul.lulv In New Vrk May it June. lOUuty 17 St.Taul . ..'MiiyS0juiirnJuly 'i Ni;w YOItK HAMEUltO Mnncnllu Mu.v23lJul.r 3Aiie. 14Hepl.3ft JIanrliiirlii .lime 10July 3llMrpt.lllOrt 33 I'HII. MIKLI'IIIA LIVKIII'OOI. llnTerfuril Mar" Iteclnn Jnne 10 PlllLAIlKl.rillA OLANUOW flnlulmcl '.Mny X0 Eastern Hen June IS PHILADELPHIA IIA'MlJUnO I.'nslern Shore , MarJt: West LUiMiK Junr .", RED STAR LINE N. Y. SOLTHA.MrTONANTWKirp rintand Mny lfllJune lOlJuly 24 KrnonlniiU June SUuly 10 l.nplmul , . . . .June I'.'i.Iuly n Zeelnml July 31 I'llII.AUIil.PlUA ANTWKIt ! West (iamlin Mnv S3 Nertler June I Watlieim June A West i:inuk lime s West Tiirnok June 6 Piienger Office, 1319 WlnutSt., Paila. United states bhippinnr New York to Rio do Janalro, Montevideo and Buenoa Arret 4fm S- ft. !!R""Nj lTt000 tons (e) . J, '1 U."'.'", (a) Vlrst Class., a -.-1 " - .. ' mVL DCkUllll S1I1U f I MMS V , rsssemer ueu't. 82 itr mi.' i "7'.Trr.. ,ut llulllmore. "'Vnl..',!.. BPrtINO RESORTS prrr.n babanao ijjkk. s. t. SARANAC INN IN THE HEART OF THE ADIRONDACK'S CERTIFIED MILK , A BUMMER nESORT of the highest char acter; superb cuisine: an environment so cially desirable. Located on the shore of the wondekfuij urritR baranao lark Excellent State roads, good coir. All Sports and Amusements at their Met. IIOOKLET. Address until June 1. IIARR1NOTON MILLS. Manager. JAMI.M K. (lAI.IIItr.V, Assnrlate Manager. HOTEL GRAFTON. Waahlngton. D. O. .ROSCOK. N. Y. LAKEWOOD FARM INN ROSCOn, N. Y. OrEN JtJNB 12. Altitude 2700 feit 120 miles from New York. No mosquitoes. Orchestra, Danc- nulti Play Ing. Library, Playroom. Howling, Water Sports, NEW YORlt OFFICE, lit icnnis, jtoque. Hanaia tiorses, 80 IIROADWAY. n WHITE ..MOUNTAINS. N. II. WHITE MOUNTAINS NEW PROFIH HOUSE N. V. onirei Hour TrHrl Rureiiii. 425 6th ,v. Ttlnihone. Vnndfrbllt 274 Hof7aTnna Seenlc Centre of WhlteMta, " Maplewood Hotel ANUcfVL0NB 18-Hole Oolf. Trap Shooting Tourn't. Hooking Offlcc. 1180 h'way. N Y. Tel. Mad. Bq. 474B JElTr.HHOy. . N. H. NEW WAUMBEK HOTEL A rnTTAnRM JEFFERSON, W1HTK MTH N. II. Open June 2ilth Hooking Offlfn.. 8 West 40th St.. New York. Tel, Vanderbllt 2200, MANCHESTER. VERMONT EQUINOX HOUSE "fctn Mnnflirster-ln-tlie-Mountiitns. Vermont The Lorraine. Fifth Ave. A 46th St.. N T. PABM AND aARDEN Maule's Seeds Arc Tested Buy direct from our rotall atore. Open until 5 P, M. every day. , , ., . . aft vAnra' nynerlenrn In Originating, test- I Ing and growing; veiretnblo and rower seeds la beninu our guarantee, uait or cscnu tor Maulo'a seed book today. Yl.ll. llhAHl PlILII.I.. inc, 21st i. Arch Sts., .. riu 'hlladelphla. Pn, PARCELS POST PAINT yon enn buy from Mnnitfactiirrrs at lhnle iti.t all colors. I rices ei.uu, s.uu una a.ou Htewnrt. 337 N. 11th st, COIN MACHINES Dell Fruit and others. Card Reela (1017 Models), Jackpot. Poker Card, Deweya: 100 new and rebuilt. All bargains. TCnstern OfAre SLOAN NOVELTY MFO. CO 802 N, Oth St. Phone. Belt Ponlar 472 Writ or phone for sample and price C. SCHMITT, Mfr. ISSJRT" STIMSHIP' NOT1CF.H Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service U. S. Slipping Board Sttrl Sttiarn SS "CALVERT'. May 15 A Steamer June fFrogt Pier 78. Soeth Wkartt$) The Charles T. Megee Co. Aitnli lor U. S. Shipping Boiri Drexel Building PHILADELPHIA Bell Lombard S100 Boston to Liverpool Neve Modern British twin &crrw S.S. Fort Victoria WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 JULY 28, SEPT. 1, OCT. 6 IMrst Class rassenrrra Only For rstes and full partlculara apply Fl'IlNr.HS.WAUKEN LINE FUKKESN. WITHY A CO.. Ltd. Furnrss House. Whitehall Ht.. N. Y. or any TOURIST AGENCY EARN-LINE Incorporated ln'Jl U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Genera Cargo , Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Du Mointi Bridge" . Sailed May 1 Philadelphia Havana SS"Coquina" .Sailed May 15 SS "Lake Fluvanna" For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WHITE STAR LINE N. Y. Clierbonri Houtlinnipton Adrlntla May 30July AlAusr. 14 Olympic July SlAuc. llAu. 58 v. t. tjur.HNSTOwN T.iVKiiroor; Celllc Slay lAl.Iunri loUulvSt llnlllc May U'.'Mimri 'jnl.luly 31 Mobile (formerly flcicliinil) . July 10 MiW YORK AZOIIICS OIIIUAI.TAR NAPLKH GKNOA (relic May 27 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE f rillLAnKLI'llIA LONDON i:ilh(i-rn Sliorn May 22 Mucklnntr June IS Western Maid June IS IIOLF AND-AMnrtirA LINK l'HILADr.LPlUA HOTTintDAM Antsteldyk June 8 Frtiihl 06Sc, 405-8 Bourie Bldf PMU. Board's Passonorer Servicn iimimm'm. ".. tons ioj Jm v "4 (b) llrat and Second Claas. ,V;JiWLv Thlra CTass. ajaaaa rates and othrr narticulara iKU " m "" ...,.', .,.,fc-M .,f IU 1V1U1N3U1N 5iJbaAMSHlP UNE B2-02 Dearer St., N. Tl . ... OM - 02 lleajer t.. N. Y also al tha Line .... "" PARCELS POST -liM GLASSES,,. Ijbw n tl jiies mined Free i-evi joseiMi. inr.. 73 Hansom Hti-f-z rreserlntlons Filled. Artlnlal Kxes InsertM. herb ia rrtooF Koen Lightning Heir. Renew The best Hair Tonln nn market. Prevents dandruff the hair from falling out. makea the hair grow. Abaolii tuarantoea or money re ''.Timnni.iB lumini uii .buuvbl. ?1 ''"'1"T.i --Tii . i . ,;..T i Art urn. Diea on request, i by druggists., riupplled by Bmltb. 1 French. F. KOOP MFO. CO.. 110 N. Third St.. Camden. N. S1.7B. 3 uottiti ui jiomes w,to, rjiT nuppiiea ot nmiia. n.ui KlMleWSJa. ilia a DIAMONDS BOUGHT , amah ifmmn sawtinte in your diamonds to TO. LKAW. HAVtl IV to u a-jo, w a PER CENT, ttstatea Est. 10 years. (Private) phone Walj 7143, Alio old ffolds Mlvar, rl"t(numAlMUjrhl Tho Diamond Shop fft?tisjfo iinum.pourni Marks BELLA RECORDSVICTORRECORDS 1129 CHESTNUT now ABOUT , BOMB MOMIT on BIAMI AM0jn8 AND itwmtMtt .frxirsnnor. ArrtKm wt. fT ALTER! .BONDED TO CITT. Full-Dress Tuxedo Suits Frock coata and high hats and black suits to hire for all oc casions. Miller fi. K. Cor. 13th & Bain. bridge. To. Filbert Our Dollar Specials S! Teoth cr 'M.j Tiffany yCfc Minai sav with our but quilltr NIllOIB V D laraood If O. ftTiarZ fVMJUC DUmoads are 32-(tct cut; they " $lOO J bars ss falsa beeklna and X.JL show a Mne-whlte tuatkllns (Ire lute a renuine Dlsmnnd. lira S3 vat m.t af (I1S0 sddltiantl for 14-karst solid (old taoujitlnar for ltdles and for ntlminl. "" Send for Our Biff Bargain CataUf MEXICAN DIAMOND CO. 430' Market Street, Philadelphia CENTRAL HOUSE WRECKING CO. &W.Cbr.l2rii&&rfa.fe rhoneRjfibrW; Building Material Lau-ite Stock Door and Has All Sites New and 3d Han Plumbing Matt Dath Tuba Sinks Tolleta , Laundry TbW Wnshstands ' Boll era Office Furniture, Deikt, Etc We buy and tell all kinila af ' Office Furniture, Store Fix. turet, Saloon and entire cm tenia of Office Buildings. Somerset Sweater Shop Cor. Somerset & Kensington Are. Buy Direct From the Factory AH-Wool Jersey-Cloth Sport Coat at $5.98 Brown and Green Heather Mixtures .lust the thlnr for offlcp, street or sport near t'nm eee this special or send money order or chock Will aend any wher hy parcel post. ireils rAAnntt ntAASSffsillae1 Open l'.venlnjs xiii in I UII I Ill'Ullllir juui i'it"V turDitun refunded If not entirely aMfftctory. v Don't hesitate m Paints Paints House Paint (20 $9 KC shades) per gal. Shervvin - Williams Family j j Paint( 17 shades) tO CA per gal J?JaJV Harrison's Town & Country Paint (18 shades) tC (C per gal POUl Pt'T IT IN flAI.LON'S HALF1 GALLONS. QUARTS. PINTS AND 11ALI' PINT8 "U Yamall's Roof Paint porgkaifd.),...$i-5o f'AI L WrtlTK Oil 'PHONR POPLAll 2038 Wo Delher and Ship Everywhere niQlrann122SlrardAve 1loIvCtll Open Evenings L- M JDQ2 rollshlrur Peae Qokkly Piano Polish f?ANO eV This preparation has been used for over 19 years nn the hlcnsst arsde PIANOS and KrtNITUllB and la 1Wl POUSH 'o-u-.iU-n'r. ruarsnteen tn preservt iw" '"""! the VAltNIBH and prj-itK-Sl vsnt It turnlns- biua. It M.i,ea. . proauces a lustra iiaa new with the iianmss effort. Try It on your AUTOMODIL D, 50c Can; 3 Cans, $1, Postpaid NKW PIVR8, tils io tl 160 Wo aro offering 150 or these beautiful $225 machine;, ln eluding 5 double face 10-inch records and free haullnir. 75 Pianos Tuned Players AJJimIhI HomoviHcm 83.S3-40-42-44- btiSIpmtSSdI IS TOUIl aUAHANTBBe. Many dUmonf ntd)d at onw tft fill ordcr--;ftiI nuf. k -. ia Aanli! will nav from llO tft llfitO l W murit havA In SffVi ISH 1 .?, w - M i i V sxw 'E f.-t ' wcwv, fci . SS-: V- 4' .?.. ,W liiU" ' ..-. Ikltu.' ri?fii--te it- vj - j Vi'V' w? ,. t. ... z&h iVV i iij.-tt. si. t .;-;- -, .. lju-xi!wi.tl ijrtw ti