m ) tf v to 111'' ' ' Ifi ; sRHslsK f fell HI SW -iiki' v'.: Tir"." Kj . jsrstw " .. r . 0 OF HONOR SEEN BY SCRIBES m ii - ? t I 'V "fVtlnnal r n.j.u r? .wwiwiibi uouiko rvuui usuuria II &vy Party to Tentative Site of Proposed Stadium i?t fc . jEilentenant Colonel Oeonse Hoth, fiSi''ffslb,,r ' a ifotntlvo committee pe,t to' 9g plan for tbo erection, of na nth- miceiouium in rairmount rnrK proD lr to bo cnlled Field of Honor, n memorial to fallen heroes In nil wars, W3' escort ycoterday nftcrnoou for n erttll eroun of newspapermen to the Right on which thin mammoth struc , ,.turo will be located. fir f 'J-no purpono of the trip was to show i ' P occewilblllty. the wide nrronge of ' this section of the park mid the won- neriui opportunities to give I'lillauel poifc tho greatest stadium In the world. Tho Idea in replete with various possi bilities. Colonel Roth in his explana tion of tho proposed plans showed clear ly that such a stadium would meet with ,the satisfaction of the people. Phila delphia, with nil of its uaturnl bfmit.v, will never be complete in Its architec tural pride until such n place is erected on which to hold big athletic events. The party yesterday was taken to the section of the park known as the Cliffs, hear tho Ynrnell Mansion, a short dis tance, from Thirty-third street nnd jCoIumbla .avenue. There nro flfty-three acres suitable for the stadium and cor responding hallj. This location is par- "vuinii iiivui in view iil iiH proximity TO a triangle formed by the Pennsyl vania and- the Heading railroads. Sev eral street car lines run within a stone's throw of the selected .sight. Wally Wallgren Weds Nw of tlin msrrlaic of Miss Florence TtrUrk. of this city, to A. A Wnllitren. Jr., also of Thlladrlphln. reached their friends yesterday wagren Is known to 1I members of the American expeditionary forces as Wally. the marine cartoonist who Pictured In his Inimitable manner the despised" top seritcant. Wlly' cartoons created many a smile JiOon the, faces of the Yanks by his pen n the. Stars and Stripes. Ilefop- Koine to Pans to supervise the comics of the dough boy' sheet he served with the Fifth Itegl Intnt of marines In Helloau Wood. When leaving France fos the States Inst June wlly was Riven a. certitlcato of merit by Qtneral John J I'enhlnK. hS i. . f If-a to r 4 t- v Maybe Hcisman Forgot ' It's "Near Beer" Now Jack Ilclsman, football coach at Pen ti, handed the candidates a "hot one" In dismissing them for the summer ncason. Conch Ilclsman ad dressed seventy-live gridiron athletes late yesterday afternoon ou tho sub ject of keeping in condition for the football season. He gave them some valuable point ers on what to cat and drink nnd warned them against violent exer cise. He advised them to play base ball nnd tonnls, but not to indulgo in too much ruuning or rowing. "Avoid alcohol and tobacco," said llolsmnn. "However, I am not op posed to a bottle of beer nnd cigar cveu during the football season, pro vided I know you Indulge In them." That made the boys gasp, but when you consider that tho once popular brew is an unknown quan tity it isn't so radical, and one cigar during tho football season wouldn't hurt even n collcgo under-gruduutc. International League At nocliester: It. It. B. Ji-rsey City.... O111OO00 0 a la o Rochester 0 I) 3 (I II p 4 0 x 7 11 1 Hatterles Crovall und l'rcltau: Dames and Beyers. At Akron: KcadliiE-Akron, wet Grounds. At nuffalo: n. H. n. Pvracuso lOOOOino 0 ft 7 1 Buffalo 0100010 0 40 11 4 Uatterles -Hersrhcr, Ferryman and Mad, deni Corruthers. llaynes and Uruey. At Toronto: n. IT. E. Tlaltlmore .... OOlOOOna 0 I 0 0 Toronto J 0 0 I) 0 1 u 0 03 la l BAKER mmim public .i(fe i-Mr DENS MEUSELTRADE Phils' President Says Rumor Is Unfounded, but Admits He's After Pitches Tho rumor thnt Irish Mcuscl, the Phils' hard hitting outfielder, would bo trnded to the Robins for a pitcher and another player, was partly spiked this morning by William F. Baker, the president of tho club, in n con versation over tho long distanco tele phone from New York. "The first time I saw or heard that Metiscl was to bo traded," said Mr. Ilaker, "was in the newspapers. I sent clippings of tho stories to Cravath. Per haps he may know something about it, but ns far as 1 know, there Is no truth in the reports." Cravath yesterday denied that he knew of such n trade. "Brooklyn has been after us for an outfielder," Sir. Baker continued, "hut they wanted Stengel, und, of course, we wouldn't trade him. We could use a pitcher or two. In fact, we need thent and Brooklyn could use an outfielder. "I am leaving for the West to morrow nnd will hnvo n talk with Cravath 1h Cincinnati, At that time there may be something doing on trades, but nothing hns been donn so far." College Baseball Coluate. 3 j SprtnmVM Collrce. 2. Hates. 12- Fort Williams, l. B1NGLES AND BUNGLES Wrtiroelc. Wet txwepe.ll. IhJrMu!11" A'" Bf' "' bu' not PX,2t?2?& from BmokV ritr In ctncln. notl. whw. thtv Uko on tfie mplon ifiSi today heidhonCflr.ttOPadc.t.b8X,raVe,, but Doston Alw: l sllphlnr faifr-towarj the tot.. Ifn . Archives Outrun Frankford Tfortheast HlKh School defeated Frankford ITIrh SXhool In a dual track meet yesterday afternoon by the t-core of xl.O to 47.4. Dates. Bumm nd .McCooley featured for the win ners, tho former niacins In four events, two of which netted lilm Drst places.s Summers tarred for Frankford. The Northeast fresh men also won. HO "4 to S.1H. u B u f3 H Our Traveling Salesmen have just completed their trips and we have to offer Sample Suits FOR MEN (Must Be Sold) at $i2S-00 Sale Now OnTwo Days Regular $35 to $55 Values SEE MR. PRICE, ROOM NO. 1 HOTEL READING n N. W. COR. TWELFTH AND MARKET STREETS Itatrnnre on Twelfth Street nniusMiniuiiixi run mimrmsKiwmn iiainmni IBWLKIi!Ml 13 S IS MEN! Mr. Seligsohn Saves You "lUliniMINnillMlllllimTTTTTrgnillllllllllMINIIJIJUllllllj flp'?' 40ff0 &More On Your New SUITS Buy From the Factory Mr. Seligsohn's Prices Are Still 20 Lower Than Everyone Else's Even 1 When They Deduct 20 Men Come From 50 Miles Away to Share in Mr. Seligsohn's Savings! .50 Values to $35.00 $OAM Values to $45. Men, just think! If U19 rctuilirs hadn't marked up their prices so high they wouldn't bo ablo to allow you these bij? reductions row. And then aguin, even though they reduce their j-rices, they still have to charpre you for the manufacturor's profit. That's one thinfr. you don't lo at Selij,'sohn's. Mr. Seligsohn manufnctuieH all his suits in his own factory ho sells them to you direct with one Btnall profit. And nohody, no matter how big tho reduction they allow, can match Mr. Seligsohn's low prices. PflK'iT mm Thin is a plain statement of facts. Mr. Selig sohn has been established for a good many years, and thousands of men conic out hero each season to buy their new clothes. They never had to worry about tho liigh costs there are no high costs at Seligsohn's. If you want to be convinced come out hero tomorrow. See for yourselfl That's tho best . way. You will know in a minuto why there arc thousands of men who live 50 miles away who are numbered among Mr. SeligBohn's regular custo mers. Save ?10.00 to $20.00. ELIGSOHNS Manufacturer and Retailer $. W. Cor. 8th & Spring Garden Sts. Open Evenings Store Orders Accepted ti"i?o;.Uil.,trf,th wln w'r vuHWHulu lif'itd K. iru mate atona ttMln a couple 0 trnse Wowt, the CBb attaek. Chlrsto hml onlr bt bit. It was Jtuhe Benton who nut out tho Ueds &r. i,,a. 9ant- ub permitted seven hits, but kept them a well scattered as tnlleposts. ''io,' X,eor. who to ptatrtno snapvv ball 'cTt '. .i "i' ""to owe. contnouiea lftrs Mfj to ft downall of the champions. Hie riarke Is out of sivrn his uncouilltlonsj jrMcrday. i Job lurnln, lie wnn relee.se hy n, lie the I'ii rate Haines, tho Cards' pitcher, waa manhan dled yes'trday. Munn had three hits. CLOSE U.S. AIR STATION Capo May Hanoar Now Belnfl Built Will Bo Completed soon Capo May, N. J., May 14.-Iho United States Government Is dosing tho naval air station hero nnd. men nro being scat away every day. Only a few will remain ns caretakers. Tho closing of tho station will nol Interfere with work on tho Immcnsn hangar now under construction. Work will begin In full forco on Monday and tho hangar is expected to bo finished In record time When tho structuro Is completed it will be tho largest hnngnr In tho world. The station will bo put Into commission again in September. ""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiimiiinii,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,, iiimliliiiiinmii 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii miimi Summer Suits 1 DILL says: "All this talk about 20 deduction from tag prices makes me smile. When it comes to clothes well, I've been saving that 20 for JL. ttt r .V- fte f i. 1.V If. Tlo, In Jarf oy Shoot rhllllpsbnrir. N. J.. May 14. Tho flrst halt of the lAt championship of tho New Jersey Sportsmen' Association was shot yes. tcrday at tho seventeenth annual tourna ment of the association. Fred Hum. of AtUntlo City, and Dr. W. II. Matthews of Trenton, wers tlo with US each out of 160. J. T. A. r-hllllp. of Penns rroTsi K. Doerken.'tof Paterson. and O..W. Downs, ot I'ltman'u were tlo for second at 142. ,T. r. A. Phillips, of Trenton, and O. N. Armstrong, of lllehwood. were tie for third at 111. iuid W. II. Itaiib. Jr.. of .Phillips bunr. and II. Powers, of AtUntlo City, wero tie for fourth with 140. .... . . . Clarenco -II. Piatt, state tltleholder. was handicapped, shooting- with a fractured rib and mnk ns a.scoro or ia. Nonresident leaders were n, f. Donnelly, Chlcarn, 1481 Ji n, Fountain rjilladelphla. 1411 V. A. Helbert, New York. 18f A. W. Barber. Cincinnati. 108. Tho hlh pro fesslonali wero F. H. Tomlln, aiassboro. 1471 B. P. Slear. Colllrmwood. 140! p. K. Sked, Wllkes-ltarro, 148. EUhty-eltht men nnrtlclpated In tho shoot and olihty-flvo finished. Ty' ,Cpbb VliltiK Senste wwdnttoti, uy u.ry cobb,'Ur t..u of trie Detroit Titers, and Ilujrhle i.T i. tha veteran manatee, w... iV."? J?d min nlnrs, tho veteran mananr, spectator yesterday ws&jsm.'mvm ato rallery during 'the debate on AVtSSi oeaco resolution. They wero thero as itimSI bf Senator Harris, Democrat, of Oeorela WfWSi MXO kiiiinnTTiiki SMCWllllfKWin OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT 44 South 8th St. .Opqn EveKlnts Ni Charge 'for Alteration jSt years and telling my friends about it. You see I've gone 'one flight up to Dalsimer's ever since my trousers reached the shoe tops and J know the quality clothes they sell, the individual atten tion, they give. "And say, did you see their advertisement in last Friday's Evening Ledger? "They announced another 20 off their already loxo prices! You bet your sweet life I got there quick and picked a nifty brown snappy cut ! You can now get one of their $30 suits for $24 $40 suits for $32 $50 suits for $40 $60 suits for $48 "If you want to get in on this double serving better hurry, for this extra 20 deduction is for a limited time only. I'd go today!" Owing to rebuilding, our Market Street Entrance is temporarily closed, hut 5 go just around tho corner to i N. 13th Street and one flight up brings you 5 to the clothing store of big values. ( Dalsimer Clothes i On the 2nd Floor N. W. Cor. 13th & Market (Entrance 4 N. 13th) "l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADLER THE CLOTHIERp-OPEN EVENINGS Ail Eyes Center On ADLER Big Values Now I Am Offering Regular $30 and Up PANTS SALE! M to IS Value $2.95 2 PAIRS $5 tt nine Berre. lrt.95 MENS; SUITS HstfTRk flUf lull i arl imw ENTRANCK U.N uni up I have always .marked my stock at rock-bottom priest) and saved thousandHOf men more than 2B on every suit they bought hero. Why? Because I have an UPSTAIRS sWro with no tremendous cround-floor rental, no blc upkeep expense. Tet I am contrally located tho quan tity I ell holpa to keep my prices lower than any other etorn. Come In and let mo show you the smart hlnh-walnt elTcctB, colors, worsteds, merges, tweeds all corking (rood values. 13TH ST. BTOnE OROEItH ACCErTKD I '''uiKssHVbtf'KsW' B " . PLsA W H K 'f C t ' Jl'- VVsi 'im - "..;MvX '";:.... .; va'jb ,,'; JBaTHE CLOTHJEgjiSBtfe M PHIlOflWIA BOSTON KANSAS CtTV DINAPOUS ST LOUIS CINCINNATI amerspn 2nd Floor 1225 Market 1425Ches.mii Reductions! THE wave of "Reduction Sales" sweeping over the country is the strongest evidence that the clothing prices of the ordinary store have been, and now are, too high. OUR prices are much lower than the regular prices of the ordi m nary store and in most cases lower than their "Reduced" prices. To substantiate this We Show Actual COSTS in Plain Figures ON every price-ticket. There is no juggling; no mark-up to covei) so-called "Reductions"; no overpricing. Plain figures and facts on every price ticket to show you just how our low, second-floor rents, small expense, enormous business and little profit enable us to offer Spring Suits $3 to $15 Below Usual Prices and show the actual COST in plain figures to prove it. Here is just one example of the wonderful values we can offer. Spring Suits $40 to $43 Values Second-floor Price 1 $32 .30 Two Big Stores 2nd Floor 1425 Chestnut Open Saturday Niglit 2nd Floor -1225 Market Open Mon.t FrL and Sat. Evenings GIRSH 632 MARKET STREET GIRSH Has Got Every Clothing Profiteer On fVkA : r CciRSHi Block! a raw: t w . in His Manufacturers' Outlet Sale This Is How: I We Have on Hand a Mammoth Stock of MEN'S SUITS i that were manufactured especially for the new additions in I our chain of stores. However, owing to adverse building con ditions we could not open up as we intended, so must dispose iu uur ai.ui.iv ua ijuii.-iuy ua jiussiuic, rawer tnan carry over any surplus. To quicken the sale and keep pace with other up-to-date merchants, we've decided to sacrifice our own legitimato profit and offer you until further notice 25 Off on all our fresh, newly arrievd spring stock of men's smart suits. So remember: Regular $25 Suits Deduct 25--Now 8 Regular $35 Suits Deduct 25 Now ,25 25 will be deducted right before your face and eyes. (PIP DIRECT FROM MAKER TO WEARER -5j Ncrfffler Clothes Tssk (jIRSH Open Friday und Saturday Evenings Market St Store? in tho Principal Cities Qpen Saturday Nigh l & & mi-""- ir f - i. $. if 'im' . - lsjSV ii&l.ieL-fMi. Vk.iiy. M&&&C&J1 .,r,"h$ li-.i' - " it " j.'f t'" 4 .a