kto4fc? .'W . r it1 '.Ti.r 1 ." , A ' t K s. WW 5&- -'-. , tf,fft v rw "rSSy , -. . ,"rf ... " J in. ..i ,r, . i i i " ! " ' ' I ' i ... ..... i ''' ii i $T w, ' 1 iA V -v , '4 r v f V ,.7w.ivi,ii. ! 1 cjjiVJiijNiiNur Kf J V' "EXPECTED OF LFERS play for tho Vjimch'ii British champion- START Lr-AGUE CRICKET Weather aq'In 'ew BUM. r Tho eup that W being played for to day Js a new one. Last year Mrs. Bar-Ion- won tho trophy outright for the sec ond time, consequently Mr. Gcist had to put another cup up for competition. There were olghty-clght entries this morning. The best Of tho earll- scores for nine holes woa made by Miss May Bell, of the Philadelphia Cricket qiub. Miss Bell had n 54. y Interstate Circuit Will Open Tomor row and Continue Until Fall i'i. InterMnte Cricket League will resume operations tomorrow on a pre war bnsls with nlnoteon tcaniH anil n . "t will keep the clubs In action until September 25, Tomorrow the- tlermantown Hoys' Club I I open at Darby. Tennyson will ploy llnbln Hood. Alfred the Great will tackle Mrrrhnut Ship, and West Indian is scheduled to meet Illchnrd Baxter. Bucknell Hat Been Able to Play Only Two Games - Lcwlsburg, Pa., May 14. Bucknell hopes to swing Into action against Dick inson here tomorrow, but tho baseball management Is reluctant to advertise the game before tomorrow morning. Itatn , has handicapped the team greatly and only two games have been played. , 'WOMEN TENNIS STARS BATTLE IN RAIN to a cimtiwti&wii f ?p Mallory and Miss Zin M4d'crstafn Snnn Will Sail to wsrittrAHsiM 1 Plav Begins at Ovorbrook for , r if$nter British Tourna- Ceist Trophy Mrs. Bar low Favorite Fai East Fall Y. M. A.'a Openlna (:meu Th KAt. Fll . TounB Mn's Ansivl- MARKET ST. Mt, tlfln bbMl tm)hoDs to open on Bst- At Olmrrl Cnll.v. ' k' . . urday At airard Colle. anKS v . ..? .. i i. .. , inj 1 1 1 1 l vi iU I 1 1 ll !fi ',U"I' f I','1"' '? iwi fii'""-!i ti " ' il.wmnnfft i '----HisQswi-aiareJp Pens itfttBnasl 1 rCnSTflRriaClJ ''MlSTji; VIi,Sv'san1a7r""i' .1, .lit!1 ".ill. ! - t V K ', kmATCHES HERE TODAY mm,' -: - . - EIGHTY-EIGHT ENTERED, ?J&AH.' . - I iipiS '. i. . ... . .i .' , t m:m, 'm g . -JW srn.iv imi.i JyMh1S to be hoped tlmt our women lawn .'""l&nnts cxperti will have better luck V tlWrt1 our Kolfern Jibroad Iri V II. Jf VajMerberlc. Mls Mildred Oaverlr. Misx i y Iwlon , HolllnK nnrl Mii Konmoni1 ; Hfcrf Wood nlnvcil well, but none of them j'rejKhed cyen the semifinal for the y xwimen'ii JlrltiMi ehnmplonshlp, which & - -dcd today on the link at New Cat tle, County Down, Ireland. (AccordinR to the prevent plnn of the ytoinen tcnufo plavirs onlr two will raldtP the trip to Kncliim! to plnv at "Wimbledon for the women's nil tlritieh lawn-tennh rrnwn Tbene are Mrs, Moljri njurstedt Mnllory. of New York, atad Slim Marlon Zlndersteln, of Voi tel, Thp indication are that these two HWr American racquet cspcrtt, who will play as a double team as well as Inthc sinKles, will make a crrnt show Inn. II there fa any woman in (?rent Britain who tan defeat Mrs. Malloiy befnarae In nof know n here. Of nurse. a 'dark .horse may praneo forth nnd Will the dope, but It not likely that Mallory will meet any (treat op- m & vr r w , SI -gpF V t i?lS r K p K t'i" ; i" t K !) C .MlhS ANN TOVN,Si:NI) IIIis Tonneml N tho first slnsles plajcr of tho Merlon t'rlrltet Club teiinN team of the Interclub Iyeafpie. poaitlon except in the tit!eholder who IH0t British, but French. Miss Sti ipi Lrngleu, the femlnitin comet of the, courts. ect Great Match s none of thfe llritioli or contineiUal plJrcr has) met an American woman in n' tournament for some time, their rela- tlvc Mrensth Is a matter of speculation. 'Wvstrhow. Mrs. Mallory and Miss I.piifc- len compare cannot be foretold, but those who have seen the Frenchwoman in action aro certain that she will at ileast give' Mrs. Mallory n Krat battle tOa-thc other hand. Mrs Mallorv will ttm'in Rood condition when she sails on May 20 on the same boat with the American Davis cup team She has in playing iu tournaments indoorv and outdoors most all winter and should le in just as pood playing condition when the British tournament begins as rbc ever was at the classic meeting' an tbp turf courts of the Philadelphia Cricket Club at St. Martin's Jliss Zlndcrstein cannot compare with Mrs. Mallorv ns a singles nlnyor. but . she nnd the ex Norse plajer nnkc n splendid team, and are certain to go "far In the British tournament. t Before the big event is pulled oT at "Wimbledon, both Mrs Mnllon and Mts Zinuerstcin will compete in minor nieet imipj for the purpoe of tuning up v More,Tennis ToIa.v Xhla afternon the third loiind of the women's interclub league will be plncd. This Philadelphia Cricket Club meets Huntingdon Vnllc on the courts at i Noble; Belfield plas the Merion Cricket frtuti Hi- llsverford and Oennaiitiiwu g08 to the Philadelphia Country Club at Bala, Thus far Merion is the only unbeaten team in the league. The Main Liners btgan by making a clean sweep of Huntingdon Vnllcy nnd followed that victory up with a three two win oer the Philadelphia Cricket Club. The odds seem to foor Merion for another Ictorv this nftertioon. : The Countr, Club has broken even, winning from Belfield in the second round, but losing two matches to three to the Cricket Club in the opening round at St. Martin's. Belfield also has broken eten. losing to the f'outitr Club and winning from (icrinantnwn. The Cricket Club nnd Huntingdon Vnllej have won one match ench and German town has lost twice. The matches today nre scheduled to begin at '2:30 o'clock Oxerbroolt Golf Club, Oerbrool. Ta., May U When Miss N. Hallowcllof St. Davids, and Miss Mary Griffith, of Merlon. droe off from the first tee this morning in the handicap medal golf match for the Clarence II. Geist cup, rain was roniirp: down steadily. This, however, did not nrevent the large ma- iorlt of entrants from showing up nt the time when they were scheduled to begin The greens nnd falrwas were slow, but the women did well during the early hours of ploj In spite of the boggy con dition of the course. They were sched uled to pla eightecu holes. Mrs. Kan aid H, Barlow, Merion, was the favor ite this morning, largely because she has won the Gclst cup for the past six jears. Although Mrs Barlow was the fa vorite, other star golfers of Philadel phia had big followings. There were a Imlf dorcn or more who were consid ered to hne better than a fighting chance of landing this coveted trophy todo . Among them were Mrs. Caleb Fox, five times Philadelphia chnmplon: Mrs. G. Henry Stetson, of Huntingdon Vnlley, who recentlv won the tourna ment at Bcllairc. Flo. , Miss Eleanor T. Chandler, Huntingdon Vnllej. The only prominent women players who ore not entered in the tournament aro Mrs. C. II. Vanderbeck and Mis Mildred Caerly, both of whom are at New Castle, County Down, Ireland, where they were defeated in the match PAY AS YOU RIDE Our terms are right. You pay as you ride the machine, if you buy an Indian. Hums & Krnfy. Merit. Km. , A pnmrrsci Cambria A. C ' ... . . WVOvTB- -. V S ' KK.I1T ROI ND rONTrT -3 J-S1VBOIM) CONTKSTI 3 Bfesi-r PHILA. fJACK. U'BKltlN VVrl L D-J..:rn Rl-rtp RllllrBncr noil ncuuwiuii "; ..w...B Boslnr IK'onH. Trim: Nn t'tinlshment EWtrlx Tnbliift Ilnlhn nnd Maxiarr 8. 3E. Cor. 15TII CI I EST VI T. turure 1911) SHIBE PARK rtASEn.M.1. TODAT. 3:30 I. M. ATHLETICS vs. ST. LOUIS Rturrrd Pnits at GlmhrU' and Spaldlncs' KWSilMi.Mi OV1 Muaumffnisj Martin Judge vs. Joa Belmont Young Cotter vs. Billy Hinei Johnny Lissie vs. Charlie Water FrankioMcManus vi. Charlie Rear VTIM.1K .IOUN Jackson vs. Clinton Beat on nlr. rrctilar prtrra. Illnchnm Holrl. 11th und Mark.t strfrt t BANTAM'S GALORE NATIONAL A. A. Saturday Evg,, May 15th iliamj Mrndo r. Hurry (Kid) Stewart Dobhr Horle . Kid Wolf I Clmrllr Maltrm in. Jlmmr Tliomaa Tommy Murray m. Martin Judze 8 Rounds Windup 8 Rounds Battling Mack vs. Tommy Cleary TlfUflH at DonntliT's. 3t s, ml, s r9Jt' ml. ilk' J V f lri mtfmtUF&m aiapMurciAi NTS KWV LUlm i "4fiSsae m. THE VERY REASONABLE PRICES Thftt Hivo Been Mnlntained on "shoes during tho hlgh-prico epidemic nrc, in many instances, less than the present feverish reductions now to be found elsewhere. Men's Oxfords For Spring and Summer Exceptional Stock of Men's Fine Hosiery SorotiV Standi for Quality, But Not Unreaionable Price SOROSIS SHOE CO. 1314 Chestnut Fastest Motor Cycle in the World Holder of All Recods Indian Motorcycle For appearance, speed and endurance the Indian leads all other motorcycles. To ride the Indian is to realize the marvelous fulfill ment of highest expectations. A comfortable, low-hung vehicle with silent, eager power, it launches the rider into motion easily and -moothly. It glides evenly at a walking pace or accelerates without effort to fifty-five miles an hour on high gear. Striking simplicity united with the utmost accessibility, comfort and economy are predominating features in tho new Indian models. In these machines arc further emphasized those qualities of silence, cleanliness, rugged strength and aptitude of power and speed which have characterized the Indian since its conception. Broadway Service Is organized to keep your motorcycle in serviceable condition all the time. A corps of expert mechanics assures tho making of quick repairs, and a complete stock of extra parts eliminates all unnecessary delay in replacements. Write for Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue BROADWAYCYCLECO.,inc. The Largest Cycle House in the East 527 Market St., Phila. 1203 Broadway, Camden, N. J. 1224 Girard Ave,, Phila. 105 Gilbert St., Bridgeport, Conn. .Open Every Evening. 5UiT5EuRE w DA IOC nET 7s PAIRS OF A A r TROUSERS . $40 $.45- 50 Reductions of 33'ls Per Cent Actual Values, $60 to $75 Including Guaranteed Sunproof AU-Wool Blue Serge This solid tuaih at high price hat cauied a nsation In town! For a limited tlmt price aro flashed without regard for' profit aad with rary inlt you get an extra pair of trouiert of the tamo material. Thli aU ji planned to make friends for tha Charts Adam Co. We're building for the future, counting on your good-will and future patronage to pay in the long run. Como in without delay and lat our expert tailor measure you for the greatest bargain err offered In cultom tailoring backed by an absolute guarantee for perfect fit. Th extra trouier will make your ult last twice a longl (EfyajSL Afoams Ota 1617 CHESTNUT STREET OpenjMonday and Saturday Evening 3S T&.(X.f?opps THE Price Itstr V TheLouisMark Shoes Hive Always Been 20 Below f-S Jfinno ff Other Stores! ,'$& &v 7y jW 9 m tHI && This Genuine Shell Cordovan Brogue flvf nrrl A& at Is Ample Proof of This Fact rosltively no better shoo values in town, and because of this, wo ore getting new cus tomers every dayi KM hi y W4. will It" U yhC--., THB 537TJ WHABW um QiAimr - Vf U , i c 1433 CHKKTNUT KT issb h. j'i:nn not ui; . C'OII. STII A 1C K HTS. (ii .v. srn rin:i:T AMJ IIHA.NCIU.M lmmmmmmmmWmmimmmmmWmWMwmmwmwBwm- - - w mmmmmam mmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmm i - " " mmm " i ji- -- i i ! -n i - M j ii i - q s y- yru cant (lc8Cribe a blendm ') I'-liffa ' M but you can and will ap- m' 'tfy' ' jaf predate' that it's the blend M ' '')S:A JW' which makes the Men-De- (k- ', M . Lion more than "just an Wl ordinaiy cigar." !"t k i r nnd tip, nocorrfliijr In w ,mti fc nnd shape you Uke licit m 3 ' .M. KISEMAN & SONS K j w. Manufacturers Jm-"' I ( lL IMHLADEM'HIA F ? ' I s. Iil BsoS9w9SW86a s POQ. Shop B U KStFUKHU U I Jtakeo-cvatorJ sIbMbMsV. sK JsHBsPPKrABL iHMBBaaHH lMEiS - r mLLLLLLLLmmLmL9tSBBmnmwS JssLsw 'ILslwl v U mm MM i iSB' H Blue-Bird lBi Mm p&Q IB1 JK ' M mmmMma FLOOR 1007-11 MARKET ST. 1035 CHESTNUT ST. The True Meaning of P) letters simply and Quality. i. mean- I P M'1-0 HAVANA V III; y CIGARS THE policy back of the name is hm powerful lever that has started this great merchandising machine. TO sell at the lowest Price the highest possible Quality that's the true meaning of our name P&Q. THE success of this endeavor has , no parallel in the . history of the clothing business of America. SOME offer price without quality, others offer quality at exhorbitant price, but P&Q gives both low price and high quality. Take the Elevator See the wonderful showing of Spring Clothes that awaits you and judge the many dollars you can save because you buy -From ih greatest" maker to nearer' manufacturers -From the 'P&Q tailor plant direct Saving you the middleman's profit -And low UPSTAIRS ' rent keeps prices DOWN "$: P&Q Spring Clothes A Limited Assortment, at $25 and $30 feGivelheValues AiidGetliieBusmess i 2nd 1 i r-t i i r i-r -n J -v ' rloor sas mauet uiepusmess I m 'W' A, 1WCVT T 7" 77, " ygB lU0-Uy-U Market bt. Pfi1 ? . I .SBl. i ' I -- ' . . )'-; l .( ' ,, I r Hi. j jflgttf a-v 4t..,.A . . , , .. xjf.. jva. ...,?; i...,JMi!mmmWm&.c,-toa,xy$&itef -..vA.lilll ' '.!',: T ' ! .-r- aauJ ft u t' it ', K t t.7, t r-Vtft t, ,.'' '"U.. 'tfy?$;,rmww LlJ $'', Jl'" 4V ih'i. ' ikm & n; rw v.jw :,; .r:,;:1, "tttUJWiM Mb . tfiMA IJ,(1 '7,yi m "! tf nt '.m "4- :( !,' '';';? i m Wttt WA 'MXA m jik'j ''i'SMJifi "X'lL .. ". 'ftt.'f t:,.iw ,WMW Lt''itSt t Jfr," K- tmm i&. W-Zk b&sm m,ii'l W.J..: "I. f.h'i. u !'''. ",. :V j ;,;, ii ."" ty'.f i i'-r: ', . r '' 7 r i i t ri ijH i if ', ' th &v if ' 'i " " t 'l ?f r;' Wf!t& ,&' 'timttmm; ffll!,li . ?W' y.r'j ''' p'f'V' tmxmtm 'JSPS um !& ' '.A, Store Open Friday and Saturday Evenings AttH J'Out ',-,'! Vi )',,! -IVi V.", "', 1 r .'.. fr'tt.Wii f&i J7, ,& 'T'--Mn'i'-'"''i ",V '''"k'4 a 7 "' " Our Entire Stocks of Men's SUITS, Trousers, Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Arrow Brtad Collars, Suspenders, Belts, Etc. Vc me willing to do our bit to help deal a smash ing blow to present high prices. Wo are oven willing to do bettor than many mer chants who allow 20 for wo will allow you to take off exactly one-quarter 25 por cent from tho present marked price of every article in our store. There is no catch to this sale. It is genuine to the core no marking up of prices, but the original price tags remain on every article. Just make your selection of anything you want and then DEDUCT 25 Per Cent From Present Marked Prices! i Any and every article in our storo is embraced nothing is reserved. A greater opportunity or bigger savings would be impossible to offer, not only in clothing, but in tho mings every man needs. Every Sale must be final. No C. O. D.'s. No refunds. No Exchanges. No Charges. There 13 no timo for delay for the re spond to this announcement must bo big. Get in early tomorrow make tho savings on everything you need for tho coming summer. ,'t'j '.":., i i ' i','J, , i mr ' ft', iiA, 'l'r .3 f I "-V fi'f ' "ffc't. "'"'', '', .'A 't '.I mi. V( ',.''. i'J , ii) A My if Z'J.4 7 I su: '','':' ' W V ' i. '' '."i' 'A - k',-"r ")H A:J' SV ,''': 'AU Ma l"t V'W ' V ' iriv i.jr,-.vs.f., . n -. iikAt ha. ' ,j J r '. jukijfej H ??.& mLu