T?' r ' M rfl r,i v" iff MV , '-. si J ft 4, ," WGLANBfrPERIL ENDS ACT ENTITLeDRUINING SMALL SCRAPPERS? SET t ' f' VI . . . -. -J WTL0 T. O. 'S FAREWELL Welsh Wonder Stows Awa$ Tou&h Italian itt Second. Would Box Herman ior Bantam Crown at 116 N Pounds Says He Weighed 104 Last Night y I,,OWS ttiNOTjAND'S flwclgtit peril bns do-tnt JJrliU'il that America's field of little inmen lini been MilBclently riilrtieu, wnnder. who celebrated Tiln twenty -rfXt 'bUthday In Pbttadelphla on wVclnoMlny. ban closed his net entitled "n Inline Uncle Snm'H Smnll Sernw mw" Set." It li n Rood thin tlmt the icntlemanly Ilrltlfili subject about to 1cac tliecc ihoals or clic tbe rhances 1'V .w L would lmvp nut tbe fly weight division In the United, States out of rommlsildn entirely. No one crtn say that W lido l a false alarm, tlmt hla heralded prestige was not unanimously upheld nor that a a champion he compares with the heavy wiihts of Johnny Dull s domain. .Teems 1. i regular titleholdei one who will remain nt the pinnacle of his division for ome years to come, and ho Is a real Debtor. If any one had -the "mint doubt as to WIMp'b fistic ability, even the most Mcptlcal yai ronvloced nt the National last night nben Hnttlin? Murray was socked cuckoo in the second round. AVIltle made bis farewell appearance In an American ring when he answered the tingle of the gontr at the Eleventh street arena last nitht, and it was "good night, mirxc" for Philadelphia s most rugged and best of thn petit punchers. Murray was put .to sleep after two minutes and thirteen seconds of action in the second chapter of what wis to have been nn clghj-rouml bout. It wasn't necessary for Timekeeper John Stcffens to bold the watch there after. , & Sensational Finish A capacity crowd saw Wilde stow away Murray, and hn did U in the most ftmationnl fashion of nny knockout worded in the nnnnls of Philadelphia hoxing. While those in attendance be lieved that a short straight right, with tot very much steam behind the blow, ended the contest. WJIde himself said it wan't so. ''Iti'mcrabcr thnt lone right-hand punch that drove Murray across the ring to the ropes as the bell sounded ending tho first round? Well, that was the beginning of the end." snld Jimmy. After Murray had put the big crowd in a frenzy in tho first few minutes of the match by shaking un Wilde tbrco times uith terrific hooks to Jimmy's head which brought excited cries of. "There he goes put him away!" from tie audience, tho Welshman ended the Mtsion with a vicious right cross on the Battler's law as the gong' sounded. The force of Wilde's wallop lifted Murray completely off his feet and he went tailing at least five yards across tbe canva to the ropes, rebounding there from. Then the bell came to the local lad's rescue. Murray's great offense in the early part of tbe first inning, however, en titled him to the ndvnntage for the three minutes, and when he rushed from his corner for tbe second session the fans apparently overlooked! the damago ac complished by Wilde's final blow of the preceding canto. The spectators were up, yelling for another rally by Murray. And they wcrC not disap pointed Resumes Bushes The Pblladclphian resumed his ag crcstivo tactics; he went flying at Wilde lilic nn unleashed tiger, or some other wild thing, flailing both gloved weapons in the cencrnl direction of Jimmy's head. Jini has u good head, nnd he knons how 'to use it. He mnde Murray miss ii number of haymakers, and bided his time. Finally, when Mu'rray got to close quarters and started to swing wallops with both hands, Wilde lot into the muss and he, too, mixed it up with right and left. Suddenly Wilde stopped exchanging blous, pirked out nn openibg, let tly with n left hook and it landedon Hat's chin. Then it was Murray's turn to land nnd he did flat on his back with armi spread out. He didn't move a toe. Uefereo Frank O'Brien was ou tbe job. He didn't lose a second. With out lifting his trusty right arm to count. "Pop" began to toll aud nt "four" Murray struggled to IiIh knee, getting P on all fours nt "six," nnd scrambled tl his feet, nrtrm ilnu-n nl "nloh " It ts then thnt Wilde brought into PJy his light right load, and the Bat- tier again went flat on his back, ttl !"i necessary to count nny more. OBrien waved Wilde, unwlldly, but nelv. to his corner. Wilde's terrific punch, which has Wade him the greatest little boxer in He wprld, had become evident. .After .the contest, after a half dozen Wuecoats had forcibly battled a lano "itough hundreds of pop-eyed fans, who wjnted to grnb Wilde by his hand, and i Had reached his dressing room to get nto street nttlre, the little Welshman, unperturbed, was willing to talk with out hesitation. He appareptly was not mixed at the pnndemonic demonstru 'ion of the spectators following his ensational knockout. ira, ina,t was my last- bout u I America." aid Wilde. "I expect to Nive one more contest before sailing for I ft round S on May whh rati Wlla w.il Wi!hs 104 Pounds I ,"I Mould like to meet vour bantam ! eh am nnn ii,.. u "... .. . .. . MV" Mlf sueh'a bout neve win ho J!' r i i . " u v,ero t nelu In I i rift'. i ,. .'.--:.-". "iaun or in America. It mnke nn iLl':?.?' oirrTftnori . . j . .. ..Tru" '" "" Jusi so long as the rt'A" S I,?uud8.. rJnwWe. Tt umni nmn, ami I do not see Why J should be expected to bor Ilermnn I fn, it I 'i'.": iu ou iienuan ior the chaniploushlp at Its pounds. o. I did not welch In for Jlun-ay What Is a Fad? F. A. D. (For a Day) And so the' Overall Fad lasted a day. .... T :. -,. H.IU hllk V-V.8,I,r,s .!' en hen the prli rice of 9!v the ;,,',?,lLns continue WEAR YOUR to OLD CLOTHES I'hone 1'oplar 7860 11 if r?ANE?s al"l DYERS " Chwtaut St. S. W ? Ge""antwn Ave. 1616-28 STsSS. V w ps prm Bourne 3Sam& MURRA YIN U. S. MATCH II. JAFFE 107 5i.ii?0' .pounds," further explained MI(lP. "I nevr irrv. innm Minn 101 pounds, and that Is about what I weighed tonight. Also, Murray did not wj-lgh 110 pounds, as was announced. eight for the match was 110 pounds. I got on the scales with my full ring attire and sweater without wovlng tho beam. Murray stepped on the scales stripped, even takln? off his socks nnd shoes. The beam didn't movo. but If lie was much under 110 six pounds under why did he take off bin shoes'" Preliminary to the Wilde-Murray match, three other eight-rounders were decided. Al Thompson easily won from Franklc McMnnus. Joe Nelson won a hard bout from Dave Astey. Jack Perry and Hank McOovcrn fought to n standstill. English Women's Golf Cham- plon Defeats Miss Griffiths and Retains Title New Castle, County Down, Ireland. May 14. Miss Cecil Lcitch retained her title t the British women's golf championshlfV. here today by defeating Miss Molly Griffiths In the final round of the tournament by 7 up nnd 0 to play. Favorable weather conditions marked the plavlng of tho deciding round, which wasfol!ocd by a large gallery of spec tators. Miss I.eltch opened with a steady game, while her opponent was weak on me greens, her poor putting being par Jtlally responsible for the loss of the first mree Holes, m ks Urituths' n ay im proved somewhat as tho match pro- gressed, but nt the turn the champion wn going steady. At tho close of 'the first, rriund Miss Lcltch's stroke score was SO to Miss Griffiths 80. Miss Leltch maintained her lead throughout the second round. Has Fine Hccord Mi's Lcitch seems to be in a class by herself among the women golfers of Great Britain. In tlcfenting Miss Grif fiths today she won the English title for tho second time, having captured the crown in 1014, since which time It had not bfeu played for until this yeur. Her piny is likened In England to that of a professional, and 'she has all the plijslcnl proportions to stand the strain of a grueling championship con test. As far back as February, 1010, i Having received Halt a handicap, slit beat Tom Ball by one hole. She also defeated II. II. Hilton 12 and 1 In n (2-hole match with Half a handicap. sThc champion reached the semi-finals of the Englleh tournament in 1008 and 101" and enme through to the fourth round In 1000. She won the women's championship of France iu 1012, and holds the women's records for seven teen English courses. Her favorite shot Is a running approach with un iron. .Miss Griffiths New Star Miss Griffiths, who eliminated MUs Marion Hotllns, of Westbrook. L. I., in tho fourth round jestcrdny, Is of the new school of British llnkswomcn who have come to the fore during the lust five years. Last grnon her feats on English and Scottish links drew occasional attention to the fact that she was showing ublllty of championship quality, but her vic tories yesterday, not only over Miss Hollins, but over Miss Jackson, the Irish champion, as well, came somewhat as n surprise. This wus her first ap pearance In a championship. " Mrs. Templo Dobcll, who wnmJefcnt ed by Miss JjCttcli. the British cham pion, in the fourth round, is known more familiarly in America n.s Miss Gladys Hnveiiicroft, her maidcu nnme. It was she who in 101!! came to this country nnd startled golfing circles by carrying home to England tho Ameri can women's title. In that memorable tournament, plajed at Wilmington, Del., Mrs. Dobell defeated Miss Hollins in the final round " up. She has 'met tho redoubtable Miss l-cltch on many occasions, but in recent years her vic tories have been much fewer thun her defeats. , . Miss Doris Fraser. who lost to Miss Leltch in the semifinal, Is u newcomer, comparatively little known In chum ploushlp tournaments. HUGHES AT CAMBRIA . , ,. , A . . Otto to Sub for Magulre Ajjalnst Soldier Tonight '" "" " ."'" rVr Franklc' Magulre against Soldier Kar- parski. of Camp lh. at the Cambria Club tonight. This U the flist headline fiRhl - rounder at the Kensington nrenn. Anntlmr o ir hi. round match on the pro- prnm will be between Johnny Waal and Billy Ouunou, at l'JS pounds, rliiRslde. XnrCO SIXTOUllll uiiuw nuirauim w low: George BlueWiurn vs. . Hauling i." - 2 v ". ii. im.i. '.ili.nv n ii"ul"' iSum"v I'lni Y, . "l obbi 'mi. "" "" .------. BOXING v AT THE ICEPALACE "?5th And Market Capacity, 12,000 Persons Wednesday, May 19, '20 Jimmy 6 RDS. ;?ficlc1r Murphy Roach Weat riilla, California Hughic 6 RDS. Dan"y Hutchinson Frush riilladelphla Baltimore Geo. (K. o.) 6 RDS. Je Chancy ' Welling nalllmora ' Chicago 9iU (K. o.V 6 RDS. Willie Brennan Meehan Chicago California PA" 6 RDS. Ry Herman Moore World's Bantam. St. Paul weight Champion Mike 8 RDS. Geo K' O-) O'Dowd Brown World's Middle- Chicago weight Champion Oreateat bill tr In Uila city Tlckala at the club Fpruce B305 Tickets t the JUIngham - Walnut J1C0 MISS LEITCHWINS BRITISH CROWN; On"lnjuredList LK13 .MEADOWS epecliiclcd pitcher, who will bo missed by Phillies on present west crn tour following Injury in PHts i burgh Scholastic Athletic' Schedule for Today llnsrhatl Intcrwliotnutlc Iraetir. NnrtliMht HUh i.Wrt rhllniletphtii. rrmiintoii Iltili i. Fraiikford High. Other flames I.onpr Mrrlon lllitli n. Sunrllimorit. C otllnitMTonil Illcti t. Trrnton. V.. ' "thn'lr n. .tftlr.lnnum. AMnrtiin lllirh rs. Amlilrr lllh. riifttrnhnm llttcli vs. ntillfy Pnrk. Ilrpn I'rriis y. St. I,nkp' Srliont. Iirl.j llltti y,. Nnrhrrth Illah. rrttiitntmii rrlends' . t'nr'r Parbr. nnn Alhni . Hndnnr IIIkIi, Alooilbury IIIkIi m. Unii(lnnnid Hlih. Track flerrmnUron Acnikmr, Venn CImrlcr nnd (Irrmsntonrn Trlcnds. Junior Track Mttt at lIuMn Ijiif. ' t YESTnUDAV'S nCSOITS Trnck nrthnt filch. 83i Ionlford. 17. firnnantonn Ac.. r.7j Ablnttan II.. 33. PENN PLAYS VERMONT Huntzlnger to Hurl for Red and Blue Today Burlington. Vt., May-14. Tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania nine will en gage the Vermont State tosserg-ou the local college dlomoud this afternbon. Tbe Quakers appeared hero in good shape and Intend to get out on thq diamond early to get the klnkst out of their muscles after their all-night ride from Philadelphia. Dr. Wulter Cariss, the Tcnn coach, said he would u&c Walter Huntzlnger on the mound against' the local colle gians. Furman Warwick, of course, will do the catching. The 3, romnllmrn I? Frank Mackin. S. W. Cor. 1 :: nllfhty Turnl Cap an,! Strain Boaftrt Uhe MoBt Beautiful Car in America fB''(' f XSSiSSSSmSSSSSSSmSmiSlLj I BsV '- " aK ' ; B lllIcV B 1,11 - i ineres something fllkS about ihem SMm you'll like- ) Mri? xmmmJht package u NfiH f aaLsW BaBsS'iatKPBaV I aVVBBBBaV ' I -WW :::: '((h ii,. :: 0 Frank .U fir. in i:ucia In some automobile agencies the stage is always set for the big sale to the careless buyer, and the careful buyer is given scant courtesy and little attention. Our policy is exactly opposite. CUV A. u)ltCV Jrcsidmi mmmmaw motr g? Jhiife Distributor? 394 rt?RTH BR9AD STRe6,T PHIUOCIPHIA FIVE PHILA: IN SHORE MA TpHPLA Y 0 Risley and Piatt Strongest of Qualccr City Entries in Spring Tourney Over Northfield Links Course Made Heavy and Soggy by Rain By SANDY McNIDLICK Northfield, N. J., May 14. FIIVE Philadclphlans made tho first 'sixteen nnd teed off here today nt match play in the spring golf tourney of the Country Club of Atlantic City. Seven ' Atlantic City players qualified yesterday. Among them Maurice Ills ley, lost j ear's spring winner i J. Wood Piatt, North Hills, natlpnal semifinal-1st,- wlio beat Qulmet nt Oakinont, looked to be the strongest bopo of the Philadclphlans. Piatt teed off against J. C. Parrlsh, national links, n metropolitan star, iu the first round todaj and n slender gal lery figured this ns the star match of the morniug. ' Fred Knight played Tom Endlcott,.a seashore expert, in another even match. Mnurlcc lllsley ws figured to cover J. E. Blnlr. He Is In the lower bracket and play Ed. Styles. North IUHs world s champion marathon golfer, If the latter bents H. Wellington Wood, Atlantic Cltj , this morning. Knight Is nlso in the lower bracket. Doctor' Halght. .Medalist Dr. A. T. Halght, Bclleclalrc. won the medal jesterdny with a brilliant (8, the only one to bn-nk 80. The scores were high, It had rained nil night tn torrents nnd most of the morning. To add to the dreariness of the courso and the hard-going there was a tierce sea shore wind blowing nil day, numbing the fineers nnd earning tho shots off the line. S Doctor Hnight hnd n 40 going out nnd 3S home. He is n veteran player and had few difficulties with the ad verse weather conditions. Ho played E. L. Donahue, Shacknmaxon, today. The latter was second scorer yesterday, with 82. Plntt got a poor start In the medal round, wnter on the second adding to his score, nnd he was 4 over par on !l holes. But coming in he hnd 0 holes straight in par, which kept him low. Sun Plnch-Hlts The sun did not come out till 10 :10. It was nut the jellow orbit one generally thinks of, for thnt particular globule was hidden by the clouds all day long. The sun referred to here was only a plnch-hfttpr. but ns a hit it went big. It resembled a huge, fircy ball of a setting sunset in the gloaming nt twi light. Magnificent in Its glory, trans fixing nil beholders, it was the gorgeous, scintillating, carmine sweater incasing tlc rotund torso of that wcll-knowu Philadelphia golf expert. W. Will Urn benhnuer, I.u Eu Temple. Iu n suit of sweet nzure blue, golf stockings of iodine brown, snow-white shoes, emerald tic. pu'rplo stripe ram pant, there was only one "radiant blf of color effect to top it off. It dldatop JSivTwciity to I "Babe"RuthGotthe , Brown Derby for, perpetrating an liiKlorloue muff Be Careful in Selecting Your New Hat v. Smart Straw Hat lias a Narrow Brim and u High Ilnnd 4, 5 and 6 16th & Market ?.!.!;: from ADHE & CO., tO.VDO.V. fVo K Uho Moat Sorviceablff Truck in Amorica GOLFERS tho looks of this earnest golfer sat n cap of glorious yellow, llko n hero's halo, or a fried egg over cranberries ou a purple plate. He was tho dazzling dandy on the firsts, n sizzling, sartorial, seaside sensation, that's all. And just to ,provo he was 100 per cent golfer. W. Will Umbenhnuer shot an even 100 yesterday; good enough for any sixteen, particularly tho fourth. Umbenhnuer hopes it rnlns Mdny; rains hard, i "I'm n mud linrto he said, "the only thing I don't like is tho splash n .: ivi ;7'. . " ""ft"1 nu my new suiting. Bight uow, I'm satisfied with my costuming; It's a knock-out; am I To Confer With Steel League Heads n-5finr"lrJd,.iM"" yy U -frfiid.nt Dan ONelll, of tho Eastern l.eamie. left laat nlulit for IfeUilchrm. l' , for a conference with the he.U. of Jhe fltWSS." Unreal amona- mi uaatern ix'auiin niav.r. nr at, luted inronda ami offer, thado by the Steel k'fR,J..T;l!.a.eei;-cau"11 ON11 o look into tho matter at once M Factory to You. UnitedHatStores 1217 Market Street ,'" STRAW HATS All the New Shapes .and Braids 2.50 and $3 Get the Hat with the Patent Air Cushion Hold Fast Sweat Band All Strawo shaped to fit the head See Our Window Display Genuine Panamas, $5 and $6 I'IIIITOPL,YS PHOTO PLAYS THRU i&zsh' OPIMERICA A linmKr-. '-"i. Morris t Paaaj-unk A .TOM MIX In "THK CYCLONE" AI I FHHKNV JranXford Allegheny ttl-.lJlVjnU.n I Mat. DaJly 2:n Gigs, at! CLAIfX KlMnAI.L YOL'NO In "THE FOnBIDDUN WOMAN" APHI 1 O B!D THOMPSON BTS. rtrUlXVJ 5IATINER 1MII EMMY WHELEN In t 'UKTINQ SHADOWS" ADPAHIA CHESTNUT Below 1CTII ArVrf-L-l- to A M. to 11:15 P. M BERT LITEM. In "THE HIOHT Or WAT" BALTIMORE .WS ETffEL CIAYTON In tj;OUNO MRS WINTHltOP" ni 1 ItrniDr droad street and DL4JtLDltU Hl'fiQI'EHANNA AVE. MARION DAVIES In "APRIL TOLLY" BROADWAY I'nVf.' TAI'LINE rilEDERICK In "THE TALLSER CASE" CAPITOL 7VnAr ffiSPJM KATIMC WILLIAMS lit TAr l ALN Wll'T' CENTURY ERIE AVE. AT HTH MAT. DAILY STAR PAST In EVERYWOMAN" COLONIAL "".'W v vm CONSTANCE TALMADOE In "TWO WEEKS" ITMPDPQQ MAI'N 8T- MANAYUNIC rjlVlr rCOiJ MATINEE DAILY KIAINK IIAMMERSTEIN In "OREATER THAN TAME" FAIRMOUNT "-a ENID DENNETT In Ae. DAILY "Tim WOMAN IN THE SUITCASE IT A Mil V THEATRE 1311 Markft St. rMV14L.l ti m in Midnight EDITH nORERTS In "HER FIVE-roOT HIGHNESS" CLTU CT THEATRE Rlow Sprue jo in Ol. vatinri: DAILY "TWOWEEKS" FRANKFORD ,urtsvnAb MARGUERITE CLARK In "EASY TO GET" Great Northern Im0AVTn rTj?'UE CONSTANCE TALMADGU In "TWO WEEKS" IMPFRIAI 00T" WALNUT BTS. IlVlr C-IMnLj vm a SO Eibs. 7 II OLIVE THOMAS In "OUT yONDKR" 1 FADFR 4lST LANCASTER AVE. ll.-lll M-ITINU rAILY VhUn Martin In "Hunhands nd Wltei" And Chaplin Comrdy. "Work" F IRFRTY ""oad t coLi-MniA av, L1 KATmrINH MBcDTA'lNnE,iDAI" "THE I1I3AUTY MARKET" 333 MARKET WToTi'J'if MODEL 4S AH?' BT'. Otehmitt. tii-'i-'a. Contlnui I to II. ..,-. ALL-STATl CAST In "SHOULD A .IIUSDAK'n mnnivm.i What May Happen in Baseball Today NATIOU LKAOUE Cluh W I.. V.r. Win Ie lloaten 10 Cincinnati ... II t'ltlahurali . .11 nrooklru 10 rhtenco .... 11 Phillies n tl.' Louis .... U Now aork . . 7 0 .fil., .nt? .ass 0 .000 .1KB .683 V .(MO .B1t .S3 1 0 .ftlfl .350 .600 13 ,41H .600 .4M IS ,I3 ,18ft .IOI 13 .420 ,16ft .40 IS .368 .400 .360 AMERICAN Mi0Ui: Clnl. V. I.. IM. Hln I); C'let eland ... lUnton Chicago . . , New York . Wnsfclncton . NI.-I,oiiW .. Athletics . . Detroit Postponed, in 14 II II 10 10 0 .,2. ,7U .w 7 t II II II ,(17 ,08'J .660 .600 ,410 .600 .470 ,:wo .313 .301 .03a .403 7 13 0 10 .101 SCHEDULE FOR TODAY AMERICAN T.K.UJCE Tlelrolt nt WaaliltiKton (rattif? 3:30 P. m. I'lerrland nt Itoaton (rlenrl, 31S V. m. Other camea poatponedi rain, NATIONAI i.Korn Phlllle nt Cincinnati (rlenrl. 2 n. m. New lork at I'ltllnirah (rlenrl. 3i30 p. m. llrookUn at 81. l-otil (clean. 3 l. m. Iloston at Cblcaco (clear), 3 p. m. RESULTS OF YESTERDAY AMERICAN I.E,OUE , ' Alt mmea iiostponedw ct aroimil",. NATIONAL MlXnUE rhUUen-nttahtirsli wet grounds. Chlcoro. 2 llrookljn. 1. New York. 0 Cincinnati, 0. Xt, iiil, 01 lloston, 3. Stetson to Play Bristol nrlstol, champions of Dueka county, atrengthened by tho pick of the Merchant Ship and Trenton. I'rofeaslonala teams, uUI Play tho Btetaon Hattera tomorrow. Stores Coast to Coast. riIOTOPL.YS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for tho theatro in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. 0VERaa?jS"- "ALAHM CLOCK ANDY" PALACF 1214 s'.vnKET STREET JAMES O ri'RWOOD'S 'THE RIVER-S END- PRINCESS o10'8 SI-UIKET STREET v ALICE IIRADT In ' "MATERNITY' REGENT MAnnKF HT D-low " D W ORIITITir ''THE GREATEST QUESTION" RIALTO "MAN-TOWN AVE 'AU1i,VnoT,iYTnTAV.THrKEN ST- "THE VAMPIRE ' RUBY MARKPT st auunxv 7th ALI..STA,RAST,?nni5P-M-W1IVT EVERY WOMAN WANTS" SAVOY ,211 arAin,5ET STREET kvii. DnNAvTTT.n mDom "TUT WOMAN IN THE SUITCASE" SHERWOOD c,tvnd"mor w u.lace nrn "in ' K,e " 3n EXCUSE MT DUST STANLEY ?!A,ETf An?,v? -WHY CHANGE YOUR wiFE-.. VICTORIA ST."-" '" r miU3E ' tf.Thu NIXON-NIRDLINGEP JWt U THEATRES , 7f BELMONT 6-D ABOVE MARlJSx , MARION nVIES In "APnrr t-. And Charllo Chnplln Convey nrH'T," CEDAR cot,ivf.rdar" SEsstr imyvkaw-V ,- THE I1IIAND OF L0PE&. k COI.ISFIIM MARKET I.ET.rc... Loul.o Olaiim in "Th Lone WnTr.'riS LW'T" Added, "Animated 'rp,..PU8hr" JUIHDU jVn,- junction ' i''P, AVE. CHARLOTTE WALKER ninf0rd "'K . "KVB IN EXILr?' '" ii miai KnnvT t . .-...,. LOCUST M"?. WSfW5j&Hi NIXON " ASfRBHK15T 8XT No, 4--THE LOST ' CIT "j ii.n r, km,.. CITV RlVni I C2D AND BANSoxf s VIOLET HEMINO In "TIU3 cost"1" ' Vi p .. Added, Ldsmr Comedy, J'-acher'n ret" STRAWn CJERMANTOWN AVE MARK TWAIN-ST VENANOO " "HUCKLEIIURRY FINN'" WEST ALLEGHENY . 2Bth ' ctA,Sd,J:,LJ?oTnBroSr,Tc?Ti0 tiirntv afc r 15th m W g .v and r m m. Chestnut w r U flkf rr k- flBB BBBBa SBBaBBB r Public has Forced Un willing Manufacturers to sell and the result has been a Terrific but Tem porary drop in Prices. Sale of 2000 Suits MM MNHMMMMM M ft nMHMMMHMHMWMMHMMMHM AND 150 TOPCOATS 40 From Regular Prices r 'Suits and Top Coats Originally c'-w) Made to ft $ 3SmX mm T I aaBBBBBB .B For Suits and Top Coats Originally Made to $M50 For Suits and Ton Crmfc On'ryirioiu, i --- vigiuaiiy lade to Retail at $65 . At the very outset let us correct any wronp impression which the headlines of this adver tisement might convey that the dav of lower prices ls here Existing conditions ow that nothing could be farther from the truth. It is a factmixch as it is to be regretted ale SCA1Cal gradC ,f SliitS ffercd in this sale at 26.50 arc quoted at $35 wholesale for Fall and those at $41.50 are costing $Jat wholesale, j his statement will stand the clos est investigation. C10s ,,.. ?,.'0.r..!.l"J.n!?.l,!'r"' a." rav.l in ,e whole..!. -...,... ;, w 5 CS1- til T !iF. vmiun, wc seized upon the chnn nMj ..'. ' .r1"1 cn seized upon the chance and purchased 7 cvtfeT :?ats to sell at the above amazlniriv f : S tS 'ia store's share o ?th s stock ? fit n P"CM- T uickly you can save fl ,. s 2,5 sarments. If and Top Co Philadelpi you act q :kly you can save Open Daily Till -6 P. ny House of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men The Greatly Lessened Demand on the Part of the Retail at $40 Retail at $50 enormously 1 5th and Chestnut M Saturday Till 10 P. M. 1'V ik in ' r A 'n., t' A-. - ,t A I tt -A1 5 I 3 ih 13 l. -"B j ialfKSaSSaESfi ;New York Headquarters. IS West ..! flt"l MlhD.T"! Comwt.' riart hoirn4r-Vorm tot m, w 34tk Sl 1 . M- ; (P . r . pp- Bturay vnta and 0Oft4y t .-V T ? , .t frt i..v,vTv K. I ,'i ltL i.' y , ., ... V. f '11 f J" r -.- . ,!!- w .-i'.Ciii'i.i-A. r.nj. . i ,i T' . .:-n i rff ' ;V-'y , .ire'i., . - w rv -vH nir, .9 ,, 'AT'1 '' .vji; .