Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 13, 1920, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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Delicious Hoc Cake From Northern Ohio Spoon Bread From
5 uixxe Land is l imc-nonorca ana w noicsomc
. ...
,. i .
, a ffl it,tfSt (At f... u. W 111 ! ai J ff
ffVt "" I ffnlif
l'yJTt TI1B cnrly olou,", (In-Ts torn wns
A W-A'hindoubtocllv the nrtlrlo of rnmmrrrc
, - f d nlao Hip stnff of Wo. Mo.Icrn mllt
Kc VWuns mncJp It pollit for u lo utilir.e
g , ywM 'Wonderful mm-kNPil Rnldcn prnln
thf Itnr rmiii.1 1. .ntii.itiiw ,1ia ffAritt
,v and the cxrcxs fnt. uhlrh rnn he util-
"iscd fop commercial purposes.
, vornmoal ninkes ilr-lliMnu hop raUp.
i onttftr bread or spoon brend. rrnekWiig
ck. C9rnbread. muffin, johnnlp fnke.
Kflddle enke, nnd I would like to ppp
the American hoiKcwIfo ninltp use of
this wonderful itlt-Aiiierleiin product
the year round.
Muh !h tin- most fnmillnr form In
jvhlch. wo find cnrnmenl. It U tied
throughout the winter ni n siibHttuitlnl
breakfast fond.
The followlnR nrp some reelpe for
surpassingly good bronils made from
cornmenl :
Hoe Calif
rince In n mixing bowl
t One cup of cornmenl,
One trntponn of nlt.
Two 1ahcioon of tirup,
Ttco tablespoons of shortening.
One tablespoon of grated onion.
, 'Now pour over the meal one nnd n
half nips of boiliuc water and bent to n
smooth batter. Let stand until rool.
Form Into flat rnkes as thin ns wafers
between the lianiM nnd then hake In n
Well-greased RriiMli' for live minutes.
Turn frequently. These cake ean be
served with stews. gouliiMies and hashe
In1 place of potatoes.
greased loaf -shaped pan nnd bake tor
forty minutes lu n hot'ovch.
IMare In a saucepan
One and one-quarter cups of 'corn
Three-quarters cup of flour.
One teaspoon of salt,
Tiro level tablespoons of baking
Three tablespoons of shortening,
Vour tablespoons of sirup.
One cog.
One and one-quarter tups of milk or
Kent to mix nnd then pour In Mell-gri-aspd
nnd floured pan nnd hake for
thirty -five minutes In a hot oven.
This brrad In delicious If baked In a
narrow loaf-shaped pan. When one
day old, cut in thin slices nnd butter
mid spread with a fruit mixture; form
Into sandwlclips. For the fruit mix
ture use rnlsiiu. nuts, prunes; chop
fine and tben mix to n paste, using u
tablespoon or two of sirup nnd one tea
spoon of lemon Julep.
This cornhrend reripo ulso nvikm
delicious muHini If bnked In either the
Iron pnpover pain or cintard cups. It
ean also Ixj made into con. pone. If
turned itito it libernlly gttAsed iron
roasting pan three-quarters of an inch
de-p; hake In n hot oven for twenty
five minutes.
The Woman's
this rpclnp for hop enkp hns i-omp to
me from an old gentleman who isnbout
Ighty yearn old nnd who is thp son of
one ot the nrst M'tticrs oi .Minntrn
Ohio. III grnndpnrents learned to
make, the cake from the Indian find his
mother Improved upon and formulated
the reelpp.
taller of Spoon Bread
Every true daughter of Diie lias her
oWn pet rpeipe for tills old not'-bollum
delicacy. In thp days of long ago. when
mammy rould afford to have a .iheral
hand with cream and "algs nnd fdeli,
this brend was as rich as n rnke and
must then be eaten sparingly. Hut old
man II. C. T. has opip m the ' res
cue" nnd this bread is now minus the
xlch Ingredients, but Is pnlatable and
Ycrv cond nnd thus may bp paten In gen
erous portions without thp danger of
OTerhcntiui; the blood htream.
The lleclpc
riacc in n saucepan
Ttro awl one-half cups of boiling
One-half cup of shortcntng.
One-half cup of sirup.
Now pour in very slowly nnd stir
Constantly to prevent lumping.
One cup of cornmcal.
Cook for live minutes and then turn
Into n bowl nnd let '-ool. Now add
One cup of sifted flour.
Tteo level tablcpoon of baking
One iraspnon of sail.
One-half cup of cold water.
Two well-beaten eggs.
One-half teaspoon of nutmcq.
Beat hard to mix and then turn into
well-grenspil baking dish and bake in n
hot oven for thirty minutes. The fact
that it must be lifted from tho dish with
spoon and served with, n rather ot
bacon, nnd thus form n delicious break
fast:, elves it the name of spoon bread.
Crackling Cake
Mlnee fine four ounct-s of salt pork,
place In n frying pan nnd cook slowly
until a light brown. Turn tho crack
ling ami fat Into a mixing bowl and
One and one-half cups of cornmeal,
One cup of boiling water.
Stir until cool and then add
flue cup of flour,
TVo 'rtvJ tablespoons of baking
One teaspoon of salt.
One-half teaspoon of nutmeg.
Tree-quarters cup of brown sugar,
J Three-quarters cup of milk or water,
One-half cup of raisins.
Bent to mix nnd then turn into wel-
To Remove Freckles
To the ndltor ot Woman's Vaac
Dear Madam Please tPll mc what Is
Brod to remove frccklis ..
There nre a number of good bleaching
errcnniH on the market that arc ery
holpful In removing freckles. Have you
tried nny of them? You can get them
lr.t drug stores. Lemon julco 13 also a
c; -m i mne to usp.
Wants to Know Musicians
mw " 11
Some People Object to This Became It Takes Positions From
Unmarried Girls Others Encourage It Among
Trained, Experienced Women
Having finished her tiudersllp, the
amateur dressmaker bought some
brown net and made an oierdrcss,
trimming it with black satin belt,
buttons and small loops. The hat
Is brown straw with a taffeta brim.
The little flguro shows another pos
sibility with the underslip ns
To i Krfftor o Woman' raor: foundation
theTonn'sTumn for "a very long ', A Dally KaMilon Talk by Florence Itoso
tlmo and enjoyed It very much, and you ; Ql'ItEIA this design does not look
nave ncii'ra many ouiith. i niu Kl" I kj iniich 11
TIIBItE Is n great deal of talk sobg
on notrnitnva nliniif iUn tiinflerY
woman In business. In former times,
that Is, In the "good old days before
tho war," women went Into business al
most ns extensively hs hey do now, but
they left, bajr and baggage, pencil and
typewriter, an soon as they wero mar
ried. Now It's different-. It wasn't only
the unmarried elrls who went to work
during the waV. Slany and many n mar
ried woman who had never even worked
before sha was married looked despair
ingly after the postman when he passed
her door In the morning without leav
ing her anything "opened by censor"
and then briskly locked her door, and
?u J0!"0 "offleo" to forget. Some of
them had to, to umku enough to live on.
Others wanted to, to help out the short
age of labor. Others wanted to, because
it wns being done.
Now that thp Mlir' nvep nnrl I In. innii
nre home, some of the women have gone
;7 ,".UOU5C"ornBain. utners haven't,
they Ilko tho litdependcnco of having
t le.ir own Income. They enjoy their
VM?"' T.h"y frcl n' lf c.Vcl "Just
die now if they didn't have nny regular
occupation. Yet they aren't .entirely
happy now, for tlicy feel ns If they're
not wanted. Bonjp people feel that mar
ried women should leavj! thp field uf
business for the glrln wht nre dependent
upon their own work for their support.
Married women whose husbands could
tnko earn of them nre In the wny; they
take positions they don't need nnd keep
out those girls' who do need them des
perately, say these objectors. Another
type of objector feds that a woman
who tries to keep house nnd hold a po
sition at the same time is Mire to slight
one of them badly, or both of them just
a little. She doesn't put her whole
heart Into her work, they say, when part
of that heart Is all bound up in a seven
room apartment or nn eight-room house
and the welfare of n husband.
ON THE other hand, n woman lec
turer Is now urging married women
who have had training or experience in
business or profession to give nt leant
part of every day to It. They will be
Please Tell Me
What to Do
stay up.
happier, she thinks, and the world will
be better off for their help. Thero are
schools that hnvc closed on account of
tho shortage of teachers nnd there arc
women all over tho country who have
been good, experienced teachers. Why,
asks this lecturer, shouldn't the two
como together? Why couldn't women be
Induced to arrange n pnrt-tlme schedule
bringing in both business and house
work? So there's the problem that stares
women in the face today. On the one
hand, a superfluity of women for posi
tions, nnd the Brent desire of mnrrlctl
women lo go on with tho uork they
stnrted during the wnr; on the other
hnnd, the shortage of trained women,
and '.ho unwillingness of. women who
have given up their work for marriage
to go hack to it again. The .business
girl who Is engaged Is In n constant
state of bickering with her fiance. Hi
feels perfectly able to support her anil
rnn't see why she doesn't want to give
up the work thnt she loves nlmost at
much ns she loves him. The woman who
is happily married feels tho call upon
her to help out the world by doing thnt
work in which she Is trained nnd ex
ncrlenced. yet bhc hates to go out from
home again.
Whnt is the solution? Will men unK
unmarried girls have to get used to
having mnrrlcd. trained womeji "In
terfering" in their work? WW the
world, business nnd professional, have
to whirl around without nid from thee
married women who know It so well?
Or will we have to work out n "flftv
fifty" kind of life, In which business
and the homo have equal shares?
Fashion Hints
So far the smartest talllcurs arc
made of dark blue hergc, blue or black
tnffetn. or ot yellow, white, rose, or
green kaslm, n fabric which Is very
Many of the gilets or blouses of mus
lin worn with tailored frocks are topped
with wide, turned-over, finely-plaited
muslin rolliirs. cither of orcnndle or
batiste. And many of these collars of
every -orr stand high neross the back
onl . falling open In front.
Sorry to Refuse
Florence D. T.-Introducllonrf cannot
bo brought about through the column.
Try Talking to Her
Ambitious It would seem a sensible
thlnff to talk straight out to Uilfl young
Klrl. Ask her If she ,cn give you any
hope that your friendship may culminate
In love. You are young, both of you. so
an engagement could wait, but it would
probably moko you both more comfort
ablo to talk things over plainly.
Talk Frankly to Her
Dear Cynthia I am a young man of
twenty summers and I need some or
ycur advice. About a year ngo I be
gan to keep company with a girl about
two years mv Junior. Wo got along nno
until about four months bbo. wnon for
some reason that I cannot understand,
we broko off. Now I see her pretty
often In the street, nut wo navo noi
spoken to each other since we broko off.
As I love this girl very dearly. I would
Ilko you to advise mo how I could ap
proach! her without making her feel
that I hm anxious for her. I would Ilko
to mako friends with her. oven if It Is
not leve. M A. Q. ANXIOUS.
Ask her frankly what caused tho
break and see If you cannot explain
away the cause of tho misunderstand
ing. .
"Byrne" Sticks by His Guns
Dear Cynthia Somo people feel that
to express themselves forcibly slander
ous nnd Insulting language Is necessary.
Tliev believe that such words add to the
Impetus of the letter, and convey tho
mrnnlnf: to a much greater extent. But.
ns Is always the case, they ultimately
find themselves erring. Now to answer
the wrath-seekers, or otherwise the
bonus champlona. Today the United
States Is In a precarious condition.
There Is a run en Its resources. Gold Is
at a premium. Therefore, thero Is but
ono way to raise money for a bonus,
nnd that Is by taxation. In Its present
state tho country Is nor In shape for fur
ther taxation. There Is not a. partlelo
of sense In trying to bleed money out
of a government which has already been
bled to an enormous extent. The only
possible culmination of a bonus will bo
Increased taxation. Common sense will
therefore show that tho government will
be forced to glvo meney with ono band
and take It back with the other. Thero
Is absolutely nothing to gnln. Peoplo
today who nro nldlng In governmental
thrift are tho real patriots of the hour.
Ccnscrvatlon should bo the slogan of
nil. We must not endanger the Ideals
nnd Institutions of our government.
When the public has money, whether
It spends It willfully or noti prices must
TWtAAti nAtVflrlnvn flllplllAtP nO-
cording' to the wealth and salary of the
public. That Is always tnKcn care of
et us surrer iituei in mo iruo iw
that prices will drop1 to a ower level.
Just a word to thoso who claim that a
great deal of the null-bonus men do not
need hn money: That may be true nnd
then again It mny be untrue. However,
shew mo tho man, no matter how rich
or poor, who will refuse money. That
iAn im H.AflA.I ermifl Mnnpv Is tho same
mt. i ,...-. i.i.j ,nft
to every one. ira noi ,00 ""?'V;1.,.
How Do They Get That Way?
Dear Cynthia The editor of the Evk
nino Punuo IRDOKn may Are Sidney
Smith. C. A. Volght, etc., but plcaso do
not exclude this column from your
paper. It is a source of very groat merit
fror me and others to read the heart
breaking, pathetic letters of vour love
sick contributors In love with tho only
clrl "stufT" and "how can I tell If he
(or she) loves me" with whom a good
spanking would work wonders. Another
well-known laughable typo of letter Is:
't .mi n voung nlrl cf seventeen Bum
mers" (and who knows how many win
ters?) In lovo with a blonde young man
three years my senior. But there are
times when I doubt If my handsomo hero
reallv loves tne." etc etc. Also, "t am
a girl eighteen yenrs of age, considered
cuie nno prciiy uy iuwi sexes, is it
proper for mo tc stuy out later than
8:20 p. m." etc., etc, Cynthia, how a0
they got that way? PEP.
Isn t It fine that the column Is such a
source of amusement to you? Cynthia
Wiiniu It to bo "all things to all neonle"
'and It seems her wish Is to como trus.
For putting nwny the smaller artl.
clcs, such ns woolen underwear, for the
summer, the thick brown paper moth
proof bags come In bandy. These can
be secured In ulmost nny department
store. After the articles have been
laundered tlfcy should bo folded neatly
and placed In these bags nnd then care
fullv sealed. As the bags nre moth
proof when sealed. It Is untfecessarv t0
use any other moth provcntlvo. Thty
must be placed In nny convenient place.
If it Is impossiuie to secure me moth-
roof bags, Pin me smnuer nrncics up
old musnn, men wrap wuu nowj-
of twenty enrn of age and I would like
to gel acquainted with people no iouow
my profeslon and who are older than
I am. I have been playing In about
thlrty-tlvo theatres since six years ago
until now I played the organ since
threo ynrs for theatres.
I wrote the music of a song four enrs
ago which Is In stores now making a hit.
like thp foundation of jester-
1 day, but if you look closelv you may m'c
the line of thp tiuderbndice showing be
neath the slip of brown net. If jou
don't see it you'll just hnve to tnke my
word for It that the frock sketched to
day was one mndp by u cleter New
York amateur dressmaker from odds and
Ho you think It would be a good Idea ends ot materials that she happened to
If I would belong to all kinds of musl-1 have on hnnd. The slip, ns I showed
yesterday, she made from an old
riiiiiH' eliilis. siieh ns comDOsers' clubs,
organists' clubs, orchestra clubs? Do
you think I can meet n future husband
in ono of those places? MISS L. C.
In the business directory of the tele
phone book under "clubs" you xvill find
a number of music clubs with their ad
dresses. You would have to call them
ud to ask about becoming a member
You mlgh' possibly meet n "future hus
band" by Joining ono of these clubs, but
I should not advise you to Join nny of
them for that .purposp. You arc Just as
likely to meet him anywhere else Hut
vou can meet p'oplo, who follow your
profession, and that Is nlnas pleasant.
Some Beauty Queries
To the Kdttor of H'onmn' Pane
Pear Madam Will ou kindly
answer me the following beauty hints
How can I -make my hair curly, as I
don't wish to use a hot Iron How can
I get a whlto complexion and also color
lit my cheeks? I am In good health
but mv face Is slim, so 1 would like- to
mako U look fuller. How can I remoe
freckles nnd pimples and alto suggest
what good IncNpensHc powder to use?
Vnless vour hair has a tendency to
riirl. von cannot mako It really curiy
on yesterday, she made from an
black satin skirt that was still lu good
The overtlip of brown net fastens
down the renter bnck. as does the 1111
dersllp, the opening taking on a dec
orative note ns it Is achieved by hlurk
satin buttons nnd small loops. Wlyu
wc wore our frocks right there was al
ways danger in decorating the closings
in this way ns tlip strain on the but
tons or loops would pull them awry
nnd detract from their trim appear
nupp. With the present rnsy-titting frock
there is 110 such dnnger if thp buttons
nnd loops are put on securely to begin
with. The neckline is corded, us jou
see. and the sleeves arc o,ultP Mioit.
just thp right umount of bouffaucy Is
achieved by n cording of the straight
full skirt ut the hiplinp nt either side.
Bodice and skirt are made in oue in
this ovprslip, and indeed, this always
should be the casp. The belt linp is
defined by n narrow sash of black satin
ribbon. As jou hee. the black .atin un
(Icrslip extends benpatli the overslip,
nnd tills is u practical nrrnngement, as
well us one that is attracthp. for the
Curl, you vjiliuiui. munv -... . i -- .... . , . ..
without using 11 hot Iron or putting It 1 satin gets all the wear and tear nt the
tin ian nii? it or eerv oilier mgni on
patent curlers You can buy tho
curlers nt notions departments In any
department store If you nre In good
health and It Is natural for you to have
color In your cheeks vou should have
the color, although your skin may not
be naturally white There are whlten
crs nnd bleaching creams that will help
and massage will bring the color to
vour face for a while, although nothing
but health will keep It there naturally.
There aro skin foods that will mako
vour face tuner it you upc mem ick
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1. Who is Miss Emily Knrniim?
2. What is the "Cleopatra hat"?
3. In basting white mnterlal what
will make the line ensier to follow
on the sewing machine afterward?
4. How should a light -colored or
gandie dress be wnshed aud ironed
to prevent fading?
Si What detachable addition to an
evening dress will mnke two dif
ferent dresses out of it?
C. When a hall is long and narrow
whnt method of arranging furni
ture in it will mnke it nppear
Yesterday's Answ ers
1. Judge Jean Norris. of the Court
of Inferior Criminnl Jurisdn tion
of New York. Is the 011U woman
judge of n crimiunl fourt 111 Amer
ica. 2, Narrow black silk braid is sewed
in rows round the hips of n blue
serge street dress to make a deep
yoke that is very goou-looKing
n. A nlnte-rack hunc on the kitchen
N wall near the stove is a convenient
place to keep odd kettle lids wlan
they nre not in use.
4. A convenient white collar for a
dark summer dress is made with
buttonholes that correspond with
buttons on the dress so thnt the
collar is detachable for-wushing
5. Creases for small hand -made
tucks can be made by tunning tli
material through the tucker on (up
sewing machine without thread.
C. Linoleum in 11 tile design of large
block and white squares mokes a
cool, neat floor covering for the
entrance of a summer house.
itini-w unrt ennstantlv l.cmon Juice Is
said 'to be good for freckles, although 1
It is almost impossible to remove them I
enttrolv, but the pimples must come
from some condition of vour blood or
vour digestion 1 am afraid you are
not In such good health as you think. ,
nich food or Indigestible food will,
cause pimples sometimes, nnd you can
get rid of them only by careful dieting .
bottom of the 1 kilt that the net might
not stand so well. The hat worn with
this model f-. of brown straw with u
tnfTi'ta upturned ruff.
The small figure ut the right shows
another overslip, for to be really eco
nomical jou should have more than one
overdrnpery for jour satin foundation.
Tills one is made of white organdie,
combined with odd pieces of lace. Hlack
satin is introduced for the sash, which
i fnstcm, nt the left side of the front.
wmui Jkv iAvuuuiy vu VI w J
elements lniooci' out De sure vou are
chewing a real food-Shreddledl Wheat
Biscuit is all food. It is 100 per cent whole
wheailts crisp and tasty goodness encourages
thoroudh chewind --hence tluwoudh digestion.
Children fed on mushy porrids donotde
velop sound teetLTwo or these little loaves of
Shredded Wheat make an ideal breakfast
Washday out of your life
It is hard sometimes to believe that the thing you have
wanted so long has really come true.
Think of it not another washboard backache, not
another parboiled hand, not another sigh over heavy,
"old things" that "just won't come clean." No steamed
face or wet feet and generally looking a "fright."
washes tho clothes in an hour or so. Everything, from lingerie
waists to floor mats, comes out spotless. No lifting, for Blue
Bird's big copper oscillating tub with tho twin-six movement
swirls the water through tho clothes seventy times a minute.
No wearing away clothes with u washboard rub. BlueBird
clothes wear fivo times as long. AH mechanism is enclosed.
BlueBird is easy to clean and looks clean. Arrange with your
Community Dealer for a
Free Demonstration
in your home to prove BlueBird worth to your own satisfaction.
When you buy only $7 down and
the balance in easy monthly sums.
WAolcsflJe Distributers
Elliott-Lewis Electrical Co., Inc.
1017-19-21 Race St, Phlla., Pa.
I PgMswrclPal
Sold Everywhere
: A.K.N.
When you visited thnt cool, clean
country dairy and tasted that rjch.
golden butter, did you eay "My, I
wish I could get butter like this in
the city."
You can. Your dealer sells or can
get A. K. N. for jou. It in so sweet,
pure and wholesome that housewives
say it is "Philadelphia' Finest
Wholesale Butler, Eggs, Margarines
KS V. Drlnwurr Af.. l'lilla.
l I he tho futn of II.
I of I. If you u8
Removfn nhlne. sr.
road and food Mains
from clothlnc. k!opi,
(pa's etc. Price 1 3c.
nn rie E,ierrner
or direct from TUB I.AIUN COMPANY.
makers of I.npln'n llunilr Hhoe Pod for
white thorn . K. Cor. inth and fan-lull
Mt Philadelphia, I'o.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Doubles Its Beauty.
At all Department and
Drug Stores
i B
i K
that w apply ( the
Frederic System
Hair llntin, ao dyea unds Ky
browa arched Scalp Treatments
Shamponlne. Henna Treatment. Manl-Turin-
tid Facial Massace.
fixator In Kennedy Hide
Phone K'anut 73 for Appointment
A ttw cent bum "Dnderln." After
n application of Danderlne" you n
nut ilnil n fallen hair or r damlruaT,
br.lUe. fery Imlr- alioya in ; llf. visor,
lbrlIite, more 'color Td lfcUue.--
t It -11-tfr
Say You Want
"Diamond Dyes"
Don't Spoil or Streak your
Material in a Poor Dye
Karb parLaro uf "Diamond Dxea"
rontalna direction a almple that
any woman ran diamond-dye a netr,
rich, fadeleaa color Into worn,
ahabby carmenta, ilraperlea, coer
liuri, whether wool, allk, linen, cot
ton or mlied foodi.
Buy "Dlamjnd Oiaa" no other
kin J then perfect reeulta'nro eiiar-
an teed eien If you hire rarer Jed
before. DruitUt lu rotor card;
A. jljlM. f'Lh I
Profits Must Tumble!
So the Expected Has Happened in
Most of the Large Department Stores
Nothing New for Us
This Profit-Cultinc; We Have Been at It for Months,
Operating on From
5 to 10 Gross Profit
Just barely getting our c.pcnscs back.
Is it any wonder that our store is
Crowded to the Doors on Fridays and Saturdays?
Special Announcement
Our New Store in
just opening tomorrow and Saturday will en
deavor to carry out this Penny Profit Idea as
far as its possible with its facilities.
Steak Meats Kfnds 30
Pot Roast..
22 c lb.
.22c lb.
Bolar Roast 26c lb.
Hamburg Steak. .20c lb. Stew'g Beef br,"kr')' 12'2c
in 2 to 4 lb.
When Most All Other Storekeepers Ask 35c to 40c a lb.
Think of Boneless Bacon at 32c
Ham. at Low Prices!
Picnic Hams 5 to 8). .22c I Regular Hams (8 to 12), 3Gc
Cnttaee Hams (2 to 4), 42c Skinback Hams (8 to I2),37c
Extra Small Picnic Hams, 4 to 6 lbs., 24c lb. I
Wc Are Stlllf YA 9;r
Selling Pure L-arO L Jd,
Cut in 1-lb. Packages
.Butter 75c
Fancy Table'
The Finest You Ever Tasted
Another Big PORK Sale!
Loin Roast (rib cut). . .30c I Fresh Hams K.10 37c
Shoulder Pork 'j,',1,",1; 23c ' Shoulder Pork ,,'2J29c
Again Strictly Fresh Laid
EGGS to go at
' 1
V' ,,
Yearling Prices Tumble!
Legs Yearling 38c
Shoulders Yearling., ,21c
French Yearlg. Chops,35c
J, Yearling Chops, 28c
Loin Yearling Chops, 38c
Breast Yearling, 21bs:2oc
Five Big Leaders at Cost!
Roasting Chickens..., 42c 1 Nut Margarine., 30c
Sffiwinp Chickens 42c L fHnnmaro-nrlnn . 4uC
-r " ---- - ------- r ---v ..........,.,, ,,.-.
- f. I laM ril,.l.l. n..41.ufitf.A. . V r- -
i rT- 3, ,..'mvj. auiu jjnilicr,, ovcD? v '
VI 12, I " "'". ,i. ,-. ' "RMRBn
J'.Ta Jar18 '
niitittmvmMmnitMriu ii imnrniifniFi
Etigflt!J'aaMfcJ.-','v7, " "K?!ll-ii"lAj