"&' rn ;(V fr. ' J W f I4 ... '?.(' f II frV "fit v . .-..' i .? i' -i i i i r jvS lif,. ' i fl- V il 33VBNIN& PUBLIC HAY THARON OF, LOST VALLEY ' 5TJS7 GUMPS And Where Was Andy? By Sidney Sm -- .w , "V " I ' ' 'U" " im mmmmmmmmtmntMtmim y WVGZ2 & HOE fuTior o 'Tic ilflrf o to Whispering Hills," "The Heart of Night Wind," etc. tetmrtiht. mo. by vodt. utad a co.i -vTHIS STAU1H TIIH HTOtlY irknrMl LOtt f OHr 0 me luumirrs iii hoi controlled lh valley for yiuri. '4"C 'row V.lmi. 'r. Oto'sfharon $trl"1rion In thootinaand hotirfi ii.rH the name of hi mwtlcicr and 1J to "net him" Storo cattle have !i l?l-td.a I Tharon ralla out her Tharon VMM .'! ) ami (j cArncrf by " Swrlrfl. 'o -o;' " fn16'n ' y.".'"..:'!- ....JMrm. with ComJrei a I .' Jw vnrd behind. "That." ;ho oi, ' oav. 3W ash lir.nn it continues TTESSIX npilnglnK forward, caught . iv HI llf' bit Tho BUillldu reared 4 and Jirm k. but lio held lilm down. ) . I- nun 'PhnMltl.1 lift tWinlnl. Tiirrn is iii ,....... ..- r-........ "It'll ltal 1 KHico (hut day on Uantoira .lnq wlipn ou Imcktil out imnt inn I iafohad "o In my inlnil-my tlwuBhtH li1! ... -.i niirlit tlirro H lino, and t'll 'kJfS Jour InndH froin blood Court. , or nv ollur If It tulus my life . "ttoV iVane-l down and l.cr Muo va l.ljiod I" ''la faw ,, , , yAi make mo t?e to Hi ctomjA om ..-'"miI'i Htonc?" Hho ci ltd. . "iSo ni?) or anybody else-could do that W wnVUmd toward tho north -SSS 7." y-" a?.s& S .Iftly aio" lt snowy funds, paused a tremUiC Hind acroBH IiIh cjch and Jlool a l",n,!r,l.!!7 whftl ,in,. ,10 W1HU OIU ,V,. .""", 1 mntln , I,..,! nny debouchlnR ennvon a man might turn to his undolnir. might traI onlind up ntid never reach those beckoning helRhui, seen clearly from eomo blind pocket ho had wandered Into, might nover flnd'hlH Way back to tho original canyon among tho continuous cu that met mid crossed and pastiod each other among tho tower Ing points and shceln. IiUt llll PltA ImnUf t Urn 1.A iat wn- Ing. Not for nothing had ho threaded hicpo passages Knew t part better than Bny man In tho valley, for fifteen vearx. lie e Can on Country for tho lower nrntnttifll? JcrlDDCd blni that bin usually nulut fi hi rUBhid Into that torrential mteh that leail with llfu and death? ?fhVt i Tliuron l.nst to him? A figure of tho old West ' A romantlo run woman Willi lier wimuhiiib wii " hTc"t A rider of wild horses I hlowly, as If he had, ga nod an added wtliht of jtars. ho reined Cupta n and iwurS himself up. Ho rodo east from th"prng towntd tho lacy itnd far reaching sklrtH of tho forest, and for tho flrrt "line he suw tho rolling country "'itMu'VelsMHS-llfn and death and the passing or ontlnulng cf regimes and dinuctlPH but It was n won droun country, and, eomo good or bad, It had becotno his own. Ho Bwung .-...i in hiB ..nrfittn .itnl lnrtUorl fur hack I acrom the valley. Ho Haw the golflun llaht on its iincouition acres, 1110 snauow falling at tho fool of tho great ltocltfacc, the mighty wall Itself with tho sller ribbon of tho Vestal's Veil falling straight down from tho upnor rim, tho dlHtaiit town, looking ulw'as HUo a dull lKcni In a (Jar; suiing, una u inriii I ilik lo his heart ... Yes, It lie llMti lo fio ma worn in wio hidden alley If ho was shot this night on his own doorBtep, It was his country. He who was alien In excry way wui yet natKc Snmethlng In the depths of Jilm came down as from far distant racial haunts and was it home. ho he todc slowly up nmonp tho scat tered oakh with his IihihIh foliled on tho mutilated pommel, and he knew that his lines wt.ro definitely cast. Tharon Last rodo Into tho Holding and dismounted In unwonted nllenco. There was a frown between her brows, an unufuil thing fiho turned tho utnl llfn Into his! corral, dragged off tho big saddlo to hnng It on lis peg, flung tho studded brldlo on a post. Thurfnitn nnii) iir.1 In ml l,'n .n.n , the north bouill thn 'hit- rnir!ila alia t fould i-eo tho rattlo grazing toward nome nurgo of gaago Joy In lvcr postesslons tlooded oxer her. Theso things were. 1 er own They were what Jlin Latt had worked for nil his life. . , ' H".6 noof or ''Ide should Courtrey tlk without swift reprisal. Jsot one Inch should ho push lier from herajowed purpose not though all tho iranrers In tho world came to Lost valley nnd ptatcd of blood guilt. -Ji.T h0mo vagtio rraKon wliloh sho rouldnt huo nnalyied hud sho -wished. I? Vu t0 ,ho Paled-ln garden where .. .V Hnlors iripKicd and searchel mong tho few flowers growing thoro S. 80n?.c. bIo8S?ni. sweeter, tenderer, more mild and timid than usual for tho pa hands of tho Virgin In tho deep louth room. h.Jr!J.a.Vi0 p0v in hcr Infers sho sllp Wfluletly to lier hanctuary and knelt v.lL0...11!? li'',lu.0' Ponnl. frowning. .l?l5.l,t.lri;fd-.sl10 whispered tho pray- i fAi.V. " uui. uur, uui silo HI Ui a fiturt tliat tbo words wore itVlni. v"xa Baylne them tniI'r.n,llnd i,a1 boen nt U Slhor llol iWtelng again tho forest man's dark rirki ? ,r"c Sl 1ulot 8 deop hor h.M . V . ' ,uu oeioro. nno hit ii "a"D mans conueinmng voice. Pon hirWarnU f hl" lm"dS ,rcB8ed ttnIC,T,l?,,;fNS oC, LaHt'B Blu"f berselr, ffi, ,lallv "J'1 Physically, and so Sllo,10IU)' ,ler Prayers. Luillh nf fl ''""0.OUt t0 ,ho llf " I irTl'. '? I.,u",.,.l hc""'0 tho catll wro their 1?. '" i "'?. fnr co,ral "nd,,r tounL- i, i ,u rl,,(rH wcrft Hlioutlinr. An" tan "I'm ,K'T '" ,U'" kll,',l(, n.l Veiling men! K"'k aml fort" "1,0,,t "' 4 ft a Tlu re boa tl -io sortiv alight, liiirh .-.iifi .,i.;;i vrrl0.'!';,.!?.0'' Country. Tho skies deco ami ""'. iitBii and v??i"id.,?,J8l0H'us and swoot. hung : taBihi..' J'rofo"n,I uk otornlty. thVVanS hly ab? Loat Vally anil .hjaigrdetB1111 na ' a" fell.. fL Was rnre. Tho waters that "' "hi cmvSS,8 ,fr?in "o oPcltmouths CorlanTil'h0"1 1)0 seen tho lights of o daw,, r-ar Vir ve,lt ,out from I" imleht iaw L' th? ,l,ort,, " black blot 'miSLri0,in. Jlslbio wlin u fuller ranriv nr ,' " " oeuued on tho Privileged t",ly B,oUs "' alloy so AynJ.n?r1LO0Or,.U, "ckfaco In the crawled 7iYr ,1L "" Procession had 1lc empty'"? ')Ufrros- "w'r paek-nad-ll4 acrSas i,,.i? for,a t"0"r,l of sacks ?&bc0cUunnd,,5U fo' ?'Wr,r ir the cooiini I r ? r i'n, .b"B" f "now freihmenta B f ,l10 GolJtn Cloud's ro- WlsshapenVit 1Ll(1,r'a'r- grotesquo and ,"' burro.3 ,ii .O.,follow,(1 b"llv ufte? J' rolled o ,.k nd Jn ,tno '""' hlo animals L1' CCT a,,fl 'Pt "' wisp of !T?i Hi,on, II enstunt trot wl h "T or ,i niii ..i "ii ins com no8 r.;,1P.,,0,1 "head und sent tho Iron'lnutt-Vh; o for',? SK Wn On,nn.J "visible ntrun, to ho itT"1 Ideui.n '. ""rrow mouth that S tliou';lw, " JP'o.tho ory breast o? SS?lWn..1. 1" !. lea back IlfTM0,t: lueak!'Qlad(jn burr liad a iwisawMS &V'.S,"vStBsrrkt1 SS5S4SS .W -Th?. l ?to tunc from";, "2 Lhad If Courtrev bo excented. So this night ho climbed and shouted to his burros and thought no more or the sounding splits, for hero tho echoes raed, than ho would hao thought of tho open plains below. Ho passed on und up to where a cer tain cut lay full, ear after year, of packed and hardened snow. Por fifteen years Old Peto had visited this cut, a' deeper drop Into tho nether world of rock, and cut his supplies from Us surface Everv season hn tnnlt nhnl (in nnmtori. leaving a widening clrclo at the edge from which he worked, where the cut he traveled passed the mouth of tho pent canyon nnd oery year the snow, sifting from high above, leveled It again. Tneia was no known outlet for this glacler-likc pacK, no siiuing cnanco. yet it was al was on a certain lovel each summer soonung to ioso just what It gained In winter. It lny level at tho moutn vt tho passing cut. was nover tilled higher. .Starting nt dusk from Corvan, Pete reaciieu ins ucHiimuion arouna 2 o ciock, tilted Ills sacks, tied them on his miilu nnd started down, coming out of the iiocKraco in time lo meet the dawn that fiulvcred on tho eastern ramnarts. But this night Old Peto, Bturdy, fear- ii'nn, unnrmea, was not lo seo Hie accus tomed pageant of thn rising sun, tho tleclug veils of shadows shifting on thi lley floor that ho had watched with silent Joy for all theso years. This night ho wbh well down along his backward Way, shouting In tho darkness, for tho slim moon had dropped down behind tho, lofty peaks abovo, when all tho echoes In tho world, it seemed, let looso In tho canyon and nll tho weight of tho universe ItBclf catno pressing hard upon his dauntless heart with tho crack of a gun. "Th' price I" whispered Old Peto ai he fell sprawling on his face, "fer pure flesh I" With which crjptlc word tic bado farewell to the sounding passes, the tenets of manhood as ho conceived them, tho valor, and tho grumbling at llfo In general. Tho tlttlo burros, placid and falthfUi, went on and saw tho pageant ol enu dawn from tho hidden gateway In the Wall, crept down tho Itockface, uinglo fllo, und ut their accustomed hout stood at their uccustomed place befuro the golden cloud. It was Wan Loo, Old Pete's oeto nolr. who found them thero and rt.n shouting through tho crowd of belated players In the saloon's big room, tils pigtail flying, his almond eyes popping, ta upset a table and batter on his master's door and scream that tho "bullos" vrero hero, "alt osamo lone," and that Vhcro was blood all spattered on tho hind one's rump 1 So old Pete, the snow-packer, had paid tho prlco of gallantry. The oullet ho had averted from Tharon Last's oung head that day In tho Golden Cloud but sheathed Itself to wait for him All tne allcy knew It. Not u soul beneath the Itockface but knew beyond a shadow of n doubt wjjo, ot whoso agents had followed Peter that night to tho Canon Country. Whispers went nying tiooui an usual, ana as usual nothing happened. When tho newB of this cams to L,anth Holding tho mistress sat down at tho big desk fii the living room, laid hcr tawny head on hcr arms and wept. Tiiero was in lier a now softness, n now reeling of mlser as If otio had wantonly Killed a rollicking puppy bo foro hcr eyes. Thoso tears were. Olu Pete's requiem. Sho dried them quickly, however, and set anothor notch to nor seoro with Courtrey. It was then that tho wait Lug game ceased abruptly. Tharon, riding on HI Key. went In to Corvan. Sho tied tho horso at the Court Houso stops and wont boldly lnt the sheriff's ofllce. Behind her wore Hilly, llko hef shadow, and tho eano and qulot Con ford, Stentoo Service, fat and lmoortnnt. was busy at his desk, lts spurs lay on a tablo. his wldo hat besldo them. Tho star of his ofllco shono on his suspender strap. ".Step Service," bad tho girl stralght ly. "when are jou goln' to look Into this here murder Knrvlco swung round w.nd shot an ugly look at her from his small eyes. "Havo already douo so," tie said. uut-ii um mi BUW io in ouryiu ; Tharon gasped. "Burlod him already? How dared you no iir - "Say," said Service, banging a fist on his table. "I'm th' sheriff of Menlo county, jouiuj woman. I ordorcd him burled." "Whcro?" "What's It to vou?' "Was Jim Banner thero?' "Jim Banner's sick In bed got th' uuuiery morDus. Thuron's eyes began to blazo. 'Buhl" sho snapped "th' time's rlpo 1 C Oino On. bOVR." rind nlin ulilpt.l .,.. tho courthouse, lllllti J'l ''I'll' "I OW DERJ VTHATS TY& -fNST TAH .iYv4EVEMER DRAr MEOUr TO A WHITE E-LEpWANT ppvn g f EVEIW dOEST -WAS TO tVMN r I .ffAc.TUtiiV. YWlLTSHE-CfiLlLO NOTFIN&ANX USE FOR- s," I 1U TC I , I V TO THPtUlfV - r fj " ewr i . f Nrwr tr a 1 SUCCESS? ' A success.? 9 OUT OP THE -2.0 fcROUGHT THEIR HOSBNtiS It Mp tV - 7 it r M i MIKUCV ' rvirf PETEYThat Home-Made Hooch No. 11 -- Will UU fu J wy: , , ; 1A J02EW -RA1S1MAAMP fyt 33CW 510W5 UP AMD VTRECKS ) sj. ) JA up That Hooch Yf omdwk . Ham Takckj J Tra La. uttus. -j 'Nsrtu ( lo hospital - . r By C. A. Voighl OWMEK HELD f?ES POMS IBID - CLAIMS AU HE Dl WAS PUT IU OWE -RAIU 9 - ' - J V IE w'ftza wlM&D &r Ffc tFfj -ri tir4-Zl"""' jt dft - Ibbw? The Young Lady Across the Way "BEFORE A CROWD OF WoblEN AND EVERYTHING" Bo Fontaine Fox SCHOOL DAYS r - -it- ' As sho ran across tho street to where thi. Mngrr Marks were tied, shn came fuin to facf with Keuseton Captain. Her face una red from brow to throat, hir volco thick with ragn. "Vou talkid o' law, Jlr. Kcnaot," sho cried at tho brown horse's shoulder h.r o.vi-m upraised to his, "an' sen what law h in Iiost Valley! Sten Kervlnn ff TJ up a o. to paasssa t llf I 0 llUH hurloil th Knnw.nnVer ...111.... by-your-leave from nobody I Th' man or woman that kills Courtrey now counts for threo men Hurkness. Last an Peto. I'm on my way to th Strong hold." " Sho Whirled lic.lln tn run fnr- thi. uln1 lion, but tho forest man leaned down and caught her bhoulder In a grip of steel. "Not now." ho said in that compelling low voice, "not now. I want to talk to you . "But I don't want to talk to jou!" sho flung out, "I'm goln''" , uver ncaa conrord's unxlous eyes met Kenset's. "Hold hor," thoy begged plainly, "wo can't." And . Kensct held tier, by physical stiength. Tho gray eyes of Billy were on him coldly. Tho boy was hot with anger nt tho man. Ho put u hand on Kon set's arm. "Lot go," ho said, but Konset shook him off. ''Come out on tho plain a tlttlo way with mo, all of you," ho said, 'this Is no place to talk." Tharon, standing where ho had slopped her, tier breast heaving, her lips apart, seemed struggling against an un known force, film nut un a hunH nnrf tried to dislodge tils fingers on her shoulder, but could not Presently she wet tier lips and looked around the street, ulready Jilted with watching folk, then up at Kenset. "What for?" she asked. , "I think I can toll ou somothlng," ho nnswered quietly "All rlgtit.'' sho said briefly, "let go an' I'll eomo." Without a word the man loosed her, Sho went to El Hey and mounted. Her riders mounted with her. Billy's iituo irowning uuu sei. rrom mo steps ui uuisoii s Hioio il lew cowiin watcnea, Tr men In town, tho dav. In sllenco Kenset led out of town at a brisk canter. His lips wero set, his eyes very grave. In the short gallop that followed while thoy cleared tho skirts of the town, he did some 'swift thinking, sottled some heavy questions for himself. He was about to take a decided step, to put himself on record In something that did not concern his work In tho valley. Hn was going directly opposite to the teaching cf tils craft He was about to tako sides In this thing, when he had laid down for himself rigid tines of non partlsanshlp. Ills mind tvaa worklnr swiftly. If he flung himself and his knowledge of the outside world and the law into this thing tie sunk abruptly the thing for whloh he had come to boat Valley the middle course, tho Influence for order that hrf had hoped to establiah that he might do his work for the gy The young lady acrdss the way Bays she doesn't notice much differ ence since we joined the League of Nations, fW Mi m AW! I pin SBPRtTCO 9Y TACHB TO SPEAK M mmmr. mzzmm WB A PIECE ON TMft LAST DAV OF I f SCHOOU lt y CortelUTUUATiotfJ IB aJrO' '" s 2a5L f Vj3il lX By DWIG aSaililDa09L ft giMC J euu nifttift. WB.O'eft v. r.r But ChV . cV?-c o fiu, W CRHtf ." ? rfto noo.( jye txio' tn tintft ainis ' TOWXC A. , SWrtO '4r"'. UJ ., it ;. zzTLZzi ' STW1 r-.r ifl wj '6 ? V "V. www ;j VMCK.Y ' A !, ; .1 M0Mt"6 i . . ' e 4 , , 'X uvieeu wWBCnt" t otuy, ... casC a IBC, " . r&ft V irXf w5l,,0, X -Xv ext FW4 as. .HBLieSoB . nriMn" li 1 -u Jr m V f 4lJCrrt f ftrtieifwi "., fc- -VvtV '." 'twlr& " . TSU -. S- "'T-. CunftJi" s-j. IllWro , --l- m . .M.t Ub JUHl 1 lMTni0t9 4 suk COCrVfi to fdOO- "XX Footprints owthe- 5AMDS OP TM. BILL Starts To School, Jc ('ft i Isaj?-' ) n"6 'mliWf ,r' I lllll 1 U ' vi''''"" W llf li,''eA'iTe- SOMEBODY'S STENOGIn Which She Answers a Letter lA-E.-HA'CWARD UMi-r hrtC. .CUK URlil"tl,n. ..n... L. .DEAR SIR - I AM A DAILX READER rfc.. Miia ? Surt Pi rV7 -i ..Zr-rX: JL I S?M,C- I AUSOWATTO MA)e. am AJO(Jeev ROM IrIB OFFICE RlfiMT WL'2J ... ..v. , N... V... .(V U117JI-) lis stoio a few cowboys There were no Stronghold wn, for It was too early in ww is CAMiLLp5o Familiar with The Boss -urrujr-imnn Jri in IOU rWT 111 Oust ohz issus this :- IAi WHY DOAJT THE Boss HAVE A TtMnooAa, 'NF4TUATI0AJ FOR CAMIULE? SUPPOSE He WAS SO INFATUATED THAT H HAS PlAH For a divorce wheaj it sobDEAiLv Breaks off. - Heleaje. ROM TXe OFFICE RIGHT. WHO'O Do H IT IB T NvV3 .. ' "" I eV.e kJ.I ', rND aOODAllGHr wriK iru uuvc OGAMoAL. win ihai r-aoK CKAa 0-00- vMniM rAi-t i ntLCt IS ALU DEAfi VWROAIG IDEA5 i e Xt&. (K V ,.T. WJ r rw r j -rrf I IP-r-dK -i-4-X ( I 1 S M r-J JZ-S mAMwmmsBSKi -""'"" ' 'rL-ni-fN-iiv,x'ianff i Coprrbrht. l2i. by rublto Ler Co. AIOW LISTEM HELEAiE-lM LCOKMj'You RIGHT h the &fes: ajow get m& straight ! This is a clean comic aajb I'm aotTHat IVIMD OF A STEAIOS: THE OuD IDEA THAT A MWS STAIOG IS A HUSBAAJb SA1ATCHER WAS EXPLODED LOMG AGo. BESIDES The DOSS AUY LOOK LIKE A STEW But he's a 3oot Cleam OLD -SCOUT AMD WE &0lT have alo scaajdau or aaw Divorce mix dps ! AloT THAT I AINT GoT a Few humaaj ideas OAICE IAJ AWHILE WHAT M VMOULDM'T VIEAR HALOS AAJD A FLIRTATIOAJ VAllTH The Bosses Sron vajell THA5 DIFFERBajT-BUT f, Heleaje - ns -Steoss ADC llrtT A. I I Llli r (S.- S. c-. wi m.i, nuooAiy SAIATUCtc ' -VSi W, &S. X By Hay ward m T 5AIATCHERS Srr X 1 "w fi V I riActfi) u e-Jai r -j i 'ij jJCi ii - Xm"iB --Sfl. (W m. lm-''l 'ST SiTf;: t SjxXDrA - - J. i:Lv i iiiil 4. V T' v'i -- u A w,bT,"J!)S:,!1YO0R TTEft.HELeAe: OVvj t po.c.T W.CA?M other wt-lL-BE Real --. ncKESA rv-ai,LEARie liift Qjuc aaeet aie aaid well fVlOAJAP A COUPLA 8oobs - but ajot Married oajes. ITS AJOT SQUARE Aaid- iTi Too 1 easy : A-E-HAVWARD -12. (CAP" STU.BBS-WIiat a Hard, Hard Life! If ALLUS GOTTA DO 1 I Iffi? NOBCDOV HAS Tn VJOf?H LIKE I 3K)! flLLlrl' OTHEf TOO WOT THVi WANNrV. rMV- .W I BET TA AN' MALL"BE fiORBV WHEN MEBBE I'M "SSH. SOMETHIM rnon woRHIrV V v - v iww nnna: By Edwina GEE BETif ( tVOBODy WORKS V . 'tiV V AS ( HATp AS i LiC" ti- iiim the crl- il1 iTOT$UB? wtarowjowk. U11 ffft&tMZ. - ; WWx nil