),, 1 -(. i;i v it 'J ff li V ',' NTr V ;- EyEOT&GF PUBLIC, IEriaEPHlTJAfaBLPHlA; WEtfNESftAY, MAY 1 1020 23 - . . - ' : i - iiii II till liiiiiiiii i(tiiiiii!iiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw llllllllllllliilltiv' lui1iIi1I1II1IIII11( Wf Safe To Buy I ill I ' II il I llllil D.miida if io n unit- nr in. tlnrn1 Mnhn IPillllllllllU 1 II L ill! La Roche Bros., 1214 N. Broad St. PlllffllllllWIIIIIilllillMillllllllllllllbliiiiiiiil K 1'ok are invited to inspect freely whether you pur chase or not. Delivering the Goods Larson-Oldsmobile Co. You may have good brakes on your car, but they will be improved if lined with 257-59 N. Broad St. We co-operate with your dealer. Buy through him. ' Phone Poplar 3244 r I Corp., insuring the beat of materials, work- I If II I manship and appearance. I if . II 111 I Six-Cyl. Touring, Roadster, Coupe, Sedan II I cccariaiaffaKaitjEicsEacagrOtcaTx: WHEN YOU ARE IN LONDON Don't Fail to Sec the Wonderful Display of Beautiful Linens at Robinson and Cleaver, Ltd. The Linen Hall In Regent St. A visit to London would not be complete without calling at Robinson & Cleavers' Linen Hall. Here you will And in amazing variety the most beautiful Irish Linens, Damask Table Cloths, Sheets, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Lin gerie and Men's Wear. Nothing similar in the United States. Robinson and Cleaver, Ltd. (Makers to the King and Queen) THE LINEN HALL Regent St. London, Eng CK3Occxcx3j!)i3flic3cca:3Oi30rEaci'r in 200 lines of business The Oldsmobile Economy Truck proves that if the truck itself is right it can adapt itself to any requirement with the same consistent efficiency. Let ua ihow you some facts. Truck Division 800 N. Broad St. IH.McCulloughSSon AUTOMOTIVE AND GARAGE SUPPLIES K7I toss fern lis ZmBm LINJKG A Great Car For the Money itsdMn d?llnr that y invest in a Stearns Knight pays for ' m performance and dependability. Here is the roason undJhH,PWerful SHont Knight Motor always behaves perfectly ttractivf v ,st ,seYere conditions and improves with use. Tho lection-Xn tf08 ?nsTten of which are exhibited for your se-on-aro distinctive in every respect. In wefirtfS!aJns Kn'Bht has a longer- wheel base, yet is lighter W . Very mochanknl unit has proved its dependability. KnichMn 1. ?lad to Provo th exceptional value of the Stearns ni in actual demonstrations. Scott Motor Company, Inc. 908 North Broad St.1 Knmws LE DIMfSSfONI DEL GABINETTO NITT1 Una Moziono dei Socialist! Ap- provata con 193 Voti Favoro- voli bontro 112 Contrari Published and Distributed Unilar . . PEnMIT NO. 841. 1017. on (lie at the rostofflce of Phila delphia. Fa. A. S. HimLF.SON. Postmaster aeneraj. Homa, 11 mngglo. I Mlulstrl con a capo il Prcsldentc del Conslgllo On. Nltti hnnno rassegnato lc dlnilsslonl. I.a dcclslono dcllc dimlssioni del 1'lntcro Goblnctto fu conticguenza di un to fnvorcvolo nd una inozione del socinliRtt, In quale fu approvata con voti 10,1 contro 112 c rlflcttcva la que Htlonc del postclegrafici. IOn. Nltti chieso clie la Camera rlgcttnssc la mo 'lone presentata dnt deputnti del par tlto socinlistn c dlchlnro' chc bu di -ssn poncva la questions di ilducia al Mlnfcitcro. II purtito popolarc, ossio quello com posto dal cattolici, voto In favore dclla inozione e coil' contro il Mlnlstcro. Notizlc gtunte da Pallanza, ovc ha luogo la confercuza tra i rapprcsentnntl d'ltnlla, c della Jugoslavia, per rag giungcrc un nccordo sulla qucstlono Adrlatlca. rccano chc la qucstlono dl Fiumo sia pratlcamentc rlsolta. I Jugoslav! narebbcro dlspostl a conccdcrc In ftovrnnlta' dl Flume all'Italia c In rettlfirn delln frontjorn nella regione dl Kcnosccchia, rcttlflcn rhc rnppre sonta una magglorc protczione per Tri este. I Jugoslav! in camblo (Ionian -dnno In rcttlflca delle frontlerc nel l'lntcrlnnd dl Flume, verso la Cronzla, e After a gruelling bit of sport a glass of Butter milk goes right to the spot. It braces you up and it keeps you healthy. sasesmyu.4ft3t 'C'DlTsA'rVr BUTTBRMILK A fine spring tonic a healthy drink. Good ior your' health if you're healthy a re storer if you're sick. May We Serve You a Quart Tqrnorrow ? Phone Baring 205 Abbotts Alderney Dairies, Inc. 31st & Chestnut. Both Phones Have you tried Abbotts lee Cream? FARM AND GARDEN DREER 5 AJ1 Vegetable and Flower Seeds Can Be Planted Now Beans, Beets, Carrots, Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Mel. ons, Onions, Parsley, Parsnips, Peas, Radishes, Spinach, Early Turnips and Herbs of all kinds will give excellent results if planted now. Old Fashioned Hardy Flowers aro the permanent plants of 'the (lower garden, which bloom year utter year, giving n profusion of charming flowers which aro a de light to tho eye. Our list of Hardy Perennial Plants is tho largest in America. DREER'S; Seed,PUnti,TooIi 714-16 Ckeitaut St "rr V WW v- scmbrn cho vogliono gnrnnzlo rlguardo ui porio, A Philadelphia I fcstcgglnraenti che uomonlca e lunedi si sono svoltl in jiucata citta' in onore del Itcglo Am bnsclntore 'Itnllnno Bnrone Romano Avczznnn o della Hnroncssa, alia quale fu conferlta In dignlta' dl sorclla ono rnrln deH'Ordlno Flgll d'ltalla, conatl tulscono una dello plu belle poglnc nella storla della Colonla Itnllnna di Flla dcinn. L'jue'll', f,rn. dopo l'inlzlazlonc ncl 1 Online della Unronessn Avczznnn, to nutasi in formn solenne In unn dcllo magglorl sale del Rcllevue Strntford c preslcduta dall'avv. Srcfano Mlcle, sit ?rcm0 jcnwnblle dcll'Ordine, asslstito 'lftR "fflclnll ddln Iggln Suprcmn c dl quclll dclln Grando Loggia per la Pcnn svlvanin. ebbe luogo uu banchcttto dl circa 800 copcrti, al qualo prcsero parte, spiccate pcrsonnllta' amerlcane. Lliairtnan del bnnchctto. tfome lo fu al comizlo di domenlca, fu l'avv. Giovanni Ui Silvcstro, nsslstcnte supremo vene rnbile'dcirOrdlne, 11 qunle aprl la scrle dci cliscoral. Egl( con pnrola smngllnnte pnrlo prima in inglcse e poscln in itnli anrt, splegando Talto1 signlllcato del I nyvcnlmcuto p fu spesso interrotto da applnusl vlvissimi. Furono lcttl tclc grnmml c Icttcre Invlntc da autorlta IrnpoRsibilltc nd csscro prcscntl, ma cio' rho mngglormpnte produsse imprcsslone fu un tclcgramma del Slg. Giuseppe Dl Hilvestro, grnnde venerabilo per la rcnnsylvnnin, dn quelcbe scttlmnna rl rnduto mnlnto. II sllcnzlo rcllgioso con II qunle fu nscoltnta la lcttura del tclc gramma del Dl Silvcstro e gll opplausi clie scguirono, cloqucntcmcnto dlmo strarono la slmpntin cho cgll gode tra rclcmcnto snno della Colonla e l'ap prezznmento per Topera da lul splegnta a favore dcll'Ordine. Quest'opcra fu chinrnmente illuminntn nel dlscorso pro nunzinto dal Slg. Giuseppe Brocata, as mstcntc grande venerabilo per questo Stnto. 11 Slg. Domcntco Dl Lauro lesse, ap plnuditiBsImo, unn Rua poesla inncg Biante all'Italia ed a Flume italiana. Pronunziarono quindi smagltantl dls rorl II Govcrnatore Sproul e 11 Slndneo Moore, cntusiastlcnmcnto acclamatl, Sogul" II Oludlce Mnrtln o quindi prcsc la pnrola l'aw. Stcfnno Mielc, supremo ycnernbile, chc pnrlo In inglcse cd in itnllnno, sollevnndo l'cntuslasmo geno rale. L aw. Micle sclolse un inno al 1 opera del Reglo Consolo Gcnerale Uff. G. Poccardi, che defenl' Puomo franco, Hincero, inenpaco di trndlre, l'ldcak del Consoli. II Cav. Poccardi a sua volta pronunzio', come sempre, un patrlottlco dlscorso, sollevnndo l'cntuslasmo del prcscntl. spceialmcnto nuando invlo' un bo uto al grande voncrablle Giuseppe Di Hllvestro per il qunle nuguro una pronto gunrlglnnc. 81 alzo quindi a parlare II Reglo Amuasciatore, 11 -Jl cul uiscorso fu solutnto da unn dimostrnzlone indimen ticnbllc. Hlamo dolentl che Io spazio non ci pcrmctta di poter rlnortnre il dls- corso del It. Ambnsclatore. dlscorso chc fu tutto un inno oU'Ordluo Flgll d'ltalla, allc donne Itnllane che sempre ruiiitcro per aite quanta' U'lntclletto, dl cuorc e per clctte virtu' famlglinrl. eu liiviio i prcscntl au nlzarnt per punuru u sunuo nuo donne u Italia. Anchc l'Ambnsclntrico voile, prima iu italiano e pol in inglcse, pronuu ziarc parole di rlugrnzlnmento, che sus citnrono una uuovn iniponcntc dimo-strazionc. jjmnininiiiiiiriniiniin 1 Our Traveling Salesmen have just completed their trips I B and we have to offer I Sample Suits UUK JMUJJN (MU8t tie Sold) at $2500 SM Regular $35 to $55 Values HOTEL READING Kntrunce on H I'HOTOPLATS PHOTO PIAYS THRU iS .ofJmerica AlU,k. 12th. Morris A ranyunk Ave. Alnambra Mt Duy t - Cv8 -13 fc M nUOENB O'DHIUN In HIS WIFE'S MONEY" ALLEGHENY SsafSSirft s. CLARA KIMDALIi TOUNO In "TUB TORDIDDEN WOMAN" A Dm I r B2D & THOMPSON 8TS. ArULLAJ MATINEE DAILY T1 M7V In "THE CYCLONE" ADPAniA CHEBTNUT Below 18TH At.WUIA 10 , M. to 11:15 P. M. nEIlT LYTELL. In "THE nlOUT OF WAY" BALTIMORE g. fFWKS BnYANT WA8HHUP.N In "SIX DEST CELLARS" BLUEBIRD SUSQUEHANNA AVE. MACLEAN AND MAY In "MARY'S ANKLE" BROADWAY Wtf9- MARK TWAIN'S ... 'HUCKLEDERRY FINN" PADITH1 "2 MARKET STREET WrllvJL. in A M to 11:15 P. M. EARLE WILLIAMS In "CAPTAIN SWIFT" CENTURY ERIE avbm r?A?LY CH.ADY8 RROCKWHLL In "THE DEVIL'S RIDDLE" COLONIAL "-aVWtfA'S JACK PICKFORD In "THE, ..,. LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME" riVIDDCCQ MAIN ST.. MANAYUNK E,lVlr tUS MATINEE DAILY LIONEL nARRYMORB In "THE COPPERHEAD FAIRMOUNT fAVi W. 8. HART In "TUB TpLL GATE" PARTIT V THEATRE 1811 Market Bt. rAlVllL.1 n a M. tn Midnight SERSUE HAYAKAWA In "THE DEVIL'S CLAIM" CTIJ 01 THEATRE Below Gpruoe DO 1 rl OI. MATINEE DAILY ELSIE JANIH In "A REGULAR GIRL" FRANKFORD nB ArvnEANNuKEronD DOROTHY OIBH In "MARY ELLEN COMES TO TOWN" GREAT NORTHERN nTd7 yi" CONSTANCE TAI.MADQH In "TWO WEEKS" tntDCDIAI 00T" WALNUT ST& IMrkrUMLj Mem. 2S(1 EVB. 7 4 0 CIRA K1MRALL YOUNO In "THE FORBIDDEN WOMAN" ITAnCR 4tBT LANCASTER AVE. LtiAL"-1 MATINEE DAILY ROBERT WARWICK In "THOU ART THE MAN" I lOETDTV BnOAD COLUMBIA AV. L,lDl-rV 1 I MATINEE DAILY ROBERT WARWICK In "THOU ART THE MAN" 333 MARKET TOT1,1,?." WILLIAM FAnNtlSF , "" '"" "HEART STRINGS" IVinnFI 4!5 "OUTII BT. Oroheetra. WlKJUEJ-t ronllnuoua 1 to It. AI.TCE LAKE In "' "SnOtTLD, A fVOMAN TKt.LT' ipWMtUHi ut,mwta-trwiratafl for th SOCIALISTS URGE WEALTH BE DIVIDED Demand Redemption From Con trol of Private Interests for Benefit of All WILL VISIT WHITE HOUSE Ry the Associated Prcsi New i'orK, May 12. Public admin istration of the country's wenlth "for the equal benefit of nil" wns ndoptcd n h the first of its declnrntion of prin ciples by the nntionnl convention of the Socialist pnrty of America here to day. This action cmplinftizod the victory of tho "conservative" pnrty forces yes terday over the Illinois dclegntlon "red ling" demands for the "dictatorship of ihe proletnrlnt" and llmltntion of cit izenship to workers. The primary prin ciple as adopted reads: "The Socialist party of the United States demands that the country and Its wealth be redeemed from the con tiol of private interests nnd turned over to the people to be ndministcred for the equal benefit of nil." The committee of five appointed to present to President Wilson, through Secretary Tumulty, n petition nuking nn amnesty for all political prisoners will be received at the White House Sntur dny afternoon, nccording to n telegram from Mr. Tumulty received at the con vention hall today. A telegram from Secrctnrv of Wnr Baker stated it would be impossible for mm to meet mo convention's committee next Friday in Wnshlnaton to hear their appeal for release of all conscienti ous objectors, but that he would meet the committee Monday. MOVING DAY FOR KAISER Amerongen, May 12. Today is mov ing day for William H6henzollcrn. Yesterday a big van loaded with furni ture arrived at Doom from Berlin, and last night the former kaiser gave a farewell dinner nt Amerongen castle. Besides the Bcntlnck family local au thorities were Invited. . Capture of Odessa Confirmed Paris, May 12. Confirmation of the reports that Odessa, Rlssia's most Im portant outlet on the Black Sea, had been occupied by the troops of General Petlurn, tho Ukrainian commander, has been received by the Ukraininn Press Bureau here, "that bureau declared today. Soviet Rule In Armenian Capital Constantinople, Mny 12. (By A. P.) A local sovlot government ban been established in. Hrlvan, capital of Ar menia, displacing that of President Khatitian, according to a dispatch re ceived by tho Armenian patrlnrchate here. Sale Starts Thursday Morn ing for Two Days Only SEE MR. PRICE, ROOM NO. 1 N. W. COR. TWELFTH AND MARKET STREETS Twelfth Street rnoTormYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through tho STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for tho theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. OVERBROOK MD " "THE WALKOrFS" PALACE U,, MARKET STREET ' Js o.10cAunWfl!ls p' i: "THE RIVER'S END PRINCESS 8lio8AMA,n"E?1 STRrar "CRIMSON SHOAL"' REGENT MJ5pA5v Be,ow " T -nr WSJLW-to 11 P. M. IHBTibbXtBBT QUEST ' QUESTION" R TAT TO QEnMANTowN ivn TIU3 WALKOFFfl" RUBY MAI,KE,T BT. BELOW 7Th' ..j-SgnTOT wXRAwictoInlli,B p- FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH" SAVOY "" MA"KP STREET .GLADYS BROCKWEM.lYnDNIairr "THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN- SHERWOOD Mtt.fna,?f.'t" ..liPI111 TALMADdij in " "SHE LOVES AND LIES- STANLEY VtSPFl, "WHY CHANGE TOUR WIPBT" VICTORIA MAnK?? .BT; ab. orn TVR-X imirSi " " " THE SILVER HORDE" miT NIXON-NIRDLINGERJW. U THEATRES (J BELMONT MD AB0VB MARKET HARRY IIOUDINI In "TEnnon Inr axtt,.. Chrlety Comedr. "A CaptlvaMnV CapM" UtUAK DU1" CEDn avenus M"rVn. ffijrf rr.j&Sl fis!- COLISEUM MAnKMKATNvnE ,iT,ATHEDA BARAln" AND T "KATHLEEN MAVQURNEEN" JUMBO FRONT ST. A nminn .,T Jumhn JitnrtlAn An n. ...- ? TT1 ROnEIlT winw"." L" "THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE" I OriJST 52D AND LOCUST STRFETS L.WUUO 1 MM, , .3n ,n y n m , i? MARK TWAIN'S ,0 ll "HUCKLEBERRY FINN" NIXON B2D AND "ABKET STS MAnY MILES MINTKR "in 7 ni "WIVES AND OTHER WIVES" RIVOLI 3 AND 8ANSOM STS. VIOLET 1IEMINO In "THK"cos':r'"a"'' Edar Comedr. "Tencher'e pit" TR ANn OEBMANTOWN AVE. J IxrVtlL AT VENANGO MARK TWAIN'H v4"ANGO "HUCKLEBERRY FINN" WEST ALLEGHENY A?il SF.SRtlH AlleKheay .HAYAKAWA In "TUB BI wk appear Satyjlay evtnlnr and tlunday. PilJ uc irBZ' BRANDEIS IS ELIMINATED British Mandate for Palestine Makes Him Ineligible as High Commissioner London, May 12. (By A. P.) Prior to the urantlmr to Great Britain of the mandate for Palestine, Tjouis R. lirnmlcls, nssoclntc justice of the su preme Court of the United Stntcs, and tho Right Hon. Herbert It. Samuel, for mer secretory of the state for home affnirs, were most fnvored for the post of high commissioner, nccording to in formation rccclicd by the Associated Press. But Grent Britain having been mnde the mnndntory power virtually elimi nated consideration of tho Amcricnn jur ist nnd an official announcement of the appointment of Mr. Samuel is regnrded as assured within a few days. Mr. Samuel recently returned from n three months' tour of Palestine. Since his return to Imglnnd from Palestine Mr. Snmiicl hnB expressed the belief thnt a largo mnjority of the Arnbs nrc not unfnvornbly disposed townrd Britons nnd said the Jews deprecated the sug gestions that the recent troubles in Jeru salem were directed against the British. A romantic sidelight to Mr. Samuel's prospective appointment ns high com missioner to Pnlcstltic is tho engagement of his son Kdwln to Hndnssnh Grazov sky, of Jaffa, whom ho met whllo serv ing ns a licutennnt In a British regi ment in Palestine. HOWELLS FUNERAL HELD Throng Pays Last Tribute to Emi nent American Writer New York, May 13. (By A. P.) Funeral services for William Dcnn Howells, distinguished novelist and edi tor, in the Church of the Ascension, in Fifth avenue today, drew a throng of friends and admirers, among whom were many of the foremost figures In Ameri can litcrnry life. In accordance with Mr. Howells's request, tho Rev. Dr. Percy Stlckney Grant, a life-long friend, was delected to have chnrgc of tho simple services, xne nouy win oc cremated and the ashes taken to Corn bridge, Mass. No eulogy was delivered, Doctor Grant explaining this was the wish of the novelist. "Simplicity marked his life, nnd he wished to have simplicity mark his de parture from .this world," said the clergyman. "Simplicity wns a religion with him. Ho was brought up on the philosophy of .Swcdenborg and in spite of the real ism he ivas noted for, he hod some of tho spirit of this grent mystic. It would be futile for me to try nnd add to what has been said by others in .honor of this eminent author and great man." MINORITY RECOGNIZED Revision Commission Would Let As sembly Fix Quotas for Cities Bu a Staff Correspondent Ilarrlsburg. Pa., May 12. Propor tional representation was given recogni tion today by the commission on consti tutional amendments and revision in the adoption of a section which makes it optional on the part of the Legisla ture to prescribe tho system for munici palities. An nmendment for state-wide pro portional representation was defeated by the commission last night, after con siderable debate. The debate on the section for municipalities lasted more than an hour. The section adopted was suggested by O. G. Hoag, of Philadelphia, secretary of the American Proportional Represen tation League. It provides, "The Gen eral Assembly may prescribe propor tional representation for the election of any representative body In all munici palities of a given class or classes, or In every municipality, of a given class or classes, which by a vote of its elec tors approves proportional representa tion for those elections." HUK Good Chicks Sell Themselves Our May hatches are heavily boohed, but we can atlll accept orders for May hatched S. C. White Leghorn! Barred Plymouth Rocks Rhode Ifland Redi. Chlcka for June delivery ahould be con tracted for Vlthout delay. Our Illustrated descriptive literature "The Old Reliable" mailed tree on request. Orchard Poultry Farms (Laraett Uatchtry in the Cltv) 3960 Filbert St, Philadelphia, Pa. EDUCATIONAL Ilot h hexes d9fl!& TBAMm- SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Special Courses for the Spring and Summer Sessions Are Now Being Organized Accounting II (Evening) Accounting Mathematics (Day) Accounting (Preparatory) (Day and Evening) Bookkeeping (Day and Evening) Business English (Day and Evening) Commcrc'o and Industry (Day) Gregg Shorthand (Day and Evening) Pitman Shorthand (Day and Evening) Commercial Arithmetic (Day and Evening) Typewriting (Touch) (Day and Evening) Realty fEvening) student who registers any of these courses for now will be entitled to a reservation for continuing his course in the regular fall and winter sessions. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Street Below Berks, Philadelphia LEARN WIRELESS In the school the iiovernment Beleoted for tralnlnir 2000 men Established In 1011. The nrst school teachlne wlreleas exclusively In America. Marconi Panel Bet and new De Forest Radio I'honu III operation. Expert Instructors Call . PHILA, hfllOOL OF WIRELESS Parkway Hide, llrowd A Cherry His.. Phlla. Our icraduates are In constant demand for Huuuiayini; positions "rest; anortnand, .no easy. aoeedy system. Cnmolete huiin.M and secretarial courses. Day and Night L'lane intensive training-. Enroll any time Call or write for fuli particulars and catalotrus. l'HILA. 1IUSINFSS COLLEOE itnd College of Commerce 1017 Chestnut St. Philadelphia LANGUAGES U E II L 1 T 2 NOIIOOL HII UIIKNTOUT T, (Entrance on 10th St.) TERMS MAY 11B REOUN AT ANT TIME Strayer's Business College rhlladelphla'a Oreatest Business School S07 Chestnut flt. Phone Walnut 884 PINE TBEK CAMP FOR OIKLSl Pocono Mts. t Four hours from New York ' Miss RLANCHK D. PRICK. Dlwclnr 401 W, School Lahfl. rhlUdeWa. P, TRY TO TRACE USE OFPHONEREVENUES Bell Official Admits Largo Pay. merits to American Telophone and Telegraph Co. RATE RISE HEARING ON Bu a Staff Correspondent Ilarrlsmirg, May 12." Counsel for the complainants against the rate in creases charged by the Bell Telephone Co. into the relations between the Hell nnd the American Telegraph and Tele phone Co. at the hearing today before the Public Service Commission. One of the contentions of the com plainants has been that of the Telegraph and Telephone Co. gets the largest portion ot the Hell company's revenues. C. W. Hazard, chief accountant for the Bell, was on the witness stand showing the upward trend of the com pany's pajroll. He said the average wages on April 1, this year, were 33 per cent higher than January 1. 1!)1!. lie declared the Bell company estimated that it would require this year $11,881. 000 for needed construction nnd of this sum .$3,81)2,000 is available from the depreciation reserve. C. K. Robinson, chief counsel for the complainants, asked Haznrd the total amount of toll or long-distance money onllnntiul I.V tllO ITimlUinV lOSt J COT. Hazard said it amounted to 50,052.(543,- I 00, of which $4,320,22.- was received from service over tne lines ot tne mcic grph and Telephone Co. iu nddltlon to this the witness said tho Bell paid to the Telegraph and Telephone Co. $1,132,443 as license revenues that Included rentals and en gineering advice. He could not state tho total revenue paid to the American Co. by the Hell on business mat origi - uatedywithin the state he said. Robinson developed during the cross- examination thnt the Bell has invest - ments totaling $10 000,000 In telephono companies in Virglnin, est Virginia and Delaware and that the revenue from those sources last car amounted to $2.'3,300. He also drew out that $100.- uuu was set asiae eacn year ior mo sinking fund when the company has a surplus and which is made up other wise when there was no surplus. 1,000,000 FRANCS IN LOOT Soulrah's Passengers Loso Cash and Jewels to Pirates Constantinople, May 12. (By A. P.) Loot amounting to more than- 1, 000,000 francs In cash and Jewels was taken from the passengers of the steam ship Soulrnh by pirates on May 0, when they overcame officers and crew and made a thorough search of the vessel. A French destroyer which visited the Soulrnh on May 7 obtained stories from members of the crew relative to the robbery Several American women fleeing from Bntum were on board the ship at the time of the robbery. The pirates, num bering twenty-five, coinpelled the Souirah to approach the coast near Kopt, forty-five miles south of Botum. where tho sailors were forced to row the outlaws ashore. LOVERS ADMIT MURDERS Poisoned Parents of Youth Because They Opposed Marriage, Police Say Salina, Kan., May 12. (By A. P.) Confessions were obtained today from Lee Bunch, twenty-one years old, and Miss Stella Hyman, twenty-nine, that they had poisoned the parents of Bunch last summer, It wns announced last night by County Attorney M. J. Healy. According to both confessions Miss Hyman gave fly poison to Mrs. Bunch, who wns her sister, and later to Mr. Bunch, because they opposed her mar riage to Lee Bunch. Poisoned pio was given Miss Naney Bunch, according to Miss Hyman's con fession, but the girl recovered. Miss Hjman and Bunch were nr restcd Monday ns tho result of a long Investigation which followed the death of Mr. and Mrs. Bunch last summer at Lincoln Center, Kan. A charge of murder will be placed against them Mr. Henly said. EDUCATIONAL Roth hexes Please eend me tnl Information I .,c,if, io ino couraa (The School of Commerce V In '. slon the entire year.) Ti ttd .-& Name Home Address Business Address e.l. 'ts-is.io" WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY nm.n''Tv'omln. Cu'sWoTm' TEACHERS WANTED Positions i"jf e resUtratlonfor Cc-lPe! Normal Srlioot rrndiiili. '.! walt- Sr hoot rraduatM. rfmiiwiiB TK.CHEIth Hl'KEAU. 10Q8 Market Hi. LfAMT9 ?PI"K CpnilEOTIPriat. if'-'i?'''" l"ons f Itch In English o? H. 28d at. I'lione Poplar 446S.W, ATfNTIC CITY. N. J. NEW JERSEY SCHOOL Full ATYPICAL CHILDREN VKNTNOrt PARKWAY AND StI.MNKIt' AVE. M.iV'f1. i'.ho21 ?r adjustment where spe cialised Individual medical and edueatloil treatuent Invlifrajla, qoaffiSrSr A'i.lntla ell? SJift..,ymuJt0 . res test pbysleaf tntl development ,ln ntrvis nnd I ward eh urvn, UetnlU sent ujktvvjW ng qualities of Atlantla City ell" ana traimnsr. comhtniid mtth k. l and bark- 1MB. FIGHT PEACE RESOLUTION Hitchcock to Attack Republican Resolution Today Washington, May 1'-'. OnpostloR V was opened icstcrday in the Mcnate oh the Jiepubiican peace resolution, Bnj otor Porter ,7. McCuinbcr, ot NorfK"; Dakota, Itcpubllcan, a member of tlm foreign rplotlons committee, delivering , the first salvo. .Senator (1. M. Illtcii-1 cock, nf 'Nebraska, the administration spokesman, will follow today. Adoption of the resolution probably next Thursday or Friday was predicted privately by leaders on both sides, 'It will be given exclusive right ot way . be ginning today, and there were no Inill- cations of a prolonged debate. PARCELS POST WHY PAY MORE? For Full Nralln Point 1 7R nd Rubber Heel eo The New Model Shoe Repairing Co. Rent hr Parrel Peek B B. Fifth St. IUertnnit Upholstering r'ronttructlon and pollthtn of old furniture our peclaltr. Finest workmannhlp rooit moderate price, Let our rep rreentatlve call and eetlmate. Induatrlal Unhol. Fnrn;Ce. Sliotr Room and Factory 140 N. 10th St. l Write or phone Walnut ll.S Barber Scissors, Clip pers, Razors and Mani cure Scissors. Also Safety Razor Blades Resharpcncd. Filbert Grinding Co. 1220 FII.nr.BT ST. REUPHOLSTERING OF THE HIGHER. CRADE Reconstruatln. reflnlshlnir ?nur old pnrlor or library urntture, fin. S20. 2S. Hunk, hotel and office furniture re paired at short notice. Order taken for new parlor furnltnr at manufacturers' prices. BUu covers to order our specialty. Bell. Lombard 4350. Quaker City Upholstering Co. ZOO-ZOZ Clir-Ti.ui ni. , P ffiJS$&. a Hat np;e Socar liao. ' Prer Platea and Hnoone. P WJSiS 'RtSSSShumnt y.H.ir, p if, cream rtoxe. JJ rper NoWn, ai.oo thnuaand. R Wo"r PanVr'woo ?a F.er llnxee. fa oo for 250 boxen. kha I FVINSriry Lomnaro una Main B837-D 2fl SOUTH RTn ST. PREVENTS FIRE Ilomovn cattfl?. Mottlr orlclnatra In InoNp MAKE MONEY GARRETT'S PRACTICAL JOA BALER -w Complete with wire All Kinds Paper and Twines Sylvester S. Garrett 2S9 S. 3d St , Phils. FOR SALE ARMY PONCHOS PANTS, SHELTER HALVES COTS AND BLANKETS SLIGHTLY USKD MORRIS AXELROD 717-723 South 12th St. Walnut 8017 PHONES: Race 183T Prepaid Money Orders Promptly Filled Parcel Post 10c Extra DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bring; ua your dlamonda If you want to realize the highest possible price for them. No matter what others tell you they are worm, g-ei our price perore you sen, We pay $B 00 to tlOO.OO xo for each diamond.. more man oiners pay, See ua and be convinced We buy any size, shape or color. Pawn tickets for diamonds bought. KELLY A CO. CALL B32 CHESTNUT BT. Phone Wntntit 7.144 Snlte 21-21 Private office 2d floor, over Chllds'a Rest. Smooth, lick, Painless Treatment I of any Decayed Teeth I make your mouth well ami absolutely suarantee perfect work. Fillings, SOc to $1.00 DR. HYMAN 9th & Market Sts. Kin,h Open 0 A. M. to R P. SI. Sundays. 10 to 8 I I 1 S Old Reliable MALONE Stands Back of His Bicycl es Established 30 Years Always Has Bargains in New Bicycles Call and look them ever. Tbey are ft vemuuet Phona Potior St For Th Is Weak On!v Great Reduction in All Bicycles, buncirics and Tires Webtminster Rami Peerless Princeton Bengal Racer TIRE BARGAINS Goodrich, United States, Fiske, rumisyivunia, unp lite. our work he convlnerd GEORGE C. MALONE- V 'iSOf.l rO ' iialjyla - ISggF Smooth, I . vuivn. a Hiinvra ski 1 fl5" iii-3 Azi ?L !iTjmB AvHnVtoPWsvkj,, vi M J"l U 1 1 'tm V.1 SI V M "fl W i M: J!-( ,.S' 1 ' .. .' fCv Vt ". K '' "V -4