'14 EVENING PUBLIC 'LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY MAY 12, 1920 , . ?.. V ; N ?. V, ,w ' !, I - H f o Dreamland adventures ' "CATS IN BIRDLAND" , Ily DADUY Vegpy tar.i Thomas, Ttper and n tackle Cat planning a huntlno trip to Blnlland. She utmls General Hteallow In uarit the llrds, ami then r '(olloics idth Billy. ! . CHAPTER III ' "DL.U13 JAY wns calling loudly In the : -riVoods to the north: "Hero arc the )! r Iook out for the cuts!" . , , . Jn the east and south, other birds wr shrieking the same alarm. "Hr " r ihe Cain I Iook out for the cats I , fesey and Billy were nuxstcd .as to tvhlch call .they should heed. Unally Jf'lly started for the east. "ou so to the south." he shouted to TcW, waving n , dob which he meant to use on the catn If he caught them. , , PeBgy picked up a switch and ran to the south. The shrieks of the birds fculded her to a sunny glade where dozens of .warblers had their nurseries. Here rnother nnd father birds were nutterliig about excitedly, while scores of baby birds peeked anxiously over the edges of their nests. , It took Peggy's sharp eyes only a mo. inent to see the cause of all the clamor. It was Tiger Cat. He was crawling toward a nest of baby warblers, his eyes sparkling grecdlngly. Just as Peggy caught sight of him ho crouched to spring. Another Instant tho baby birds would be In his Jaws. ... Then Tiger sprang, but as he leaped Into the air. Peggy"s switch came lash- , Ing down on his back, giving him n stinging surprise. He hadn't seen her coming up behind him. Tho smarting pain made Tiger jump so hard he flew right over the nest. Down he came sprawling among the briars of a wild rose bush. "I'll get even for that," he squalled at Peggy as he tore himself loose anu dashed away. "I'll cnt all the bird babies I can nnd, and all the big blr,ds, loot" Teggy ran after Tiger, but he soon lost himself In the underbrush. As she searched for hltn. she heard a loud whack and a squalling to the cast. "Er-owi Ouch ! Oh !" screamed tho voic of Thomas fat "There ! That will teach you to keep away from the birds," shouted Rllly's voice. There was a scurry .among the bushes and Billy came running up. v "Did you see Thomas Cat scoot this way?" be shouted to Peggy. 'No. did you see Tiger Cat scoot that way?" answered Peggy. "If those cats kill nny birds I'll give them a licking when they get home." added Billy, as he and Peggy searched all about "That will be too late to save the bfrdft" mourned Peggy. Just then they heard a burst of song tit a tree close by. followed at once by a loud, mowing. '"There's a cat now. and It's' after n bird," whispered Peggy. She and Blll. vrept to an open place where they could see the bird rHi-tl bidden b leaves "Mew! Mewl" came the bat call again. "Look out. bird : A cat Is after you. y-nrned Peggy. "Mew! Mew " answered the bird. '"Vhy, I believe the bird has swal lowed a cat," cried Peggy In amazement "Ho! Ho! ' laughed Billy, who had now caught n good look at the bird. "Wh. . that Is Mr. Cat Bird." "He ! He ' Mew ! Mew ! Did 1 fool you?" sang Cat Bird, grinning down at fhem. '.'Mew' Mew! sounded Tiger Cat's voice far away In the woods. He was answering Cat Bird's call. , An Idea popped Into Peggy's head If Cat Bird could fool her and Hilly -might foot the cats and lead them on a false chase nfter the birds. Pretend you are a cat out hunting as they are," she explained to Cat Bird. "L,cad them lar away Into the woods." "But come back when I whistle," added Billy, "for I'm goln gto make a trau to catch those cuts nnd punish them for, hunting the birds." "Hell He I Mewt Mewt What fun!" sang Cat Bird, dying away. In a mo. ment his loud call rang through tho woods. "Mew! Mew! Uood hunting! Mew ! Mewl" "Mew ! Mew I Mew!" answered the voices of Thomas, Tiger and Blncklo Cat. "We will follow you. Show us good hunting, Mewl Mew 1" ITotnorrow will be told how Billy makes the cat trap.) CAPITOL BIDS JUNE 15 of Board Fixes Date for Opening State Building Estimates llnrrlsburc, Mny 12. The Board of Public Grounds nnd Buildings today fixed June 16 as the date for the open ing of bids for the first of tho perma nent office buildings In the proposed new IF YOU LiOVE C,ivu an UUIUI LIHK UUU 1UI UIU state police barracks to be-erected here. authorized S. B, The board also Itflmho. flentffv nnnftrlniftnrlftnf fit milillp grounds and buildings, to go ahead with the erection of the temporary frame and stucco offico buildings. . , Air That's Fit to Breathe Sturtevant Propeller Fan The success of a theatre or restaurant, the profits of a factory, often depend on supplying air that's fit to breathe. Smoke, steam, gases, odors, fumes, dust all should be removed from places where people congregate. For this kind of special, ventilation Sturtevant Propeller Fan3 arc designed. They act independently and locally in laboratories stores, restaurants, club rooms, small theatres, lavatories, and factories, operat ing smoothly and effectively, with, a minimum of trouble and expense. Sturtevant Propeller Fans These units consist of a cast iron wall ring within which the motor-driven fan revolves. They are usually mounted in the wall of the building, acting as exhaust fans with discharge out of doors. The design is particularly strong and rigid. Propeller Fans form one group of the great Sturtevant family of fans, blowers and allied appara tus for putting air to work Every Sturtevant ap paratus is backed by three generations of develop ment in the scientific application of the equipment to the work to be done, resulting in the acknowl edged leadership of Sturtevant in this field. v Let a Sturtevant representative help you make the right selection of apparatus for your need. His rec ommendations will be based on a scientific analysis of your problem. Write, wire or phone for him. Telephone: Market U30 B. F. STURTEVANT COMPANY A. L. BUCKMAN, District Manager 135 North Third Street Ftotccrs toti will be interested In THE CENTURY FLOWER SHOP immmaltth Below Chestnut 'Btmrnmumm UNIQUE- Lighting Fixtures Original lioasj. the product of ur own design ers and craftsmen. Moderate Trices GLOBE LIGHTING FIXTURE CO. Manafnetartrg 153 N. 10TH STREET. Open Saturday Till 8 P. M. - HI BENEFICIAL LOANS f Lraal "atta on tlouithold Furniture. Rrol f.tlatt and Indorsed Note Call, Write or ri.unv Walnut f-l-7-5 BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY Llrenwd-Maner-1ndrra lOTH Liberty Building 0Tn KI.OOU FLOOR N. E. Cor. Broad & Chestnut Sti. Llcenwd br State lUnktnr Commlidontr Member of Chamber of Commerce Member Hoard of Trade Memher Lent! Reform Rnreaa to TOIml. rmle the Loan Shark EtII. Incorporated EntablUhea 185 WARRENEHRETCOMPflNY' Dept. of The narrett Co. Contrnctors for BARRETT SPECIFICATION ROOFS SLAG ROOFING ' PROMENADE TILE ROOFS WATER PROOFING ROOFING MATERIALS 36th St. & Gray's Ferry Ave Philadelphia. Pa. CHARGE ACCOUNTS EASY TERMS At the Leading Stores WRITE FOR PARTICULARS FRAMBES & CLARK 1112 Chestnut St., Phil.. AID Ouarantee Tr. nidr., Atlantic Cltr SO N. Third St.. Camden , UrWf aiicnaC SEXTET BUILT.IN FIVE CUSTOM BODY MODES J HMHaflHMaaaaHaHiloHaaaESSMMammMmvvVrrrrrrvVVilli yOloyYHTTTTTTn T-TTT T T TT....- '1111 a U - BIII illl ui III 1 JISB j K KS-L Mil t.V,4.4, ,WW -- JM-A'"AJr,AiKti Little Things That Count x While the driver of the Natioi I Sextet rarely has need for tools, they arc always close at hand when he wants them, wrenches and pliers be ing carried, each in a special com partment, in-the lock-fitted pocket of the left fore door. There is an elec tric priming button on the dash for quick starting in.cold weather, while an undcrhood motor light facilitates engine adjustments at night. There are so many little things like these that count in the National Sextet that we suggest d demonstration. May ice not have tie pleasure of giving one? Natiokal Motor Car & Vehicl Corporatton, TndianapoIis Tmtmtltih Sutcutful Ytr Samuel Earley Motor Co. 675 N. Broad Street Bill Phone: Poplar 1991 Fans Blowers Engines Turbines - The only test of Gasoline quality is how many miles it yields per gallon. Crew Levick gasoline gives more miles it gives a smoother motor more instant acceleration it does not over heat the motor It has, in fact, all the ear-marks V of quality. It lends to the pleas ure of driving and eases the ex pense account. Test it and see you can buy it and all Crew Levick auto-lubricants wherever you see the Crew Levick. diamond displayed. Motor Oil Cup Grease Special' Gear Compound Auto Soap Gasoline Crew Levidk Compecmr & . l" I rWVbtfc Boston PhilnwdrM, Eyreauf" CMcujo ., 10 ffl i i i in imp irt , ) iSuildiiy(yUSwcGjM rHHHIf'FliC ifiM iiji1.,. -.J-illll" Omofih Country!? argesj?rodueers mdrefinexsofoil Are You Hard oe Shoes? The harder you are on shoes the more you will appreciate Korry Soles of double-wear leather. The army found them invaluable. Their extra long life means a real saving to business people who tread hard city pave ments and to men whose work requires much walking on rough ground. You can imagine the economy they arc on the shoes of romping children. They arc as good' for dress shoes as they arc for work shoes. Besides outwearing any others, Korry Soles arc permanently waterproof, comfortably flex ible, and won't slip in the wet. Korry Kroiwe GENUINE LEATHER SOLES Next time you take your shoes to be rc-solcd, it will pay you to ask for Korry Soles. Korry Soles are tanned by the J. W.' cc A. P. Howard Company, of Corry, Pennsylvania. They are used by reliable shoe repair men. If yours does not Nhave them, notify our local branch and we will sec that you a.e supplied. J. W. & A. P. HOWARD COMPANY . MMwK' lllllll I " a z S32hi ; 3rd & Vine StsPhiladelphia ; I, Tel. Market 1721- r.r ' t . i Li i- VI ,f i . ! 56 ' ? . -l.'l J M(r ,fx- . ?; v f i -r.'T!Vy"' trW jQ. .'JiJL. . ,V , 'Mtrw' 1 ' if'L """ Ill M II X-"-D ..v - .. T v .ft.' . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tSSm U.I.A -.. -. m Mfr,nyixtwml"j&mtiZxiui,- MfrMnJMfxWm fei&riiva In MX v Wl nuilHBWK