l1 IPiW1!1! flbm; :'W" -P. -'JPP11-J Jv"- WPV v ETBINa;fetJBti& BBJPmlJArmLPHIA, (CtJESDAT, MAY 11, 1920 - - -- ' .f. .. . -- ..- ' ' . I.. . r, - ... i k .if '?' 4 By Sidney Smith i$ TfrARON of lost valley "" "" n WNrtt n n! Jinn THE GUMPS-Ifa a Hard life -;. Y. j , , ' i ; it I ( i ' , ' A' i . -:- -:- -:- -:- -i- j " - - t i.Aor o Tio Maid of the Whispering ," "The Heart ?m of Night Wind," etc. f ! (Cm uihhyBodd. U,ad d Co.) i tit THE STOnV i T,B ?., ihn .teonders W vSlleu. and o!d Xn li.irdl oW WW f 'rl .tin AWth minx. "" ft?kJ Xnmfl o Ms murderer 'and, lear. ,? jlJiii " Jlforr, col ftdvo .',J fld VftaWtlW out her Coitrlr,,. "nlontt io(th iC'ourtrci a ,.. ioro uenip". ; .... ., U (Ad "Bfi,! """' ,w ""' ""' . tail" - . ,fp.nr. IT CONT1NUK8 - h.U6d In the reflected tight. P?5 Thtron herself , had taken his f An? Ji5 1,-nrt one day'in Dason'a inariea :",, d him a thorougnnrcu. to"14!,? ilst Valley wore chary of Snsm-fttlvo td'tho last degree. SniA word, tho handclnsp, the, Z&'lWdSr bluo CB' natl bccn bl, f whispered about, ns was every IL!? fc.Ai..nintf. and came to tho roU-f Caurtrey himself, who had prom tU?lS ?vauo things for tho futuro on lMlttiT night . W Coiirtroy was ilr S wa ting game. Ho was oh r"jl5Efih the imago of Tharon. Soon- """li... hn meant to nao "". iu f .T.-'w at tho vaHoy's head. He- had jmUII hFXwhat ho wanted. Thorc !?. ..Ti? fn havo this girl with T 'ZlleriBlng eyes. "" maddening moutn, ii"" Srdy he waB setting In motion a Aire" "" . 4i, drn nf TCllnn. VS. S8 nTn LTnSwM td. pla- rTha. the mlstrosa of Lata, to 'u'rtrey know better than to go Counrey "'" tintl fhat ho was. Sfte had sense 'enough to know that far of him dweltln tho huge old r- :. ., iha rnitnnwuuiiB. 11 iniviuii Kr did not shoot him. onc-or all- I if hec riders would. Tno aay oi ino 2fta the look of to Bettlers-poor 'mm that he halod-whlrllng tholr m column behind her to faca him that Sir from the Cup ntm'a floor, taVCourtrey meant to have the girl wm? oay-to hold In his nrms that Mb" f her l9vlln". th strong, re- iiitnt young Doy oi n 10 p nm Kefs mouth wflh kisses. But ho would call her to him of her pwn'wlll, ou!d taste the savago triumph of sce Inr hfr enmo suing for his mercy. 7f Tharon mennt to break Courtrcy, lit mAnt no lesa to break licr. Outlawry moh law they wcro pitted liatest each other. And, lifting Its head dimly through lh smolncr oi naircu, oi wruiiK, vi in oreulon and reprisal, nnothcr law was itruggllnr toward tho light In IxstVal Ur tDe sane, quiet law of right and Mullty. tjpllled by tho smiling, dark- ItnA man of tho cabin In tho rorest Courtrey sent word to Tharon an til spelled; letter, mailed at Uaston's that he had meant nothing by that race ibo9 the ElacK uouioc, except anuwier kiss. There was Courtroy's daring In the affronting words. She tent the letter back to him rld tnr In on El Itey alono with tho out- o oi a gun iracea ncrosn u. The' little wildcat 1" grinned the man, 1ih,suro spunky!" ones aca n Tnaron met Kennel n mo iin that followed. Hiding by tho Silver llallorf eho stopped ono breathless aft moor, drank of tho snow-cold waters, Wiircu tncni wiin r;i iiey, aroppcci me nln oer tho Htnlllon's hc.id and flung ntnelf full length on thiarth beside the iprlng. A clump of willow trees imw hero, for every soring In Lost1 Vul- Ky bud its Iono seutlnem lo call its prtscrco ncrosx llio streicning miles, ah the iM lay flat on her back with her Moil beneath licr l;eudL bio iookcu up Into the blue heart of tho urchlug skies where the flcecTy vhlto clouds sailed, ami a acute of sweetness and peace camo loin upon her llko a garment. "Tou'rc suro somo lovely spot, Ijst Villey." he said aloud, "an' no mistake. i Know, more n oier as th' days go by bat Jim l.ant was only jokln' when ho old m of those other ulaccs out below. Ml as jou, lovely as you. It Just ain't twslblc. Is It, 101" Key, old boy?" And she moved a booted foot to tho ling's striped hoof 'and tapped it martly. El Itey, always aloof, always touchy, ver euro of temper, jumped and ported. The girl laughed and crossed r fMt and fell to speculating Idly wout the world that lay beyond Lost Wiley. Little Bhe know of It. Only tho Met words of her father from tlmo to time, the reluctant speech of least's 'Were, for the master of tho Holding "j m oown mo law concerning thjs. Ills daughter was of the valley, con. . He meant her to be bo always. Be man who hud instilled Into her Wmj mind a discontent with her en- fuwuncni. a longing ror tho "ncsh WU of the world ns hn had fttvled H once, would have hud short shrift at f.o. Ho would liavo rccolved his time and Wns tiaeklno-" nnriftH, And Thnmn Wa. r.nntnn. wH?rtine lho l0ncllnes8 that had com VUu Jim Last'H tipnth wnn twAll rftnt .., v.u "" I SO Bhft laV V 4 lie nrlllflit a .! 1... mA -.tiJT ' 'w iiwn aiiu iiuur "vu a Blinintr IlltlO n anf mitnor tl.ln inSi, .nd nl8h no,ea filing, llko ff!5,,Trars',nnd lnzlly watched the "" white clouds sail by. Ana as bIio lay she became cnnselnns btSHllilln,i,HB ln t,lfi drowsing land ff J..hMfJ ' and 1,or norse- She felt Mhruin .Is f""csence a thin, dim her u ..at B!U1B ln tho ear"' beneath werilpa, BtlHed the hrenth in h thn. HtVJ.ry ,,c"e ln llor ' listening, as ror?rthIntlny,-SK.'lt.UI) and feIt nulckly KiV.ln.bHltl ",elr scabbards. But : aJ rfcrted,.t,he wlow8 and looked Bwlnourt "a","8 8l0I,ea a,,d Ieve)s Hn frem ,! .' A br?eman was coming "ollow MhM ."K1" .K5 ?".vor ners V.T....J ". D"'a "U ner I '-and hi.' ZZ L." " 'uco, sue inougnt TOMh J2.Jiht. was brown, a good- Vaiiy ' ut no Btca r kSSfJ 'h0 "re. ,'bo ramping taaT..l ?i Ah Jronwoods. the snirlt s?.i-s tha,EnrnVnn?f,: ?i,a,rk. :. nt and cauVhf 'Jley,no neur she j ii. .u caught ul nv'n hriin ,11rklnirn0uCntleman' th'8 "'if blue ,nlmDer!n ,Wa? savage and wild n Mu elU ;,"S ''..othT horses A strong !&raS;? BlUta,,VISt v,1' ney Uacod thenl J ' ' " SSWA W d poundcd wlt" .wflitin y"v "wiin, "Why wf "u i)Ullr. " he said sharalv. m .: ' i,iHr i" .!. . -----. "Yes. The Sliver Hollow, Th Oold Pool la.farthcr south toward th' Black Coiileo, Thero wan another one, fine as tills, Perhaps a better one, up on th' Cup ftange, but Courtroy blew her up, damn him I She was callod th Crystal." Kenset caught his breath, mentally, all but physically, and put up a hand to C6vr his lips. This wan another typo of woman from any ha had over met, In truth. Tho oath, rolling roundly over her full red lips, was ns unconscious as tho long breath that lifted her breast at tho memory of that nutrni "We replaced her with a well an old Crystal, though bIio waH a lovely uiiiih. jb ciear ns as ice that's frozen hard without a rlpplo of white. You know, that kind?" "Yob," said Kenset gravely. "Well," sighed Thnron, "aho'n gene. nn,.i theffiualn l no .Uso cry,n' ovor BPllt tnllk. What you been a-doln' eenca I helped you hang th' picture?'' 'Won't.you sit dovn7" Kenset stepped aside, "ft Is uncomortablo to stand through a visit and 1 mean to have a long tallt-fcst with you, If you will bo bo Thnron flung liersolf down at tho Bprlngs edge, ensed tho right gun from undor hip, leaned on her elbow and pro pared to listen. "Klro away." sho said. Kenset laughed. "I'or goodness 'sako!'' ho ejaculated, "I said visit. That takes two. What havo you been dolna?" "W,u',' evcrythln , mostly. Jlndo a now Bhlrt for Billy, for ono thing. An' I showed Courtrey th 'plcturo o' this." bho patted tho bluo gun that lay half In her lap, Its worn scabbard black against her brown skirt, i... i .8Ci ."ooercd it once. As over when ho lot his mind dwell on that dark SHHd0w. I,,,CJ1 ;nt "o lightly on this Blrl. ho had no feeling for mirth. A very real chili wont iimn hi. .i.. an,dJ10, '5Pked intontly Into hor eyos. "HOW?" hn nalro.l' "mliil .11-1 .,.. -,-n.. But Tharon shook her head. "Nothln you'd understand," sho said quietly, "I can show you RometYiInsr vnn will understand." ho said, and "reached for vupium u. uriuic. no puncu tno horse uiuunu anu poinica 10 tno saddlo horn, J'Seo that7" Sho looked up quickly. With the sure Instinct of a dweller In a gurr man's miiu ono Know ino meaning or tho spun tered wood of tho pommel, thn torn und ( CrwOOTYONtCiHT- " " -l ) Yo c,o OOT t'U.SAY S, NVUD DT FEET - ,cyZ-A I A,MTTUtFON- AsBONCMwFjV rSP'Sv. au,. I ' 1 TV 6VTHEMRE-- PETEY Anything to Get Home In -- By C. A. Voight ragged leather that had covered It. "Hell 1" Rlirs fmlrl nnffltr wUrn you got that?" she Bald softly, "whero did lain, ti! "n so eiflii , "ru U1B iorest 5..U mom.!.? "'19. she was all i?iri Sf2.JV thi' ' 8h'a ',mi0","t'.J'n- 3 certainiu. .. EV!?l!sf of W: 5aYP Captain a drink !?Wr,rV'nolXBrnkl0, te'AT!,' or a mon ... B .MK?T fiwSf ". 'C?K .mil S5 LWlwiwVfiin t lit 'At tho mouth nt nr: Cnnlrn r.1 dusk a week ago." a l2!'s "lomcnt Thnron studied the saddle Then her gazo dimmed, length ened, went beyond Into Inllnltude. The pupils of hor eyes drqw down to tiny points of black against the brilliant bluo. At Inst sho turned and held out a hand, rising from her elbow. i ties your pardon, mister." sho snld quaintly, "for that day nt tho Holdln' nn tli' meal I offered an' took, an' fcr my words. I know now that you aro that you were straight. I don't yet know what you may moan In Lost Val ley with VOUr talk of i?nvnrnnnn lint 1 do know you ain't n Courtrey man." Kenset took thn hnnri. It u.nu Ami nnrl shapely and vibrant with tho young llfo there was in her. Hn laid lit- nih- nn vcr It and held It ln a closo clasp for u luuilieiiu "I mean only right," ho Bald, "sanity and law and decency. I think f have a big problem to handle, hero aside from my work on tho forcBt a problem I must solvo before I can bo effective In that work and I am moro sincerely glad that I can say that my friend, the outlaw, took that warning phot at me. It ruined a perfectly good saddle, but It has made one point clear to you. I am no Courtrey man, ana that's a solemn fact." "An" I ain't ashamed to say I'm glad, too," said Thnron. So, with. the sun shining In the cloud necked hcaiens and tho little winds blowing up from tho south to iuffl.0 tho hair at tho girl's temples, theso two sat by tho Hllver Hollow and talked of a thousand things, after the manner of the young, for JCnset found himself revert ing to tho thlfigs of youth in tho light of Tharon's gravo simplicity. Thoy looked Into each other's eyes and found there strange depths and lights. They wcro nlterrs, strangers, groping dimly for a common ground, and find ing little, though presently they fell once moro upon the law In Iost Valley and earnestness deepened Into gravity. "Miss Ijist," said Kenset, thrilling at his daring, "why must this law dwell In theso?" and he reached a hand to tap tho gun on her lap. "Why? That very questlon'd show your Ignorance to any Lost Valley man. Because It's all there Is. You'io seen Courtrcy, You've seen Stcptoe Service. Can't you judge from them?" "Surely, so far as they two go. A bad man and a bad sheriff. But they are not all the officers of this county. Where and who Is your superior Judge?" "Poor ol' Ben Barland. Weakcr'n skim milk. Scared to say his soul's his own." There was Infinite hconi hi her olce. "No, It's Steptoe Sorvlce, or nothln'." Kenset thought a moment "Who's the coroner?" he asked pres ently. "Jim Banner," sho answered quickly, "as straight a mart as ever lived. Brave, too. Ho's been shot at more'n once fer takln' exception to some raw piece o' work In this valley, fer pokln' his nose in, so to speak, Jim Lnst used to say he was th' only man at tho seat, which Is Corvan, you know, of course." "District attorney?" "Tom Nord. Keen as n razor ait' mar ried to Courtrey's sister, Now do you see why this Is th' law?" She, too, tap ped tho gun. Konsct frowned mid looked down along the green range. He thought of tho unpalnted pine building In t'oryan which was the courthouse A strange personnnel, truly, to invest it with au thority 1 "I seo," he said hi Icily, "but there must bo Borne way out. This Is not the right way, the way that must come and last." Tharon's lips drew Into the thin line that made them llko her father's "It's th' law that's here," she said nnd there was an Instant coldness In her voice, "an" It's th' law that'll last until Court rcy or I go down." The man, watching, saw that thinning of the lips, the hardening of all the yo.ung lines of her face. He knew he Und blundered. Talk was cheap. It was action that counted In Lost Valley. With a quick motion ho reached over and caught the girl's hand and drew It to him, covering It with both of his. Her eyes followed, came to rest on his face, cool, appraising, waiting. She was, In all that had counted In his llfo, crude, untutored, basic. Yet that calm look mada his Impul sive notion seem unpardonable In the next second. However, a warm surge of feeling shot through him with the quiet resting of that firm brown hand between his own, and he hold it tighter. Kenset had thought he was sophisticated, that little or nothing could stir him deeply not since' Uthel Van Illper had gone to Europe as the bride of tho old Count of Easthaven. That had been four years back. Ho had been pretty young then, but the young feel deeply. Now lie held a gun woman's hand In the thin shade of a willow clump in the heart of Lost Vnlley and the blood surged In his ears, the Ieels and slopes danced before his vision. "Miss Tharon." he said, for the first time using her. given name. "I beg your pardon. You are Btrong, simple, serene. You know your, land nnd Its ways. 1 am an alien, an interloper but I can't bear to think of you as waiting for the time to kill a man or to bo killed In the killing. It sickens me." Tharon snatched her hand from his and leaped to her feet. "Don't talk like that I" she cried pas sionately, "I don'fllke to hear It! I thought you wem a real man, maybe, but you're not I You you're a woman i A soft woman I hate th' breed I" Her face was Hushed, for what roason Kenset stunned by her vehement words, could not tell. She flung the rein up and followod It, leaping to saddle llko a man. "I tol' you we couldn't ho frlondsl" Bho cried, her ocs blazing with sudden fire, "there ain't no manner of uao a-trytnV y i - (CONTINUED,, U'OMOIIKOW) l MlA TteRUHE HAS WAPPfiUED '' V f-SWs J . ' WMLMspK'' mw pecoueTe. has cost y-- -wild' j Z ZK AU ' "l The Youno Lady Acroaa the Way hvfo!mt-- - The young lady across thn way says the paper licr friend workq for must make a great specialty of music, she hears so much talk about the composing room. THE T00NERV1LLE TROLLEY By Fontaine Fox SCHOOL DAYS mmfw-' 7 re w V ,. J A ", y ' y ?? ??: 3i Wt d V AJ.'W.i'H'Vy' '' Vfrjp'j".Jrt' vs-l-X-' rr- cEv, sS35Srig.i5 " - i LJK A. - w 1! in '! r W ,T? T VI H r-- Pk W I & 1 .11. &!? T .,?. VXlCJ" 1 11 - nil 1 1 sr rv PC.JiiJW. s,?jy;-zzsjy?tt'csj' ,?. ,!iay,''r . fjm&mz v W XV. ,, 4i f i ". ?v Alj ..,.JM?mm.t- ws i(- "M 1',rsVr,,'f. I Wfe,' THE KlrJPfiK LV,'Ay5 StQPS THE CAK AT. TffE tiQttf WHISTNEEATS'HlS UUKCH AMD Wen 'HAS A MAP..iAft5T VCEK A C0UPJ.E 0F?Tr.PAKE"& STUCK rtRotKD MD. OO.r THZ CoMaoL,?.r. OOX OP MIS POCKST & fAM THE CAR Z Ml.SS T0.7HE DEPOT gSgJI TJus for A CEUT 1 I 'fc S Ho Soft cav)l MAL E PertSfLEP S SOMEBODY'S STENOGHe Might Be a Long Time Gone Copyrlrht. 19!0. by Publlo Iflr Co. By Hay ward Oh MiaTEf? Bullox-i'm SLADI SAV YOU : LISTER SMITHERS VAMTS VOU TO CALL HIM OP r2 CM THE TfeLEPHOAiE, ! J omd ....,. OCio ic A C - r oA H" r- T5T- 75v SJ LISTEAl-CALL US L CKS aq r v ,Hum i" lc-:- : -1 ww'rnuwrvWryfH ',lQ noe u-.ot; yv. ' ' ' r "' --r , k4 "1 ', 3 Xi'f V ,jr'W "CAP" STUBBS Missus Miley's Going io Enjoy Those Cookies :- By Edwina ty ttM ft if l J -"S ti V" 1 r M - 'f BgDWIG -f $ J 1 ai -w yjl -I 'I' ui J -i'4 .1 !i enil l( n fttK -A "V .J M itj ' A . T )., j 1 .-4 i nw YJ v. Si .i.' J'.J