I ' 'y j i-fc-' . ... ''' " --- lllll rni.n.. if TATT AMI") nriVAII ?. !0t?. .ihtin and pixonlppTllRW npin IW TUn vcXoel o..." ... u.' - .. ' "' - " - '- -----, ,, More Than 2,000,000 People niakc lib the population of Philiidelphln, whiqji places ' this City 'the third largest In the United States. . Service has been one of the prcatcst factors in this expansion. , - We believe wiflt our prin ciples of sbrvico, depos itors of this Bank will' fully sense the spirit of ef ficiency, progfcsslvcncss and courtcousness. We Solicit Your Account ' Third National. Bank In the Center of TMnpa Opposite IiAari St. Station SINGE 1871 lihcn it was founded, this com pany has stood for conservatism in banking and investing its I DEPOSITS and i TRUST FUNDS This policy is never deviated from tinder any circumstances. W commend it to your careful con (deration in selecting u dcnosl- tory for your funds. Consult us freely without incurring ANY OBLIGATION THE FOX CHASE BANK , At the Close of Business May .ltii, 1920 RESOURCES Loans and Difcounts.. . $933,161 00 ui on Hand and In rhs 144,021.02 $1,459,180.76 LIABILITIES Capital stn,.i- f All E(inic() jNposits .'. P'Vidend, InmiirV 550,000.00 100,000.00 fi5.108.0-l J ,254,047.72 25.00 $1.'150.180.76 ,"' ".." .'"t. VI,, rr,M,l,. LB'H, S, lfi.ll... , . 5 - "ll,r. Aunt. l'i..i,i. pnrinn.ii-.. - - "k w vr L . ttny or "" N.w v, : r,v "0 J-I'utIJ '""'ANY. !rli My Hi hit. Sec"lry. F Aniiiiiii M..II ! :.. VM ai. Mi:i.Trv7;.7n-r:- ..."" KllO, r ,,, ,,--""" III-' 11115 " u K . hlf ' ''"lili tii" I.,?,"'! A,la"- 'HIS h'l""-'- OrlliH,t -f " ' " IViinnyl. .onTufhlu,- ill. ibiiJ1..."' Phllart.inhla bMtjy'UL-nLB.rm :'.""" FRITTERED AWAY StTmE? f ro ''-' times frittered away because of unfaithful op incompetent IndMduM nianagemcnt. This is Bn ' possible vvlth a well oVgan f rust Co. such as our&T Real Estate Trust Co. ' 'M( and Chestnut sit. FfBHlclin PU. t- American Ice l.t 6., 1942 Sun Co. det. fl.. 1070 CHAR,.?ON & CO. ,iinur HT te!?Sfe-P-w,rCo, """". "f U.o l-hii. St0?k Eh KSPRQfflRS nun rn nlehed tZx. "" r?,Vo '"- . tVf cnine. Ex.- Hope of Democracy Rests orj Refuing Wilson, Asserts Peerless Leader ' EXECUTIVE MISLED, HE SAYS , Clllcaco. Mnv 11 AVIlIlnn. TTnwnri Taft. Iii iliscnsshiK 1'rpsldcnt AVI1h8S'b siaicinpin that the Versailles treaty miotild bo neccnted as It was first writ ten. Mid: .Ml', l llsntl In tlin f.rinti'ur ntiufrnn. tlonllt in WnnMnnl.., tin .Inuli.Au Ir. destroy nil If he cannot get all."' .J.Vashlnstoii, Mny It. President to rnirv the treaty ratification issue "i" mi: cnnipnigii rcw expressions Tram in.nilu.p. r i.! .... ..,,. wn. It "- wv r. ui 1113 Ut.U IIU..,,, ,,11- liain .7. Ilryan aud Senator Itccd. of minauiiri, linn niso irom senator .loan son. ill California. leader of the Ho- nillllirnil lrr,irnlinllnt.t i..aiih In 4t. . viuilllluulU bl"ul'. Ill 1I1U ocnaic treaty lmttle'. aeuntor Itecd, In a statement, de clared that such a ptatfo'rin would menn for the Ucjiiqcrats the loss of every Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS in is nri.u. iistatb trust m.oo. '""'t'tnte nnd ndJut-.partnerhpuan4 . ".i'uii.ikiii nrrnunm, u inrnni, mx uriurnt state north .of the Mason and plzon line ami the .brcaklne of the "solid Mouth," Senator Johnson also, In a statement, said ho could respect the President's conslstcnt,ndvocacy of unreserved rati fication, but had no rpsnrrf inr mon whoso view's shifted "with the varying popular winn.--' Prcsfdent Wilson Iihk been denied In formation "essential to sound judRment uuu Haio icnucrsnip," JIr, nrynn said. The party has fought for ratification without reservations as long as there was hope of such action, he sold, ifnil the Issue now Is "whether theJJcmo cratlc party believes In the fundamental principle of democracy namely, the right of the mnjorlty to pile." He urged Immediate ratification with such amendments ns might be necessary to 'accomplish tho purpose In order to tnle the League of Notions issue "out of .the campaign and speak peace to war-distracted Kurope." ''llroken down in health by the weight of cares and anxieties such as have fallen to no other occypnnt. of that high office, the Chief Kxccutivo has been denied the Information essential to sound judgment ami safe leadership," Mr, Itryon said. , urnl.- -ti l.l....i ., .i.i. i.- lhv 1 irmuuiii s (leninnn mat mv treaty shall bo aecqntod exactly as ly brought it from Versailles Is hc finest scheme of premeditated political siilcfdo yci iicviscu, oenntor nccu declared. Every member of the Hcnntc,. except six, he epntluued, voted for one or more of 'the Ixidge reservations de nounced by the President. The Presi dent or Democratic senators who voted for reservations will fare repudiation nti Sau Francisco, ho added. Increase Price of British Coal Iindon. May 1 1 . Thp price of eonl In the BrltWh Isles has been increased fninifnnii ulitlllnffci ttvn n.flpn. nnrtn'nllv IIIUIIVI.II Dl'l . " .v.t'.., ..w.... ..tf $.40, per ton, nccordlng to nnnounce- miMil In tlin t'ninmnns. Hhnt W thn maximum price. CAPITAL S500,000.00U' I SURPLUS (EARNED) W II $2.000,000.00 Jl Vtlxlh&SpringrdertA 1 rHliA0ElPHUu i New Ihhuc $1,250)000 - '.. Klots Throwing Company Eight Per Cent Sinking Fund Redemption Preferred Stock Dividends payable quarterly. . Redeemable at 110 and accrued dividend. ' ' Free from Normal Federal Income Tax Ho c. ,. AUTHORIZED ISSUED id? 5,?rg wnd RcdcraP'n Preferred Stock (par $100) . . .$4,000,000 $1,250,000 ' oo I "ferred Stock, old iisuc created in 1895 (par $100). Now bcingr exchanged for new Preferred Stock 1,000,000 1,000,000 common Stock (par value $100) '...,..'.. 5,000,000 1,000,000 ,rjlc following salient features arc summarized from the President' letter, copy o which may be had upon request: Business The business of the company and its subsidiaries), The National Spun Silk Co. and General Silk Importing Co., com prehends (1) the purchase of raw silk and silk waste in the Far East and in Europe, (2) the sale of raw material or its manufacture into silk thread dr spun silk' thread and its subsequent sale, and (3) the manufacturer of raw material belonging to others on a commission basis. ' Properties The Klots Throwing Company, which was established in 1S95, is one of the largest throwsters and importers of raw silk in the world, and owns and operates dircc thru its subsidiaries 15 mills containing approximately 1,000,000 square feet ol ' floor space; also offices and warehouses in Japan and China, and agencies in' France and Italy. - A reasonable valuation tof the properties would show over $5,500,000. At present cost prices they could not be replaced for twice this amount. RETURN DEAD IN TWO YEARS No American. Bodies Will Be Per mitted to Remain on Gorman Soil Pari. f(lW 11 1'ti-n m,.. ...111 m .., ..,, -. . .. JII110 Will elapse before all the. bodies of .American noiuiera Mini iiiiirmvn mil iw t'XIllllin.Ml from their graves In the battle zone and taken to tho United Htntes. mrordin; to, estimates by the Graves Registration Service. n All bodies will be removed from Ocr man sollj regardless of the requests' of families of dea'U soldiers, nnd work there will begin hoon, Along tho battlellnca and In rear areas approximately 4r,000 hnillna will tie exliliineil mul inUn f- Amcricn. And, to relieve the Kreuch railway,, they yllI be taken to Hrcst, as far as possible, by canal hunts nnd mo tortrucks. Itodles left In Frnncc will be grouped In one or more milltnrv reiiic tcrlcs. ' Martana'a Hearlnn Resumed Washington, May 11 (Ity A. 1'.) Hearings on tho deportation warrant Issued ngalnst Ludwlg O. A. K. Mar tens, Hussion soviet agent in the United Htntcs, wcro resumed todny at the De partment of Labor. Immigration In spector Shell, of Kills Island, N. Y., presided, nnd the henring was held be ll ind closed doors. amsBwm " -Tr m r nt Save Money Uie standard sizes 1 , Window Frames Doors, Mouldings, Saib, 'I Interior Columns Stair & Porch-work II Jobbing Lumber 'Auto Delivery Anywhere JAMES SHAW .52d and Woodland Ave. I Wnoitlnnil .Bit. Writ -lo; s?m $100 Will Produce $15 per year In the participat ing preferred stock of an es tablished distributing corpo , ration earning 16 times divi dend requirements, with probability of liberal extra disbursements. ' Details free on request for Letter A'-S J. T. KEANK & CO. n nnoAD kt.. ni:v york I'llONO 1UOT HUOAlJ Bockhill Coal & Iron fi 8 Cumulative Sinking Fund rreicrrea, atocic Controlled and Operated by Madeira, Hill & Co.. of Phila. Free of I'ennn. State Tax AFreoftnf Normal Income Tax 98 and 'Dlvi to Net 8.16ro Circular on Request Townsend Whclen & Co. fi05 Chestnut Street A EHRETS " SLAG ROOFING EH RET ROOFING & v MFG. CO. c, OREXEL BLDG. JJ8? forty Fivt s v nw issue BROOKS STEAMSHIP CORPORATION STOCK Subscriptions received ub-!S ject to allotment at $25.00 per share. Circular on requeit ARMITT BROWN & CO. BROKERS. 1424 Walnut St. Phila. PARCELSPOST CI A C C FAST cLOR f LiUO BEST BUNTING SEWED STARS AND STRIPES tz.no ..$3.00 .u r. ri 4V 6 ft fix h n. fixio ft. 8x12 ft. . .15.00 ..Sfi.no .J9.00 '0x16 ft. ..ItS.flO JOXlX f,. , ,ruo 10x20 ft ..j 1 7 r,n 2.0X30 ft $500 o ray I'ost.igo Sen to You Parcel Pott insured KENNEY & COMPANY 1314 ARCH STREET, PHILA. , T.KfiAT. AnvnnTisr.Mr.xTM Igp r.STATK OF CMAni.KS l flYSI, n- rrnnfcl - I.eUorv trKtnniMitnry unon th rstato of Chan V. Oy.l. ilr,",,!, Imy. 'Jf.tt'" """'i " riDEt.irr tiu'st com- PANT nd lo-SKPII J. OI.OUGIII. N ill peron; Indtbtfd to thn xalrt m.tnt Bri ri. lUMtcd to limko Pnymont. nni t,on hnvlnir r'f.'I"".'?" ""' lt" ,.am" " Prownt tlirm without d'lny. nt tho office of tlio iwln company 3M.331 rhcftnul t Pl.lla'1-lph!; -. - ' 't-.1. v,v" " lrrnicnt. j iWTATi: or .n.irMV(ih.vi:A. dn-ui.nl IirttPra tclaiii..niHr.v upon havlnir bcni Erantcil to Kmr.T.ITT TliimT CO.MPANY. all prri-ona Indchtrd lo tl! ",,ild fitHto uro requested to mnkn r.iynifnt. and Ihn.a l.u....w (.talma ...aK.. . "V ' ....-. ..n . .... vini.i.a nik.yiii. ln Hillllf n prcont llicni. without d-l-v. at tt,n nrflrp of the Mid company, 3.0-331 Thostnut r.. Philadelphia, JVM. P. OKHT Prm.lon Sales Earnings Net sales increased from $13,000,000 in 1916 to S32.000.000 in 1919. Net profits for the past four years, available for dividends, after payment of fixed charges, all taxes and depreciation, have been as follows: ' 1919 19KS 1917 1916 Assets Fiscal Year Net Available, for Dividends $1,834,934 $732,636 $878,929 $810,100 For the four years shown above earnings averaged over six times the annual dividend requirements. For fiscal year 1919, over ten times this requirements. For 1920, net profits based on earnings for first 6 months, over IS times. Preferred Stock dividends luxvc been paid without interruption for 25 years. Over $6,000,000 of earnings have been reinvested in the con solidated companies during the past few years. Net quick assets amount to over '$180 per share, and net tangible assets to over $297 per share, as shown by September 30th, 1919, balance sheet. The prcsqnt security value is approximately $500 per share to all Preferred Stock now to be outstanding, based upon a reasonable replacement valuation of the properties and addin the earnings of the past six months ; about $250 per share bc ing in net quick assets aud $250 per share in fixed assets. $200 per share uf net tangible assets of which $110 in net quick is to be maintained. KSpTIIK WALNUT STIIIXT "ill M.liiNO a unci IMin AMflrhitlnii of riilliiilrlnhlii. i.i,,i- in i-ui.-uy uivfll mill OlirwiMlir rt u 'rolutlon of the board of .Urn tor." nt Tli i'.l..t ki.i n. .11.11..- n...i 1 L iim3 n...u. ,,, I, J . , " I.U1III (IRtUiri- itlinn ni i mmuv-ji?iiiii. iaritc(l .Marclt 11' IIV'II a dp"""! nifollna' of th-" utor-khnMrr- nf nald aMoctntlon will bo held on l'rldiu. .Itili- n 100. at S o'clock p. nt,, at Its plaiv of iii-ot! Injr. HoutlitvtBt corn-r of nth and Wuliiut -m Philadelphia, to tako action on th apprnviii or dl-approal of. nnd lo otr for or against th proro-od Incrrano of capital Mor of aahi association from tl.onn.ono lo tn.nmijHio OSCAnC. A l'(lVV,Y,' So,Ttary. JAMUS A- WAI.KKIt. S"II. Itor ttU I "The Guarantee it . "- the Bank for me." 'Guarantee frust and Sate Deposit Company STATEMENT AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, ,MAY 4, 1920 ASSETS Cash on Hand antl Deposited with Hanks nnd Hankers $l,B89.5o0.30 Municipal Honds 200,000.00 Call Loans upon Collateral.! , 4,395,608.77 Time Loans upon Collateral 1,077,878.22 Commercial Paper and Acceptances, etc 131.166.20 Stocks and Bonds 2,667,062.02 Mortgages and Mandamus -148.866.16 Ileal Estate, .116.318.320 Chestnut St. nnd ' 9 S. 53d St 373.000.00 faults and Equipment 100.000.00 Other Ileal Estate 22,691.89 Miscellaneous Assets 83,860.73 Accrued Interest .' 80,997.20 Sll.270.714.ii8 . , V LIABILITIES Capital Stock : $1,000,000.00 it j- ? . y 400,000.00 Undivided Profits . . 209.890.78 ' Kcscrvc r Cover Depreciation in Securities 81.733.15 PePsils , 8,995,265.71 Interest payable to Depositors 51,167.43 Individual Liberty Loans re discounted 523,000.00 Miscellaneous Liabilities 16,355.19 11,270,714.58 Trust Funds and Investments which are kept cnttrclu separate and apart from the assets of the Company , $19,571,118.88 316-318-320 Chestnut St. 1415 Chestnut St. 9 South 52d Street ' -J ? .I, A J Which are the best for Con- scrvative Investment and Profit? New 7 R. R. Bonds Old Wo R. R.Bonds Comparative study sent on request. MARTIN & CO. IAII WMLNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA I ' 40Q Questions Answered Free TEVER before in " the history of the United States have finan cial words -and phrases been so generally used. Do you understand all of them? or is market news "Greek" to you? A free booklet ex plaining more than 200 ' which arc used constantly by brokers, bankers and financial reporters is yours for the asking. Ask for No. T. U.-888 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES WIdener Bldjr., Philadelphia Phones: Bell, Locust 4730 Ktytttnt, Race 2290 Dirt Privet, H'ira Offices in 9 Principal Cities The Girard Letter Tubliihtd by the GIRARD TRUST COMPANY at ISroad cT Lticstnuc directs, i-anaueiyuiu Zo.,, T " """ ' " ' "' Secretary. " or Anmmi Meeth Todrl ci, of the ?Wl,taS"ofc?'Porllo,, ( romnany IW tt .tho Hii,i,"m... I j Maintenance of Assets No Additional No mortgage or other lien (except purchase money mort I gages; can dc issuer! witliout consent of two-thirds of Preferred ? Stock outstanding, nor can any additional Preferred Stock be issued unless for the preceding twelve months net earnings shall have equalled twice the annual dividend requirements including the stock proposed to be issued. . ' Annual Sinking Beginning October 1, lf21, an annual sinking fund of .K'c or Fund- !"orc uf thc xnuiu amount of Preferred Stock outstanding v is provided for the retirement of Preferred Stock by purchase or redemption at not exceeding 1 10 and accrued dividend. We offer this stock for subscription, when received by us, and subject to thc approval of Ralph W. Rymer, Attorney, Scranton, Pa., and GonM x, Wilkie, Attorneys, New York City. K I Ptniinf dtllury o definite ctrllHrnft, Inlirlnt Rretlptt uill h, itiuii by Ihm Columbia Truit Company of .Ym York. Ile$l$ttar jot tho ttock. PRICE: 100 and Accrued Dividend, to Net 8 VOLUME I MAY 1920 NUMBER 1 FOREWORD Weissenfluh & Co. IKIIIIII r. a 'i rv'..i till mV&i r-H.iT! tl "il-:'i n . ' lww. THIS isthc first number of "Thc Girard Letter" which will be published at oc casional intervals by the Girard Trust Company. Thepurposeisto share with the cus tomers of thc Com pany information nn various subiccts gained by investigation or experience which may be of interest to them. From time to time there will appear articles upon thc history and extra ordinary progress of those industries which are now contributing so much to thc volume of trade of the Country, whose origin was in this City and whose importance warrants constant appreciation of Philadelphia as a lead ing industrial centre of the United' States, not only now, but ior thej future. rcr .w n..n. ii .. 1 in 1 ni n f t 'is- ..JVrtrUe ffTl -C'TlfiM. w tnii: . 'wvA-ii ai ivipw -kW.-r-Hi'-T ei "-s? L-tf CHtUCDtO its rW'llW' The" "Chemical Industry" on page 4 is the first instal ment of a series of articles covering these subjects. hort descrip.i tions of thc various localities in which the Girard Trust' Company has had its offices during t Vii. nn r ri rrrirv.fntlf years of its existence will' also show thc growth of the City, as well as the share of that growth givcK by its customers to the Girard Trust Com pany in thc varying changes of the, business life of thc Community The Company will be glad to place' the name of any one desiring to receive it upon the mailing list of "The Girard Letter.", Effingham B.' Morris President Moar Duildin-r Scranton .r 10 Wall Street New York Mlnen Bank Bldg. Wilket-Barre West & Co. HIT CWnut St. Philadelphia 1 The nbovd Information hn been obtained from sources which wn conalilnr reliable, and whllo not guaranteed', in accepted by us na uccurate. DEPRODUCED above is the Foreword which tl- mtruce.sthe first issue of The Girard Letter. 1 his publication will prove of interest to every one concerned with business, finance, invest ments, real estate and the industrial development or Philadelphia. Those desiring to receive The Girard Letter are requested to notify the Company to ths effect. GIRARD TRUST COMPANY I t I 1 . -it 1 In' i - -i !JlllllllllllliriII!ra!IIJM!!lirai0MM!l I I I I , e "" B E 1 jl Art in I 1 Common I IIH s s I Brick -S I t A i6 e 1 1 1 ! ia ll 111 ' i P s 1 K j A LADY of wealth and 1 ii ix ,..: ....:.i 11.... . E iiv .-irtm mai nor H chauffeur could run a I ford so that one would think it was a Packard, S but her husband could run I a Packard so that one would' think it was a I Ford. 1 Tlmts tho way with build ers. Somp can uso costly face brick and make the ugliest houses you over saw: and a soon arcnucct will tnke mon rcn nncK, tho chj it nrcproot nmterial mar umin you a Homo an bfti nun smrniir nu r,i,..:j- . p or independence W clnssical cxamnles ! J brick architccturc.i 1 g the world over. Capital and Surplus BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA V MJkW" mt.t 'mnji'i WW k fgPiV. tftt tfwr iM.il'.: iBJ.' . 'kn & rJBWiA . nm, A ej- '-" jn lA hniif it. M,(IK-Churcffci jonMBkh NlretowiiS- It's not In th the builder. G of brains and t tho posaibitit nricK, anu KnctS'.w it. JKv ni NHrt 'II onv ERT. 'hold Lr.wv T.A TH fJ. FnArTKFonnhnicic wonKS iornl.il Avvnuo K-TSTONR nrtlCK CO Oodfrey nur HfooniJ Bt. Ik. NonTjfpiuu iiiufic wortKa nUlnr Hun and l.uierne f RRITTtfn.U dm... Nkftown Luna nj a gt. " 1 U.4 W3 H a 4J 4 n 'Vj 11 ' , $10,000,000 CHARTERED 1836 Member Fedcr.1 i -11 Jl -.-' I' ' '""'"""m I""""'11"" """"'""MHiKmlliiullllllllllllullln,in..iii, 1,,,,,,,,-,r,g,M'"T,M,Ml1 t HiHHHH JXjSii:iL uA& i.--. MWBwL-BTjBBMBtii. Wf ? vfti .jcH Hr !cs t ' iywJosi9Lt--i9H 'fell., eC'r" "na ,R rC"& ' v., i i'S l siA'A.t