r-v IHWIKTIWB r '-FPEmmmmmv; ? r-'- v if.' f) VJW7 c VIY ' L EVENIW ItfBLlb iEDGfeR-PHIABELPHiA. 0?tJ EVENhf T fetfBLId iEDGER-PmiABELPHiA, TtESBAY, MAY 11, 1920 15 EXPLOSION OF BOMB WELLS NO SURPRISE, EVEN IF BECKETT DID CAUSE THE EXPLODING CARPENTIER HASN'T MET DEMPSEY TYPE jYor Has Jaclc Tackled Fast, Hard Hitter Like Georges. , . . T.T n r r t m 1 1 utile to juage Doxer oejore mgia lest. Squires and Wells "Flivvcd" Ity GRANTL.AND RICI3 Tim flllipr Half . r.xi J i yOU uftP because your jiyiu jo iwoi, jd mourn the wreckage of iour a, Hit ucrc the final cost That life could gather from yoiirsoul; nit, chut of him within the strife Who. in the dream pan of life 'M ftoi o PVn '" "',- You lioh occausc your dream has flown , , , riO rfrffltit lo '"" ',f'- niost And lice the ticiliaht irith a moan That Itaas to " '"" "" imi Ml the' pain you think complete lTlo. ihe hn! road's endless heat, IlOS had no orcomj iu uriuii.. Eirly Judsmcnt Jl'DOINO n lislitrr .before lie lias received n rigid trst is always a use- ... llllf-ltlPSX. When Hill Sotiirr-H enmc to Amcrira .. .i tin, .Tntfrlno fllr Allltrntlllll looked to be 100 per ojit nectarine. "I nf'fr snw n better looKltif pro -..i i' rntnorLml llnh I'flerpn wlillo ttn.lrir.clne a phort while ago. "He was liz and fast he bad a (dashing wallop md br- Fcemnl to know the game. I took Joe Thomai down to look him over and boxed n round or two. "He's I tough bird." Thomas paid later. "Make no mistake about that." Squires impressed others much the ..-I nv Vnr wlion lift mnr TAmmit fame n"J ' " ...-- . Burns the latter stepped up, rapped Squires on the ridge of the jawbone mil the entertainment was over in u few tecondn. Vou Can't Tell NO, YOU eau't tell. Bombardier Wells looked to be a wonder when he firft reached United Stntes soil, lie vms big unl fust and extremely clever. He could ul.o punch. He knocked Al rlzfr for n goal wltli u hook that tame near taking Pnlzer'n roof nuay. But Tatar wentliercd the hurricane and laorked Wells out. There nic manj elements that figure in the make-up of a heav weight cham pion. Power, stnmiuH, weight, speed, punching ability, defensive oleverncss, ability to take it, fighting Instinct, reach these alt must be weighed upon the vales. Carprntier lias courage, sneed. noucr. the fijhtlug instinct aud other impor tant ingiedieutis. But whether or not he has the weight, the power and the ruggeducNH to overuirow a jjempsey is another ii ess. urpentier tins never jet met u man of the Dempsey tjpe. Nor for that matter has Dempsey ccr tackled any fast, hard hitter mich a Carpentlcr ii. 80 It's all n guess. Just a miens. Hans and Ty THIS Is Ty Cobb's fifteenth season as 11 regular, 1000 being classified as his debutante campaign, although ho worked a few games in 1005. Hans Wagner In his fifteenth season led the Natlonnl League for the last time, although he still persisted for several more seasons in batting .1100 or better. And Cobb in bis fifteenth season is both jounger and faster than Hans was iu his fifteenth session. Cobb has started slowly, but after all it is generally tho finish that counts. Outdoors You don't have to put any poetry in it, Writing about the birds jki Inetr singing; The call of the lark every sitver-dciocd minute, ' The belli of the little brown thrushes, clear ringing,' The tinkle and tone of the redwing and linnet. Tho mockingbird's melody sweet on the air Tom don't have to put any poetry in it The poetry's already there. You don't have to put any melody in it, Writing the icau of the rivnina river. Seeking the sea, where the little tides spin it Onward and onward with , blue tcaves n-nuivcr. The wind through the wheat, soft and low event minutes. The soft giahing cedars where dim twitiqhti fare, You don't have to put any melody in u The melody's already there. QUSM:U," writes E. K, G.. "Is the best first baseman ; Kddle Collins is the best second baseman : (I roh and encr are the two best third basemen about no-no but who is the best shortstop.' In jour opinion, isn t the leader either Eerett Scott or Ilabblt Maranvillc?" Last season Roger I'eckinpnugh not only fielded brilliuntly, but batted ocr .!i0O, thcrebj becoming the game's most Milunble shortstop. Nineteen twentj will have to brand its own product, the battle being between l'eck, Maranvlllc, ftcott, llollocher aud Hanciott. COIIH as n joungster needed little spring t milling, but Time has already (oeked one eje in his direction, insofar us the wajs of jouth are con cerned. For een Cobb can't lead the. march forever. Copvrlaht, 1930, All rights rraened. HE IS SHADED BY PETE HERMAN Albany Red-Head Gives Cham pion Tough Timo in Eight Rounds at Olympic H LOUIS If. JAI-TU labez White, a red-head from Al- iny, N. V.. unit UenrllH" It'.lln Irnnlru 'towed siiffiiient form to proe no pink jja boxer ngninst the bantam champion uriii in uie nrst elglit-roum! iu ne singed nt tlie Ulymnin last iirtt. .t t. finish P-tey Herman, tn a m t 11,1.1 l.l 1 1 1 ,,.. ' .l. 1 'i ; ' ""'""; mwer up, was y to hop from the lings a victor bv o'f of tho dual frame sacd the titic- i inuii a draw. After In !,,n l.t .., . .. .. lis k.i 1 . h - uunoM 10 mow away .. ,l i'"'"' "Miner irom Ainany tt ;r"l,m s;,",lt,'Il''ns .White for -- i"ii tii 11 in 1 11 nil nnii t nut !. a i.. .1 . ."".-.' "";"" "lrmnu. hinii.,.. V '""". "own and taKiT hint. Z .1 ",SJ ,"l(1 1,('-''"n take h.'S.M''-.1!"1 'w roumlH that ataV" 'l1""'" 'W-coir. Awn- mi r "' ,IM inner pait of the nhbrreT0r',n".,,,,f:1 ""man to corn in ailnTC'r.1" 'i1',"1 "lnn and still ic- T en U.""n "'""' ... 'Win In VhA ' .""Bun to slacken up ' her nr rMPn,lV "Ul1 b-v "PW'lne up toeelntU' ,n ,ml rnl -Tubs" TX f,Uu.:'n.rrm,Nine !'c gap to n no- w the nr.fi . " . ,p BonR mounded il frame fiV" ,hp ,,Ninn'''- ' "" 4 en? C ' Wl"jw thiouuli on the l"i He,,,., l ,s j,llht, wlmt "Tinun i. ... j"st ubollt "buded Jubez in the ,TL .' tuts slight ,!,i- fiaro"Kv;.or)'fot";t;ha,u', nw; r,"1 ..." po"is 'ss. """" "ll um one pound i ,TfrrT MelTuBh. nr ah,,.,,. , , lOt Of (IllSM ,,J 1, ""," BCll ' from In vii d he"0" a Imrd bat- dpbla V " . '" " l"" " i'lila- 'iKklea Ii ," " m, fo",rtl1 r""l over " on S,' ''7,' whc "''"'roo Lou 'MriionY1 1 bol'.t- IUlpy WBa out tPJ."rp K. 103, out. 'ejnolds 111 ",' ',.-. and Leo nil. Iitt ' "' ,lrow with Young Coi- Trla Rn.si... r., . . ru..,. -"""' "iscaraa Pitcher llurchlro""' M?l(,11 Tho rflei, of Tm '"el.,rt bd.ebl elubV ""' Binglcs and Bungles A'a homo today. Won lire out of eleien on (be roud. Not w had. I'lve out 0 elrven lor an aitraae of ,i!3. Not so bad aoaln. LOCAL STARS IN SEASHORE GOLF Styles, Clarey and Piatt Phila delphia Hoadlinors for Atlantic City Tournament rirowni aro with us tnday. uh sott an they used to be They're not -J3yC'ATIONAi. th Nmm Kur ... . ' ftiwLirileH . ,,. . . In. til1"' I to a ""oVi. aTan? ,or E. ?.? intJni. I,,?r,..,,L" Nlltht an:.7.,5H rwisjjjjpw. -jri Frdn -l Ihnne Walnut 3 wi wr in .t ' mmmmm ' ,y . w n ...... rsS: . rondiVf'Momi7TT.-4J M. lAtip nlajrrN hind their rjrn Killed nn flmt iKiNltlon. The) Ml Iw touil, bird to tO(. T.onka n. if the A'h have their eues clued 011 lat flare, but the Tlaim arc tnuah ani uialu to stop. PhllH lmrj flopped to nlxtli pIhp?. It'll bo neventh plmo If thoy loao todny nnd tho uhtus win H wiih Hurry llnnxr's flr( Mnrt In llo ton e.lfrd,i. .some Murt. Our A's cot onb two lilts. It icai a orcat ilau for Itarrui. Aside trout llaruer, Horner had four hits, tu,o of whtcli were double. Welsh nnd Durns wfre the onlv member of Mr ihlbo'a ball club who could hit Har per safely. I'lills' loslnc HlrenU this nNnn hu rrnclied only nix Htrnlght. but tlie 'em a chance. Sroon' jounc yet. Durino the Itltl ramenwn our Trills IojI rMrloen Iu a row Holer. Ilaic to ao some, to tie that record. Nenr-rlot at I.chlith-I,afaottf same its terdnv I.ooka If the collmlans are be Elmilns to play blar-leanue ball. CiKrv Hlencel bad n (50 fine pn.tort nn Mm by I'rraldent Hardier. Cuaey nlll remain quiet In future (amen. Vlll Klllefer also luta the same plaster soaked en iliu for talklna too much lo urn litres. mil IlMPffner. the local ratchfr who la wllh the Plratm, la In thla tlty on uccount of tho Illness of Ilia father. HrnniiH had fifteen hlta eterday oft Ilutb. but the Indiana won unjiioH. Only three comet in tne mayors yesterday, lut If weather permits, cieru club will be in nrllou today. The High Cost of Books Can Be Avoided By Renting New Popular Fiction Front WOMRATH'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY 15 South 13th St., Phila. Clean Conlei Supplied Promptly DEXTER ' andjoamforiabfc w0Qr& tomorrow night will lie tlie lait cnanee to Kct tloun for the annual jrolf tourney at Northfleld of tho 'Country Oliib of Atlantic City. Tredcrlek C. Hobbln-., seeretary, then will close the book, of ,vhat nlrcad l0 k8 t b Cl nlff, .ntry .lhiInclpliin will send tl'irce stars ifc- n .n loU of Inurels last year for rQu.Hk,r City- Klc BtylcH, world's champion marathon golfer, who was runner-up h,st Par l the KPrlnK lour e w P ay and so will Kddle Clarey, )Ii.?, i0?, ""' fnl1 tournament, ufter his E ,.fyi .tl! n?Ionnl, where he qualified, ut to Trancls Oulmet In the first rouua after a cloxo match. J. Wood llatt another golfer who shone brll IA i S in. tb.e national by going to the semi-hnaN, Is entered. Besides this trio, any ono of them good enough to win, there will be a goodly entry list from this dlstrlrt, particularly from Ur.la. George Hoff ucr, I hlladelphia amateur champion, is iiiiiiblo to get away for the tournev proper, hut i,n ,, in ,uti, ,i ,,. ,. reaslioie ionise on Saturd.ty, in time i"iii j iu tne naniiicap event. The held is motly called upon to beat Matirico Ilislnv. hn nlnvo n rnmnrl. able gayie on his own links. He's usually medalist, nnd he's always down there closo to tho finals, If not tho actual wmucr. .7. C. Plirrln. nf Hie. KnftAnnl T.!nVa Is entered, and .7. S. Worthlngton, the English player, also will ntnrt. The metropolitan field is unknown, but strong players 'from that district are nlwajs on hand. All the matches aro eighteen Holes, with the same to quali fy Thursday. There are prizes to win ners Of all fllchlM and dcfcntril oltrlitn The course is open to contestants all wees anti Sunday. f.ansdowne Country Club opens up nrxi rsamrnay witn golf, incdal-plaj handicap, right after luncheon, nnd hones to wind tin n nerfeet. ilnv ulinn the last saxaphone sob dies away at midnight at the eud of the informal dance, which will be nreceded hv n big club dinner. The club is uot making h uenuiie urive ior new memuers, nut it is en(leaoring to establish n per manent iuembeihip which will be a real am in cnrrjitig out the progiessie plans of the club. The )ncmberhin fee will In cut !! half for a month, nnd particular attention win oe paitl to tmiwiiig up u junior ineniDCrsuip. . Local women golfers will play their first indititltial touruey of the season nere i-ritlaj. when the Claiencu II. Gelst cup tourney will get under waj at Overbronk on the lompleted eighteen, hole course. The women's chuiunlnn. ship of I'hlladelnliia will be played a wcck irom .uonuay. JUMPING PLAYER RELEASED Beall, Toledo Absentee, Sent to Nashville Today Toledo, 0., May 11. Itelease of First Baseman George Heall to the Nashville club of the Southern Association was announced today by Roger Itresnnhnn, president nnd manager of the Toledo American Association club. Beall was under suspension. lie played In the opening gnme at Indian apolis and then jumped the club for reasons not nnuoiinced here. Ills where abouts for several days was not known to local officials. It is understood thnt rush nnd nn other player are Involved In tho deal with Nnshvillc. Bcall's home Is in Chicago. uiCKesc irmeacmg 1. 1 VAi "Hrjri sri.f-.'i a iJsT A "l-r .. f ,, vrhcHamafSellnkr lSk?hC Five Leading Batsmen of the Major Leagues NATIONAL I.liOUK Plar.r. riitl. tl. All n iiornany. etc. ixuia , I.e Ilourreau. I'lilla.. (Irtili, Clnrlnnatl ,,,, Vt bent, nrooklyn , , . Hunts, New York.... AMERICAN Flayer. ('luh. JobtmlAti. flei eland.. tnekaon, rhlea-o tienrer. i iueao Hendrrx. Iloaton.. .. tlrdeon, Ht. lA)iila, 10 r 8 in 77 in n a 7 20 7H 17 10 S. It 17 68 10 I.KAOUK O. All. R. 10 117 5 IS 70 R IS 71 17 21 S 11 it, r.c. aa .tin in .413 2S .sin 20 .ant 20 .313 2n8 W 27 .SHU 27 ,S70 an .ana 27 .300 SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS ANOTHER one of Marcus Wil liams's elimination lightweight bouts will bo the headliner nt tho Au ditorium tonight. Tills bout, between Johnny Mealy and .Tack Toland, will bo of more interest than previous elimina tion competitions, because it will be an eight-rounder. Georgie Mecnan and Philadelphia .Toe Welling a pair of Seventeenth ward rivals, will meet In the other eight-round tonlest. Three sixes on the same program follows: Young .Toe Bradley s. Joe Wright, Johnny Hnnlon s. Bohb Herd and Johnny Ujion vs. I.nwrcncc Dougherty. Harry Miller, a lightweight boner, who established a reputation boxing- In tho A. Is,. F., Is to show in professional boula In thla city. He la to appear at the Uermantuwn A. A. within two weeks A mlddlewelitht matrh between Soldier Karparakl and Frankle Matulre will be the headliner at the Cambria I'rldav night. Other houts arranged by Johnny Hurna are. Johnny I'liizrl a llllly Onnnon. Ueorge ninrkbiirn . Battllnic Manton. Vouiib (Irlttlth . Johnny Ducun and Sammy Uolden e. Bobby Allen. llatlllne Murray la flnlshlnK up a diligent roureo of trnlnlns for hla return match with Jimmy Wilde, to bo put on us tlie feature fracaa of u apeclal show at the National 1 llUrD'Jtty 1IIB111. .1,1V .VIII W HII ,-,llvluit..u mix, us will bs the following three bouta: Hank MeOovern a. Jaik Terrv. Joe Neleon waa inirouuccu ttt inn .jiiv. imoi iiikih, and lie wag greeted with a (treat ovation It wan announced that ho would resume a, nave Astey and Al Thompson va. Frankle McManua. Jlmmr'Mj'aon, a bantam, la to box under thi colors of N(r Ilnyea In the future. MR ays Mrson la a mighty tnlte and that ho will mako the small scrappers In thla locality hustle. nillr Hllverman has clinched a bout for til a southpaw, Harry Smith, with Tommy Cleary, of Manayunk. It wilt be one of the elght-rounders at tho Auditorium next week. lYnnkle llradler. retired bantam boier, has been a clnsn follower'of boxing. With lh Indoor season about to close, I'rnnkln Is f:olne to awltch hla Interest to baseball Icing In the haberdashery game. Hradley la going to pnsent a. allk shirt lo ball players bitting home runs during gamea played on tho Phillies' Brounds, .Johnny MrT.nathtln has been matched bv Willie Edwards to moet Jack Perry at Wheeling W. Va.. May 19 Kid VtllUams. former bintatn champion, boxing on the night of May 24. when ho will meet Patsy Johnson at Bhlbe Park. nltf-nanf Knlpli llrudr will clash with Joe 1lpllU In the opener at Khlbe Park May 24 followed bv the Williams-Johnson match, and bonis between Johnn Kllbano and Harry (Kid) llrown and 1nw Tendler I'ddlo ntzslmmons Tho Kllbanc-Drown match will be a six-rounder, with the other bouts each eight rounds, Jimmy Coaler, former lightweight boxer. Is now managing a. gymnasium In Soutli Philadelphia Among those training there aro Jack Palmer. Hobby McCann, Kddle Ij-nny, Joe Augatta, Tommy Murray, Frankle ".rurray, Jlmmv Mendo and Hobby Woods. liobbr MrCunn'a next bout In Philadelphia, may bn with Johnny Murray, of New Tork Pete Moran is negotiating for tho match now. JntU Palmer and Frankle McMar booked for a ten-rounder at Mount Carmel, Pa . June 4 I,ew Minsk Is belnir trained hv hla mini. bit. Joe Knlan for a match at the Audi torium in tno near future. A nalr nt njrwelffhtN who havA !n ahnvr Ing well In bouts at the Iiljou nre Ilohbv vMiae ana wnuey uurK uacn la A 110 pnunder and both are belnc handled by Joe Miller. righting Joo Rmllh. who says he was middleweight champion of the United States niiw, is in Phllly seeking scraps and shekels. Joe Juvkfcnn is. Willie Mrrioskey will be the main mix nt tho Clcrmontnwn A A. 1hureda night Other bouts: Eddie timer s Mirtln Judee. I.lttle Har a Ray Bel iront, Tinirr.y Hudson Tom Sharkey and nillv Johnson vs Young Ramatchl. COLOR GAMES TOMO.RROW Penn Charter to Hold Twentieth Annual Contests The twentieth nnuual color contest? of the I'enn Charter School will be held at the school field at Queen T.ano to morrow afternoon, nnd from advance report! this year's carnival will embrace more entries than ever before. More than fiOO bojs will exhibit. Every boy in the school will compete in at least one event. Tho boys are divided Into sounds of Blues and Yel lows. The Yellows already hold the edge, having scored "8 points, against t'2, in tlie gMimastlc events held pre viously. O. II. Mitchell is school leader of the Yellows, and M. G. Miller, Jr., is captain of the Blues. The program consists of thirteen events, in addition to the ilng-rnising by the alumni. It is said that a large group of the alumni will be in attendance. Harvard Beats Mass. Tech on Track Cambridge, Mass.. May II Winning eignt of thirteen first places and makinir a clean' sweep In the hurdles enabled Hanard tn defeat Massachusetts Institute of Technology nn the lattcr'a Held clcrday afternoon, tuu to MW Dick Whitney, the aophemoi-' hurdler, was the only man tn win two ctents. 3 milium itsjjuii jus-MJJu jxg AMERICAN BOOT SHOPS, Inc. G MEN 1315 MARKET ST. 2nd Floor Also Branch Store 506 Market St. n.?!Iicl- Basement 50 SALE 3? SALE 50 TODAY 8:30A.M.andUntaSAT. 11 P.M. niDROGUES m o 8 xei?' &'" J r'.:. T.-.S.. IMtKS-'' m J ..."". ..; A?-'- y i ... ." SSiZ0' Made of fientilne CORDO CALF ALL SOLID LEATHER Same Style in Shell Cordovan at $10.90 5000 Pairs DARK OR LIGHT SHADES All Sizes From AA to E Width We Sell Arch Supports at $ .45 Regular Price, $2-50 With Rubber Heels Attached '""CORDOVANS $0.90 PURE SILK ONYX or NOTA- $ SEME HOSIERY. S2 Value 1 .25 Mail Orders Mill he gden Immediate nttentlon uion receipt of monrv order. our monev refunded If shorN ure not sat-lsfactorj. WE ARE DISCONTINUING OUR LINE OF SUIT CASES AND BAGS-COME UP AND GET A GOOD BUY irrnmrii I iiaHiK HIIIHII IpB1HBbBfto'''' - - - 'YViTiTOl m yv.BB I mm 3 kS22S v Words that go up in smoke TXTE CAN talk to you from now until doomsday, about Robt. Bums' full Havana filler his genial Sumatra wrap per the special curing and mel lowing which bring his aroma to just the right "edge" for pleasant smoking, day in and day out the fine hand workmanship which so distinguishes Robt. Burns. But all the adjectives in Mr. Webster's fat dictionary will not equal one fragrant puff of a mild Robt. Burns. We are quite willing to let you be the judge and jury in this case DEPENDABLE CIGARS 1147 North 4th Street, Phila. HAVE YOU TRIED ONE LATELY? Invincible 2for2Sc(13for$l o or -iW"-tFJ.75 ST3 J J --f . ' t, i it-aiTITIt-M -T aaaaaaaaaW. fM HB F L.-i. MOTOR TRUCKS JUST ARRIVED! A NEW MODEL 2000-POUND DELIVERY TRUCK " ' "f ' !- .. . ! II -II .-., Standard Equipment Electric Lights Self -Starter Pneumatic Cord Tires (35x5) Orders Now Being Taken For Early Delivery Chassis prices f. o. b. Buffalo: i-ton, $1350; 2000 lb., $1665; ltf-ton, $2250;2y2-ton, $3095; 3-ton, $3995 A Few Trucks for Immediate Delivery Ten Days Delivery on Any Model. Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co. 128-140 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. TTTw7'7rTT,'prrT li:.'....".v: SUa 30x3 30x3 h 32x3H 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4H 33x4' 34x4H 35x4H 36x4H 3Ji5 35x5 37x5 Vacuum Cup Ca-lng Fabric 18.45 23.70 27.90 37.30 37.95 40.05 40.85 52.75 54.90 55.35 57.60 58.20 67.40 70.95 74.60 Vacuum Cup Caalnn Cord 38.551 6 42.95 ' 54.45 56.00 57.40 61.35 63.00 64.65 66.15 67.80 76.60 80.35 84.05 Ckannal Traad Carinas Cord 35.851 39.95 J "M 49.05 50.45 51.65 53.75 55.20 58.20 59.60 61.C0 68.95 72.35 75,70 "Ton Tealed" Tuba. Regular MM 3.00 3.50 3.80 5.20 5.25 5.50 5.65 6.80 6.95 7.00 7.10 7.30 8.05 8.50 8.85 Highest Quality and Moderate Prices go hand in hand in Vacuum Cup Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes just the re verse of what dealers tell us is the im pression entertained by many people. This perfect harmonizing of highest quality and economical prtcea results from a perfected factory organization operating in an ideally modern plant, which uses every possible improve ment and labor saving appliance. Ever growing production is marketed under a zone selling system which holds sell ing expense to minimum. "Ton Ta-Ud Tub Extra. hTT Con) Trp 3.75 4.40 4.75 6.50 6.55 6.90 7.05 8.50 8.70 8.75 8.90 9.15 10.05 10.65 11.05 Compare the prices of Vacuum Cup Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes with those of ordinary makes. Pennsylvania prices are standardized net, uniform throughout the United States. P-v no more for Pennsylvania products do not expect them for ess. Adjuatm.nt baali par warranty tag at tached to each casinc Vacuum Cup Fabric Tiraa, 6,000 MiUa Vacuum Cup Cord Tiraa, 0,000 MiUa Channel Tread Cord The, 9,000 Miles PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY Jeannattc, Pa. I 4 n 3 .? M I t m .101 V : fcPi'Jcf Mr(i SJii0' oy. Afllr. m OLDK8TBANO IN AMERICA HI , WHT1 0 MWff A COUJ CO. T Q. W. T. ,pJ National iUj2 for 25c.and.15c 1 OBUU"'n. rvkskOl u, x., ''A , LJhH. rv. 1 M - LvkVa i,'iiJiMfcSii- MkiMdiswsas. ,hJm PJ: "". .f f r f, l' ,