wri.j C" ftli'?'' ' i y'ftMfjft W J.4 ?Wt : Is' f7. . ',' .J Y-OfltlS (I'M V" "i -.fvj i .. :r.' ..' ' ";rv- . wtK " ' ''"A" av . ' 't ,fe fit JS VENINC; POBI;IO-.'!tiBg(aK-PHltiA3afcJPHtA;. SATOKBXT, MAT. 8, 1&20 v ai tneAfc ESTATB ifolt SAL SEAL ESTATE gQR 8AI.TB BEAT. ESTATE OR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rKNNYt.VANIA flimURIMN rKNNWVI.VANtA finntmnAN rr,NNvi.VANiA BimtinnAN I'KNNHVI.VANIA RliniimiAN ' ' :''i DESIRABLE HOMES . .. ; IN THIS w.vt .nwvwm &BAT. WBTrtrw vntt ' ... .. . . I ,u.vr.vANIA StTBHRBAN rKNNNTt.VANf imnn.h.u ' . ctffl JU.H. MUA I "" , . PKNNBYT.VAKIA WtmCTtlUN l-KNNHYf,VANIA-MmimnAN i ' il'Hn1 i ifWI i ' ' I i i -- , i jsmmiuu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu M)IlIIJllIIJi4' V" aaiatmaimiiffliM 0VERBROOK (hertrook section. Niisiu road. . . Three-story, s'mldetarhed house, witn tariff. A bedchambers. 2 baths; llilnr room nllh open fireplace, dining: room, kitchen on first floor: Uundrjr In hmnt, central plant heat; prlco 110,000 ; 0VERBR00K j lirrl road: price I2.VOO0; In rlmhe part of Oveibrook; n atona i hniite. o bdrhsmhra, 2 hatha: flno eld ilisile trees, large open grounds. I 0VERBR00K ! On'brook ae stone house. Inclosed rnrcn nencnamoera. nnina. iktso rtct" opn fireplaces: aton garage, S cr. remont driveway; handsome ihrubberv: Immediate possession; trice J30.000. MERION Cornr residence, near station: K bed i rMmbri, 3 baths, hardwood floors, i hot-water heat, garage; condition per- tut ponetilon 3D daya. WYNNEWOOD DtachfJ tone and stucco house with I (acif. lUIng room, dining room, santry k!tchn laundry on first floor; t ftarooms and bath on aecond: 2 Mroims and bath on third; price IM.000. CYNWYD ! r!nhl house with garage: dining rim larae lhlng room, pantrr. kitchen laundry on flrat floor: bea room, 2 baths on second floor; 3 rooms and bath on third floor; largo I lot .in fet frontnge; possession May i. rrue .i.;uu. FOR RENT rurnlihri for the summer months; limdaome residence, located at the rllh'U pjlnt In Oerbrook: T hd chmbrs a hatha: !00 per month; Jihr properties In different locations. i.vj up. W. GORDON SMITH Telephone Overbrook 8700 sjViLVjiciifiiiiiiffliii'iiiijiiiiiifiraiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiii'iiirairjTJiiiMiiS ONE MILE FROM ARDMORE ' b'sutlfully elevated location; alone wl ilueio house, well-planned flrat loor1 1 bedrooms, 1 bath on second floor; 1 bedrooms. 1 bath on third floor, hot tr heat electric light: 2-motor ga 'n, lot 20axi2j ft,, w,u planted with Mit am fruit trees clay tennis court; rle JJOOOO Including screens and "nlnts, Inspection by appointment. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. COMMERCIAL TRUST nUIt.DINQ FOX CHASE Huntington Turnpike Homestead, 84 Acres 11 .T",1" ,,0",r lr" hrn. spring, if.; Vmtm ru"1nr through property: oua,lry,KV;Tn.'eSn,en;,a"n.m,,k, W' E. C. von HELFENSTEIN "'I UEAI, KSTATi: THU3T IlLUll, R7 APRPQ STONE COLONIAL HOUSE ,lcnhraht'?" oI.'m,,h"' h-t.r heat. " 10 roim .Pn..flL,""'lc. nordwood ri in,t.K ' len,nl house, large farm "Bike lii?,, iinJ'i'J ''J" "In or motor; hol' o'f nV hnnl "l1ayoni """ 001 'rih. " ,r," 'y, ,h"' cluba, uroumla at l.'cino nall around house; prlco HERKNESS & STETSON I. A Vl lm. ... LAND TITLE lH.DQ aAiTL?" "ioo W.,fth'PT ' a " room,: ffA.if'VIV!l.r,I5 '-'"' I IMOl r... "s rr- ., . "" I?'" i,'.".,.,r7,"",'l v."ii d.. itV.I,.',r' Vr' ?. trn S.dJ."'l"f '(. OI wood on nr.1:" f I It.-.. '".'criy. niotrt UliLhY nnA ArARt? I'.f-ii.i i ui i a r ii vwn 1 ir 1 ti hiiiv 1 1 ini hi am utin . -.. . iMll-( Ltir mi i k UU1LU VIII 17fl tr II Trust H'i" " K.t.t, i These New Select Homc3, 8 Rooms nnd' Bath, with all the modern features. Hot-water heat, electricity and gas ranges, hardwood floors, cement porches, open' fireplaces, tiled baths, built-in tubs ; 4 large bedrooms. Lots . 75x100 and 100x1 00. Immediate possession. , 3 iiAKKY VY. MJLH Contractor & Builder DREXEL HILL, PA. Phone: Lansdownc 1500 Some of Our Many Exclusive Glnd to Give You ovEnnnooic Stone Residence rid 1 acre of land, Situated In one. r the beat locatlona of thla well known suburb. House contains 10 rooma and 4 baths. 10 chambers: all Sn eonde',i c,nt"il he" Possession giro JiAwn Kesidence, Stable & 1 Acre Aifii'. 10,,nll1Utea walk south from hm..Sn! "'."1 cln" ,0 'iM-'rlc tralna; ritri,1t!:ln' 3 bth " chambera; to'Vlo'.0, 1,,;ehn,i,.","m h"" low " UnVN .AfAWR Stone and Frame residence. 20 rooms. 4 baths. 11 r.l,r"a-1Jb'l' "fPlc ht: i?araa-V: '" lot; V'ry low price; sea this at once; photo at iifflre. rmYN srAwn IMMEDIATE POSSESSION tlon about n mlnlltea walk Jrm.t atlon: contains 12 rooms bath A v , . ' . "'" t0 el0" n "t. 2Vi Acres & Improvements s;2!,,llnch;fh:to;' stucco rest. ..,,. ' vo Acres and Improvements electric Hht hol'wV.". ,n'".r '"on: houa- contains .1 batha. 7 chambers. Ii excSlent rnn n!iWr.V'r ''.V "rage. rIso new barn- slon tenant bouse; all in "ent condition; worth Investlga'lon. Immediate posseeslon of msln house Wo are also ofTerinpr a larpc number of other very attractive listings. Plans and photos at our olTlcc. Also a larRC numbor of properties for KENT FURNISHED for the -summer. Advise us your requirements. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BLDG. VS. - III m iTV4- .S. ,rMs. .7JS1'. 3if.. N. kSHmm. w merion . V nrmTL.w.t.z-imj3mjiwirMaiitm:::mvrwm--jJMjm.m '-mkitr.u.: rf!laeai J"-e III n i ," 'inn ifH A BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE I.arBe lot Old ahade Modern te-slzed stone and shlnwle house Wonderful surround ings Slate roof llnrdwond Moors Hot-water heat -niectrlc lluhts Artiitl'- gnrase 111 mlnutea from Rrojd Street .Station Only J.in.nno Prompt possession Nothlna- else aa beautiful to be had for double the inonoj, lletween more expensive properties, Ranker on one aide, builder o.i tho other. Katnbllshed nelahborhood. Telephone -Mr Strayer, I,nnsdowne 051-.I or Locust 1741! gWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'lill!ili!!li:i!:i,!lll!i:ii!ll3lil! HERBERT 5901' YORK EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS IN THE 8822 N, BROAD ST Del Colonial home. 0 mm .... .. ..v.. ., . , .w,nMn, him. 7,nK ROAD Modern Enallah 'J"". .11 rooms. 2 baths, lot 117 ft. front A HARoAIn3"' "' B"utlful ll"i wii.-'V 'PTir ST Reautlful detached frame ---. ,, 0t 4usiu, owner must aacrince; jiii.hihi ror quick aale Modern IJntllsh detached home In Klklns Park, It rooms, 2 baths, beautiful location) n(r train and care, larre lot: 120.000. n22 f, rroad ST. 2-story twin, fl rooms and bath, elec. , newly papered and Painted. A quick Inspection la advisable. H2T NEDRO AVE. The most modern F property on my Hat! carers and every. hlna; over 11(100 in cxtrus. A HAR. QAIN AT $13 BOO. 8823 N. RROAD ST.. t ,vry. 1 rooms and condition, llrna reet Is now belne 25S'Sa..c,I,mv KTl S-"'0"'- "-rooms and ONLY 200 each. MO LOTS AT LATHAM PARK 7nx330: all Imrrnvements; beautiful surrounding's; boulevard center; atreet 100 ft, wide: PRIC3 163TB. g-.i. ', araiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiinM wnHwiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiifUHM ''lncCd h,1r I v M 70m" f nreoroof iillfS COUNTRY ESTATE J'.'Wmb Michin'i,r" ft'lngeTtm Alliatnne nenldeni.'e 23 rooms, 5 bath", JO cliambera, flectrlo Ilcht. hot- 1 ' tfunu'" " room3 i'i'rl,roo,n. bathl water lieat, open Ores In vry room; farmer's house, SO acres, stream. ' ',' ' n. J7S'"lisnrnln,'d 'denp0aUDJ. ," This property In located on very hl;li land and commands oxtenslvo &ustrTK oSBo'nNie 'ines n'st ' view over beautiful Kardena and country. Hurroundluir lmprovement lRK5fjiIiiI " 1Bi '-heat. I 0f the very best non& tha main line. Can bs purchased at reasonable II Smm$ HIRST & McMULLIN . 'nA 75Hu7cttva ,-n " yVEfi? END TnUST BUDQ. Listtnes, of Which Wo Will Bo Further Particulars ST. I1AVID3 English-Style House Contains dhsmbera. 3 baths: 2-car1 garage: t act of ground, wall Planted: beit location; southern ex posure; lnvettlcata, DRVON 7 Acres & Improvements Heeldenre ronlnlus 1R rooms. .1 batha, f chambers, all ronvenlencea: stable and garnge for .1 motors; very high lend, excellent shade: alio lake; POJ aeselon can be arranged. I DAVI.KSKOItn ALL STONE realdence. 1ft rooms. S hatha. . chambers, elertrlc light, hot-water Hat, 1 H ncrce. excellent planting. This property well located, within 3 minutes' nalk to station: Investigate. Can be purchased for almost coat, NEWTOWN SQUAItE 50 Acres & Improvements Colonial stone house: ? batha. fl chambers hot-water heat; excellent water bv aravltv to all the bulldlnga; plone barn with ample accommoda tlons; also garage for 2 cars: tenant bouse, (1 rooms and bath: large lake and stream: poultry plant: 1000 fruit treea, about V mile to trolley; will not remain long In the market; In- luifinimviSiiiiKiniisiii HOPE ROAD YORK ROAD SECTION rooma. 2 tiled hath h w heat, alec.; lul IUJ.I.,1. Jlliy ..UUU. 1R1B NF.DRO AVE. Modern 2-atory twin. Inclosed porch, breakfast room, 4 oearooms. sepsrate Karaite, awninis. ecreena, v,eaiuer-airippea or.c. ii. home. 1) rooms, bath and attic; hot- 1317 ("A.MAI' ST n-storv 0 rooma, 3 baths, dec, fireplace, newl nsperedi lot .IHxKI This property can be bouiht at a ery reasonable nauie ikwh N.13TII BT S-story twin. 0 rooma, 2 batha. In excellent condition: h, w. heiit: elec.j rdwooil floors: lot 3119, .-.... uoi.t e,.,.Miu bath: h. w. heat., elec: In excellent paved. Lot 20x118, J10.80O. bathi all conveniences. ood location; III i BEAUTIFUL HOMES . YORK ROAD SECTION MKt.nOSE rAUlf Modern Colonial Home haf'h'."i?i,,,,P and "-olley: 12 rooms. 2 nl.ntv S ""."hTi ", irepi.c?; S?S "ot; moOO. " "ni """bery; price MKU109R TAUIv English Home & Garage Soil!.1 r1Zm'' l'OI-ater heat, hardwood Kra-.,:f.ce0S,3o?600W,,h mdern -"r EI.KINS PAHK Noted for Its Excellent Construction Tork road.F.'nglih home with ".car garage: 8 batha. liberal lot: ahrubberv, men, Ji'JfU0L!t Mgh-elaea develop' ment. price I.1V00O: ery liberal tetms. Many other properties. $10,000 to 180.000 J. T. Jackson Company CHESTNUT AT IflTll ST OAK I.ANE OFFICE. OPPOSITE STATION st. martin: To Close Estate A ,ibW!ful home In thla delightful suburb, nir sts tlon and Cricket tilub. e. ceptlonal location, com mending beautiful Mew contalnliiB 0 rharitbere a hatha, sun parlor, sleeping porch; large corner lot with 2-car garage. Will consider payment r"ldenC9 " p,,rl Wm. H. Wilson & Co. 7fin.ni-Oo vnnma n... -K.. ni,, hi.. T.fcKrii'.",?. "i ' ':"'.' v....n . iiiinunjiiui iieai uatute i.iinril tpporlunliv Suburb, hollow tile nlasiererl rolonlsl residence containlna " chamber.. 3 batM, fara- ,n, center hall, llvlnir room lth ope,, ""Piece, anclosed porch, etr In beautiful locitlon poaieavm "bout July .1 ' t WM. H. WILSON & CO. MemE:.. JIRniS Rl'ILUuSu -" i-niiadelphla ll' SEES222E2S2E2S; MERION .)..& T" dVlrhl" nd convenl.nt ihnmber." 1 h'T dw" li I, ( for car. natj2A ecommodatlons 1 cr."f land! md"n ""nlenc... ofhrocvlo?u0sh':hbv, unbelievably reasonable. ' JoMch'nm0b,r.r. 'fflh.r.Ttern 'h. r,inraWr,wllh "-n,n Kor particulars and Inspection phon- BtNT T. HYBERG ATnNARni:nT" STATION III '." , p ....mw ..aruvrin ma WEST CHESTERTlKE" NEAR EAGLE ROAD Hayiaome realdence. all alone slate roof 10 rooms, pantry. triTnkr'oiii double hardwood floore, open lire r,',tei hot'wlr heat, e ectrlo llShr t le bath1 1! toilet, sundry a sta house on West Phester pike lot inn jSOfl. Ksrden and plenty of fruit treea, also build nv aultable "or arae, 1 fare from nath at termlna" t. L. von Helfcnstein 17,11 Ileal Katate Trust ,1i A realInglish home i cr.p"".''v',i:..r,.,w-'I,''" En.ll.h home "." V' """i ruiiun or Yrtrlc rti pnmnUI In tvnv HaI.ii. 1 z .? roail,. alouT' price and term." aro.uT."'" Int'.'r'.'.'i you. Ii fiae a raraae for s cars and .1 i purchaser of thfa properly will bV pro2d to live in It, rran. at once for InSpSctlo!, J. T. Jackson Company "AT OAK LANK Ol-FIOE OP POBITB STATION An Attraqtive Stone House In eicelient condition! 11 rooma I baths, rorKuSVronl'nntn'lflr HERKNESS & STETSON i..s.-mi TiTi.B nuii.pi.vn "UJT"'?'V ",r"",ni mi i'uL'Bt t fare Colonial brick Plastered dwellln. every convenience, fin llvln room nd real ire. 1U1....11...1.. .1,1. uvina room na real Are place. 4 bedroornf andbath and attic; .J raaei fruit, bsrrtsa. hri.kk.ru. a.!"1!.." shrubberv: fine view. succeeded rs"ro. try i.i.ATTnv wtinu nlnli bula; Ui ? laaX MROWN ICIUb. u, H,,.r.. revpis a Idi , ftorrlatoTfa. SUBURBS That It It hrd to nnd satisfac tory suburban home In null known: our Hat In luit and varied; what you wnt la here' A few special values on which we would advise quick decision: IN OKIIMANTOWN All atone Colonial, beautifully located, da. tached residence on elevation over, looking; Lincoln drive; houaa ron tains 10 rooms, a baths! finished In whltei perfect condition, In closed Porch; larita lot: shrubbery. 2-car Kara; price 123,000. AT Kf.KINfl TAnK A stone and frame residence with 12 rooms and A hatha, hot-water heat hard wood floors throughout; on a lot BOxJOOj this property la In eleant condition and haa a 2-car aarasre, with a apeclal hot-water heatlna system prlco 122,000. AT HAT.A riv minutes' walk from atatlon, well located, alono and etuccoj new house, 14 rooms, 7 chambers and 2 hatha; large In cloaed sleeping porch, electrln llaht and aa hot-water heat, alono garage for 2 cars: lot 70x ISO: very desirable up-to-date property; price, 122,000. Lt in know your reiulremente, for wo take a real ln'teret in helping you to locate. SMULLEN & BARRY i.tnnrtTr mm.ntNri nnOAD AND CHESTNUT STS. Something from our large list will surely please you EEW At Auction Executor's .Sale Estate of Jacob Rech, Deed. Suburban Residence and 4 1-S Acres PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Oreland a,.,"1, r- 13 Mllea from READING THnMINAI. To Be Sold Wednesday, May 12. 1920, at 1 2 M. At the Real Katate Salesroom 151941 Chestnut St., Phila. Well-built R-story atone residence, 12 rooms, 2 bathrooma and laundrv: porch on S aldea; handsome laens, old shade and. fruit treea; within S min utes walk of Oreland Station, on the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Full particulars In handbills Ily order of J, Edwin Ilech, Knecutor J, Rech Ouckta, Eq,, Altv nig neal Estate Trust Hldg., Philadelphia. Samuel T. Freeman & Co. AUCTIONEERS 1519-21 Chestnut Street A RIVER FRONT SUBURBAN HOME Part or the beautiful Del awure River Kstate of an old Phlladelplili famllv. Ideal summer Iioiiim with lovely environment, ID bed looms, 3 bHths, a acres of lawn and ftanlen ,th en raenre Included, furnished for summer or ear,y lease. For particulars call Wm. H. Wilson & Co. Ton.rtl.,)'' Mounts run nivn Members Philadelphia Real Ksl.it.. iionru MILLBOURNE "The Coming Section of Philadelphia" FOR SALE Two Stores & Dwellings 6405 & 6407 W. Chester Road IVl Story Immediate Possession I Apply Emil Guenther I 26th & Grays Ferry Rpad 1 JAwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuum. VJ!!i3igP''l"BIT'"'ai1WJ 5PKINGHLLD iirauuiUI OIIIIIV II nu iiinucr r.MH- llfth At) 14 rrnldnco nn-1 saraoe. Thin In r thArmlnc proper v In coteil In a cholrn fpt'on ron.n!n- n..Mllf.l .. 1 al.U. . line iiviiik rniini. iinrirv uiinnic t i.'ui.i, timii'i, Kiiri.o nni .sun- 9 !5ry' nn second floor chsmbers. I Hath and a'eouinB nun I, and on I thlnl floor U -hsn.,.. haih an. I J eloctrl. ,t Bnr. -oo. for 'J. room, pirnm. lithn nnd Uun- . .r. ,.,(,,. ..l-n..MA,.B 1,...-. ....t ment lot Is h.i.Mfu Iv n.'kieil at the Intersection of ivw, inuiu ne iius and contains ' acres. Ahlih can he rll-'ded i'nnnlent to atatlon on hlsh ai'eei eletrio lln See pholnaraphs Wm. II. Wilson & Co. 700-01 02 MOItniB ni'II.IMNO D. Britton nh.iinhors 101 COMMEntll.M.TRl'ST Ill.no Jlenihera rhlladelphla Ilel r.,t,,e jioaro wimamwimymfe-iiitefB; PA0LI SS craa of beautiful round, surrounded by country estates and his torlo places. Ideal site "f "eotlon of hlih-srade '"Durban realdence, at a Hilt rtJolnliiir above tract r.'iM""1 bufldlnti. which "Jn tp"r!.l?.ra,",r " Wm. H. Wilson & Co. Suburban Realtors Member rhlladelphla Ileal Katate Jioatu jiliTii. him, -r, nais, on double tiles. v l jouij t. Jluoo r s xmill)liiiiiiMiiiMiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiinMininiimiix Hh"" fgji 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 j ; n n i ! 1 1 1 1 1 ii!: & OVERBROOK V Beautiful YAMMP riCTT H "Crawford K I A beauts a..,one Colon,., JW Omesat W I IN IN Jit ItuLU Q b. m house. eonUlnlng- T chambers. I yKcV r7 jtTl VSyv S bsths. sleeplnc porch, cen- xfy -eS&A pT3B XW 9 trsl plant heat and all moderr. ft qQ" rz&MzSzfAkh. ''V Of(2 equipment; large lot. with I Z Z - -: fcV-.C-'!BM g S U S-car ararate; convenient to - - -S4SaaraMSrfl3&S3 B8SSfr" t train and trolley. See this 2 - Z ,gy Jffl SjtilVW'iKW --3t X m before sold- I - J&SniJrZF5&zZ.lM 5M5z52f Mi aiKBVji. 'I SWws3A - ms& i wm. h. wilson & co. I M MVSmlaSWM 1 Eg -oo.oi-o; morris biii.dinu I , - - 7 '"iT7mXtfimgTnr- iMvw MBrM - S sSl Wember Philadelphia Real Bstatey ; JfsJ2SP'WQtWBF' XsSllti nTHWraW fBaaa - VRiiiiwuiiEiiiiniun ' - 5v iSS 11 I TTTT-' Panorama of Lawnhurst with Mansion in center. THIS old stone Colonial Mansion at Lawnhurst is near Bethayres and Fox Chase. Near the property is a railroad station on the Newtown Branch of the Reading: Railroad. Trolley line within short distance, and in front of the lawn the noted Pennypack Drive will come. The Man sion has center hall, living, dining room, breakfast room, two kitchens, 6 chambers and bath on second floor and 6 chambers and bath on third floor. Artesian well 575 feet deep. Electric power system, modern heating, 6-car garage, stable and man's room. About 151 acres of beautiful lawn and shrubbery. The price is right the terms convenient. wanted, 55 acres of adjoining farm land is available. FRONT VIKW OF TUB MANSION ZZA Broad and Chfsrrmr ' 19nA.11 1 ;U-f n..:U: E v i e msmjnnMnmnsmss? . Slo e I - z All-atone, oix-n nrepiaces, etc mtkh loin with 2-car y.yrlV-- .aVK.VUK. I.-IKTV-FOmTII M Id " . rr ';' ri.ur. y cf1" ," w n;!!';nld station, penna n r . . i : ; ; : : : : : : : 111' I.lfn,wl ,,, K'. . I Ctrtu. i .. .. , -,- twin i 'iv 111111 iiv Aiiif ., , i , See tunilshed WM. n 1 1 II II lit s tcc ltx I ! b i XVffTTTn llllllll"11"""11""1"1""""""""" innTi7rrGrn!iir::rninrj:ir;(rin:riiiir;ii'ii:ci;.Tr:iii!rii!iiKtiiiuii'ii,:ti:''vi!:ii!'K.i!t im:,!f;i- TO YOUR INTEREST g H B TO INVhSlIGATE THtSh PROPERTIES g a ijkhi'HiptI'in ok o.nb ok tuku fe Kir-t I'lnor l.UhiR room Uhrnr g dinlne room punirv kitchen .re M frl,-rtiHtor an! ioll ntorRfta room m Seromi K'tior 1 C'lrooniB it nil '2 JH hftlhn with in lo-ied tiled tthower m Thlnl Kloof ( htttronniN iiml Imlh. U UNTSrALI V WISM. Bt'II.T e with n rnv modern g rOSVtMIZNCK Sfi '.a rl u u. (m f.t, I hlf .if urnnnH 0llh 3 beautiful Korai." treea and shrub Si ben Inito.t-tl i.nim tourt. H OTlllint at n(lo TO 40 oho I H. A. TREAT m si: i'a. ttmImHIlnlnm'J'lll',lIut''t'. ittnTuiira.'i'riirHinirfJmH ni:iitTm.fic:itg SUBURBAN LOTS ELKINS PARK SIZES TO SUIT $1500 & UPWARDS j ii mioADs 13. h srir sr. MORRIS W. WILSON RI.KIN1 PVRK riiurrh rofttl ttii'l i drtRUc!r ave. Miiionr r-Bj ARDMORE PARK Loraine Ave., Near Bryn Mawr Ave. New stone and stucco ,1 st. rv divell Ina. Just completeil .e, modern ron enlence. lot 7HI0A ft near sehools and ihurches see this property before purchasing, open for Inspection. Im mediate p. pseealon ROBERT PATRICK i.i iu;ai. hstaik 'iuist hi.do JO HOOM All-atone mansion lara-n atone ciirane 20 acres In lawn fruit etc worth ti.sn.ngo earrlfl- for joo.oon p W I.edaer Office, " IAI.VKrtN. 20 mTn. from ClTy iTaTirTeTs RuthUnd ave.. 7O1I7.S do, to atatlon "h'iat"l""t. UP0K0B '" r.riKBK.""o8f Mt)UE,'ltN atone-and-ahlml ditelMn. 10 rooma. 2 bath, laundrv, nantryi larae loti 1 .. ., . V".," rn,r( i,iy iiaiii iii.oon worth ( 150,000, Ueo. U ilarnt. 1301 Chtstaul l? s Lawnhurst Mansion Is For Sale or Rent -rs- !KaitiiaM-..r'ASS'' SIIJB SMULLEN & BARRY shite and tile toofs fontalnliiK B chambers. .1 bntli- I- 1 1 IV-I-O rnrriiinrii irn tmniin iinfb ...... ... .,, ,lltct .ii.u uirM uii uaia i iir ,. . IvttlmatcH taken this sprliiB nhnw rrplacctnent hIuhh prices begin at J'.'R nnu Sample House. rteprescntatHe on H. WILSON 700-01-02 MORRIS BUILDINO Members Phila. Real Kstato Roanl III IMI II linn i in mm 1 1 ii i m 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ptTj V ec,r,rrRT.hn,';"'",,.!,J r,nT"8n,r",r,Ko.,;V" w lh,MlnB. s.rea Bood laml Si. Ti'S1"1 "'' alibl 7 for ood rlail ,f iTouJ. r"i"iH"'""1 "'0'""-n' Dr'ce if ,0ld at on. I.ddjatone .Sa.ritlre I'm ma bai, t i I1 S ( si a jy a S S a tA Si3 condition acre, of ,m. truit. WonJerf'jl mm,v RENT c. ... i r ji ) '1 S.n.tn Am,, ...oiip- iiinn.nn 1 10 room,!. ,-.i,'m W:,"la nnt-wat.r h-nt el.ciric llshta onrin.a.i p"n nr",'" for 2 csrs Thla is a beautiful m.?L "" M ". u. on a sood road Sin.10 " "Viar ' '"""ni!" to trolley. onen fl'r?r,lahr'.""iari,e,l!.n" A01 ""'"" -lectrV lh-. Media HaVr,fl;",rr,l,iran. one?""" f """' ' n1"" r?ra BENJj v on nronei . 3 ei -. of . .nV10 "d Mdl., "HterlocuiT orchard. on ma-ndam Vo..in,a..fln."?. ",,R'1-. a..odUtNJ1T . ...e , roperiy Mould mk bath. ,";",! X'cTmc JX- c'a'raee'f Vr4 U r"0'!'" "" S acres of land IimiiiB 5 . r 4 ,'1"-"- aun.i nelBhborhood n?,r 'ISVi. .SA '&&& J '? j PHONE El .Sou 11, Ate TRUSTEE'S PEREMPTORY PUBLIC SAI E FORD HOOK FARM 5-1 ACRES WAYNE, PA! .. ' IT. ""'I l Wednesday, May 26, I9?0 at 1 1 M At the real est,,. ,rQmr IMn ", 1- of Mt rull particulars, nlan ."i!. ''KSTNl'T HT J'llll.A Ty nrdor of Media Thl.Jt Tr,fLnr-,",nilbl11 0orre T nutler Ks am' JJLCnii ,Tr".""- SAMUEL . T. FREEMAN " '2Im' .V 15I9-21 Chestnut St., Philadelphia llnlfd.nr IiIn C r.'o' V.t,V -Mor,-; ???". Address nor, N. J7 ' " "" eni- AIIINnTON BPi.KNnm sunrnnAN not K , . '.' nrs for quick buier who w.V lliunsutai OCCUDanrii rtti tk. T- i. h been entirely renovate,! and repaired1 hardwood floor, new htatlnc ayst.rai larse "V MflMl with presenY1 hm.?I enoriai JNVE8TIOATK THIS OrFBIlINfl Apply tordtella, price or lnVton Yd. 's:.s!B reiwr-: ,3e ll:V OF THR MANSION 1206-11 Liberty Building mono KnrnKH WOOnniSl.- ,vi.vr,. : i ::::::::; u mlSu jo 1,11,1 UK'S . " 2S mmuto.t -ft f above present prices Tremlscs Kery Day & CO. rmTrn '.n..r.V "".l.ni"hul"'"'', " t"-l . ".,"". """""'" t snaje mil "" i"im ironey. frlre ISO00 R JRNRUFn ' . "I .Ann.. -I ......- I "- SSbK " be remodeled u fin. v.. ..V,. """' "" '" Areola MEDIA 436 jr iplfl iEr V iJ E I A E, s ,. A e ' ' I'. ' nil ll L' W.. . I LOT. isSArd VnW-sSS'' L-r , IIIIOOKI.INB ah i.ui . I ...i...in,,,fli; - hi1.,?00 i1". "MnHllna lloi.levam, new X rm.V i ball, and laundrv. lm en..nl ' V.". ".V ' "n,5i.Try.m' 'tur."no,.,J.i,,i:,,.,,a' . W VI. . UJ I MSKJU'HSM ':; . "i - linoOKl.TN'R IM jryfjo.vjiKinMTS CUPTON UKIoilTH Owner rolna .iv;-. muat b (old now, a ,..i i...,.i.n,J1:.'''J . eemldetatrhed el,i,n i7A;r."'jJFV.!'J lchM home, PTktS f.io.VSI 'rwalMllfTkawBi-." '.I Dreiel 1 V M ;i.' , A V A1 y.i I i Hi 4i HI t, ' i! n. - "'if' ' '',, p f '1 ' "f r t t.J'Xt? . a j- .Ki atoivSJ:.,M; .v !..-.- 1 ' . -. I I ST- I .. .1 ' - -J --wwmra VTUm ' ' 'Tl 1 .J ' . v I , a ';, t -it, - o .,i - ,, p ' svr' , -iV' u .?A ,li -'!' ..Vllfv a'',1, .. u. .-, MtotoJii,Jkhf.iu K v.. s -.... , iuuj .tn4jwo