t . i y V '. " ' v. , J ' -:T' V -VfV 4' ( I - ' iA mm' '" fir f ' .j EXCEEO.ABOR'S EVENING PUBLIC iIedgee- PHIEABELPHIA', -FEIDAY, MAY 7, 1920 Study in Profiteering In ,USS. Industry Presented by Rail road Brotherhoods '-WAR-MADE" MILLIONAIRES i UV (he Associated rrct . ...i... inv 7. A study of JSlSWh American Industry, made 'SC the auspices of llio railway ! la.rfcooiR was presented to the rnjl- bod today In Wrt of the r0?,l., t Iters' demands for. liWier fti.'d labor costs arc responsible for hi hlsh cost of living. pnrcd bv W. .T. Tzanck, former Vt ??If 7i. nr labor board, the li ffiVccks lo show that profiteering In I ra.;. .. i he fundamental cause for MA prices In virtually all com- ppport that contention. , rilllne attention to the many war J, millionaire?, the study contends Jkil a tlirrc fold relationship exists 'Wee" high prices, profitccrlne and the addition to the quota of million. ilr,," and that the Incrcnsc In the KMll'h of the wealthy Is an "unanswer :u. refutation to nil nttompts to attempts to hold labor responsible for the high cost of living. "Fof, If Invested wealth gets a larger icturn," says the study, "n larger proportion of the national In come than formerly, the man vho gives 'personal service or labor Is bound to get a smaller proportion. The menace of the future lies In the probability that tho vast profits which nro still held In re servo will be capitalized in order that, under the pretext of a fair return on capital, those who own them may con tinue to take the larger proportion of nntlonal Income, even at the expense of very grent suffering on the part of the workers, when the -overstimulation of war has passed nway." Of the extraordinary Increase In the p'rleo of sugar, now amounting to 300 tier cent, the study says, the Increase in labor" cost paid by the consumer was less than 15 per cent. The result of ad vanced prices, necording to the quoted reports of twelve companies producing over half of the sugar consumed in the United Htntes was pictured In tho, net pinfits of these concerns, which It was said rose from nn average of .$11,000, 000 during the years 11)12-11)1 to $31, 000,000 for tho years 1010-1018. In, tho meat-packing industry, where profits were said to have Increnscd be tween 300 and -100 per cent, the labor Item was shown so small that a wage Increase of 100 per cent would ndd less thati" 5 per tent to the total cost of the meat. The Increase in price betwecu 1014 and 1018 was shown as eight times tho total labor cost and the 11)18 price represented twenty-flvo times the total labor item. Profits nbsorb approximately ono-half tnc retail price oi certain kinds of clotli, the report declared, while the labor Item amounts to from onc-fouctecnth to one- rtirje labor with profiteering, and to all twentieth of the price. Similar rcla- PENN NATIONAL tANK Comptroller's Call, May 4th, 1920 ASSETS Immediately Available! Cash and Reserve $2,918,080.51 Kxclianges for Clearing1 House 280,397.69 Duo fropi Corre spondents 273,632.34 Eligible Taper bis countable i u Federal ltcscrvo rtank ., 10,122,234.73 l" S. Certificates and Bonds .... 756083,66 $14,351,378.86 Other Loans & Discounts t Due within 30. days $2,523,608.76 Due 30 to 90 days 482,650.00 Duo after 90 days 1,871,696.77 United States and other bonds .... 1,117,195.00 Banking House... 266,000.00 $20,611,489.39 LIABILITIES $13,122,743.95 Deposits Due Federal Be serve Bank . . , circulation llcserve (Taxes) Capital Stock..., Surplus & Prof. Its P 3.674,725.00 150.000.00 J09. 108.65 1.000,000.00 2,55"4,911.79 OFFICERS M. G. BAKER Preaident TV. B. WARD Caahler If. C. BEITZKI, Aaalatant Cashier K. It. HEIRS Aaalatant Cashier H.G. roMiEjrus Aaalatant Caahler DIRECTORS Samuel 8. Pliarp Chairman of Board Wlnthrop Smith John F. fltoer Abram C. Molt Tlalph II. North flrellet Colllna Evan G. Chandlee Melville G. Baiter Edirln I,. Blabon Irvine Kolin William 8. rilllnjr William L. Turner $20,611,489.39 "ALWAYS COMMERCIAL" W. B. WARD, Cashier. Market at Seventh tlons voro pictured lu the manufacture of men's garmcntB. Shoes, according to tho study, "fur nished n splendid opportunity for the profiteer." Tho profit items In 1014, It was charged, absorbed nearly one-half tho price paid by tho consumer, or nearly three times tho total labor cost, while in 1017 the profit items amounted to approximately three-fifths of the total price and over five times the total labor cost. Increoscs In tho retail price of bitumi nous coal wcro shown ns four times the increase In labor costs, while the pro portion of the proceeds of the industry received by the coal operator was shown as increased from 75 to -100 per cent. I'rolltecring did not stop with Hit armistice, tho report declared, present ing figures to show that corporation profits In 1010 were 110 per cent over the pre-war average, which mrnns. the study 'added, that 1010 profits were moie than double thu average for the years 1012-10M. An average of $1200 per family of five during the years 1010-1018 was do claretl to be probably a highly con servative e.stlmnt9 of tho actual cost of corporate, profiteering to the consumer. Aged Woman Hurt by Motorcycle Struck by n motorcycle, nt Uroad nnd Heed streets last night, Mrs. Madnllne Hose, seventy-four years old, 1-107 South Thirteenth street, received cuts of the forehead and shock. She was treated by a nearby physician. Felix Up. Cnntllcc. a nrero. thlrtv- slx years ,old, North Klfty-Bcvonth street, who was driving the machine. was held upder S100 ball for a further hearing Mny 14. FOUNDED 1(14 National Bank of Germantown PHILADELPHIA May 4, 1020 RESOURCES Loans and lineaments. .. .$6,794,335,43 nun from liank ... . 527.970.83 Cash nnd Resene. .. 828,924.83 Customers' Liability Under Letters of credit .... 49,626,00 Total, $800,857.09 LIABILITIES Capital Stock .$ 200,000.00 Surplus and Net 1'rcflts. . . . 726,904.76 Unearned Discount .. 49,498.39 Circulation . ... ... 192,000.00 Deposits ... .... 6,012,827.04 Due federal itcsere uauk, T.ann rinrl ttnvcrnmAtit Securities 967,000.00 Liabilities nnd Letter of . Credit .... 52,626.00 Total, $8,200,870)9 JOHN C. KNOX, Cashier. J I CHARTER No.l THE TOAST BANK ClIArCTBRED unobrthi natiohAl BANK ACT Ilc THE! GIRARD NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA Mntenient of Condition nt the CJoae of Boalneas .Mny 1th. 1920. RESOURCES Loans and Investments $70,336,039.20 Accrued Interest 190,944.70 Acceptances and Letters of Credit 6,889,554.28 Exchange for Clearing House 1,994,711.17 Due from Banks 15,729,055.04 Cash and Reserve 5,524,89128 . $100,665,195.67 LIABILITIES Capital .$2,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 7,030,163.11 Reserve for Unearned Discount 318,776.15 Reserve for Taxes nnd Interest 348,713.55 Circulation . . '. 1,053,100.00 Acceptances nnd Letters of Credit 6,889,654.28 Government Securities Borrowed 1,135,000.00 Duo Federal Reserve Bank Loans' on Government Securities 12,384,740.00 Commercial Paper Rediscounted 1,285,100.00 Deposits ' , 65,220,168.58 $100,665,195.67 OFFICERS JOSKIWI WAYMS, Jit., President Kian Itandnlph, Vice I'realdent Alfred Hnrrntl, Aaalatant Cnahler A. W. I'lckford, Vice I'realdent David J. Myers, Aaalatant Caalilei Clmrlea M. Askton. C'aaliler Walter I. I'reucli. Aaalatant Caabler DIRECTORS ritANOIS n. ItKEVKS,. Chairman of the Hirfrd Daniel Dauch Francla II. Iteevu, Jr. UUIUm Ju.V Turner Itodman K. Orl.com Win. V. Fracter, Jr. A. J. County VF. Frederick Snyder tJeorce D. Rnae ntarteo Win. I, Ilnrba Itobert Toland Joaeph Wayne. Jr. Walter 8. Thomaon S m. Nnwliold Ely llviin Itandolph A. A, Corey, Jr. John Grlbbel MorrU It. norkloi K. It. SI. Carpenter Arthur V. Morton Coal Mine Management x If you are financially in terested in coal properties Vou should investigate the ervice we offer you. Changing industrial con ditions make efficient supervision more essen. tial than ever. Peabodymanagement ser. vice has been of great benefit to many owners ol coal mines. P" is a highly special. yza organization operat ing thirty.six bituminous mines in eleven fields with nual capacity of 18,000,000 tons. It is the result of thirty. Vcarsofexpericnce mmlning and selling coal. " b matltd on uquttt EABODY COAL CO CHICAGO 1 bIIIPBmIZSbSS 1 EfiUOATjONAIj IWh Sear ra4nat. ""iffi "! w Crajli buaioai. .LlA,nN WIRELESS Sf8, M0 m?n.,rov5.r1nnh Uot.a for '" n"J i, Cherry 8ti.. Phn. Fftnrk P ?-ImIB.mISI!p tutu JTT jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinMiiiiiiiprr x iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnr INCORPORATED 1803 The Philadelphia National Bank Philadelphia, May 4. 1920 RESOURCES U. S. Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness $3,068,350.00 Loans, Discounts and Investments II 3,336,370.5 1 Accrued Interest Receivable 286, 1 26. 1 1 Customers' Liability Under Letters of Credit and Acceptances 20,r84,484.53 Due from Banks 25,315,81 1.09 Exchanges for Clearing House 6,803,493.83 Cash and Reserve ....'...'..' 9,485,363.29 $178,479,999.36 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $5,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 1 0,676, 1 09.60 $ 1 5,676, 1 09.60 Unearned Discount , 780,399.75 Reserved for Taxes and Interest 84 1 ,6 1 0.9 1 Letters of Credit and Acceptances 21 ,378.048.52 , Domestic and Foreign Acceptances Sold 21 ,454,003.95 U. b. Bond Account Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank Individual $70,834,850.07 1,617,000.00 15,463,270.00 ( Individual $70,834,850.07 DeDOSlts Bank 29,318,485.22 F I U. S. Government 1 , 1 1 6,22 1 .34 101,269,556.63 $178,479,999.36 LEVI L. RUE, President CHARLES P. BLINN, Jr., Vice Pre. WM. S. MADDOX, Vis Pre. HOWARD W. LEWIS, Vice, Pre. HORACE FORTESCUE, Vice Pre. O. HOWARD WOLFE, Cashier First National Bank - of Philadelphia 315 CHESTNUT ST. Condenaed report at close of bualneta May "1, 1920. RESOURCES Loam and lnve.tment. $42,691,831.12 Cuatomera' Liability Under Letter of Credit and Aeceptaneea 3,702,399,02 Intereat Earned but Uncollected 42,974.58 Due from Banka 8,974,363.70 Exchange for Clearing House ,1,904,443.31 Cash and Reserve 2,986,619.42 Total . . .-. $60,302,621.15 LIABILITIES Capital $1,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 2,486,801.16 Interest & Discount Collected but not Earned 138,894.63 Reserved for Taxes, Interest, etc. ........ 651,701.17 Acceptances of other Banks sold 1,401,729.82 Letters of Credit and Acceptances 2,402,669.26 Re-discounts (Federal Reserve Bank) 2,614,560.00 Bills Payable (Federal Reserve Bank) 11,299,000.00 Deposits 38,038,276.11 Total ; . . .$60,302,621.15 WW. A. I.A.W. Prealdmt KKVrON WARM;. XWr l'ra. HARnY 4. HAAS. Vice I'ra. TIIOH. W. AXDItEW. Cnlilr CIIAS. II. JAMr.H. Aaat. Cnaltlrr CAM. II. CUM'Vr.V, Aaat. Caali. HOWARD II. SORDON. Aaat. Caah. diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiinitf ,:; No Old Fashioned Set Rules of banking at Second and Chestnut. The "Corn Exchange" handles in a constructive way each individual case after careful tudy and investi gation. ' HUtcmcnl on May i, J-0 RESOtnCKS Ixan and Incat m-iita jnCiOS, 000.81 Iana on Oovcrn mrnt Oblliratlona .. 14,9it.2274 Due from Ilankl U.UlO.lUI.Ui: (Jlearlnir Houae Kx chanteK 2 f.."r..1SD.R') Caah and Reams.... 0,047,710. HO Cuitomera' I.Ubllltr Under letter of Credit and Accept ance. 0.700,393. 70 K5. 821. "07.03 I.IAIIIMTICS $ and Net Capital Hufplui I'ronie Untamed Discount. . leere for Tx.. . circulation -. . . . Depnelta letter of Credit and Accptaneea, RxitlacountH with I en- eral Heaenc Dank. 4,nio,rr,o.2i aoj.tr.i. 2 2r.4,r.7i r.i infi.ooo.oo 49.140,020 08 0,001.420.17 12.031,330.11 $75,321.707 03 s r UIRECTORH JOHN I. MurDONAl.D WILSON CATHHrtWOOD WM. I.. 3yPPT.KB THOS. .1. JBI'Fnir.H .lOSCim H. TARVIN WM H. VX)LWBT.t.. WALTER A. HA I LIST CHAR. 8. CAIAVCLb 1RANK H. M083 or.o. w ii nonERTs .MBRRITT N WIJ.LIT8. Jr f.OUIH R. TAOB WM. II. HARniiifJ daVid o. iikaui.ut pau1.4thomp80n ira vauohan alan u. wood I'. IV. Ajer Clis. H. Chllil .toaepli 8. Clark lVallnn Clark Crrun II. K. Curtla DIRECTORS I'rnnltlln D'Oller William P. fieat I). C. IrTlD l.ltlncaton G. Juoea William A. Law .loaenli R. MrCall I'rriTk MrOwm I. Henry Seattercnod .1. W, Vni tlTk orncF.ns N. WILLITS. Vice-Pre aidant CIIAS. S. CALWELL. Prealdenl x Jr. TH09. J. JBPTR1ES. Vlee-Prealdent NHWTON W. CORSON Caabler ALLEN M. JIATTHEWS Asit. Cashier ALUERT N. HOGO. Aait. Cashier EDWARD T. JAMES Aatt. Cashier EDWARD J. TAUL. Aast Caahler CHARTERED By CONGRESS 1781 JJ NATIONAL BANK 1864 is BANK of North America 30rCfiestnut Street ' REPORT OF CONDITION Philadelphia, May 4th, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and Discount $26,708,080.72 1 Corn Exchange National Bank PHILADELPHIA , Chestnut at Second nMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii Due from Banks and Bankers . -. Cash, Reserve and Clearings House Exchange . . . Customers' Liability, Account Acceptances and Letters of Credit Interest Earned Not Collected ., . . 5,229,087.96 4,720,485.82 374,321.70 99,771.08 Total $37,131,747.28 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 2,404,190.26 Circulation 485,197.50 Deposits 24,426,952.85 Bills Re-discounted Secured by U. S. Securities. . 4,071,140.00 Rjeserve for Taxes and Interest 58,480.18 Accepts. Executed and Letters of Credit Issued . . 374,321.70 Bills Payable 4,200,000.00 Unearned-Discount and Interest 111,464.79 Total $37,131,747.28 OFFICERS v.. pi;si:y iwssmohi:. S. JUKINLliV, Vice 1'rea. V. ". W. J. MURPHY, Aaa't Caahler I'realdent KIIOMKR, Caahler C M. l'KIXCE, Aaa't Caahler J. W. TVIIITIG, Aaa't Caahler DIRECTORS . Lincoln K. Faaamore John W. I'earce . John V. Green George Falea linker, 31. D. N. Myern Filler riirlatiuii C. Fehlcer J. Howell Cummins; IV. Terey Hlmpaon Waller II. Roaamailer Charles II. Dunn Horace L'. Smith Hurry N. Uhrrt Kiltruril F. Ilenaon Therou I. Craiie Cirahame Wood W. Klrklnnd Ilnler William J'. Html, Jr., Charles O. Alexander Leonard T. Ileule Marvin A, Neelnnd Jumea I). C. Henderaon Walter Krhen V., 1'uaey rnaamore a i GeorGe Wood Alfred C. Harrison Levi L. Rue George H. McFadden Randal Morgan Samuel Rea DIRECTORS: Pierre S. duPont Asa S. Wing Samuel M. Vaudain William H. Donner. Wallace D. Simmons Samuel D. Warriner Eldqdge R. Johnson J. Howard Pew J. Kearsley Mitchell Henry G. Brengle S. P. Hutchinson G. Colesberry Putvm Third National Bank In 'the Center of Things Opposite Broad Street Station i 1 , Ft, STATEMENT At Close of Business May 4, 1920 RESOURCES I.ouiih and Invest ments . . . $10,592 407.70 Due from Hunks and Hankers . . . 1,133,506.06 faBli and Uesene 1,314,357 14 r-jxuiiunKH lor Clenrlnc Houae . Interest Knrned, net Collected . . S58,45C,32 3S.2S5.S9 $13,634,012.11 LIABILITIES i t, 000,000.00 , Canltal Stock . SurnlUH and I'ndl vlded Profits. Net, rienerved for T,xea Unearned Discount t'lrculntlon 11111s Panble to Federal Heaerve.. United mates Bonds' Borrow ed . Deposits , .. 4S.S90.S0 in nun in) 44.134.S0 138,200.00 1. 60S. 000.00 4,000.00 9,480,7811.51 ornoi:its l.eula l(, DUU, rrea O. Ilrlnlon Itubrrls, Mie Prrs, IV. Clifford Wood, Cashier Wm. T. Tomllnaon, Aaa't Cashier Uaymoad R. Hoaworth, A. Caahler Uerberl 8, WWte, Asst Oashts it 9, MnatlB. Ass't Caihltr Trank ! I.ewla It. Jarob B. $13,634,012.11 IIIULCTOItM Crofl llumhrrl II. Powell Dirk H, Ilrlnlon Itnbrrts Dlsalan Kdgar II, Blow Oamne) V, Iloaston W, I.eMar Talbot Joseph J. Martin Lonta M. IVatoar Hamilton Dlsstt THE CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA CHESTNUT ST. AT FIFTH Close of Business, May 4, 1920 Loan and reatmenta . Cuatomera' Lia bility under Let ters or Credit Outatandlnc .... Kxrhanie for Clearing Houae.. Due from Hu.iLa and Hunker. . . . ASSETS ln" $25,542,163.76) 268,531.95 922,889.70 3,418,548.31 Cash and Reserve 2,457,290.78 $32,609,424.50 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Un divided Profits (earned) 4,319,150.31 Dividend No. 11? Payable 31 a y 611 60,000.00 lteered for Taxes Unearned Dlarauut and UrureilatloD.. 282,045.70 rirrulntlon 55,000.00 Letter of Credit OuUtamllnc 268,531.95 Loans I'rderal Ile- serte Hank 1,366,000.00 Rediscounts Federal Re serve Bank .. 3,527,300.00 Deposits 21,731,396.54 $32,609,424.50 OFFICERS J. RHOADS CHARLES STANLEY E. WILSON, Aaalatant to Preaident A. D. SWIFT. Caahler WILLIAM POST, Chairman Preaident DAVID R. CARSON, Aaalatant Caahler ALBERT H. ASHBY, Aaalatant Caahler Executive Committee (IKORC.i: lll'RMIAM. Jr. tt'ILLIAM MOOD CIIAKLF.S WIIKKI.KI. CHARLES K. IM3ERSOLL A. A. JACKSON SAMUEL SI. CLR1VEN DIRECTORS tLAItLNCi: M. IIROMN- STKVENN 1 1 IX KXCIir.lt I WIMtY I). ANDKKIVH 4. IKTON TOIVNSID C. IltUII'K C STOUT HENIAMIN RUSH IIILLIAM TOST CLK-MENT II. NE1VIIOI.D C1IAKLE.S J. ItllOADS CHARLES E. MATIIKK TENTH NATIONAL BANK 1 TT Philadelphia, May 1th, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and Investments $2,750,354.21 United States Securities 1,789,240.70 Exchanges for Clearing: House. . . 191,979.54 Due from Banks 182,138.19 CASH 372,002.47 $5,285,715.14 LIABILITIES Capital 300,000.00 Surplus and Profits 233,638.43 Dividend '. 9,000.00 Circulation 191,795.00 Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank secured by United States securities IHEOO.OO DEPOSITS iWSiJi limmmMEfj . $5,2111715.14 John F. Bauder, Pres. Herbert L. Shr. CttVier ft ,tff ' 4 '- v -tt-i it ... i.'iVi . .01 ,n ! v ".'I ;a D M r t: f1 , ' V . ,, -i'-sJL43&21l&aLi.ij- 4a amBWBHUJIll -t. ' ". , 'wa? ik i,i ?jk?t 1 t A: fMtuiJi. Z AiL M t tW. wu . f m - I s a- J'a 'rt .r Awl A 1 a ' ....,,!: I t , f7 . -r. .7 .aM V V ( t ff, ' vgi,l. " ,-r ,-' ji,,.,. '1 i , iJtMi.ii'i ii-'