i t -rl?' TfT- T ' .i If :us ,', -'"N w V?'- fu ' y !- irffif Y" i t ' .. w" 't' , w ".. . , .',. .i, , 4. w - ,h .. .w f . . '. "j ' ' ' v "- " ' . " WH mww.vi 4 ntl t .v i.-j p H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Co. (Franklin Automobi)6 Company) , i 'syncuifc', Ni Y.' v . S 7 Cumulative.' Preferred Stock Additional $1,000,000 .Issue . ' ' 'i m Price $100Per Share . Dividends accruing from date of;issuc are payable . i N i ' i " February 1, May,l, August 1, November 1. I Dividends-Exempt from Federal" Normal I Income Tax After depreciation and taxes, earnings for, . past five years averaged four times the divi dend requirements on preferred stock out standing including this issue. In 1919 these dividend requirements were earned over, seven times. x For Circular and Subscription Blanks address H, H. Franklin Manufacturing Co. Syracuse "N. Y laiBWBMWMWHpBWBiMRfa-iS-B. II n .", ' . ' i NEW YtJRK COFFEE MARKET t e,,. W-M'tf M 4 ffl'smiuyL -. vi 11 pTJniHp "; JLrwttna jsres) lBMlMMgB?. .t 'jfipg ""j Tinting si ft.f AND . g trernendotis power presses which run oft the enormous editions of the bljr metropolitan newspapers bear but Blight resemblance to the printing press which Franklin used In 1725. Each step of Inventive improvement since ,172C has always been followed , by! the nepessary financial arrange merits, to put the Improvement Irf oper-ntlon. To tho Industries of Philadelphia, In tho''prcicfcKs of expansion, the Franklin t Trust Company has a worthwhile ' Hanking Sen Ice to effer. ' .We are 'Commercial, Convenient, Pro uresslve and "at yoUr Service" Day and Nlght-8:30 A. M. till Midnight. Frank 15th. St. below Market llTL I mm rust Co. fphila. 52nd 6 Market SH What Service Should a Bond House Render? There is only one thing which justifies the existence s of the Retail Bond. House. Because the Bond House purchases securities in large ' blocks it con afford to spend much larger sums' of money and more time on investigating each issue than could tho individual investor, whose investment in any one Issue is relatively small. The Banking House applies to this investigation a judgment and experience only gained after years devoted to the analysis of investment values. ' Investigate the Bond' House, then let them Investigate the Issues. BROOKE, STOKES & CO. Member. Philadelphia Stock Exchange 15th & Walnut Streets Philadelphia 102 St. Paul St. Baltimore 30 Years in Export Banking TNTIMAX& KNOWL-J- EDGE of ,thc needs and habits 6t the' people, acquired,' by years of ex perience and actual resi dence in the cduntries themselves, is ""essential when transacting busi ness abroad. , Our 23 branches In -South America, 8 offices In Eu- u rope and direct connections throughout, tho world round out a service broad and com prehensive in every detail. Anglo-South American ank,limited New York Agency, 49 Brond'war New York. May G. nllehtlv morn optimistic feeling regarding the various manteia secmcu to prevail tills morning and the local coltce futurcsi tnafket, opened unchanccd to an mlvnn nt ( 'points. There were buying orders around the rlne from Wnll nfrt. nn ,voll as,for Brazilian and Uuropeau ac count, uu BCBiiereu trade Interests sellings Financial conditions arc such that It Is possible that any real aggressiveness on the buylngslde wduld be checked until conditions become more settled. Right afler the call, coffee como out freely on the advance and sent July oft to 16.16, September to 14.83 and December to 14.78, from which, level there was a aulck rallv nn ,mnilnlnn house buying and covering of the shorts on me urmer itio market. Prices worked up to the best point of the morning. Transactions appea to bo confined to backing and filling among traders already In the market and are based on Brazil advices from day to day, there being practically no new business from outside' sources. T. Time) 11 a. in. ,t,.U Nhiv York Honda SALES IN 11000 From Openlns Until 3 P. M, (N. Y. Tlmt) Amir Smelt's Rtfln'r 6a' i ii 4 74U 1 74 '1 744t A Tel & Tel ell 1 744 A Tel fc Tel .1. ll..., 70 , 1....1 70S A Tel fcTfltt 1 MM 1 04H Ainer W V 7n 3.. .. 80 AnK-French, (la May . ... July .... . September December , March ... nirl Yest. ClOM 14.N7((I0 is.iwi.-i M.KOWHl 14.78V80 Today1 optn U.N7 IB JNfl 14. R4 Iff Ml 14.7OHO 14.70M80 !0 IS. IB 1812 THE 1920 Pennsylvania Company rpmS1" on Llvcs and Granting Annuities TRUST ANI SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Capital and Surplus ..." S7.000.00O Member Federal RM.-.,- c;.. " 517 Chestnut Street Philadelphia IIOAD ITIlr. .. ,.u.t-Sl YJX ' BKcaia " -, liUiiLHlll i jmimmiiijMi'iiiiin iiUjmmiimiiiimiiiim GIRARDTRUSTCOMPANT iilhj L'iiSI CapJ'' and Surplu,, S 10,000,000 j m B3 p -b twum h flflHi tMTT m i ii ViHtf THE modern rrianr woman of affalra realize! the advan. tagea In a trutt company aa aol or co-executor and truatee, Slnpo 18)6 the Clrard Truat Company haa maintained Ita reputation of managing citato, large and amall, to the adyan. tage and aatlafactlon of Its patrone, BROAD & CHESTNUT ST3. If The Wall Street News ' ' ." On This Page Puzzles You call, phone or write for our booklet, "The Lan guage of the Stock Mar ket." It clearly explains more than 200 words and phrases used by brokers, bankers, financial report ers.. Free to those inter ested in the market. Ask for No. T U 885 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Widener Bid, Philadelphia Phones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2200 Direct Private Wjrca Offices in 8 Principal Cities'1 Ameripan Tel. & Tel. Co. Collateral Trust 5s Due December 1, 1946. Secured by collateral with a value 33 1-3 in excess erf the amount of the issue, a margin which the Company agrees to maintain by depositing additional collateral if necessary. These bonds are a legal investment for savings banks in Con necticut and yield enough to attract the private investor. We offer a block of them , within a fraction of the lowest price at which they have ever sold on the New York Stock Exchange. Price and further par ticulars on request. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Members iVrio York Stock Exchange Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New York Ponton Hcrant'on 1. 33. 100. 10. 10, Bf 10. 1. 10. 3. 1.. 1.. 1.. 07 IS OS . SK . 08 W . 08 U , D8g . OBH , 08 , 98 07 IB . 08 . 08 . 08 07 IS . 08 . 0&I . 08 . 0HH . 08 . 08 . 98 . 08W . OH . 08 . 08 08 U LIBERTY BONDS All Issues Bought and Sold $50 $100 $500 ' $1000 Graham, Parsons & Co. 435 Chestnut Street , . , Philadelphia Railroad Equipments are now offered at Bargain Prices Canadian Pac. 6s Virginian Ry. 6s New York Central 7s' Prices to yield 7 Reed A. Morgan & Co. Wot End Trust Bldo., Phtla. Members ot the Phtla Stock Exob. FINANCIAL ALTOONA COAT, AND COKK COMrANY Flrat Mortxaso Hlx Ivr Cent HlnUlnr Fund . . Gold Ilondi NOTICE OF REDEMPTION Pursuant to the provUlona of Article, IV of the Mortgage or Deed of Trust from Altoona Coal and Coke Company to Phila delphia Trust Company,1 aa Trustee, dated June 1. 1010. notice la hereby elven that Altoona. Coal and Coke Company will redeem and pay on the next ensuing- Interest day at on hundred two. and ona-half per cent (102U) of the principal amount thereof, with the accrued Interest thereon, the bonds laaued and outstanding under said mortsaire numbered as follows, to wit: 78 81 80 77 Hi 87 78 , 83 88 70 ' 84 811 80 85 00 Upon presentation and surrender for can cellation of the bonds above described, with the coupons payable June. 1. 1020. and all subsequent coupons attached, at the office of Philadelphia Trust Company. Liberty Building, N, , B. corner Broad and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on or after June 1, , 103O, redemption wilt be made as above stilted. , Interest on said bonds numberod 70 to 00. both Inclusive, will cease on and after June 1. 1020 ALTOONA COAL AND COKE COMPANY. 1 Dy JOHN LLOYI), J!l Treasurer. Dated May 0. 1020. FIDELITY TRUST CO.. TBCSTEE UNDER . the Mortgage, of the Hanburr. Hatle fon ami Wilkeebarre Hallway Co., dated May 1, 1878, hereby gives notice that In pur suance, of the provisions of the said Mort. gage, (seventy-six) 70 bonds of Series "A" secured thereby, namely) 67, 83, 80, 108, 117. 145. 172. 202, 280, 242. 260, 284, 280. 271, 318, 840. D79 420. 404 508, DOS, sir. 824, 042 (Twenty-four bonda for One Thousand Dollars each) 837, 710. 747. 777. 803, 870. 038 088. 1018. 1043. 1004. 1127, 1143. 114. 1148 113, 1101 (Seventeen bonds for rive Hundred Dollars each) IBIU, 1J40, 14UI, 14V0, 1457, 1523. 1840. 1540, 1071, lino 1725, 1720 1821, 1837. 1870. 180d 100, Zini J1IU 2180 one 1200, 1277, 1300, 1428, 1434. 1447, 61, IflSN. 1071 1781, 1744. 1818, fnin. iosr. 2080. (ThlrtyTlve Donda for Hundred Dollars fsrhl In a amounting to Thirty-six Thousand Dol lars (130,000). ware this day duly drawn, and that aald bonda will be purchased at Jar and accrued Interest on the First dair ct une. 1020, by said trustee at Its office. Nos. 125-831 Chestnut atreat. Philadelphia, after whlchdate aald bonds will cease to bear In. tereat.X FIDELITY TRUST CO. WILLIAM P. O EST. President. Anrll 80 1020. Dltldends THE CENTRAL NATIONAL HANK OF 1-IIILADKI.riH L . Philadelphia, May Oth. 1020, The Directors have this day declared n quarterly dividend of Six Per Cent, free of tax. payable on demand Checks will be ma,lea A. D. SWIFT. v Cashier, NORTH Pini.Ili:i.PIHA TRUST COMPANY Philadelphia. May 4. 1020. The Hoard of Directors has this day de clared a semiannual dividend of 6 and an extra, of 2 payable at once to stock of rec ord April 24. 1020 Checks will be mailed, ora APr"InnY p conHETT, Secretary. KKN8INQTON NATIONAL HANK Olrard and Frankfort! avea. Philadelphia. May B, 1020. The Dlrectora have thla day declared a aamlannual dividend of six 0.)ler cent (S per share), payable on demand, free of tax. Check, will be "VpSjcacj!hLr. fc0raTOJ.Bhi..Nl.,yI'4?J,feS. 5 JK of tax. Checke will be mailed, free of tax. -'"v LjNyonD C. NfCE. faehler Annual Meetings h"mt L rh.ud.iphu ir waeffVrfe&swl iKA?,AJrf ry .. A f LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaslttaVtiaiilsiiif ifl iriiillliiiiil''il ilil'l rlii . if- i riaVlUitiliiir ( i n '-'-(" 'i TUB ANNUAL flEETAN0 P THE stockhofdeVs of tho Mflllam L. Craven HulldUg and ln Aasociattan will be held at : the I office! 2010 CoJjmbla avenue, on the evening of Ht . "? ". ''?- Bt which tlW there wliVe an electfort of mcer?i! dlrector.oaarv, for tJjt' on. uln- V1lVr,VNE irf,7jBWW. ""'"' '" i v Tennessee Power Co. First Mortgage St, 1962 Texas Company 3-Year 7 Note HANKERS 321 Cheitnut St., Philadelphia lfrmbera New York and PMIadtlpMa BtocK Ezchanott Securities for Investment JosepKW.Gross aCo. 1421 Chestnut St Oorretpondents Aldrtd eft Company Bank Wants Male Clerk for General Work B 224, LedRef Office R. B. CARR Accduntant and Auditor Specializing In all INCOME TAX MATTERS Penna. Bldg.. Philadelphia Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS . 1818 REAL FSTATE TRUST ULDO, Investigate and adjust partnership and Income Tax Returns Also prepare U. 8, Propoaal. DEPARTMENT OF PUIILIO WORKS DUnEAU OF CITY PROPERTY Philadelphia, May 5, 1020 Sealed propoeals'wlll bo received In Room 210. City Hall, until 18 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, Mny 18, lOiO, and opened at that time In same room, for i 1. Ash hoist, .southeast comer tlly Hall, Philadelphia, ax revised April, 1020, (83 deposit required for plans and spedfleatlons.) Contractors will he reoulred In nmnii iwlth the act of July 10, 1017. relative to worKmen a comticnsnunn insurance, and proof must be furnished the department by saia cuniri:iur wmi no naa accepted the provisions of said act and Insured his liabil ity thereunder or secured exemption there from. For Informatlort and full particulars in quire at Room 113, City Hall, JOHN C. WINSTON, Director. "VIA COLON it 0 TAeie (too toorrti trantvMtei tret -iiyuTw uv any ieiegrapn vo.f John L. Merrill, President . DIRECT ROUTE TO CENTRAL i SOUTH AMERICA tf o t MBrMtJSi,, tw Vet ".. .-t ,... l . ,, "W '. D , 12. 1. 1. 10, 12, 100. 2. 1. 4. Armour 4 Us 1 75K 1 7U S 75 1 7BK AT ft S.Fe 4a 4 7U4 1 714 B 71 1 72 Atch V & S l"e cv of '00 100.....-80V4 100 80'. Atl Coast L clt 7 00V4 Bait 6 Ohio c 28 00 10 00 H ft Ohio St&e 1 81 10 80 'i Bait ft Ohio 4a 2 BOH lo nnvi s ro i; 4 30,1 2 BOVi B ft O cv 4Vi. 2 04 Bait ft Ohio 5i 1 B0 Bait ft Ohio ia 6 SO 2 80 2 80 2 80 B & O Tpl 4s 3 4SK Beth Stiel cv 2 70 Brk n T't 7s 10 30 Brk U'n E 1st B.,... CI. Cent Leat'r Bs 1 0H4 B om 1,.... 01V4 Cent'l Pac 1st 1 i 2 00 Chesft O V,n 12 U0 C ft O cv 4H B (IS'i 2 tlSH Ches ft O cv Bs 3 72, 0 73 H I..... 74 '(, 10 74 B USi Cft Alton 3 'is 1 324 2 32 H B 82 '4 2..... 32 H Chicago Bur ft Qulncy 4. 1. 1. B. B. 10. 01 H 04fe 01 H 01K 04 2 04 V 2 04V4 2 IMVi Chicago ft Ol Western 4a 2 B2 7 B2 Chicago Mil ft St Pnul 8V4s B B4U Chicago MUft Ht P 4a '23 10 7t ,.... 71 Chicago Mil & St P CV-4MB 1 04 H St P fd 4Vjs 3 B4 Chicago Mil A St P gm 4H 2 72K Chicago Mil ft St P cv Bs 1 63 H Chicago Mil ft 2 3 H Chicago & Nth West gm 10 08 Chicago n Ial ft l'ao fd 1 02V4 2 02V4 2 02V. 8 62U 3 03 Chile Cop'r 6a 0 70 ',i B 70H Chile Cop'r 7a a 'OUVi 1 00 io aav, 10 uotf B DOh Chinese Gov't IMC Illya Bs 1 41 City Bord'x Sa 3 871 City Lyons Cs 1 8TK City Mar's Os 1 .... 87H C of N T 4,i Nov 'B7 1 04 City Pari. a. 2 .... 80 14 0 HOW 1 80tt 3 80V4 Clever d Shott Line 4Vjs 1 73U Col Indust Bs 1... . 73 Colo S'n 4'4 1 08h B .... 00 Vi 1 .. 08 H Cona'd Gas 7. 1 . . 1004 3 ... 1004 2 . . I00H Copenh'n B'4s 1 74tt 4. . . 74. Crucible Steel Co of A 4fea B .... 71W Cuba C Sug ov 10 1 .. 25 . . 23 . 1.. 10 I'.'.'. 15... I .. B . B .. Pen ft It U.I fd 2 .... 43 1.,... 43 Den ft R O 4s 20 .. , 00 B. . SOU Det Tun 4 He 10 7314 D Can BHa 21 2 .. 0614 3 . . 00 ',4 uom uan 'su 07' 07 U 07 H 07 07 V4 07S 07 07H 07 V4 07 0714 87 W 54 54 54 04 B1 03 H -1 8BW 1 88U D ot Can '20 B 00 2..... 00 D of Can 'fll 1 88 B 80 4 Erie Oenl Lltn !.... 41 Erie Rlt cv B 1 31 , 0 34 ferle nn ctf D 2..... 37 1 .... 37 Erie It n 4a It 50 8..... B0' 3 00 Ciena' I Elec fla 1 07'4 1 07 1 07 Hud ft Man fd 1 B3 3 50 2 B0 THud ft Man In 1..... 10 1..... 10 10 10 0 J0 3,.... 10'k III Central fd I..... 00 111 Cant 4a 'S3 1 01U 2 om III (1 C St L ft NOJI bda 5s 1 77 Vi Imp J Ov 1st 0 Imp J Uv 2nd B 74 10 7B 23 7B 10 7G Imp J Qv 4s 20.,... 58 W 1 50 B 5Ri 1 68T4 tnt'r Met 4vb 1 10V4 4 10 25 17 In Met ct 4 . 4 lBtt In'o nap T fd 20..,.. B4 I.... B4 10 54 3, 11 IB 20 1 1 Iowa Cent'l Ot 4 70 In Agr Cor 5a 3 70 B 70 20 70 I M Marine Os 3 HO'i 1 80 1 80 Kan C Ft u ft Memp 4. 2 00 Kan C ft 8 3s 1 r.0'4 2 B0 1 B0V4 2. . 501. Kan C ft S As 1 03 3 0.1 v; Kan Cy Tirm nwy 4s 0 01 L S M 8 4"s '2S 1 80 8 80; L 8 ft M S'n 4s of '31k 1 774 2 77 3 77 1 7714 1...., 70 4..... 7B Lehigh Vlv 0s 2 00 3 0614 1 00 L I R'd Sm '37 1 03 Lorlllard C 1 2 70W Lorlllard C 7 2.... 102 Louis ft fs 4 1 75'4 1 74 1 74 l.ou ft N si 0s 1 0714 LN Mono 4. 2 60 Slanhnt E'd 4n 1 B5 Mahoning Coal n n Co 5a 1 03'i Mlch'C'l aSs 1 0014 Mid 8 & o Br 80 a 80 14 4 80 Missouri K C ft Texas 4 s 10 33Ts Mis Pac gm 4s 2 B2'4 1 53 S 6114 3 53 1 53 Mis Poo Bs '21 B 82 Mon'a Powr 5s 3 82 Vnssau Kleo nwy 4 s 2 23 S'ew O Tex ft Mexico 4s 2 00 N Y C ft h n nn cv 2 07Ts .v t c & 11 n n R 316s 1 04 N Y c & h n nn 4s 4 00 M Y C ft H R R n 0s 1 87T4 4 875, IB 88 1 8814 N T Chi t St L D 4s 2 (15 1.. . 03 N Y N II ft I! .- a "tar 1" W4 uu 1 45 New Y New II A Hart 0a 10... . 60 N YTel's 4s 2.... 78 8...'. 7414 B.. . 7414 2 . . 74 Vi B.. 7414 N Y Telo's 0s 1. . 80 N T W C ft B n R 414s 1 30 Norfk ft W 4a 10 08 1 OH 0.. .. 08 N A W cv (1 1. 1 . 1.. 2 . 10,. 10 4 , 1.. 20, 1. 2.. 3.. 7 . 1 B . 45 2 2 2 . 1 10 3 . 4 , 1. 2 1.. 10. B 4,. 20. 1 . 1 . 1 3 101 1011, 101 V, 101 101 IOIVi 101 101 101 101 101 lolfc 101 101 101 14 101 18 1014 101 V 101 Vt 101V4 101 10114 101 101 10114 101 10114 101 101 1011, 101 1U11. 101 10114 101 V. 10t'4 10114 10114 10m 101 1U1W Peoria ft E In 1.. .. 20 Pere Mar Bi 0 . 80 Phlla Co'y cv 1 . 88 1 88 rubllc S Corp of N J Bs 1.. .. 001S Reading Co J Cent Col 4 a 3. 83 nlo Gil ft W Is 0 . 6014 RI A ft L4 2 01 1. .. 01 nep Cuba 414 3 ... 73 1 ... 73 Hosul I) Co 5a 4 . . 81 Ran A ft A P Railway 4s 2... . 58 fit L ft S V nj BROKERS REM TAXINGOF SALES Proposal of Ways and Means Committee Pronounced Dis astrous for Traders Financial Briefs 1 10 3 1 2 St L 1 1 3 1 1 20 2 68 ...68 ...'58 . . 58 . . 5814 ft S F In 44 4414 45 4 45 45V. 43 ft S Fran A 63 54 63 54 63 6.. 8 . 00 no '4 00 011 00 0(1 2.. . 07 11.. . OUT. N'n Pacific 3a 1 501. 1.. . 60 W'n Pacific 4s 20.. 20 . 1. 22. ... B . B 1... O Short 1.... Paa Q 1 70 70 U 70?. 70'i 70V. I. 4s 7(1 . 7(1 ,. 73 ft ll 6s 74 , Pa RR en 4 Vis 'l... Hit, Pa n gm 4 'is 2... . 711 U li.. 7(1 V, Penna n n 6s 8 . 83 S.. . 83 5... N2 1 82 T. 8814 Penna It wl 7s 8814 10, 1 0. 10. St I Series- 3 . 1 16 1 5 Bt 1, & S bran Perle B 1 . . 63 2 . 0114 St L ft S Fran Series C 5 .. . 82 St L ft South Wcat'n en 2 50 B ... 60 Sea'd A I. J 6,. . 34 1 ... 34 So'n Pac cv 4s 2 .... 70 4 . .. 75 So'n Ilallys 4s 1 63 I... . 60 4 56 10 50 10. y... 56 So'n Rallis Bs 1 781a 2 7814 1 7814 S'n rao cv 5a B 80 0....1 00 TVx & P n lat 2 .... 70 Third Av n aj 24 .... 22 20 2214 1 .... 23 Third A lilt 4s 1 41'4 Union Pac fd 1 08 1 08 1 68 6 68 Union Pao 6a 2 08 U 1C Q B I '21 1 60.... 4.... 21.... 10.... 1.... 00.... 5.... 10.... 1.... 4.... 20.... 1.... 20,... 1.... 4 U IC O rets of '2.' 2 03 U K O B ft I rets of 5. 1. 1. 4 6. 5. UKoorti B. 1.. 1.. 3.. 4.. 4,. o 1'.! ran U nsan unct 19 1..... 23 13 23 V 8 Mexico ,1a 10 .. . 321-j 1 . .. 20 4 .. 30 U S Realty it 1 81 1 81 2 81 U S Rubber Bs 1. o 15 1 n U a 1 6 U S O 1.. 5 10 T 7 0. 6 (I Va Itallw'a Bs 6 ... 76 Wabash R lat 2.... 8314 Westn Eleo 6s 1. ... 04 West Md 4s 2 .... 60 1 . 30 Westn Pac 1st 1 77 VWsfn U 4m 2 .. T4U 101 Wla'n Cent 4s 101 a. I 4 .... 031 Liberty 3js.. Liberty 1st 4s, Liberty 2d 4iT . Liberty l.t 4.. Liberty 2d 44r., WiV Liberty 3d VAn, . vlWWK: ' f,W' C i,C High 1)0.84 84.00 85.00 0.1.1)2 85.10 80,24 815,70 Of (N Y, Low 00.70 84.50 84.80 03.1)2 84.08 80.12 85.00, 00.00' There were many left-bonded compli ments beatowed upon the Hourc ivnjg nnd menns committco In brokers' offices yrterdny over the proposed tnr equal to the commlRilrins charged by brokers on the purcliOKe and snlo of securities. The senior pnrtner of n well-known brokerage houws said the effect of such a tax, In addition to the taxes already levied on such 'transactions, will be n drastic reduction of business done, and the total destruction of a market for Kecurltles under certain conditions. It will bo disastrous for traders, the men make a business of buying and selling who stocks, relying for their profit, upon small changes In the market. These men at'c essential to tho well being of the' country. They are the peo ple who arc at hand at all times to buy nnd sell and provide a market for more permanent Investors who wish to pur chase or dispose of stock. The proposed tax would put these peo nlo out of business, he said, and In that i,ay would make It Impossible for per sons wo wisn 10 sen 10 nnu a marKci. In order that every encouragement should b? given, he sold, to those who put their capital into productive Indus dtistrlrfl, It Is essential that they be, fur nished with a free market for tho se curities hey receive In return for the money they Invest. If the proposed tax goes into effect there will be no free security market in the United Htntes, he remarked, and the owner of such securities who wishes to realize on them must sacrifice them or wait until he finds some man who wishes such an lnestnient, as the tradf era will have disappeared. The Oerman Oovernraeut, he suid, nt one tlmo tried Interference in stock ex- J '"-Lchange transactions nnd increased the 41 cost, with the result of driving the busi ness 10 loreigil rxciiiingrs uiiii, us 11 rr- suit, (lermnn capital (lowed to other centers for investment. The activity fii rnilroml storks, with Increased prires, was looked upon with favor In Jhe financial district. For some time past the stock murket had beeh 'regarded as too much one-sided, the In dustrials cinjmlug too much attention. Now matters'are more evenlj balanced. Tills was the opinion of n member of a firm of brokers jestenhij. One tiling more, he said, is needed In complete the confidence of Investors, nnd that Is more activity In conners. Hut. lie continued, that Is coming, nnd aceoidlng to the best source of information, will, f 0011 uc nere. lie gave as u mi son for the spurt in mil issues the possibility of the Inter state Commerce Commission granting the Increase in freight lotes which will mean an addition to gross income of between $700,000,000 and $800,000,000 a j car. A banker, when discussing the changed situation ns regards rail securi ties, said that one of the createst draw backs to a better operation of the roads at present is the shortage of cars, nnd that the meeting of railroad men in Washlncton to discuss the subject with Senator Cummins oijd rcprestntatlves'of the government this week will no, doubt result In some relief, although, he said, railroad men do not expect any early relief is possible, but the fact that a serious beginning is being made to meet the (llmculty, he said, was in itself an indication of progress. He said he understood that owing to the recent strike the congestion of freight on some of the roads was so great that several steel manufacturing concerns had asked for permission to employ their own hands to heln relieve the freight jam which was holding up raw materials which they wanted to keep their plants going. Some financiers were of the onlnlon that the strength In rnilroml stocks was a direct result of the low rates for money, but it was argued that if such' were the case it wophl have been re flected in other stocks. One broker said that If cheaper monej were the cause It would also effect steel. It is a well-known fact, he said, that the holders of the United States Steel securities are among .those who appre ciate steel most, and instances could bo given where home have parted with both preferred stock and sinking-fund bonds of the corporation to reintest in the common .stock. Conversation in a certain hanking nnd brokerage office In the centre of the city jesterdav turned on the panic talk which is being freely circulated. One of the members of the firm has just re turned from extended trips which in cluded the cities of St. Louis nnd Atlan ta. He said he did not once hear even a hint of the possibility of a panic either now or nt some distant date and he believed it was for the very good rensnn that ever thing is prosperous and would oniy give the lie to sneh talk. Onlv when he returned East, he said, did he hear such grumblings. And, he remarked,, that when he questioned those who talked of a com ing panic what were the grounds on which they based their fears they invur iably gave home lame excuse 'such as lioiiHC-earpenters demanding a dollar 11 day more wages, or somo other as silly excuse. It irf evident, he said, to anyone who has not been' in the South for a few years past tiiat there is indeed a new South. In Atlanta especially.. he said, the change is very striking. Tall com mercial buildings are golug up on the formerly cxclusUe residence streets, nnd it was difficult at times, he said, to realize one was not walking on Fifth avenue, New York So far us the pos sibility of anj panic is concerned, he said, he could ee nothing ahead but un precedented prospciit). An investment banker speaking about the money and tiedit situation of the country, aud these two are one, said that evidence of a decided improvement is not hard to find. As an instance, he said his house was called on tiie 'phone jesterday and asked if they wanted to borrow any money and the same occurred today. Refined Sugar Up a Cent a Pound New York, May 6. Tho retlned sugar market Is firmer with an adxunca of a cent u pound In tho price of tine granu lated, nnnounced bv tho American and National .Sugar Reflnintf Cos, to 18 vi cents. Arbucklft 1 nros. allotted some BUgar In New York stato nt 23 cents for shipment as soon os pesalblc. The Warner Co. allotted gomo augur on Wednesday at 23 cents. Tho raw sugar market continues firm und unchanged on tho basis of 18's centu, cost and freight, for Culms Arrivals of raws yeaterday Included 29.000 bags of Cubaa to Arbuckle Bros ; 28,000 bags to the National Co. and 2933 bags San Dcmln goa to Canada. 03 03 05 05 00 05 03 05 05 05 05 04 04 05 05 04 ft 1 20 01", 01 01 01 )1 01 li 01 01 01 01 86 86 80 85 86 86 85 T8 1 Vn 80 80 . 70 . SO . SO ..SO nub'r 7a lOOH 100 Eleel 6s ... 0311 03 ' 03 03 03 03 02 112 02 02 113 03 03 03 Tlmo) 11:15 a. tn. 00.70 84.110 84.60 05.02 85.10 80,24 ai,4 00,0 The average price" of twenty actlvq in dustrial stocks advanced 0.14 per cent yesterday to 94.4, while the twenty rail roads advanced 0.65 per cent to 73.33. At tho annual meeting of tho Olrard Avenue Title and Trust Co. James J. Diamond. George C. J. Fleck, Michael J, Ilyan, Daniel Wade and Itlchard Weg leln, whose terms expired, wcto re elected. Earnings of the Federal Ileservo banks for 1919 will be in excess of (ISO, 000,000, Governor Harding told the House rules committee. Thla compares with an average of 153,000,000 for the last three years. The membership of tho late Albert K. Turner on the Philadelphia Htnck Ex change has been transferred to Clarence U Harper, of the firm of Harper & Turner. Two new members elected by the governing committee at the meeting late yesterday afternoon were Kdward W. fooe. of the firm of li J. Moore & Co , who bought a sent of Wynne Pur vlance. nnd V. Spencer, Uryam, of tho firm of De Haven & Townsend. Carl N. Martin wan elected n member of tho governing committco to fill the vacancy caused by tho death of Albert C. Tur ner. The Njw York Stock ttxehanue has stricken from tho list General Motors Corporation common stock, S100 par. The New York Hubtreasury gained $2,602,000 from the banks yesterday, making a cash net gain slnco. Friday of $6,135,000. " John II. Moore, formerly with Bon brlght & Co , has become associated with tho Philadelphia office of Kountze Bros. Tho New York Stock Exchange Jiaa admitted to list V, Vlvadou. Inc., capi tal stock without nominal or par value Tho committee on securities haa ruled that, until May 16, transactions In 4 per cent second Liberty Loan coupon bonds and until Juno 15 transactions in 4 per cent first Liberty Loan conyerted cou pon bonda may be settled by delivery of cither bonds without coupons or new bonds with coupons which are being is sued In exchango therefor. Tho Atchison, Topckn. and Hanta F itallrond Co., In Its annual report for the year ended December 31, 1919. shows net corporate Income after all charges and taxes of $43,098,857, equal to $16.55 a share on the $22,873,500 common stock outstanding, after allowing for the pay. ment of preferred dividends. LONDON STOCK MARKET Trade InOII Sharet More Brisk. Home Ralls Maintained Tendon, May 6. Trading. In Oil shares was more brisk on the stock exchange today and they had strong undertone. Shell Trading was 10 13-16 and Mexican Eagles OH Moro stabil ity was shown in the foreign depart ment. German 3a displayed strength In sympathy with marks. There was little change 'In gilt-edged t section Investment Issues. Support waa given to Industrials. Hudson Bay wan 714. Notwithstanding on advance In tho price of bar gold, kafflrs were flabby. . Home rails and Canadians were maintained. Argentines moved upward again, having ben oversold. Generally business was quiet, but tho markets were steady nnd sentiment remained cheerful. DIVIDENDS DECLARED United Cls-ar fltores Co. quarterly of X per cent on prefrrre1, payable June 13 to stock of r-ord May 28. Endlcott-Johnson Corp.. a dividend of 10 Ser cent In common stock on common, paya le June 10 to stock of record May 26. NIlts.Bement'Fond Co , quarterly of 2 per cent on common and 114 per cent on pre ferred, iTCierrea is parauic ir u io bipvk of record Slay B and common Juno 21 to stock of record June 1. Crescent Pipe Line Co.. quarterly of 75 cents payablo June 16 to stock of record May. 22. Arms Tea Co.. quarterly ot Hi per csnt on first preferred, payable June 1 aa resla tared May 20. Catawlasa nallroad Co . semiannual of 2'i psr cent on preferred, payable May 10 as registered Mav 0, RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN NATIONAL nAILWAVS ... '820 Increaae Fourth weak April.. X2.47S.641 X167.37B from January 1.... 20,482,423 2.332,87,1 nurrAi.a nociiKsmn and pitta- . S.-71. , MUiiun Fourth wlAiM ,, 037,730 'aoUwl ,Gr itihta th ft VJVVJ Kit BIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW-ailBBBBBBBBiat JQaaWalaslH Mil B It Increases Power and Saves Fuel Automatically THE Automatic Combustion Control (Gray System) increase power by making nearly perfect combustion possible. 'Because it gets the most out of any fuel it enables you to operate your power plant on cheaper grades of combustible mat erials. -' Example: One plant which could never use anything but the best grade of fuel installed an Automatic Combustion Control (Gray System) and now uses all grades of coal, ranging from bi tuminous to yard screenings. These results are made possible because the Automatic Combustion Control supplies at all times just the right amount of "air to the fuel bed. This makes nearly perfect combustion. This remarkable system easily pays for itself by the saving in fuel and operating expenses it makes possible 5 to 20 is guaranteed. Send for complete information regarding this ap pliance, or make an appointment with one of our Combustion Engineers, who is trained to advise you on power plant operation. AUTOMATIC FUEL SAVING COMPANY n B u 1 1 c t i Building AUTOMATIC COMBUSTION CONTROL CRAY SYSTEM Telephone Spruce S874 CHARTERED 5y CONGRESS 1781 JR NATIONAL BANK 1864 BANKy! North America 30? Chestnut Street OFFICERS E. PUSEY PASSM0RE, Preiidcnt R. S. McKINLEY, Vice Prei. E. S. KR0MER, Culler W. J. MURPHY, Aut. Clier C. M. PRINCE, Ant Cai.ler J. W. WHITING, Am. Cubier DIRECTORS LINCOLN K. PASSM0RE JOHN W. PEARCE JOHN P. GREEN GEORGE FALES DAKER, M. D N. MYERS FITLER CHRISTIAN C. FEBIGER J. HOWELL CUMMINGS W. PERCY, SIMPSON WALTER H. R0SSMASSLER CHARLES B. DUNN HORACE E. SMITH HARRY 9.-EHRET T prr EDWARD F. HENS0N THER0N I. CRANE GRAHAME WOOD W. KIRKLAND PWIER WILLIAM F. READ, JR. CHARLES 0. ALEXANDER LEONARD T. BEALE MARVIN A. NEELAND JAMES D. C HENDERSON WALTER ERBEN E. PUSEY PASSM0RE X f.G V- S 4 lr -Vjtf :. w nj, , . i or v 1 k nt J J.M tt v t ft -! -l