V ; .1 'W .r'-j TV, . , .A. rfK" '. ' ft ."' ' ' f' J ii f ft . I J ,fvafeVV'r V '-, ' "ST" ' . i -.t ' : : - : 2i , f . , i a 1 i THARON OF LOST VALLEY By VltWIiS U. ROE " Author of "The Maid of the Whispering mils," "Th Heart ' , pf tilQht Wind," etc. THIS STAIIT8 TUB STOHY fC,fT Vn.i I Is one of the wonders ,TWt Vallep. She and' old Anita ' l ' Jim last's household, Jim w"'?mHow tor his skill iolfc t7n l "li" rJtrolled the valley lor cM n" ,..), nourtreu seeks to usurp ,: nhttev appears, ' W-.j. almot l.el rider. " STTOi ? J S52L ,ii0. " btlLV St his murderer anil vows IM,M " " father's . fcWcr ' f'hrat her to it." A rude cross ,vi.b fiJs burUil pfnec. "Two ""''".J, looking toward another ,u mtu.lipav for 1ou both." ?0 J faction solemnly pledge SSS?he to stand together against C0ANDJnyK IT CONTINUES ,lEfj wth nn unconscious Brace and Trolso that net welt upon, jier ns tho mWitss of last's, Tharon, moved into ' JSfnSr o..r both rfrl, 'ff Valley would have been rudcnctsl 1 ii.ra It catalogued tin stranger, aot v. rwlo of his welcome. 1 ii left him stripped of surprise, out Mdly. h"foro to was within Poaklng if told the observers that ho was Toinr of somo twenty-six rfr seven, that C. & the first point taken In with llthtnliiff swiftness was different from Wu faces thev had over seen, .that It ml mSS? smiling, easy, that no waa Salsht " a ramroad. Indeed, that ho rode as If lw feared nothlnir In the ?!.. i. ir.avnns. that ho carried " . v.o hn wore the peculiar 'r.'thnt Tharon had noticed before. , imiiut ..--------,h.nt, ,llrt. ma mai inoi ";",s v ?..---. triut. a iaxK sniom ui buuiii o'i wMch i made Uiom think of Steptoo Service and his disgraced Bherlft's star. Sli. Tsmiirht brouirht a frown to Thiron's brows, and It was there to rreet tlie stranger when ho rode up to the itep and halted, his smart tan. hat In his hand. The morning sun burned ,,i,. .inu-n nfThls dark hair, which wad hrushed straight back from his forehead In a way unknown In thoao parts. His dark eyes, slow and deep tut somehow merry, took In the pretty picture In the door. ' Mis? Last?" ho asked In a low voico. "Tesf' raid Tharon promptly ,and waited. Eery one waited In I.ost Valley for . etranKer to make known his business. Paula drew back behind her mistress. The man sat still on hid horso and wslted, too, Tho sllenco became pro found.. Tho hens cackling about the him Intruded sharply. "Well," he said presently, "I nm a itrangcr. and I camo to seo you." The elrl liu tho doorway felt a hot turffo of discomfort flare over her foe tht nrst time in nor mo lor sucn a reason. There "as something In the low voice that Implied a lack, accused her of. something. Wle resented It instantly. "If that Is so," sho said slowly, "llrtt." The man laughed delightedly, and snung quickly down", dropping IiIh rein. Tharon noticed that. That much was natural. Ho held his hat against his breast with one hand and came forward with the same quickness, holding out ine omer. iiiaron was not used to shaking hands with strange men. bhe gave her hand dlltldontly, because Nhe so evidently expected it, and took It awav swiftly. ' My name." ho said. "Is Rennet Dalu K?nset and I am from Wash ington. D C." Ho might as well hae said Tim huctoo Tharon Last knew little outside her own enlromnent. Words and names that had to do with unknown Places were vague things to her. "Ves?" Bhe answered politely, "I make no doubt jou've come far. Como in. plnner'll soon bo ready," and she moved back from the door with a. smile that covered her pitiful Ignorance as with a rarment of gold. When Tharon smiled l Ko that she was wholly adorable, and the man knew It at once. Why she had so quickly Invited him in before lie had fully declared himself, she did not know unless It was because J' 'hat lack In her which his first wolds had implied. Old Anita, whoso manners woro tho simple and perfect ones of tho Mexican coupled to a kindly heart, had taught her how to comport. -uiTi. and ,constant association with tho riders and vaqucroB had dulled ner somewhat, but sho could bo royal en occasion. .Mow 'l10 BlniPIy stepped bock In tho deep cool room where tho ollas swung In the windows, smiled and sho was changed cntlroly from tho girl of a few moments bofore. , Tho man came In, laid his hat on tHo jat top of the melodeon, walked over to chair and sat down. There was nn ease about him. a taklng-for-granted, that amazed Tharon beyond words. Then ho looked frankly ut her and Began to talk as If ho had known her alwajs, ii.7's co.mn t0 llvo '" Lost Valior. ?aSnljMi18 8a,!' 7?.r a IonB w" .!ilnk- Wsh mo luck." -i.i 2 ,loro t0 llvo'" sald Tharon. , ttlerT Goln" to homestead?" He shook his head. No." ,- ",u'ck suspicion seized hor. Per haps ashington was llko Arizona, a S n0!" .wnlcl1 tl,ey Imported uun h. f i, lly.tl"s.man woro no Bun, and ny had not u look of prowess. No. This man was different. h.iJi n "hlH " Bln' to do?" slto asked a8 frankly as a child. in pines giow yonder and build my tonanl ft?'"' . "".a ho W,lvcd tt ""'! mat marchfil haw tntr. .i.,. -. .i m trin:r.. :rr," "" ",u .mmm.ui if. an Ideal snot, a glado f the trallless hills. whem .A1 . . mlu "n ,Ucal spot, a Slado Wti. nth"-V'neH J"'"1!1 runi tho edges. dnin .:'""? lt "ving water runn nir i".,"l "hero I can look down und Va1Llho, "V'enlllceiu reaches of Lost flld!i'i"or8kea o ,KlrX succinctly. Part oni'wrif1:?- tl,at wl bu rea 'Who for?" "wiwfor'i"11 Uef Bharl)1y "Tes. What outfit?" If hacrhwus a nard nuallty in her vclco h8.,a.,i.!:0"!? Jnto rlaoVo? Courtrev hnt T.nnf'a IS 2J2m K?9W at ,,'" 'iicnu or n s, now or over' pa caught tho drft of thought In -"t"hS. genUo'gSlt'v8 r8'" h? 8aid employ 6t Z iin" ,y: c,W am ln the niefit," 10 Unlted States rQovern- hi'e 8wlft chango camo over Tlnrcn'o 'iovernment I Vau'y "stemn'i i C,onjuro by 1" lovmen" it wS a &52" "rated of 'r JukkIpiI .ui.,. .. tt fa,rce. synonym ne.mau inWUtyVa(wor'1,to suggest tho Courtrev w of ',ho u ace. for oven madl,hcmdidatdtBntr '"Iffs-and suent nniri ..Tt? ll under tho grandllc- Jlly . "that" von"' ..l"ter'" Bl'a ad friends." you ftn ,ne can't be what?" , -o, 8lr " rn.y,0li m earnest?" mi boo iul.1ly um" Ba'l Tharon "l uin't Kwund. You havo aUl rJZ "nftunlllar -STSfcTF?- R "W"e" voXarlr'y8111,1 Ule lr' Jlnner, but I take it 'hnM1, aaked you f l?rKlvo mo mi" X?nilJ,.a.c,t. . I ask y f "t th en 0. In kely fef VVl8e,mWotnh7rom whero ,f A slow dark flush spread over tho mans faco."Ho laughed, howover, and in reaching for her hat caught two tf her fingers, whether purposely or not Tharon could not tell, . "A,d'n!.rabl0 hospitality ln tho fast frontier." ho Raid, uut perhaps I should not havo expected anything dif ferent." VT0Uftrrmk(!.P10 ashamed," said Tharon stralghtly, "but Last's ain't takln' chances theso days. You may belong to government, an' you may belong to COUrtrey, dn I'm ngalnst 'cm both"' Htio walked with him to tho rlcor, stepped out, no If with somo thought to soften her unprecedented trontment of tho stranger Under her roof. She noted the trim flnuro of him In Its peculiar garb, tho proud carriage, tho even nnd easy qomportment under Insult. 1' rom hlfl fiadcltn n llntt.l n nnrlrnirn wrapped in paper. "Will yeu please tako this?" ho asked lightly, holding lt out "Just on general in iiiujpieo. But sho shook her head. 'I can't tako no favors from you when I yo just took stand against you, can IV, she, asked ln turn. "Well, of all tho ridiculous " Tho man laughed ngain shortly, tossed tho package on the 'stop, mounted, whirled and rode away without a back ward frlanni Tharon stodd frowning where ho left her until the brown horso and Its rider wero won down along the levels toward Then a sigh at her shoulder recalled ner nn,i she tummi n aa i.a M.itttr.ti dark faco of Paula gazing raptly in tho "Ho was sc- handsome, senorlto," said thO girl. "tO bn SO hnrrtlv ,ln! wlHi " Paula," said the mistress bittngly, will you remember who you're talitln' to 7 Do ou want to -go back to th' i-unios unuor in' nocKiaco7 ' "Saints forbid !" cried Paula In stantlv. "Then keep your sighs for Jose nn' miner your manners. Pick up that bun die." Swiftly and obediently tho girl did up duo was loia, unrolling tno wrapper from the package. She brought to lhjht tho meal-sack niuuu -iimruii naa uroppcu mat day on Huston's p6rch. A slow flush stained Tharon's cheeks at tho sight, and the went abruptly into tho house. , When tho riders came In at night she luiu mem in uotnii noout tno wnoio ar ralr, for Last's and Its men wore one, their Interestn tlm mnin , .They held counsel around the long table In the dining room under the hang ing lamn. nnrl Pnnfnnl nt lioi- rlfflif wnu oiiuKcainan ior. tno rest. t 'lies Snmph n" nfTlMnl nil rlwli 1 make no doubt, Tharon." he said when he had listened attentively, "but whnt or iviiu i uon c Know, i nearu rrom Ulxon about him comln" Into Corvan that day, nn that lie had rodo far. No ono knows his business, or what he's In Lost Valley for. lie's Rome .mysterious." "He's goln' to stay, so he told me," ncitb un inn ciri. "iroin tn niniii it hmmn up where tho pines begin an' means to nue. uui nowii ho llvo? What an' who will ho ride for? Ho said for gov ernment." "What's ho mean by that?" "Search me." "Wasn't there nothln' about him dlffei cnt? Nothln' you could Judge him by?" nsked Billy. , "Yes, there was. Ho wore somethln' on his breast, a sign, a dulMIko thing with words an' letters on it." "So?" said Conford quickly, "what was It like, Tharon? Can't you describe "Can with n pencil," said Tharon, ris ing. "Como on In." i Sho wont swiftly to the big desk In the other room nnd rummnged among Its drawers for paper mid pencil. These things wero precious in Lost Valley. Jim Last had had great stacks of paper, net. glazed sheets with faint lines upon them, made somewhere In that mysterious "below" and brought In by pack train. It was on one or these, with the distinctive words "Last's Hold ing" printed at tho top, that the thirty men had signed themselves Into the new law of tho alley. To Thnron tliPRr. frilpntn lm.I nlitmvu been magic, Invested with grae dignity. AiiyimuK uono upon tnem was or im port. Irrevocable. Thus had Jim Last Inscribed the senn yearly letters that went down tho Wall with the cattle, or for supplies Now she spread a shining pad under the light, sat down In tier fiitlipr'u i-lir.1. and bepan, caiefully and minutely, tore- ihuuulb ino uaoge inai meant nutliniuy of a sort, yet was not a shei Ill's star. Tho riders, clustered nt her shouiucr, watched tho thing take shape nnd form. At the end of twenty nalnstnklnir mln. utes Tharon straightened nnd looked up in mo uiiurcHicu laces. "There," sho said, "an" It's dull copper color " And this was tho nhlplil with u nn. known heraldry Which Conford took up- auu biuuicu vuruiuiiy ior a. long lime. li'orAst Rervlnp.' " lin rml nlnn.i " 'Department of Acrlculturo.' " Wpii' so fur oh I can see, It uln't so terrlfyln'. That last means rnlsln' things, llko beets an- turnips nir so on, an- ns lor th' for est pari, wny. ir no stays up ln h s fringe o" nines I guess wo ain't trot nn calt tc kick. Don't you worry, Tharon, about this new bird. "I'm n dnined sight morq worried about that other ono, th' Arizona bcaut which Courtrey's got In " U'-oigri tn' gun mnn, uurt," said Hilly, "this feller's a heap mora Inter. cstln' to me, for I'o got a hunch he's a poet. Now who en this footstool but a poet would como rldln' Into Lost Val ley with his badge o' beets nn' his linn o' talk about 'fringes o' pines' an' 'runnln' streams,' to quote Tharon?" ISven noots nro human, you vounir limb," drawled Curly In his soft voice. "nn- I'm sorry ror mm ir no starts your 'Interest,' so to speak. Ho'll need au his poetic .vision t' Biirvle. ' "I hopo, Hilly," said Thaion severely, and with lofty Inconsistency, "that you'll remember your nmnneis an' not atait anything. Last'H Is In for trouble enough without any sldo Issues." "True," sam tno ucy instantly, "I ll promlso to leave th' poet alone." Then tho tnlk fell about the now well that had taken the placo of the old Crystal and which was proving a hugo success. Can't draw her dry," sad ncnt Smith, "pulled all of three hours with Nick an' Bluo Pino yesterday an' never oven riled her. sues goou ns in uoic i'ooi or tn Silver Hollow new " "You'ro some rango man t' make any Buch a comparison," said Curly with con viction, "thcie ain't no nrtltlclnl wator- well extant that can lioiil a candle t' th' real llvln' springs of a enttlo country, wnen meyrn sucn uuuuiin,' sninuv beau ties as th' springs of Last's." "Vou'ro right, Curly," mild Tharon quietly from undor tho light, "there's nothln' like them. They must ho th' blessln's of God, nn' no mistake They must bo th' stars at night, an' th' winds an' tn' sunsiiine. -rneyro m' lovers or th' hcrsos. th' treasure of th' masters. I love my springs." "Mo do til' noras, put in jock blas ters. "They'll como fast nt nlghtnow because they can smell th' wnter far off. an" it's trettnr nretty tiry on th' rnnirn" "Yea," sighed Tharon, "It's Humnior now, nn' Jim Last uioa in spring. A whole HPiiKOn cono." A whole season had gone, Indeed, since wwi iragiu iiiKiu. Last's Holding had missed Its masto nt enfh turn nnd point. A thoiiBam times did Conford. tho foreman, ritrh himself tn the act of going to tho big room to find him at his ddsk, a big, vital force, Intent on tho accounts of tho ranch, u thousand times did ho long ror his keen Insight. Tho vaqueros missed him und IiIh open hand. The very dogs nt tho steps mlssod hi ri. and so did HI Iley, waiting in his corral for tho step that did hot come, the strong hand on his bit. , And how much his daughter missed hlnvonly itho stars and the pale Virgin ,THE GUMPSStill Peddling Carp Caviar r; i " ' ' .l i, --- By Sidney Smith t. 4 t i J Vi f V'5. KAY oUDi PAU AU DU6R- AS. I UVEVAtMb Rt?FAYWF- t'h O' d'BLlCATED Yo 'YOU AU -. THAT. 'M GtONlCr To. NAN I,VQO A Tip, ,twat-5 OUST UKE q-tVrVCr XOO TN CorA BlrVATON TP TJE O S TtcASRY li stej:Au - vJuit,.u pp os j TMPR'e WAS ONLY ONE' LiOEMF JN THE VORLfo Two. STEAUr ANo I'M HANtyMt, pr; TO YpOO- I'M TElLh Yov.tt'i srAATEb in this er TH.fto)faH yjith It-I'luhamp so IWOtH b,60H0tArV 5ELLIT I A: DO YOU BELlrVF N PAIRIES? DO yoOSTitu Believe TtfeVr iToRy ABOUT CrNDfRELUA, AND THE CR.Y5TAU SHIPPER AND ALLACWK ND'TWAT WpNOERFOL LAMP-? AND BEAUTY AMD THE BfAST ? WHEN he vwaukeo op and kissed tat TooGrN lOOKN6,CruY AND MADE APRINC OOTOIHIA? OOVQOTIU BELlEVF . TfVAT STUFF? YOU KNOW TrVATOWLY PDLLZClh T2 'fTZ I VJ it MOSICAU COAAEDIES AR. F-ettHEDH UNBEUEVAjBLE - A cTBsy M-. "tV I JbZZ K A& nnyp ctsL. " "" TBI f NOVN Cl&TEN AnDY-YOUKNOIAJ VtA A FRIEND OF Y0UR2- VOU KNOW YLU GrOTHE UlrvMT- THERE ' NO ROADTpd lONCr OR TOO RQUH '"Kmirio IKMUL FORiHOO OUD K'D, BUTT KEEP ThS. ' THiNd QUIET- IT'SAUf?!(NTWl7NYQUR FRIENtS BUT DOM'T PEDDlE THIS- YOU'UL. WAKE UP'SQME AAbRNfNCr 'NA DETENTJON HOSPITAL AND THB MDCiP fAlfciHT CrBT.OUT THt WKONtrilDEOF TWE-Beb AND VOU'J-U BEPFpklKfa. OUT OF A. CACj-e FOr The ret QF-YOurs St .'rO '!' ""7 folk M? ."i ." Aim yr j tst M A. It tt Ii Ir 1. i; I C PETEY-TItat Makes Tyo of 'Em By C. A: Voight - oh TJoy That GtiL S BEHM mmu me off ALL PAN 50ME- TrHIH'-Xo HE 9LD MAV4 NE.T- " T s7 Ve- MllnllllMllllllllll S . jZZ ij 'fies Hac" Take A tooK IThep's'-apfach OYEtt HER I niii t B-j - . yfi C0WifhT MVTiIt tohihk "mac ) 'mz&v hum? sues5 L perfect 'I'M LOSlU ALL I THKilY h JJ2 v ,1 A dH(W WAIST VBTYEHMAeW j """"- I I ir-.--- '" ' -WoThimK-- JL ( Ihe matter - . Ol D v(thWou y-. Wm$ , ( old KiD-)r p. gX$ ..No.'.". 2XCEPT Your, eyes hays some bad -That's a i-'iyi'll'l 7 ZpMp" im n JL&? ZJ .'4 The Young Lady Across the Way 3, ' lit Jf Tlie ,oiing lndy ni-ross tho wny nys she doesn't believe in showing imy feeling niuj when she gets moil nt a. person she mcrelj. stops speak ing to her when she jncets her. . Aunt Eppit Hogg, the Falteat Woman in'Thee Count !vn Ity 'Fontaine Fox m "' vW k I fe - " J w K r JT ' "'" fAUS AUNT.EPPiE HAS HAP' LATELY WAS YlHEti SH& f&UU AGAINST Trill V " t. &W, $OVSE,Pou.X Asr WCKi N ' ' .... .. SCHOOL DAYS ISy DWIG . A wft,Tiws Ptftcy yjyf- - f cwofoftw.PeacO I CIKT - UoTTlft tf Won Si I - T-V ' ., VJ ' I m- He tMt iLJTniMCiM. Iveve W Sore. i just uxe RoN,i. 21m. Yk v.o u IfWiTo'WM y tr-- ' 4 ( Day dreams m ! SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Kid's Clever! Copyrleht. 10;o. liy PuWIo I.edBr Co. l4J! k(J':, By llaywdrd 'u'fi ,, :! k!: WE GdT.To DO S0WETHW6 U about This door; it DoaiT ( STAY shut aw D 'SUMS, rir 5lams, slams ALLrA 7c-r?Y-rr s. .JSJ) i '-D,, ; i,w. VS AT L L - V- ? 9l)f'-' 0?'Wi'fai)f7 (y '' &' Silly! SUPPosiajG SOMEOHE. Waatts To Come im the other WAY r r 1 A M r why or hot A BOLT OAJ 1 '' -jyT OM-T KAOW'-PUT g r - A BOLT OAJ EACH T n - i 7 side ! r ' ' ' V'CP" STUBBSHe Knew Columbus Had Done Something By Edwina CHRJSTOPHER COLVJngUb . WAb SftVETl 3Y .POCAHONTAS! THE ITjfc.HI I - uivc iwu ONE rAORE CHANCE! - VJHO 7-AfWCTO AMEHKA..ON Kthe: msv flower J CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS! -i.OI'"!,,, ' -V .V .tt " r ii ii i ' r OH he'di-d-uidheVweu MAYBE VOU CANTELL US ..QW..WHO DISCOVERED AttEflUrX? V5""." fi i w a HAVE SELDOM ENCOUAirEf?ED 5UCH T)RLLIANCl! VOU MAY .STAY AN HOUR AFTER SCHOOL AND STUDY YOUR LEStON fTS GEES bHE'5 J S- . M hWil f K ' i -53 VI jyj A KDjOW, r .t ''f V;- - i&S'aKA: te Vi f Iri.,