Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1920, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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w -S. jJirSS' " , j. t . . ,
- V-'V
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toi$3f toii
I? WmmWW' T IFPh JWilW
'I '" l
lingo Crowd ut Franklin Field Sees World's Record
Broken in rfwo-iIile Relay by British Dark-Horse
Team Reynolds New Star i
llj. SPICK
Till I'I'IC America oc tlic Lnl-
' , i. o f mnpfll
tt-rwiv m .......n.. ......... ------
.,.., it .mi pver pay. indiviiuiaiiy inn
Mm" A A- 0W,M r)r' (oorsc W' 0rt0"
the mine amount pin. This iiiiiIum it
nnanliiioiif. And to et down to
bra," pl 'IF1' the IViin relays on
Frank"' riil Hntutdnj and Fr day
ire lip (lb eet ipohoii for tin; dunl debt.
Voter In thp lilMtm of Ameriemi
rollruialP athlptlcs has tl.pie boon such
crowd as that which ..treamed Into
Fnnklin field Saturday. There were.
1,,- nrtiinl piiuiit. ihimp than 2...Q00
i rcpnt when the big event of the nfle?;
Ton "pip reeled off for Hip benefit of
?i . iistomprs and the moyje finis who
.ill see nil of the stars in action as
Toon as the film eoninnnes .nil get ho
ollutold eftlps developed. 'I Mm Is the
Ww,.t hunch of spectators tlmt ever
n nn athlPtie event in riillndelphhi.
i,, the exception of the Penn-I'it
Otlmll game Inst fall. The reeoril
.ttcnd.ime nt the Atlneths worlds
!irV baseball gamps In 11)10. 11)11.
ml.'!. 11111 and tup million-iiosion
M urn -- seconiis. .i-ii seconds
bi-llrr than the former mark held by
I the liWAinerienii aiiiieue .boia-
tion. nl iew hi
Dope Is Crossed
Ilrfiire gptting iiwu) ftoiu these Urit
li athletes it Is Well to Insrrt pnrpu-tbrtu-nlM
or otlierwlsP tlmt they crossed
the dope about seven diftcient wajs,
ami then a few. The nlleged experts
that final seen Tnthain, Stallard, Mllll
can mid Kudd perform in practice were
not Kieatl impicscd with their work.
Walt l 'rail took n look at them and
alii Ibex were a oinicii oi uimoos. i
This -Lous that , nit. an- expert ot i
mam jeai staniling. is someinins 01
a Mi'iibii himself as a prophet.
All of which proves that jou never
ran tell b. looking. Kor uiuiij dnys
the Iliilish team had been chisel in- .
nietnil hut no one thought that tlic.v
noiilil iiiiiip through ns thej did, with '
UP, nox m-ih-iu .","'!' ,,,.,: ,'i"'r ! 'i.v'8 and Saturday's gampt historic.
,1th tlit etowd nt HiinWIn 1 Ma - T, t M lhat. t, ,.0IltP8tN
Urdu that saw tl e 1 Is t wo-1 prov5 conclusively that America 1ms
relaj learn cross he lope an d An In , , , f u m,ttt
,l,o ,,rhl srecoTd time of i minute- L thP nthlotl.-. The neonle i.rP not
the po-Mble exception; uf Doctor Orton. WP lltl. ,m-ln.. the earl hours, bift
lie reniaikeil befoie the ince: ou tIL. nni ,.u.uti ,hl, f,m,..ml,. ,.llee
rant tell about an J.uglish runner. 1 relny chainpionship inn. was iead to
liare inn ngaint man of them Mind , ut exneth ." :30 o'clock. As a mat
then neiei was out- entered in a long- ttr of fm.t it lMu-t Mtait UIltil u f(,w
tlManil; event that didn t look far , mnntes Inter, but this can be blamed
worse 1I11111 he lenllj was. The don t , 0n the (iirnid College Hand, which
have the form or something, but at the sliJ,.iy mit,., j ,l(. lni,i,u,, f -)av.
linM. they seem to be there. ' danelln" and winked evervbodi to at-
rnfortuiiatelj. we 1 nu t -sprint lention with "The Star Spangled llan-nnti-li
lucent because the composing tier." This .Milled some dela . hut 110-
rooni is jnsi oui in lutein ijiic mil.
Lere is vlmt Lieutenant Colonel A. N.
S .laiksili. malinger of the Hrltisliers,
Take on Giants Again Today
After Trimming Suburban
Robins in Extra Innings
The Phils take on the (Hunts lien- this
nfteriinnn for another HT .baseball ses- I
fion The locals have been trimming
f ten tiling from New York and boun-
claries in the last couple of das. I
llhe lieat tlie diants Sntuitliiy audi
then niir Phils took over the Hrooklnl0n Williams's double to light.
Robins lesterdnv The latter inline was I purpose! was walked. .lack
Ivn 1
run m tonus
n.. ... 1.1 .. 1 rt-
juotiKT nin in the thirteenth inning
befoie thev could win liv a l-to-.. score.
Aii tin RohiiiN went to a tie of 1 to 1
itn Hie lit aves in Hi.ston on May I
IT tUetltl i tn.llliftli tlinn .....n..
llhtntn.. ,. ;n .... .! r i, . . i i
tuieres u enfiniii f,n llnutiui Imilfhe
,u. ,,v ...... .....n.k
I" n stime their serifs there vvlth a
erniii or having piajed thiit -nine inn
IiiSi in two games, which nin.v or mny
uui ui- ii teioni ior continuous endenvor
Smith and fniiiies In Duel
It was a iiitcheis battle todav be
tcen two right banders. Smith al
lowed siv hits, to nine off Crimes. One
rror E,ue the Hobius nn uueiiimd run
nd one enoi Biive the Phillies, two
lin.ni.in.1 .. .1. ., I ...
, - ....... .... ...v -.,,,- fiiuitiu iiuir '
wen out nl,,.,, I.ebounenu tliumpitl u
'...VUIIII-II IIIIIW 1.1,. (Ill, ...I. UI.....I.I l.ni.
tn sii'iiiiui'i in i enter 111 lilt , r-
"H'llt I illlllllL. fnr lin f,i,i.. l.n..j 'I'l.i.f I t
l ., r. - .,., uni-i n. ii,,.
'" me mi, was the first home tun this
.l ' .". " "" iiroiiMjn grounos linn
ine oni one without the "loon, Is nn- I
Ttons to todav uas n l.tr ..vi.i- ll.i. i'I .ht
H.i . ...'":. "UW " lllCOVCl till llgtll-
fiM wall b Heinl
I .els in a came vvlth
me Urates
Speaking ,,f lifts, t. Uo,l UOuld
Tfrv probahh liave tied the gamo Ip the
IHlrtienti Inning if (as,. Steugeriiad
not mnd,. ,. (lf tlus(. ,,i.IH)lm.liai
latches a-alnut the right-liehl concrete
ior which he was so famous when lin
yOlC u I, (Mlkl ii nnlfm-m ('lori,n,.,i
y tchrll batted for (iriiues iu the
tulrteentli, with oi ut. and whacked
tin i . ", ', "B,,t "1I' MMMiied des
IIKd to In riil in It,lf,.r.i ,.,.,,... a. ....... i
ii hnelv flattened himself against the
tinnier eaped straight up and camn
flown with the bull i i,is iul,g uml
'inltiwaeh on his back ,
A 'huitli of French
I.elloiitveiu, stinted .,ue inn ulth a I
;"'?'" ".,".1 "ove in himself uud n nhiv-
fini, i.r.'"",ll,B ,0"!,rH- t 'be combined
I)i , n ' "'""Kli'B honors went to
Huh. ,, m'"'ft' .,),,v" "l,t "P "in.uk
.lianees : "' Sl'irt', '""""'"If thirteen
do o o', i'u"; ot tl'"1" 'HlUwilt. He
"love In the ilii .in. I.. i... ....... i..
tint-ii.ii i .. "'"' "' K"' limn in
a ne , h ll1(l,""" and started the win
'iier little hee.l, Tl
55.7 '!"urviihtolo
hey took notice
Meal. ,., ..'....'." .B,",l, x-'eonti. xnut
other . . th V, ""'' 'i'"11..?.". IUU.C" .UH ""y
-. iiieiuentn v. hii.l .
i me "Vf,K ",,,,li VtU .inhig tho
ke?!' ,. ft t'l'tbled he Hourvenii to
When ' M,ll,,r ot " "" n the seventh
Wt 1, H,,k'00,,,r lr,l'11,u' thtoiiKh Olson
or L, 7 'r,,,!"lJ- fot'ccd by 'I'ragrea.
l'i VtlX- l'L "? banged
renter lr , n ' "w" "w,ei "oner to
Steugel slnii?7.rn,!,'?Hf0.1" "J111 of
w bui slwl ,ft rB,'t but waa left
f . e -T- -l.-i-vv tMwj
. - rt.
irf fW
,' t? A
iein i.euoiiiveni, s 11, ), lie ion on :..., . , . i..i..i, miii..
Burlfigh (Crimes in the seventh inning. 1 "". ''.V., .oaM", """, 1U,lll '.1,1 i ,'"'r
with T.ngessor on first, would have won I f"r,,;!1 " '"'"""I t tli plat and faten
)",ster(l.,. but in the ninth inii;l gel died tilng to steal home.
with one out. Zaek Wheat tied the - - ;
""ore vwth n home run off (Ieorge Smith' ,1 it .1 w T
mer the tiKht field wall, nnif it was I Along ISoatllOUSe liOW
iwowir fi tlie Phillies to pound outi -
""in with a sinKi,: -
Moi, ln "the ".'.'. i"."1"',1 ,,,,ou"h 'ol'
m the VrTn on ,1,"""! ' two out
rJ-l."1' ' If'.tlOO shiver nu funa nv i,
xii iii'ii in nitni i... 1U..1. .!.
said nftcr Jlie rncp : "I lcnllj wasn't so
ir!rlr. iloiitPhcrkiiow, but 1 did px ,
pert, me rnrp would be u lilt Noser.
llpforo we ntnrtoil l iih wire tlmt we I
would Imyp n vor linrd IiiksIp. becnuw
I know tlmt Tnthntn couldn't run n
troiiB lmlf, but 1 wiih hoping that the I
other laddiPH would tunkp up for him,
nnil (hoy did. Itudd wiih wonderful
In his final lmlf and T think tlmt you i
will ogrcp that he Hhowpd what jon
call Vonip KttifT' in his 220-ard sprint ,
at the finish."
The ertiwd was vc-rv encor to kpp '
the HrltHi In nctlon and It wiih it biR
limpi)olntinciit wlipn they did not comp
fort' whni the fuur-mllo rplay was
callpd. Thin i ace. wiih one of the
KrratPHt ever run In tltii country.
Most of thp cuHtnmprH didn't know that
Shields wiim in this rnrp, and if thpy had
known thej juobably wouldn't have
placed au.x MKnillennro in the fact.
Hut iih it tinned out, I'enn State won
tin race and it was Shlrlds'B running
his mile in t :1!1 that turnpd the trick.
After nil. it wa not thp fact that
the world's reeoid and n fpw other new
niarkH were establNlipd that madp Fri-
worrying about what a dilatory, verbose
Congress' is doing. I
."000 Turned Ahiij
The war has been er wi long that
j they don't wire whether It is oflicially
out or not. Hut the do rare and want
i to know who are the !pst athletps in
Hip eountry. and the fait that over
fiOOO person wetp tuiueii nwhy froai
J Krniikliu Tield Satuida pioves that
the field and tiaik fans in more iuter
i evted in spoit than in the soporific
I squnbbliugs of our lawmakers. As far as
the reeordM show, theie has never been n
... k ..,.., , ., ,..,.,. ,.,, , ,
nM Ull, WM v ,reri,s. You can
lilnine this 011 (leorge Orton. lie hntl
all the thousands of athletes ready to
go on at the piopcr time' ami. instead
of 1 mining behind schedule, he was
nine minutes ahead at the finish 011 Fri
day. Un hntimlal sccial of the events
uouy nan me nerve to Kid;
After the four-mile the show ended.
Lots of i mis, more hits, feu emus.
Will Invitv Penn Team
to Hun in England
- s
Col. A N S. Jackson iiiuuaget
of the (Kfoid-Cumbiidgc rrhi team,
states that lie will see to it tlmt the
Ciiiveisit.v uf I'eniisjlwiuln Is in
vited iicm spiing to compete in
(rent Htitain. He hopes to have
the dual nuet hetweeh Oxford nnd
Cambiidge ituivetted Into a triangu
lar one, with'the lied uud Hlue team
as the thitd meiuber. The Jlritish
athletes, Coueli Al Shritbh and
Colonel ".fntiksiiii were hmd in their
pruise of Pcnu and the manner in
which tlie have bieii treated since
the have been in litis country for
the lelujH.
sacrifice Hi to New let 111 Hancroft with
the deciding run. Paillette walked,
The mid nnd niln vixAther ot the last I
mimnen" ni'iTsomof t. cuuche'i' h'tfo' m?d I
th"r i?, ! " ,m?nl ? thrl a, fSur nT.hu. I
Them il.ies i ui swni to be us inui h Interest
!. "fi'2 V.iV... N- ' ..i.V,'; i,J.,n- ii ih,,i ,
uuiu Is Tin' oni club havlii
ii.. i. .t... u..ria...
mi inj-..inn ...... ... ......... ,-w" ....,
ciuo iiavnm irew-H ac
.unjll llllllillln H'l ll.r .....I'.i.
the Malta
enatta Is
,r ..!.. i ...i.nr.,. .i,..i,
in rront or ili bout luus. it w'lirne lmpna
- "" """ " ""- "-." " .P.'. ---"- T ...
Bible for en us nun Hie L'nlierslty Ilarse.
Vesper. Malta and llaihelur' to launch
hints. The Vlalta ot is now parallel to the
link, und an effort was made on Saturday
afternoon In pull It off the mud ivlth uiotor
boata, but the utteiulit was futile. At aomn
places the natet Is fioin live to vol en Inches
1 (inch lliuith,
of the L'ndlue II tine nnd
tuu elBlitH iiut ii i tllu l tel l.sterillO innrn
i. -
Ilia ..nine . fi ii it itu nmiiu tih nf lllaii. 1
bow Miirkei. s Mct'llntoclt. a llrlt
Kin J Ull JI t .1 ii" sisilM-n uu mis, S'lliDO- .
tiiln, 4, Ciyran " Hepburn. U ceaHtcr, 7
rieu, ulroke Tho senior ren unH Alll
tauer, Lukene and cluieii Lsch. stroke Key-1
. boil l.pnim. sul.nli Cli.imuers. llurlea. i
ser irx Tin tiio 'Ishts raced over the mile
couree. iihen th lor snurtrd nnd noiwl
the linn it mul i. half l-i.sth uhead of the I
Jounget men rianlt l?rutz iiaa back it
H,r..i, - ... ,, l-,.,, ,1.
ui ....iIbph.i 1,1 iliittnln but ,'im h Ilunth'Hlth whom Cirpentler mil box four rounds
ihnnir. .1 ih. i,in iir.iiiiul vH,r.l.i i . mul it
I looks as If Kieii ulll Hto at stroke
The I nil trull) llarse (luh has u senior
four lowliitf ma le up of llorle, bow lloinovn
S i'eiiper .1 iiraiion stroke Jamra Hemp-
Ley ivhi) baa n.jihtil the irons for a ntitn ,
her of enrs is usuln on the Job after a
lonir illness and wi out In a motorbmt i
three nit-Inn .. link with the cren Efflmi .
ham Jl Morris iho former Vftlo Stat has
been roiilm; In u sins'le
about ihem
youll like-
- j,
IHL ,' Al' 7 vs r M " I
ii i 'At .' - -J' " . ' .A ni'A' "" .. ' vih i
v y jy. - . wu. - itf.
X I 1 1 I .' r II II n i s. 1 r " '-. t. '"i.
; :::'- ''I A ' :&? d ,1JM12 &J.N?Z
rTl. ClT-
' Irt-laer l'lint siv!ce
'I lie llarilwli.k A .Magee soccer team li.is made a wontlcrfiil showing dm lug the league season of that sport and
were the runners-up for the Ilnlilfcld cliallengo cup. They were defeateil by the Holilfeld team for that trophy.
Left to right Standing, Nell McClafferty, Irilng ('. Davis (captain), Harry Seliulte, Oeorgc Heeeh. Hert flee.
George Archlliald. Kront row, Tom Doyle, fins Monfi, Harold Hcecli, Charles Flnncgaii, Jack llciau
Who's Reynolds? He's
Been at Penn Since 1918
'lie big surprise in an afternoon
of surprises at the J'enn relajs
Sut in Iii j was the victor of W. Key
tiolils, uf IVnn. In the higli jump.
Who'e Reynolds ? The question was
on thousands of lips. No one knew
among those who should know and
the nister darkeucd.
lleie's the dope: Re.wiolds has
been working out on Franklin Field
for the last two jeais. Nobody paid
mi pellicular attention to liliu. Hi;
was h aping nbotlt " teet 7 Inches.
Hut he was determined, liven in
midwinter, when the giound was
fioeii, hi'us out all lie-tlunueled
liigh jiiinpitig. He was entered in the
relit s as n matter of form and b
wit of cni-oiirugcincnt, hut he le
Mioudeil to the doubtful lompllment
b v inning the loft leap with a
jump of li feet Pi Indies
Scraps About Scrappers
oltcis. with one
tl... ...In... 1. Ill I... . ....v.v. n...l
, I"- .... -Ill "I "J. ,-'.,.
I 111 tin- stin set-to at tiie Oi.vmpiu to- it tlie Camden Sinrtsiiien's Club There
l night when P.uiman cniries the colois wi" b, iln "nusiml part' among those
(of Chi,,,,, ,, the- .in, .lnsl.K
I O Iinnuell, who 'despises being refened ,-nst of fifteen girls is r be put 0n
.in- omul. ,..11 ur if u eriTIlll'i i
i ns niiucKiiui, -mine iiuriiiuu ios- I
sesses n lot mote class In the wa of
scientific boxing. O'Diinnell is b. far
moie rugged and also swings a meaner '.
...II ,. It. I -1 . . . '
iwiuop. ii win tie u ooiii oeiween a i
liover and a lightei, euch being cotisid
eied a star in his icspeetive st.vle of'
liKticiifl's. l.iirmaii did not look so
good in his last (ontcst, mostly because1
liis opponent. Pats Wullnee. niyienred
to be too simill for him in other
words, .lock's advantage in weight,
height and iach piovctl a handicap,
rathet than an asset Hut against
O'Oonnell. I tu 1 111:111 will be more
evenly matched Frnnkie .leiome. the I
clown boxer of New Yotk. will tettirn I
to the local spotglare after an absence
of several months, when lie appeals in
tlie remi-finnl against Jinimy TIerney.
Tieiuej Iuih Tji-i-n devehiping steadil in ..,"'" ' " r .. , tt ' 11 """""" '"' UK
local competition .lohn.i Heisler, .J''1 ,"'. , i ' .b V' " n,"7l""'' ",,w;it
..H...e V..iv Y.ii Lin- nn.l s hi nf .folm. t la V"' '"'. tickets possible tor the
tl... Il.irl.nr. ulll nut mi Ills nates In '
.1... ,l nrell,,. viith IMili.. Ihinei .s '
tlie nelson of the set ond pint. Other
bouts: Martv Kane vs Vt tor Uitchie
ami Ha.v O'.Malle vs .limmi (ilackeu.
ILittllne Mnrr.u "111 ei mmiher nppor
tunllj iisnlnut the little W'-ltli Monilr.
JltnPO Wtlilt-. uhen they iln-h In u special
bout -it the NatlouHl Club M u 1.1 Thin
villi he nn elxht rojntl mit' b with three
uther elKht-roundiri l srhiiultu
!.. William, will hai. the dl-llnetlon
"f belii the d.ns.r promoter f -Iht-round
bouts in Philadelphia H" "111 maUKUrnte
luiicer matches here tomorrow nls-bt ut tho
...ii, I., m ulll. ,rt fciiph innlPMtH hnokeil
"-'"'.'',...". "V;X.tl ,-.:;,.r v. Tn,v
Kifa llwrw" Ward 'iV hid I'Wttllio
Other bouti of six ronndh Italnh namond
v Willie .Neuon onio i.iiii.iriii i nray
I'ivU nnd rumm) Akers i jink Herle
i:lElit-round bouts aluo ulll b aiarted this
wreli at the tlennaiitunn A A Marty Kune
Is Nchtduled to so that dlst.iin e ulth Wllllo
Allen while Puke I and I'harlejr Rear
are on for tho same route Three six-round
matches ulll complete the iard
(iniree lllai hliiirn. of Kilimouni has been
matched tu meet Youns- I I iirlanii in an
i,,,.i,,i,.,rt bout nl Allentunn Wednesday
i nUbl In the Hitulflnal to II
'."." '. .. . .. . : .....
l. l. t . li.
Jin k Mcc'arron
Silent Martin ten, n.undi-i
lllaikburn Is
, Ui'lr.i.' innnaKeii u Hero
W inters
deorKes Curprntlrr smiim h.
"nd 'on v25n"
tour In I'lttsburKh totiislu
day nlitht he will be her. hi the Olyi
the Olympla.
Tha Pteiichman will . ..in. 'u I'hlladelphla
with his manager, nan ih Deeihatnps, and i
iAllu. lUnlmi mhlil M.luht I inmnnn
In iiitilltlnti to iflilrir the fans an Idea of huu
he trains for his bouts Kour bantam
tliaiclies Villi prt'Ct'Oe liiili-uuri n ejllliuuion
.,,. ,. ,, , , , , ,
1 dille Mullen Is to si i ba K Into rlnir bar-
nexs at the Cambria I nds Mht when he
palra off with Otto ui efe Mullen wan on
the sidelines for eevn I mouths because of
a wrenched ankle
Answer to qurr.i
F, id I itzslmmons is
V S v A
"Leap Vtw" Celebration
by Fifteen Girls On for
. Camden Boxing Clnb,
1 May 7
!! 1.0 1 IS H. JAFI-'K
I TVrnRF. man is not going to outdo the
VJ fail fistic fan Time and again a1
I boxing uiemi has hi en used b the male i
ins a place foi "stag" parties usually
, in a box consisting of lmlf n dozen per
sons nnil now the opposite sex is to
start doing likewise and go him about
u doen better.
I Never befoie in the liistnn of lioic in .
in Philadelphia oi nnv 'place else
hits H women's oignniznfiou undertaken i
the novel idea of holding n party ut ill
glove show. It luis ulw-a.is been the
pi n tiege oi man Hut from now on it
is going to he different nnd instead
of the opera, oi the inusicnl comed.v.
w,l,lVm is going In spring u levelatinn.
inn nu. iiiixie in ine coinr sounits
I !... .( .... . ..'
IfCL'lIlIllIlLr Tl f I w H.lV it rin. unnu.n
rpr. io,.nllI..ii
"I. KeiiiIsItIon
Heiuian ra.v lot. manager and uiiitch-
maker of the Camden Club, has been
,.,.ltln...l ln ....... t ....I
' '", '," l" mi'w r mich an event.
and here Is what slatted him to prove
that mete niuii is to be put in tho back
ground by the fair:
Dear Sir We art uiims h l.i-ap "Vein
I'nrty on -May 11 anil would like to nt
i nd our boxlnir show Would ion
nemo renrve fifteen tlt-kPts tor that
"iinlnB? If rsiSKlblc rould vou nlea
'I in lnoi If jou can do us u favor
.is th.a In the icri first time our club
lia tiled to we a sho i of that kind
W hui hniiril it l.i verv m Itlnir and
l-it-ir ntlnit We would like to upend
iilnUt SS in each the bet that jou rim
-ui uk ill that Mice J'leiise iuiiiivli to
Our Preldni
hi Iftnr I . i jii - j 'I..U
r..t..i....T-. ''r...i.... - i .
'"I'.lsloti. am there is n,i reusiin whv n
'ovely time sllOUldll t be had
If, llrove
I tbut the girls Iippureutlv lite well un ii, Itenult one. broken n.urd and prlillearu of
the glove game, they iiuv leetcd to I"nylnB otf " twent-jix-lnnlnn tie
jste one of the Kieutest botliig pioiums Pl.ntles 11011 are In the mlil.t of a wln
ever Ilirilllged for nil indoor plugiam. "hli: strraU. . l'wir In 11 run. Also llfil fur
This sliow -on the niirlit ot Mm II second plaie hi the National I.eiiKiu. I ra-i
I will ilav-e as its VoadHmV It .- st ,'p". ' -" '- '"M"' ji "
I round bout to be held under the auspices
oi the .New Jersey State noving ( om
nilssion, in which contest Middleweight
Champion Mike O'llowd will lake on a
clever contender, Jackie C'lnik. of Al
lentoivu. Three, eight -round numiiei.s
on the same card will be us follows :
Willie Jackson v. (Ieorge nimg Urnc.
Halph Hrady vs. Hilly De 1'oe and Joe
O'Donnell vs Johnny Murrin
Jni;U Hritton. vveltei weight title
holder, may get n chance to add another
championship to hfs credit The boxing
bill permitting fifteen -found limits to a
referee's decision In New ork is ex
pected to be signed by (iovemor .Smith
this month. One of the tit-st matches to
be put on is to be one between llritton
und O'Dowd
In such un event Hritton will have
showing to such advantage as tu get the
iifliciol's verdict, lie will have cuiinil the
cr"" now held by O'Dowd and beiome
the welterweight middlewelgbt cliHinp.
Hritton and O liovvil huve boed before,
in lio-decjsion bouts and Jack showed
that he would huve u splendid chance
Every Day More Men
Are Ordering These Suitings
Built to Measurement
To be able to offer these $65 and $75
new Spring and Summer cloths, built to
measuie, at $50 constitutes u real mer
chandising achievement.
We collected more than 100 distinct
patterns in worsteds, woolens, serges,
flannels nnd tweed effects and purchased
them in such volume that it makes this
offer possible.
The fact that so many men are show
ing their appreciation of our effort is dis
tinctly gratifying.
' Tailoring Shop
1 2 1 7. 1 9 CHESTNUT, STREET '
4 k
C1. "'-A--i'A
Four Big Shows On for
Local Fans This Month
Fistic fans in Plntiiilelphiu will
hne an opportunit to sec four'
special boxing shows within two
weeks during this month On May
11. the Camden Spoilsmen's CltlbjH
big bouts will be In Id. two days
Inter the National will stage n speo
'lal program with .limm Wilde in
tlie hcnilliucr, then tin- Ice Palace
will be ijpcned ns n boxing arena,
.Ma ID, and on the ".Itn the first
open-ulr matches of the season will
be decided at Sliibe Paik.
of winning on points from the heavier
On Saturday night, in the National
here, llritton's abllit as ehnmpioii was
evident, when he hnii little trouble win
uing all the wu.v from Finnkle .Mniruire.
Jnek teull was above liis best boxing
weight, tipping the beam at 1 18 Va
pounds, and almost from the outset
llritton perspired freel It looked as
if he was iu a g.inmuMiim contest, fight
ing himself into condition. Magulre
vveigljed Ifil . pounds, and it was his
second set-to against a titleholder in
three weeks, having niet'O'Dovvd pre
vious! at tlie National
Joe Augatis proved himself a tough
nut for 11111 Itolfe to crack Holfe hit
Joseph with ever thing but one of the
ling posts, still, uear the finish, Au
gatis was fighting stronger than BUI.
Joe staged an uphill buttle from the
opening sound of the gong. ITe was
outfought nnd outpouched it even
looked as if he was outclassed, but Au
gatis pniv ul that he could take it and
come back strongly with u lot of hard
socks foi the other fellow. Weights:
Itolfe, 141: Augatis. 114
Sammy Nubic. 115, outpointed Willie
Spencer, 1 11 ; Young Medwuy, lilt1.,
outfought Hilly Devine, llfi. and Toots
Boyle. Ill', dtew witli Willie I,ough
rey, 110.
liingles and Bungles
hn.l.. -.HI n ru iln.lvrltll I...1I ITilnds
I Pliivil (hlrfv nliiA 'ntilnim uon .1 Inn 1
Itl'ifei ennked nnd'r the strain. .I'frr
fakt,7 tuo ntratuht from lrnshntuton. the
fdaucrs reuftcid they were tin Athletics and
oat vestcrdaj.
Dntrolt Is irnlnK stron,;. bur headed In the '
wr.inir direction Thirteen d. feats In thir
teen separate "and dlstlnei ball Kanies Is a I
blEdeasue record but Jenntnffs would be '
satisfied If somehod) i.h had the honor
. in tuo ua.is. iinioKijn iniTriru tirenty- i
' one InninEs without Marine a nin. 1'lfteen l
on haturda.i and six jesterdai. Also played
thlrtj-nlne Innlnns mid nry n victor.
Perhaps the J'Uili took adcantuoe of Diook ,
tun. That loitu-itinded contist in OoifOit fool.
o Jot oj hteam out of the athletes. '
llaba Ruth made another homn run im
terday. his second of the season Somebody
must havo shown him the location of the
right-field stand In the I'olo Grounds'
I'll n n tliliiK. this lmsebiill. Veil crk U
Inst In the Natliiiiul 1' mile. ( hltngo next tu
lust. (ImtN u lin cnesseil this lust winter
hale col lei tel gl3.li.il on euih Si tliket.
AffAoufvfi i I'lrhtxati lost tu J'lttiburah
street cat patrons st 11 are riding for 7 ctnfv,
Tlio Hcds are leading the leauue.
Clusrd rortMiritlon In the sliiK.tnic business
In the Amertriin l.rncue. Of the lite lenders,
the White su huve three nnd Cleveland two.
What May Happen ,
in Baseball Today
' lul .Won l,ot V.V. In le
rlnrlnnntl . i I .on? .HI .
I'lillllrs H r. .ilir, .111.1 .571
llrrxiVlyn . .. H r, .niR .111.1 ,nl
rltttMtrh . .70 ,.1:l(! .Kit .BOO
llonton . . i r, .114 ..100 .400
St. Iuts . . AH ,Ut .107 .400
' ridcuno fi 1 .7 .4IH) .313
1 New rk a 8 ."!"H ,3 .'.'SO
amkiuoan m:.(ili:
('lull M'on l,nt V.V. Win Jxwe
ChlrnKw . . 0 8 .MK .M.I .7S0
Iflnr'tnd . . 10 a .7011 .7H0 .711
I niMtnn . . 10 4 .714 ,73.1 .007
i Wii.hlnnloii A 7 .102 .r.lHI ,4'JII
N- York . 7 .IH'J ..KMI .121)
St. Louis . 1 0 .4.11 ..KMI .417
Athletic t K .333 ,3ft. .SOS
Detroit . . 0 13 .000 .071 .000
Yesterday's Scores
l'lillAilelplilit. 4 llroiiklrn, 3 (13 Innlnn).
t'MrHro, (I i Ht. loul 4 (10 IiiiiIiik)
' I'lttsbtircli. 3 rinrlnnnll, o.
I New Vork-lloilon, not scheduled
1 AMKRirW I.ISAI11 i:
i Washington, 5 thlettm, I.
i Cleveland, ill Detroit, '!.
New lnrk. 7 1 lloitnn, I.
, CIiIchko. 7t st. 1.011N, .
Today's Schedule
New nrk ut I'hllndelnhln
llrookljn nt llniton.
lilenico nl ( Inrlnniitl
! II.niCN I.lIAOl K
.Athletlm nt Wii-dilnirton.
1 Itot0n nt Neu nrl.
rieeland nt Detroit.
I ( hlciiKo at sl
Many Thrills for Fans
in Saturday's Sports
, . ,.. .,,
bill ilny on the i
CATIllD.iY ii m
mrt rntrmlm:
Lots of thinuhnifi nrd in Kiimiit
scrtion of I nrlr Sam'i ilomnxu mill
the firm irere tutitnl In tluth of
! Hei
nit a frit" of the morr irntit
tiunnl licrfurmtnicci in tin- ilitfeicnt
briinchc of nthlctir nefn if
Ojtforil-Cnmhriilnf telay tann uon 1
(7io international tico-mitr tvmt on!
Franklin Field in iioi'W'i uoul timr
Of 7 Ml'lMfr: .W '') mromti. j
for Omchijer. forum l'!ul pitcher. '
iirirleil ttrenty-iT iniiinrtH to a l-l 1
fir with Leon Cailore. m the llostotf '
llrooMyn game at llmtoti. hieaktiip thi
former major Uaiiie Innij anmr reionl 1
by tiro inningi. '
Jimmy H'iic. Hmihili tlyiceiyht
1 cAuiipii'ii, knocked mil Hobby Dyson,
Vr... ItoAttwA omtili i,,lt .11 li.i Wif
II I lb ...l.I.II. O'I.lllff'.ll. .1. ..IV .' ..
round at Luurenci itllt, Ifinj.
"Hahc" Itnth. Sin loifc Vankee
ilugyrr, hnvinij iccoiereil fioin the in
jury to An bncl , made lit nVjf home
run hit of the suison.
Tris Sipetihrr's cinmt clout jiatned
in the tuelfth strawit defeat of tin
I Detroit Tigeri.
1 Chnilci 1. Croiriiocrr, of Qiraid t'ol- 1
I lege, set a new Mtdtllc Atlantic icc-
ord of Ii mimitei, 31 H-5 ircomli for
HOQ yaidi in the Ucrmantotcn V. l.
C. A. pool. .1
1 raiiK luiKii, jut liter home 11111
i (.11117,
playing foi I ptnnil, fun md icith
two men on haici, and hii.tcum loif to
And lait. but not least, thote Ath
letics icon their neioud stiaiyht name.
Corley C. C. Wants Game
The Corlrj c 1 of South I'hlladelplni
nret-claus honi3 team iioul like to irranir
a R'nu with a rtret-idass traiellni; tenni for
Saturdiy May to A.J!rfl Krani Is 1 leiri
llMl Jackson str. t
mat makes
Havana mild
THE Manuel blend docs make
Havana mild, even though we
use in Manuel the richest, most
fragrant Havana leaf obtainable.
'i 'We blend that Havana with selected
lighter tobaccos blend them so
skillfully that the mildness of one
properly combines with the strength
ol the other, thus keeping all of
the Havana's rare fragrance.
Others may obtain, it they choose, as
choice tobacco,. Rut none but the skilled
Manuel blenders can make those tobaccos
into a cigar as rich, as fragrant and as mild
Cigar Manufacturers Philadelphia
In uhatcxci iliapc and Mjt tm ncjci
ice to hoc. At all .stored
m ii-MMiiirimii
A's Well Stocked With Pinch
Hitters, as Proved in Wash
ington Battle
Washington. Mav .". That the Asl
are unusually well stocked with pinch -hitters
and. therefore, .always dungerous
during finul rallies was shown beyond
cavil to some 1(1.(100 Capital fans here
jesterda. when (lie Mackmeii came
close to winning out in the ninth after
Waiter .lohnson had been rushed to
the rescue of the ailing F.rickson. The
(Jriffinen won. ," to 4. but that finish
thrilled the big crowd shivering in the
chill wind of the late afternoon.
With the fJriffs lending, r. to 1,
fi tiffin led ofT in the ninth with n sin
gle to right. Diignn whiffed and 'then
Cnnnio hefrnii wfMidiiifr Iti his reserves.
Hurrus came up for Welch, whose ankle
is a bit wint, nuil scratched u safe one
that Hairi" fielded, but iiiuld not throw
' in time r
Klnne appeared for Perkins alid
iliew a walk, filling the bnses, so that
i when (ieorge Hums utme up for d'nllo-
i nj and drew another tree tleKct.
I (Irlfiin was forced ncross the plate.
, Thomas replaced Hums on thejinths.
Walter Johnson hod been warmTug up
I for two imiinzs and so when I.le Hig-
!, hep showed at tlie dish instead of Ilrjan
Ilurrs in enme the hansnn.
fl,-r ''IIH ,'"
j .lohnson's couttol was not of the lust
' light off the leel. lie issuid n free pass
I to tlie big biitsmiiii. forcing Hitrrus
over, i p enme sun unoiner oi i inline s
reserve, .Mvatt. the sturil, backstop
lulling ior u.mii's
A hit meant at least
a tied seine, but M.viltt s best wns a
roller to O'Neill, forcing Bigbce ut see-
anrr! r o ri-TC
Jinr neurl) n generutluii e if
net the pnre In Philadelphia In
struii- lint rallies to the i ou
ster, intlon uf amnprtltors.
Itiinnltnc true tu form "e
r.pen liliu seasun ulth u COM-
ti.kti: mm; of iiioii
liiani; sTit.wv hats .V
Sa.UO enrh.
The ofTeriiK- Includes vnrlnus
hrnlds und neitieM. everv i r
reit sliiipe, ull dimension, nnd
sites from UV. to Iln.
n also hIioiv a full ussiirl
i.ient uf the very nrlHtuemts nf
Straw Jlutiliiin at K4.0II tu
S10.no everv one nf iihlih
miiftt eompel the mlinlratlon uf
the fulr-prlie rommlttee.
1315 Market St.
2715 Germantown Ave.
C.oiu iu
n iii-tvi Vk----"-'-,- , 4i
oud and sending Kinney over with thi
third run of the session
Amos Strunk wn allowed (a, tpi
proach the plate. Tliomux wart on tltiri.
with the tying run. but he stajctl whlf" '
he was because Strunk vent atauir,lV
hopper to O'Neill and Myatt pcrkfcHjf ' '
nt second base Hut that ending erreC (J,
to set everybody Inizzing in this ian'; ,
town. -1
For seven innings Holnud Xaylor aud
OInf ICrickson fought a wonderful
mound battle, the WnshingtonianH lead' ,
Inc. 2 to 1, when for some unexplained
I reason Connie sent up Witt in plnec of 1
' Navlor to start off the eighth. Witt
' rolled to the pitcher for an easy doat,
INajlor could linvc done no worse.
Hunts Prove Fatal
With Nnylor out of tlie game Ilran
Harris had to climb tlie hill. Krlckson
bounded one over his head, nnd .-then
enme n series of bunts that soon had
Ilorrls on the ropes In MicecflsUtn
.lutlge nnil .Milnn bent out perfectly
placed bunts and the bases were Jammed,
While IJiignn was throwing out lllce,
Krlckson scored. Hobby Roth, remem
bering his experiences ir. Philadelphia,
busted u hard one to right and over
came Judge and Milan Shannon beat
out u swinging bunt to Harris, nnd the
end seemed not yet until O'Neill nnd
Stnnle Harris raised files to tho out-,
After that cnine tlie great attack ot
i the .Mnekme.ii. just railing short by oUe
inn of being successful in prolonging ilifc.
Lontest. NN
Notes of the Game
Dconlto the chill wtml mul tro prvlou
dc(Ht (or th Urlffmen 10,000 ans Tver
on hand rootlmr their hfiidn uIT
Dikes inadn n tcreut iilny In the elrhth,
ilnti lip dime In hehlnd Ilrinn HarrlK.,
Krnlilied LriekiMin'n Ixium e nt the rubber
mul mine nllhln u llnsli t niilllnc tho
duli tlrseriril better oi'iine otid, had
In timnitird In the unme, he niloht hciii!
mi i In the texen (iiiiliioi he ttrirltd, osh
four Ion uere made tiv the llrlOt, At they
uen bunched with urtlk nn luo occajiotit,
no runs rrsiilled, but the Mackman ma
trichina fine ball,
VVi1. h hnd en fa.
reeoiercd Ida twlt4
unkl" of Hrtturdaj nn in be able to pla
able to play. .
pinch hitter In j
Hoivev-r ne Rave na 10
that exrltlnir ninth
ICnffer Johnson and heott Verrv are th
llkrlu Intrtina selection for todav.
ilI? A D Urn F 9
1101 Market St.
2452 Kensington Ave.
.'. 3f
" airr
1 iC or Awla
M"Sf, hS?W,Vifi?S,'r
If -'i i. li't.r.iiS si-
M mm
l-Nfe Ml
lti"ii . -n' ,iJiSlw sii
;. h vW wwS-r4
tR-V V rvMt lV" '- lVV9Vv -W
fe-.i -m Pimm
Ml Wm