Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1920, Night Extra, Image 1

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Ialr anil. f but Wi w, iohiriii ami
Tuesday;' with Ilftlit trost pn low land
tonlflit; moderate northerly winds,
TK.IirK'tATIlUK AT f"-' "I'Uit
rrnoin k
larfeglBTIw r,7
YOB. VI. NO. 198,
Entered as Second-dim Mntttr Rl th l'ostotnr. nt rhllndilplita, l'a,
Under thn Act of March 3. 180,
Published Dally Hxont flumlay. Kulnrrlpllofi Trlrj-JO a Year by Mall.
Copyrliht, 1020. by I'ubllo ledger Company.
',J-'A- .''':T 'L:- v&r ?,t Vm ?' '. '-Vy ':,,vn$vMyVo;i "'Virfi-
I i III II I MR4W ,,, V " . """; j' 5' ". LL v,' -A '-r -i. i -rai
.. rZM '?. ' r . w," v li - -mlvy. m . mrr .. - 'm vk
- ,- -I r.aiVV, W "T'TfJ..- . v rT. '.MrV, . .0. ' ' i .PHCtMHIvt -X . H' ,iV I . 1 W " ". H W -iHU , Nl
' " B - ai V .ijM ' Jt . - li ' ifk . H iH -'., .-J" . tr '. I V W wMBB L.
i"itintmrt tutu itr iiran
i ? . " - 'mm mr ww ' bji - mx w ' mw ' - w w w - " --m
"InriBTl I f I " B. t
Detectives Trace Bowman Boy,
Missing Sincd Thursday, to
Railroad Siding
i"" . . - Aiffttt
Airplanes and Police Dogs Fail
to Find Trace of Lad
in Swamp
"Kianttb Bowman, Jr.. three years
Jar be KpcfdliiR ncrdsn tlie country
iickrdJn a box car.
Thut li a new tlic9r.v of thc police
!..i .i-UnfUos. who traced his move-
mwU with absolute certainty to n rail
t...i .i,nD. near Seventh Rtieet and
I Oron avenue, and then lost the trail.
h.Z ,nr. the on of Mr. find Mrj.
Ktnncth Tlowmair. 202.1 Houtli Uolorncio
itteft. wandered qway three tlmw ilnr
hi the Jnut month' iu search of a "chop-
How-la I-ocHhurg. X. J., for hi,
r?1.' . ..I n-ntplimnn near the rail-
roid 'idhiK naw the boy plnylnc Ujere
iXrt tinfe afterhe disappeared Odr
rh ilren' were Miyiut; "";",'. "V, V7
f" .;.i o.ir nf Wax ears, and It In thought
llir mlRht hatf yielded to Kenneth ij
SKwnil.for a "cWrlioo" ride and
hrlnod him into n car.
'The door mlRht have hern closed I and
thft rtt put on a train for he West
without railron.l employes discover iik
tie prwonee of the child In the car. the
P!'5f ?.?' oi I, .!. IIvoq nn I.rnciie
"5n n'-i lb"; P. K It. tracks.
idtatlfifd a picture of Kenneth as that
of a boy no saw iin-n ...."......-
eta vacant store at 2747 South Seventh
street, Tliursuai imiTii. "',"""
Korks on the Seventh Htrcet dock at
th foot of Johnson street.
tit Mid tne uoy reiiiiiiii;u ""
.. ...nrai tmiira. Then, he vald.
naj win1" .......... - .
lit fpmot the youngster k presence and
did not notKe wuetner lie uibuiih:uh:u.
Jullm Deltlno. five years old. son of
Mm. Frank Deltlno, 2.32 South
Serentb street, were playlns with n
hoi aaswerlng Kenneth's dOHcription.
horilr before he !i cald to have been
,ailMp In the doorway.
j 'Lht, Chilli lOllOWCII IIICI" l or, rum
und'Joliofon streets, they said, but they
ilM not see him after that.
Dob -AmU In Search
The boxcar theory is apparently borne
wit bj thc.AVork of a do put on the
trmt to find tho mlsslric bor. . The doc
trocfil trieAboy 'to'.the-.hQme ,of Mrs.
II.... 'rt.'.t.. i 1710 "Rnt'illi SJ.vitnlli
Wt, itho Wes lnjn?,liOusenirallar
to the one. at 27.13 South Nlnthfltrcct,
nlitre Mrr Bowman ?ftnd her hou wero
Iitlnic Sir. and Mrs. John T. Bow
tta'wben the boy disappeared.
Mr. Onlnn .renorted, that .a bo.v an-
Werlat tho ihlssins boy'n description
jiad tried to get in her home 'Xhurs
jlay .afternoon and when ho apparently
Faw nc was lit inc wruiifi huiiwi hc
walked down from the norch toward the
.Orecon avenue railroad tracks.
The nol ce doc traced ftlie scent to
Mrs, Qnlnn's door, then hack off the
porch, down to tlie railroad trncus and
then lost all trace ol Kenneth, xuc
I lace where the scent was lost was
near where a line of cars was stand-
lot on Thursdnv.
The1 authorities have not entirely
llmmloneil the theory that Kenneth
mislit hnve wnndered Into the "bic
awamp," stretching from Oregan nvenue
to the navy yard, and ,200 men nre
kearrhlnx it today. Airplanes and hun-
rtreiis of persons and dogs made a fruit
less search yesterday.
a iiousc-to-linuse canvass nnd searcii
ft aoiitlirust 1'hiladelphln is beluc made
bv tlio nnllpp wltli rlin thnnirhr that thp
Vfoy may have been tuken in by n family
i.ow airnui to announce It or that he
way have been kidnapped.
Traced to House
A carriage in which were n man. a
tfoman and a bov nnnwcrinir Kcnnptli'ti
ilfterlptlon drove out I'assyunk avenue
ami over Rnstwlck avenue Saturday
Howard Wallace, a relative, saw it
t Sixty. third street and thought he
tttojnlzcd his nephew. He gave chase
OS hit blcTrll'. but bla W iu orlimli.il
"nd the carriage soon outdistanced him
on the sandy rond there.
Tlie theory that it might have been
Kenneth in the carriage is somewhat
weakened by tho fact that the carriage
" seen returning by the same road
Willi tllO Iknnio Arniimitttu lntnt Qnt.
nnlay night. ,
-Mrs k on Kehoc. 2017 South Eighth
i,rect, bplieves nhe saw the boy on the
WW of the hwamp at the foot of
'With ktreet.
A tnnti Imu ..Ann., ..i , ,i. it.. .1...
-- . ,, kiiwiivii ui mo muiicu mm
m ajw a boy nnswerlng the description
ei Kenneth accompanying a mam near
nV, rri ce w,im' tl1" bo' wns 8C,' lat
S?nt ,Urmlay- A "r" employe 'In a
i..1 .mcc nt Fif"'"'i nnd South
ureeta is iirr Up rniw Komw.ti. .,.i n
man near thnt plnce on Friday.
n, i ,,owma and the po ce bollcvo
tet'nf1' Y ,n,t,,c rorcIn nuarfe?
W mt.J where ho was Hcen bv Mr.
ba'te5! I"' ..ny
t'lM. ? fmlly who nre now afraid
Pa I i,M .! l,reRcn(,e Hliown or Is bo
"' " in for a ransom.
h ..l,".,ia.H ""V-JJor aid in nils-
fr Ti.'u'U1."1 l"iu to offer as a reward
'o . the return nf his Un
w. . . .......
We M'nul.l !.... it .
to i i.i." ;.""- rvr.V""'K we itnvc
j. "". '""in uuck ncnin ' I, n en i
"but ......""." :. "v ,aw "
much. -ri... r';:v' """ :vc ayc not
backPmv"'er !arct 111 help ma ge
fa" '" n" ?UM) "nN be,',,
Zla tl,e boy Mt tlio Bowers home
l "ifnn.l'KiT1! Brfly h". W' S
lags. ml blnck ,101"' nl stock-
--"., wooa, uowden, McAdoo,
HunhM, PolMdextcr and Dryan
, WWtIII, , o Mny . (Ily A, l") -Y.r...
A. Baker miii.int3.iV V'..
-Haloon League'o " n" . " '",. w.
Evi. ,. ll,,nLf. McAdoo. nimrl..
WllUiw Tnra:J2! I'oln.lexter ?
wm JfBrjBDn--
4 MiWV m8&iiittfi?t $&P$:: !
lfarrlx & V.wlnc
miss (;i:okoia a. bacon
Of Worcester, Mass., first vlco
president of the Ocncral Federa
tion of Women's Clubs. II Is ex
pected she Mill bo elected president
of that organisation without oppo
sition at Dcs Moines in June
Government Request for Re
hearing of Steel Trust
Suit Refused
Washington. May .1. (By A. !'.)
The Supreme Court recessed today until
Mny 17 without handing down n de
cision on the constitutionality nf the
prohibition nmendment or t lie enforce
ment act.
Prior to recessing the court today re
fused to grant the government's request
for a lehearing of the nntl-tnit suit
against the I'nlted States Steel Corpor
ation. The government's motion for a
rehearing was bacd principally on the
contention that the Court's decNinn In
the steel, case on March t coullicted
with that on April 2(1 ordering the (lis
solution 'of the Heading Co. and certain
Of Its rail and coal subsidiaries. Botli
cases were decided by n 4-to-fI decision.
The North Dakota tax act of 11)11) in
so far as it Imposes on excise tax on
tlie stocks and bonds of Interstate rail-.
roads operating within the state was
declared .unconstitutional. Injunctions
lestrniulng the imposition of taxes under
the net against various railroads were
sustained. - The statute was attacked
iu proceedings instituted by five carriers
who contended that it imposei taxes
.upon, their property located outside the
Htntn iu violation of tlie constitution.
The railroads Involved were the
Northern 1'acillc, (ireat.Nortbern.(Jh.l..
cago, .Milwaukee and St. I'aul, Mfiiric
opolls. St. I'atil nnd Sault.Ste. .Marie,
and the Montana Knstcrn Ilailroad Cos.
an well as the Farmers' (irniu and Ship
ping Co. "
.... ..... i
Extraordinary Precautions TaenlMORE THAN 150 INJURED
-When Irish Agitator Is Sentenced
New York, May . (My A. P.)
Extraordinary precautions were tnkpii
today when James .1. Larkiu, Irish
agitator, convicted Jnst week of' criminal
anarchy, was sentenced to serve from
live to ten years in state prison with
hard labor.
Fifteen detectives commanded by Ser
geant Gegau. nf the bomb squad, nud
several deputies" headed by Sheriff
Knott, guarded the courtroom, which
was filled with Lark in sympathizers,
Nantc'i and addresses of spectators
were taken nt the door. Men were
searched. Several were excluded for at
tempting a bnlhtcroiis demonstration
and one young woman was rebuked by
the court when she tosc nud attempted
to fake LarMn's hand as he was led
Police Think He Accidentally Hit
Four-Year-Old Child
Carrolton Doniighy. sixteen years i
old. 18.15 East Wlsltnit street, was ar
tctcil tills morning uy uic ponce of
thp Belgrade and Clearfield stre
I'cts stn
tion, nn suspicion nf having been the
uov who ncc ilentally snot tour-.venr-
old Annettn Maddeii. .1028 North Weikel
street, last Wednesday.
Donaxhy will have a hearing in the
House of Detention today, and, accord
ing to the police, another arrest will
be mntle In connection with the case.
Donneliy, It is alleged, was playing
with a revohcr lit n vacant lot at .Inn -ney
and Clearfield streets, and acci
dentally fired the weapon. The child
wne lilt- In tin. richt lee below tlie
knee. She is recovering nt her home, i
. i
ntr.1 WMrt nno lhihuluhuo
More Than 1000 Chicago Apart
ments Now Empty
Chicago, May :t. (My A. P.) Moro
than lOOtt vacant apartments were
thrown on the 'market over the week
end nnd real estate dealers nre in a
Hundreds nf families whose rentals
hail been raised, moved out Mil) l.
without warning. Rents hnve advanced
in many cases from 50 to .'(00 per cent,
thp agents pleading the law of supply
and demand justified the inctenses.
Ren! estate agents estimate that 10.
000 families who had received notice to
move May 1, tefused to do so, defying
tlie landlords, because they could find no
place to move.
The unexpected vacating of more than
1000 aportnteuts lias left the landlords
iu doubt. Many fiimlllet doubled up,
two to an apartment, and others moved
to hotels rather than pal iuei eased
... .n-nnw r.l innrl'llVU ISrepll Slini, "' "
' M llll. mi i.iiiiiirti . I iii-xi"
C UIU I IU I nw l " vwt-ni wt.
Many Hurt and Others May
Burled In Toy Plant, Debris
llurllnelnn. VI.. Mll.V .'I. (I(V
pi At least Iwo were killed and a
number Injured by the collapse of three
walls of tho W. I'. Hong toy factory
The' police said It was possible that
manv more persons were burled in the
Uebrls. -" . ) v
Senator Has Opened a Pandora's Box in Boom for
Colleague for. the Presidency Announcement
Has Taken State Leaders' Breath
l'eiuisjlynnla today Is, particularly
distliiRulsned nbove nil the other states
of the union. She lins four cnndldntcs
for the Presidency, suggestive and re
ceptive. William C. Sproul, by viitueof his po
sition ns Coventor with the power of
the tegular Itcpulilirnn organization nt
his back. Philander Chase Knox, by
the suggestion of Sennt'or Boies Pen
rose and as former secretary of state
and nn international statesman; A,
Mitchell Palmer, ns bead of the triumph
nnt faction of the Pennsylvania Demo
racy and attorney general of the I'tiited
States Samuel M. Vnucluln. as n mnn
ufartmcr and head of a great industrial
f oi'poratlon.
Coventor Sproul nnd 'Senator Knox
hoRI the center nf the stage In point of
interest, t remains to be seen whether
Senator Penrose has unlocked a Pan
dora "s box in tlie mention of Senator
Knox's name.
The uiiexpecteduesx of the declaration
fairly took the breath of the state lead
ers. It was made without previous In
timntiou to or consultation with them.
It hns set every political tongue in thp
stntc wagging as to what it may mean
and what the result may be. Wash
ington reports n small ovation to Senn
tor Knox.
Where Docs Sproul Figure?
The first and nertiuent iiucr.v Is: In
what position does this leave Coventor
Sproul V Will both names be presented
from the platform of the Itepubllcau
national convention when Pennsylvania
Is renched in the roll call of states?
Theie has been a tacit understanding
thnt although the Pennsylvania dele
gation to Chicago goes unpledged and
therefore in n position to shiftjis it siea
fit, the name of (inventor Sproul nloue
was to be presented.
The call of states for nominations Is
the nil -embracing opportunity to lire
sent a candidate's claims, his biography
nnd his platform. I'JkcwUe it nffords
opportunity for oratory by unknown
Ciceros who hoped for compensatory
reward should their candidate gain ,thc
The situation is confusing. The ex
planation given is unique. rlenntor
Ivuox is suggested by Senator Penrose
ns "the best-equipped all-around inter-
I IIIIAI A 111 I 111 I'lllllUr I I lllf A III IV" A I Mllllir circulars, headed "Plain Words" and !1'm!,",,.',,:y!Vn m'"V!,s',:"" -,"" '"W:"; maty today for the sixteen votes' f . ."' refusal ol ovcrlurcs for
I I IKIUIII 111 III" M Kill rilUUUKIIX U I UK K Ulnnp.l A...ir..lst. Klehters" had been s"' ' ' l .,m '. . '."' V7" "" .. ...V. . Mar.vl.ind at the Kcmihlhnn nntioiiiii ' ""' ' .'irrimwi Jta- lieett ma.le by.
I IIIIIIMIJII III II I llll I 11 I UIinilLJll n I llllll U ,r.:nn.i ni .. i,u ,,.,.,... i l,,', nl" T " ". I,n lu,,,K """ ".onveiit.mi. The D,..,.,mis imro ,, "liilWii-m government ofSouora'a
,v......vv -...w. -,.... ... Mvns , ur .,. y ,,,,, prone. nn in- , .,..,,... ..., ff, ' , , fiiliated Meslenn states. Ucpro
.m.. m..-i.mmn tmi ' ....... . ... .... Arrested on March 7 'V'iKniiiui. nini wnsoi iiip otitnioi iimi s ... , . . " , " --iti, 0f tlieSmuini OovernniPiit
lini flnlllUlll 111 IfU 111 IJU I In I rl.ll l IIIKX K.iU..l. nn Itn on nnnrchist who ved I"""'" ' IMU I'lil illlj HUH, e.i . , ,, .... , ,., ,,... ., .,,. f. i I ic mlv lms! of penep wblc 1 the M
tin Darcnna Donnrorl Killorl in,C;,-,ol Alnmont is M I 1,
50 Persons Reported Killed in Final Adjournment 6f N. J.
Peggs; 27 Bodies Recovered.
Not a House Left Standing
By the Associated Press
Muskogee, Olila.. May ft. Fifty per.
sons are reported killed and more than
KiO itihircil In n storm that destroyed
the little town of Peggs. Okla.. Chero
kee county. Inst night.
Thirty-sevpn bodies have been recov
ered bv leseuers from wrecked houses,
according to a telephone report from
Tahlequah. This information was
brought from Peggs by the first man to
arrive from there today.
Twenty of the bodies nre icported to
have been taken from one building.
Reports to the Times-Democrat from
Locust drove and Tuhlequiih. where
dend and injured from Peggs nre being
taken, said not a house was left stand
ing in Peggs.
A special train carrying doctors and
nurses nnd cnuininetft left Muskogee
for Peggs this morning. AH doctors
nnd nurses in Tahlequah also have
gone. Virtually every stole in Tuhlc-
i ni At..... .-.mil- imc fln.eil ami several
u-liieli is I til count "tin. ui
,llin,1p,i ', lmve cone to Peggs to
tin rescue work.
It Is practically impossible to tench
Peggs bv motorcar, and all wires tire
down. The Tulsa Tribune started a
newspaper man bv airplane to the
striken district this morning.
The village of Peggs is tu the foot
hills, on the northern bonier nf ( hero
kee county, nbnut sixtj , miles east of
Tul-a. The place is oft the railroad.
Tabhqunh. fifteen miles houth, Is the
nearest railroad station.
mods Riot Over U. S. Obtaining Part
of Taboaa Island
Panama. May :.- I Mv -- r.) hey
e.al thniihand Pnnnmans Inst night
marched through the streets In a torch -i
i Mi ' iiarnde as a protest against the
i mis Itton bv the Fnlted States of the
ma'or S hm of Tnboga Island for the
urpose of fortification as a part of the
Pncific defense scheme of the Panama
Cona. An automobl e in which Oen
era Pershing was diivlng to a ball in
his honor at tlie I'tiiou Club was halted
by the i.roeesslon nml forced to return
nMa'ter Vo'rm'd in the street and
Ivresnoiis ible persons threw rocks nt
rm nr.it 4'a. an." offlflah.. a number
'f ,i i were Injured. Mounted po-
tno ,ei ucHig "l-,I,rM ot Mn-V"r
ISSr charged "and dispersed the dem-
i . . ,.
(.yvife Forced to Stand uy ana see
Husband Lose $25
I .. ,,,.,. , ,H wfe. of
Joseph D. . '.. ,,.,, .....i
' .'-- .i
tn Hie CHI'
Vyrflw?ren,i'.ned and ordered tho
V-Ti In cash anil drove off.
nibbed near men ."" '"...i ."i''.'.vr.
i.. iwniwi vnurnn iv innrii
a bv three auioiiiouiii- unuiiiis.
Be '"W; victims, were wniK.ug , vyest o ,
CreiMi strrct. iieiiiiii" ..luvi. viii.. ....
..;' ... . .1...1. ..hen 11 motorcar drew up
A. .."!. .....'.i. .,,.,,nel nml three young
fit tne iruiu, ","i-t
Whin 10U think nf wrllln,,
think of VHIXINO. Itfv.
t '&
national statesman this ciiunti.v."
et Coventor Sproul is "regarded as n
dijik horse with Krcat possibilities,"
whatever thnt itinv mean.
The puzzling query is thereby luteiisl
fled, who will be legnrded an Pennsyl
vania H original, genuliTtrf hallMiinrked.
dycd-in-the-wool. and only favorite
son. . (. Spioul or Philander O.
A for Samuel M. Vnuclnln, his can
didacy, much to the regret of his friends
find associates, 1ms not yet arisen to the
level of a joke. It is said that Mr. Van
clain has nlieadj. by cable, disnvowed
the barroom tactics and under-bred cam
paigning unties of his "mnnncers." If
managers they be There Is the sugges
tion of "ensy niiuiev" In the more than
militant methods of hi haulier bear-
Baldwin llrad in Queer Company
T!" l("t'nsiii"liol executive of the
Baldwin concern, (. fUr as the use of
his name is concerned, in traveling in
mighty queer company. After the nwk
ward, not to say uncouth, methods of
his niniiugcrs iu tlie Inst ten dnys. one
mny safely erase his nam- from the
list. lie is a local issue, just the same
us are, 'Jiiitmj" Dougherty, boxing
promoter and ringside chaperon, nud
."Dick" Baldwin.
Attorney Ceneinl Palmer as tlie Dem
ocratic candidate wint forth, presum
ably, at least, panoplied with the favor
nnd indorsement of the White Housp;
that is, until his aspirations received u
jolt in (Seorgia. The fickle jade of
political favor has very perceptibly
commenced to turn a cold shoulder to''
wurd his ninbttionx. Her once favor
ing smile hns nssumed all the cold char
acteristics of celluloid.
The fates nave acted not ouly un
kindly but rather llippautly with the
attorney general. His voluble promises
Just July of how his amendment to tht
Lever food act Was going to bring com
modities down wltli a gtcat Mop has
proved a boomerang Prices have not
tnly steadily risen, hut within ithe Inst
seventy-two hours u federal judge in
Louisville. Ky., has declared that the
famous Lever act as amended "could
t'ontlnupil on 1'uce Two. Column Iwo
sembly Dependent on Utility
Board Trial
Trenton, May 3. The question of
ndjottrning the Legislature sine die this
week or continuing it iu session indefi
nitely until (lovernnr Edwards has dis
posed of the public utility commis
sioners' trlnl is now under advisement.
If the Legislature adjourns sliorlh, ns
anticipated, the governor will hnn a
free rein in naming n board ad iutei 1m,
and lie could appoint whom he pleased
without consulting the present Senate
unless the Legislature was recalled in
extra session after it hod been finally
Some of the Republican legislators, It
is understood, favor perfiinetorj re
cesses front time to time until the gov
ernor names the new board.
Although considerable time hns
elapsed since Alfred S. March, of New
Brunswick, resigned as utility commis
sioner, the governor, it is suspected by
some of the Republicans, is waiting
until the Legislature adjourns before
he names the man, so that tlie Senate
cannot block the appointment.
The governor has fixed toda.i at the
State House as the time and place of
the utility commissioners' trial on the
charges of neglect of ilut) ami miscon
duct In office filed by Jersey Citj wltli
the governor against the hoaul The
charges nre the outgrowth of increased
trolley fares nud utility rates allowed
by the board. It It continues tomorrow
nnd Is followed on Wednesdn.t bv au
ouster, with the names of the new ap
pointees, tlie question of sine die ad
journment will be nn easy one. depend
ent probnbly on the length of time it
will lake to pass the Hudson river ve
hicular tunnel and Deluwaie River
Caiuden-Philadelphla bridge bill, over
the governor's veto.
Coventor Edwards said he will veto
the bill because it contains it provision
for u direct stutc tox to raise the in
terest on the proposed $H,000,(MO bond
issue, New Jersey's share of the two
projects, b! the people at the next No
vember election vole to adopt the plan.
There Is little doubt the bill would be
pnsbed over the veto.
St. Louis. Mny .-( By A. IM s.v .
,:.. .... .. I , " '"He'ndTn e . ho were tlmt the ' ..rm-mllnss. As to the natmo of J ". '-,. " V t?' . . ( ',r""W "'""' '
'llie louse will meet tomorrow eve "'V, .Vnins to el de t he governtne iit t per here todnj. (ienernl Pllsudikl. ut ? ''',',,"": '," T ,m'"ll ." '" ". "' "" lioni to invade Chihuahua. The othcri
tilng and the Senate Wednesday ini n- f n"nt" wlm linv.. bii n v tcli lug , president of the Polish state, led il.tl ri-vii-ofl. the H.Miorin w II be s, n ,,l . Pl..(,Ilf(,n.(. ,.,.,,,, At.gel Flores In
tig. Besides the bridge and tunnel bill. much Is know n however, ucVon Ini tiooiin into the cttv . the newspapers ..u . ' the iis.soc.ttiu s annual mm u hm llU , . nr, f Mnxntillni m.
the House has yet to act upon the ap- rd Flvnn lhat iiinc iif tlu. iVrXulH .- , , . , HX,Z '", "'," ,n,,,,t1,l't.fo' "'"""""h"""" i,,.v hcaduuarters annnuncd
K2pi,iati2S?',iU Wi'''' carries about ,.n,, 10, J es .n ,e l'UiuiiaiH Ki(v ieu(,,rtpm of the Tw, iflh I tho leading political pintles tor em- . ,,. f nntitnn Sonorn and
.SRl.iOO.OOOtoruti then ate for the iietv,'n,i A.orWii' t0 n.ief Fluin m.,csts nf soviet nruo. Is known us "the mother hodit.ient tu th.ir own cn.iiiuigt. plat- sinnloa. it was said. nln would bo
fiscal year, begiuitiug July 1. . Vliltl?,lflf, ) )t s us pec s wTr .mt e '' . ":,"l".,lll '''" Pur,nB. "'" liuly !"r- i .i s"f east wnnl In n cnnverglug niovepient
"' j,V ZmI m. I illwXro trt 1 1, MI1P Ar." If,l", "l,1111,," ,1"'1 , 0llinr ie.-miiiupiiiliitl.iiis wee; .l .. ,.itx f)f ",,.,.,. ,, tlio rich
RFfilM SLAYER'S THIRn TRIAI aid his ilenarUieiit lmd let i1' '", Kffint0'' '"' .'' Dmeper dorseiuent of the iiiliici.de nf colle.livv nKmm ,lsliiet nf Con. huiln. Troop
UtblN 5LAIt b IMIMU I KIAL '"Vl,,. t C imnri hhIo., that Ha "of,, 1, .1 r,ivcl" .a,,,l lV"LlVr"r, '"'''"." bnnsiilnlim . n.lupt.un of,, budget Ms-1,,,,,, .,,, ll(HllI1Kt rrrni,.n in Chi,
,, , a ,, ' mil tS Itnlv wK institutions, nn f. gnveintn-iil exc.iilit.ires : red.,, -, ,,,, n..n,v ,,. marching townrd
Ursula Broderlck Youngest Mls-.I . ." .'."..V." '?,.'. n.'.Vi! .",!' """ 1 "'.e pnpiilntlojffi '- "as about I tlon in cost of gouTiiuienl operation and Ton t. it was announced
.nurl Girl Chariifrt With m.j.. weeKBjinJjiric mm. ''.,0.000. rjn IhUiieiuiiiiieriir.v empluyes ; eUensimi nf
sourl Qiri Charged With Murder i Kt,,.. i( tlieHStii nf the l'i.,.:..i . i..i.ien nv.u a mvlmi f vp.i..--.....i i .. ..... -. .. . .
tien-jear-old I'rsula Broderick went to - -
ttlal for be third time here todaj Baze at Nat0nal Park Ends Holl
charged wltli the murder of her step , ,
father. Joseph F. Woodloek. Attornejs' day Plans of Sportsmen
snid she was the j.oungest girl ever to Two boathnuses at National Pnik
fuce a first-degree miinler charge in ' were destrojed by fire yrsterduy. One
Missouri. . uu neeiintcil liv the Belmnnt Club
A continuance was granted the first! It consisted of nu old gowrmncitt sur
tinie her ease was called for trial nnd vey barge, owned by John Yantall.
ai me secouu uini ine jury disagreed.
lu Will .Miss Broderlck shot ami
killed her father, T. P. Broderlck, and
a coroner's jury exonerated her when
she testified she shot in defense of her
iiiotlipr. Mrs. Woodloek is charged with
plotting her husband's .jleatJi, ami will
U Ulcd after her daughter.
Suicide of Andrea Salsedo Re
veals Arrests for Last
June's Outrages
Printed Pink Anarchistic Circu
lars Federal Agents Pre
pare for Rolmd-Up
By (he Associated Press
New Verb, May '!. Anilt"! Salsedo.
who confessed to hnving printed the
pink anarchistic circulars found nenrl
tho scene of the nation -wide bomb plot
outrages, nf last dune, committed suicide
I hy lenplng to Park Row from the four
teenth story of an office housing head
quarters of the Department of .itatlce
iu this city today. j Moore Men on Committee Would Wood and Johilson Fight at Pri.
Thcisiileide revealed fot the first time. . . ....
the fact the government had ...tide! Co Ahoad, but Expect to manes for State S SiX
several ai rests in connections with thej pjrid Nothing v teen Delegates
outrages. " .
William .1. Klyiin. chief .if th de
partment's hurenu of investigation, ad
mitted that several other men beside
Salsedo had been artcsted in connection
with the plots, that thej had confessed
to participation and that they bod
agreed to turn government witnesses.
He declined, however, to give their
names or to cxplnln what pan therlinil
played. '
Feared to Appear In Court
Salsedo also know as "Tony Tazio,"
was sleeping .with another government
witness. Awnkiniug, he stole into the
wnslironm in bis underclothes nnd
hurled himself from n window without
awakening his companion. It is be
lieved he took his life lolmr than np- ;
pear in court njnlnst the oilier plotters, i
From Chief Flyiin nnd N. ('. Donate
Salsedn's lawyer it was learned that
the circulars found nt the time of the
explosions, when attempts were made
on the live of many public men. hud
been printed iu nil Italian printing es-
iwfll IiriiUl'f! Ill nil intuitu iituitiuu r-- '
tablislunent iu Brooklyn wbe.e Sal-cdo !
,,-nu o,!,,i
WnrllVnJt.', D.mnl.i his ctien.'s nl. '
job and that Salsedo must have dour
f I IU lUIS Cliy Willi 1IIH wile null mu V.IIU-
,. !1, ..... "V..l. .1... ..-tfc. ..! I
4 llfCU. WUI141IH UUl'UL 111? gUK-l llllicili n
case and through information supplied
I " """ nlm OUUI wiuiesses. iiiuoriaiu
As-jnn.estH may be expected. Salsedo wiw
.. i ..::.. .,. i 'i
arrested .Mtttcli . wltli outer laillcais.
accoriiiuK ui isiiiiuui, oiunetiii. urn.
. ..,, a- 1, ... U..I..... l.
came to tins country nooiit I e ears
ngd, did not know Kngllsh nud was not
. UgO, II1U IltlL KUllH I.11KI1SU "tun
I "o man of action." Ills uttort
luu.-jD ,..i
thnt when annrcliists i asKcc until i to print
.. ... . .
tlie pltllf circulars lie lllll -HOI nppic-
'' ,. i i i ''
ittt the gravity of his ac cm.
mingtatiou officials at Ellis sla.td
d that a warrant for Salsedo s de-
rttlon hud been gimiteil on March 10
on reircseutntions by tho Department
of Justica that he win nn anarchist.
IJhe prlsoties was not surrendered, how
ever, to the Ellis Island authorities,
nor was his warrant returned.
Snlsethi was held by the Department
nf Justice in the hope that u dnen
Italians who had lied to Italy or Switz
erland would return to the United
Stntes. Federal agents did not give
their results for expecting this return.
Suspect With Kevoler SeUcil
At police headquarters it was
tnltted todnv that two other artests
had been made here befoie Salsedo was
taken into custody.
?n." ii ... .....'... .i i...
r,,,"u..v;.. T ."' ".;:':"":;
1 Jlllll. lilt III 1IUI111 11. 1 III IIIJIILI tl -tilV I II II
tlmt lie itllil u loitileil icvoiver. mat lie
had admitted he was an anarchist, and
that he was editor of a publication
known ns Dnmatii. Arraigned on a
churge of violating tlie Sullivan law b.
currying a loaded weapon, be was placed
under suspended sentenie ami turuid
over to the Dentil tment of Justice.
On information Miid to have been
supplied b Ellin. Vlto Morrioni, nn
Italian laborer, wns taken nto cus
tody. The p'olee say he admitted he was
an anarchist and suppljed information
ntt which Salsedo was arrested.
Chief Flyiin said thnt Salsedo nud
other government witnesses hnd c-
pleased rear of Icing murdered by tlie
anarchist plotters if it became known I
tliey and confes.seii.
Kept In Seclusion
At their own suggestion quailcr,-,
were arranged for them in the Park
Row Building. There they slept and
had their meals, and they did not leave
the building except for exercise.
Salsedo's w ife was allowed to visit
him frequently. She is said to have
spent mtich of yesterday wth him,
Ncws of Salsedo's death will give
the first information to some of his
former confederates. Chief Flnn said,
that some of the conspirators had been
mat some fit we conspirators nail neeil
for a long time in. custody and might
I AugUHtus Helllug. tlie caretaker, was
severely btiriicd about the face nnd
hands lighting tho tire. He will he dis
charged from the Underwood Hotpttiil
at National Park today.
The other boatliouse was owned by
John Harris, and was occupied by (lie
'Corona Olub. . - - ,
fdilBii flint. 1 t.i i.i ntik liiMituT rii tnL' Pll'l UT III I'tllll 11111111119 111 I IU' 11(U slin . . . . .... .. .. 111111 IlT.'l 111N U1VHIII1C II 1 llllll II UII llllll Oil '
Senator Martin, at 0.40 o'clock thin morning1, was served
witirn.cstriko-off" summons nn he wnc leaving Ills Holmcvburg
home. This was the first move by John R. McLean, Jr, admfxt
lstrntlon candidate for the stnto senate, to have Martin's name
3truck from the voting: lists of tho Nineteenth Ward wheie
Martin Is the Varo leader. Process servers had been watching
the Martin home since Saturday.
TRENTON, May 3. Trial of the live membern of the 5t-v
Board of Public Utility Commission on Jersey City officials'
charges of neglect of duty and misconduct In office Tu connection
with the upproval of incieafaed fare3 by the Public Service Rail
way Company, and other state utllitl'.'s was begun before Gover
nor lidwnrds at the State House today.
. i
Council's .e'f-iiuesii""0tiiig i ouimittee
will tin- t LP Cu. 'I-i'l tl'is afternoon
to (iiMn!'."' anil plan for get
ting nt the tuitli in" riiuiois umch have
been stiirin? poliMrnl circlet for sonic
These rumors hnve gone ns far as I
hinting at attempted graft bv means of
the introduetion of "pinch" bills and
hy other less time-worn methods. Mayor
Moore is said to be fullj aware of the ,
kind of rumors that ate iu the a,ir and
some of tlie coiincilmen think -he is.
put suing his own Investigation, hide- i
" '"" "' '" """ '"
' -.., ci,.,ir,.,
., ,, ,l1 MMX .' "un,u
1 he ( ouiu tl .onimttt.e was
pendent of that of tlie Council column- '
as authorized
at the last meeting of Council, ami the
author of tit if solution caUltr.' for the
Investlintinn. Couiiei'iunii Kdwin It.
Co. Vare member from South PhihiiM.
, , . . , , Mtl....
phln. ',!,,,,?.1"1 'mI: ,'"' r, ' r
members ate ( ouneilmrn on lngen.
Pottoti. I lull and Hoper. All but Cox
Hall for Inquiry
Coiiiifiliritiu Ilnll said
" ' . . . .
..& II1HK' lll ,.11. 1(111. llll, Llllll 11. .U..
fo. t, P, ,.,.,,,,1 ruiuorS, DUt lie faVOITU
,.Icarin ti1(. nlinospbere by means
,.,. ,mi,n.lti,. It h believed that
... .... ----- -- .- -
Ulic aftcrnootrs nieetitig of tlie coin-
lnUec wj be onfined to organization
nml ..;n.1H- , u ,,ihle. however, it
was sni(a niat the clerk of Council will
,, .1-, l-lllll. -I.... .... , w. ...' .....I
UP ,a,., fn to supply n compilation of
on nance lniroiiitcen since me ursi oi ,
, ,tI, 0w of determining
,,,.,. r ,,, fa w,tllil . ,
i .. ...
l(''l1 r ',.,,,. ,,,.,-. ,e wondering,
nl.,ii ,., (...i-iuli, ceil since the first nf
...i ..in ..,.li ... ..,... :.. ,!.,
:. ' " :.: "" ' '
III lllll 1 lF n ,
Kipped in Bow of
Crown. Bound for Hampton Roads
Boston. May :.. i llv A. P.) The
M":iin.liip Turret Cinwti. from New
port. Liigland, for Ham. Hon Roads, re
potted a collision with an iceberg to-
I .1.... ,1 .......1.1 1... .w ilA.tlf nt' Mlwillt
ad-Mini. Iu u message lelnjed here the
ve...-l n!d siie had tt hole in Iter bow.
eight . . in hlgth. but that she wns
iir.ii-,t ti ( -
taking im "Miter except in tiie forward
i.i.i..,..,i wt. v., .,,1.1 ,..,, ,1 ti, V..u
i v :rr : :;i: ::.
' .-. . - .. -....-
llie imiei t inw'ti repoiiui sue nai
seen in.iii c b
Many Injured In Silesia
Festival Parade
Berlin. May :. (By A
,. ,
I' 1- A
violent ciillt.iun occurred between Poles
and (iermaiis ut Uatibor, Silesia, yes-
.. -
terday on tne occasion of the Poli.lt
national f'-.tniii. according tu a di.
patch publislu d here. Mtitij people
were Injun d on both sides, some seri
ously. Hcw'inl ihtiii.nnd Poles, cnujing
Pnlisli ting, and embleiii., paraded
I tlimil, li.,. streots. q'lii, ltd,., 1, ,11,.
I .1 I...1 fat nf Pullali Ai..i.l...... t
tiriilltlltli "I 11 ui". 11. ... t..i-.,, 1,,, .ui ID. t,L
sovercigtili. in the ground that such
emblems were prohibited by the allied
commission Theieupoii the Pole1
Ancient Russian Capital Wrested
From Bolshevlkl, Report 3ays
Warsaw. Ma, :i.- (By A. I'. ,Pol.
iimnim. .'t.".. - v . i . i im-
lh fon-e,. uecupie,! Kiev M-stenin,. ,,.-
llllll llU' I, ,1,1,1 im ",s ..in, n,,,-. ,,t j;r-
cultural ptoducts. The I'kiniiie. as nn
Independent republic, would create n
i ,i... ....,!.. , r., in. ...iu, u,... e ,
buffer slate between Poland mid the
Bolshi villi-
The U' vathcrvane
Fmr Iniiiuhl: laal toniiihl .
Fiotl plans the fool tonight: i
Coolnes roiiliinici loiaorioir.
Soft tonight; .ilotc tonight;
Norihentt iriiul Moic tonight;
Ami no further trouble trr'R 6or-rotp.
Maryland and Utah Take
Center of Political Stage
.lohiiMiu and Wood are the chief
contestants iu Mar; laud's prlumties
The I'tuh (!. (I. P. convention in
day will select eight delegates. .lolin
soii. Louden tind Wood seek indorse
ment. Campnlgns iu California and In
diana, where primaries will be held
tomorrow, close today. Hoover nnd
.lohuMin are contestants iu CaU
fol'ithi; Louden. Wood, Harding and
.lohnson iu Indiana.
Tlie rcciiunt iu New .leiscj mav be
dropiied taiture of .loltnsou tnan
agers to deposit SriO.OOO guaraiitc.
By the AsMiclntrd Press
Baltimore. Jln. ."..Senator .lohu
nlry . the iio.iiluiitit.ns In liie Hrst. Second ! T" 'Vco'iitl'mlsts wi I iceoKpiy.. will b
he did W be- ' and Fifth districts and llie ltpnuh'i-aiw ' ' --JM.mlnntlon of ' arr.iiw.i from po
iidatlon iu fact one In the Fourth. Culled States Sen- -"'.'"" m l?wee ,n Afexico.
.1111- 111 lllt 1 lllll I II. lllll'll 1.I1IIMH .M1I-
. : .: ..
' OtOf Mlllllll, U.-llloeraile llPllin IPIIt. Wl
i he lenoinhintPtl without op ithm! mid
Oviltgton K. Wei hr. of B-iltinmic
...... ; '
, couniy, nas a clear He'd for (be Be
publican senntoriaj nomination.
Indianapolis, Mn.i
i it, t ..
' three candidates for the Reiiubli -uii
,..-..., ...... ... .... ... i .,
. M oil cut m limn tint tin strike in In.
i"- -unm uimuuuiiiiii sj.-mc in in- ,,. , .. . .," ,. ,..t' i" ,..,., .H, v. am
diana todnj . the cnnipaign for the pier- ' 4'' ";mt , fjf V.'us ' " M
, .et.tial vote of the state was brought I ,l"" S? ,0 '"Vl ,n' tbot llie con. "1
, Wll,.ttii.d finish, pieparatorv to, Tt ,s """'rjtood here that tic con-
voting tomorrow. ' fen-iieo with ('arranza ii.cluded elev.Pn H
I tut- v.i.iii-- iniiorruw.
SenntiiM.liilin.ini ..f r'!li- ;.. . sj
ntr I.. .Il nE ,,r Vl, . r. : ZiW withd.aw is regarded as. a grim
-- --.---..C1. -.. -----, j.ri . tt
i nil AVond wound up their campaigns
x.itl. it number of M hes toduv. but
(.overnor Frank (. l.uwden. the fourth
i;,.i,.,hii,.i, ii,it ., tt... 1...1:
I ,,llllnt- ,,,, ,, m,i,.,..ses .ch Ie, fr
this. tale. There are no candidates fur """ " ".", -"'!""" ';, '"', I' " nsnrul"
he Demnerntic nomination fr p,.,.,.. , as eieinplihcatint, of the Mexican prps
,;Pnt i uU'itt s reputation for obstinacy.
, The polls will oiieu at II a. in. and
I iciunln open until li p. m. According to
ju legal opinion, women will not he per.
' mittcd to vote iu the primar.v. but may
II" grunted that rlsllt at the Nmcinher
.,., ...
i ""
! -N" del gates tu the national D-tno-
i-r?ii- r Re.,bi;m.. ,onei.ti..,. nm i.,
selected tuillo'low.
I 1,, , ,t
...it ,,.,,Kt " tu tt,"-
(tons. These selections will be made
on the eve nf the state conventions tu
be held later this mouth.
In only two of the thirteen congres
sional districts will the present Re
luitiilt'iill lui-lliocis 1,1 1 tUKii-p.s in- nil-
1 r 1 , .. t.. .,.. 1. .,.
publican members of Congress be up-
l'-'-u inr i-i-iiiiiiiiiiu.i uis. in tiic i- niii 111
district Repicentntive John S. Ren -
linm wi 1)(, 01)IOs(.,i t Frnnklin P.
Smith, of Madison, and 'in the Seventh
1 UMUilllll inns 1 . iivmi n.uni' .ni-rriii
Munis will be uppuscd bv Luke W.
Duffcy and Edward A. Uniiist
There will be contests fur the Dem,,.
ctatic nominations in all but three .lis-
tint. In the Eighth district. Chnrles
. 1...U- t, . ii m :,,
Pnddock. nf Portland, n unopposed.
.. ..!
in the Tenth. Fred Bnrnett. nf
( niitlnuril nn Tiiitr Two. tiliimo llnr '
- 1
'. , . . '
Manufacturers Consider Planks for,
Dnlltlr-nl D-irtl.o ,
New Yoih. Mny .- B A i- ,
l CouipuImuj arbitration if labor dispute.
V.!,'i",. "' T r":""1 - r.ii" ".V'
.,i,..i t.. .i... nlntfono I'tuninittei" nf the
I ' '' ;, ?, f' " , X X . e s
, i..,t... t .i... ., . .. u ..
I t'llllllll'lllli; til I,,'' ,111-. fill lit .VSll'IU I
nud ininigratioii inws. '
- -
P. R. Hilllard to Prosecute Sherman i (Jeitei-nls Jnun .l.e Rhis nnd Manuel
Trust Law Cases .(ininbon nud their stntTs of about
. . ,, ,,, -. .. .. thlrt.t olheers. who hnve arrived lit El
Uilcimi. Mn .1. ill) A. P.i- Pat- nw, frm ti. Mie of Soiiorar havn
tick It. llilllaid. special agent r the .e given permission hi llie American
Demirtnieiit nf Justi.eas expett on tnodUinvernineitt In pass through American
and antitrust cases, today was appointed hr-ltnr.v on their way to Mexico City.
assistant to Attorney (.eneral A. A licit- The generals Wt their eonimatioN
ell Palmer, for the prosei-utiou of Shei - ' . Sonoru ipvolfed against Oarranna
,mVJ triint.i,n,y m0?' .. .. . . land the MPxieaufJnvPn.i.ientaskp.l 'that
Mr. Hilllard will be the first ossistiitit hev he allowed to go through tlpv
UHorney general ut tie sinuotied 111 Uhl-
Destroyers Ordered to Vera
Cruz and Tampico Bocause
of Nearby Outbreaks
i Carranza's Peace Proposals
( Promptly Rejected by
Rebel Leaders
Ity the Associated Press
Wasliinglnu, May .'I. American d
stro.ers have been onlercd to Vori
Cruz and Tnmplco to ptotrct Americans
The Navy Department ncteiL on the
request of the State Department, wh?ri
it was explained today that the warships
would take aboard Americans in those
two ports if tt should become necessary.
It W4is snid thnt the vessels would nnt
intervene In Me.xicnn affairs and that
their dispntih was a precautionary
measure. Only the cruiser Sacramento
i is now on the east const of Mexico. She
was last reported at Tampico.
(Inlet at Botli Poifs
No reports of tuiv disturbances In
el titer Very Cruz or Tampico hnvp been
received by the State Department, but
! revolutlnnarj outbrenksltave occurred
I near both ports.
Advices to lite jrovcrnmout today said
' the line between Mexico City and Vera,
, Cruz had been cut. but tliey did not Idtj
i dlente the extent of damage. This line
runs throu-jli the northern part of the
tnte of 'ITuxcnlt. the governor nnd
ni'itnry commander of which were re
lortcd last week to have joinrd the
Sottora revolution.
Two Americans Slain
Two American citizens. Kben Krancig
(Jeeenlnw and his son. weie killed by
Mexican bandits yesterday, the State
Department was informed by the
, Aieericati i-tuhassy iu Mexico City,
i The killings occurred nt Pnlazadai,
, about 12." tulles front , Jfexico City.
I (tre'-n'nw was employed by a British
, luieber firm.
Tlie St-tte Denartnient announced that
it Ins requested the Mexican Covprn-
eiit to take "effective measures" lin-
itiedhitily for the apprehension nnd
i iiiiiNhmcnt of the nssussim.
,pi. .....i. t ,,... --,, ,r:.f. i. tn
,. "' " '"-V '' '"': ii is.
r1"" P';0"'""'"" l"t forward hr Car-
"""' :o'inwin? n coniercn -cwiiu miiuc
of lily generals, who suggested his with-
iba'val'from the Mexican Oovernmcnt.
( ai'iniizii lbs-lined to listen to their wiip
.'cstioii. hut made a counU'r-proooRl
Con Hint he withdraw "his candidate'
fnt the presidency. Ignacio BonHa",
,.."",,. . ,".. .,. . " .J.j(
Ki-lieini-. i lie im-i tutu i""-j tnt.ru-
concession of the weakness of the Cnr-
i r, l,!W, K"vcritmenc iiuerprpiauom
Pt'n.r,,1' "I""' I''" episode here is that
it indicate- ( arranza s fall is imminent.
.I,M ,0J1,"al " n,'Tpt. ,1"' '-eeoinmenda -
Proildes for "fielaway"
Cnrr.iiiza iias ntned Id irovide safe
and icndv egtess ftom Mexico. He ban
placed his son-in -Inw. Oenernl Cnndido
Aguilnr. in couimatid of the military
forces in the state, of Puebla and Vera
Cruz, thro'ish whieli he would have
I1C . ,A ....... , .- ...n.l. lm .n.t of 1'n.n 1.(19
','1 (,,1-s It, ,"11,11 It,,' l", ..... ......
,, I ,t f,.n, Mnvli-n 'lr T iprp BTI!
:. -,.11,0,.,. iromSi. aty
liasses tlirnugli fliem.
Altendv there is discussion of the po
siliV siicces.ni tn Carranzn Should he
step down, the governors of the revolt
ii'ir stntes wou'd meet and select a pro
visional president, who would call the
' . .... . ..,...! r
1 ennaress in session for elpptinn of a
I P"',1
--., ... . ,,,, , ,. ,.i ,,
H t"uii"iu iki iiiii in in t-i i iiiivm v'
elet lions. The moil mentioned as
possible choices for provisional prcsl-
1 1 enr nre :
- ---.- , ,, . . ,... .... l
Ailolf.i de L. '. gover or o
j '10,,n; ""l" ? . "". , " '"" "n '
I Oenernl Salvadnr A'''"- Amp' C"
, reprcentnUvr nf the P"nora revo It. who
lm been m n-hi. gtnn and wns ex
, i"-''"" "l -,K"" ' '. ' '""' '"""i,"" "'Z
'"'"' ""","","' ,'"''' ""','"
wiiii tiuvcruur uc 1.11 iiurit,,, iiuti iw
tnnin Villnrrenl. of Nuevo Leon, who
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i""' r.i Pasn
Aeini Prlela. Sonora. U - (By
s p. i Aecnrding tn military leaders
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j '"r mi n drive as quickly ns possible
"" r (.C1 ti't 5.nnV trnnps wet.- being
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Washington's Permlselon
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