K t v jTS V0 " .. l'v V f f . I"-., i u .. ffT5 H i i ffi ,ir- 'l --'- --( - -" - -rA ' - ;- NOUSTRIAL LEAGUE ADOPTS SCHEDULE Will Open Season Tomorrow Afternoon With Ten Clubs in the Circuit With thf dtronicwt circuit in It his tory, thf Manufacturer' nrhall League in ronrly In officially innuEiirnte the 1020 Industrial lBMnll wenon to morrow afternoon with npproiiintp reremonie. The achedule for the Ma ion officially adopter! at the finnl meet ItiK held at the Hotel Walton laM even luB, at which time all the ten club ( furnlnhrd President HrumBcId vutli the list of men eligible to participate In the opcnliiR ronteMa. The schedule, hs adopted. onlW for twenty same, hut they have been atretclied out over a longer period than usual. Ordinarily the working men" organization does not schedule holiday games, but this year tlie.t went n step farther As both Decoration and the Fourth of July will be celebrated on Monday, it wan decided to schedule no contests the Saturday preceding the holldaj, as most of the players have p'lnnncd trips from Friday till Mon day The Manufacturer' League is com posed of ten teams. For a while yes terday it appeared as if the oldest and . only charter member, the 11 I' "-Wheeler club would be lost. The had reported their withdrawal due In m ubilitv to secure grounds: rreuictcnt ' Brumfield Immediately Rot mis: ...... .i h Ontral High field. I ' Mr Wheeler, on learning that grounds had been secured, assured the league ' that the Arm would onunue ua mora i bership The achedule for the Keason ( follows: 1 'May 1 ui Kilborn t WhIw Br- :rV. V?.ii ilrrr.lt u a 1 t General XlVctrla Nil" Crane 8outhrl Lewie 0nrr ElVetrlc t NUM. Houtlnvark at HMTtt .. . .iifcM,- . rUnnl Elr. Civ Ol : at WhVSlVr Nil.. t VawJ rerft I-iirt. t Soutliwrk nement at trie. Aircraft Darren. 22 -PouthwarX at Hl Kllourn WhMler'at NHe Naval Aircraft at B'OJfn' A;5VT?lV:trlo at Barrett. Lewi, at U a I r Jat aV Southwark. Dement at General ! Iltrlc Barrett at Wheeler. NUea at .Lewis ' Ji 12 Barrett at lials Kllburn. ' R-hwItr at BemeJuT U CI L at NIU Lswli t j at Naval Aircraft 8outhw.rU at General E'jlC 10 Hale A Kllburn at V O I Si KavS Aircraft at 'Wheeler. Nile, at Bar ?eu Oeneril Electric at twl. B-ment at , ' 8jinet-ltaU Kllburn at I SoJ. nari Tat Whteler Gsneral Elotrle at Nam Arefl Barritt B, u O I Dement a' J.'iiJ ?clS?ll..t H.le 4 Kllburn Wheeler at General Electric. Naal Aircraft at South- lkl. at Barrett. U G I at B-m-m July 17 "Wheeler ot Hale K'lb" , NoVal Aircraft at Barrett. Of""1' ",r'' i at U G I Southwarlf at Mlep Hem-nt nt ? Jtfly 24 Hale Kllburn at .Ttamsnt Iw e k at Wheelar U O 1 at Naal AJrrraf 1 Nilea at ijereral Electric Barrett at Couth W"ulv 31 General Klectrie at Hale Kll hum. Wheler at V G I Val Aircraft a Nltee. South ark a-t J T 11. Barrett ut Auu 7 Hale Kllburn at outhrk Nllea at Wheeler Bement at Naval Alrrraft , Barrett at G-neral Klertrlc L O I t 'Aulruet 14 Naval Alr'raft at Hale 4 Kll burn Wheeler at Barrett Southwark at I O I, General Kltctrlc at Bement. I.wi r i NIAutTitt 21 Hale Kllbura at Barren Bement at Wheeler Naval Aircraft at Ui Nllee at U O 1 General Ele-trtr at n i-h W"uuit 28 V Q I at Hale A Kllburn 1( Wheeler at Naval Aircraft. Barrett at Nllee , 1itI at General Electric. Nllee at Bemnt i September 4 No same. H September 11 Lrfrwla at Hale Kllburn Wheeler at Southwark. Naal Aircraft at . General Electric V O 1 at Barret- Nllea September 18 Hale Kllburn at NIIe General Electric at Wheeler Southwark t Vnl Aircraft Hirrett at lle Bement at V G I Walters Beata Farmer FrankU Farmer -aa declsle,T defeated n be wind-up at the Germantown A A lat nlitht before a rood houae Charlie Walter, turned the trick and had Farmer who faxorlle tactic are borlnc In in trouble n erl ocrlon He knocked rnrruer down In he fifth hut the Imi-r rerntereri n1 le ed t r- and you follow he style in Collars CluetU Peabody & Co.. Inc., Troy, N. Y. Maktrt if Arrow Shirti and Githam Underwear ' -' WANTS A. A. U. EVENTS MORE LIKE OLYMPICS Rubion Advises Change to 5000 and 10,000-Meter Run and 3000-Meter Walk New York. April Sf. Frederick W Itublen, secretary of the Americnn OlymplcieominlHcc, In a letter yesterday to members of the championship com mittee of the A. A I . recommended the elimination of three standard event from the national senior and junior A. A l' track and field championships at Soldiers Field. Cambridge, Mass.. on Julr 10 and 17. and the substitution in their nlncc of three new events. The ' purpose of the proposed move, according .Mr Kunien. is 10 mane me cnam pionships, which will also he the final tiack trvouts for the American Olym 1 Ic team, conform more closel to the conditions that will obtain at Ant werp The event that he recommends for elimination are the five-mile run. the one-mile walk and the '.'20-yard low hurdle race In their place he would substitute the fiOOO meter ruu. the 10,-000-meter run. and the 3000-meter walk In all other respects the pro gram will be similar to thnt which will be conducted in the Olympics. The championship in the three events to bo dropped will piobnbh be settled after the Olympiad. The Olympic committee is alo plan ning to conduct n pentathlon champion -Fhip, which will be designated as nn of ficial Ohmpic trjoiit The scene of the event will probablv be near Chicago, nnd the date will be selected later. Cross-country trials are not contem plated. Mr Rubien said. The commit tee also requested that the national steeplechase and decathlon hnmpionhis and the 10.000 meter walk be considered the final tryouts for Olympic contestants in these events. The ofbeial tryout for these will take place at n Held near .ew lorn acorn Julv 10 or 11. according to Mr. Itu bien's present plans. The national steeplechase championship will be held under the auspices of fhe Now York A C . which has already been awarded the cxent. McConnell Syracuse Manager Kjncue. N. Y.. Aorll 30 Ambrtw Me ronnell InflMder tor M.ral jeara with th- e..An Bn ihlfiim &mrlran f.aKUA IMtnK vnt-rdav was appolntt manaEr of th vrapu' lnirnatlonal H has been car tain The cigar that ' I " III i , 0 BT kBarraBMar"MMaBMMBr IHIIHnHHCe'''HMLH.iai-HBHHIH,HHIil Good to the Last Inch None of that bitter taste so frequently found at the end of a smoke with inferior tobaccos. Sweet, aromatic, PERFECTLY CURED specially selected stock of the- flneit grade; Ion? filler, binder and wrapper of superior quality. Our word for it (until you prove it yourself) that it is a genuine two-for-a-quarter quality for only 8 cents. Try one tonight after dinner. At Your Favorite Dealer's John Steigenvald Cigar Co., 125-127 North 7th St. C. A. KRULL, 55 N. 2d A laBh lk foil ARROW mm&Smism ..,, i :. ii.iWKi.) IN S1W DEBATE President of W. C. A. at Amer ican Rules Committee Session Today in New York By SANDY MrMItLlCK lUr flTHII'lll MVIl ip-.u,.nv-.. ...... IS TERN GOLFERS probably be the most interested of any ,,." of the delegates from all sections of the'VOTES OPPOSE HONOR CODE country In the stymie question today at the nhaplng of the "golf rules polio" j Proposad System at University Falls for the American committee which Is to go broad. The meeting takes place this afternoon In New York Wilbur H Urooks. president of the W. G. A , will be present, and as that association is against the stymie, a considerable, discussion will doubtless take place on this muted point. In tlio ame way, the Professional Golfers' Association seems the most Interested In the "standard ball" question, nnd these two important bodies will very likely lead the debates on these two, of the many, questions to b brought up, Kobert W. Lesley and Francis It. Warner, officials of the Golf Associa tion of Philadelphia, are in New York todav for the meeting Wilbur H. Brooks, of Cleveland, president of the Western Golf Asso ciation, and .lames K. Nugent. Kansas City, president of the Transmtasisslppl Golf Association, will make the rec ommendntions on behalf of western golfers at the New York gathering. Following are the recommendations: That the stymie be abolished. That the penalty for a lost ball be made the same as for a ball out of bounds. That the honor is a privilege and it should be optional with the side thnt vina n hole who plays first at the nest teeing ground. Thnt the concession of putts tie pro hibited. That a ball to be out of bounds must be wholly beyond the bounds of the course. That the general rules should in cludn n provision for lifting it ball plaved onto a wrong green. That the rules be changed so that when a player wishes his ball lifted for pirposefl of identification the opponent never caries Manufacturers Philadelphia St., Phila. Distributor flic ow im m 0 ii " i: ,.,. itttalf: ott request, lift? thWIiall anil1 tllon erttmilljr replace- It. TBaT practice strokes' be clearly In dicated. A rewording of the rules also will be recommended nnd n nrntect will ho mndo airainst Ihp Mtiimlnnllzfltlnn of cnlf bolls. All rtfTii-rrq nf fhn W(.rn flnlf AHSodatroti arc stroiittl.v ncnlnst the standardisation of golf bnllst" Jfrnfta W. Hfmrlnw. asslstnut anrrrtnrv of the Western AavirlnHnn. nml nnthorltv nn golf rules, aald, "They bellevo It would harm the game, particularly In view of the act that the austalnliiK golfers !rc men of middle age, who, on account of different degrees of phyHlcal strength, I should be allowed to preserve the Indl will vlduallry of choice In bnlls." Short of Needed Majority Despite the fact thnt voting on the all-university honor endo was con tinued all tiny ycstertlnj In tho college department of the t'uivcrslty of Penn sylvania In an effort, to eet the neces sary two-thirds majority, the finnl vote ns far short of the required number. Instead of gaining votes, the code lost the small majority of favorable votes obtained on Wedncsdny. The final count showed 1.r0 ballots mat against the adoption of the code nnd VJS) In favor of it. The bnllot which wns taken on th amendment prohibiting freshmen froAi coming under the codo until Hoy-Day of the first yenr nlso was lost by n wide margin. The fight between the advocates and opponents of the code has been spirited. Originally the plan wna to be voted on in a mass-meeting called on Wednes day. Opponents of the code said that meant nn attempt to railroad It through. Bnlloting then continued all Wednesday afternoon. The committee in charge determined to keep the ballot botes open another day wrlth the result thnt instead nf gnlning ground the code waa badly defeated. EXTRA TROUSERS! FREE! Spring Suits Made To Order With An Extra Pair of Trousers $39-75 Regvdar Values $60 and $65 $45 and $50 Regular $70 and $75 Values Hare'i m wonderful ale which can only continue ahort time became we ere limited to the stock now on hand. There's a splen did variety of all-wool patterns from which to select, including sun proof blue serge. See for yourself you'll be convinced that these are the greatest values in town. P. B. WHITE & CO. 104 SOUTH 8TH STREET riTsTsiTsT Open Monday and Saturday Evenings i..n.,,-n ! For Men Tomorrow Morning Special Low Shoe Prices Approved By Fair Price Commission Genuine $10 The Best vs 1204-06-08 Top Grade Calfskin $7.50 Unusual Quality Unlimited Styles Dark Tan Black Calf or Kid Li i " Jltt. BOWIllNfS RESlttSf i KFJYOTONIT Ct.OIV8BC.TtVM It Holled on Keystontr Alleys Ann! 5 ACT1VKS JMC1DH Knatm.. 102 HIS 1a nosers.. 20 1ST 1RJ Milan)... isn 171 1T0 TarbucK. 310 jan JJJ How en.. 177 180 ... T)lnre., IflO 178 171 Jones". . Iill IP1 13 IXHHmn'r 1KH mi! title Hollo,. US 1B1 Fulton a. Jao 1 jno ri-ftwrrr. , is un - Handicap 7 in Totals U21 7BI. 8fll Totals Ml JJO M , MBIJ108K I'tTCAIttN Trtialc,,.. 1S 17fl lsl ftalt .. K3 1(JT 13 to Wolfo 131 141 tim Mcnill . t7 30" 1J7 H.W'.Jt-. JR1 lfl 11B Davis. . 17.1 IJO'lga 1. Wolffc 301 17.1 IAS Ooll ... HH 173 182 It. Wolta, IM 1R7 11 IlltiMt. . l 200 15 lUmllcau Rli 8f an - . Totnla 7H1 l HOO Totals sat WW 87 MAONDMA WTNIJ'HAM COLT.1 frnaalev lfta l.W tin Foitrr . 110 102 20R McMathLn 134 iss ts CrawfM. IflO . . . . Warmer 13a in 134 Htaru. . 14U l4t in4 Hrhmllx. 177 233 W Donlay.. I in 177 1KH Rnrnrla. 14fl 101 14 Htott . 157 140 13R Hnndk-KTi B'J .12 no Haurk . . l"n . - Copelaml lot Totals 78S 047 780 - Totals nno 8.1S 8M Indu-trlnl t.ni:iin roll-ofT on 7evMon Al leys laat nlaht benvtien Budd ManufaetUrlns Co , lnnr of flret senaoii, and Hlnr Sup PlV Co . of the eerond- setmon. Hudd Xtanu facturJn Co, won lh bent three out of rlvo. stau Httnpr.T CO inn 172 18(1 1011 181 Valon Hhronk .a, HuKhea . lMdowos , McCJIann . nothcrmel 141 IKS 13B tits lrro 107 1RI 177 171 140 200 inn 1112 hid ion iiu 187 ISO 1RR ins 840 TotHls 783 801 807 878 IWDb MANl'PACTl'niNO CO SCulUer l2 17" n 180 Mueller JJW 18B 17J 110 Binder 183 101 157 Hit Honnehom 113 inrt 103 148 2nt 1R2 173 HIS inn 887 Anders .......-- 1B4 inn 171 102 Tohlls RtS HI 44 800 nrriA. ELnrnuc co iacub Tlolled on the Terminal Alleys April 3ft DI5T. OPFICK UNInitOnOUND Ixwett . 17R 140 147 Allen... Ill 117 1B2 VlteT . 11 IJt) 1O0 Dean... 124 137 117 Ttobortn. 170 isr Hilt Illlnd .. Ill) 1211 100 ninllnc , l7 20!' 181 Kaufman 134 14a 121 Doush v 143 ltd ISn 1ouna'ry HW 18H 102 Handicap U 12 12 - Totals IIM 717 82 Totals 7B8 800 7111 IP Cordovan Value in Town WW Rich Brown Shade Newest English Lasts Compare With $14.00 Oxfords elsewhere The Big Shoe Store MARKET jr ; L v? . niowri'.ur wr consumbrh Itentca. las ID! HlVrebe... IM lJUilftfl ID... JOB ... 14BNlnn... 141 1U3 18It Korb.... lis lUT 120 allajr"r. IBB 12R 14H Kane... 128 12ft' BR Ford. i.. 1R1 l.l 1tl floott.... LIT 101 14ITi:alaltl, IB-16.1 IM IllanilloVo af iit ftf Total 7(10 832 817 Tot all. 714 7.10 701 OPKItATTNa HTATIOM- H liarnard. 10S 1112 14fl Kerns... 14ail0 1.17 Krnuee.. . li:t' l.in 11)4 Gorman, tin 13 127 shimaav iih im t4R nitad. . 11:1 v mo McCleary 1.1H 1H, 1BH Htrnlnl,, Iftir 1IW 2111 Mayenij 1H7 lt lfm Shaw . 104 171 1W1 Hnndleap as 4H 40 rrt Totals W OHtl 770 T Italia 710 7811 HIS Ftatlsttcal va. Coat Dhiklon tioattmnod. Woman Seeks Vindication Illrhmontli Vi., April .'IO.-Ak. nn nftcrmnth of nn allegrd plot in which Mm. Union Itel.l Mnralinll. nf Itlrli niotid, wna nllescii to hnve Rent loioneil I M MnufflllnMM .I.M......I. f I. g Innlll. n l.n a UUil lllilin iiiifii..a am- ...... in m in-a tlntiRhter-ln-Uw, which cnae wn thrown one or tun unttpti Htnten wih trlct Court, mcmorandtim of milt fnr S.0,000 dnmngei linn been tiled in the I.nw and Eniiity. Court li.v Mr. Mar hhnll ngftlnnt tho jouncer Mrs. Mnraluill nntl airs, iintnie u. j-titrwnoii. moiiier of Mm. Marshall, Jr. Wills Probated Today Wills nrobnted tndny wern as f"l lowt: Ellznbi'th P. Foster, tiled in the Woman's Homeopathic HoHpltnl. $."0(10 ; Harper E. Walker, file Wlcgand street, Smtar,: Charles II. Hummer, -las Ucl grade street. !f.l0;300t Inventories tiled included: Sarah Myers. $t.'l.l30.ni. K. Cooper Shaploy. ?24.721. 07: IUcliard I. Bennett. Snt.070.tlT; .Tamps 11 Kelllv. $01,775.07; Thomas O. l'elrce, $ir.,22n.70. .HINDS RESTAURANT "Different from others" Combination Breakfast No. 2 Fruit-Creal,2 EpBT.Bailed, AC Fn'erf or Shirred, Bread, TfcJL Rolls, Toast antf Coffee 36 N. 11th St. In . VeTer Clneeil a Out With the Profiteer, COST Shown in Plain Figt&em On Every Garment in Oar Stock! We protect you against any pos sibility of profiteering. Actual- "ACT TrVCWKTKSni -vvTreVXT?TT3 uuui, xzjjl Jaiixxvrjtk4iviivavyu: a-Jm , in piaki: "jaeatxtaaEty fSckeh puffcap tfaefiuillauce' W'!3m&fsf4 Spring Suits & Fopco8 $3 to $1S Below Us&ais&rices (rAatrifltputbeCOSX4n plmnthg)jKe4fjmfemrygi Here -are just co stock, rienty range-or reasonabletpric $25 to $30 Quality S Sprffif4ffls' Qftn $dn Quality I && SpriigSirits 2ndMaor V4ZS Cate&teut i:22SMe8 hntSmhrrdayfmght OpenMon., Fti. mndSmJLEvemng &. ' ' laff; vs.- . SCHOOL JANITOR DISMISSED - -"ii l r "' -- - I Thomas B. Welbh, of Wnom Princi pal Complained, Isi Fired Thoinna U. Wp1c1i janitor o( tlio Hnl ilowdl Hchool, Ttvcnty-tltinl nntl liom lined' atrwtt", lino liccn illmlicl by tlic property comtnlttee of the JWnrtl of Ktliicntlon. Entrance on 1.1th' SU My l Here's the Store Where Your Dollars Go, the Farthest and You Get the Best Values! Extra Special Men's Suits Younc Men Style; belt effects. High waist models. Cheviots, Cnssimcres, Worsteds. ?30 vnls. cV , , ' . ' Jft i s4 Men's Pants at A- The Price speaks for itself I No use to complain of tho High Cost of Living, whon you can got those "Artier Values." Men's Blue Serge Pants $C,9S No other storo in town 'offers such valuos I And M wo may not bo able to duplicate again at this prico. i r-t j. f 1 A J fi"- PI1IIH1 iirnvninivarHarore uraers &ZSSS "3ESX2Z' IMOIaHa.UI amerson 2nd Floor 1225McvrUcf x 14250sfnuit No camouflage, no trick, no:de ceit jst a matter oiltasr Before you buy, pay ra Wsttto Our K, Mew Store 2&ffloor l&25Maftet ievsM&ajnptessvlcctedyfnam or other vaaete&eyjUtttm $4Sto?$80 21 (C55 Quality -5fc. SfiiiSiiEl $55 to $60; 3 Quality & SpringSwtoj ' f. . VrWn tlloihlssol r6aulle(J fn''! ll.a o...Liro.i I charges preferred by. Mist., Barak.' jn Weltller, formerly nrlinnl. Till wn formerly tirinclbsl nn u ncliool. Hi; wnit illtmlsacd' f6r !!? iroodl of'thc service:" MIm WMdlrrlin hcenvinnklnffTarimak chflrKen of misconduct ngnlnut AVeii NlniT Moy 2, iniSi hut hi hits tanSiu to escnpe tllHinlRsnl until now, jtj; " recently given n nerlco of licnridM iIIkJi the clinrgert. " ,,pT ONLY Store. Opens Evenings $1 Q.50 JL ijr AND-OB I T2.3a ccepicaiBnen;i r2ntamGMMtaciA PH.W9CV,MWppfm, ( $ twMiUBiiU&iiIimww! 7 ft . i " r"T , i ,iu Wfm)t(g ft M t t ...V , jr ,,', 5 .". - ... aj.-- i n-