,au"? mwwwv:.: i ..'-vr fv,-- ' 'V. :'. '.!?. '-';$ ' f r ,, - n -s ' - , - - ', i Suentng fhibffc1 Bfebger : FTw'Tnf WWW ;' -wi-Pif i:f KV4 v, t '.UP. ti,.'&m i .'.,-1 UiV ," -T. 3 "IV,- '&m Mm Mt . 'KSSf 14 r-ii.; a l 'fl!'JV fell ii. ill? :' fKi'1 I? ''..: A1 . i . m.,i' ft4 1' m r ; f.f Jh -.4 f o i . T' . hP( 1 1 i & iff re. JMany Philadelphia . - B3 6rm m Amateur Theatrical Evertts : Athletes Prepare for Penn Relays Wa, . x: .. JUS! . . A - iMBtii L , $ i H . : ' 1 ' f- Sv A . j.:- nes m , , r v -vv .t ' - v m V v. ,v ' ''- f ' f ;?, i -V? . -v '. .,';. r &;--v. 54 '- .-,- --. .." s -. H -, - U. .ljv ' Ka;-:ASSsii: afc&sli ldser Photo CSerMc- SR?faaSSiE8kS8 I y rvr:' ,4:. M. : m M -c ..jT j , unm fc-n c-' - l"l ni"riTi.mf ttt-w -s- " - - .-------- --. -,-..--.-- ,,.-,-,-,.-,--,--., .... '" -" -..imTIW i .-- tki wi m ,S53ESnSaM!amH6iEiJiSiaJ; .JSZL.1" . r23 teAlBiGi frrttxzmmzxz?zz&$?tzxz!z: BEAUTIFUL CpNSIGNMENT of cows owned by Scth L. Pirrcpont, Rfdgcflcld, Conn., on parade to tho judging section at tno urentwoon i?nrm exniDHion nc ADingion jcesicrany. i -iv t. .. " - .. : - i vt A Lodscr riioto Service. SQUAW AND INDIAN Miss Caroline Simmons and Miss THE COSTUME CLASS of the School o Industrial Art showed many of its original designs in an exhibition held at ' Mcriam Stamm. They will appear in the Hippodrome of tho the school. Miss Helen Brady (left), wearing a modern evening costume; Miss Myra Buttcrworth, a peacock design, Germantown Y. W. C. A. tomorrow. and, at the right, Miss Florence Froelich, a modern decorative brocade gown. iw vsKcswrjcpssji; ntru & -j fc '- v-ti -m'v wm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr v v, "vr--& TsxJi - "'' S3 SkJHHMMiainaHHKjiiniMnffittiaHHML,i liJsJESsa' ' i mw i nai 1 1 ii::f j i i n iwmmmmmmwmmm """' ' Mia - .w. .v vt jKisarsfc.". ... ., sv . .. -'tHIHB'iBK'yBU',.- " arkllHok : . MMMMKMMr y IrriimM ';.i; MiW:? 'f-jVflktM ast:i?Ta.L"iM!: .!rragiai2saariiiKa!3j "ii&ZZ35m&mm " lxjilgfr I'lioto Ben Ice. FOR TWO DAYS the relay team of tho University of Redlands has been speeding nlong tho cinder paths, at Franklin Field. The California lads arc under the caro of Coach Cunningham. (Left to right), Everett Zcdiker, Colon Kilby, Lloyd Yount and Bill Yount. ,&&flss;s T f ? . r . jlv a Ldeer Photo Servir LcdKcr I'lioto SerV i. MISS MADELYN REED. Miss Iris Collom and Miss Esther SOME JAVELIN THROWER. This Penn athlete is F. A. Simon (left to right),, who appeared in "The Rose and tho PENN'S star 440-yard hurdle man is R. H. Jack. Ho was Smith, at Franklin Field, preparing for the Penn Telays. Ring," given by the National School of Elocution and going at a fast rate when ho was snapped at Franklin Field raff ''- 'Rt' 'i bf itflftW. L' "' K KsjisrsjrrK.flBK. ' .w r-wnwiiii '!.y.ritxr-i . -. - ,lt mJ - -ti,--tiM3utzlItl&.mm..Wll 'Vl Oratorj'. yesterday. AmmmmwL . Jt ''C' ?F r1? -;W He 'If S.-- -A- t H KjiUir k. w -'Y' 'f '! ' . 2? s .,, a.- -1 .KV t$$j :Sh -""'- "" - '' j lHHTBHW fcl.x? i . .t;., H .fy Ai'ifr ktviVWTT v"VXCr.C2n2.K"& kiKlLKJ jf V. . ' -S ' A i. J. " I . .' - . '" "w, "" mflmBBBBBBBBBOWBBBBBr ' f W V i'MV r' j xw ' - "'i:'-, lL'M'-l?!' 4 f?x..riT''v. - VAVI '-.'V a ..ukSw. . w-- flrri.'vJi ir kH Shi mmmmnKmm -mj..- ; v . lriw'4- Ledeer i'lioto Service. s llOW TO TAKE CARE of the milk. How to fecdind wash the baby. How to care for tho sick. Thesa things are being taught at tho Camden county week exhibit in Camden this week by the Red Cross. t WTccjzrjrsmmmmmemasxammx tzz zaiiMZZSSSmiwt-zrzr "vm .. . ... r i"riivLi jtLtxu j fc;v?yv'--!iwAairrw-'"tw, .-- ig'VTiBtrrTrTrrwaT'Hr"' r riri i ii 1 1 . iwi'M imw imttuaKfiin t"f iu,-vi.., xjjj.:eaBaHaeHHaHaHaMMaawiMB i lla-r h & 1 I.cdcP l'hoto ServUc Central News Thoto. l.racrr I'hoto Seri T? M. RaWTfiV of Tonnosspp tvhn lm THP. VTRST FYKTRITIOV of tho Brentwood Farrrh at AbinLlon. owned hv W. fj.'n.'ivirlsnn. MRS RATPH WAT.nn TTOT.T wifn nT MINSTREL TROUPE from the A. M. Collins ManufiK-rin-inr Cn .. wtiinli Tvill Intn -m ncfivn Hart in tha been made chairman of the railway labor was held yesterday. This beautiful cow, Nattalene Pontiac, owned by E. 'A. Vandcrvort, of Commander Holt, U. S. N., a talented Hippodrome show to bo given by the Germantown Y. W. C. A. on Saturday. (Left to right, standing), tho : board. Sidney, N. Y., was declared he best in its class. member of Washington's navy social circle. Misses "Elcanprc J. Connell, Leila. Young, Helen Klein, Kalherine Riley, Knthcrino Puff and Irma Thcis. , i aituug, me itiisacs niury ijiivm, uorotny stelhle and Anna Connell. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO KTV3TT C5!r- '&y? Nl THE BEAUTY CORNER r f ' MMliS255,', v ' " 'ir " '''- -- ,-",- -i-.?.. v.'vr...v..w . I Sl?;..'" '?.., rt.J f BKiaBBaBifK. MHJS. . .y-;.-.' .-,.-' ..--, . . . 1 JSirrKv'' ",. vsxt' -mmm msmmmj, - '-r ' Vr?X'.V? .-v '-- , 1R' Wia flBW4llBBBBBK7'a - L BBBBBBBflilSyiiltSflBBlNmfrikAi. Lj VhIb VyHT ! " (t' JH) & m RbBBBbIBwRbSkSBIBbbV'uMBBbIbBBPBBBBBBBBBBBBbVIuHBB IbBKi cly jr Sprt J xvBBB wdF fetTpTHHBf , ' ' " r-"-- v x, ,,,,.. fc , .. - ' " i LedR'ir Thoto 8wiw i I,e1nr I'hoto Service Wldo World I'hoto. FOLDING AND PACKING HOSIERY at the rate of 500 dozen pair a day, nt the Pelham Textile Co. (Albn HE JUST SERVED the first on.?, but it SIR THOMAS LIPTON discussing possibilities of his Shamrock III wltlt MISS CATHERINE ItEISS, 5030 Kingsessing nvunue, L FOLDING ANJU I'AUJUWU MUSttl ar, uie raie 01 uuu nucn jmu uuj, nt me reinam lexiuc wo. uu c uuo uv, w.v. .... v.Sy, iU v i. unmo Un iu ui iuM . iiuoBiuiiivieu 01 nis onamrocK ui ;nn I'nilaUeipiila. , , , , .i.M WMdstocJf, 'proprietor). C710 Gcrranntowa ovonuo Miss Marion Moylan 672G Bass street, U the.; operator, liit the net. "The player is Paul W. Gibbons, its captain ;ust before t jlcpartcd from England for tho United Stntc4 Photographs for thla fiaturcuhohid be submitted through' -M ,'T . . , V r ,u' . tfJKPmoit).Country-CIub. . to ntor iho American V cup met. ., j t vut&aMPBtktoWBwWcofyer, JBvion piW JI