Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 29, 1920, Night Extra, Image 25

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EVENfi&F 3?TOtlO IEbaEB--I(Eni;Al)ELPHlA,' ftHtJKSDAY APRH3 29, 1920
Author of "The Maid of the Whispering mils," "The marl
of Night Wind," etc.
(Copurloht, IttO. Ill DoAd. Mtad Co.)
m-i T.at U one of thi wonders
""7"". .- Ainem Tharon ner lau
M bct Oi
the name?, . ,;-- fathtr,. fcjijer
She eefc to Irarn
VuhMotviatoU. She iwM " irarn
ffJHW'K t. :
TITH a snort like a.P"t shot El
" n.v flung-up his gWt head, leaped
tato tt S Md Konc. Around the
SSJp of the adobe houao he went, out
S the trampled irt. nnd away
S the open to the uth running
. i nd frr With the first lnk-and-5?Sl
Ud dipped tack a full
pan. Now Bhe wound her town. In
STwWte cloud of mane that flailed her
So and edged up inch by Inch. Whin
w knew wore well up on the huge
.houldera that worked beneath them
Soworfully, she gathered the retna. one
Si each hand, leaned down along the
outstretched neck and let the great king
run. The wind sang by her cam In a
rising whine, the green pralrlo waa ft
ZtaK her tho thund,r of
the pounding hoofa waa stupendous
music. Tharon shut hor cyea and rode,
and for tho first tlmo slnco Jim Last's
death a Bonse of Joy rose In her like a
"she had ridden El Key before, many
times. She had felt him sail beneath
v.r down the open prairies and alwayH
ft waa w. as If'the earth slid by. oa If
tJnoto of the wind lifted minute by
JSinule. She Sad wondered often about
SS-how long It would continue to
rtsevlth El Key's rising speed how
ton before he would reacfl amaxlmum
above which ho could not go. a place
where the singing note would remain
flXSho had never known him reach that
Mint Always he could go faster. Al
ways ho had reserves.
Far out ahead she saw a bunch of
cattle feeding They wero laxity clr
din In a wide arc content under he
Teaming sun. Near them sat a rider on
a Mickskln horse. Bent Smith on
fiolden This Golden waa one of tho
rirldes of Last'd Holding. Bigger than
Drumfire or Itedbuck, ho ranked next
to El Key himself In speed, for his si m
lers, slapped smartly with the dis
tinguishing finger marks on the outside
of the knee, wero long and shapely, his
back short-coupled and strong, hla
withers low, his narrow hips high.
Tharon boro hard on El Rey" bit, loan
ed her bodv to the left, and they swung
In toward Bent and Golden In a beauti
ful sweeping curve that brought the
cowboy up In his stirrups with his hat
n-wave abovo him.
"flood girl!'" he yelled with leaping
rladnesA as the superb pair shot by.
"Good glrT! Go to It 1" f
Thnron loosed a hand long enough to
wave back and waa gone, on down the
sloping land toward the country of tho
Black Coulee, her dajk skirts fluttering
at her knees, the two heavy guns
tyiundlnir her thtEha tit every Jump.
It was a long time before El Rey
came down from his sweeping flight.
He had been too long held In
cramping bars Tho free winds and the
rolling earth filled him with a sort of
madn(8i lie ran with Joy and the
surety of unbounded power.
The rider, left far behind, watched
them anxiously for a time, thought of
following, glanced at his cuttle re
membered the gunman's heritage and
turned to his bustpoas.
The sun was well down over the
western Ilockface when Tharon and 121
Bey came back to Last's Holdlnar. The
riders were bringing In the cattle, dUBt
was rising In clouds abovo the moving
masses From the ranch houso cams
the eavorv smells of cooking.
The atalllon was limber as a willow.
He towel his handsome head and his
eyes were bright aa stars set In his
sllur face. Life waa at high tide In
him flowing magnificently.
Tharon. her cheeks 'whipped Into
pulsing color by the wind and bounding
speed, her tawny mane loosed from Its
bands and flying In a cloud behind her.
smoothed back from hor face, looked
wild as an Indian. Aa she drew up and
sat watching tho work of the evening,
she smiled for the first tlmo In many
days, and Jack Masters passing, felt
Wslieart leap with gladness.
when tho mistress of Last's was sad,
so were her people.
When the laat big corral gato had
swung to and tho boya turned In to
unsaddlo, Bhe touched El lloy with a
to and went over among them.
Line up the horses, hoys," she said,
'Twant to see them nil together once
more. Somethin' came back In mo to
uy somethln' I been missing for a
long time. I'll be myself again.' '
Billy turned Rcdbuck to face her,
propped hla rein. Curly rode up on
prumflro. These two wero red roans,
ffftd matches. Bent brought Golden
and stood him alongside. Krom far nt
the back of the corral they called Con
J? . and Jack, who came wondeting,
the former on Sweetheart, truo sister of
Hey, almost as big. almost aa fast,
almost as beautiful.
SIher-bluo roan, silver-pointed, slim,
(jraaeful, springy, she had not a single
oark ejiot on her except tho sharp black
ji mo ungcr marKs outsldo ner
"Ynn rlnplln l Mill nnt.....n .... aim
wheeled In line.'
. inen camo Jack on Westwlnd. nnd
Ji was another buckskin, paler than
50 (len. tnnnt mnillali.n.l.f nntnt.J In
jwo chestnut brown. His finger marks
Jre brown instead of black iho only
orse at the Holding bo distinguished,
W "?? ,niltter of what shade or color.
"' " 'o otners tnese peculiar marKs
.nf Aoi black- PVJ. BPlendld crea
jwea they stood and pounded the rlng
IV furth t0,ISe,, their, heads and wnlt-
--. uiuugn iney una all been far that
y and it was feeding time.
,.- ln t,le horse corinls thero wero
JJiany more of their breed, slim, wiry
E"' (oVBhenod and hardened by long
noun and dally work, but these wero
we flower of Last's, the prized favorites
w,r a Jong time Tharon sat and
ibJ 2 Ijiolr glistening skins, their shin-
nMfc,,.,nan or which were striped,
another characterlstlo,
ihL d,on't believe," sliu said at last.
Vn: thBro a bunch of horses In Lost
bt.Z I'i come nlFh 'en- Ironwoods
jfarkg g ol8e f"'1 back th' Finger
lv "uW0U'a wo" ""I'1 Conford quiet-
"team i. " ""uvu
" llttl wro- uurt," said curly,
Bol?1'0 0t Ua ,ms cver Becn'Courtrey let
i ,mr " w""ea tor ioi a.
S?iec' ?.nJ 1vo 86n at big bay
Pfvll pmi tm th. blood dipped from
"'s mouth."
ft,!'?11?'" put ,n Masters, "I've seen
S too but I was Ivln' up on th'
J-up Him onoet, watchln' a couplo
maerlCl(H fer fiinnv wnrU nn rn
$f.ttn Wylacklo Bob came along down
"at way on Bolt an' Arro an' they
nt a-holdtn' them rthen. Lotd,
ird how they was goln' I Two long
i ... real(s as le-Vel na yw "nd. un'
i.2T,my heart cAma u" ' my thioat
Iwb. f.m' ftn, l almost hollered It
Wstako" work ,,retty worlt' an'
'I??!?" Io?iJe'J, over at Mm.
m?!?1 as Kl "y- JaokT"
bow ?f coum teUT" Balu t8 man- "l
U..' " nia n;ieea, an- mat is
khorni!i5trl Blruck ft ,iund on the king's
tui I I.. ay" Bhe "al1 tensely, "El
I :Vy Mill i-ti.i li in.....nA.i .J(ii.-i..
inJiT1 l " '.un th nrt out of their
grace, and slid abruptly to tho ground.
Aa sho did bo thero camo the sound ot
hoo'B on tho hard earth at tho corner
. 'house, and a stranger came
ahan)ly Into sight.
He drew up and nodded. Conford,
:ust turning away, turned quickly back
and camo forward. i
"Howdy." ho said.
ii.Tho.n?an' .,ft11 lean. dark, roturneea
tho salute with another nod.
He was covered with dust, a If he
had ridden far and been a'long'tlmo
coming. Hla olothoa wero much the
worse for woar, but they wero mostly
leather, which takes wear standing, as
It wero. Tho wide hat, pulled low over
hla piercing dark eyes, was ornamented
with a vanity of silver.
. T,h, aiding cuffs nt hla wrists were
studded profusely with tho name motal
aa was the wide belt that spanned his
narrow waist.
Hp woro a threo days' beard, and a
black mustache dropped Its long polnta
tp the edge of his Jaw. Black hair
showod beneath tho hat. Ho was u
remarkable figure, even In Lost Val
ley, and ho commanded attention.
He carried tho customary two guns of
tho country, and ho besirodo a horso
thnt was as notlccablo ua himself
This horso was no denizen of Lost
valley. It was an uttor alien. Its
color was a dingy black, ua If it n.wi
recently been through flro, Its toat
rough and unkempt,
nt, I1(C hcad was heavy and slug-wl-
noso J, t,le t"0 'mown among
hXif. "1SI,'A Jtoman. H waa roughly
built, rrtw.bdncd and angular, and of
so stupondous ii slzo thut tho man atop
tiWfM Blx toot. mi hlmsolf. seemed
small by compuilnon.
e.iiowovor' fo.r a" Us UBHness. It pos
8S.?f.a omlnT f vast power, a sug
KOBtlon of great strength.
will, hutriangeruloo.kod tho group over
SUtow dSSI' d oycs' und epok0 ,n
wnl'Si'''.1 "rm a-ridln' th'
wronT t.rall. x halnt expected hynr."
oiw JuJ?,nF abruPtIy. without an
fhn H,wJlrd' i10 Jged away around
tho house nnd sUrted down tho long
nlghl y S1"" wlth tho coming
The foreman and tho five punchers
?!pca 0Jr l0 th corner Pof the
K ? watched him In speculative
ft', Tilaron cam aIng and stood
To SK','' hand on the boy's .arm.
To Billy that sober touch confused tho
in ""ft B,,t. tne Blranger rider danc
ing on the slope. ,
"H'm," said Conford hla gray eyes
narrow "come from far an's goln'
fonr22WihSrcsl,- . ni wntch that duckf Ho
looks like ho's a record man to me."
At supper thero was much specula
tion about tho stranger. '
pV.'.InJri!t mM!vth'fi pay h canje from
it ' S?i SB d'J?1,,,y' ca8t'nir a sldo glance
usually do. An' sorrjehow It shows in
their eyes, sort o' fierce, an' "
"iiiy. sam xnaron severely, "if ti
waa Curly I'd take a fall out if you. I
Ho can iln If . t.- ...... . . '
i,-7 i. i." "' '"" """" " '
n..wv it
"Thanks. MIku Thnron ..1,1 r..i.. i
his, soft southern drawl, "If you feci
that-a-way about It, wy. I don't caru
what no little yellow-hcadod whlpper
BnaPPer from up Wyomln' way says to
,D''y was a bit abashed, but he
ho?b.v.mly. ""Parted i,S contention
that the stranger waa a bad-man from
v"iFwty- bad:"len right hero In Lost
J aI'oy. ' said the girl quietly, "an' th'
breed ain't dyin' out as I can see. Th'
scttlera nocd a new leader now that
"iim Last B Kone." And sho fell to play.
'" absently with her fork upon the
your boots anr spurs
wo won't," said the boy
. lno oy8 changed the subject
r. . l n?und n dead brnndln' Are in th'
S"pulm VMterday. Burt," Bald Masters.
Tltej a,. BCrabb!ed space around it
Looked( like some one'd branded several
-r'P' doubt "'" sa'd the foreman
careful as we are there's alwayH llkolv
to bo strngglers. An' to be a straggler's
to be a goner In this man's land."
Un.esi) ho belongs f Last's." s.tld the
Irrepressible Billy. "I'll lay that fer
overy calf branded by Courtroy'a gang
we'll get back two"
t 'J?"ly'" ..Bald Tharon again. "Jim
hnSii-vn.Bnt.a. thlef N"ther will his
people be thieves. For overy calf
branded by Courtrey. one calf wearln'
. J. L. an' ono calf only. We don't
steal, but wo won't lose "
rou bet
throwed In,
Aa they rose from the table with all
tho racket of outdpor men there camo
onco more tho Bound of a horso'a hoofs
on tho hard enrth outside.
Last's Holding, was a vast sounding
board. No one on horseback could oomo
near without advertising his arrival far
This time It waa no stranger. Tharon
wnt to tho western door to bid him
v.I.t,.wasihn Dement from down at the
Holllng Covo. He wa thin .n.n
....., wiiu iuoksu ion years beyond IiIb
rorty, his face wrinkled by the constant
fret and worry of the constant loser.
Tonight ho was strung up like a
wlro His volco shook when ho re
turned tho hearty greetings that met
"BoyB," he said abruptly, "an'
ThBron I come f tell ye all good-by."
Good-by! John, what you mean?"
Tharon went forward and put a hand
on his arm. Her blue eyes searched
his face.
The man stood by his horso nnd
suck a tragic fist ln a hard palm.
That's It. I give up. I'm done. I'm
goln' down the wall some day mo an"
my woman an' th' two boys. Got our
duillu ready packed, an' Lord knows.
It ain't onough t' heft th horseB. Aftor
flvo year!"
There was the sound of the hopeless
tears of masculine failure ln tho man's
traglo voice His fingers twiated his
flabby hat
"Hold up," said Conford, pushing
nearer, "sttalghten out a bit. Dement.
Now, tell us what's up"
"Th' Inbt head th' last hoof run oft
last night aa wo wns comln' In wltli 'nm
a leotlo mite late Had ben up Black
Coulee way, an' It got dark on us Just
ns we got abreast o' th' mouth of th'
Coulee, whero th' poplars grow, three
men come a-bollln' out. They was on
fast horses o' course an' right Into
th' bunch they wont, hell-bent. Stam
poded tho hull lot You know my
hunch'd got down t' about ino head -don't
know what I ben a-hangln' on for,
only a man hates t' give up nn' own
hlssolf beat out, an' my woman she's
a fighter,
'She kep' stnndln' at my back like
oh like well sho kep' a-sayin' 'We'll
win out yet, John, you see. Rlght'll win
ov'ry time ' You see wo aro Just ready
to get th' patent on our land. She
muldn't give that up, seems like. All
this time gone an' nothln' gained. So
we ban a-hangln' on when thlngH went
from bad to worso Th' herd's been
a-goln' down an' down. Calves with
their tongues silt so's they'd lose tholr
motherH fed up In somo coulee by hand
an' branded. Knowed 'em by my own
color cattle w'lch t drove In here flvo
year ago th' tellers,
"Mothers killed outright nn' th'
calvos branded Oh, I know it all .
out wnai couia i ao Kep' gettln
poorer an' )ooror Couldn't afford
enough riders t" protect 'em. Then
coumnt anorn any an- tried v make, It
go as th" boys got older. Courtrey,
damn him, wants me offun that piece
o' land a-foro th' patent's granted. Him
with his 20,000 ucres of Lost Valley
now! An' how'd he get It? False
entry, that's what' How many men's
romo In here, took up land, 'sold out'
to Courtrey an' went? Or didn't go
A lot of 'em didn't go. Vo ull know
that. An' whufl dares to spqak In a
vvhlapor abouWgit? Th' men that did
wouldn't Ko-Aibver nowheres."
There wasnVla bitterness of uttor 'de
feat and hanwl In the shaking voice
Tho tree-toads, beginning their nightly
chorus from the wet places below the
cottonwoods. emphasized the dreariness
of the recital the ancient hopelessness
of tho weak beneath tho heel of the
Dement ceased speaking and stood In
silhouette against the last yellow-and-black
of the dead sunset The protrud
ing apple In his lmwk-llko throat work
ed up und down grotesquel)
'For a long momont thero wbb utter
Thou he began again.
""" -1 I 1 nm i. i ! ii !!-- - ii- i -in m ii ' ii j i iii iii i -1 - - i i . ... J. . ill "r - - - - iiii imisii , .
THE GUhlPS-fiarp Caviar -;- i -:- -:- " -;- -:- -:- By Sidney SnMfyV,
I I - -v I rr,a i r wpti-itryDrfeoiT when thact srrARrran tumble it wiu- "s""" w, A .
'LiilHIH' I -00 I m MHb) I USJrSSItoSvS WIU-BE JUST UlrtE A CVOJONE. M1XTIH6 ) ,.A4'
HBkH N- 'MHu kOE MORE-'nHERE'SONE; w- rii you KE THROVOH J j
PETEYModest Henrietta -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- By C. A, VoigM ),
a .
Ii i Wi , liiipMs . whi !., I II. I sm , , ii w n ii i ii il n Mahr 1 Iim IM lil -!!! .. 11 i M lHa1l ') " ilfWsjajwi iiim., r- - j. L "Vlli
j " ri . rTAjJEt-, )fjp I c' nwKHi I XTUST &ffi3fijf I -ioo CAUT I r 1 w&mwm T QfSX EM I
i t2ti fBssssssssjMiSK. v & r.'jrrv. oarBuryyju .riTz fz. 'm bjssk w- t-m - jr- viw. - t r v
-V 'jsjfjssaffja ii vx. S54" 1&XJSMr, Yl ZZZfZZti Billl S X v r ,
v aBfeLi V2v ' ra?'fof &m3 rVoiSl s,
is ii W, rUT,mm 1, J i an .rniil,, .,WM-witMaj,jaaMaMaWwa -H w ssi w uTTl .nl i wssMMa
' I I I .1 II I , I I II . I I I II I - - II ..I I
The Young Lady Acroas the Way ' THE POWERFUL KATRINKA CURES DAD'S SPRING FEVER-Bg Fontaine Fox 1 SCHOOL DAYS -.-. ... .;. Bu DWIO
Ml HHnk My SntSV h, i fife mmx EL " " ! 1"" 'I
lh. 3ouuB lady aero', the way 'k WiJ K 7' A VTfl T
says sho believes in America for JPM, JW'HT 1S& W;.?'4, 'X3l )W -&2
Americnns and would deport every YFK $ ' ' I iT O '"',''': K L 1' .. rS Trie STRAIGHT AND '' .
euPmy alienist, no matter Low Jrl ,' J J ' J$, ..,." F'ZCkT A " -- mZ r rtJl. V
prominent. I 'f. ' ' f '' . -'l 1! L V . NARROW PATH-?
. "
SOMEBODY'S STENOG After That She Was a Record-Breaker
Copyright. ltUO. by Public Ledser Co.
By Hayward
III TfeY Th DiaawG MAcmm. -Ria,?
" tip At? ODt. IHC UAlir V5.., J r .
r-i-oHi wet. rii me, i-rLE.
BILL. r-f
I h . m Mm...mtm tm k 1 . m .r-l ""
IH6 KAIN I IOO .' r -
V fitW ' ? t- - aiW Tsri-. i Hrr - - hit ihb rv yp -
x '-tr z.i m- i v,'. i i i " .. i .s i Ai k s s - - iiKwwwwwwm :
( x inin i-i-v xr r i m r ?. i i-.- ii. i v-rxvi fMt if ..r . s s - -- j'kwm
- r .. I - I I n
- - - - 1 , I in I II
I thwkof Vtop' You're The
Biggest Four-flusher iaj the
The pa in t
I'M 6blM6 OUT
ip amy body wants
me i'm my lAt j
r s
IV6 Got You all
im the air aw m
Ooh't WORRV, V
Piffle Pipe, works 2t Their Bill,
ajow listed - tll Tell Yov what I
Thimk of You You're The Biggest
four-Flosher in the Country.' besides
"CAP" STUBBSGran'ma Made Him Fly
quick? 'cap'! cone
VOU FATHEr'5 flfrHT- .
By Edwina
i wjtx i a. kv wvj .v n - --- v - w w. -'1 ..m m wm.- tsm vt . .. ..... i v
(Ver tlmi1 rut lU hQ "
Uuuhion!i,r:.r''?!, Jiff?v?r.!!;
---r vy JWHf MIIU; WliU ilMV
i , , "" ' I Ill I i . rr , 1