X V jK '.A .9' v i - P T Its1' em MD iffi m I- ', Hk-v 1, it?, 11 i V..' ,l hM.nL m m l?a- !l; P't U fv .K ',, it...1 ii ii BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES n - -, -,,. '.Mints' factory; fujly equipped and in operation; short dis ' tahce from Lansdale, Pa. M'526, Ledger Office BAKItnr AND tcfc CREAM SALOON. In cludtn property? excellent corner location. H northwestern .ectlom dwellln- entirely metlerTii Ihrlvlwr business. For particulars 1.7 a II" McCRACKEN, '.4! W. Lehls.li v. Diamond 310. IP TOIL CAN INVEST Ml) today and ISO a .month for 2 months vou can become asso elated with a company that should return V fortune! this Is not oil. mlnln or a ?hm7but business enterpf Ise that r,ur banker or lawyer can OKA .27. Led. Oft. lAr INTEREST In rpmpanv earnlnr ajv ' eral hundred thouaanB annually can be ae iftlrtTby parties atronu enough to Indorse paptf. ami enentetlc enouah to replace old manatement. who wl h """ . A ppIv. statins- nnn responsibility. A 78.'. I.ed. Off ASSOCIATE wanted man or woman with IJOOOl Investment only: no personal tien lion" required: larae and continuous profits M.Vlewlth reasonable safety. To ""n" Interview address A Ml. lavls-er Office f WltSINKSS opportunity it.-! siicurtllrs paMnt J20O per month divi dends; will cKhange for a home. A .30. lavUer-Oftlc. -. Wanted . WANT TO PIRCHASE foundry with ma chine shop or controlllnc Interest In same toocl shipping fa.tlilies and business exru. lives' essential rep.J immediately M 604. ia'dier Office . , WOULD LIKE to hear from parties bavin; a practical design for an engine adapted for n automobile truck and particularly a I racier; Immedlo t replr M BiKi Led Oft A! IN TUB MARKET for machine shop lathe, drill presses machines etc . must bo In good . ondltlnn replv tmmedlatelv. M 08, Ledger Office NEW TOHK AOENCY for small sill hosiery plant: he oftice facilities Address David Carton. 1123 Rroadwav FOR SALE .. v UEFORE buying veAir paints send a B?''' 1to! our salesman roofing i emenl. Jl l4o, root paints, wc nouae paints. a ow. .toy-, tain's, t" 40. floor dressings. "Re rer gallon asphalt rubber roofing paper. tS o roil American Oil and Paint Co . 2435.J. N 2d al OFFICE FURNITURE Ijrge lot cleans, safes, files cabinet and general office furniture stores fixtures We Tin Slt and Exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. I OOL'ST 4070, 1127 ARril ST Ra.e 'Jfifl. 0VLY to de'h In uir famllv we will dis pose of a new $03 Duplex auto nltte. w"nh 2 pounds of varn for $50 cash. MRS ft KTNAST 2531 W Pratt st . Hslilirnr Mil ITOR SALE I Dictaphones 1 Dictaphone i transcribing machine. 1 Dictaphone shaver In good condition not much used, concern retiring from business G. Wlnthroo Coffin Co.. 142 8 Front st. . I TAIR genttenun s driving bav horses, also cutunder runabout slngl and double harness P 430 Ledger Office. ' SAFES, tlrproof. cosing out uwd. mydern makes, cheap ion sllghtlv f2 ,V 4th. TALKING MACHINE Cost $225: sell ,!.. with re.-nrds. 13211 W. TIpch st PCKJL TAIll.ES. 2.1-haniJ. bought, sold r ed. exchanged Kenfer. 32H Olrard i HtAMONK l' vrhlte Arthur Thomson. 4011 $530; Walnut st $225 FURNITURE 3 mom apartment for a.ile it, eluding 2 bedrooms A 733 ledger Off, t DIAMOND f us- Thorn j white $550 IftM Walnut . . $22,1 FAIR PRICE elegant parlor carpMs. about 0 yards 1744 Diamond st PHONOORAP1IS ep'd records phonng'he ' b'ght t en Ii Werseh.iff PO.". Walnut st , MACHINERY AND TOOLS i Plant Wants Machine and Electric Work riant equipped w.tn machinery for gneral machine shop anr eirclrlc ivork can employ 10O men and clrls i)0o feet floor spur,.. ratlroact sldlass central Pennsy Ivunla . seeks manufac'ure of staple articles requlr- ln machine or electric work Afldress, with full particulars P O Ifox 2111 Williams por Pa LAROF. STOCK R-bUlIt and uaranled cnslnre pumps, air eotrpre'sors end ms..lnne tools, send for complete catalogue of elock HERMAN I- WINTERER 33 V Front st ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT OTR1EN MACHINERY X. 119 X 3D ST VIVE-HORSK. ,-ph 220 yolt motor, complete. "for Je. W A ADAMS 4th and Arch Ms PRINTING Printing "SnWn, rca?onabl nri Mv"r nfl fnf u.ti' mrnnlnr Phlla Mftl Pickinson 27-3 VT STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS. At.ltt MS AND SUPPLIES fur stamp col'ect.ira PHtLA STAMP cu . 21 S 17TH ST. STOHAOE AND MOVING TERMINAL WAREHOUSE AND TRANSFER TO Columbia and S-denham sts. local end long illstanee me.v'ng b' courteous eIPer,.n:(j men: clean, oust proof moms for furniture. It us estimate Phone Diamond 4471' ATLAS r'eiuht lj ,iJt I . r.irwardmg end Consoll- S r O Operat I ! SHf Hfer ,Ulek SPd ViM Ssve vou money 3 ST.illMjr WMihlliil sr Markti ;ih at Hnrin.- 75V West 73 " AT LA and 3 Dougherty & Sons, Storage nt nur D" ins t niir rod 1 i ' I'niii- i- i(ii w.if mill i f'i nighf nlmn- HIh .t..V VICTORY STORAGE 5208 Pltbe" .nmsJePi Pncjin Helmont vans 4070 to ' Tniv ICV.n wareh.. i at. suitable st. rR" uf ipkrifim. touionient "' 'mnodation " ' r eteel e,, 'nXllrM. "'-"n. central lixatu.i I'hone ' "'-.. KIDELITV FIP.KPKOOF WAREHOUSES 1811 '0 HID MARKET Si'T'1L'UBBS T in oj' emp'o ", in'f r ti sh ' nine of househnlrl 3(,a. Tltr Mils' rilloW.S re I Hiorane -,P1 . ... Lit 4157 f.ene..,0.r.'?r. VOVARi H " TER ivr psi'KIVil ' ri"n oi 3R?n 1 -.M TI) I) 1KVfR STilRAUE V V.' I GIHAIII' sriiRXUE 'Ms t;,rrrt ,.- i;. ing. in. Hue jr.. P .p '..'in pHr , V.IOV1NC. y. I ' 4 itu ... a I K long teas- rot a- .111111 yy jj.t.-, ,;,.Yr WANTED yy 111 V M LOTH Ei. "t TnuiKr. street and W r.t call 01 ur 1'iiberi JITJ Wen s ladies mu' shoe. ey enins phone dresses f 1 u t--. tier J' 1 SKLIii'silHV W K sill V " tn worn cl ,ih k hi me autoi r , d eoutitr . poiei , r lleUe S3T N a 1VK WAN! a store rHtm. . cash, honest y .lu' 42H. Old Chun d 1 J l' V s,h ,t 1 s end . hildren best pi 1. ... na ,, n en. e in 1 fy r "tern . n., K ,, rket l-u, vv VI l.iusho'd furniture furniture pv ot "j e us Hhout t Locust '- ami I nerrv sts WATCHES AND CLOCKS KXPKHT SW IS split seenndp -' fpr n to R It .' h rrpalilns repeatar. I! .sets natch inspxio- ' . 17lh l.ui J1 1219 ROOMS FOR RENT BOULEVMIK N K I. -.'fur rms hath mod lm s r-f smule rnon. I'" W ii 1'i.is v tiioniiiiKs u.- ii i ; , pi ly res FINK M tsl" S'. tui Mh.'irfiTiit 7.,i ii .111 I). Hi ai . ti.l si o y fi.mi ' si'Kt'CK NT 101.' IMineTiurV- " fiouhie"7nT . slnxle va.ani.es runnlni; water, private baths electric llslll phones KFItl'CB ST. 122U- Se, otid-t..77i'Ulle'wTtn , hath southern exposure table hoard UTH ST " . 32.' iCarlt.m Apartinrn'isi Ttoom and bath hinule and double vavan v'lesl attractively furnished tlTH 1ST S 31 tnear Spr ji e ii Th." Perrin) i Hlhirle and double viu io. le i,a;ly fur T Ishedt near balh W'alnui 73i iVril.. S 2iil- lieslrable lurnlah.il roVms, rsntrsllv Ima'cil runnlnit water reason able dally ot we. lily rates Apply no prem lses or Little Hotel 223 S Broad t rOTt I. N. I.IK llnrEl. RfltlC "lleau.idiils furnished s.nsle and double rooms eleMr dally and wretl rates, .nnvenlrnt to sta tions; best ai lummixlailon for travviine pstopis. pioneraie ROOAt and bojrd wanted Two suiale roonn nd board or room with slpsle beds in uii Knxllsh-srfalylnK fain v wanted for 2 uvr. tlstntn recentlj' arrival from I'r.m f liest References furnished P 5112 Ledaer CHtlce t IT W CirKLTET T: fCierTninto'ivni--I.are, airy room on first floor runnlim SvValer, luVe aru md . l.sdeUimear .-v. .lien. lenrd ,-alns. "nilleys lefereme. lttH N. HITH- -TW r.ii.irs firn y sfnxle rooms ) J.SS ,-! It STTILHTO K luri Hllln MUlle iliustk.. firvvai Apt. A amies. 223 s, flwuil st ABVA"Sf"XM Wl.ft. - - ROOMS WANTED I THREES J mine gentlemen want 2 rooms and bath. convenient to business section! pos- session by May 24. V 235. Ledger Office. APARTMENTS HETH-ALLTN APARTMKNTS, 2107 Walput St. Handsomely furnished apartments of; 1 a and 3 rooma, embodying all of the coil tasss nf home and the rharni of splendidly xinnolnted furnishings, garage privileges. TENANT of apartment In central city apart ment house will sublet furnished apart ment from May tn November (1 rooms, 2 1 hatha, terms on application, CI C J " I JiOWKER 48.1 Main st . Manayunl: j FOR RKNT Krom .lune 1 lo Oct." 1 best section of Oermantown. 7-room apt . $125 I per month Call Chestnut Itlll 1530. No agent , WARWICK inufl-10 Sansom at Fur hkrr. apt i has 8 rooms, can be rented until September I. rent J100 per month. White a'de McDonahlson. 15th and Pine. , APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty Sherwood Apt. AgencN 225 S. Rroad t some ery attractive furn ants . some rousekeeplng. isnn VINE (Logan Snuare) 2 large unfurn rooms, kllchenette. dlnlne rm prlv hath: modern, desirable In every detail, references. PINE ST , IBOI Two rooms private bath. 2-ft front, unfur ; no hskpg 150 per mo. Furnished WILL SUIII.ET fiom June 1 to September 15. furnished apartment. 5 rms. nnd bath nrUate porch l's squares from Eleated, best of references required, no children $125 per month. Phone llnrinB 3Sfl J after . p.m. or write M 32fl Ledger Office T.ANinOWXB LANSDOWNF s. Chas It WucM" rooms anil bath 30 S 4nth st $120 rnrnlshe.1 2029 CIREEN' ST Housekeeping apartm'ts private bath. 140 and up See Janitor. APARTMENTS WANTED YOU RE INVITED to list our vacant r ti-he vn ant apartment with the Shcivo i Apartment Agencv. 2i5 S. Rroad St. rhon Walnut 317 it Is quite Impossible th fill II the wl,h"i I requirements of our nun) applicants out our heart co-operatloh. tXTEIl 2 3 or t rooms and bath for small famllv on rallrond between PI1I.1 and Chester Relnhold IH37 Glraril ave Phone Poplar 4302 W , I FURNISHED APARTMENTS DEMRAULE furnished suite. 2 bedrooms living room and bith. apartment hotel meals optional Sherwood Apartment Acencv 223 S Ilrnad, SPRUCE ST lfllil Extremely rfeslr 2d-ftt ' front rnr sU te prlv bath hands'lv furn ' CHELTEN AVE . 11 132 - Three large rooms, private bHth all conven'nyes otn 2fD0 FOR RENT furnished summer months, apt 5 footna aid bath .' minute walk from station Phnn Vvaviie 72 W ."035 WALNUT Handsomely furnished apt. for rnt a! conv nences APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTKN AVE AND MORRIS T. GERMANTOWN SO MINVTES TO BROAD ST. STs-TIO Furnished and unfurnished suites THE GLADSTONE UTH WD PINF T ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE T 11T1I ST 1 "elect apartment fanillT hotel In the eentsr I ef the cltv opsrating on the American plan: 1 eur tabl will nlae th most exsetlng. ,' C PITMAV HVKF.R .lr Manager THE IlnrKl. SUSSEX 131.' Walnut s) .lust ojyened tnnMt ihartnitg ,, t i,r, Ifcitlv ippolnt'-rt small hotl inspertmn ts .ordlallv Invited and a visit will innuini' ou that !ou hav dismvred a piosi siis- factory answer to the .iti Mlon of Whrp ; lo live when stonnniT In Philadelphia. BARTRAM APARTMENTS 33RD AND CHESTNUT STS 'a fw large, cnol partmnts with bAth for I i rrnt dining -oom service unx. eU-r THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 S rtrosd st A good place to live white in Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rm X. E. Cor. Walnut and Juniper io Sansom, 28x 2303 streets. Enhancing in v a every day. I u e Splendid opportunity for the investor with a vision of the wonderful future-prowth of central real estate in Philadel phia. JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 Chestnut VALUABLE PROPERTY i:TR M LV 1 Di VTKK KACIM! PARKWAY I W O KP.I INT. 1614 CHERRY .1 RWKIN M. rim; ERIE V K ilTOt CliRVERS .i. lumber! Ar Dauphin J s'v T n.uins iiheil side tor. h . .11 J'.th mil Huntmadoii j st and dwa 1 bedrooms v tcant 1 hull him ,.n.i 1 11 n y '.' st v s w 1 VV stor. IlllOO Toon ll.Mll) 3inu 310 S M .'Hie iin.Jiiyya 4 bedr.iome A-l eond N' W .or I'learfielil and Merfct.m J t' dn ' r n..r h-fr' lm tiim. r, 11 m. frn. ien .'.',. vv L.i.irh f)l. IV EM i. RS l.iius. i K-nMlllutill tu in utile ..ii l-llla lasu Tirtte iMJaUII I.I i fcV t U M.LMEIt .1710 ilerni intuwii w e Itf-i-o.VAIiLE I'ltl' i:s U2I S J7th st 7 rouniK and bath frunt vaid. lilil - J'lih i 7 n.oni" ami liuth J."2Ihi .'iU7 HmIii Ot .la- st 'i"r .'7th si 5 rooms and bath 11 si. li r. r r. t -riinenuuse j-.-d sn.l Ki'sivater st Iil.'li E STf-.l.l.V VVE ISkl.'n 3 su.ry 10' r.tullis h .1- awn hut yya'er hat elritile (jrt mum tui satai.. in r m u copied by """"r PIU INK KK.NslM.luV 11 I" Toll V I.VWltl.Ni'E Mt is i X y.t K .! 'lino lusersoll st i er I Kih st KI.VHI N Utli bsl Montsom' ry I U,, j si E vILASS l'Q5 Real Ksiate 'I i Hide llul SE it" 2.'0(i bloiK .n v Uratr st rif,, III liouses N.is 110 to !." Ou.ll ai ilear of S'l ln Utribiail'es al' o. . up.-d by monthly tiiuinia IIIII.S W IKNVIVClh 134 S 7th UE.CTirL'l. new homes with Karaite slid Itiilosed ponhej 500U Ormes st (at R st nil Northsast lloulevardi sample house oprn BENNER 4 10 W Vyoinlng ave 4U3 S 15TH ST Pin- Satoiv lir.i k huiist mo.l rn Itiitir.iyein ins t l. SSES hnuNS in: narn'.m ,n Ulilu s ll cut i.-.ni l. "at i.m lor iiun K sal. ',: s rooma inodern yy Ith deed 55 N S j, s! pluuilmii,-. in h-ult sJALE 131 fllalliiilnl s r,i"...: V.o..sioii $11 flllil I. room i vn ":. i is in. i.'it i fi a -.. I.IVJJI irrnnuitt 15lh l 12 3011 "event;...! slon ,nnmi 2 PrtinS orner Ue-ii, ixia' ,.,i.-.iltfli: I. I'AItlvr.lt I7.IA I airniouni aye lTlill UI.1IMNTUW.V AVE store li fn a baths possession prl.e .5llil imnHr -.I-: ijaechyoid av.i colllntdile p Phone 521 i i 7 1 1 1 Siom and it yv 1 1 Inc i.kwih I'..N 2d I7th anil llalnbrlilge sl 1 Ml S llllOAl' r. i TEMIS nllKV -'d Tor. . i.,r Kill ah. I i 111 l.lei n llll.rlilsa J12 N IK I '0 una (1. .ru ihesinutW'.i i hi, il. i VV Vllliei io- VIAItM ' P ' 'SIOI. VU.OS Ui , ll.n I ,. I I 'llllll nWe , Hi Up'. l.l.ll. orl I OH I ' W, !"( '- " """'"-" I"". .EVENING PUBLIC REAL ESTATE TOR SALE 3C CITY STRAWnEURT MANSION Pee 2J4D N. S3d st (cor. Sergeant). 3 sty.. 1 sa. from Park! h.w. hent, electric light. IS rooms, 3 on third floor, excellent opportunity for apts. ; Immediate possession. cacantj key at offlrei 19000. O. It. McCRACKEN, 232 W. Lehigh aye. Diamond 310. . CJOINO WEST, will sell my 7-room shingle and pebble-dash house, steam heat, shrub bery, old shade, fmlt and all kinds of ber ries, lot 75x130. I3730; bargain. H tlllEVE Kim and Clinton ave . Wetftmali, N J. Factories, Warehouses. Manufacturing Floora FACTORIES A.VD FACTORT 8ITES Iverrwhera In Philadelphia Louis si. aiNSBuna 1201 Chsstout St. ll'S ooi i SQ FT 2 .1 and 4 stor. buildings, ion. rete nnd brick construction, heated. n-iri-.l snrtnklrd 1850 horsersiuer 4 Inrvn filters sidings and Jfcck. site 4 acres, fioo ft. i riverfront we handle faitorles. utes and warehoucsi exclusively irom an engineering, manufacturing and Industrial standpoint J AI..VN MIDDLETON Faitor specialist ami production engineer 1102 Whlener llldc.. Philadelphia THREE STOUT comer factory, 1(1000 so. ft., electric light and power eleator. now I occupied as automobile sale and repair tt I tlon. tools and equipment may also be pur chased. 23 000 without quipmtnt: posse elon. J. 1 Stevenson ft San. ! IJtnd Title. FACTORY site in Manajunk mill district between Rending ann l-ennsvivania n. r.. 1 approximated 225 front by 1 to depth. Appl , t! i' . J. F HoK-r 4371 Miln st . Mana- 1 v link I TWO-STOUT brh-K factor 3O00 sq tt ; steam heat electric light and power, and a . possession In 00 dae. price ' tJO.000. J. I. EV.,.n,i. h Son. S22 t-md Title J15 IHK' Twelve lots In Ioaan tflx70. In cluding 3 corners: sii improvement mut. rrt Kll .1 rV inrjr r,n. i'.i- v nn.im. m. tvllUSTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, land railroad and water frontage '"""STEVENSON . SON 82.' Lam vacant Land Title, i llnslnes Properties, anil SUirea SMALL UUSlMiSM Ill'lLUIxua I HUS1NESS ;jVJ N Darlen (corncri. 4 story '?'!" i 10: Ridge ave lo rsr bucci '"'"' , 01 N 0th a sior-y . . -.vv MYERS - HARTH Ridge ave nul lilih I r.tnres and Dwellings A Good Business Corner I nrnet vvuka "" v.rniiniuown nnd hath hvp :i sior' - iii.ic ciriuyiij, yspor heat, possession juiy 1. Thomas H. Evoy wiJm, IVvii Mores with dwellings $50011 each. 1 inom-d huus's $J3IV 1 rooms, $42171. i'CRTKR 170 1 ehlnh aye niilldlng lit. Factory Sites. Kte. FOR st.E 5432 Incast.V ave, with old building lUht on 3 sids lot triangle, else 127x"Uli, good for fa-torv or garage ; r. .1 nh lltll Chestnut st a it riiii.ii;i.piu Pi m ii,iiiiMiiiCTaiiniiiniiiiiiiwrai!3iit:ratH'iiiiHJi I 5326-28 I ADDISON ST. Only $3900 g it S ' s ITcaui Jul J -ior horn "dch 'nth ft momr frrnd front pnn h Rnl Ma 5448-50-52-54-56 REGENT ST. $3850 t an i b" h-r prrtWt iirs'' Jiory mv h'tmnt hnnu'S contain . roonn, t.,itli MrftioriHrv tubs -Xcl nuU k PERLMAN. 733 Walnut St. WALNUT 3I3 i srmwjf wiiW'W'j'.i'' ts wan v frnimiiiwiiwiiiiMiMl tviiiiiiiiirm'i'i'isiMtffliiwwi!Miritiiiiik.riii'iraii.jiiiiiH I VACANT GROUND RIPE r-Oll DUILDINO a J 57th & Walnut Sts. 57TH ST nOTH SIDES WALNUT ST NORTH SIDE SANSOM h-T . y-uUTH SIDE S I. HOYLW 207 S 0lh st. a P 8 raiianm iTTtnanxiuraH w mimmammnnmmm Overbrook Homes : VEW - VMI'I I. Ilnl MARLYN ROAD i: uPEN V l ..f otiii st 1 1th f JeftefOH St THE Mi.-I iiiMfl.Kli: AND CO.vr pck j-I'irv lin.Mi: cirrr.p.KD ro home rm its 20-ft vi, te f f.nis private garages ln h I rfti.i tiH.1,.1 i em nt porches. Central Plant Heat i that Uii' r n i a h (ilrnK of lirt nnd tint inU room nd maid room An nil n' bah with stall iho - Moss & Taylor r UNEQUALED HOMES ' 1 1 r 1 ' f m buMclr nnij a mon WINDSOR AVENUE AND TIFTY SEVENTH STRF V.T ,t T llEINfl K1NIMII.H $6000 With Garage $6500 . VSMir RE. I'l'PT It TEK IAS. C. ENBURG. Builder IS on Walnut o mn h si to ."i"tli & NVHrrlnKton anT l IIKM lirt'L s'ltlK e h. Uee l.eat. hiu.liy ...id flo.i'S stone hot ivnter ll rooms untln- ih.. tiiitd do r s re.M a IIKlUilid lnwn till th . fare to i .t itl.l MalUel Ml u .Kaess on at s sel tlon tilemtnt an mint ol . ash inquired loiv tax .llZrirld Water the l-tl llltiLif to HOW UtK MECKE. JR 5205 lla.e st J Al ll!i"l'IVK HUSH, on W avhiuitiun s-'imii'lai lied 4 liecirooms hot-w,itei e.eilue liaht uetrv floors ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD .i an 1 I. 1 1 Ii.mmmI n nrnJuml tii-n v nil P illilil 0 d v i $1800 w Klt ' T i-p 'I GEO. KYLE i n fun t home m nlern n a II .my enlenr. - m 1 1 la tioni ellliiy..; tais n nee. dsv t. in 3D M C.R y V . VV K Phone W.M 4.':,-, I J.C.iiii -i. kin anil l'..i. il- I 'l ster Ih.iIi rn i $sllll ta-h ,. ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD ..ii.i i . hm o.t.l a . Wood , sMKRWOill. ,,i. i.tkl-i I'KNTItlKHE sii S7sim -3SS HAKI'IULK VVK mo.lerii up tj date in i ,ni ro m '"f C- ace I 1! Ill !lll J3 Riilsl. aye l.aiiil"iy ii I' II. it ,.t. r n. Ir. ti floor ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD n I I.ar limooo aye vvoo-l SMI ii 1IEMMT la' Ji" IhoroUEhly mad le I 1K ,rilfc 'i l.athi ehoaerH ev. .on. J i story Kaiaic lot to sjariaorn si $35 OOii Iw T llirrls Jil5 Haverfiinl ave Norbertl 3IH 1 1 "v HIST M X beautiful 0 room h..u- sfiMl i.RntsSMA.N K SONnilERO SHU .. V-.lr.lt fll'ILKKItS KM.'HA.NCIE. 1H . Jill Jf MARKET 2511 . . - . i in hri'l t-H i A .vf i yy,, siory porch. "" vh.ie in nub U4 I.I W H COH I. 2d. cor i-ii .. .1 It inin .1- -is ii:i l.lnioln Hldi.-. .till, V1 M.I. VI i. u T - Thr-e story, ' I I' Is i fillEV I I I.I Lincoln - i . .i t7 h . d II no i it l- I -1 l . - l 1 . l r I VV IM ill' N .1 IJM. and J3500 Al ANT B131 HaddlnKton. renovated, ty-rowity. j;ai p. i)th LEDGERPHILVU)ELBEqA:,. THlJBTfetf. 102g REAL ESTATE TOR SALE .ICTMAVTOWS SPECIAL OFFERINGS tO.10 Wade St.. 4 bedrooms. natn . , 233 llerkley st $4,500 4,730 0,500 (3.000 6,000 6.000 0,000 ,250 7.000 7,800 a.000 R.0O0 8,300 8,500 9,000 0.301) 10,500 11.000 11 000 12,303 4 bedrooms. hath 23 W Louden st . twin bedrooms, electric ... 103 W Hansberry St.. 3 3 bedrooms, electric . 4512 Clrecne st.. twin, 0 bed rooms, 25x125 Ill .W. Hansberry St.. 3 bedrooms, laundry 5720 Knox st.. twin, 5 bed rooms. 27x148 AMI Chew St.. 8 bedrooms, hot-wtr heat, electric... 5014 Nevrhall st.. twin, fl bed rooms, hot-water heat.... 117 W Louden st , 3 bed rooms, hot-water heal, elec tric , 4fltl Oreene St.. twin. 4 bed rooms, laundry , 151 W. l.urny st . twin. 4 bedrooms, laundry 121 Apsley st twin, i bed rooms, electric 321 W Logan St.. 3 bed looms hot-water heat, elec tric 4I0 Morris st . 3 bedrooms, hot-water heat. electric, garage other fenturcs, . , . 4S.'0 Oreene St.. twin. 4 bed rooms, hot-water heat, elec tric 502'.! Oreene St., twin. 8 bed- 1 001ns, electric 13. W Louden st . twin. 4 bedrooms, hot-water heat, electric ... ... 115 W Washington lane, sin gle. 5 bedrooms, hot water heat electric 5300 lllock Wayne ave twin. n bedrooms, electric Thomas H. Evoyw 4 SOI AVNE AVE feiTiM'afflrUifflirmrarm I IDEAL HOME I WITH GARAGE S.mid'tached stone dwelling, south ern exposure: 7 bedrooms and 2 baths electrlclt. hardwood floors, lot 40 by 176: space for garden. 2 squares tn Oermantown ave. or Sedgwick sta li u tion; excellent condition. Immediate S g I B possession j 1 S. C. T0URIS0N I 15 7014 HOVER ST. GERMANTOWN S Phone tltn 589, Otn 4431. j r"iffi't,.rair;iiiiiiuii:ii'iirtii!a:i:!iiii5iiiAUi,'iiirBi.,ai'i,ii!,S!i;iii':i;M;!iii 1 EAST SEDGWICK AVE. B Detached slope dwelling, 7 bedrooms S and 2 baths, hot-water heal elec- trtiltv hardwood floors large ,ot P with old shnde, excellent condition; n3 p,.,0sslnii irinnl location this firD 5, crtv should be seen at once. 5? 1 S. C. T0URIS0N 2 7014 HOYER ST . UERM.sNTOWN g Phone Otn. SCO and 1431. $9750 Semtdetacheil ston dwelling living room dining room kitchen, laundry. 0 bedrooms bath and storeroom, elertrkltj . 2 iiuar.-s lo Oermantown 'C" S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 HOVER ST , iSerniatitown Mill PIIIIVDELPHI. Urrmantnwn 4431 t.mo ItLCn lv WARNOCk ST The finest little home 111 the Ittiulrv urd tn i nn (I rooms and .Ah Hie tnth with ehower neiosod tmnhes and garage only n few left prii e Jpimio LUCEY 5c DALSEMER 3740 llermantown mp TT07 WAGNER AVE. J Three bedrooms hot-wnter lit . elec , Inclosed iori h early possession. Thomas H. Evoy wayne ave J ldr.7 MEDARV A i: Adjoining Chelten g nvr trolleys entirety modern, with hard 3'vvimhI throughout, immeilliite pussessloui one Q ! of the prettiest cvterlnrs in the East cler S inantnwn eedion. attractive term. DhIIhs k Hartl.y. Inc WOH N Hroail o Ml. 8.2. NICE corner 210 Dorset t ; brhk, new; 6 rooms and bath. prih and summer lltchen electric lights: flrst-claes condltlun; s'ltou 1 P Diigan. 0570 Oermantown ave. NJCE eorner "J 40 Dorset wt . brick, now. 0 rooms nnd lath. ponh hihI suinm. r klt.'hr n, electric lights, first-class condition y.1400, 1 P lil'OAN. 0570 I'.erntHniown ave bilu'i HO ST Ms rooms, hath. Iundr. I ponh. immediate possession. $.15011. tiy.t W PHA.N'r :tfH4 tiermantoivn ave. 13 STORV. RiiuMS biiih Bre. nlious. 155IIO 111 W hot WRlet Duval el heat. if; wkvdkd BUNC1ALOWS Seven rooms on one floor, at tic over all garages lots 150 deep, ru mod ern Improvements'. 11500 to $11,000, 1100 Arrntt st II UFK. llullder. LOGAN e!;pjiiii!GM:iiiaiiiwni!!i!ii'Koii!i:raji!!a:i!iiiiiiMLliii!!!;iiiiriiii;,iiiii'i 1 h ....... trig DESIRABLE SELECTIONS limn v lluirhin n i.?,: s tlth 1M7 I'elfleld aye .".lliiil h'U Mary in 4, '. t V t'ltnse H.1 W M.inlng ave 13. V Kith I ir.lf. Marvin -i (532 N t am- i. 1537 N 1311. t 017 Wvoiiuiig hi. 5125 N loth I7-.,H'N t"t H 4532 N H'tli NI) 1300 BLOCK BOULEVARD Inpeeti.i! of ,in. ..f the above may b. arrai.ged through , I DALLAS & HARTLEY, Inc.., U IT"'." N IIROAI) ST. g ' WVOMINIi n71-T g !B Members Phlla Real Estate Pnard S j jlflJMfflilM Hi7 I 5tL' N UTH ST IMMEDIATE POSSESSION !Ss looms ami tile bath ponh fronl mod- Iimi ihrotirihtiut tleilrultv hoi-water heat, I ,iji1m noil InurB Call Woodlaml till I I i 41.51 N CV.MA1- Convenient to trhTn .nd ttnlley, eurh posnesi.im adjuin.'ilf W y o- i lulus Hi. 3 lte.lr....oih si. .,i. 1 ,i.li KALI.AS f. HARTI.r.V. INC 47HH N Ilrnad W'vuminc s7i 1117 M 1 W llv I ARID !sT six id .-id huh nnobrii homes lirtiin a'h. . , , U' a-oml ij.MKain lor niiieii Duvr man H Hal I1 -''-!., "' rmantown av l.lil WTOMINtl AVE I.f.Kta li r most primii ti. nt nvcllU'1 I Ije.lrnonis. u ri( floiii s t ii iiuhitut haik .!u.riv..v an i.i'iy Inn in -iir.-rt attri.tiv.. prl.i lial'as a HnrlUv. In. 1711 N HniHd st Hmm -T1 -IsTL' .-.i. I'VMU- nt In ir .11. v iriiln HulitltiK Pork Hlyil mini . siil inlt.l iiiul l.e.lrii.iiii" Hwnlncrs enrly i .is t.nlv .y r. IIXIs l.M TiCIl fitt of oiferinus vv 1 1 Ii iinuie.il, tlie vliinllv of Itrua.l st Hion hi a niniaiiia some v.ry Uesiral. housi that are listel at plie and llsth I- In.T.iu fa r lielow laiffe the iiriei.. uiarK.-t valus lia'las v llnri 5 cent , ,,. n l.n'i N Hi. .a. I Wviinlnn s71 s,. small i rate, - ' ye ..... ...... . . . .. ., ., . ...... ... i. f.yii I U.iaiJhi.yn .ill;i uacK t rum iiie rami .inoi ny nuiii h',' ' "? -T i vJ-f TtlAr RlK I' 1 1 tCOs: rcLtsa, I'AlTPlOW Mjmvi?' ! T5n.-1 V (. Cct To l' a uTriCr. .. ) 7-j. mi.,..! .,,..., l , fl rr,TT " 1 rPA'NT & v ll M for .r to et i? 1 ' ' ' lniNt; - voj M cA.ro Aj tk r '-- I .1 "C- y l-'iTiTilrb.aaTasaSBBBasr- " l &mmy Em njrsii.i -. I A fvyBX I. kV ta 7 (f v 'A- ?SKM-.l -.& mV',"' " iV lfX P J3?55s-Sas-Os f"w'lr I f -' 4fSjS-r-- -J-t-ea-- ' I REAI. ESTATE rotl SALE olnkv 5032 N. -ITU fit House, for sale: 23x100 ft. i 7 rooms and baths nice, location; occu- rieu oy owner. ONLY $7400 will sell .new Rauer-bullt house. 5JOO bloclt N ftth at. Phone Owner, Oermantown 3703 Al . rBNNavi.vAMA stinimiiAN tfWIBIlM I BALA $19,000 Moilern stone Colonial T ' corner fl ohnmbers. sleep ing porch, 2 baths; elec tricity. hot-wi.ter heat, hardwood floors; garage. Seo this beforo sold S21.000 All-stone Colonial on cor v ivf nrr )ot ;fl)1iBo. Cfnter en trance hall: 7 chambers, 3 baths electricity, hot water heat, hardwood floors, m $23-000 Modtrn stone Colonial! chvjmbers, 2 baths; elec. trlclty, hot-water heat, heat hardwood floors, ga rage. Lot 50x100 i EA.HAVENSI Miiichim;.! lroiwil A Beautiful Home at Langhornc for Sale by the Owner m Twelve-room hise and I acres of ground; 8 bedrooms, 2 baths spring water, electric lights, gas for cooking hot-air and water beat; 3 porches and most beautiful Mews; stables, carage and other outbuildings; gar den, pasture nnd running stream; trolley tn Heading Railroad at gate, closo to good schools and all convcnlencea of comfdrtable living; prlco $8000. $5000 may remain to a homo buyer; keys at home farm. Samuel C. Eastburn, Langhornc TO C13SM THE EVTATH Or KREWDON Y. IIIDCIE. DECEASED 41 ACRES. Willi HUILD1NC33 AND 70 LOTS I.Mng between the Reading Cut-off and Trevnse station, near Street ioad. AN ACTIVE JUX who fTTes there can sell enough lots 'off this iract at prices that will leave him a nuclv located horns for little cost. SAMUEL C. KAPTI1URN. LANOHOItNE MRS Knr.H'MiN V niDUB (.N THE PREMISES PURL1C SAI,E of VMluable property In La haska. Rucks co on Maturday. Mar 1, 1920. The hotel property belonging to th estate of Kdwnrd Rorcr dee'd cnnslstlnc of a 12-rooin dwelling on Old York road and a full complement of n.srly new bnfn and out building; 3 acres ground, a flnei snvenlnz for a nwdhouse or summer bonrdlnfr house. Also all of the furnishings in the house. Sale at 1 p. m i real estate at 3 P. m. 1 1 j L'Armui.i, jitii.iAiY. Agent $11000 Wynncwoo.l Court. Narberth. Ta.: brand new bungalow. 7 rooms (1 bed rooms) and ball, open fireplace; immediate possession. W.M. T. HARRIS, real estate, Opposite station. Narberth. Pa. $21.000 .MODERN dwelling, corner lot: 3 baths, nearlnu completion Walter S. .Sutherland. 107 Maple inc., Rala.. Pa. Phone 80-11. C'jnwid. other houses In Hula, Cyn vv yd. Narberth, etc MILL CREEK New bungnlow, modern, 13 1 rooms, 3 baths ciruue nnd lodge hous... artesian well. H'lea, overliioks Mill Crcfk W M T HARRIS. 203 llav- v nllev. $23,000, erford ave. Narbeiih MODERN stone nrtms tin I ill TTT.ri shingle dwelling 1n ",Lj?J"yfn,??r,J?Z,,. ' . " -T sssifBvj iuai L.i minutes trom in nan i..wvej; worm fjn.OO'l. Ueo. I. HirncH, 1201 Chestnut st. tiMin Itrand new 0 nrnms nnd bath, clc - trie light, nil iniel. rti i nnvenlences. WM T. II MtltlS. real estate. Onnyislte sin ion Narberth, Ph. in 5iin Ten ronin nnd bath, brand new, open fireplace, hardwood fliinrs. lllo bath. Immediate poesrMslon WM. T HARRIS real e.late. Opposite stnllon Narberth. Pa jlliliio l.nl 40x100 feet: II rooms and bath, hot-water heat electric light, vacant. WM T. II VRIIIS. real estate. Opimslte KtH.lon Narberth. Pa Ll.ANERCH 2'- in f . dwelling. Inta of fruit trees, ehliheti houses and burn nUCHAN'AN ( SUN l.laneich 575. rRM of 40 ncres. ripe for building lm iirovm'is: owner will take largo mlgc Ap- plv j - v .1 I iH'wn.'ii ... ."-.ii . nimiWKE'y 11)11 -1ALE A real home. 10-rooin stone i house, bath, hot-water hnit electrleltv; ( gariige. shade tennis .oiirl 5 minutes; walk to llethayrea station, sele. t eitlnn: 3(1 dayp possesaloii. and only 12.001). hIsu tl-room itonc house, all convenler.es; Barnge; .large., lawn, kitchen garden: .n.e to Ilethayrcs I station, a real gentleman s country home; , price onlv SI I mm to UK.k buver also fi-room frame house stable, good repair; 3 i minutes' walk to lleth.ores; prlco only, I3J5U. act milck 1IAURT fl ELT Hethavres IIIIIN MAM It rn. GLENBR00K AVE. POSSESSION IIV MAY 1. 1020 a stv. single brUk ilwelllng. ! rins , and bath. vaiHtif large lot. price 1500. WM. A. McCREA AHDMOIti: 27" ARD.MURE, PA. III. I. INI. DALE DESIRAHI.'V I. S C V 1 1 .. a ted lot. WIS ill 101) feet Walnut st front. I 1MUI) i-VNW VI i III sirn i.i; run .i i: ESTATE Vne nnnut Klale roof. . r. . I ..!.! shHile lit 'I 1 1111 Insed pori h atnry. illiilnn fri.in Hl.ltloll, frlnne reKHlellie, 1 .1 11110, lot cnntnlns - 3 lirie. ' sh ublier. first flour cnntulii luill. llviiiB riinm. library, lav -- 1 ille pantr.v mid kltiJien. , lwiinill. nun Hilts' yirh: Hci-iind Hour 1 heilri.ntns. J til. huh. and linen mum, third floor. 3 bedroom- luith linen room and store- i room: liut-wat r hent. with thermostatic control, lias un.l electric llghtlnc: double floors: dr ullnr underdralned, screens for all windows m,.l dtmrs, storm sash on north side This h.iu.se has t fireplaces and was built by a rep-j-Bbb contractor with the best material. Pom, sslon cin bo clven at Once Orouml miiv h. .iivided ' Appl ' B II VARDLEY 1T13 Wmsom st MALVERN-I lot T0l"5 r llenrge I. I' .r sale, new house Ii rooms, i.asesslon. $51110, clear, cheap k. r 1537 Chestnut St. iii:viin Kill! SALE a i talnlnB s r .. t I and all conv. n In minutes ti. p and W P t Kcvoii 3-storv house, con-m- battj laiindr.v uas, carace nines with '. acre of Kround. Ii. von Station. 15 minutes to i.i tie Wayne 770 J lUKXr.I. HILL I.ITI'I.K i ..Uinml Isume. sustantlally and solidly bunt of I'oxerofi stone all oaU floorlnc. caiat.' 7 rooms 2 tile baths, en tire house i iiinrieii on tabor savins; line, shady street ami particularly ihnlce sectioi; tl7.50l Own, r Lansdowne 021 It KKKINC.TON lll I.R-rilONI' ESTATE 1 ur sale at Kddinston. Pu , 17 miles to Market ei f.i hiii'm 1500 feet river from. 17-room uian-mii hot-wuler heat. 4 baths, curauc; m...ern bam un enliouse, tenement house P 312 I.edner Office v . , , l . y ii v REAL ESTATE TOR BALE rr.NNHVt.vAPiiA .sunHniiAN, DAR1IY y. then $1 a wnnK ,, , TATS FOR YOUR JIOMB HITR AT PROSPECT TERRACE Itllllilfal al mnA KrAnllnK CHESTER flKE. LINCOLN AVE. AND iiAitiir l'heuk) acwer, war, , sjores, churches, schools. . , , Some dealrnble Cheater pike front tots 2 Corner lots, 'suitable, for stores ori garage. Two 5-Room Boat House Cottages for Sale ItUdn tffr-if mnn CASIf Two boathouse' lots for sale; 500 other lots, nuartrr neren. half ncres. All sizes. all prices; eastlest terms on earth; 10c fare. 40 minutes to llroad. St, Utatlon Trollev or ateam. COME SUNDAY To reach properly take Chester pike trolley, get orr at Lincoln avo. GROUND OFFICE OPEN SATUR DAYS and SUNDAYS ONI.T from 11 a. in, to 4 p, m. Write or phono for plans. BARRY & BARRY ROOM 723, 1011 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut OBI Philadelphia, Pa, IIICKOIIYTOWN $3500 anitMANTOWN 1'IKE; lot OflxIKO; 7 r.. h.-w. heat, stable, etc. OLIVER fl. KEELY CO.. 4370 Main st.. Manayunk. tllfl 1 1 I,NT PARK IIIOHLAND PARK .Modern dwelling, 8 rooms, laundry and attic; largo lot; $0600, (1EO. L I1ARNE3, 1201 Chestnut st .IKNKINTOWS VACANT Remarkable Value Prewar price; 305 Hillside ave.: semi detached, modern, 3-storv atone and shingle dwelling; fl chambers, gas and electricity, laundry, Dutch hall, white and mahognnv, garage privilege; excellent neighborhood, near train ond trolley; $7800: also 210 Hill sldo ave. clapboard and shingle, terrace front, semidetached 5 chambers, electricity and gas; $5500; also corner: $0200; garage privilege; open for Inspection Sunday. 1 to 5 n. m .. RECK. 1815 Cayuga st. Plilla. LANSDOWNK $0400 Substantial well-built dwelling, Inrge porch and grounds, near train and trolley. rhnne owner, Lansdowne 842 W MKI.nOMKVARK IIKAUTIFUI. modern detached dwelling, 16 . rooms, 5 baths; large lot: old shade; be tween train and trollev: positively a bar gain: will sU at pre-war price. JOHN II. BHlF.f.ni. Torh rd and 08th nv a NARHF.RTH NEW HOMES $11,000 and Up A.- C. S H A N D, Jr. Builder 817 COMMIORCIAL TRUST HLDCI., t.'TH AND MARKET STS. HOUSES, nil prices, from 3e00 .upwards. WM. T HARRIS, Ileal Estate, opposlto station. Narberth, Pa. NORTH (ILKX.MHr. OI.ENS1DE -MANOR la on high irrounil; It overlooks flno humea whose owners selected North (llennlile as an Ideal place for reil denc. churches, schools, stores all conven ient es nt linnd. All Improvements: large lots. i moiernir prim s nnn excellent transportation " r-a.h our property, an. Ideal place far ft IIAtilA j illlaitristlBl h ixia rn .t Ihi aBIHinnl come out Saturday afternoon or Sunday; take lar Nn III ruiinluc west on Erie uve. , set off at Ardslev station and Inquire for our ri presentatlve, CII.ENSIDK MANOR REM.TT t:0. Suite 11311.37, mil Chestnut St. Telephone Walnut .-781. OVr.ltlllMXIlv All-Stone Ovcrbrook Home B 1 OHIO block Nassau rond 3-story twin; B fi central plnnt heat, garHgn, southern 5 H exposure, open dreplace, modern in- ef g nil appointments, prlto reasonable. H Ii HILL, 0225 Liineiliiwun nve Phone 3 Helmont 42. nnd 27nn H vTiiiiiniiiiiiniipiiiiiimiiiiiiiiin jtrri.i:ii(in LAST CHANCE TO PROCURE ONE Of THOSE WONDERKUL LOTS AT '' FARADAY PARK Only 5c tar fare to Darby. Chcsttr. Wastlnghouse, lliililwlns, etc., only 20 lelf . over 20n sold last week, better cone um today: they yvlll nil bo sold; pries have advanced, lust fliaurc on tcrnir ' $1 Down $ I Weekly Some have uincrete htdewHlks. water, gas. eleiirkitv, positively the lakt rc matnlug prnprrly In thlt section which con be purchaHcd al pre-war prices. Tho itu Punts Victor Talking Machine Co , Wesllnghouse and General Electric to. are Investing millions of dollars here; Ktiry win einpio inouHvinus gi people vvno must nuvo homes close by; why not Ih- wlso and get In on the ground floor. Agents on grounds Saturday and Sunday; only 11 to I . in. Take cars No 11, 12 or 13 to Darby, exchange to Media car get off ut Mor ton Station, walk evict 3 block to large sign rending KANAKA Y PARK. WM. HAMMOND CO H25 Lfa'etto llldg Phone Lombard 1070 SHAKOS Hill. SHARON HILL Ke-drablc . orner properly lit rooms 'J baths. It.. rdvvomi floors. sttHtu hent, uaraKe. coll scrvalorv. old aliade, lot ldOxnii JIT.TJOU. WILLIAM S VICIIISLN. Till llHll) Hint- Phllu., Or Sharon Hill, I'n. SOUTH AltKMOitr. STUCCO dr.elllnK. 8 rms., Ii.-w. lit., cas and elec. j lot CUxll!5, ImmedlHto possession; moo Geo. L. Harnes. 1201 Chestnut st. WtSSMIICIiON IDEAL SU.MMEIMIOME -Three-story dwell- in all modem Improve ments. with 2-story crave near Rlde hvc tiollcy line, lot H5x 300, lot of frull and berries, prlco $7000 Cl. ('. t J P IIOWKER, 1371 Main at .M.inajunk I Mnv jkrstt smntnAN ON ACCOUNT OF TUB Delaware Bridge I-lnl. in t ' Hempstead with Philadelphia DON'T PAY AN ADVANCE PRICE llefote fully deciding upon the selection of a homeslto. wo sunseel that ou com pare lirlces. terms, location conveniences, itc with HEMPSTEAD whkn has Just been opened a beautiful 32-acre piece of Kround with 1100 feet frotitlne .Maple uve . tlui connectlnc link between Camden. PensauKen nnd Mer . tin nt v llle . 18 minutes from MarUet st. ferry, any size lot you want on terms to suit' payments as low as fl per week. LinERAL DISCOUNT TOR lABH Remember location Is everything as to pemonal comfort and futuie values. COME SUNDAY IF YOU CANT COME DURINCJ THE WKEK I'ake Jlerehnntvlllo or Moorestoyvn car. set off at I2d st . lool. for slim and office on srounds marl-ed "IIEMPSTBAD " Jfflce Open Dally and Sundays from 11 i m t 4 p m ftftf; ,. BARRY & BARRY Room 723 1011 Cheslnjt t , Phils.. Pa, SEMIDETACIIKU-torner property, 11 rooms. hatdvvood finish throughout . all i on- y cilleries and garage price J75O0, caai' be I seen evenings or Sunday, owner k-olng West. Win W Zlcaler. -Illh and WcstlWjid uve., Camden, J. .i FARM h Keren, part cleared ll-rooin houses . barn, thickens house. 2 other buildings, tools 73 bearing fruit tr.es berries: line, wliler in house: healthy plate mar bay and or an Write to owner. IvHAlTSB. 3111 Aln II ST. CAlKEN X I I AM DEN Elglit-rnoiii brlcU liousn In North i uinden for "ale cheap MARK V CAb'- s E I.MAN mil Market at t a inilen HOTEL, 35 rooms, completely furnished; lot lOilx l.-.D feet. 51)0 feet from ocean and shore boulevard! sacrifice nulik sale, price, IBOnO. for particulars phone W'yo 4704 W, WOfJOHURY. N J. Seven rooms. 1 acre, 13560. 3 rooms 2 lots, IMH1, easy terms. I'plled lUaltors, Inc., N. E Front uud Mar- ket Philadelphia Lots HAVE a few Iota a' Itiinii. medit. N J. 7'i miles irom ramuen, giia ami elec r. nun from rtu high rle,v for Mo I75 and tllHI will fir.ept small moiilhly puments laiuiaF FUki' 2120 MurK I al I'll Hpr 7IHI WILIsVt llllll TWO-STORV hunlulow- im "southwest side of lasum ns sve., ne.ir bench 3 -narato upartments. inntalnlng 3 riaims anil iiorch, annual xnl $1200; prlco lOoqo. Itisptcllon can be msrfe Sunday or by appninlment UOWKK". "Il Main t Manayunk. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE NB1V JKTtflKV SKAftltOnB ATT.ANTIO CITY ATLANTIC CITY COTTAGES Benutiful Npwly Built Detnchcd Cottnffcs With Privato Garages nARTRAM AVE. NORTH OF VENT NOR AVE., CHELSEA KINdSTON AVB NORTH OF VENT NOR AVfe. CHELSEA Containing- 8 rooms and n baths, pantry. Iiot-wntor hewt, electric lights, hardwood floors throughout, best of plumbing. stationary laundry trays. shower nnd lockers In the basement! spacious porch, terraced lawns; modern In every detail! immediate possession! thorough Inspection invited, Hample house, 22 Hart ram ave.! open dally and Sunday. QE0RGE fc SHISLER Builder and Owner 22 N. IJARTRAM AV . ATLANTIC C1TT Or Your Own Broker OWNEll of desirable beachfront corner prop erty renting for about S 1 4,01)0 per annum, will dispose of same for I23,OO0 clear! only 125.000 rash required. ARTHUR ARMHTRONd, 2233 Tlcardwalk, I.ONdl'ORT LONaPORT. N. .1. Collage for sale, com plotely furnished. (1 bedrooms; very attrac tive, location. For details phono II. Illn- wanger & Co., Market 4525, OCKAN CITY FOURTKEN-ROOM mansion, with grounds, comprising nearly i acre; corner 5th nnd Wesley .avo.sJI5.000 furnished or l2,r.00 unfurnished! 18000 can remain on mortgage. N. It HAFLEIOll. Ocean City,' N. J, M.1V apartment houses and bungalows, $7300 to HI, BOO, II. V. OOETZ, 302 3d St.. Ocean City, N. J. Phone 457 R. sunr MTT llUNOALOW for sale, Surf Cltv; fine fishing and bathing. Apply WM, TAQEL. Haines port. N. J.. P. O. Rot 72. TOMS RlVF.lt l-X)Il HALE A small country hotel, estab. since 1003; good all-year trade; mtlesmen trade a specialty, 3 persons cart run same; good opportunity for tho right party; Inspec tion and Inquiry Invited; price reasonable; good reasons given for selling; steam heat; all Improvements. Central House, Commer cial Men's Inn. situated on Toms River. N. J. r, S Four miles from Rarnegat Ray. rnNNSVI.VANIA FAItJlS FARM AND RECREATION TRACTS (Possession lir 30 !aa or less) 75 acres. 1VJ miles from Ilradford Hills. I'. R. II.. 2 strong streams 20 acre meadow, 50 acres tillable. Buildings 1(1000, 45 acres nn Valley Creek, 1H miles from Bradford Hills P R, R . newly remodeled stone house, 10 rooms anil bath, fuel gas In house, 2 largo fireplaces, heater In cellar; 2-car garage, old shade, 3-story stone mill, barn. 35 acres tillable, good environment. J000O. 135 acres. 25 acrea meadow, strong stream through farm 3000 feet. 4 other streams, 2 spring. 00 acres productive, balance uplar.sl hunting, old stnnn house with fireplace, barn. This Is a speculative prop erty nt the price of $50 an acre. (17 acres Wllllslown township, near Pnoll, old fashioned stone house and ham, good soil, woods, 2 small streams, electricity. J200 an acre, 1 05 acres (adjoins 17 acres), best nf soil, 30 acres woods. 2 springs and streams, atone roads and electric power, only 5o minutes from Philadelphia. Rusl uess uml professional men as neighbors. 1200 per ncre. A. I.. HALTEMAN. WEST CHESTER. PA. A REAL 11AROAIN Ii!7 ncrcs. 23 miles to City Hall, Tlilln : close to station; good soil, IS (acres nlfalfa. II acres wheat, asparagus bed, fruit timber, stream. 1 l-i-eotn stnno dwelling, bath, electricity, full comple ment of outbuildings; priced for prompt sale, t Ho per acre. W KORREST .MAGEE Southampton, Pa. NEAR S0MERT0N K7 ncres. mllo frnni station on stone road; 12 acres timber, stream, h-rooni stone dwell ing, 4-room tenant house: full set of out buildings: well located.-'aliout hOO feet from tho load, old shade; good view; prlco $175 per acre in seme csiHtp.i W KORREST .vi,vvl,l. riouin; hamptnn. Pa NEW JERSEY l'AKMS 58-Acrc Fruit & Poultry Farm ! Stock, Tools 6c Implements Inc. Right ort StHte rd 2 inlles from town: 20 111 res, planted In 500 peach trcis, bear ing, .liio hills grapes, apples, pears, cherries nnd vartiity of berries. 32 acres woodland. Willi stream running through plaie; large II room house, barn, with cemented icllar, uii nlliur barn for horso 11 nil cow. 5 largo poul try houses, brooder house, 3 incubators, horse, wagons, till tools mid farming imple ments, with 3no laying hens all luiludeil If luiuglit nt once JAMES PALMER HAM.MONTON. N .1. R- E. SALE OB EXCHANGE j J'AMnjKN SUHURIIAN PROPi:FlTV""lnNorili Camden, will sell rcHeonHhlr., all 1 nnv. , gs,s, clco trlclty mill city water Apply PETER HAtlEN. owner I1H Walnut st BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT MhST PHILADELPHIA 51101 WILLOWS AVE Modern cor stofo and ilwelllng. immediate possession open for Inspection Sunday between I nnd 4 p. m. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITV RENT Busiest Retail Section 3 stores at 13(K-5 Market Street, suitable for jewelry, shoes, hats. candies. Long leases. JOHN H. SINBERG Exclusive Rentinif Arjcnt for National Druy Stores 50,000 SQ. FT. Immediate possession Excellent murage space lilulty Slh n ml Locust sts erv low r.nlal WILLIAM GOLDSTEIN iiinii FH.HEitT s;r . 622 SOUTH 57frTST7 Aliraitlve pori'h-front r. Hid. lie for re months. furnished ilurinc the rummer rooms and bath, eleclihitv DAVID T NEVIN 3211 N 20tll orFirr.i. ih'hixkss ntitiMs. i7rf:. cujm-l.ui i.i.i luriusneii ofllce. light heat stenographer III building, lo deliver and ro reive mall, etc; . er Inon., urerer Hldir.. cor, .th nnd Spring Harden aln. rLll.NIHHEK private off cm or desk room for lent In Kry-xrl Hldg lu regular fellow' reference. A 701, Ledger Office tc"ow' Hiislncs. I'rnnertles nnd Stores iiiiwiui.r.iiiw FOR RENT 1 ONTARIO MILLS. 2d st. above Co. i lumbla ave : 3 floors, comprising In E ill over 22,000 feet of spacej auto" 1 inatlc sprinklers, steady nnd ample S ffnVn'ur.i'JiK.'S? 'CrVlCe ,0 oar I THE ARR0TT STEAM 1 fi POWER MILLS COMPANY 1 S 131 W.U.NIT ST Sr Wl.lMtlM.I'ii fi Mil JlWWa Mftft-j iv M, iflwfl B0O0 SCJ IT . I at n-car II R sldliiu T AleAN MIKKLETON, factor speclall'Ii and Industrial engineer Hoi WldeiiJe liirtj' 1111 S. 17T11 ST I floors ultl. h., .e.'-' f4, K, cor. lealrmouut ave. 3 fl.. es'eh ts U0, X rAllKBW, 17J5 KWeunt vJ ave-, REAL ESTATE TOR RENT WEST Pnn-ADELPHIA 4StS-.. 82D Kntlro bide, j ls t location vrZZ Phlla.s long lease. Lew s Cohen 7sS i S cor. 17th spd llslnbrlfte, 1118 l"nwin8ntg CliniMANTOWW ATTRACTIVIU furnished house, une I tn niiii io. n neurooms, s bat Perm st., Queon Lano Manor. 8122 tv I'hone Gtn, pnNNHvr.vANiAwimiinttAv MOYLAN ROSB VAT.T.KY 4 MOMTtta" 14 ROOMS AND 8 IlATllH fa 'arage!oyer 11 acres flne view, wh,1.. C, 1 I-KTKRH ft 8QN. (IPS CHESTNUT Br, TtlDMiV PARK FURNISHED 12-room house. wlth,gar..7 H.WchVgst.158 n "."itl.,?ft NEW JKRSnY ar.ABmiitJ: LOWER floors of new acartmsnts. spleMirM 1700, 1800. 1000. rhone. 457 Rt oal 7 effsr. D. TJ OOETZ n i" f J effer. D. F OOET2. 802 84 t-. Ofti uiiy, iv. j. rOB BEJVT rUBWISHED CITY HANDSOME stone, residences, with 1T near station and trolley; 0 mlleVfro?nl,?a ,B.rBe JRWIJi Sn' hB1: house comSn. chambers, fl baths, laundry, butler7. iSnie.7. electrlo light and all modern ImprovimSnE will lease from Juno IB to HaoternWis' Address P 434, la-dger Office t",rtcmb'r . I'M RENT Furnished houso from Mrt October 1; H rooms and 2 bathj- mVuL ah e or re! renlral ln..i r--l ii"L' "!". ' "- "". ..wu onruce 1141 KURNISIH ED houso fcr rent In aerinantnwn! ,and bathl June 1 to Septemb,7i (rooms and batlii June 1 to September it rent 1100 per month. n..n. v !."lr,'l anst J, """ nn;m west rnir.inKi.pniA con nniMT t. vyui. nlshed moiern-TtriMn' UotTiirS reen'h nnd nwn Intra! f f -- sa j..J. .'ly1 Heautlfully fur. set orr )m Jui """'"j-"! " r roni irom jun" IS tr. Prpt. rfiiartinpa fAtiia. n ann .- r. --.-.-.... H-jllll T-S.J P423. Led. Off 135 H. 03D Comnlelelv film a bath, elec, A gas; facing Cobb's CrJ Park: win eond Teas., glv. occun. June". rms. an n. u. ru.niHAi.iJ ?a?i " Helmont 2M M OrilMAXTOWN I2J0 PnR.MpNTIt-Furnlshd. yearly ., 12 rms.. 2 bnths. modern: convenient t Sedgwick sta. or Otn. nve cara; reference ren S, G. TOURISON. 7014 never "11"" xr.vr JKitsEY-scnunnAv S HADDONFIKI.D SUMMER MONTHS Attrnctlvo reaM.ncs fully furnished. Address M. V. Pelrc.' Hnddonfleld. .'. 'J. Phono Haddonfleld 2sa NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATI.1NTIO TITV 103 S. OAKLAND AVE., between Atlantis and beach: beautifully located house- lm. mediate possession: low rental; handsomely furnished nnd decorated; 8 bedrooms and hatha and servants" quarters. Apply A P Oregg. 1418'Waluut st. Philadelphia; or 10", S. Oakland nve.. Atlantic City, COMPLETELY furnished: centrally located all rooms outside: southern exposure 7 rooms and bnthi also pantrv, eloc. and rait elevator: Janitor service. A 701, lydgerOff RARE opportunity, furnished cottage, S. W cor. Ilartram nnd Allantlc; June to Oct.. Rell ph. Atlantic Cltv 4003 W PrefJ .fctlen' 5IAINE SU5IMER UOTTAC1ES ON MUSCONOUS RAY. COAST OK MAINE, with pleasnrt surroundings, suitable for people of slmpls tastes, for rent furnished. 1200 to 1500 for the season. PEMHBRTON ESTATES, Har lison llldg. (13th nnd Market sts.) KEAL ESTATE TV ANTED List your houses for sale in our semi central depart ment. We have cli ents who will pur chase houses on Spruce and Pine, South 15th to 21st street. HEYMANN & BR0. Widencr Bldp;. I HAVE HUYERS FOR PROPERTIES IN ALL SECTIONS OF CITY REST PRICES PAID. Can make Iminrdlatn settlcliH'nt If so d- PERLMAN m Walnut St. WALNUT 3I3 WANTEK TO 11UY. homo with convenlenctf. l.'OUO or less, city or suburban. Addreil Rlvimr exact location, description and terms. M 214 Ledaer Office. Your Real Estate Sold No matter wiiere loeatetl. FITPATRIC K. 1541 N. fluTH ST Hli.ME Ill'VERS wultlnir. nuTck a. tlon any part of cltj , Hat our properties wit; LEWIS COHEN. 2d, 1113 Lincoln Wile r.l S W cor. 17th uii. I Hnlnlirldge. WILL I1UV h modern properly In i.rman- town, convenient to W'njne Jinn linn or Qui en Lane Mallon:- (five full particular. elating price. .M 335. Ledger Office WILL PIMICIIASI: h bulnc,s prop. rlv in llermantowii. elvc details, loicelher wits Iw-ntiiin and nrlie. M 530. lydger iifflre WE HAVE buers for dwellings, West Phil adelphia and Ovcrbrook. S. C Adimj, 1 1IS Walnut at. . llirlorlra FACTORIES and warehouses for ssls of rent: ulvn full particulars, wlth.,1""1".. J L. Stevenson ft Son. 822 Land Tills RIM. I'llRNISIIKIt WANTED Smull furnish, il house for summer months, I open country for couijle without ch Wren; i give description. Incatlon and prye r s-i. Ledger tvfflce REAL ESTATE SAIiEBjtENT OCF-XX CITV , FOR SALE OR RENT; furnished, attractive cottage . Ocean City. N. J Call or nddrfU Cl T SMITIIEMAN. 10SO Oermantown ave.. Philadelphia. i'a. MORTGAGES MORTGAGES 0 n improved Philadelphia real esta'9 CENTRAL TRUST CO. n5A&8.v;fi?A.v.T,,IM NOTE ON MORTOAQUH Immediate' settlements 5U TCI I1U0O unsctliea esiace iwius Rulldlmi association fynds DEMPSEY t CO 27 8. 10th st. imviTPn Honey lor nrsi morie ; W.M,.i.,.rk,,, .in at IIS00 tad at llllilii ui";.i... -- I " "er ,,lKfSiriafi SHISLER I 13117 Tloaa at I'hone IIps-h 2205 , I Tvv I N V KSTM ENTS W I l-secu r. .1 first " moftu-ages on city, properties p.iying 0 per 1 eJS interest for sale al Par. lire nnd title '(n'S, 'policies with each mortgag. ln'.yF? 7pnTON ESTATES. 4 S 15th si 0 I v-.TlUTClAClE FII.VU8 for Iiuie-l.uers jsi and "ll . llUl llrs- HUVaiirrn J iina '"X. "",... i ".114-03 Commonvveiilth Trusi lll.lc. MONE- TO -PAN vVK LOAN MONEY Write. it. 'paritpuisrs .. PROVIDEtNT LOAN CO. 1033 CHESTNUT ST. vol I CAN HOIlltOW MONKY ,?WMW,b7.lnn st. It I HOR ill AND SOUTH STS. I 11 READY MONEY -- DIAMONDS, WATCHES t JUWKLRT United States Loan Society lit NORTH J'llfAD njo M'arket st 2848 Clermantown W 1 1 Ul 1. $ i & .-"' : to:.MR:Aiai,. ,t . .-r-. . tes" c '"V'Ji J.i. 'A . . il.r.lJtUKmmmmmLmL'---: ly'avi f .