112 .' , fT 9 MAIL ORDEIl READING GLASSES As Low as $1.50 Thorough Examination Prescription Filled fnpff Is III accurate mjlj r hlfex! , id prell lenee for difficult rase. ", ,. BFIWIltl mM. Uptown Offlcel 2001 XV. York HI. 3r Ooen Ev'gs, 7 to 0, Except 8at.A Thl Beautiful New 88-Noto Player Jnclud in 8 25 Roll Music and Bench $395 NewPianof,$195to$950 New Players, $425 to $2100 New Grand Pianos, $550 to $1500 Convenient Term An Acr o of Piano Bargains We ban ever half an a;r of slightly uied ami demonstrated piano on sali this weeiH. all makes, shnpcs npd eltes IneliiJInar a great many of the moat prominent make In Miniature Grands. Player-Piano and Upright Planoi. We rauit. have the room for eur new 1920 tnodtle at one. The following list will give some Idea of the won derful bargains: 3 New England Uprights $100 up 2 Francii Bacon 88-note 350 I Wagner 88-note 276 2 Angelut 88-note Player 200 4Emeron 88-nolo 350 up 7 Cunningham Upright. 125 up lujniniiiuio uujr uranai xv5 up 1 Imperial Upright j . . . 125 2 Chickering Grand . . , 8 Checkering Upright... 8 Etey Upright 0 Steinway Upright . . . 2 Conreid 2 Knabe Upright 6 Letter Upright 2 Maton Hamlin.... 4 Heppe Upright 3 Steinway Grand , ... 185 up 85 up 115 up 110 up 225 140 up 180 up 195 up 95 up 200 up Z Howard Vincent .... 245 1 Royal 88-note. 225 ffOWARDVttfCFNT 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH b'TH ST.. JSeatfj- ABENDSCHOEN V Susquehanna hvk, Heuulc'm mini hi ttmer,eV "' " n,SStMn5fr IS ftdi60ti. 1elM,vJ'" nnd ff'enda Invited to fnnaral. Friday, 2 p. m . parlor of Fn?eJ.Av?,hPr.A.S,5n' Diamond atf Interment Mt. Hlnal Cemetery. i.SU&Sf-Pffl ;..! J., -not Vi.r .!."" v"ul""n jrastian. Due ao,iiCAtSn tne. fVnorAl w' bo Klvn ,.."'I fcnLT.Ar" JOHN. Viusband of i.i. irii..i.-.r. ;;. rv -v.vv "usnn oi in il i .7 ""v "'" mumenstein). aged liil,!vi'vef-o,,n,,n f'ond. Prlng Garden "?.? r Po,w,,rs-Weghtman-Hoacngarten. invited to services. Sunday. 3 u. m.. 518 W. Cemeierv l I'"ment Grcenmount fBi,.,?IJ'?.rpr"n "AnAII. beloved wife ii..Hlti P.1?"'!"; n"'lv" and friends nre njlted to attend funeral. Friday. 8.30 a. in., late residence.. 1827 N. 24th st. Solemn reul;rn maae 8t Elizabeth's Church 10 BtinniJmenl.,'l?ir tro" Cemetery. JZWztiZ11- S!-.HARAII .TANK, ion 702 N lVh m re"ldcnco o hor rfBI?'"TAp!;M -7v, "MZAHKTH. wife .12"? s. "raden. . helat vea and friends iJ. rt .1 'unral. Krlday. n a. m from U!?ate nCe' 3"V N- 'iu ' l"n if.-n ,ltJ,1,.,hM; 'rlends nnd members of Jimtt o Ilia Ine Counci N n .1 1 lnVlIM In fitn.V.I 1 .lr. t "-. HI. kt e..M.n. .- iV- ."r.V" "-'.. " ' ----...-. .u ....c.. hivii'pm. ?n ii ni. CArtLBOUnN. April 27. HROR OILES OmiU? i,"? ' .Almi CarlbUurn (nee VnW JJ'ral aervlcea at ate realdence, die VUCTkahr?,g'?d- oY0rk"P Vllle. cam! R.... - Monday, 2 p. m ,.nJ"HDft Al"'" 27. WILUAM Ft., hus fiVla.ofJ"rrti S- Child. acd SU. Rela. ivi7.5a. tritni' Invited to funeral ienlcii. it vl i p,,..m. at lato realdence. S. Main ii,ik.,A,Ue' p- Interment private, t,H,.Vtrn Cemetery. CLIFFORD. April 27. WAI.TKH J., enn nJ.''V J .".n"1 MHry R I'llffonl. aed .11 '&'.. ?.rll!iy8 p '." - reeldenco. 407 -..v...j ,1 iiiirrinrni Dr inie rmnf npitatA ;''.W DALLAS DelCUZi:. D. D Relatlvea . ni5,,'flend. i-aasla Lodne. No. 273. F. and r , 'ontromery Chanter. No. 2B2. It. A. rvJ.1 vll"J. ,0. rvlcea. Friday. 2 n. m.. 'ookmaij M. L Church,' 12th and I.ehlch nm.1.ll"r.minl Forrest Hill Cemetery. 7ira,"r-.AtMll"0nla Home. April 28. .i.i";?. t:: D0W- Helatlvea and friends, Jo Washington I-odre, No, 50. V and A. ,' "fo invited to funeral. Friday. 8 p. m.. Trom the Home. 3833 N. Hroad at. Interroont vii C1J'IT Kuddenly. April 20 HUrHK hIi 'n f8.of Thomas A. Durkctt (no Mor rt .. el"J'v and frlendn Invited to attend i.i m',V?1- Friday, 8.3(i a. m.. late real, du. rombe Kiid i:ider avcs.. Lant rMiP Hpleinn maaa of requiem at Ht. 1 Jlloinena'e Churrh 10 a. m. Interment Holy '-'"' emetery l,nih.vPY..Apr11 2n' I'KWIS L. nt'DDY. ,MV'd f A,inl K Duddy Reletlves and lrnui.' al" 'nPloyea of tho Philadelphia ViJUIrer are Invited to the funeral, on Frl Mmonln., J" "n n'riock from his lat '"Ideni-e. 4s N Hoblnson at Renulem mass ,,PJ,,r l-4v "f Iho Rosary Church at 10 try Interment ut Hi. Denis's Ccmo- T!f.U"rV"riv. . .. ..... ....... . UwiV! """ 1 ouin .'Monin sum, ni il!,1)A Widow nf Jneenh S r.lUlntflii RelH ii, ir"1 'rl'fde luvlted to funeral. Fifth lit. Io!!.r,n Mnnih 2ttth. .1 3U p in from " residence Qlenwood ae , Jlojlsn. Pa Imtrmeiu private Aiitn..uV "P.APr" 27' MARV T. widow lriiiu.yu. h r'ayaui Relatives' and frlei Iil.i li' funrl aervlcea Friday. .1 P fr'rl"'y. at the David II Hchuyler Hul -Aorll 27 MArtV T. widow of Fayaui Relatives' and friends m i.ii.i- IH, r, j ...-. .h,,j I, k-,uillljlci ,..,m- '". lirOan nA ni.mnn .. r.l..m.nl i.rl. vHte ..... ... .... .... ,.: ." ? : 'M'rii 1. ,1 Jr. 7"AIr'l 27. KMZABKTH. dauah. I".0' jat Thomaa and J"? 30. Relatlvea and friends Invited to ',,T. ".''A' .,."" .""Vices. Friday. 10 a m.. at reel. ifnfi or hee ntnh.w t.a..nt i.nin. fi'11 v '-'Ml, I, .. - "-...... .man ... ,,.., u.v. tr,.!., -. i .Diiii.iii tricviy privavo ivc ilivW ? 'lewd Thurd-y eventnsr. J,.iiu,NTZiv!r" 20. CHAKLKS V. son o j. interment strictly private He- r Mlni4.. .. i ' Vital""! V J(ll. I Hlir, u rniil,f- J -30 P- m 'rom residence. 2.'iJ.'i . imi,.'8 "5. Hervlces and Interment Trinity i""ran, ,'-hurch 3,30 p m Revnolds Camp, suf.!.jf "teruiis. Invited. Friends inuy call ral Tnlk4,' Aur" 2- FHANCIS 7 son ot iei.nic.'B P nd lt0,e "l funeral, to whkh "illvcs and friends are Invited, Frldav. Biiilt n''.from parenta' residence 7H0 i?f J. )?. Solemn mass of requiem Church Biin.' 'nient 10 a m. precisely. Inter- ffivS, hdral Cemetsry. Jniiv .'... At Auburn. N. J April 27. 1.1. N JL 'VEN. ated 8rt. Funeral from his i,,e'"Jdence, Auburn, N J., Baturdsv, 10 m Ben Ices at M E. Church. 10 30 a I-,.,, x,"rment Lawnslde. Cemetery. Woods. wv..N J- A"t wilt meet train leavlnit h'5. at , 1'hlladelphla. 8-12 a. in, at nwedeeboro, N J. nit 1 veninK. :nVkilll,:APr" " OEORC1B. husbaml tnP,. ,?n,'' "n of late RaJer and KuphemU i'" Helatlvea and friend. Invited to fu .. vi'' v -;. o ciock. at hi snvai.I? V..ot5. "' Irby. Pa. Interment day even'nr Cemetery. Viewing Frl- Ao,J,,,,.,i8i,,'.i7APr1' 28- SIAMB A . wife of iled mA ,,lrh. Relatives and friends In Niei?ni. fun'raj. .Monday, 8,30 a 111 . 2300 bth'r.i! Nemn requiem mass St. Klla. nV m' ,n,orm'nt Huly iff ,N Airll 27 ANNA, wife of W.if?."!'"'!"" (nee Kohler). Relative and runas Invited to funeral, flaturday 2 p Na'rti, o.J"ld.',n!-.'830 B at Interment ""nil Cedar in 1 r,i,.i.t,. t.vt.nH. .nu "' IFrldav evenine, " R. imIn!!.fSS0,,,A,,rl ST; l920- WILLIAM eSu.i JU9)iE8." W'r a Klkton. Cecil 5" rnvlttix AlTaifi Tli UAMiier nlaliu. aoit 0 . ,vm '&" raw-. .??. rmvi. .i1"', MLtJ' lT""lf. Trai ,vie,vni nitvi una. 4nt.iMMBj.Te, m ,""kii ''t.iiiq lllimniUtB.UI kUULKU Cwueijrjf, v I W uWUhed 106o" l J Y'wi J.. ; Mw "f Sebastian ft. Rlesel, aged iSi.J'Wfii "i"1 W- "" members of Holy I anilly. Invited to funeral. Friday. . 3D A m.. nnrlnrn nf Tndt. c tm...i.J . ... 'Klll a. I :ir. 1I(,1A Anvil ! 41 rtnn mi a i'iiivliSJ'r011 April 20. 1B20. Dr. JOHN UULMEns DA CibstA. Jr. onlv eon of re-iii i ' r .John . nn,l Miry Melgn Dh in "in1 ubI aervlcea at llU lata rcaldenco. lni".iS? "v F'day. 30th Inst., at 3 p m. inif rmnt iri.a din.! .V.1."'1 Jnursday, p. m.. late reai- ,'"'' lO-'ti Andr.vva itve.. Colllnudule. Pa I;""'"! Private, North Cedar Hill Ccme. rom' rWl,y ' p' m Chester papers please hiii-Ji,'K.n.."n AI,rl) 87, CHARLKH W. riifaii. of 5Lry llocfcler (nee Hoffman), "utlves and friends alto I.lnwood Assem No -i ? , M(. T." and Urby Flr Patrol, art7nna.r. 'nvll'd til the aervlce, on Haturdny s lata rusi. tmvnis hi hr?iA.""A,,rll.a8',l tn residence of IlnriiJr i.f' Auu," W. Jordan. 423 XV. DAN ' son ? C.rinl'ln,0.,vnl.Dr' .KWINO JOR Jorda'n S.,Ji,he I"1". Grande and Hmlly i?irjjt!,lr'ce ?nd . Interment prlvatn. Nrirr NHT- : Apr" 20- THOMAS KKN r.VJ: Jncr,M from "'a residence. town0c;m.ii,;,,'- 2 " In"rnient New! K nMW-'V'' 1 Comr antes will meet train p tnf 'eVln- Reading Terminal 12.35 1nvii'I:.2iniCI.,"April -1- CATHKIUNC. be. iaW vir..Sl P.?1?, Klrhlck (nee Llttel). frf rniVeei '. ,lS'tlvj and friends Invlteii Maiden. 'eo8,".l5,.rd,,'.8Jl0 a. m.. from late Mcini.m.22 f lK '; nnborouh. Holemn requiem man .1 ut t...... r.... f... tj-Mt't t'.'.'"?.0.1 Ht- '''tor's Cemetery. VCJlNt5ljWi?,'?,-:A.,,r'1 2"' JN KNELL nr.f ,.L,ib95d "J 1'' Anna Elliabeth (nee mMLr.tf 7,?' "ltlve and friends, also nmbers 1 of all Swiss societies, Tloia Llrder XviSfi. 12 ,mPloes of the xndralo Sloel Works, "a invited to funeral, Thursday. 2 Ph ..'.. firi?JP ?J20 Dellevue at. Interment IvW.""1" Cemetery. Fr ends may call Wednesday evenln. N iAJl5!E,"Apr,r.:!?t A''ICE. wife of Lara M,.Mlr."",.lU,n.,rl Friday, 8:30 . m,, late or lin,ri--JVS N'.M'l ' Almn hlah masa nIfSiL,nf Ch'lrcl t t. Oreiory 10 n. m. prJci".e.Uw Inerment Holy Cross Cemetery. fLSS?1f, AR'". 2B' MICHAEL, husband KiMeM,Sr,1fi1, ''dy. a:d 82. Funeral K5' 8:30 a. m.. residence, (ill W. KlnRsley aye.. Oermantown High masa at S,..yltn.p".nt $ r,"l' Church 10 a. m. Inter mctnU.!l!)I "'Pulrhre Cemetery. niVpIviIA'?eP.I,i.APr 2L 20. MAO jnA.NtAi . L'K"MANN, wlfo of the late n.i.pt?. I'Bnnn (nee Claum). aed 7 years. m ,nllYf ?, -nd . friends, also members of am V",1 f ne'ormed Church and ladles' it .i..-,i't'U,6re Invited to attend services !Lc.l"rc1'' Wharton at. above 18th , 2 p. m. sharp, on Saturday. 1 p. m.. rem her residence. 1823 Dickinson st. Remains may tMTXS3JtMy flvenln. ,i'i,S.VIr'ff;"7Ap,r" ,27' MAROARKT T widow of tvter U. louden, aited 07. Rla. lives Bnd friends Invited to services, Satur day. 2 p. m.. 123 XV Providence ave. Alden, ?,'. "J county. Pa. Interment private, Arlington Cemetery. r-i't'fy.'.0'.'?"5. . On April 20, 1020. MI CHAEL F.. husband of Elizabeth V. Loua-h-?yl',l.",w,!'p",, "nd ?n of Mary E, and the late Michael F. Louahney. Kolstlv-s end 'rl'n'ls. Shanahan Cathollo Club and Nauml "ribe of Red Men. Invited to funeral, on Sst U.. y-J. H;3 a. m from 8105 8prlnfleld 51e,. 8olfmn renulem mass at Church of St. Fraijel de Sales at 10 a. m. Interment St. Denis's Cemetery rJAN".F,K,'IJ'T;On Apr" 2fl' ARLINB RIS HON, widow of Harry MAnsfield. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, from the L?"1r . IIJr IMd.. 1820 Chestnut st r-ervlco In St. John's Church Csmdon. N. J., ftl .1 o'clock. Interment private. Friends J?' view remslns Friday evenlne at 1820 Chestnut st Washington. D. U . paper Please copy MAY AnHt er vnnmiiifT .. !.... .e John May Relatives and friends in vited to funeral, Friday. 8 a. m; from resldenco of her son-in-law Jamea M Han Ion. 7323 Bryan st . Mount Airy. Solemn .il'l"' .'1 ..vn JL nv Jriuei n vnurcn. rails ?.f..ucliuyl.k!l1' n;:ln a' " interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. eMf.VA?t,U5H?. April 26. EDWARD, son . .Albcr$,anJ' V'A'S McCandless (nee Ep- ate n). Funeral Friday. 2 t. m.. from the residence of her arandparents. 1212 Ogden st. Interment Norlhwnod Cemetery. R- ineins -rnay ue viewed Tlmredav even nsr. McDEVlTT. April 28. HARRY J.. Sr.. DuJfbJ.nd.f Hannah J McDevlit. Residence, C:s5,;Sf.,J?,1rt- Further notice Ister MrOAHAN At Phoenix Ariz . on April nl'iilfV u'011. M MrCAHAN. formerly of Philadelphia. Notice of funeral later. , McNICHOL. April 2d. JOHN J . Jr.. hus band pf M"jraret (nee Sweeney) and son of -John I nnd Rose MnNlchol (nee McElwee), UelstlVSH nnd friend. .la, Uan U.lwnr!,. Council, Knlahts of Columbus, and all other eocieu.a imuen to runerai, Friday, :ao a. m . resldenco. 2110 Mount Vernon st. Solemn requiem mass St. Francis's Church 10 a. m. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. . A,ITS1ET', P"rth Month 28th. WIL 7IAM P. MITCHELL. Funeral from late residence, Ijinghorne. without further no tice, Slxth-day Fourth Month 30th. at 2:30 p. m. Convcyancen will meet train at LanK no'nn lenvlnjr Readlnir Terminal at 1.02 P. ni, , MUL1.1N. April 27. JAMES MULLIK Relatlvea nnd friends Invited to funeral, Saturday. 8'30 a m,, from residence of his brother 11 in Palmer st. Hls-h insss at Im maculate Conception Church 10 a m In terment at St Aua-ustlne'B Cemetery, Urldireport. Pa Auto funeral. NEALIN April 211, ANNIE NEAL1N (nee Carton), beloved wlfo of Tlmulhv 1" Nenlln Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral, Monday, 8.80 a. in., from 3720 Iorust st. Solemn requiem mass at St James's Church, 10 a, m Interment Old Cathedral Cemeterv OLDF1ELD April 27. DAVID. JR.. son of David and Ethel M. Oldneld (nee Younker). aged 4. Funeral services Friday. 2:S0 p. m . at parents' residence. 352 Eaat Indiana ave. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Thursday! evening. PALMER. AprP 27. CLARA L.. wife of William II. Painter. Relatives and friends. Indies' Auxiliary. Clifton Holrhta Urn Co.. No. 1. Invited to funeral services. Friday. 4 p. m.. US Modlson avo . Clifton HolKhts. Interment at convenience of family, PARK. April 28. I.KT1TIA V.. widow of Alexander I'nrk. aired 81) Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral services, Satur day. 2 p. m , late residence, 817 N. I2d st. Interment private. PENMAN. On April 2S. ANNIE ORA IIAM, wife of David M Penman, Service on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at her resl denco. 37 N. Wlota at. Interment nrlmii. dlansow papers please copy. 11IMRY Anrll 27. THOMAS W IV. ... of late William and Emma rtlmhlv. n.i.. tlves. friends and members of Vigilant Coun cil. No lODfl, I. O IT. A.. Invited to funeral services, Thursday, 0 p. in , at 5100 N 12th st. Interment Friday at convenience of "rODOERS April 27. ANNIE E . widow or Harry C Rodtrers. Funeral rervlces on Saturday at 2 p. m . '.'lit Slcel st, Int. prlvate Friends may call Frldnv evenlne. RYAN. At his residence. 20(1 N .14lh f 011 April 20. MICHAEL J. RYAN. Funeral and Interment private. SCHENK April 20. WILLV fcCHENK (nee Laurentlne). beloved wife- of Horace Schenk. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral services. Thursday. -7:30 a. m , from her late residence, Douslasvllle. Pa. Re main may bo viewed at cemetery. Inter ment Ardsley Burial Park SCHULTZ. April 27. VIRGINIA A., wife of Henry A. Hchultz and daughter of late Patrick and Annie Daly (nee Kane). Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Satur day. 8.30 a. m , from late residence. 3021 Llvlna-ston st Solemn requiem mass nt church of Nativity 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery SCHWARZ April 27. ANNA, wlfo nf Emll Schwnrz aired (1.1. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Saturdav. 8 10 a ni . from the residence of eon In law. Josepu Albert. .11.1(1 Chatham st ItlKll mass ut Our I-adj Help of Christians Church 10 a in Interment Hillside Cemetery. W funeral car. SHEPPARI). April 20. ELEANOR C1ENE VIVE, daughter of Frank J. and Ro-c Acnes Sheppard (ne Ulvens) accd 17. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral. Friday. R 80 a m . from her parents' residence. 022 S. 50th st Solemn requiem masa at Church of Transfliruratlon in a m. Interment strictly private Holy Cross Cemetery. SIICTE Anrll "7. SUSAN 13.. widow of Charles F Hhuln. Itelntlces nnd friends In vited to services, at her lain residence. 1031) N. Oratz st , Saturday, 2 p. m. Interment private Friends may call Friday evenlnu. 8 to 10 SLOAN April 28. JOSEPH, husband of lato Catherine Sloan Due notice of funeral from 2163 E Stellu. el. SMITH April 20. ANNA T. (nee Oels ner), wife of Fran!, E Smith. eed 60. Rola tlves and friends are Invited to funeral, Frld.iv, 11 a m, parlors of Emanuel Aaher i Son 1002 Diamond st Interment Mount Slnal Cemeter SMITH April 28 SOPHIE daughter of Esther nnd Into Marl, Smith Relatives and fi lends Invited to funeral Frlda 3 30 p m , parlors of Emanuel Aaher 4. Son. 1002 Diamond st Interment Adath Jeshurun Cemeterv. SMITH -Anrll 27 MARIE ds'ihte- of Martin ii ml Marie A Smith (nee Gallagher), aped A enr. I months. IliWtlvie mid friends Invited to funeral Frldav 2 p m . fiom he purt-iii. itslilnut l.'l.in Fleinins; st RoxhurodKli Interment estmlnster Cemeterv STECK April 2S ANNA G beloved wife of Joseph C hterk (nee Heats) Relntlver mentis nun uosiirj .ocieiy are inviieu id funeral Salurddv 8 30 u m . from late residence. 2.153 N llsncock st Solemn re quiem mass at St Konlfaclus a Church 10 a. in Interment at Hol Redeemer Cerrn terv. frUPHENBON April 27, 1020, LEON ARD husbaml of Sarah M Stephenson and father of Richard I) of New York and Mrs. I Johnson, Miss Mury Stephenson. Mrs A. Rarandon and Mrs J Solomon. Jr.. also of New York. Relatlveit afld friends, also Cotuordla Iidge No. 07 F. and A M 1 Vulcan Assembly, ni'mb'n of Orand Lodge Sons of St denote Invited to funeral serv ices, on Saturday at 2 p m precisely, at i. I m. iieiiitu,., .u'.'i ii imtiirlo at In terment Oakland Cemcter New York pa llets please copy xritlNHiP.lt Anrll 20. at North Wales Pa . CHARLES, husband of HannahH Htrlnuer, ngeil 117 Relatives and friends In vited to -irvlre". nt his late residence North Wales Pn Frldaj 2 p in Interment pri vate Friends mai cull Thursday, 7.30 to TAW April 28 JOSEPH TAW husband of Elizabeth W Taw' Services Snturday, 2pm at late residence 1510 (18th ave Oak Lane Interment private. THACKRAY. April 28 IDA V . wife of Isaac Thackray (nee Schvvclkart). Funeral aervlces Saturdav. 2pm at late residence, lilOU W Lehlrh ave. Jnterro'nt at Mount Peace Cemetery, TOSH. April 28 HENRY husband of Matilda Tosh aged 81 Relatives and friends, also Post No. 5 (1 A R , Invited to attend funeral Saturdav 2 p m , real deuce 11)12 Pemberton t Interment Mount ' TULI-Ap'rTn JOHN HEDGES, son of Earnest R and .Mabel M Tell Tull. aged 14 months Funeral sei vices Frlda ! p, in, parents' residence 6444 Pulaski ave , Uer nwntown Interment private WALKER April 28. MARY EMMA wife of Colknt Walker Services Now Centervllle, Cheater oounty. Saturday, 2 n, :n Interment private Autos at Strafford for train leaving; llrfiftd St 12,15 p. m WARRINGTON. April. 27. MARY K (nee nlrdsell), widow of llenjamln Warrington. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv ices Friday. 10 a m at residence of son, Rudolph 8 Warrington, 757 Spruce st Cam- UNDERTAKERS .r piawohp !.-- T Ievenincp Public lnTIH den. Interment private, Ilarlelgh Cemetery, ".'.'.nd'.fall Thursday evening, -WKKKH On April 27. 1020. I.TDIA BHARPLESR, Trldow of John Hart Weeks. IJsrvloei Friday aftemnon.it 3 p, m.( from ment private. "''""' "8 " J"n "' J""r -ttSSJilANDT. April 28, OEORtlE it. WBVOANDT, Sr.. aged 78. Relative ano friends Invited to funeral services. Saturday. 2 P. . m. precisely, at late realdence, 143 Mapiewood ave., Ucrmantown. Interment prl vnte, WtNTHROP. April 28. JOHN, husband of Helen M. WlnthroB. Services Paturdsy, 2 P. m.. 847 Summit Orovc ave., flryn Mawr, Pa. Interment private. Friend may cal Friday, 7 to ti p. m. LOST AND roUMD n'ftrJi"7'f?.,t. Masonic charm .In West .-!.hJ.1,"?i',pn1"' 'rom 80th and Market to BOth i-m!1!10??" .v'- I'J!?rr",..r''ard If returned - .... ... I..I.IHI, iiwi wmnw ivi, N?.t.lc"JcJ:.Bmll brown neckpiece fur ... n!.1?" Sunday evening going from Phil, ti Boulevard or .Trenton . road. Will finder return same and receive big reward? Will also pay expense of postage. Itay Lelmberg. 82 Hart ave.. TrnViton, N j. "". 1 U( KETiinoirMiyi.i w.n...w t... Wanamaker'e find 11th and Chestnut, or ....r, ","""" -"' nrown leatner pockcidook SKi n.ln5 ney. theatre ticket and rail Trust Co rw"r1 ,r "turned to Phlln POCKETROOK tst, at Three Tun Tav. 4 -Ce.".r Ambler. ,P , on Saturday, April zI'a? .,,b00H containing considerable money !? .fm.ck-'; Liberal reward, paid for return f. 8J.m, nr Information which will lead to in f-VZH?J.y: "2. ,nuestlons aeked. Charle P.'inhi.'IU 24.9 w' mrt St.. rhlla delphla. Iliene Kenslnctnn 7100. rl.'ni5i -I't. Wednesday, small pure. con kJSJr n8..".nm,L ",,m "' money nnd watch. 5?inn i?"1 nd Chestnut and Rrond Street RfhiiJ n'tn,wrd If returned to Miss rjproulcs. Public lils-r Offlre. WA.eu ViTi' on.. Hatunlaj. the 24th. e.rViV rt-ie?,n'r Tt?11"' containing calling cards, draft card. .Emergency Fleot pass and ?uh?nV2?3h's.reSr.Vtd-.t.W"1 nn" P,e'"'9 " HELP WANTED FEMA1VE ATTENDANTS WOMEN. WITH on APfLY MRS. BURKB. CHIEF NURSB. BELL TELEPHONE OrERATINQ U An Ideal occupation for joung wome'n AN OPPORTUN1TT TO WORK IN A CENTRAL OFFICE NEAR TOUR HOME INTERESTING. WORTH-WHILE WORK IN A WHOLESOME ATMOSPHERE $14 A WEEK TO START WITH A REAL FUTURE LV A REAL BUSINESS See MISS STEVENSON. 1631 ARCH T. or any of the following If more convenient MISS SMITH 400 Market at. StlSS ORR 2d W. Chelten ave. MISS RE1LLEY, 12d S. 02d t. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO OF PENNA. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, familiar with cost or manufacturing ledger preferred: excellent opportunity with rapidly growing concern In North Philadelphia f0T prnctcal. aggressive bookkeeper; special consideration given those studjlng higher accounting. P 424 l-edgcr Offlre CASHIERS. EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAJLVKER'S CHAMBERMAID, white Write Mrs. O. R. Packard. Vlllanovn. Pa., ne nhnn. rtrvn Mawn 84 before P 30 any morning. CLERK THE ACCOUNTING DEPART MENT OK' THE PUBLIC LEDGER CO DESIRES THE SERVICES OF A YOUNG WOMAN WITH TWO YEARS nf mnii SCHOOL TRAINING O ASK FOR MR PRICK SCHOOL TRAINING OR ITS EQUIVALENT COMPTOMETER operator, familiar with time c-arda and payroll, state uge, evp and salary expected "F-87 " P O Bii 8484, COOKING and housework: no washing: a reliable, settled woman, German preferred; excellent home and wages- referenre re quired. 29 Pelham road, Germantown. Phone Qsrmanlown 44. COHEMAKERS Glrla, experienced, to work In core room. Apply Fletcher Works Foundry, 2d and Olenwood ave DOLL REPAIRER APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER S DRAWERS-IN. experienced on nattern work In open shop: wages 112 per week 18 liou-" ateailv work. M 517 Ledger. Office. - FILE CLERK The Public Ledger Co desires the services of a young woman as tllo clerk in tntlr accounting depart ment APPLT TH CHESTNUT Ask for Mr Welst GIRLS 100 WANTED OVER 10 TEARS OF AGE IN CIGARETTE DEPARTMENT NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LIGHT AIRY FACTORY DESIRABLE STEADY WORK 32 WEEKS A YEAR HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COST GOOD PAY. EXCELLENT TREATMENT LIGGETT I MYERS TOBACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO STS. GIRL3 AND YOUNG WOMEN WANTED FOR PACKING ICING AND MIS. CBI.LANEOUS WORK: EXPERIENCE NOT NKI-IJMSAIIT J'LKABANT SURROUND. INOS. 112 TO START AND RAJ'ID AD VANCEMENT. LUNCH SERVED AT COST. NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. 1301 OLENWOOD AVE. GIRLS lplpg and filing Inspecting, wrapping bearings machine operating STANDARD STEEL AND BEARINGS. INC. 40th and Merlon ave. GIRL to do minor miscellaneous routine office work; no experience necessary, atata salar.v. Keystone Lubricating Co,. 21st and Clearfield sts GIRLS vvttnted, experienced nr Inexperlemed I for work In silk mill, good wages and bonus Apply urisvvoid Worsted Co . Daroy, Pa OIRLS wanted, experienced or inexperienced for work in silk mill good wages and bonus Applv Grlevvold Worsted Co Darbv. Pa. OIRLS to learn rope portlers making, which pays a good piecework rale. Oehrle Bros, Co C.'l N 3d GIRLS. .1, for packing department: no ex perience necessary Applv 424 N. 10th or 4th and Noble sts GIRLS for housework Protestant. 3 In fm II v 2100 Ontario st GIRUS experienced, wanted to work In rorsroom. Apply Fletcher Work Foundry, gd st and Glenwood ave HAND SMvBrtS EXPERIENCED OV FINE WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT TV WANAMAKER'S ixenusiv INRPECTRESS, experienced, on women's suits, coat and dresses; permanent post, tlon Apply second floor. Wananvsker t Brown, 0th nd Market sts. KNITTERS, experienced on Eppler maehlnei winders and doubters In the same depart, ment. with opportunity 'o learn on machine. Oehrle Bros Co . 423 N 3d MAID for general housework, cooking In cluded: no washing Phone any morning laddnnfleld 482. "t OPERATORS ON ltBt6M SHIRTS APPLY IIUREAU OF, EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'8 .1 I'Vvsr-'lr tLEDaERiHii;ADELPHrA; Thursday, apriu 29, EELP WANTED rkMALE LONO-DISTANCB TBLEPHONB OPBRATINO IS THE MOST INTERESTING WOHK IN THE CITT FOR TOUNO WOMBN tli TER WEEK TO START HAriD rNCRBASES riNB opronTUNirr for ADVANCEMENT APPLT AT ONCE AT ROOW T8t BOURSB DUILDINO 4TH RELOTv MARKET OT. 8 A. M. TO 6 T, U. WRITE IF UNAnLn TO SEE MISS JENNINGS 0l.fICE CLERK Olrll good opportunity! iii'L'"1"!!.? ,nd lary expected. A sot idrer Offlcti. 6fn!.ErAn,TM S."0 h." ,Prlence In thla hit ...' f.!fll.Lb rwulred to keep farm and Sin.."cc.iHinli. ftl, crftarll work of a ?ui.1?8" nd Private nature! only those with experience need apply. P 422. IWlger Office" 8TnniS0iAP.HK.n i-ads of r"IK" nd re niW!' J"iho '!. f"r"nt and accurate, not nIJn. 'iV.lnir dictation, but In composing JJli'lLl." '""rs! preferably oae with news SIPi.T rrlence;'for such peron (here Is s position open In pleasant surroundings snd with good compensation. A 728, Ledger Off. STENOGRAPHER for large office: must t sxperlencedt hour 8:30 to n p, m.t no Saturday afternoon work and no overtime: gyod opportunity for advancement: satarv 118 per week. Ask for Mr. Partington, of the American Stores Co . 4th nnd Noble sts 8TENOORAPHER-8ECRETART for busy ex. erutlve requiring a real assistant: excel lent opportunity for yoqng woman with am bition and ability; hour 8 to 4:30: lunch n fta1 AL "'"PJi. wrlt" ful1 Particulars, V 4211, Tedrer Office STENOGRAPHER and assistant for general office work, wholesale commercial house: high school graduate or one with a few months' experience preferred 118 per week w, ni.,i, biic w unci experience. v. o Box 54 02. STENOGRAPHER Toung ladv for pet-ma- nrin iNinuion Aonress, siviting age, ex- rtii salary aesirea, t- i.'i, Ledger STENOGRAPHER and tvolst: must be com petsnt and experienced: good salary and P.'rVJS'Jf surroundings; Kensington district. "P-sn." r.'O. Rot 344a STENOGRAPHER Beginner: good oppor. tunltn tate salary expected. A 505. Led. STENOGRAPHER, exn.. In collection office onice Address If 80. P O. Rox 8600. TELEntONE OPERATING Young women who appreciate Interesting work In health ful and attractive surroundings, with many advantage such as comfortable recreation rooms, well-cooked lunches served at cost free medjral adVlce a liberal sick benefit plan nnd 114 a week to start should pp1v to Miss Stevenson. lleU Telephone Co.. lnai Arch nt. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Girls expert- enced on telephone to solicit advertising' will pay salary and bonus; state experience c"43JtV,eerrorVlc.!'Ph0n,S n"mbr- lf ,ny- TYPIST Young ladv who can operate T r Smith machine, must bo neat and ac curate, permanent position nnd chance for advancement. P 430. ledger Office WAITRESS, first class, wanted, family of 4 Clfy00?,nW.?'C0,'verbPookr t0 "- Ard"- "" OnS Who nnilM l,rt.l.a. u. home: rer. Cal Hrgswnod, N, J. home! rif. P.Hln n..r.,":""" oa ., . . VI... ..... u..,,,, .in. ,v. l-rtl. i-nona voningswood Sin WOMEN FOR CLEANING DAY AND NIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNG GIRL nermsnent ,,ui..... .,,T1 work: mo.t bo neat. Williams, iir'nwn a Esrle. Inc.. 018 Chestnut YOUNG WOMAN wanted for office work "in the sales and advertising department of a fast-grow lng manufacturer. Aoplv Tienh Miller Sons'A Co.. maker of Eagle .Met. Iflth and Reed sts. ""'" "!. TOUNG WOMEN AS CASHIERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S (jcnernl BUSINESS SERVICE CO. 1IM Land Tiii. Bkprs,. stenngs . tplet. clerks. 120-123. HELP WANTED MALE ATTENDANTS MEN IN MENTAL DIB PARTMBNT PHILA GENERAL HOsI PITAL. 84TH AND PINE 8TB.J GOOD PAT APPLY MRS. BURKE. CHIEIT1 NURSE AUTOMATIC OPERATORS Grldlev. Potter I Johnson operston W S TURRET-LATHE OPERATOR. VERTICAL BOR1NG-MILI. OPERATOltS GRINDERS. EXPERIENCED ONLY Dav and Night INSPECTORS. EXPERIENCED Micrometers and gauge FURNACE HELPERS Steady men, day and night LA BORERS Steady day work for good men Machine helpers aged 16 to m Do net write, applv STANDARD STEEL.AND BEARINGS ic 4th it and Merlon ae. ' AUTOMATIC SCREW machine set-up men on Cleveland automatics. Thos. II Ddlleii Co Broad and Federal ' """ UEAMERS. experienced on pattern work' la open shop; vrages 144 per week; 43 hours' sttirtv work M 513. Ledger Office BOOKKEEPER experienced, familiar with cost or manufacturing ledger preferred, excel ent oonortunltv with panMiu P-.,,utn. concern In North Philadelphia for practical, aggressive bookkeeper; special consideration IV .A. """ oiuiinaa- nigner . accounting. P 423 Ledger Office ' BOOKKEEPER Must b. capable, experi enced In D E. aystems, and good penman sttta age experience and salary expected ientra location P. O nox 118 BOY over 18. active. Intelligent and ambi tious to learn advertising and selling, ex cellent chance for advancement In Day snd position Annlv after 2:30 n. ni . to Mr. Westcott Advertising Department. PuBllo Ledger 6th and Chestnut. ' BOY Permanent position, must be over 18 . 'JS11,'8 for advancement William. Brown Earle. Ine (118 Chestnut st BOY. atrong, for general work In a msej. , ronl factor. A. C. Krumm. 1012 Da- kota at. HOT 1H Wars of age, to learn waiTh- making, with J. E Caldwell A Co Ask for Mr Coburn, second floor, Wliiener Illdg, BHAKEMEN ' BRAKEMEN BRAKEMEN Yard braktmen, experienced men pieferred, also men willing to learn full pav while being Instructed , for Jersey Cltv and vicin ity: good wages and full board For full particular see company's representatne. after 7 a. m all day, 2J1 N 18th st. i BOY wanted, cutting department, Gentne. .Applj- seoond floor. A Hartung en. 508. 1'.' Race at C. BUSS BOYS. COLORED ABOUT 17 OR 18 TEARS OF AGE I "Oil RESTAURANT APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S BUTLER also second man, white, proles. tajit: parmaneiit position. I'lesee vv-rlle, giving reference and wages expected, Mrs tinuiico e.ircnaviiar. niwiusi) EqUrC, la wi ,,i,i.,. i.m.umi mill. Iff OH CAPTAIN nrt marine engineer for a small harbor tugboat Apply Jlagsn. uu al nutjy , CARPENTERS wanted on concrete foVm work avrrtlniR Job Hughes-Koulkrod Co . Bsvnton and Chelten ave CARPENTER, stead work good -hours Apply C 11, lUed. (IQo Chestnut .t CLBRK-STENOGRAPHER TheAtlsntic Rennlng Co. I seeking a ounV man alvaut 20 year old. for cltflcal' po.lt" mi be able to trie .some dctatn... l.ia..-T , la C-t4ll, tUt fMi. aviu ""u'" ' ' HEI.P WANTED MALE CLKHK. bill nr1 rtitrv. vnnnf man with xpirncA, wanted to work In office of wholiI tirujc houaf. V 483, Itirer Of- rit CLOTH FINISHER wanted, experienced on astrakhans chinchillas and montagnscss only competent men need apply. P 432, Ledgsr Office, COLLECTOR and salesman- permanent and profitable outside position: salary: oppor tunity for advancement. Apply between T nd p. m.. 4000 Frankford ave COOKS t once, several white cooks at the Wardman Park Hotel. Washington. D. U. good salaries and room furnished.. Apply to chef. Wardman Park Hotel, Connecticut vo. snd Woodley rosd. Washington. D C. CRAMPS' SHIPYARD wants SHIP CLEANERS No heavy lifting LABORERS TRACK REPAIRMEN OR PAVERS APPLT EMPf-OTMENT DEPARTMENT RICHMOND ABOVE NORR1S ST. DESIGNERS EXPERIENCED MEN IN RE-ENFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN AND DETAIL ?Jl,i'..ArE,'T STONE . WEBSTER, 1314 BEACH ST. DRAFTSMAN, sttuctural dMaiter. with ex perience on conveyor systems preferred R. H. Beaumont A Co 8B Arch at. DRAWERS-1N. experienced on pattern work: In open shop: wages 142 per week: 48 hourai atesdy work. M 510 l.-vtfr Office. FIREMAN. If Reed colored, steady work. floo Chestnut st. Apply C. Are you tired of tnnvlnv arnund frm . Job to another losing time and money? QOODYEAR Offer permanent Work with good money to uuu .iivAy-rriciiieu men tor ruDDer iraacs. Good working conditions Educational advantages Liberal pay while learning Apply In persen or communicate Factory Employment Office. with THE aOODYEAR TIRE h RUBBER CO. Akron Ohio The City of Opportunity GARDENERS and laborers wanted. 100 to 5Q0, for 11 hours. Applv C C Lewis care of II. A Praser. Countv Line Station! Ardmor- Phone Ardmore 88. GARDENER, to take care of small green hi i-re unci grounds nnd furnace In the winter Mrs II G Haskell, Mt. Salem lam. Wilmington. Del, Wilmington 527 lTboREHS wanted. Apnly India hcfinTng Co Swanson and McKean sts """"" LINOTYPE OPERATORS on Job and cat, logue work In Ohio: night ahlft stats union or nonunion. M 334. Ledger Offlre MACHINISTS wanted, all-around men ex. perlenced on engine repair work: none hut first class need upply. William F. Kuk.I1 710 Noble st "uweii. MAN AND WIFE for family of 2; wife for cooking and housework: man to take core of garden and general work. Write a i Kothny. r. 9. Box 80. Strafford. Pa' J,r phone Way ne 8f 0. " or MAN wanted to work around leath'r ware, house Apply Wilkinson Reger, 301 MECHANICAL ENGINEER One familiar with ship auxiliary and hoisting machinery; good open ing for right man. Apply SUPERIOR IRON WORKS CO Superior, Wisconsin. MEN WANTED MEN- WANTED FOR ALL WORK KINDS OF FREE SERVICE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU u,t'" S. W. COR. BROAD AND VINE. PHOVF LOCUST 5041. "UAb MEN Germans to sell on commission mu nlclpal bonds of large German cities Ad- nress josepu .vi cavi. .'i William at New York " MEN. stnrane battery 'vork good pa, prem ium and bonus 4HS hours work no labor trouble. Appl 7 n m and all dav. Phlia delnhla gtnraite flslterv i'o Ontario T" OVEN HELPERS wanted 8-hour d.iyTTialf furnished st cost Applv National Biscuit Co 1-101 Glenwood ave ' "cu't PATTERNMAKER Weneed a natternmakT location outside of Philadelphia, stats waxes -wanted P 428, Ledger Office PHARMACIS r Registered In Pennsylvania--hour dav no Sundays, permsnent Anniv George II Evsns lloil Cheslnut. PORTERS DAT. AND NIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER S POSITIONS IN RESTAURANT BROILER ORDER COOK BUTCHER APPLY BUREAU OF E.IPIa)YMKN WANAMAKER S TRESS HELPERS Fine opportunity" for good workers pplv superintendent nod chestnut st PROOFREADER wanted union for morning paper scale $18 fur 8 hours Address staling experience et, Itusel Stlrllnr foreman Irglnlan Pilot Norfolk a SALESMAN Capable aggressive man. pos. sesslng lact Initiative and olc-aslng per sonallty commission basis, esrnlng ranscltv unlimited oprvortuntv to secure executive position A 012 ledger Office SALESMEN wanted We want a limited number of high-class salesmen to repre sent our houso In exclusive territory; men who have some knowledge of Industrial and speculative Investments preferred, do not bother us unless vou have ability and a week'a expenses ahead dead beats wind Jammer and booere cannot qualify atrlrtlv legitimate and a big monev maker Addresa A,,. n I'a'l. 320 Slshlman Bldg Nash ville Tenn S VI.ESMEN FOR MENU II Tfl EXPERIENCED PREFERRED APPLY IUREV.U OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER S SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCED KTVCK- kAt.C-9. FOUR MEN EN HIGH-GRADE Ni SECURITY; 1.0 AL ENTERPRISE ADDRESS P. O. BOX trim MII.AIIIJI.I-MIA SIGN WORKER Wanted first-class all mound brass end bronze algu worker onlv fjrst-rleas man need applv good opportunity for rlcht party P 4.'0 Ledger Office SECURITY HALBSJIKX FOR RURAL CITIES AND TOWNS TO PLACE A GUARANTEED INVESTMENT IN lelCAI. ENTERPRISE NEAR SALES MEN MAKB uoon GOiTD SALESMEN. .yiA.tr. i.i.i ,..-... yy i; VV NT HOOD SALESMEN INTERN IKW BsLANCE OF WEEK. A 720 LEDGER OFFICE SFVERAL FirtPT CI .SS DFSlnsjrns WITH EXPERIEVCK OV ROLLING MILL OR HEAVY SPECIAL MACHINERY. DESIRE MEN Willi CAN FlounW STRESSES AND MKF ORIGINAL 1T OlTSi MTV. , MiK I.NPCR ENCE DES1IU:DAI' ,Jl)UtATI0'V AND HALAnY TRBADWELI. ENGINEERINO CO CASTON, PA. ' 1920 HELP WANTED MALE t STENOGRAPHER MAN AHOt.T 2.1 YEAR3 ..OF AGE. 4 OR it YEARS' EXPERIENCE, FAMILIAR WITH OFFICE METHODS AND GENERAL ROUTINE MUST HAVE ARILTTY TO HANDLE DETAIL. CAPABLE OF DEVELOPMENT TO HANDLE SAt.r.H CORRESPONDENCE AND OFFICE SUPER VISION, POSITION IS STENOGRAPHIC TO START WITH DEFINITE ADVANCE MI.NT IN INSIDE WORK: ADVERTISING EXPERIENCE VALUABLE BUT NOT ES SENTlALi AN UNUSUALLY GOOD OPPOR TUNITY FOR THE RIGHT MAN TO PUT HIMSELF IN A GOOD POSITION WITHIN 1 TO 2 TEARS. CALL OR WRITE MR. .1. R. WK8TCOTT ADVERTISING DEPART MENT. PUflLJC LEDGER, PHILADEI. 11 f I A STENOGRAPHER Toung man. with two nr thr.ee enrs' experience; one conversant with sales correspondence preferred call after 2:30 p. m., or write Mr, .1 R Wesrott. dvertlslng Department, Public Ledger Co., dth end Chestnut sts STOCKMEN FOR FURNITURE AND INVOICE DEPARTMENTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SUPERINTENDENT In seamless hosiery Plant wanted; capable Industrious man. with first-class reference, must have experi ence In this Unci permanent po-dtlon with bright future, for the right partv Address with references M 532, Ledger Office TITLE OFFICER Title company desires lilgh-clsss msn with Imowledre of New Jersey titles and ability to Install a title system to take entire ehsrg of Us title work: generous satarv and splen did opportunity for the right msn 8nd replv. .tatlnc experience, qualifications, etc . to M 823. Ledger Office. WANTED by a large brase mfg co. In Pennsylvania FOREMAN Capable, flrat-cUss foreman to tske chsrge of assembling (vslve) floor FOREMAN Experienced forcmsn to tske charge of a group of milling machines TURRET LATHE OPERATORS Must be experienced, first-class men on small brass work i Apply by letter, stating age experience and money expected M 511, LEDGER OFFICE WANTED 4ALES. .MANAGER WITH CREW TO PLACE CAPITAL STOCK OF COMPANY PAST EX PERIMENTAL STAGE. ATTRAC TIVE PROPOSITION WITH STRONG SELLING ARGUMENTS. THE RIGHT MAN CAN MAKE NET ON THIS CONTRACT 150.000 NEXT FEW MONTHS. PROMPT INTERVIEW. GIVE PHONE IF rOMStllLK A 710. LEDGER OFFICE WATCHMAN FOR NIGHT PATROL DtTT APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOCNft MAN- New York laco and cmhrold erv Importer and manufacturer Is In need of" a voung man to call on the shirtwaist and cutting up trade n Philadelphia, onlv those acquainted with the trade need ,ippl, straight commission basis: good opportunity for capable, conscientious man. snirl reply stating cxperlenee M OOI Ledger Offlre YOUNG MAN with some laboratorv-eTperf- ..t nun --uin" mpiirMinrv erperf sales department of laboratory and supplies Williams. Brown L IH8 Chestnut st apparatus' a KftriPinc TOt NO MAN to learn silver polishing nrst- class references required Apply by letter onlv P 110 ledger Office y lc" r Generul GREENEWAI.D'S A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT SERVIPP SOLICITS APPLICATIONS from trained men and women with an actual business perlence and clean records; no others WANTED NOW Office Mgr exp wholesale grocery buslnes. Rkpr Mar food product line Aret tT; chsrge. Private Secty to president of lire, rorp (female). Asst to Employment Mir good Interviewer (Protestant), technical' man preferred, Two Asst Bkprs. Stenoi; inS llkpr 40 Htenos , v (female! i Foremen and Supt with mfg exn nn others Other good openings fur buin.,, men and women nlo for college and techni cal men Xnnllcwllons from local and siih. urban residents onlv NQ registry or enroll, -pent charges of any kind. m- 2-.0 S 11th Since 1897 BUSINESS SERVICE Co. lln Land Title ACCTS Highest tpe. traveling, lamm r ' r A 's supervisors (cost and gen ) S7'on I BOOKKEEPERS Pub utilities, gen I'MOO CLERKS Stock tsplsts. bill 120-130 CHEMIST Oirom. or dry color nalnts J.100 ' DRAFTSMEN Mechanical lines to 12400 I ENGINEERS Industrial. ,rrj prod larre concern $5000 ssles , mech prods . ,4nnii FOREMEN Sheet metal, auto repair 3"ori MANAGER (Ssles) must know V Eng fc I N Y terrltorj drawn steel prods I300IV routing time study prod A r0st i"nnn I SALES llien-arane opportunities open ST1 NOGRAPHER and PRI SEC Y to J31 ' Sl'PT Manufaet e machine work .1800 1 TRfT npriiT.R Young lawyer nr.r."".a WE TFACH TOF TO DRIVE AND REPAIR i 4.FTOMORILES OPEN SUNDAYS - I un himi rnniniei. course 1'3 DVY ND NIGHT CLASSES LICENSES GUARANTEED SATTI.EIfS 1O01 SPRINQ OARDEN Sr SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE LAUNDRESS 1st class wishes washing it ' Iron's take home bun or hamp. Dick, 3008 shlng i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CIIAUFITIUR married age 34 desires -do-sltlon with fli-st-class private family- I" ' ' vt i i'iivi. i""i i nt i i'iil11 Aniiraai Chauffeur 1017 N Corlles st Phlla . Pa ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES roung mnn si irnrs of age who has had 4 .ears' experi ence with local wholes ile electrical sunolv bous ns manager of billing di-partment de sires position with Ann vvheie there 8 room tor advancmeni Xddress V 723 idgor off INSURANCE Voung man .'', year, nt -., who has conducted an Insuran i- ngrncv in ! N,-w. .JlIITen iVi'L!,VnJ..nr,'i """"nnbllc and I fomoensatlon Insurance desim t connect .,.,. ...,..... ...,.. - .,,, u.f nn ,prilpi. ' dilress A 7.'4 Ledger Offlre M7... ::u; R";.,".'.r:.i".v;,,,.",:'9.'-.n'2d . ".- '": nBiiaiiin or nunn gerisi or senreiariai outies sueh as mav bi iniun-i u. .,, .,u ii.niii.HiiQnn ne J ii.nin.Hi grin ne la a I ilso holds civil service A4tn LedOfr IIIU'lll i-IIIUHI RIBII a rstlng w in mis anmirlTn A 41fl Led Off MAN single guod oharaitr su unlldnit and amblMnus know I . of anion n w.vhes1 re.prsi.lhla nn. of anv Kind 8.1tl ,f.,i off I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MEN women colored dav -!. time Hunev 1.M6 s 1ou, n, Km.nn 'Sis part MRS HARVEY ft) lit Riitenhouse s,7.,f"e" reliable help wanitd fm er lanaili; BUSINESS PEKSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Thousands ars bringing diamonds to us to turn I.I. .-..I, VI llv ivn ....... . " ,- " -"; "ii .vi iuuj inir I know we pay the lull market value for them We lure the trade therefore we ray 10 "e ' r.l-eVrV C,-m WF. NEED ALL S?ZES T ' ONCE See lis ind be ,-onvlnced We bii pavn tickets far diamonds i Suite 21-22 over Child's Restaurant (nrl 7ft-Vi . -. -l K f I I V As I I I "1. ' IIIMMT ST IU -i4 V-.V-. niovii' WALNUT g4 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively high si cash prices f.r onr dls monds my size from ' lo 10 carats, pone pav higher also old gold platinum silver bought Estates bought (prlv ) Est 10 years Tlie Diamond Shop ,4n,Bv.b,n;?J rket I Mr N ctlNSIU'RO sold the srocery and deli catessen More in Hsrrv Slntkln which is located at 2820 W Cumberland st All the creditors shall call till Thursday April Jl 1020 '...11 DIAMONDS BOUGHT 1 1MRRY W SMITH 717 BWSOM sr. I JIME our old babs carriage n modeled like new Standard Itabv arrlage 23111 s 7th t Phone Main 3541 A a PIANOS lclrnlaa or players bought cash paid Turner 524 N loth Poplar 4410 ASHES removed from cellars, all kln'da nf hauling done 813 Butlonwood Mkt 4421 ELECTRIC TREATMENT, also manicuring Office. 4143 Market,,! .. second Boor RUBnER GOODS of all Ueerrlption re n.lred Andrew T Blrchett 501 s Ag. a ELECTRtl treatment and manu urlng Rnmn 105 Heed Rldg 1211 Filbert st I oc nn BOATS.MOTORBOATS LAUNCHES l'XJR SAI E Motoi vschl ATepgep hut 1 UH8 74x15x1 ft 0 In extra heav V,, struction flush deck ine. twin screw 2 70 l ...:Sior".nr J1. " ninlor fuel , , jvac IV 1230 gal Delco HO.volt generaior .peed. 14 knot. For Immediate" aaliwnj acrin:a. Apply to owner, Philip Wunderle V-t Teg JJhU, p " "?'. OflED AUTOMOBILES U MIS "Passenger Bus" will help (o solve Transportation probli nm The Poucrlnk Differential Rear Lrrlve condmon P-,r'e",,ea " u"ln" tho Olds Economy Truck on different road Larson Oldsmobile Company Wl (rib ti (or BROAD AND BROWN STREETS PARK 121) MR. FISCHER 2LdlCIk BARGAINS IN USED TRUCKS 1 Itj-Ton Auto Car, pneumatic tires 1 1-Ton Maxwell. 1 -Ton Studebaker. 6-pust exprets body. Several good Vim Trucks, with 0 post express and panel bodies. Truck Bodies 1 Pane body, sultablo for 1-ton Ford, like new. 1 Six-post custom-built express body. sultablo for any 2-ton truck. I- Panel custom built bods, suitable for auto car. Several good second-hand bodies cheap. LARSON OLDSMOBILE CO. Broad and Brown Streets (800 NORTH) SEE MR FISHER. TRICK DIVISION POPLAR 4007 TARK 1291 MAXWELL tourings roadsters and sedans. Just overhauled and iclliilshed. eplendld fond These cars are sold one-half cash and balsr.ee In 8 months at very low prlres Mawidi-Chalniors Sales Corp 210 N Broad st Phone Spruce 401 or Race 3143 for demonstration MOON, i) cylinder 7 passenger I speeds, 8 good tires, upholstery good paint good mechanical cond good You will be pleased when vou see It Better hum. though Time pavments Open evenings Overland-Harper Co. . 1020 Arch at OUR LOCATION 1 square from Broad st saves vou 1150 to l.'OO on a used car. see our stock and tie convinced all makes, all models 11.10 up convenient terms open Sun day s and evenings SIMPSON M 1M.-. Ridge ave $230 WILL BUY th following Wis Max well. 11)18 Overlnnd 11I Chevrolet. 1918 Ford mi Briscoe 1(iS Chalmers 1018 Paige or 75 o'hers balance 1 vear to pay Krouse Motorcar Co 213 N Broad Phone Snruce '07.1 AUTOPARTS SCHOBER. .1.139 MARKET ST. 0 EHLAXDS all models. 5 and 7-pass touring, 2 and .) pass roadsters 4 pass chummy roadster, al lothor makes and models spei lut basement bargains every dav time paMnents open evenings Over land Harper Co 102B Arch st FOR SALE -Late 1M7 Ford coupe. In excel lent condition can be seen at Ellis Gsrage Manning st near Broad and locust sts Sunday April .'5, to Sunday, May 2. Inclusive, HI PMOBILE Nearly all remodeled thor oughly overhauled and reflnlsbed excep tirnal bargain See Mr Hunter Hupmoblle Aaencv 720 N Broad st Poplar 7070 MARMON nearly all models rebuilt and re flnlshed. guaranteed used cars bargain price. See Mr Hunter Marmon Agency, ,.li rmi.u .i i uin.i nn STFTZ NEARLY ALL MODELS THOR- Ol'C.HI.V OVERHAULED ND RLI'I.N- 1SI1ED MANY BARGAINS HKK Mr .Mac ARTHUR STUTZ AGENCY QUI) N. UROVD I.EMNGTON 0 cM .". paH beautiful lins and a motor vnu will U' pruud of this wont be with nn long first conii- first sered Tmio payments Open evenings Overland-Harper i'o 1020 rch st 11IIK nOriClV: I'dl'PK ulrn u-he, I. i.., t r - one extrii guod aa a new car Mh well-i halmers sales Corn 210 N. Urold st Phone Spiuie 401 or Race 5143 for demon itnn III U Kh.i have a verv large st.. k of laie mod-l Bulck cars, which v. are . titr nl jt A lurire ell.entint STANLEY I VI TO CO 0111 N Broail st iuh.cb iis deiiv.r. s real snap terms in snd evenlne Sunn mi t nnon iinii I M Ridge ave "TV , .rTTTT tTT, inT . " 'LHVKElt 1HI. II b-lame vve.klv onn Ike new $.'il c.h and eve Sunda siiupsiin h 113 Ridge ui IMItlis .'0 all models 2j:i i n Sundas and evenings IM'i Itlilne av tin terms Simpson s Hi i' K linn lug lale ni. le l lights big Iwrghln $.1.'. ' ila ' s .in I evgs Simneisl Htiiir eictpif. i -rins open sun. 151 Itltlar ave i HE ROLKi- 1UI7 tmiini. $1 ",lt cash bai ani - yveeai, -klv np. n vnn,(Hya and evening 15 I' Ridge e sin pinti s 1IHER1 hunmiv roailii mis inmlei fullv eniiipiied at a .airiflie timi ray im-nn. I. S Bovvera .'1,1 N Broad iHKMtolET 1UIS touring. Ilk raall bliliinee weekl. new 1175 STANLEY CO 010 V Broad 111 li K roadstrr unusual bargain terms up n Sundavs and cvenlnus son s ftldgt ave $175 simp- Ill's i'ADH.1 c 12 Pa9'ns.r n r, siiu-ht n pairs "snap $175 opn Sundays and evel.ngs 1.1.11 Rlilge ave roltp milliter exr.lleu , m.lMiTn "i"'-.- rins uren kuii anu eves 151.1 1.1,1., .,,1 -"gj tni ' FORD stud, In. llr.Mii l III Ii K mi line new meriianii ally ne. ri gnoil tires terms arrangen -jn. 4 - it ruet, LIBERTY CHUMMY a real Tissyc7r."a SI1HP iii ,-n proHii OLDSMOBII F TOURING must li real bargain 2IIU N 1 1 mail at old, UAYNES TOURING rar aai riflce price -'" N Broad at OVERLAND mill mol I Of 121(1 cash "oTT anre weekly STANLEY CO HIP V Broad MUIMON TOURING mil) run 5sonin7FeT cn.i..t .-- I'Tn e-i. a.,. ..... 'lints -....... ... ... ... ,111, . i.roarl BATTERIES fl volt rebuilt for $10 st equal to nee- 1..U1 vin. WANTED Hiuhrst prn e paid f.,r vour uTed iar Slanl.v to I. Ill V Broad c. MULL v.'" riindsn-r Ilk' 11 htanlec 1 o Hill N Broad liaraam "srgain ' ciiLic mm for quli k sale run very little reHson"aTie terms 202-0 4 N Broad si STUTZ 1020. In perfect running order, can he bought on time 211204 N Brnu.t III DSON speedster 1H2n like new line ruh per, cash or terms 2II.'-H4 N Broad "1 DODGE touring 11118 I2MI cash, balsnce . 1. rms 20.' N llrnntl st isnee DUDGI inll-a sedan tOtn Hlalllev Co foreiloor, run 1" N' Broad 4H00 . i.rort n Rr.o rnadaiir like new 1 ash or terms Stan I,,' l 1 hit N IliiMd jssst i? - -, , ,r-Qfi fnWK5L0lUrflflMa g2 IH1I1UF lour n late model nn . onditmn ash or lernsJJ2n H e .1 snru." L'irj 8TUTZlu:n 4 psss run 4111111 ni'les uToTTf extras term 20J 4 N Uroad laicust 6fl.11 FOR SALE 11)17 Ford touring bodi Apply Jas Brunt LanraHer pike. Overbronk l'a' CaiEVROLEX. XOItl '.touring, flnB eonjujoT,' Cash, or vjg: l0 Km. t. apruco si; $! USED AUTOMOBILES mm Truck DivisioH POPLAR 4(187 Automobile Painting L.-...I .... 0 rel1nsh'lnf"Vl," foJ" "rlctly high-grade il??'"""! ".re ptrliHp the most rnmi.l.te unrf deliver. nJS,''"",'1 ln 'fain In keeping r"t a,PMmJlf, '" .'"''t' ." WH prove of he"r Krrr'JKr. .i .5" .r?,n,wl2? n!nd harlng SSI"? cony;eee' "hin'"MZ XSli" ranged Bib K nv',e'gr ert'.mV" "0t 0Ut "l ' this In,,". P!1 COBt ' flnlsh aa applied: so tnat lars will not he nut ni .. . Martin-Alexander Co. A l-T(?V0I,Pi'!:. "KI'LNIHHERS n!Mn2j--..,., eeq s, Main 170 WK UKBUILD STOKAGE i n ba 1 TERIES i SSr" $IO.OOo'.;fylB VOLT "onang . SATTLER'S- VSk&SW STUDERAKEii ,i..i... . ., ;udebke-r-s and rSVofflSr'S.I,.; number of ' "ALWAYS AT YOt'R nitntice I WEST PHILA. SALES CORP., C8th and Walnut sts. mono Belmont 048a A REBUILT VIM TRUCK t.. A,.nJJ'3 on O'llvery n.h,,in.ALNCE.A TEAn TO PAT Rebuilt, repaired guaranteed by manu- VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. BROAD AND HUNTINGDON HTW AUTO REPAIR I PARTS PARTS, PARTS 1,R,V'2. TOUR UROKEV PARTS WE MATCH THEM SAITLER'S. Inc. 1801 SPRING OAitnvev ot. BUICK .u""? car Why not buy our lh.rl.jd BuTwrWe Kl'S-lcB; l"te.u.VnY.he,dTy,0Mrrnew,fi?leS VS been IdeniineH 1. .u- !:"."'l. wn ' for th. i. i"i'.,:.." J?.'" ?' "r Edward Wlllri. xte. tors f o B17 N Broad Pop- BI8 Park 207. SPRINGS AND AXLES FOR ANY AUTOMOBILES HAULER'S 10 KPRINlJ GARDEN ST J 11TS Auto Marlt Maxwell n.vliaT. Ovan?.. SrrmAsffip iliiinClS"-- l-HALMERS. overhauled and reflnlsKed. look Tike' n i and 8 pass.. 0 cyl., just new. nca Chalmer. SaleVcorp'. 210 N'lTroad.t'pn' Spruce 481 or Race P6, 43 to, Xj:.,2- tratlon. vv ILLYH-KNIGHT 8 l , 7 Pais Not e.I i .i.:. ." ".""' " usp una ow owners- ear This Is vour ehance to buy a ca a wur'dwlde reputation 1 Ime nav Qnen .vcs Overland Harper Co iS" ' ." ' mm NHner vvtiniari closed car with ment". HALMERS inuring a re n condition $tl,"0 I. Ifroad .passenger perfect S Bowers, 243 N, l AplI.LAC ."i 7-pass touring. W..ilr,i,,,.. snock absorber perf rami . "-.'i"";; terms Stanley Auin Lu 81 11 n" Trrnad. '" "1.1'r-MOIIII.i; LITTLE SIX tnnrlnV haa been left with u to diapole of uif very lime Krouse Motorcar CoTSli N n".' CADILI.VC 55 4-pas.enger uhaelnn- .mi.mhiJ NCBrrolad0n' ""h r ,n"m . '"'l "y Co.?"ai FRANKLIN louring. lll.'O; run less than - months- like new A real baigain WeS Poplar 32(4 call 1340 PimfiVg'" ' h0n, PM'KARD twin M In nrst-iiass "condltiotT !oii),'NbIlr'o0nd"" "' '"""'n S.anl.y Co"; I 1-m.iii r. aiuiijvv ( H TOURING ft nin.i ! g'rBke ,,, al a bargain e..h,.e.V." i PIEIIc E ARROW STANLEY CO QUI N Hre.ad ,," MITCHELL SEDAN , llcH rh',,,.l t a large dlstount can o pur- sTVNI.Ei Al IP I O din v Broad, MARMON UHvtMY ROADSTER 1818 in perte, i rnmlitiun cash STVM FY U'TO 1 O or terms "10 N Rtn.,1 191 k III Ii K m dmei run ir1 nuie .;, . pa ni l.ion -.i. uV..!'.1 pur haurd h "BrVad'"""" lr"u" 'otoriar to 213 r , i.ir.i, i i inuruiE ill 'I fill, t,.r. ...... muring llll'i fu, Tss 1 ig barsatn I Hr. ad t fail L IIIIII I M' run n w 111 l.a -tni e fnr ij jl f" V bal hundred miles' Kiouae Motor .'I.I N Hin.l , IP1P i ii'. I. a. r nioinnars s ano 7 .... seug-r oi mauled ispainled and carrilrir new rat cuarsnlee r.ire barciln. Bowers 24.1 111 r it a-l u. a. I STt TZ 4 psstenger 111 valvi model S en or tn handaom.st cars n Phllidelnhi- ha. been left -HI. u. to dl...e "f ,?8oi terms Krouse Mnlonsr Co 218 V Broad CADILLAC model 5,1 summer and wlnts'e top in excel end. Hee Mr, Hunter Mar. ( '"on gencv 720 N Broad st "'""'" "" PAIGE 1. .1.1 7 passenger lourln.- .,,.11... me. hanlral looilltinn repainted spare '!!. ' hoiif M"lius ill. I spare Till 1 K Two ton Aut.rfMVinrunninV"e7at h-ap 11. iiui 1, uuier. private n.-r lui in r :!slsH"''nJ - - ri rm on WONDEIlFt I. high giad 8 cylinder iate mob I . passenger tnurln car must be told " ' on"" '".'O L S Bowfrs 243 N u'.a M A.NU H1 S SEUAN. 1IHI) dnnrs this isr Is a real has lilt new: 4 "I bargain -l-Jrojd... 1 iivi.r.i acio co , STKRNS KMGHT llmon Jlne, e. . v.snt damn bargain Call Mr Poplar st Pnnlar 3214 Crandell. con. 1148 DODGE touring thoroughly overhauled, main extins .lc bargain L fi Haw. era .'4,1 N ln-oad ' "ow -OUI ueuver. closed pansl good for liui'her nr urne. r p. rfect condition res ' .onable ft.Uifl tllriiril aie Belniont NloO W CHALMERS sedan In perfect "condition n'w.v ...irci ru sarrince. I a rimvers. 241 N Itrosd OVL'RLAND liurlng first $s secure It 2 line condition open Sunday and evenings Simpson s 1131 ltldae ave " """"' MAXWELL 1010 touring, like new aTT bargain, cash or terina STANLEY CO nm N, Hrosd st 1 11 1 8 BUICK TOURING mecnanlcally ner. ful great bargain 208 N. Ilmad at 1WIII OAhl-ANI). run f.uoo miles, ois"oT l rui is-h or lerms "iJa fi Broad ex I s - MODEL DOIK1F touring 3o"5 rash" .y terms .'(II) Ilmad st B ea. - r CHANIJl Ell 'our Hilt wi cond See Mr. Iiunier aia rninn Agem y 720 N Bros d at HOLD- fci storage t I F touring or.' 751 S Broad st " ,r 30T0HCYLCL3 AND -IOTOL-W OLD ITJIt 8TORAGE u M.Ml.le and '.a ikril.n M.llr.y,1. TSa a ... " n 'l Si 1 I'l 'A M , j .!. 1 fi !,J 4 :4 'j M m : !,- 1 vl 7f ItdliB D4oWri.H.li. ' Hi t, tfjffiA. M , &i ".. ,.f . a: i. rivJcVlii jV?i?tik,U . , JTiT W H .. .!.-. j ...7.......u ie., U t-i'i 4. r. XjAiVAv ,.h -ill tV