?' -v ', ".WBC TtVBMI V :P- (,-.Kf. -. , , .v-jTjf, ,-r .-- , -,'- -, .Ii,.V7j ,T, " 2v t 'iVM. "4.H a " murain t Mi..a , "V .jiWJWC'W.T' "V , v"riL ft:i'u fj. ' ' . i . !"" I - ' r-f ' . t .If- 'J. . i '. i - .. ' . . . " f i- - -V ri v jf i , '.-i. l ."" u: ISVBNINtF PUBLIC 'EpGErf-PHIUAt)EL!PHlA, THXJRSDAY"iPRlLH W'&iO v "" v 1 22 ( r i- x W-i liW I'JU, W.P I SOT asj?:j flaf am r Jl MPvif. LHf.vnj l ?wi i, M3ffl 1 u m . .Se6 1X1 ft sis ,.n IS ir T.iL A Ij-y i!Sl! ' W s&..u " .- M' I?"..'. ;v t. "-j Fktc .YRUfttJl 1 v, 400 Questions Answered Free NEVER before in the history of the United States have financial words and phrases been so generally used. Do you understand all of them? or Is market news "Greek" to you? A free booklet ex plaining more than 200 which are used constantly by brokers, bankers and financial reporters is yours for the asking. Ask for N'o. T. U.-SSO JONES & BAKER SECURITIES IVidener Hide, I'hilndelphia Piontt Btlt, Walnut 0065 Ktyttont, Rate 22S0 Direct Ftivati Wins Office in 8 Principal Cities N!ri,r, urn i.it Mi.iuoN noor. district Monlnnui'-ry eoutti Ph. IV4 or 4"4e I bond. Healed blrta are lii-rebv InMtrd for nil i or any purl of SI mi. nop. eotipoti bond In b- i Issued b the Hchool Dimrlil of T.otte.r Marlon township Montgomery rounty Ta . Inlprl lo h nl th rl of ti r Pit nccuHlInK to thf rfult of the MdUliKt ruch Mil lo , ttiitc lh rulo of llllfrcsl ror whli'li I' H uhmlttil falil bonrtu ill b of th 1f nomination of StOOOi inlcr-i ninb1, rml RTumalli nlthout trrlncllnii of am li l" ' lw tlalofl Jii!i I, ipso, (o iiutiiro nrlnM M follow In four lnlnllinonti of St i WO ih on .tunc 1 lliM, Jun t into limo t lens anl Juno I. UKO anil to natAlinnt of S20 (mo omti nn Juno 1, UM ami r irnbr I lltfi Tho aatil talu of tho taxablo rroprrlv of thp Srhool Dlt t m 30 isjiui and Itn rxIftlnR funded inlbtfd not with til nronnnod ItmilA hirliiiloil will I tniko Ha total lnilohtpilna teas than .' pr I cnt of the na(l nluatlnn of the 'a- nblo proP'-'H Hi mild School Dlatrlct Honila I will Ih ilolu-rril on or about Jun 1, 101:0 to i tho ii(TCful btilili r upon payment of tho I prlc bid and nrrruod lntor"Kl 12ch btd I mtiat lv atcompnnlod b a rortlfted chnk for M.'mHI Til. ih.ik of thi wiccpaatul blddor onl tu ho r. tulnrd ind to br forfeited If auch hlilcler fll.t t inmplotr tho purch No blda nnd-'r par will bo eon'ldord t'rfr cihi will b Blvon In bids baaod on a -I'i IntoroM rito The right l rrjoMrd to rejct Nm or all tld tllda utll tw oponrd .it th- ltluh SVhool at Vr.lm.iro on Modno-rtm, Mny ,1, l:o. at 8 o clooK p m nn.l inuat lw aont to and rp roiolod h the ocrotar Willi m J I1rnf, Jr 22 CotiKor Tvonuo Ardmnro boforo then Tho fnrta nf b. n I hna bo. n pprood h lor Morcin I owls Itu. kin and niH 1 ixntnlno.i hi thoir nrfh !M4 1.and I Tit l tnnldliiB rhlMilolphla Trt Their .p'nlnp . I i b gtn upon the IrciUU of tho l .ind ' hn Imh.i d Ttl 11(11 111 If. OP Till.' t ilMON 0l, MIMNti f IIUI'N r UIWT MlllilMA I IH.T MIIKTtiM.l AM) 4 III. I rl.lt l. Titter V IIIIM Mill) Mlll.s. Neil i l li.nl tirn to 111. hoi I r of tl . i . nntr fh.it th. lmpail ii I ior i li uaht unci, r iho prololona '' rlop I .o Hon J of tho iriotulo to ml., in i I I of th. outtKndlne ml upon tbo firt tla of ci . 1'ilfi. nt par nd aconio.1 it roM ald n il h.i ill Im ii-.-.tntod for l i m T t th .fflo of Tho roriimlanl' i n pan for iniuran. . on I.Ioa & tlrantlnc nnu lti Trinloo M7 fho'tnut atroot r1 lla lolpln i fa ni.r flur Ma lot 1''.'" ifior ihi h ilat. all intor. t on old not - -.ha . 30 Years in Export Banking CHURCHMEN TO CELEBRATE (Episcopalians Coming to Observe I 225th Anniversary In Stnfe Sncrnt blahopa, otlirr rlci Kjriiirn nntl lajmrn of thr lpWropnl Clitircli will 'conic to I'lillndolplila hoxt Tiifiilny to partlripntc In f.rrirc,s ctiiniiirmoriitinR itlip "-'."Hi ntinivrr.vjii. of the Intro- j dm Hon of tlip rimrcli in this stnto. 'Ihp aorvli-c will lii lit-lil In Old Christ Church, Second street, nbovn Mnrkct, whiTc (icorxo WrcshinKtoti worshiped. Ulsliop Daniel Svlvcstcr Tuttle, of St. IaiuIs, prcsiiliiiR liisliop of the INTIMATE KNOWL EDGE of the needs and habits of the people, acquired by years of ex perience and actual resi dence in the countries themselves, is essential when transacting busi ness abroad. Our 23 branches in South America, 8 ofllcos in Eu rope and direct connections throughout tho world round out a service broad nnd com prehensive in every detail. Anglo-South American '"Bank.liiviited Nr.Tr York AttoncT, 49 Droadtray .Hl-IMNO KIilKTS .... ncr.vN fiTV.,N. j. 1 RRFAKFRS "only llourdalU Hotel. Biiirtr.iuj (,i t(Uh(!n Bttuphod for , conxaloaconta Oarage K A. TOUNtl. .Mtr. BISCAYNE ItunnltiK water in arjr room llklt IP ni.UNDlN. r,i-r. may. n. .i. Jllss ll.M.I'IN Uhr (o iinnnunre tlip open- Iiie or ll(ITi:i, MMIXIU nn' May Int. Kpniiil rurlj watuin rutra on 1 .10 rooma, 60 prlalo bntlia. "?JTTtitiTKi:, x. .1. Ulrectly on tho Ucchii Hprllic Lake. N. J. The Essex and Sussex M?'.1 ".d Amerlra'a Vlneat liraort ltolrl. Onrna June 10 ' N V Oniro 8 V:at 4(lth 81. I'.plfcopnl Chiireli, will attend the com munion .services In Old Christ Church, nnd will deliver the sermon on Tuesday mornliiB. The aervlres will bfcln at fl:.IO o'clock. Willi lHshop Tuttlo will wnno lllahop l ortlnnil A liiteheatl, ot IMttsburRh, nnd llishop llocers Israel of Urle, who, with Illshbp Hhlnelander arid Iho Hev Thomns .Inmes Clarland, binlfop HiifTrngnii of I'snns.vlvnnia. will tnnkc uii the liMions uttendlne tho scr ices. SrilINO ItKSOItTN ATLANTIC" riTV. N. J. mm ATLANTIC QJTY.N. J. LAn-AmenicaiA. Plan.rtdtL i lof DislmrlitmiMCtom-tart I i rinBpnoot oaraob. cAMciTveao. tvaarr-AJ. WY.W N UnSVII.I.K. I'A. GALEN HALL. Wi tnerivllla. Pa. Now open M irTWATHK. I'A. H iVrCToaTITITXSHTITl M 3 JbeaafSreinr scrt-xaanm u i Euixatajififan. Ai A mnmt The r. ir-apoct Swiflwatcr r-l,fS JOHN It WOOUUNO KMMONs r U i: M i i foiitU' 1 nniinl loell nca Exempt Jrum III Petit nu Incoma hues ; Municipal Bonds at Pai 6 hi i n i. or The United Gas Improvement Company N W in' l rn. it mil Areh l rhllalilplila. Mnreli 3, 1P20 Th-. Annual I tins oi h- storkh nr Itio lino I in. Iimirni in ... I .....a. To aarura i'ht initio nrrutar rut Iol out an. t il !. hl I it th. off I. o pf tho t'otnpin mall todrr uilA unr nnmo and addrttt It . ttln.t I urn i ( lin,,, Biir! An li otr -t ' I'liiM MpliM on flnnilit. y 1, Iftjo. i tL. -..!-.. K-.t--l T IS ."Vlork nmin. for .1 purioao. 0f P tUnf The Hancnett ond co. " ". ' i"r..tor. lo wi. for , , tho onauiim -..at nf i ii.ldorina Tnd a. Una Jnr.irnomlrf 111" 1 upon til tan J .1 of i it porrt lneroao 'n JISoulA la NiUf Mmi, Cnnuo -iv '" authoi io,l , filial at... k of tbo I'otnpan . , .. n ,?,.- .from t J.'t lid riHto- of tho pir aiUi ,f Peant liania Rop - n. IIOIIHINS jVi o, h ti I VI IMI li t nf tho pir Ut r.rrj nioj.. I'hi-tlelptiia Tol. Spruce 52' " "'f " r y,u "' "J ."' ,wl'" ," ,nrroa. J ' Khali ho Son Por Cnt Cumulative Ire. fo r.. tn. k aNo .niHId or-f. ronco ,n lilili. Intion t.i llo lut- iluo th.rof ,m h i til. t unpaid ttt irl to ho rodMomahi" n whol. r tu part at $".. r-r -hat. md a rto. iiopalil ltld. lidi to hin rni ,flm., .'lni. tiuht- a th ( . minon .ioK nn I ti ha I'll tl Othor rlcht- ort kloL'OO rrr-t.-r enoo and limitations m mav bo determined lllililoniN 11 TOt'H- I ZlSX Nntionnl ,'"rk. Alat?t f X7rk"i Around the World, V I I Luropo, Japan. Chlnn. St i I f Lanrence, agurnfiv. 1 I I I t rite for Detalla. I J V , MKHirN KXl'HK.S.S fVf j ..anamaker M,in fi LX lloor. ( ontral X-K i- i TOO -.! CH.S m - .. ... . Rrttl thrU mil n Avintt-L AillUMatM-M-t-h. ran fcrtrt Ir(lnr1 tBtrAnfi.vtn.ii..tilil-u. tnctlrinodorn,ubloiuMrfioTUot, ixrxs o i atrium- poo4-ia (-nMoini THE WILTSHIRE Vlretnl- aio. and tieach. Capacity 160. Prlv. hatha. mnnlnK water, elev.. eto. Atner. nan iperlal aprlnc rate. Iiooklel. BAJ1 ir.I. RLL1R. Owneri N. J. COLL1NB. Mrr. ' TRAYMORE ATLANncarv lWRLDS GREATEST IfOi-LSUOCESS HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alnaye open. Alwava readj Tarma rood. orate, riinn or write. M. Walah imgn. Try CLARENDON Hotel lrslnln Ate. near llruch. Alt rooma wlU hot ami eold runnlnic watrn prlrrU butha. HOTEL BOSCOBEL TS.' Slf. IIP weekly riinno 117. A. B. MAniON Tin: miictiii.kn wiitiNAi. iim; Phllatt. Iphi i -1 's tliju At li ' BuUr tm illiij. .f tl,. H.Mr.l of Dlrootora h III IhU da a r..2iilup .Ifvl.lo.i.i nf Two nnd One-half lr lent, pine an extra t at oald uiootlnn nf uuthorlzInK tho iaue of ifnr-naii irr i-m, a- noriHi.il paplo lo . i...ti mr- in n.nj i rnirrn mivi. n l.o tij..l inn 7ipur I oi ti ipo iinxril ,,f , I'lrni iit. hi i"u ii i r iiino- Nttl upotl April in llijo atCM.khnld ro of ro. ord Chocka il ho tiMll.d The lloiirl of Pir .tora am. n.o. tho tt lawa r lailt to .litdonda to read to nit "On th' W liifda pr. i.dlliK th" Mr Tuesday f lu and Jatuir of . h. It or the Hoard of itr otoro mn doiiao a dlvl dtnd ot. 11 1. M-lll l.ili.fll i hhIii. r Till. I.IKMtll TIHTI. 1IWK I'hllad. Iphla P. prll .; tllji) "The Itoiird f Dire. for Ima tlno iUy r clrd i uuarterb dUldrnd of tle per rent tSV). pujlm Mu lt. lllid. lo .urkholdor t of retord at the i lno f builnena April .'T I 1U.I1 CheikB.wlII he mailed C M ASIITn.V . Caah or MIKO MIMMI f OMI'XM IMilladolphln. April 'T 102O I no niri ri ir nao into iia reeular nuart rU dlldend cent cent of r mailed JHM I'M II I.' l Tr iioir r 'mxbm'.t .tiih:t mikiwi, nwu I !' t I Ipln Arrtl -J fi.'ii ' Till' lli.a .1 t IHr.il. r ha thia in .U elarod .tni a mi I lll.lu! r 1,. itor rent tSrri. pbmiM. M l-t. I!IM. t. .. ' hohlora of r. ird t th. i loo if inctiioo. April SOU I'i'ii - t. w II I. mi ..I MtKI' K -"PI I I I1- I o, . r atn ti torma and londltlons aa aald lloard ahall iPpro ir.. i.lo ti. .oor that aatu i htroa b'll ftrat hi offoro.i i, tt( otoolt hold la pro rati fot oti' a. riptlon at pir the 'ii ti.e of the iMthott.d aharo nf .,fl l'r'f.ir.d v-o ktil iud from time to mi hut on) m ti n -nn at. authorl?..) at .1 iili-nti. nt rn kh ' 1. ri ni. otjnu mi of trans irtlns .11 li olher hunlnroa aa may prop. -' ro i. I . 1 r tl . n . . ii .i.i itiii.i mil i. it ooaro from T p in nril Jl until u a m iay ' t it;o i U ord. r i f 'li Hunt f Piieotoro '! W I ' Ul. VV -..( rOlKrv , I UUlAUl HI tit rlllLVUhl.l-lUA. . "vTT uor lAicuni diiij .'uiiiper aia., I'niladeiphla The Annual Election of Ulrectora and i Treasurer of the l.ibrarj Co cl 1'hiladei paia iii u urn. mi iiji- i.iorary on Jlonujy the tlilnl day nf May next, nt 3 o'clock in uUr'lpMrrrU.n'.dend'oV tltr'ee"'. J,h, '"' . " h'n he Treaiuror" w .1. f .,.' i oJ.o. rtiViu. i ,f l.r . p' "nJ ,0 'Of-"! " annual payrn-nta t nnd an ojira dlMlo .1 of tm 'J Her A, there ale oeial ahir.s on which fine, V.o'f.Vi I'nr in pfn . A. il k .IfV " du' ,no own'r of ,h,m cr their r"pnr! rorord nril 30 1'i.n itink. II t ,,pt.,tne, are hero. n . tm. d that they will be forfeited ajrcmuly to th" Chirter and TUB NINTH NTII1NI I.NIa Vunl .s pi.Ml Tbo Iloar.l of fir .tor- ,r ihli hank In " thl das deimrrda lll.nil if ti.M a li i nn 1.100 414 or oapltll natable ly I 1920. to at . Kh I lore of rr- or. m n p m on April JS lli.ii JOHN It SOVNKHOIIN' i"nier riCXTINNX poaaia f hello nlahed i ' until 1 ' to Cor n ,iol PronoKila RKNI.. niiTcr-"S"i o?r r f'ur irrooarii r I 1 at mjl rt f r .t "'aan o eer t v May 3d mill t OT1 or ui " tu- i iniMMt iiiiiowh inn j,r ours ar pid off on the third il ly of M.iy ur itnia tn Uoa tb,ii.ufiv FItXSi IS nWI E "ooretarr on icr; nr tui: vt ii 1 1 m rn mp a sons ship n enuini: mitniNit comi'xny Klclimnnd ami Nurrla Sfreeta I'hiladi phia, April it inso The Annuil M'.iitiK ut the Stoi kuoldera ot the William Cramp . Bona Ship and Lnxlna Bulldlnir Co will be he d at the orBce of tb comptn Rlihnionl nt.d Norrta atreeta, In the eltv of Philadelphia, on rhurndav, prl IB, 19S0. at IJ o dork noon, for tie purpoia tof electlnc Uireitor-. to serve for the en- uliK year, and traraictlnp auth other bust ds as ma be br ' sit hof ro the moottnv CHARLH3 T. TTI OR s -r. .-irr f-i" NNI XI Ml l-TINi, 111 TMI IIRHi. L 1 1 rn lia II I'J'K v ' .TrXMollll" NOTIfKS -TV i.if NllTK I s Am 11.1 Wf B mM, B aWaWy vl k B 9$A M (ft " M Rlfer Xraxri. Alndella Hoonhiilm I qponhlterll Carman! i 'Xaubui Kornl t.eorte . MaurrtunU Caronl i ColuDibl hliian R. A. Xlrtona ItaU X ennotiu X'estria Xerhaula Imperator l'annanla Royal t".oore , raronla Talumbla R. A. Mrlnrla Uaurttania ruoeniter untl Krelnht erilre riilludrlpliiu to I'iraeit-. t onatnntlnople anil Itiitouni I'hlliulelnhlu ' l.liiaRow I'hlludrlphla " llrlM.il I'hlladeloliiii " litldon New XorU l rn-Uiwn and 1 lierpool New XorU " I liorpool xm ork " I'limnulh, i tioriioure .inn ntittuinntitn I herlMiiirir ml outh wntiton I'h month ( IirrlmiirE uml I finilon I undufuVrri Jiid t.,ia:uw I irrp'ol I.lierpmil Iluhroinlk .mil TrlrMr London l.lveriainl I llerpool a I herhourir ind 'aniitliiiniplnii Patra Iluhroinlk and Trieste PIj month. Cherhnurir nnil i-nutliainotmi ew lonx " I'limniith ami t nernntire . New Xurk " I ondonilerry ind r.l cow ..New Xork I lrerool . n X'nrk " Cherhoorp and Southampton I nr I aler iIIIiich Xnnli In New Xo-k New XorU Ne.i Xnrk I'l.ll del ihii Nav XorU New Xnrk Phllude'iilila New XorU I'hilildelnlilii New Xork Now Xork . . . New YorU Mm 3 M.l ll Milt III M.i I.' Miy IX Mm IK Xlnr Pi M ir it May -" May it M i ' . .. . May 21 III) ,"u .lline 1 tune 10 lline 111 .lline IB June ID . . . June 'ii lline zn Julr 8 ... July July I 1300 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL" NOTICE The Merchants & Miners' 1 riinsitf.rtitlli.n n I'HILA.-HOSTOX I i--.inBfr rrvhr Kesumod May J, f)20 K I MON(.in .t-nrrl crnt 1'itT IH Ilfliltl irr y Tr liiilmnt ImnlMrd lOOd H3LLANS- AMERICA LIKE NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM !?c ''Coquina" Loading Via Plymouth and Boulogne-Sur-Mer jtj L,aKe riuvanna iviay tu For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. E 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA- EARN-LINE lororouratrd 1831 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamert , General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester S S "Dcs Moines Bridge" Loading Philadelphia Havana On iiMiiiltil i.r strike in Holland hulll.,.. up to and mi IihIiiic Mi) I lt.no been inn lelefl New illltiK ihrdule will lie announced us anon ti. imolhle l'iien.'er (lltlre 1MI Xnlnut ! Plilla Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service U. S. Skipping Board Slccl Stcimen S7S "CALVERT' May 8 A Steamer June 1 (From PitrJS. S'ooln iVAarpriJ The Charles T.Megee Co. 4f cnfi lor U, S. Shipping Eoird Drexcl Building PHILADELPHIA Bell Lombard 6100 NWajsassasiiai . . n SHIPPING t shipping Ultli eiftlit enr llllllll lllflrlllC mil iiperiitlm: eMirrleiiie ;i ortlrrr. master' lirni iitilliu led unr ic r .tud of inn il .in llllei ture three e.ir super lUInn nf shlii i nntrui tlnn two eira sin n ink- ml iiriiiliiritii: ami K irira nf lilliliillillne i iniiii nf III rurs nf .ikc in irrf.d il. sires positmn us purl iiipt.ilti iin.po.tiir of nlil innstriiitlou mid main ten line ur tierlitlrnileiit with steim. ship luiiipiim mrrt-iit.ille. koIiik u furelun lonutrt 1 onsldereil rieient referenies furnished xinnir i" mii i rni. Kit on nr i. MERCHANTS & MINERS Transportation Company ltahllhfil 1831 Millions of Pnsseniers Carried Not n Life Lost 'Philadelphia. lUi.ton XX rd Sat. 5 ! M. I'llllidelphla-.siiialinnli nnd Jnrkaonflll 1'rldsT. A P. M. f rrlelu (lull I tit II .Mir 1st rjailliKa rrery 10 duja Clrr IS. bo. Ie Aie. lrl. Iximhurd 1X) NOHFIHK IIAXANA Frelcht Serrlr GREEN STAR LINE U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers aih.no rnoM piiiLAULLruu to iinHTrnrtAVEXN orrer. AnnixTic. UUICI! SK.X AND LUV.XNT PORTS CU.X.S KUH.. XkI. llreirl llulldlat 1'buna Lombard &10t Halo 16JU ..h iMaerleil mall. Iff 2S nine iw.rs si. . W f p? HI- ! fl I f ?s.:iiMf:!i:i w,-. iiaie uaiiK oi niiiaaeipnia jCiK iBIis. nnd nutulde work, deslrea imihIIIuii i n'j.1. J rJL:J Pi. fe JM-rfarably VIH alramihli. conawy f U.U1 U11U OUIUUIIUILVS OU. vons-w. s a rvnuAuvuio iinirFa "VIA COLON" I These two ioordn transmitted frco of 'flu I, if i t y iimi; av )7 ' r vui John L. Merrill, rrealdent I)IULCT lUILTP. TO CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA PHILLIPS HOUSE 80 Ilroad St.. New York Maaa-irhnaetts Xx nr llenth n. P. Phllllpa Westminster '' A ncar n"ei'- Kl"v vvcsuninsicr , rrlxa, pftih,: r,ln water JL". ind ". no up dally J. ntihre A Plant to Operate Efficiently Efficiency It Built Into You can't get efficiency out of a plant unless you first plan, build and equip it efficiently. Too many cases of inefficiency in production are directly traceable to badly planned and improperly con structed manufacturing plants. Steele-built plants function efficiently because they are planned and constructed efficiently. Experts in the Steele organization arrange the machinery, lay out the best method of routing, lighting and sprinkling systems. This is all done before the ground is broken. Under the Steele Idea of Industrial Construction, every detail of planning, building and equipping a factory is decided upon only after the most thorough study of the manufacturing process as a whole. Then the work of construction is begun by one or ganization, under one supervision and centralized respon sibility. The plants built by Steele not only are efficient but stay efficient. For 55 years we have demonstrated to some of the biggest manufacturers in the .world the economy and efficiency of the Steele Idea of Industrial Construction. That's why fifty per cent, of our business today comes to us through clients we have previously served. If you are a manufacturer thinking of building, re building or adding to your plant consult us. We will be glad to prove to you the value of our services without cost or obligation to you. Phone or write for an interview. WIS. STEELE Architects : Engineers PHILADELPHIA &-S ON Constructors Toronto -mm Harvey Named Assessor GrorR0lIsrvcj', of tho I'orlysixth xx-nrtf, former ctistotllnn of the I'ViIornl IlulMInK, tins been appointed rcnl estate nnscssor liy Iho BonrtI of tlevlston of tnxca. Tlir. nppolntmciit Is rrgnnlcil with npprovnl b.v tlic Mnyor, xvho fought the propositi Hint Hurry V. Kennedy, ii Ucutennnt of John IL K, Scott, Vi " lender, lie minted. Tito rtnnnl.,i.' . ' "i'l'uiiiir;r WI If. fill tho vatthfiOtf ..niiaA.! l. li . n' of Ebcnczei's Adams, ' 9 gsaaaaaVlilSTTalillllsiYflliliYrVrtrtaHpTlTlTrl-llflIISll niftoii rtrtrha AUTOMATIC fOMPUSTlON CONTROL TRADE aSKr'XfafSjVBlW. MMNiflr "ark GRAY SYSTEM This wonderful System will get the Most from your Coal THE waste of coal in power plants, generally consid ered unavoidable, ican be re duced by the Automatic Com bustion Control (Gray System) . Simple in operation, it ef-' fectively controls the supply of air to the fuel bed. Nearly perfect combustion results. This means the better and more economical' operation of your power plant with its pres ent fuel. It also makes possible the satisfactory use of. the cheaper grades of .coal and cheaper fuels. For example, ,an installation was made in a plant operating three boilers on soft coal. The Automatic Combustion Control allowed the engineer to burn sawdust under one boiler, wooden blocks under another, while the third used a No. 2 Buckwheat Coal. The results were: A great saving in fuel cost. A splendid increase in boiler efficiency. A saving in man power in handling fuel. A worth-while saving in repairs to linings, grate bars, etc. Reduction of smoke to a minimum. The Automatic Combustion Control has proved thoroughly practical in the seven years of its efficient operation. The pur chase price is soon earned out of its savings. We will welcome the oppor tunity to show you just what this remarkable system will do for you. Write us today for full information. AUTOMATIC FUEL SAVING CO. Telephone: Spruce 5874 Bulletin Building muumui lOMi "sSfc n "giaS 1 II I, 111 ., Ill tr""tH , til T,'11 !' Ill 'iii"iii , iii-ni -hi Hf-iir" i m tr war Surplus Plant Sites Another big industry for Hopewell Manufacturers of cotton and wool waste locate plant after Du Pont technical men prove the advantages for this industry at Hopewell, Va. The Special Products Combanv, manufacturers of cotton and wool xvaste products, is the latest addition to Hope well's industries. This company's purchase includes a factory building xvith 50,000 square feet of floor space, four acres of cround with a railway siding and .sufficient equipment from our surplus to begin immediate productipn. Probably the most important stngle lactor in bringing tins firm to Hopewell was the service rendered by our technical staff. Our experts made a thorough study of their business and of Hopewell's ad vantages in relation to it. After a careful analysis they showed The Special Products Co. that Hopewell is the logical place for manufacturing and distributing their product. They showed how certain equipment from our surplus stocks at Hopewell could be utilized in their industry at a great sax'ing. These facts, backed by their own in vestigation, made their establishment at Hopcxvell inevitable. Here is a quotation from a letter they sent us : Wr may consider ourselves fortunate in finding at the Du Pont Chemical Co.'i plant all of the equipment and btiildmgt necessary for these operations, and xvith the available power we can get started three One ef the Itrieit and belt equipped technical lUffi In the world It at the dispoial of Hope, well Industries. months earlier than we expected. With the unfilled orders on our books, this fea ture alone justifies our move to Hopewell. "The present operating unit is the first of three which will be started at Hopewell as soon as possible." There is no doubt that Hopewell ha"!, for you, opportunities that no other industrial district in America can offer. If you arc ready to expand, if vou arc looking for an economical manufacturing place, or if you want to locate closer to the great middlc-xvcstern and southern markets, investigate Hopewell. Hopewell might mean the solution of all your production problems. Here are some of the advantages it offers : Low-priced power. m Plentiful supply of male and female labor. f Rail and water transportation, direct and economical. Factory buildings. Factory sites with railway sidings. Homes for 12000 families. Abundance of pure water. No harmful municipal restricuons. Write or wire today. Wc will be glad to have one of our technical experts, familiar xvith your industry, explain how I lopcwcll can benefit you. An interview does not obligate you in any way. Du Pont Chemical Co. Incorporated Wilmington, Delaware Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Petersburg-, Vs. S - HOPEWELL 4Wk 1 HOPBlrVELX .l I ,,aUaa)Mir!ic . Ktywwift. tytmMAW r s j .ta 2rts?tfZJ!&L MlT.x ffv a-lSi.