nTJvpl ' -v ' l '. id EVENING PUBLIC. LEDGEITO i . ,.p .' ..' "1. Tm I - - ninslJubUcHe&scr iTr.lF UBLIC LEDOEU COMPANY THUS It. K. CURTIS. PawurmNT rW,H. Ludington.. Vies President! iC, Martin, flieretary ami Treasurer! 0 S. Collin. Jehu U. NVIIIIsins. John J. B, Directors. rniToiirAt. board: OrnOiLlt. K. Cuatts, Chairman ID E. BMII.BT Editor MAHTI.N .General Business Mfcr, rwbhd dally nt Poslio Ltixjan Building. 1 Independence Hquare, i'niiaacipnm AT&."iTto Cur FrM!nlow Building W ToK 800 Metropolitan Tower BrtioiT toi Koni nutiding RT.-Looti,.,. . . .1008 Fullerton Building CRifcjao .. . . . 1302 Tribune Building f NliWS BUREAUS: WAiniwtTO Bcnuti, N. K. ''or Pennsylvania, Ave. and 14th Bt. Nrit Toiik lioniut- .The fliii Building f SI IISl ttll'TlOV RATES Tt Etenivi r'ntir Lrnoin In eened in 'iliforlbr '! Philadelphia on'1 surrounding wek, i JBV m n Jhi lts eM pi we-V, nble t.. the inrfler . . . .. hi Unllod SIMM. Canada, or t'nW i ro,"1n POlRr J.re. in "'" i tr mnnth sit (10) uoiiara nr ji. M a a.K I. , a (.a BinnnA To all foreign countries ono (H dollar n(otio SubcHhrp wlahlrut ndflreM r.htiaed mutt k1v o'd aa well aa new ad ilreM, lir.L, 300 TPAI.MT KEYSTONE. M1N MOO CT'AdrfrMs oil rommiinlcntloin to ni'enlno 'NM'r Ledger, Independence Sijtiorc, rMt'iMlftfa Jfember of the Associated Press -T; ASSOCIATED PHESS is fTcluiivclu entitled to 'Vc ic or republication of all neic Jipafcfte treiiied to it or not othertcie credited in this paper, and also the local neics published therein. tAU rlghti of republication of special 'di$patche herein are aln reserved. Philadelphia. Thnr.d. April 29. 1:0 A FOUR-YEAR PROGRAM FOR PHILADELPHIA 'Thlna-n on whlrb tlir people evpeet tf) new nrlmlnlttrutlon to concen tr it attention: 3 Delotnare rivsr brtdg. Ai irytock mg enough to accomtito. iat tU largtft shiv. OtjVtlooment of the rapid trarail sjj. 'fwtt X, oofVnflo' hall. An Aj-tilufvum. A oiwaM't ;or rnc rrte uorary. Ma lamtmtnt of the water S'jnnlt. Iotf to (iceommodnfe the popula tion. LIFE IN HOC ISLAND STILL WHATEVER the eventual fate of Hog Island dullness nt the mam moth yard is unlikely to set in for n considerable period The amended ship ping program is jet uncompleted nnd n nriV pace of lHiinchings is maintained. Furthermore, the Semite hns just acted favorably on n nnvnl program calling for $11J000,000 additional work in the plant. Sbe propoi-ed contracts nre for the truction of seven H-type aviation and; destroyer tenders, the preliminary construction of' which Is to he under taken at Hog Island. League Ui.tnd is fo put the nnisbing touches on the hulls. ' There is still time for a disposal of Hog Island that will be commensurate with its possibilities end with those nf the) great metropolitan area which it ought to serve TrJE PASTORIUS MONUMENT WORD tht the carvings which will complete the Pnstnritis ironumeut In Vernon Park (iermnntowii. nre al most finished revive a vxe subject on which definite notion will noon have lia rnbnn T'tinnnet'innKK' tint ilritn i joiprc VIU VU ItlUUli- s- IIU'.UVMiiui ills "ii t ' originally lived tot tie unveiling Mnj. .nw ... l l . . ..111 JUli wns lii-nmPd. ji was. rcciinco thn the German-American Alliance originated the idea of a memorial to the founder of Germantown. nnd it wns emphasized thai the chief synihnlicdl figure represented Germanin. Later advices exonerateil this much discusei female with the ascription "Civiliza tion;." If is just ns well tn he temperate on thrf theme todoj I'astonus was n flnst-rate chap and he besau n good job whn he stnrted((.eriniintowii. Inscriptioni-. nfter nil. count for n good deal in works of art. Murk Twain insisted that the painting, ".fiickon's Last Interview With I.ee." m'ght just an convincingly ave been Inbeled "Jackson Apologizing for u IIeni De feati" ' .rnekson Reporting u Great Vic torj" nr ' .facksiin AsKmg I.ee fur n Mafch " AVe arc rcn.sunnblv content with the Washington memorial m Pnirmount Park, even though we mav he nware that it is merelj rtn elaborate tientnicnt of a statue of Prederick theGrent. C.ip tions are potent mnllifiern. rjuly devii-d the ought in he eqiml to tnklng the offense out of n monument signalizing the otim nf one of our loveliest Mihurh 1 COMING HOME THE hodio of n,r,:! soldiers who died abroad arrived in New York venter tiny, Thev are the first of the tens of thousand that are to he brought back home for t.ieir fiiiHl rest Knel. will be escorted to its destination In 11 uni formed guar.' of honor. Tfcir is th. leat thHt the nntlon ftiti do for t''e ii.en who gnie then liv.s iu its service It will make the herenve ment of tiic wife nr mother seem les ncute when he stands beside the grin,. and look upon .he iiuiforincd men who have biougui buck tn her in a halo of Klon I In- mini who left hei alive and well. CITY OFFICES ON A PIER THE rebuilding of the Chestnut street pier in sin Ii u wax as to provide for offices of the Depni tmetit of Wharves. Docks and Kernes, us well as for the enlargement of the rei reation spin e, should lOUimend llef to Council Major Mooie in i omiiutteil to the J)1n lu the Interests of rconouij The city is paying S10.000 a year le'niul for tho aceoinmodntlon of the department's offices The proposed changes will cost nbout 5130.000 The interest 1 barges 'nt R per cent would amount tn onlv S'1800. leaving a 1 onsulenible sum for heating and liinitoi service liefni,. ihe lUnOUnt spent for 1 cut is reached OSCAR'S FIRE LACKING HE mystery iu which the sale of the Metropolitan Opera House was in VoWed wus shoit-Hied, for Frrd J. Kixon-N'lrdlingrr is now aniiounced as the purchnser His affiliation with the ntrleal and moving-picture lutercsts Bfetns to insure the maintenance of the liotise as tin nmiiKemciit iiistitutlnn available to the Metropolitan Opera Company on the sixteen nights of its vnnoual sensotis The clrciimslHiices of the auction were, liowever in marketl contrast lo the. principles which gave the Pluladel phi Qjivrn House Its birth Oscar lMtuiersteiu never lurked In the back riWHl pf anytblpK In '! picture. . - life drama he wns nt once protagonist nnd scenery. Jle succeeded in eo excitlnft Phllndel phlnns ovr Ills project here thnt the public was nctunllr persuaded into he- illevlnB thnt nit other subjects were sub- 'sidlnry to Rrand opera. The frenzy pf tlmt opening night In 1000, five mouths of feverish en ilrrnin ollicially mnterinllzed I PcrhniM tln wnr dulled i for sptisntiotiR. Perhaps the death of: n unique genius nnd master sclf-ndver- User Is partly responsible for our apathy. Certain it is, however, that jnlthough lyric drnmn is very geuer- .oii8ly pntrnnized here, It is accepted with comparative calm, and even the 'auctioning of the huge temple of music nt I he bnrgnin price of Stf.M.OOO did not pt'ofoiimlb stir the public ptlKe. j IMiilndclpliiiitm nre apparently con- i tent to let the next grand opera season work itvelf nut- vitnething thnt never would have liceu permitted them had V ' I tlio irrepressible Oscnr been spared to Jirc nt with enthusiasm for his nmbi tions nnd deliciously to overturn our sense of proportion. HOOVER OR HI JOHrTsON OR A NEW PARTY SPLIT? ! Becoming California's Senator Is Mnr Th, , i ,... TL.,. . more Than a Large Ttiorn in the G. O. P. Side : KlM-WTFniv nn thi nnco it hn I ijii.aii.uin on mis page u nns R been suggested that victory is rendy-made this year for the Republican party. .An nugel of light would hnve difficulty in achieving the presidency by wa. of the Democratic ticket. No nimstlon of Pemocrntic ability or sin 'nt, uccil enter Into this assessment of the general situation I lie Democrats nre the war party Th.. , iimii, ii,.L...i ... l. ..n. ulnr mind with twenty-dollar shoes and l-r" .i...i ........ ;..,;:.h. i ';,.'" ..i twenty -rive -cent sugar: .with high taxes. strikes, foreign entanglements and nil the viM.l its.ortment of hardships that nave developed wiinin tne last two' jenrs. oters everywhere revenl n pas sionate detdre for their favorite remedy --"a change at Washington." Victory is ready-made for the Repub lican part j. Rut it is not rendy-tnado for wnrring factions of the party which may emerge from the Chicago conven tion if Senator .lohnson continues to make niroiids into the regular camp. .loliti-oti has been surprising every-bod)- including himself. He cannot be I blamed for an enlargement of the ego I after his showing in New Jersey. Scn ntor Iti hns suid that he wouldn't start n rebellion or try to splii the party probably Ilnrding Harding is the ideal piesldentinl can- Rut f he continues to win victories, if i . : .. , , "isier t.nanty. tnot it lias oeen. time out h. hns teason t " frel that h "Spin re 'J ,t?,1",11.1 '" Pl?s, ''"'"'of mind, invoked to cover up a multi . m -I . ',,, ,Vw ' .r... , , i. j:he ''ich Prices which he has to pay for , tude of sins. Democracy is not a tiling .,,. ..i.nM. i.i. ...,,i ti u. i i wl,nt h buys 'that enn be tnught out of school hooks , .aj cl.nngM is nnml He has changed Congress i, dlscussinc or imparted experimentally like physics it before. The eastern lenders will not ''de, ,hnt tnn in.ome on wdden he or l1"- Eteninl clatter about the I want him at Chicago any more than P'0T '" ,f "' '" m' ." ' ,c'' ' (lag strikes the lover of his country .they want h.m now. Their choice is 1?JWV "" ,,,x is . bo ,rnci1 '"the ,, . .nnnuanuline of th ,., didiite of the McKinlev sort a ivdished i10in nnd 10-0 ,llP assumption being h gentleman nf spotless reputation, wlthV ,h, ,lifl',r,,m'p is 'l", 'o war profits. ia talent as mi executive who might be1 Tl'e rest of us need not take this sug- , u ..,. .,.,,! . f..ii. - l.. li.i. gestinn serioiisU for nn SO ner cent " talent as mi executive who might be ' viiecteH tn f..lln- nn i.nnn...i,in ,.n without doing needless harm to the el- dees and deacons of tne nai in i an . mncons ofje pai.j. ".-" ,' ....I, "llll'l nttl ye.tcnlii.v it nppenred that Harding could be nominated and easily ' did the conventional honors to General Wood nml the favorite sons. Rut John- son has shown now that I innot be laughed out of the campnign or snubbed into oblivion. After his showing in the I Ems, he will pro. 1 with new hopes. j His method is simple. He lu,,, . edv f,..- ll fmiihW .... ,., ... , an answer for everv doubt lor j ears the farmers of the countrv linvn b'n cnnornttiie a now dihko for fill iipunnt.ul nnft In.i.l... Tl.-.. 1 mnne. flurine the wnr. l.t .... ,h in .fll ,ion iiurj"i' p-nplo got it nwnv' from them. Thev in.i.t thnt the are '""'"-- ' n- wennny are in Insins more ,hnu they mde. There nr..'!' IBi '"""'" ""- wirl mn..r millln,,- f .1. i t. " 11"'1 depriving the general business more than they timde. millions of them, am ...,.,.,. '"ii- " hi. tiii l ir II'MMI, -tin ihiiiii innii. uic poor iiiiin. tne miter nf Hie fll.l Ciinnl nn. I fh rn,i i-,,..-j-j friends " ins me.e ',1 hiinVef . i ' sa is 11 ver bilge anti - English vole influ enced In. let us sn, hard memories. To these two dement Mr .Tnhiwm innke the same appeal, and mukes it. ns we have observed, with astonishing sue '.c.. Ihe Californinn is advertising hiiucf ns the pour mnn's enndidnte. 'and sime evcrjbodj is relatively poor 'nowadays, he is finding it ensj to move audiences wherever he goes. All the , tesfiess minis, ail the ha f-radicals nil ,the folk who have been stn'k.ng and ' lagitiiting and lighting shadows are in- I ,nied to follow Senator Hi and be led out of the w ilderness. Vhflf .iri nfjt in Ihe CVnnhli.M. r, Vlor. ,. , ...'.. , Hie ftlvnvsttv nf nnrts eusnntinl ... n.w -. , .....I... 1TMMA.. P.i.f.KnM...I" ... , . rt , . ui nll produce i mess the Inws ' . '. "J nind uuuiin-r i .-uu- vu.i.iri -. niere is a li.ise xoic influen. e( l,v 1,n,i . ,,,. . t ..... organism, and seeks hy wisely differen- And the Peace Conferetrce was not German -entinient nnd by ihe feeling 1.1..1. In - ..,,.1, , , , tinted choice of opportunities to render the end of it. Hint Gornuin ha- been gelling hard ,','.,' .'r!. ti "' rarh ,'IT,,tl', ' '" P'"- The soviet There hns heen the supreme council. ,i.,..i . ,1... 1 1. ..r ,i. n... .... inireii ntter the 1 mi nr. Ihe cmcr- t,i ,,i,i ,,,,, ... i. k,,rio; t ' ...... ...i. r 1 V i:.n.. partN alrea.h. and if Mr. Johnson can,'1"''" "'" "hnllj straighten out the tan- go into the i hicngo innvcntioii with a big delegation as the 1 undulate of the people his 1 ejection may be followed bj a boll Partv lender haw never been partial . VpThH fer f in- 1-nmi n. Ri.unded tear of .he I, ono.000 women ' ; ci".. ... unt- nn m- siiij.-uM- 1-111 1.1 11 new militarism 1 neir 1 none ik narrowing grndualh tn Johnson nnd Harding, and e.terdnv lhe aw Hauling suffer a wrtiiul defeat on hi home gt minds If Johnson ifinlinues 10 rariip nbout the cuiiiitrv and piny siiki ssfulii upon the emotions of the people. Mr. Hard ing's eminent rvspecrnbilitj may help him little and the party less There temnilis )ooer The elders and deacons w.M I,, wise i the,,- dnv !,,,, generatmn ,f ,1,,, ,,,r ,0 IlooveV ( before it 1. to., lnte A spin or -veil, I serious dissensions in ihe Itenubliciin nartx iiuiv inspire th, iLl 1 ll ,n n ll.!l,n; T " " , ienl -llort lianlini. was depended on to win against nn easy f.,j. Jut lt 1 was mil HiipposeiJ Hint he would have a laige eirmcut ot nis own purtj to conte.,.1 against 1 Hat is a complication wi .11 .iruin or .."iiiiiii .is creating. .... .... ilidcpemlent o(eis in the various states , tried to overcome "regular" Interference and upress their desire for Hoover 1 In ( uicuiuati. for example, the votes 'diwrted from Hauling to Johnson aud Iloowr surpn.ed the politicians Their In. - ' I" written on the ballots. 1 lie nomination or noowr would not ered on their merits nnd more pod more 011U disarm the Democrats It .would ' on their probable political effects, disarm .Mr. Johnson. " I If ever mini who wear oieialls The preferential primaries eie m- , were compelled to do some daili wnik 111 tended to indicate the drift of populnr ' " 'ru. k garden the muiiMiient would h,no SMitlment for imrty lenders nnd to give 1 real economic value. the people at large an opportunity to expiess their desires without interfer- Dur Tame Kan concedes that Prac- ence bv professionals In politics. They,tnal Politics is sometimes as exciting have served pretty well ns a injrror of os n baseball game-and ali.oat ns lm i)iiinon despite the shrewd work of or- Iportant. gnniato'i lenders nnd organization! ., .'. . - . ... . , money in .lcr.ey and elsewh-re I In,,n w'tboiit works will not de .ni. '- 1 i v... .. . ctrox tree cooties says, 111 effei t. the Ihe Wood Liaison vote was pro- ,,,,, ,.Hrk Pommissmn. Let us fimndlv signifiuHtit More imporliint ,,. still was the uisisti nee with whirh the Ypt thrro wore 87iKt voters In Clncln natl who took the trouble to express preference for Hoover in writing. The Hoover boom was tho result of spontnucoui impulse. It grew of Itself. herever there hns been a poll ol in colleges, pro'feFslonn) groups and dls- interested business men. Tbcy nro dis- posed to resent interference by the peo- pie tn party nllnlrs. 'Llicy resented Hoover nnd they lonthe .Tohnson. Now, however, they are beginning to ilnd thnt they themselves nre n some danger of jl(I isolation. Hie primaries have been educational. Mint they have lion is that people, ordimirilj cn -gning. nre determined to have n crj netlve part nnd n very de termined voice in the next piesldentinl election. Routine methods or routine . - i .aa a it enndidnt ps will not inspire their full i-e or enlist their fullest sup- conlideni port Hoover appeared to be in Jll respects the Jdenl candidate for any nnrtv lucky enough to hne him on its ticket. His k. i. ... i.. i...it..i i.. .1.. .,,..) political uny. It is not too lnte to Ii..i.. i. mi.. .... . -r i. .... '" " ,l"r ,,M ,.i , -m wh, ""T Jhown " ""Pn',)thn R am" ' ...... ,.....,..... .m,., ... stnropede in even grenter numbers to Hoover. Ucmocrnts without number were ready to add their votes tti n .i.u ,l.. .iu. i... i .. the largest ever recorded in n national election. Hoover's namo on the ticket would !,..'' T.', ,"".," u,r ,lL .""' when. "'7 'X;i rVfiiZ 1 tl " bastlcnlly called "the new education" denvor, his oxervvhelin nRly for Hoover. Hut lend- rrc.nHv rnmnfntnpd illniriiRtedlv thnt , is iiisioru-. . im .n. rein, r. 'k " thcro are even yet some schools in which mir ntinrtlti' j.wr. ( rane enrn little for the opinion oi ii,,. ,. (i,i iu.ot.n ..i,toi, i, !. ' .. . 1I1. If.. 11...-- 1 H.1MA H1 --------v -,...,... ... -r, -- -,- .- ""T ' ,tT I ?i , ' ,ur"me' "' fere with this Ideal equality? In short, 'o 'ed "'lministration. n squa e lealifrom ,,aviR b,.ou dcmocra?lMlif r(hlCn- and an enlightened approach to the tre mendous problem of the country's lor- eign as well as domotic nffnlrs "i'- ii "i-iuii in r.Miii.- miss ll....U ...I.., ...:.l.-.t . i '"""'ship nt Washington were refused, help from the bosses in tlieir movement ' Ifr jj cover. They were the le snme people ssly In other i Ul II U Mill T" who went groping helples ,roctfon!, nt 'imarif!, hat unsct manv f ,hn ,.niin.! e ,,; ,.j," "... """" '" "" wiffh, hould the child be bothered with grammnr when he can be taught how to i cook his own dinner, or worry ns to the TAXATION FUTILITIES j niceties of spelling when he can lcnrn 0v tup j .l .. ,-. ''ow to plnne a bonnlor. combine in n N THE snme day that Congress wns I strike for higher wnges "The new seriously discussing n proposal to education" is nothing if it Is not prnc levy a tnv of SO pr cent on wnr profits. tienl. immediate, a j'ard or so in nd the president of the t'nited States ivaiue of tlie most modern mennderings Chnntber of Commerce wns snying in Atlantic City thnt tinder Jhe c'ongres- siounl policy of attempting to collect taxes almost exclusively from the well- to-do mid the rich, credit had become ..i- ... ... . . ' iiniiuiv resTricrcn nm piinvnpnnrn lino ... . . ... . . . i unu.-i.-ncc umi, wie income oi juii I?,';,',,'11' v,'rllf(' income ior niii. iiiju. UM rPst "' " nrotl not ,ak" ,lm 8"K- gestinn seriousij. for nn N) per cent l.n. ... ..I T... .tl.J .,. .( Ml'...-, 11VIIIU.-1 111" llllll .S1II1.III11.I1. Ul' cnln.lin.ev .vl,n l.i,.lr ,hn l,n 1 .nnn. ." "". """ ''"" " "" 'T ... ......... ...... ,11,- .,. ., ,.,: j .,,.. ...ill, !, l,nx n(i(lNl ,0 '" VT"nl !o bptpT,.l , CTUl1 ,f (,csy,air; ' 'uncollectible. Husiucss men could not '"icnUon is not instruction nboilt hl infornintioii as to what to do and . ,, . . .- . i i they could. ..,.;...."'., . , ' ,c-ron" .n ... i. . . , . , TV.. i".....r. . ...... u en iniai nn uunnrL' il ii ftnt-n n an t.iu. i-. ...i.-u ii U.X..UIC- u i.urni'iiMiinc I that men will tesort to nil sorts of sub i terfuges to escape it i C1 . :..- x- ..... .. ,.. ' '"V.. "" "" ",,om? " "'""' i,'V! . ' ."V.'"'" I,K' ",,ost,nn "l "" ".....,. .or . !kn"w "'ii the government n ,n":r 0. '"x "f "a,1 of its constitutionality, for r". cr.v oiiij ceded the id without .uc,.iou. nn. nen tne wnr enueu tn sums collected diminished each en M .1 1 .r. ... .,..., ;.. ..., Mmain mm What Conges, slw'.l,l rfn .. . ,.:. ! t," roto", ""-''"'"tific emergency wnr " " '" '" " ' v ' ".'' 'kf m of the couutry of the capital which it " " "" ''iiiii-iun. nnu uiey are up- i p,'ivil,,: ,llP Boerni.iei.t nf the revenue ' gei.ij hns pusseil and men will not con sent I0 be mulcted nf 10 and ."0 and 70 per cent of 1 heir incomes, it j cngy to sav that the.i are ucli nnd ought to con sent, but men will hnve to-be made on 1 n different model before thev will submit 1 ...i... i. n n..iH..... .....I :. ! . inui. i femncr.'iiic einicniinn recni-nieu -.,!. nmnn. ...n ii.if it tvnitii. nnt to what amounts to confiscation nnderltllP Bt""' w,1,,'n ''' ' which it sup- , the form of hi . ..., .,, llf ,,, ,, . ... A leltni ol the tax laws would on , , .. ... "ouiu no . more to reduce the high cost of living 1 thnn Attorney General Palmer can at- ' 1 ' ,, . """ - fnT V,'h "'"' "" '"S '"""tions ofj1 1 Ihe lurkish proposition makes an . independent stnte f Armenia and leaves I Smyrna under the suzerainty of Turkey ..!, .. G.eek administration. Rut this 1 if . -"..,..... ,, .Mm, ,s ao Suiii ternlile example of into er- , And before it is wholly unraveled It is auuP R he who starts out to destroy in ciilci.l.ited to drive some stntesmen tolernnce throughout the world save in n"t" i himself. It is at eat as wild to he- "" ' lleve that tou can infnlliblv measure Ihe calm deliberation with w Inch 1 flH 7p,;rn,, ' !'-V .Pro,TTl,s ' 'r ler nf the cnnst.lutioa ty nf the ,,ro. ............. .......i.M.n... ""'' " enoiigu 10 "..- r.-. ... i h uic giun were available tion of Greek as it is to find iu Hie (hat Champ Clark lias announced 1 language of Pericles the panacea for his willingness to run for President all want of culture Whether canii a !' no surprise. The one tlrnc that I nationnhobia nnd chronic certllicatisisi w..iild give the country n shock would be for him to turn in to support Urynn. Incidentally, the new movement, or tad is n little hard on the man who "'"" '" " "" ' '" ."i"'". '"r. iUT.a "cd I v-'i, g I, '" " '" """"uPP-r .0 be Mourning. ' ' r . . -r- . in .... 1 . i The, e ,s strong suspicion that the, e ,Tate w II prove herself , unusually an "hose , the Labor Department who "onf. mood if the leg Mators mvesti- ,i ,., i,,,..,i.,. simnnthi. win, , catlnc tke sugar situation should nrnve lrllv (;euernl Palmer's as-.iratlons to ,e presidency. As ,, , vcntions draw near pub- 11,. estions me lesH aud less onsid- . -,. ....... 1, , erhups because thev wish tn' sit cnmforiiihlj that Ynrc maitjrs sneak of court piaster Of course, thcro is always a chance of revising the old slogan, "The Old 'Guard dlea but never eurronders." THE GOWNSMAN, I Soviet Education TT 18 credibly reported thnt one of the nffectcd to tlilnk, consisted' wholly lu more or less exact Information na to the number of the wives of .Milton or tue nyimuoms oi i-oes uennum tremens. And he told in horror of other schools in which they were "actually wnHting "C,J." th.c """, of WW'i Cm anything be more horrible 1 It would (seem. too. thnt the study of history romcs ,, the bim of ..lr cw Cl)tl. cation.", especially ancient history, n subject Jo hopelessly out of date and irrelevant to our contempornry life that it snnuld incontinently be replnced hy 'Civics up to dnte nnd plnce," which, llm "). ,. 1.1... la. I. ..L...1 ! I 'the (townsman takes It, is about cquiv-' to "How to Vote Advantageously lu the Philadelphia of Today." Philadelphia of Today. rriHE new education" has passed beyond the nntlquated Idea of 'giving every man nnd woman nn enunl J."0"" ,0 ,,p,nrn-'ct him t,n,ko .T ,,oav it as he will. The new iden Is to level opportunities so thnt no man shnll hnve n,,.v '"''nnce which is raised above thnt which everyonay would be liKeiy to taxe. Why prepnre nny boy or girl for collcgo when the mniorlty don't wnnt to go? Why discriminate in nny degreo of Lnnn'l.. nu.,t ....il.l ,..i,.n. ji. crimination creates n class? If any man or woman is just ns pood as nny ?,lner w"-v n,low ustincuotw in emicn tiou or decrees of knowledge to Inter , tion is now to lie sovictcd. "The dend 'nnd dying languages": let them be cof- ntieil ami deposited each in nn tinre- ........ I I MM- i r Hfii.u.'M-ii urine. i in. inuiicrii lorcign mnguages ; why should we speak for eign tongues, much less study Ian- K,lnRe.s of which the remnins nlonc nre iA,Hnt '" written books? Why should anybody write nny better than he speaks Mr spenK nny better tnnn lie writes 0l isnornnce aniong the sanctities of a discarded past. j ,,.., , . i T""'"''' seems some confusion, even - ninoTig those who more or less hnbit- Unllr think nil the rnlntinns nf tile loin ---- -- v .... . IfUIIID ,lAlitA.t.Hf.aa na1 A J.iaIi A inn 1'imi.s, MVIIIUt'l 111" 1I1MI IMIUVUl nm. mucii ns n iny mnnunnu ine of lloiios offon(, H (.ilrPlman. There nre sanctities in our patriotism ns in our mines nnd in our religion. Nor will nny iniount of knowledge us to the processes "' "' nollN or ln ,hr legislature make " 'nan pnirionc; ot tnis Knowledge , ... ..,! l. ., r .. ! l.... , .1 1. .11 .U!.. ..I 1.1 1 Iconic as the result of education, which : "'v ." n' ii- .vii nun piiuuiu niui uuirii, . a .. .. . . ... ls 0I1j tllr fostering m ench child of such abilities as are liis and that he i may use them for his own subsistence as a unit in the state and for such service n he is in duty hound to render the stnte. EDUCATION is neither a levder nor nn enunlizcr. As the Gownsmnn rlXutTdcaXn r.liA...1f.. . ...,,! U- nr...i:i.. 1.A..1J s . country ns the .ornerstone of liberty. I II... !.!.. ..:j ii .t.. .:.. i .i ,.ii. iiiif. unie, nn 1-uui-iiiiuii iiinrhi. unu . accentuates the inherent differences among men All men are horn free and I unenunl. To level these differences is onlv to destroy what is best in each. Soviet ' n-iiwon w-oinu iiiiiRc enen man ns 'nearly ns possible like his fellows, put- uiik nu ciiiiiiii-is nn . umi.i iiin.v 10 n standard in w Inch individuality is wiped the college nnd the nristocrncy of scien- tific attainment Hnd artistic nchieve. n.ent. In substitution it would get just what the political soviet has been com- I 110"0" to accept in Russia, n bourgeoisie .inferior in all the qualities neeessarj to planted possessed and an nristocrncy in whicn neitner nirtn. weait 1, culture nor ri 1 iti. j snf leadership is to be found. .-r-nr- ,. j , j .A. 4 ' . . , .1 Tit. 1. .1 .7 .11, ULIVI.U' I Ul zais or kaisers and he mistrusts the cnrs and kaisers of education as 1 he hns ulwnys distrusted their proto type, in politics. Rut he is likewise bv no ,neans seeing red iu his notions ns ,0 education. The superstitions of rad- , '- e nf ; ,;. .J.: I ,,0. which thev overthrow, and there' the mind b its accidental alertness to' """'-'notice the make of the autos which pass ,nu (Biy a:, ,y means of h recollection 0f historical dates. And it is as least as niuch of a fetis h to In lieve in erlucfl - tional snivntion by menus of the aboli he symptoms 01 tne progress ot soviet, ediuntlon among js, the Gownsman is I not prepared to sat-: but with the coal of no previous knowledge of anything required for entrance to college visibly before us. however not quite yet at ' mined. bnNhrvi.tif Ideas in edncntinn I 'hut Atltirtfy General Palmer, the man .who pledged himself to bring down prices, was responsinie ior their ad- vante. The United States Chamber of Commerce shows sympnthet'c apprecia tion of the fncl that n public service corporation, while pa j lug more for everj thing, has the darnedest time, eir, in lollecting the wherewithal. A, New York hotel is stamping its silver with its telephone number, so that if n spoon is found out of bounds, as it were, the finder may notify the owner. This kind of thing is very dis 1 ournging to souvenir hunters. Haehelors over thirty in France hnve had their Income taxes increased 'ITt per cent. If the legislators keep on they will reach the time nnd plnce where where s ngle-steppcrs will hud cheaper to run In double hnrness. By the time we have the street-car transportation aoWed we'll be wrestling with airplane route, and sites for mu nicipal bOBBUM iirnniipiN ni wani ih KuininviiaL uuin ...... .. v.... .. .,.. ...,. .... i.i.iMh.uiaiv ui . 1 no siierim " ill il ul 1.1 nine ini'u JUST FHEN t .- A . . . - . I 1 . . I ' 1 . I I ' ( - y '. I. 1 h. &Wk x All . 7 : : ; " mL H fi , a i siHBPaifiiif jkmuk 'jty&yfic faasaKC VM " 4 ill K2vA nJfiiiVllllllfllllin vz8stsC BaE 'fc- . . -iN sfjfll m&&)!? MvfffffTMilrTTTilJ isC hSBBii " " s&5s&y' jail 7n7 HOW DOES IT STRIKE YOU? COMMON misfortune may do more to bring nbout mutual sjmpnthy and understanding nnd lasting pence in Eu rope thnn nil of President Wilson's ef forts nt getting n League of .Nntinns. Signor Nitti. the premier of Italy, has more trouble on his hands thnn cither Idoyi) George or Millernnd. He hns soviet strikes in Northern Italy nnd peasant strikes. The present order is less stable in Duly thnn in nnj other of the victorious countries. LAnd thnn hns council ot . ... ... . .. . . iSlgnOr .Mill WUK! 111IHC Mil!"- ins come out of the supreme nr out of the Pence Conference. , un.1.. 1..l ,.1 ! ror exHinnie : i nc wnuir wnnu in sick nnd tired ot the supreme council. - - and so nm I." The whole world is. j It is tired of failures, blunder, and .incompetence. This country is mortally tired of its I President nfter seeing him in the role i of a ruler of the world. It does not know Mr. Lloyd George u,"',b,'tit.i8,tiTL0 .fe. ,. fc., It had n certain admiration for hard C.emencenu, but it is glnd he has I T''' UNDERSTANDS now why the wnr jl losien so lone and wny n uus n-i l . . , , i : .... milted nlmost to destroy modern so cietv. after seeing the men who mnu otriui tVio wnr behind the veil of censor- ship come out in the open and flounder nbout trying to maKe peace. Some one said nt rnris: "I am sure tliere will never oe nnotner great war. Not that the world would Dot endure least upon the tremendous btage of world nilersliip has tired mnnkind. I Sicnor Nitti is right. After Peeing Mr. Wilson, Mr. Lloyd .George nnd the rest of them in action, the world hasn't nn illusion left. R wants n rest and a chance to cul tivate a few new illusions q q q fTlHE world has forgotten how to smile, says Signor Nitti. It needs an opportunity to rclenrn the nrt. Yes. the nil nf smiling something else! thnu the hitter, disillusioned smile thnt sight of our rulero in netion provoked. Mr. Wilson wns right in his theory of publicity : thai .1 was highly desirable What Do You Know? QUIZ 1. Hot? Inn lins the Ttepubliran plty been in existence? 1. AVlmt three, titles of rulors arc de rived from Hie. word Caesar" ".. In what century did Titian live and What is the original Itali.m form of Ills name' 1 Where th tlescit of Gobi? f In what month of 1911 was the first battle of the Mlirnn fought? What Is a "cause celebro"" 7 What famous KnglMi nnbleninn was known as "The King Maker"? S. How did majolica ware get Its name? 9. What Is the real namo of Julia Mar lowe' 10. Who was the Democratic nominee for the presidency defeated by Roosevelt In the election of 19017 . Answers to Yesterday's Quiz 1 The Ftomans told time by watcr cloeK nf clepsydra, tho hour-glass nnd the sundial. 2. Tlie words facetious nnd abstemious have tin vowels '"a." "e," "I," "o " ' 11 ' In regular succession. V, Giovanni da Verrazznno was an Hnllnn tmvigatoi In the French serke. who discovered New York ami Narrngansett bay in 1S23. 1. Louis Philippe, king of France, was dethroned In 1848, and fled to Rngland under the name of "Mr. Smith " '.. Krivan lias been suggested ns the capital of the new republic of Ar menia 6 Heated iron that glows while Is hotter thdii heated iion which glows red. 7. A congrcssmiin-at-large Is one elected by the otorB of the whole state Instead of those of a slngln dis trict, which Is done when the ex isting apportionment by districts does not provide foi all tho rep resentatives to which the state is entitled. 8. The Armenian Church Is the oldest national Christian church ln the world 9. General Durgoyno surrendered his nrltlsh army to the Americans on October 17, 1777, following the battle of Sniatoga It I 10. Alligators differ. from crocodiles in 1 .1...... ..... ...... . ,1.. ... .. . lic;n" icni.nn ..... 4CCI Ulfl iqi. webbed, the head Is shorter and Hatter, the long four teeth of the under Jaw (It Into pits In the upper Jaw and not In notches between the teeth, nnd this causes tho whole head to be broader and the snout SHSHMA .. tVlBM In MOUsmmjI II. aa H Vl WWIWBP 111. ill VIUWU1III, CONCENTRATION IS Signor Nittl Gives Indication That Common Misfortune May Save Europe to hnve it piny pitilessly upon every one but himself. No one hns survived the fierce white light thnt bent upon the supreme council. q q q L1STE.N "I W 1STEN to Nitti on Russia: ant to sen relations with Rus sia resumed nt once. Let everybody go to Russia nnd see whether t''oy wnut the soviet regime nt home." And Germany: "Europe needs Ger many. She must be got on her feet ngniu. Germany must be disarmed, nnd then the Allies and the world .should disaim." There is more sense in Nidi's remarks than has come out of Europe in a decade. q q q IT WILL take ten yenrs to liijuidnteJ the wnr. perhaps-more. The least important part of this liqui dation is the mountain of paper debts we hear so much nbout. The biggest Job is liquidating the false beliefs, the foolish emotions, the preju dices of the war nnd of the period be fore the war. Signor Nitti is liquidating faster than anjhody else. Probably the ruin Hint snrinrs from Var is n blessing. We nre nil Puritans enough to believe thnt punishment chastens. When tho ruin of this war is repaired there mny be on this earth whnt Mr. Wilson tried to improvise out of the late belligerents, a reul union of peo ples. Signer Nittl, the premier of Italy, five feet tall, who has a way of puffing himself up ns he tnlks nnd looking im pressive, like the frog in the fable, points the .way. q q q IN ENGLAND there is n movement for women confessors in the church for women communicants. , The church law is against it, but it is argued thnt womon will confess more freely to women priests thnn to men prints. A man priest, the Rev. Henry Ross vicar of St. Albans, denies this. ' "One womun, he says, "would not trust another to keep n secret, oven if tolil in the confessional." That is dealing in ancient generali ties, not thinking. Woman has been the confessional sex from the beginning of time. As wife nnd mother, she lias listened to and kept more secrets thnn nil the priests in tho world. If Woman COUld not keen in.rr.il 1 .,.. won dn t be any homes ami men wouldn t hold their hends up so high ns they do in the world. q q q TOR the secrets thnt overflow the cars of women, wives, mothers, sweet- iii'HriH, mere arc priests. And when you get too modem for priests there nrn the doctors. THE JANE P. C. MILLER oMQNs CONSERVATORY 1028 rilUSTNUT ST. Walnut 127 rrtlVATC LKSBON8 DAILT DANCINO , 0,rHXH'CAL,ClTLTLirtK ,Muuify( rim iiwn' mm r a m; y ELK.SFROLIC MCTnOPOUTAS IwlwrvO I iwuis, uvnRA HOUSE Mon. Itnv n Wed., Ma n, 8:1.-, i m ar,o TirrcATKiCAL. ani mi-mk'ai. htap.8 Best Program on Earth, $ 1 , $2 Z,U', Tickets Now on Sal? nt Elk h Home, Arch ,1. Juniper Also Days or Performance nt MiMmpoHtMii Hon onice nRPHFU'M MA to'ay7 25cT"!if: sjirnu.vjivi j.vc ., .ir,-.?,n -.., MAM unSMONO pe Q' fJv Heart m.,1 pi-AYiuts b 1YI' "cai may a -'TAirt sni) WAiiMnn" Walnut Ah. 8th. Mat. ToJav. .asino GIRLS A. LA CARTE T"l 1 JiJ?k4v . Ciiraharland KpnnPQ SUk-IAL MAIDS X IvUyiVO With INA HATWATID and III.I'PII l.asjiirif 11. Cowanov Studio. 210 S. 13th St Daviton Dldg. -aw f "W .afPV L. ..f ?f ESSENTIAL What is thct psyehonnnlyst but the modern mnn's iuost modern confessor, listening to nil his griefs nnd woes, his (Jrcnnis nnd his evil inclinations? Tlie one thing that the world cannot get on without is tho confessor. When it outlives one form of con feasor it invents another. Science gives it n new kind of con fessor every few yenrs. There has lo be novelty in confessors ns in everything elser Novelty inspires new hopes. The chief value of n man confessor is thnt he rniscs confession from nn ordi nnry home affair to nn emotional event. You hnve lo go to sec the man con fessor, formally, in his office, and per haps pay him $2.1 an hour, which helps home, too, to tntike you realize it is the real thing. Hut for everyday purposes, woman is the confessional sex. Market St. ab. 18th. 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. SECOND AND LAST .WEE1C "Huckleberry Finn" Added Cheater Comedy Four Ttmen Foiled. Next Week ai:ilALDIN13 FAHIlAn In "THE WOMAN AND THI1 PUl'l'ET" STAHTINQ MAY 10TII "Why Change Your Wife?" CECIL I!. De MILLCS LATEST P A L A C F 1211 MATllv'KT HTnRIlT Lj 121 1 MAB.KF.T HTRKirr 10 A M. 12, 2, a. 45, ,.:4B. 7:45. 0;S0 P. I WM. S. HART Ji 12, 2, a. 45, A:4S, 7:45. 0;S0 P. M. THE L E" Added Mark Sennctt'a "aincham Grl" Next Week Wallace Held ln "Dancin Fool" MAY 10TII "THIJ KIVKR'H END" A R C A D 1 CHESTNUT BELOW KITH 10 A. M., 12, 2, .1:45, B:45, 7:45, l:,10 P. M. "Wr.rr.nr, C.aa" Foaturlnit ELAINE .IU1I1UII JUII1U HAMMCRSTEIN Next Week Wallace Held In "Dancin Fool" V ' MA C T O R I A .VHICET ST. ABOVE NINTH 0 A. M. to 11:15 P. M. EUGENE O'BRIEN l" " NEXT WEEK PAULINE FltEDERICK ln "THE PALMER CASE" MAY I0TH Tin3 SILVER HORDE" r A P I T O T Vy 724 MARKET STREET -t 10 A M.. 12, 2, .1:45, 5:45, 7:45, OlBO P. M. VIOLET HEMiNG w COST" NEXT WEEK 'THE CONlfE38ION" R E G E N T V MATIKET ST. Helow 17TH a :ao, 7 AND 0 p m, "A DAUGHTER op, GODS" With ANNETTO KBLLKRMANN 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. MARKET STREET AT JUNIPER CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE NAT NAZARRO & CO. JEAN LEIOHTON REVUHj Others. ALLEGHENY il KltANKI'ORD Bnlow ALLEOHENT J. The Screen and Stage sur Valeska Suratt (Herself) 4 Other Acti. and I'enrleaa Photoplay "IN OLD KENTUCKY FEATURING ANITA STEWART BROADWAY I,roai ani nyatr Ave. "FLIRTATION" wwsicAia ;-r RORERT "THOII ART MAM" WARWICK THK - 1 CROSS KEYS "''-Vkct M Muldoon & Franklyn ancl Thir" .Iiit n..i .""-" IIU 4 UANLLNU LL550NS C A Tcaohcr for Each Pupil -3 J CORTISSOZ fib SCHOOL 1520 Cheatnut ljf Locuat SIM trfysszzflhvL T&JtZ Mi'i'jUlrilfw Miss Florence G lorence vowanova rreaenta Edith and Rose Minsky in Their Own Act ' "A MODERN DUO" IN Hr.R DANcr. CAHNIVAL at 1IIU ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MON. and TUES. MAY 3 and A at 8 p, m. PHILXbELPHIA'S FOREMOST-TTTBATRBn BROAD L-t 3 Evga. tfMat. LAST 4 TIMES " GEO R(G E A . R LTS S nnd Ilia Brilliant Aeaoclate players In BOOTH f ARKINGTON'S ' LATEST AMERICAN PLAY "P0LDEKIN" Next Week Seata Today A. L. ERLANGER I- Presentint? CHAUNCEY OLCOTT IN "MACUSHLA" Olcott Sings '4 New Songs FORREST ?l&r&. BAT. Positively Last Week CHARLCB DILLINOHAM'S FAnt'E WITH MUSIC The GIRL From HOME WIUt'rnAKK CRAVEN A COMPANY OF DISTINCTION AN ARMY OF PRETTY GIRLS! NEXT MONDAY $" TWO WEEKS' ONLY Popular Mats. Wed. & Sat. l 1 .. Garrick Ln9t 3 Evs. uyu Extra Mat. Tomorrow Cohans .COMEDIANS "M A R Y" (ISN'T IT A OIIAND OLD NAJlE') Seats -eelllnir for Extrn Matinee Next Week Urine the Kiddles Sfatg Thuri. int woi TB THE WONDER SNOW OFTHUHIVERSE! MM THE GREAT MAGICIAN IIMEJ Do Spirits Return? t"u"stn Nlrhts "Ro to SI.C0. Mali. 25c to SI. NISTIl AXDyARCH BTKEETS Mats. Mon., Wed. ft Fnt.. 2.16. Even , 8:15 HUSBANDS FOR SALE METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Tuesday Evening, May 4th. at 8.15 LAST AMERICAN APPEARANCE E L M A N GENU'S .OF THE VIOLIN IJRICES $1.00, ll.SO. $2 00 bEATH NOW. 110S CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA'S LEADINO TIIEATIIES Direction LEE & J. J. HHIIHEItT I VDir EVENINC8 AT 8:15 L. I rS.1 Mat. Sat. at 2:15 The Operetta ou will nee uiraln and nitaln' Ita mimic will Jiaunt 3 out The Magic Melody with CHARLES PURCELL Julian Dean, Tom McNaughton, Bcrtec Beaumont and Emma HaiR "Entertatntnc tn no name for It at a 1. It' a riot! A knockout." N. AMERICAN. Anroaa bei.-nacy j eVgS. at 8:15 DELPHI $1.00 Mat. Today TUB FUNNIEST FARCE OF THE AGE HAZEE DAWN JOHN ARTHUR AND wai Tnn J0NKS ENID MAIIKBT OTHERS Cripntnut St OPERA I KVOS. AT 8.1J. nestnutot. 0,,SK MBt8. Wed. i. Eat LAST .1 NIC5IIT3 BETTY, BE GOOD! 1 r.O MAT. "r ' SJ SAT A Brilliant Broadway Cant of Muilcal Comedy Favorites and Remlar Dolute ot Dainty Danc(ne Darlings. BEG. MON., Seats Now Selling CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD In Her Intent and Greatest Buccesi "Linger Longer Letty Wlthi typical Morosco cast and big cliorui ot Broadwny Beauties. M,tftniiW EvRS.at8.15 roa.d 11. onuDeru JIut Sat ( o.1() nroad Locusv LAST-J WEEKS 1 WELL SUNG AND DANCED BY A TOP-NOTCH CHORUS Bewitching neautles From Broadway N( XT PARKWAY U W AND 21st STREET The ralrmoufit Business Men's S M''"i Exposition (lleneflt Soldiers' and HUora MeinorlHl Fund). Presenting tho World-at-Home Shows 15 BIO. NEW. t'LEAN ATTRACTIONS II Bin, FREE ACTS, tl-NEW nlDESh nBVlCES- It 30PIECE CONCERT BAND -.10 50 rOPLB '&0 .... ,..'.. 1.. inn.Mm.nli and the 111' ge.t Vi" tlin Ever Seen In riil.ilcli.hiii. Built Upon the Foundation of Cleanliness and Decency. rDr.F Admission to Grounds rnLX. EITH'S' William Seajjury.& Co. In "Frlyollos'' , "House of David Band Sensatlo'natl Musical Novelty CICCOLINI !..... -ria.fi. n Ortsir(lfl Oil . " rmiiuuv vitn jjf -j ""BL.aii Tremendous Kurroundlng.reaturs BWwi SPECIAL I WEnNEHDAY,. AX..J' tX'J bo Velebrate.1 as Natlonat'Vaud.vtlle WJ Fur I'arncuiars n9 ounu - . Mmmwrs GHOS mm it "W m Trocadero BomidfthTovrt.j Mali'ay r 4 r ... . - Ih, &v t . 'QtHk, fast '..W.A J s.jsst-s, ,. I. &'- til jtXtx t'J