r-v''.Sv' j A .V't -r rR,fl IPWgf mSW" s '" ""ft ' '.' vTl&lSfiEmirJli S?Tn ikiv y .'u - i ' Mv ".' t" ). fc i S& m HJJAt wrrArr. FOR SAXS REAL ESTATE FOB SAe '''' ...... ... " i ijfflMi i ' ' ' -i nif- mm r -- ' ..--.. ' ritNXwrt.vANiA HinnmnAN ;HTt itwvTVooi) mNoit REAL ESTATE ffOR gAL' JUSAfc ESTATfc' FOR KALIS !'I'.NNVI,VANIA MHtl'MlAN PKNNHYI.VA.NI StinttnnAN rFNN'l V sNIA - MttnttnnAN liVWOmi manor ttYivnnn MAnn . nnvnnn manor -' '- ' --- - - . ... .. , . . ... .. MM s flHBVeMBssssC255!!VHBV!ss7e?!!!! B Ipywgpd MdBon i Homes with Garages A development of new artistic stone houses containing, every up-to-date convenience; 60 additional homes arc nearing completion. Those built last fall were sold before being finished. Conveniences of location, Springfield water, sewage, gas, electric light, etc., make this location unusually desirable. The bituminous-paved roadways, sldrted with trees and deep green ter races, are attractive. The homes are exceptionally well planned; every room is bright and cheer ful; beautiful tiled baths with showers, artistic wall decorations and lighting fixtures. Furnished Sample House Open for Inspection fc " seal izhiti 6xm '- ",: 'i3&if&&T,riiiiBfo -'" iAL,BSTATBfrQa'iiiM '' , ' lauifainjixi ifoR.. nil ii 1 1 - i i ii -i i i 'ii - i i -i ii i- -i i i i - i ii i ii i i i i- - - " ' ' "1" ' "" " ' -" l., .,-.. ... .... .. t, -.Man CITY C1TV CITY ...CITY . i . & a Oflicfl in Terminal Apartment Building Opposite 69th St. Terminal V. J. LAWLER Builder and Owner Agent on Premises at All Times itjpf -ne :: : UTIIA.M PARK l.THM I'MIK Ml i.ini: mux i.ini: BUILDING LOTS IN LATHAM PARK THE GARDEN SPOT OF OAK LAS'E EVERY IMPROVEMENT EXCELLENT RESTRICTIONS VERY REASONABLE PRICES HERBERT HOPE, 5901 York Road ,ju: t I.LANKKCll I. I.A.N Kill II p ii hi mi - :&Is?Ah PLANT YOUR MONEY IN Llanerch's New Development BUILD A BUNGALOW OR COTTAGE AND BE YOI n OWN lNDLORD ONL.T BIX .MINUTES FROM IWTH STREET -1 ERMIN A I. located between two mam h'ghvva on the south West chestet PHte. north City Mn overlooking a ph tuieaqui, main valfrw The; Most Delightful Home Site in Delaware County We tntrite you to lrtsperi ihi wonderfu1 d.'v;upmn'. If will cost you nothing. Partn-'uar.. hecrfullv furnished "n app ication in D. F. RYAN MM i! Market St Mfinbers Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard 'i"mmmBmh,immmmmmmwimummmmmiwwi NEW STONE SUBURBAN HOMES IN WAYNE-MAIN LINE P. R. R. v- aro jiit coniplr'ins I ImlA idiml, nirnllvn hnms on ! till fill Cnnstora t Knnn g ,Mlinr :"! iiimH''" In fim dlm!, ilirn lininfi will hppcaI !o th dlscrlnv UiHtlnR ullH't g l.ai-K"- Iimiik room nh open nrrplf illnlnr room wlih l.ulll In rhlna S: l"i"if kiirhrn with t.i- rnc- hihI Inundrv 3 and 1 brilrnruti. amidp clnnot npai-n t ' unnliarv li.uli Iih--.mi..i Ponrn. nnih"l in while mid niiihuKaiiy, ' f I.niji i',n t ;n fen nnd 1M to 3IH) fel dp. Ttl hnup were rnnturled tn. hefoie the rerenl rie Mini nre offered f a g pri.e fr helms hi It would rn.t to reproduce them todev ' A lii will inminre Miu na tn their value and dcuir.tbltllv. FALLON & HARRIS 1 nrn.nKRs ani ou-nkp.s s WAYNE, PA. MJMMMM MAV Ji:it-KV SKA'-IIOIH: M fl 1 u n i miiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiaK 3 r, 1 i RENT Modern Six Story Loft Building Northwest Corner Market & 23d Sts. The Vim Motor Truck Company announces the purchase from the War Department of the Mid- I vale Gun Plant, consisting of twenty-five acres, situated at Wayne Junction, Philadelphia. This large property was acquired for the purpose of en.abl ing the Vim Motor 1 ruck Company to supply the increasing demand for Vim Motor Trucks. " It is further announced that the Vim Buildin g, situated at Market and 23d Streets, consisting of a modern six-storv loft building with railroad siding, and containing approximately 400,000 square feet, ' will be rented for the balance of the Vim lease or a period of approximately sixteen years. Date of f f possession, rent and full details with permission to inspect this building may be had only upon appli cation to i HERKNESS & STETSON , 1831 Land Title Building Philadelphia. inniiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiM KEAL ESTATE WANTED mwmmumumtm;; ATl.WTir CITY -f- M:V-IKKSKY SKAMItlni: List your houses for sale in our semi central depart ment. We have cli ents who will pur chase houses on Spruce and Pine, South 15th to 21st street. HEYMANN & BRO. YVidcncr IWdffl RENT AUTO LOCATION BI33-3.V37 Walnut St.. Int H.'ixlio will slvo 'nprnvement.leaap. Krank A. McManus, at tnmev. .inn T.afavette Hid. nna1nii Pronertlen nnrf St4rea 1'KXNSVIAAXIA SDIUTIMIAX STORE SPACE Spare infin; j flnnr.i, wllh display wlndnn's 0xin, romplcte with counters nml rliehtex. capli del; n m cali-carrler MMcm: Kieam heat, cl.ectrlc llshl) sultahle for ilry Roods, ladln" wear or furniture. OWKNH'S nKPAItTMENT 8TOIIK Main at.. 1'arkeiburir, I'a, COUNKIl STOIIK on Lincoln hlnhway for rent; napeclally aulted for Krocery or drug store; cxrellent opportunity. AUTJIUIl P. TOWNSBND, Tjanghorne. Pa. OKNTI.UMAN'rf farm hunle. funit'hed, tor cummer: 1-1-room atonn houtte: hiar yant: i fine shade: to Douclan.ivHIe 1 mile. Pottatnwn t tnllea Apply Mian .Mary A. Klrlln. 1018 , P-Pnner nve.. Ale'roao TnrK'. Pa AMIH.I'.H FOB BENT FURNISHED . PITV I't'IlNIHHHD house frr rent In n.rm.M.. 7 rooma and bath; June 1 to Sept.mbitU irnt J100 per month, rhone Manbrii 1IM-I .1. AHRACTIVE MODERN COUNTRY HOUSE 11 rooms, n hatha; vapor heat, elrrtrln light, caraice; 8 acrca; $2001) u year, furnished. So. 15th at MEARS & BROWN ATLANTIC PITY IpiiiiKiraraiiaiiiw if ATLANTIC CITY COTTAGES 1 ! s it Beautiful Newly Built Detached Cottages With Private Garages Barlram Ave. north of Ventnor Ave, Clielsen Kingston Ave. north of Ventnor Ave., Chelsea a m nlPII-E IN I'P-TO-DATK OI'KII B nt'll. IMXCI; DOWNTOWN IX1CA TtOX NOT KSHKNTIAt. WOltl.l) I'dNflUKR UOOM IN SUITE. wnrrrc notiman t. a mpn- liKII ; !'().. MAI.TIMOItK. Ml). CHESTNUT STREET STORE and apirtmenta vveat of Itith at . we have . a client who will alter n duelling Into tore and apartment; ' we are prepared to auRgest a very attractive proposition, espe cially suitable for milliner drenamaker or any other hlgh-rlns specialty line. I J. T. JACKSON COMPANY ! CHEST.NTT AT 13TII : CHOICE SECOND FLOOR I 1722 Cheatnut Kt . right plaro for a hlgh elasa millinery or ladles' tailor; plenty of north light; alee 21x12, rent J2SU0 per year Including heat. J. T JACKSON CO. r;1 sts. STORE on Mnrltet at . nenr .Id; Immed. poa . piirtlclrs. kernel & en . 4th Hnd t'allnwhlll CYNWYI) m S i,ar,'..o i n 8 rool"8,a",1 3 baths, pantry liot-wnter lioaf, clertnc lichts. 1 S nr n,i0'i",,'''ol,,Bl,?!'t' ,besl rf P'uTblne. stationary laundry tray" I ' XiJZ. .anU Iock1,'rf, In !" basement Spacious porch, terraced UwnV 3. !l tnl'H0' Ue,'1 i- l"11"1:' Possession ThorcuBh fnipec?",. Inv?t?d! 1 j Sample House, 32 N. Bartram Ave. Open Daily and Sunday m Daily and Sunday 1 GEORGE W. SHISLER, Builder and Owner I 22 N. BARTRAM AVE.. ATLANTIC CITY OR YOUR OWN BROKER :intMLi;iHmunHiist:i3tJU3;iHUMini:i!i:iiiij;)oaumiiuuifnMHWHHrHriRi?iH!iffiifHinii;i t iimhbiihii! DESiniJ in lent furnished or unfurnished hounr jMth at least 4 bedrooms for 10 or 12 montlii, beginning June 1. In cither Over brook. Merlon or Wynnewood on ths Tenna. Tl. n or Ciermantown, Oak I.ane. R'klng Park or .lenklntown on th Reading It. It. Wrlle particulars. M. II. Ketterolf. V. ayne Junction Philadelphia, PROPERTY OWNERS What iae you tn aell In S. Philadelphia? WE HAVE THE BUYEKS Fartorlen, Maniifaetnrlng Floors WII.I. wect building. 30.000 to MI0.OOO miuare feet, for responsible tenant, on long lease. DlBTEHiril. 7.17 Walnut at. AT CYNVVYD Stone Colonial house. 10 toonis. mod. em In every respect, southern ex posure. 3 large porches; garage for 2 cars; fine shrubbery; June 13 to Sep tember 1(1; JluOO." Ten rooms, attractively furnished; garage; S minutes to station- June 20 to September ,"; rent HSO. .Modern house on (13d st . 10 rooms, - baths. .1 minutes to train and trol leys; June IB to September 15. rent ISO. KERSHAW & CR0WL n21S CIlKSTNt'T ST FOIt RENT, furnished. In Pelhim. tat i summer months, n rooms. 2 b.th, S iiii..i--e nun iHuiniry. i' i'o. i..dr.ruiiw WK&T I'llll.ADKI.IIIIA OVEItllROOK. iWd .) , for nimracr monkl I.UWIill fr Met 111 214 3. 110th st FOR RENT. Wcat rhlla. Beautifully tr niciicfi innuern 4-room nous; pcreen porr and awnings: fr rent frnm .tun. is i Sept. I; reference required P 4'.'.1. IM. Cl flETtMAXTOVX .IKXKIXTOWX WAREHOUSE, soul) an. ft.: central paper district, U1ETERIC1T, 737 Walnut st. oiticks. nusixr.su ROOMS. KTO. Ol'KICKS Including caretuklr-g service; elec. trie light, plentiful hot water; all outside "daylight" rooms; centrally located. Apply Little Hotel. 22. S. P.road st. COMPLETELY furnWied office; light, heat, stenographer In building, to deliver and re ceive mall, etc ; JIB per month. Ilerger nidg.. cor. 7th and Spring Harden ats. IT.NNSYI,VANIA l.ANfillOnNK I.AXfiHOUNK GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY SEAT Situated in the heart of I.anghorne. one of ihe show plucex of H'leKti Co. Your opportunity to purchase a suburban home, with almost H acres of (rrnuntl at .in attractive price. The dwelling' i -pecially well planned . artistically decoratet, nrnl In exceptionally good condition The house contains a large diawinjr room, recep tion rooms, 8 master bed chambers, library, dlnlns room, pantry, kltclien, laundry and 3 up-to-date bathrooms It Is tllumlnarftd with eleetrlf liRhts. equipped with a fltst-plass hot-water heatlns: Hyatem, pen fireplace"', hardwood floors and many unique features There Is a combination garage and stable with tenant quarters: greenhouse, chicken houses, tool house, etf Beautiful lawn of about .1 acres, with almost every variety of ft nil anil shat'e trees, which have been properly cared for. Immediate Possession Can Be Arranged "all Preslon lilS" to. arrange for appointment to inspect pn p. th at jour earliest convenience. W. H. W. QUICK & BRO., INC. 8 SO. 40TH ST. 30 ACRES. $2600 ONLY $500 CASH Idel locat.on right mi main haul piad about 10 miles to eiiv mi Dim. s air nod and balance good iiIUk. good house, line barn large poulirv houe for ."on to Itjiio , heail fin) nArtlcularrf thlv unri 1h. r liar ' g"lni IlEESE I.INtiKRMA.V t! K I" I nv Ht Nornitown. Pa 133 ACRES, alock and dairy Turm7tieVw een ! Wet Chester and Wilmington, i lose to railroad station, stone dwelling and bartf tenant home outbuild ngs. good tlmberland and meadow, fruit bargain at SIS OU0 J II iinirsu., ltealtor. West Chester. V- skw ,ikkm:y par.ms BEAI ESTATE SALE OR RENT CIIKNTN'PT nn.i. SF.S'D I'L'IiL PARTICUT.AH3 s.1 references, FURNISHED private office or deskroom for reni " "i-Ari oiuk. m ri-Kuiar teiiuw; A Tin. i,euger utilce. Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent FCRNISHLD JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHESTNUT IllLE. rillLA Hell Telephone. Chestnut Hill 1JJT A I' Rt'SSEM.. 1.1th and Taaker sts, WANTED TO HUY. home with conveniences. JHOfio or lees, city or suburban. Address (.Witiv nit llicalloil. dAACrmtlnn unH frn.. I y 214 I.edrer Office , ' ! Your Real Estate Sold ?,." roc.',e'dr ! IMT.PATRlf K. 1fi4l N. nOTH ST. .KXNHYI.VANIA fJUIunTilAitf" HAK 73 ACRE nB.VERAI. FARM- Stoik main. . ftutt potatoes geneial tiemlv new hoiif, ' s ioonin barn for K (uw-. I hum.-i tllj ' Louse, garuge, niarhlne j-heds. 3-rouiu ten am bouse Runn.ng stream, fenced pas'u?, I , apples, pears, peaches, plums walmns, Irlose lo lake school, church. PrU e SilfifiO; ! 'port cash Write todaj. also send for our illustratrd farm Cutalugue JiRAY 1 Mac I OKORUE. 1077 Dreel llldg , PhiUdd . Pa.. ' or 'lne'and N .1. BEAUTIFUL' ESTATE " SACRIFICED line . i e M,e finest estates In New .lei .ev mi i .(& Inylnav hetween Philadelphia ami i am Ic i i t . i in umstani es foue' sale t;in oiiii i hu- It. A genuine bargain end for il Iijm i a ted booklet 11. A. STRUCT FARM AOE.NCY I inelalld. N I 1 HAVE clients who will ouv Iioums, any quantity. What hv you to sell? HERBERT 11ICE Colonial Trust llldg. LIST ur property with me for ntflck sale; buyers waiting; no chargo until sold. ' HHEVLIN. 84. H, 16th at. BALA f.lonlal in rooms Ho msabtirg slons house 211 Hrvn Alawr ave first flonr kitchen butlers pantry dining S library, living room and l.rgi hi. M. baS tnent laundry, second door H Uti. hi!. lmlo bedriotns and bath thl.3 floor I l-.rBe bed-ooms an,) i,ai "0.,"?i,r heat, gas and e eclrlrltv Int 113 ,y IBS ft . private road on one side and Aber- i,a,;aireS20.'oo0t"" ,hfl'' """ My JUIN li VI HERT Own.e Ilala ave , Cynwyd.i Pa. 210 WE HAVE buyerB for dwellings. West Phil adelnhla and Ovorbrook. S. E. ADAMS, I 1lh Walnut st. fiPECIALISSINO In couth . st. properties. I What have you? W. O. Olbon.n2 H.flroad Partnrles I WAN'TEO To rent store, 1500x230(1 an ft , I earn of llroad st.. not over 3 blocks from I MarM-t st.. Immediate, state rentul. J' 420. l.eduer Office. UREIILV. lll.IXl., 17OS-10 Chestnut Deslr. atudioa rent. J. it. jaruenn. io;t.i t;nrtatian Stores nml Dwellings STORE, all tile, steam neat, electricity, . finest location Annlv 247 S Ifitli st HKItMANTOWN Beautiful Building Site 10 acres of the best ground In flcrmanlown, with high-class and developed surroundings; Just right for a fine home, or will sell In part; close to Htenton and rtedgwlck Stations; can bo purchased at an Interesting price. J. T. JACKSON CO. aTO-iT1 OAK I.ANE OFFICE OPPOSITE STATION I1NE. MODERN atone residence; 1 rooitis. 2 baths; ahout 1 acre, attract ively planted; garage; very convenient location. A SPLENDID -HOME . ..-. . -A' reasonable rental. MEARS&BROWNs0215,h., TORUKHnAI.K Mansion For Rent w..i. u Whl" City Limits) Wllh abundance of ground, plenty of fruit tiees and berry hushes, spring water, Ice house, laundrj; chauffeur'j quarters; stone garage, accommodating 20 cars; beautiful large lawn surrounds mnnalon, whlfh con tains 18 rooms and 3 bathvlll live, lease for suitable period. PHONE KENSINOTON 3llr,.'i NEW JKRHKV StllllHtllAN HK.ll POINT Stores CORNER STORE In 1'elham section on (Jerrnantown ave.; mediate possession, ttlo per month. II. E. BNNIS i CO . nullelln llldg rKXNSYLVAXIA SIIIIUltltAX PAC'IVIRIKS and warehouse, for sale or J ...i .u nil norttetilara. 'with orlct ...... b..v .., .-"----; --.-.. r. j I .. Stevenson fc won, n.i ianq ime mni. PENXSVI.VAXIA SUIUinilAX HI' II homes nd farms wanted for dally ap pli.ants. Chester Ostmrne. Ifi24 l.iliiul, I'l'IIXIHIIEII PdltT MASIMNfiTOV FfinT WASHIXlS'Fi.V PA rount"iTa7il I WANTFD 30 a. rest stone building ne..r . .i1"' ' WrtHlLU tiolley. 2 rooms suit sanalonuni .,r i,nnr.i ! Sn.a , r..rnihed house for summer months. Ill k AlnliAilu Jill) U "" I .. . .! ,. Ill.n.il .f In I lilf a t" n nil I'WU. ' Upu 1 iiUlllT . 101 cuuiue ..iiu. -iiii'iinh rr;uirt lfBi Plpllon, location ttna pneu. i- i- trie nrhool. Knr.fdv. DON T PAIL TO 8EK BARLOW & CO.'S ONE-ACRE FARMS II. .me Offue, Maple Shade, N J. $5 Down and $5 Monthly PxTS FOR THEM SUMMER HOUSES rvr... ii vir.iimtr. I'KN.M.YI.VAXIA 1A It. MS PKNXSVLVAMA l-'AIIMS fJUOD T6-AC1IG farm; Immediate possession land very productive tine barn and other outbuildings, goon stone dwelling, sireein Artistic Suburban Home I)..l...,l.il nmnliriAi'l.nnil lose to stone rnad good neighbors land 'n i ucroe aton Colonial tllf high state of cultivation. i real moijy , rar , rKe living and dlnln m4ker terms easy to the right parly, v.11. b,aIII,(1 cei'lngs hardwood FARM H aires part ilred. tl-room house ham toll ken house. 2 other buildings. tno.e 7.' bearing fruit trees, berries, line wa'ei in house, healthy place, near ba and ocean write 10 owner. KTlAI'Sn 310 Anh st . Camden N .1 sell tnr less Ihun enst of building WARREN M CORNELL. Hatbom Pa KRUIT AND POll.TRT rARJf 8 acres. 1 1 4 mll from station on Newtown dlv . n room stone dwg and 3-room stone h ue, brn spring house. 1O0 fruit trees aarara- u, and berries of all kinds. IS miles from rlty Phlla price $1000. W Ion est Magee. goulhampton Pa ?1 ACHEf- Kultsble for Iwiildlng lots r. squarra fiom liigboiim station frame bungalow old stone barn near Nesbainm erek lee'fie lights R"d bnrnugii wat r ga Just right for bungalow lot propositi.! -"' i I el., an estate'. fVir terms a nnl . io AJITIXI'II P. TOW-NbUND l.ani.h ln,h elevation ' porrn and ier i noroT.m"hr.n."lTfiV.: ,'B TO yiNELAND-Mlhi cllml.te-p7o. hatha lnvs.iV. V. nurtive soil, rxcriieni nmraeis, rarms all room 4 tlrenlaccs t , , Wmr it t.,..1A !lte lin.l uua Wi.bI.II.,, . ILIIII-I., ...,..-- n.-. rir. Hltll,, . line shrubbery fruit old shade tennis court . ' 'QUippe 2-story garage, 2 machines, nearly an arrf, surrounded by privet hedge nnlv llrt.iuo. Hnx 2M. North Wales Pa. US ACRES. $1" 1; U. ... 1g mllea Phlla larae slone barn. 33 head descriptions, isla-s prices, stooked and many excepuonai pargains writ. for catalogue EVAN A HOPKINS, Vine, land. N .1 mmni: rums B minutes IK-k.lev i iircAirrlFIH. shore farm, overlcoklnr Casio small fi-ronni hpu.e. I hsv. 30 ' miles from Portland, Me., 00 Head . .caul jn ' 11.1-.1 .i.u mi... ..11 ... ,v..j j- . ,,.., -.., nrres. nneiliinj inn mi... evm. uiiiiiri areat producer 0 acres alfalfa snrin waiei gT0nB rB art sprucei one-thlrd pasture frtnta udloinlng land bringing $130 per acre. ' fJlirt u !,., house, large harn henhouse lit. 1 m In ll-:Al.Ii SON VmI flieslcr Pa $.Mim i'AMII tlll.v 21-ecre farm stone house hum and out buildings pip. $'Jinn. Mil Im U'O Swede, st. Norrlslown Pa. ami kheep shed, alst Ico pond and Icehouse r. room .oitage boathouse Hnd wharf tins , ui.i mile a One gentleman's estate, prlre IjIMO f" nttl'k eil Address Frapk L. Clark, 107 ridellty Bide.. Purtland. ilt. LAKE SUNAPEE ' Summer Homo., Cottage, and Ow,,,,- Wrue for booklet .oriespondence" Invited. SARGENT & CO., New London, N. H Headquarters Sunapee Reton Rt, R.tat, Ledger Office REAL ESTATE WANTED IVAVTKU-Wuhin ten miles of City llall lib a i.refrenie far (lermanloun or vli in.ty ox to ten room residence, semi-detached or d.ta-hed. prire J3.VI0 to $0300. according to condition, state full particulars. J 408 Ledger Office WE HAVE sold all the houses on our Hat AND WE CAN SELL YOURS. FARRELL. 710 S 'oth at Hibberd B. Worrell & Co. M KsiabllshrU tit) vears Want real estate In ajl sectlonw nt all tirlces; prompt results WE WANT properties for sale In West Philadelphia, wo huvn the bujers; no rharge unless wo sell proierty. West Phlla. Real Estate Co.. pOOO llsltliiKire ave. I FLOOR SPACE 10 000 s'tuste feet wanted for printing of flee must lin.o good light and all modem Improvement. A 431, I.edrer Ofl.ce. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT PITY te; 1 1 ai . h i ii ! 1' t u t ita ttutinrntu ibi h niton ttanii mijt;n;i ntn k u iiiu 'tutu t nai nni 1 1 mnntns FURNISHED HOMES B c. ntral residences, from May 1 In m oitober 1. prices from $i3 per g mo ith up. I EDGAR G. CROSS 5 1411 AVALNl'T ST. aim;i;ii!l'Bllllllllll!!li:!l'ilIllt'!ni1i;ilMII!iri;0illi;il!l!i!llii;itlllllJiai;illil? 50,000 SQ. FT. Immediate possession Excellent storage space Vicinity 8th snd Iocuit sts. very low rental WILLIAM .GOLDSTEIN 1003 KILRBRT HT S. W. Cor. 18th & Fairmount Vacant . flvVelllng portion suMsble for home or hualn'sa purposes 1VM, U,CHAVBN'H ejur.c, uiv uoiumun WE ARE offeilng a numbei of very attractive main-line homes and eatales for rent, furnished, ranging In price from $100 to $000 a month; some of these may he leased by the ear A.D. WARN0CK 112 S. 16th St. HOUSES for rent nt High Point, N. J.--2-roomed bungnlows. $42 per rear; 3 roomed bungalows, $05 per year; 6-roomed sloro bldg., $150 per yeat; R-roomed cottage. $80 per year; 3-roomed cottage, $100 per 1'fSI. 0r. wlil """ two of "' lstter for $1200 each. See THOMAS STEPHEN. Tern pie llldg.. Camden. N. .1. ' NEW .1ERSKV SKASHORF. I.OWER tloora of new apartments, splendidly furnished, on 3d and 4th sts,. Ocesn City. $700, $800. $000. Phone 487 II; only if effer. II. F. QOETZ. 832 3d St.. Oceaa ATLANTIC MTV. N. .1. $230 PER MONTH Furnished, ycirly l'i 12 rm a baths, modern! convenient rl Sedgwick sIh. or Qtn. ave rsrsi rtttrtvij req. S. C. TOUniSON. 7014 nnrer it., flM.I i'e-xxsvi.vNiA iriiimnx REAUTIFl'L country place of 0 scru, t'll shade and shrubbery, for rent furi.liM.1 from June 1 to October 1, price, f2S0 if montn mono Ambler 102. LANSDOWNE. PA. Attrac prlvt hraul turn.; lawn, par., porch, all mod, con;a-l elusive sur. A loo.: 10 min. train & troLtirl cetftlonal respon. peo. cnlv. A 320.1iltf 0t II ALA I ATTRAirriVE home. H rooms, norrh! I. .l exnos; $1 gn. If. P. Sellers. 1H0I rh.tt. Nnv .ikhsky srnimnxx wniinnriiv FOR RENT, furnished, 10 room., ilenlnl porch, shady lawn, grass, l snuirt mfl stiitlon. 07 Cooper St.. or plions WM4-I nury lmj w. NBW JKItHEV SEASHORE ATLANTIC MTV 103 'S. OAKLAND AVE,, between Atl and beach! beautifully located house; w n.ealnf.t ,u.....lit tnitf rental handsoml? baths and servants' quarters. Apply A. r Oregg. 1418 Walnut st.. Phlladelpnia. or m S. Oakland Bve.. Atlantic Cltv. COMPLETELY furnished: centrally loal! all rooms outside; soutnern """,":. A rooms and bath, also pantry, elec. ana l"l elevator! janitor service. A 701. I,enr0ll J mount rocoxo furnlnhed eotun fcvin IIV'VT Attractive 'and bungalows wttn lmtrovciinu.-. K. B. MEnwrtJ. Mt. Povono. T. MAINE auMMica w-rAOBi og wSSS surroundings, aultable for people of 'B?;I tastes, for rent furnished, $200 tn i $MI l the season, rtuwraii '". '"' - risen llldg. natii nnn Maraei sis.. H'RMSIHJD housekeeping apt., nlso attrac tively furnished rooms; New Jersey nve. eectlon; May 1 to Sept. IB. Tel. Snruce 0834 , oricN MTV iOCEAN CITY, N. J. For rent. 30 furnished cottages and nparlmcnts, $450 to $1200 for the season; list upon application to Harry I V Stanton, Real Estate and Insurance. 415 Mh st,. Ocean City. N. .1 MT. I'UCOXO . FOR UE.NT Attractive furnlslied rottages and bungalows, with Improvements. K. E. MERWIN. MT. I'OCONO. TA. TOR RENT FURNISHED :ity RENT SUBURBAN One or two year lease, modern Colonial lesldence, 10 rooms and 1 baths, hot water heat, electric lights, recently reno vatrd, 2-tar garage, , ncie land, tent ,J2.'0 per month. SMULLEN & BARRY llroad and Chestnut (Liberty nidg.) RENT A FURNISHED HOME We offer n most attrac tive selection of fur nished houses with Krounds in the popular suburban sections near the city. $200 per month and upward. Advise us your requirements early. ' SMULLEN & BARRY Broad & Chestnut Sts. (Liberty Bldfj.) TOR RENT Furnished house from May to October li 8 rooms and U baths; reason. shin price; central location, t.'all Spruce 1441. rOR RENT, furnished, 7-rooin aiiartment, first floor; central. A 419. Ledger Office. MORTGAGES . WE REPRESENT 0 of the largest buru and loan associations and dfilreat; v'cUof-tcltvJSKI l?aned en ludgment note. WILLIAM Ja KEOOH. l.ann 'line iniiiiiinsi . rrr; NOTE ON MORTOAOE' TO Immediate 'ttlementi 11000 Unsettled estate loans 8ulwD,fcVpfflrr,i,oofu,,d, 27 S, 10th at. ., -i ' ...at security Ioo MO ..,.:. settlement Interest .. ai.s bought. Cash "' c.nl t?nnn FDW. M. MOLL TA t. Phone I loss ."': y In firs Wick 4 VolW WAITED- Money for Ilr.t , "".ftM tlflOO upward, have 30 at io' 0 per ctnlK.-..-gS f SiRl,nri 107 Tioga rSv'EST your money In nrsi m ,Nr,Vr cent . : .all tfll. WJ, aniounta 200ti to i'w, ?m.. nmv.nlown ave. "SsssBysA's raftssssr5 i10' rtUSSBLL. 15lhjn2djriierjila n'ND3fornr,tmorga...nC.7:rt a.ra?.' 11th - Wlndrim ave. IDiag " ij :.... ns'PiTIl AND EST"! Ci?AX. real estate and est. I... 3 S4 H ITW" i.. . - UiLAN'DL'li-BUILblNv. TviONElf TO LOAN r vnti pan nonnow VSSn r I nu TiiimnNOH AND Jf'"".'JSff $70 ANO Un-rjER'S M&rA" miU .- tJ'"M-'" Dcmv MmNFY- r,,.,.nMr.H WATCHES t W United States Loan Society . HT. NORTH ."",.. ,! 2S0 Market st. boi " :,