Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 27, 1920, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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10,000 TO ROLLS
f "
Membership Drlvo Makes Good
Progrpss in tho First Week.
25,000 Men Sought
m thnimnncl members have been
added to tho rolls of tho seventy. eight
posts of the American Lesion In Phil
adelphia as a result of tho first week
of tho membership drive, which will con.
tlnuo uutll May 2,
This cstlmato was mano louowing a
. e Iia fAftirnn fpnm nnatfl
ihrouirboiit tho county. It Is the hope
of the mnnancrs of tho canvass that in
h course 01 mu "- """ """ ""'
000 more former service racn and women
will bO brOUROl unuer iuu msiuu uuu-
ncr In tuts cuy. .... ... . .
"''" . I. l,fnln(nir n lief nf fnr.
mcr service men in Its vicinity, and
these names nre being canvassed. It
will bo tho first time that all eligible
. ff ltM irni bnvn hppn nil.
proached in some sections of tho city.
Women Ashed to Join
- , I.- 111 1.a afnftAtm.l nn nil
the busy corners of tho city next Sat
urday afternoon to Invito into the Lc
rlon any former scrvico man or woman
who is not wearing the Legion button.
This announcement was made by
Thomas V. Mcehan, chairman of the
membcrsmp commin-.
jiIm Margaret C. HtJomas. com
mander of the Yeoman (f) I'ost i0, and
xflss Elizabeth II. Wundcrlc, the cm-
ised to organize ft group of canvassers
who will cp-opcraro wun mo men.
Jated tho interest of tho posts in the
mutter Ot paid-up mmr, j.nu kju i-
tftlU YUKCr Jt. JV. vjr . vv, w. ..
has requested each member to bring into
the XOIU Ono new uiumuur b iuu iiuav
meeting. And tho commander, David
B. Simpson, has announced that all
those WHO arc now i-urum-u una who
!... tmf nnirl their dues will be dronncd
from tho rolls.
Post No. 70, In tho Forty-eighth
ward, has been named the Herbert War
rincr Post. All names suggested were
pUCCU in a uui, uuu mis uuiuu wua
drawn. , o
Harry u. wrconwoou i-ost, io, .-,
in the Twenty-fifth ward, will give a
dance Wednesday evening, at tho Lithu
ania Music Hall, 2715 East Alio
Rhcny avenue, the receipts to go toward
tho houso fund of the post. 11. J. Hanna
,'S SO'nmandcr of this post, and Johu
T, O'Brien adjutant.
Darby Tost Acilvo
As an evidence of the useful purpose
?, n well -organized county committee,
tho Dclawaro county committee of the
American Legion, of which A. Sproul,
Jr., of Lnnsdowne, is chairman, has
taken hold of the proposition of In
creasing the membership of the Darby1
Post No. 300, and, has scheduled n
meeting for May 3. Former Governor
Ldwin S. Stuart, George F. Tyler,
commander of tho Legion In Pennsyl
vania, and William O. Mnrdock, state
adjutant, will bo the speakers
Delegations from all tho posts in tho
county have been Invited Jto attend tho
meeting. Fifty men will ho present
from tho Lnnsdowno Post No. 05. In
cidentally this post him 225 paid-up
members' and boasts that It lends the
state in the number of nvnllablcs en
rolled In it.
"Amerlcanl7ation Day" will bo cele
brated by many of the posts throughout
tho state May 1 when national colors
will be displayed.
Four rallies will be held tonight in
West Phlladtfphla In connection with
tho membership drive. The schedule is
as follows :
P. R. It. Y. M. C. A.. Forty-first and
Mantua nvenue, at which L. M. Ilaus
lcin will preside, and tho speakers will
be Joseph V. Som'crs. Franklin Spen
cer Edmonds and Louis L. Tafcl.
Klngsessing Itccrcatlon Center, Fif
tieth and Chester avenue, Isidore. Itayl
son presiding, nnd Eugene Heine and
Randolph" W. Chllds will speak.
Sherwood Recreation Center, Fiftv
sixth nnd Christian streets, at which L.
M. Wllcr will bo preside, and CI. Ham
lltqn Colkct and Dr. Orlando II. Petty,
the speakers.
Heston School, Fifty-fourth nnd Vine
streets, Vincent A. Carroll presiding
officer, nnd Edward M. O'Brien nnd
Frank W. Mclvin, speakers.
War Memorial, Barred by Art Jury,
to Find Sanctuary
A wnr memorial statue which citizens
would havo erected in Franklin Square
will be placed in Union Square, fifth
and Buttonwood streets, instead.
The Art Jury would not permit the
statuo in Franklin Square, although the
committee which is raising funds for
tho figure hndchosen that spot because-
it was tho nearest suitable pluce
to the drnft board headquarters.
The Rev. Edward J. Murtaugh.of
St. Augustine's Church, Fourth and Vine
streets, heads the committee, which has
collected $8000 from the Tlfth local
drrtft board district for the statue. The
statue is of bron7c, nnd depicts an
American soldier in action.
EVKtaGP VVBttti ltED0pR7j?mEAl)EI?HI TTJESD'AY, 'APRIE 27, 1920
Entire Family Carriod Down
Ladder to Safoty at South
Stroet Store
A family of four ivere rescued this
morning Nhcn firo damaged the cigar
nnd novelty store of A. Knhn, at 003
South street.
Smoko was discovered Issuing from
the store about 3 n. m. by tho driver of
a passing truck. Ho drove at onco to
tho quarters of. Engine Compnny No. 11
and gave the alarm.
Knhn, his wlfo Sophie, his daughter
Sadie, fourteen years old, and son Wil
liam, nluo years old. were sleeping In
tho second story front room. Their
escape was cut off by tbo smoko nnd
Firemen ascended n laddrr, nnd one
by ono tho members of tho family wero
carried to the street in safety. They
wero cared for by neighbors.
So dense wns the smoko that the fire
men had a hard tlmo fighting the fire.
The store wns filled with inflnmnmhlo
articles, nnd for n time It was feared
the entire building would go. The fire
men finally managed to confine tho
blaze to the store. The origin of the
fire and the loss nro not known.
College Aviators to Contest
The Intercollegiate Flying Associa
tion, under the auspices of the Ameri
can Fljlng Corps, will hold n contest on
Nnldcll Field, Long. Island, Saturday.
May 8. Teams will bo entered from nil
colleges supporting ncro clubs. All
contestants must be reserve pilots. Cups
nnd medals will be presented to tho win
ners of the various events. A ban
quet will follow the meet.
: Charge Accounts Solicited:
Mawson & DeMarvy
1215 Chestnut Street
Furs and Millinery
For Tomorrow
A Sale of Unquestionable Importance!
298 Smart Hats
Priced Greatly Below Regular to Insure an
Immediate Clearance
65 Hats, at Q Z)
Reduced From v
7.50 and 8.50
71 Hats, at J)Q
Reduced From vv
10.00 and 12.50
81 Hats, at 7 C)
Reduced From v
15.00 and 18.50
81 Hats, at If). 00
Reduced From x v
20.00 and 25.00
Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted1
Carriers Hair
THIS Jaeger sweater
of soft, natural camel's
hair, with wide Tuxedo
brushed collar and belt,
gives a modish, well'tail
ored poise and charm.
The body of the sweater is unbrushed, providing a
pleasant contrast with collar and belt.
The color is natural camel's hair.
Price $26.00
Catalog on request.
Prompt attention to mail orders.
Zfeml ?TVvr:''''' -Pry
I SiA JU m M0o'jei
Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System Co.
PHILADELPHIA 1B16 Chetnut Street
WHOLESALE 387-393 Fourth Ave., New York
I ' J-H6
An overall drawer load nucihi fifty poundt.
This Shaw-Walker drawer it holding about
ten timet that nveighi. And holds it easily
without tasting. From actual photograph.)
Letter Files
ET Shaw-Walker In
dex your correspon
dence files.
Then you'll have a
complete filing machine.
A machine which will
deliver any letter you
want into your hand al
most instantly.
Find out how to put'
your filing department
on a result basis. Phone
or write us. It will not
obligate you in the least.
1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Phone Filbert 5267
Sfel and Wood Filet
Ledger D$h
Card Index Equipment
1 Filing Safe
To-morrow, Third Clover Day!
Hundreds of Clover Specials will be added to
the lots in quantities that were sufficiently large to
continue from the first two days. The variety will
perhaps be even greater to-morrow, and the values
assuredly just as attractive. It is a really wonder
ful occasion multiplying the Clover Day advan
tages in the interest of tens of thousands of cus
tomers' who need many kinds of merchandise right
now. Every one of the following articles and this
is only a partial list would be excellent value at
our regular price, but every one of them is now
We cannot promise to fill mail or telephone
orders for Clover Specials. Try to be here early
New Lots Added; Variety Undiminished; Values Extraordinary
Women's Sample Coals
Extraordinary Values
A sample line of bvo hundred Wraps
from our ovni factory, including COATS,
CAPES and DODMANS, in tho latest styles,
shades and fabrics of the season, and marked
at about wholesale prices, ranging as fol
lows: $25, $30, $35, $10, $45, $50 and $60
In tho line aro fancy mixtures, serges,
tweeds, velours, Bolivias, tan polo cloth and
natural-color camel's-hair cloth. In size
36 only, but because of the loose, slip-on
styles now prevailing, many women requir
ing larger sizes can bo fitted.
StrawbrMgo & Clothier Second Floor. Centre
About '100 Mirrors Reduced
Many different sizes and styles, from a
dainty little Boudoir Mirror, at $2.00, to a
large Mantel MJrror, at $82.50. Frames
includo hand-carved polychromo mahogany
and many other styles. In most instances
tho one-third reduction has been made from
unusually low retail prices based on old
low COStS to US. Tourth floor. East
Remarkable Values
This is indeed an economy event leplcte
with extraordinary values:
Blue Serge .Suits with I A A OO
Two Pairs of Trousers ) Pt"
Suits of the celebrated "Alco" make.
"Alco" and other fine suits, $33.50
Men's Bhic Serge Suits $22.00
Young Men's Suits now $26.50
Men's Separate Trousers $6.50
Hart, Schaffncr & Marx Top Coats $28.30
Men's Raincoats now $6.50 and $13.50
Worsted Jersey OutinK-Suits $26.75 to $42.50
In plain colors and heather mixtures.
Heather Worsted Jersey Suits now $27.50
Black and Navy Men's-wcar Serge Suits $3!)
Crepe Gcorgcttc-and-Foulard Frocks $28.50
Braid-trimmed Jersey Coat Dresses $13.75
Slightly Rumpled Cotton Frocks, in white, col
ors and combinations ( f1) $10 & $12.50
Thirty-five Fine Trimmed Hats now $10.00
Two Hundred Smart Sailors now $1.95
Matrons' 'brimmed Hats now $1.50
Untrimmcd Hats Greatly Reduced now $1.23
Millinery Feathers and Wings--now 50c
One Hundred Yards of Wide Ribbons 50c
Fifty Fur Animal Scarfs now $32.50 to $60.00
Alaska tot and Canadian wolf, In taupo and
Trimmed Crepe Georgette Waists now $3.93
White, flesh and colors. Headed or embroidered.
Tailored Crepe dc Chine Waists now $6.73
In flesh and white. Sizes 31 to 40.
Trimmed Voile Waists, 46 to 56 now $2.50
Extra-size Voile and BatiMc Waists $3.73
Tucked and Trimmed Voile Waists $3.63
Plaited Cloth Skirts, Club Checks $7.50
Rubberized Canton Cloth Raincoats $10.75
Gingham House Dresses, 36, 38, 40 now $,1.95
Blue Clinnibray House Dresses, 36 to 46 $2.45
Hand-cmbroidcrcd Japanese Kimonos $3.15
Jessica Corsets, discontinued model $8.00
Odd Lots S. & C. Special, Warner Rust-proof
and Other Well-known Corsets $1.50
S. & C. Special Corsets of pink brocade $4.00
A Sample Line of Silk Petticoats $5.95
Taffeta, mcssallno and jersey top with taffeta or
messallno flounce.
Extra-size Black Satinc Petticoats now $1.50
Cotton Taffeta Petticoats, black, colors 83c
Cambric Night Gowns, tucked now $1.55
Trimmed Cambric Short Petticoats now 65c
Extra-size Long Cloth Night Gowns $1.15
Embroidery-trimmed Cambric Drawers 85c
Hand-made Blouses, ( "$&$") $3.73 to $20
Hand-made Sleeveless Night Gowns, now $3.95
Ecru Vcnise Lace Roll Collars 65c
Net ColIar-and-Cuff Sets now 85c
Pointed Lace Collars now 65c
Washable White French Kid Gtocs $1.60
2-CIasp Gray Double Fabric Gloves 90c
Pumps with Baby Louis Heels now $7.63
Tan and gun metal calf and patent leather. All
White Glazed Kidskin 0fords now $6.90
Sports Shoes and Oxfords now $5.00
Commonscnsc Oxfords & Strap Slippers $2.90
American Taffeta (cotton) Umbrellas $3.83
Mercerized Sweaters, Tuxedo stjle $9.50
All-silk Sweater Coats now $20.00
All-wool Sweaters now $11.00
Shetland Wool Spencers now $2.30
"Burson" Lisle Stockings, black, ;hitc 60c
Silk Stockings, in black and white $1.75
With mercerized top3 and soles.
Full-fashioned Silk Stockings, seconds $1.50
Ribbed Cotton Vests, lace front now 25c
Ribbed Cotton Vests, seconds now 23c
Low neck and no sleecs
Ribbed Cotton Bodice VcMs 23c
Ribbed Lisle Union Suith now 95e
Low nock, no leees, laco Uneea ; regular sizes.
Embroidered Mull Handkerchiefs 3 for 33c
Fine Linen Handkerchiefs with hnud-cmbroid-
ercd corners now 30c each
Sports and Motoring
Leather Puttees $2.25 to $12.00
Golf Balls, re-washed 55c Golf Bags $3.25
Mitts $2.00 to $7.75 Roller Skates $2.65
Base Ball Gloves $1.75 to $3.23 v
Boys' Base Ball. Bats 10c
Masks $1.25 and $1.60
Athletic Hose 75c to $1.75
American Cord Tires, all sizes from 30x3 Vi to
33x5 and 35x4 Kit at 10 per cent. less than
our regular prices
Folding Auto Chairs $1.75 and $2,00
Wind-shield Mirrors 90c
Army Campaign nats $1.25
Army Blouses 65c Sweaters $1,35 to Si 1.25
Soft Hats $1.93, $3J5 and $4.63
Derby Hats $4.65 Straw Hats $2.75
Panama Hats $1.75 Caps $1.40
Soft Shirts $1.85, $2.45, $2.85, $3.25 to $1.10
Fibre-silk and Silk-and-Cotton Shirts $5.95
Men's Pajamas $2.00 and $3.00
Trimmed Muslin Night Shirts $1.65
Men's Soft Collars 6 for $1.10
Four-in-hands now 65c
Knitted Four-in-hands $3.50
Gauze Cotton Athletic Underwear 75c
Athletic Shirts and Kneo Drawers. Seconds
75c each.
Balbriggan Underwear 85c
Kgyptlan Balbrigg-an Short-slecvo Shirts and
Anklo Drawers. Seconds 85c each.
Cotton Socks,black and colors 29c
White French Kid Gloves $1.10
Two-piece Bathing Suits $1.00
Bath Robes, blanket, $7.50; toweling, S10.00
High Shoes $9.80 Oxfords $12.00
Misses' Navy Blue Serge Dresses, also Crepe
dc Chine or Crepe Georgette Dresses, light
shades $29.50 to $39.50
Misses' Serge Dresses, straight-line, belted and
braided $10.00 and $15.00
Misses' New Tan Polo Cloaking Coats S21.50
Misses Fine Spring Suits $35.00 to $49.50
Misses' New Checked or Plaid Gingham Dresses
$7.50 '
Girls' Spring Coats, 10 to 16 $11.50 to $16.75
Spring Cloth Coats for girls or boys, 2 to 6
years, at One-third Less Than Regular Prices
Small Boys' Tailored Dark Straw Hats $1.25
Boys' Wash Suits, 2 to 4 years $1.15
Children's Silk-lined Filoscttc Gloves 60c
Small Children's Tan Cape Gloves $1.25
Misses' Wool Slip-on Sweaters (,,)-$5.50
Children's Wool Sweaters now $3.50
Children's Ribbed Cotton Waists 30c
Children's Cotton Vests 18c each; 3 for 50c
Ribbed ; low neck, short sleeves
Children's Lisle Stockings, seconds 50c
Ulbbed. mercerizrt'
Children's White or Tan Cotton Socks 20c
Misses' Shoes, gun-metal calf, patent leather
with white leather tops, all-white leather,
and oak-tanned leather $3.13
Rag Rugs, 3x6, $3.25; 69. SO; 912, $17.50
"Cre" Rugs. 810. $15.50; 912, $17.75
Aminster, 9x12 ft., $19.30; 11.312 $32.50
Rojal Wilton Rugs, 9x1 2-feet $97.50
Printed Linoleum 90c a square jard
Inlaid Linoleum $1.65 and $2.90 a &q. jd.
Wilton Carpet $ 1.25 a ard
Japanese Matting Rugs, 911.S feet $4.93
Grass Rugs. 8x10 feet. $7.50; 9x12. $9.25
Seamless Axmlnstcr Rugs, 912 feet $30.00
Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet $15.00
Seamless Vehet Rugs, 8.310.b feet- -$11.50
Heavy Inlaid Linoleum Remnant-.--75e sq. yd.
Congoleum Rugs, slightly imperfect, 3.x9 $2.00
Linens, Redfurnishings
Double Damask Table Clothh $9.30
Bleached Irish Damask, 70-inrh $2.85 a yd.
Hemstitched Lunch Cloths $1.50 each
Hemstitched Guest Towels $9.00 a dozen
Two-plj Turkish Towels $9.00 a dorcn
White Costume Linen, 80-inch $2.00 a ynrd
I.acc-trimmed Scarfs $2.50. $2.85 and $3.25
Bleached Muslin Sheets $2.10, $2.15. $2.75.
$3.25, $1.00. Pillow Cases 50c, 72c, 80c.
85c and $1.25
Marseilles Bed Spreads Sfi.75 to $9.45
Crochet-weave Spreads $3.65 and $1.50
Dimity Bed Spreads $3.75 to S4.75
Wool-mixed Blankets $11.25. $15.50 a pair
Cotton-filled Comfortables $6.75
Long Cloth $3.95 and $5.75 n 10-yard piece
Nainsook $5.85 and $7.65 a 12-yard piece
"Ace of Aces" WhceJ Toys now $4.50.
Hand Cars, popular wheel tos $3.65
PARIS COASTERS, size 13x32 inches, now $5
Toy Submarine Boats 90c
Wooden Tojs, also Games, at Half Price
Porch Swings, slightly marred now $1.90
Porch Swings $6.73 Doll Coaches $8.75
Velocipedes $9.00 Automobiles $7.00
Shoo-fly Rocking Horses $1.00
Cincinnati Skatemobllcs, very strong $5.23
Harmonicas 35c Guitar Chimes $4.15
IStrawbridge & Clothier
Brass Beds, full size $45.00, $45.75 and $49.50
Single Enamel Beds, with springs now $13.50
Enamel Beds, 3J4 feet wide, with springs $16
Stenciled Crash Table Covers, 72-inch $3.50 J
Bordered Linene Couch Covers $1.50
Linenc Taffeta Cretonnes 85c a yard
Printed Terry Drapery Material $1.00
Lacc-cdgcd Scrim Curtains $3.00 a pair
Striped Linenc for Slip Covers' 33c a yard
Tapestry Wall Papers 35c to 75c a piece
Complete Lots Bedroom Papers $4.50 to $6
Odd Lots Japanese Leather and Grass Cloth
Papers $2.00 to $3.00 a piece
Silver-plated Tea Sets, 4 pieces $16.00
American Porcelain Dinncrware, some imper
fect, much under price
Cut Glass Bowls, $5.00; Dibhes $5.75.
Comb-and-brush Trays, 90c; Vases $2.75
Decorated Sugar-and-crcam Sets 85c
Imported Brass Vases, Baskets, etc. 70c to
Imported China Dresser Sets $1.85
Cream Pitchers 20c Marmalade Jars $1.50
Light-cut Glass Tumblers, 25c each; Oil
Bottles, 35c; Lemonade Glasses 15c
Player-Piano Rolls, with words 50c
Piano Benches, duct style $18.00 to $32.00
Fabrics and Trimmings
40-inch Navy & Black Taffeta' Radium $3.65
40-inch NoeIty Sports Silks now $6.50
Double-width Black Crepe Georgette $3.00
Double-width Printed Crepe Georgette $3.00
36-inch White Satin dc Luxe $3.35
Iory White Satin Charmeusc $5.00
10-inch White Taffeta Radium now $3.65
54-inch All-wool Jersey Cloth now $3.25
50-inch Pin-striped Serge now $3.23 a yard
54-inch Pencil-striped Broadcloth $5.00
54-inch All-wool Dress Serge $4.00 a yard
50-inch Navy All-wool Storm Serge $2.75
36-inch Mixed Checks now 85c a yard
39-inch All-wool Fancy Plaids $2.50 a yard
12-inch Black Wool Granite Cloth $2.00
Remnants of Dress Goods Greatly Reduced
36-inch Fast-black Surf Cloth now $1.25
36-inch Fast-black Saline now $1.00 a yard
33-inch Tussah Silk-and-Cotton Lining $1.25
27-inch Plain Chambray now 33c a yard
36-inch Colored Dress Linen now $1.35
Printed Calicoes 28c Printed Voiles $1.15
Printed Silktnnd-Cotton Crepe dc Chine 95c
Plain Colored Suiting now 50c a yard
12-yard Pieces of Nainsook now $5.45
White Linen-finish Suiting now 50c a yard
White Plisse Crepe 15c a yard
White Plaid Voiles 28c a yard
Embroidered Organdie Flouncing 60c
6-inch Mcssaline Ribbon, light shades 45c
Narrow Jet Trimming 14c and 25c a yard
Cheuot Suits $9.75 and $15.75
Jack O'Leather Suits, S to 17 jears $16.50
Hart. Schaffncr & Marx Suits $28.50
Wash Suits, 3 to 7 jears $3.95
Top Coats. 3 to !) years S9.75
Khaki Knickerbockers, 8 to 17 cars $1.65
Bos' Straw Huts now $1.65
Straw Hats, sizes C'i to 0?i J8c
Tweed Hats, SI. 25 Caps,, 93c T
0ersea.s and White Middy Hats 38c
Shirts 70c Blouses 70c
Pajamas $1.30 Sw eaters $6.00
Bathing Suits. 2-piccc S1.50
Jtibbed Cotton Stockings 50c
Hoaiy Ml bid, b'.ick Secnds
Nainsook Union Suits 63c
. Fibre-coered Dress Trunks $20 and $22
I Fibrc-coercd Stiamer Trunks $16, $18, $20
I Fibrc-ered Wardrobe Trunks now $50.00
' Pullman Bab Coaches $32.50 and $36.00
1 Stroller Go-tarts i9.00, $11.00 and $12.00
Safoty Gates SI. 15 Bull) Yurds $1.45
I Knitting Worsted now 70c a hank
, Stamped Pillow Cases $1.35
Miscellaneous Books at Half Price
Tan Cowhide Suit Case.-. $1 1.50 and $15.00
Pint Vacuum Bottles $2 Lunch Kits $3.85
Rhinestone Bar, Circle or Horseshoe Pins $1
Gold-tilled Brooches, $1.00; Bar Pins, $2.00x
Bracelets $2.50
Leather Hand Bags now $3.95
Strap Books, $3.95; Morocco Hand Bags, $1.95
Vanity Cases $3.50
Black Vachette Hand Bags now $6.75
Belts 45c Photo Frames 18c to 65c
Fitted Dressing Cases $3.95, $4.93 and $10.50
Sozodont Tooth Powder 18c Listerinc 73c
Rubber Sponges 18c to 75c Good Soaps 8c
Pebeco Tooth Paste 37c Face Powders 37c
Orris-and-Chalk Tooth Powder 18c
Ingram's Milkweed Cream 12c and 78c
Black Trimming Buttons 12c a card
Black or White Tape, 4 yds., 12c; Ear Puffs, 20c
Shoe Trees. 8c; 2 pairs, 15c. White Elastic, 10c
Hookn and Eyes 3 cards 10c Hat Pins 15c
Celluloid Hnir Pins 10c a box
Crorhct Cotton 5c
Children's Hose Sunporters 25c and 35c pair
S. & C. Dress Shields 35c, 36c. 38c a pair
Sun Glasses 65c Wrist Compasses $2.00
84 Sheets Writlnir Paper. 100 Envelopes 68c
White or Tinted Writing Paper 22c a box
Odd Envelopes', white only 7c u pack of 25
Children's Pencil S"ts now 75c
Brass Desk Furnishings Murh Reduced
Snlted Peanuts 40c Crem Wnfera 40c
Nut Caramels 85c Gum Drops 10c
Cream Caramels now 60c a nnund
I Vocal or Instrumental Music 3 copies for 25e
IB' tJ
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