" r. ; w I . '. ' EVENING HJBlttO I,BtfJPHILADELtfllA, TUESDAY , AP&Ifi 21, 1920 , jr "' THARON OF LOST VALLEY By VINGIE E. ROE Author of "The Maid of the yhiapcring Ililh," "The Heart of, Night Wind," etc. I (CorvrioM, mo. Jbv rublte Ltiotr Co.) THIS STARTS THE STORY Tharbn Last is n f ihc wonders o Ijott Valid. She and old Anita control big Jim Wj iious'hold. jlui is notorious for hi Mil with aunt and ha controlled tho Valley for year. Muck Courtrcv eek to vturp him. Tharon teatches her horse, "Drumfire," perform a par ticular feat at her bidding and smiles ot'hls success. AND HERE IT CONTINUES T WAS late before thd last ptragglcr wnq In from tho range, jliio Doys wnbed (it the big sink on the porch, uncr wcro ready for the hearty faro that plcnmed in the lamp-lighted room. For the last hour Tharon had been watching the eastern slopes 'for her father. "He's rldln late, Anltn," she said nnxfously as the men trooped In with the .usual jest nnd laughter. "lie went far, ho doubt, Cornion," said old Anita comfortably. "He goes so fast on El Key that time as well as dlstanco flics beneath the Bhlning boots." Anita was like her people, mystic and soft-spoken. "True," said the girl gently, "I for eet. El Key Is mighty. He went very fa" I 'make I no doubt. We'll hear him comln soon. Then she poured steaming coffee In the cups about the table, smiling down in the eyes upturned to hers. Hilly. Curly, Bent Smith. .Inek Masters and Conford, the foreman, they all had a lovelook for her, nnd the girl felt like n circling guerdon. tiiik-v "Which way did Dad go, Billy he axked, "north or south? 'North," said IHUy, "he rode th Cup Mm range today." When the nfcal, a trifle silent In def erence to Thuron's silence, was done, the men roue awkwardly. They stood moment, looking about, undecided. Coufnrd picked them up with his eyes ud nodded out. Ho felt that just may be the girl would rather be alone. Hut Tharon stopped tho reluctant egress. "Don't go, boys," she said, "come on in th' room. There's no moon to night." Hut she did not play on the niclodeon. Instead she sat in the deep window that looked over tho rolling up lands and was quiet, listening. "Turn out th" light, Bent," she said, "somehow I feel like shadows tonight." So they sat nbout in the great room, black with tho darkness of the sou spring night, nnd like tho true wor shipers they were, they did not speak. Only the red butts of their cigarettes glowed and faded, to glow again and ngaiq fade out. Tharon sat curled up to her chin, her eyes half closed, her keen ears open like a forest crcnture's. And as she waited she thought of many things. Odd little happenings of her childhood came back to her the time she had caught her father killing tho winter's beef, had wept in hysteri cal pity nnd forbidden him to ilnlsh. They hnd had no meat those luug montns following and she had so tired of beans, that she had never been able to eat them since. Sho smiled In the dusk ns nlm n. called Jim Last's lifelong ludulgcnce of her. And tho timp she had wanted to make aer own knco-sliort dresses us long as Anita's, to sweep the floor, with fringe upon mem nnd stripes of bright print, She had worn them sc at twelve until hho found that they hindered the iroo use oi ner young iimos in mount ing a horse, frccfoot nml lini-ehncu. Then, once again the memory of her father's face when she questioned him concerning her mother. "Boys, she said, suddenly, smil lug to herself, "did you ever know a man Ilka my dad?" There was a movement among tho lounging riders, n shifting of position, a striking of cigarette ash. "No, sir," said Billy, promptly, there hain't another man's cood with a gun as him, uor anywliere's in Lost alley. ?ot even Buck Courtrcy him self. I'd back Jim Last against him, even, in fair draw. Why?" "Oh. nothin'." said the clrl. "oniv lhten Glory!" she added, slipping nown irom me winnow to stand quietly in the gloom, "that's him now! I was wishin' hard he'd come. Hay listen why there's somcthln gone wrong witii ui Key's feet,: l 1 :s, J. f, f 1 'J boyshe's breakin' ! The king ain't singlcfootln' right, for the first time since Jim Last put n halter on him Come come quick!" Ordinarily, Tharon was n bit slow in her movements, as the very graceful often arc. Now, she wus ncross the room to tho western door before a man had moved. They joined her there and fhe stood at attention, one hand other breast, tho breath held still in her throat. The light, shining through from the eatins room beyond, inndo a halo of her tawny hair. Silently the riders grouped about her nnd listened. Sure enough. Down along the range that rang as some open stretches do, there enmc the clip-clup of a hurrying horfrc, only now tho hoof-bents were regular for a little hpucc, to break, halt, start on, and agalu ring true lu tho beautiful syncopation of the born invlefootcr. The kine wns coming home, but, alas! not ns ho had ever romo before, in full llight, proud mid powerful. He held his speed nud sac rlfieed his certainty to tho man who swayed dcsperntelv to the saddlehoru and swnved In wide ares, so that ho must shift continually to keep under mm. Into tho dim glow of light at the open door camo El Rcy at last, great hhiC'silver stallion, his big eyes shining like phosphorus, his nostrils wide witli horror of the pungent crimson wash thnt naintcd his ilirlit shoulder. He stopped at the door-stone, hii duty done. "Dad!" screamed Tharon, shrill us a bugle, for Jim Lnst, white nud dull us s moon in fog, let go his desperate hold oil tbn nommol nud slid, deadweight. Into tho reaching urms that circled mm. They enrried him into tho living room. Before they had him safely on tho wide couch where the Indlnn blnnkets clowcd. "haron, trembling but, efficient, had lighted the hanging Ininp above the table, lhen sho pushed the men uside and knelt beside him. T "Dad," sho said clearly, "Jim! Jim 1(1181 I . But the gaining of his goal had been too much. For u moment tho flickering 'Slit in htm died down to ashes. Tharon, lier face as whito ns bis own, waited in mnn-llke quiet. She held his stiffened tinnds and her eyes burned upon his fea tures. With n deadly knowledgo sho "ua printing them tndcllujy upon lier Presently Jim Lnst slghpd nnd opened "Is ejes. They sought hers and ho urn, a tender lighting from within le fumbled for tho burkln of his etui. belt. The ftlrl unclasncd it and nulled H free. She noticed that both guns inm ,neu I"""""' Put It on," whispered tho master of Last's Holding. Without a question Tharon stood up ' buckled the belt about her slender llcr father, ralsiug himself with diffi culty on .an elhnw. wet hlx linn "Tharon, my qirl," io said, "flhow 9ur dad th' back-hand flip," I, iti.i.i.it THE GUMPS Take a Tip From Andy .:- .;- By Sidney Si Strange play, this, when every second counted, but Last's daughter obeyed him to the letter. Sho stepped clear, by the table, stood at attention n second, nnd, with a pecul iar outward whirl, lightning-like, of her two wrists, hnd him covered with tho big blue guns. He nodded. "Good ns I learned ye," he whispered, "mako it better." "I will," promised Thnron swiftly. -the man closed his eyes, swayed, re covered as Conoford caught him, and brightened ngnln. "Now th' under-sllng." Again she obeyed, replacing the wea pons, standlnir Hint unmnA n .u..it. nnd flipping them from the holsters qincKiy mat the eye could scarcely catch the motion. Both draws were peculiar and peculiarly Last's own. Good g rl ,' ho wild with a husk grown suddenly in his voice, "take i.nMCc.i.h?,!rBa (,aj"- r want ' 'nvc .jou the best giin-handler In Lost Val leybecause, my girl you'll have to to pro ' . "? ccnscd' wilting forward In Con fords arms. Then he opened his eyes 11 i fo5 0Df ,nl,t "mlI nt e daughter in J0ved. abovc a". Ing8 on earth, save and except the memory of the woman who had given her to him. ..op. ,on .ln her llfo Tharon did not "uit ins nmsneu speech. She saw the f,?Z i ii 0Ul .r. ,h0 shadaws and E ''fii1' upo,n hl? brM8t where the ?J T? U11 sccnwl nnd fairly forced the kMM J"?. ? brigten In him! iwt "1B ruggcu encek. .l.iiiini10.' Dad', ?!,c cnllp(' in, ''Is dulling ssnses, "tell me who? I'll get him, so help me God!" nnd she loosed had 'iaughher hCrSC,f' 8 W AnltB tnnV.!' the. Promise was late. None knew, whether or not Jim Last heard Ji i?r he'" the last word was done the brcnth hnd ceased in ills throat. Another twilight came down upon Lost alley. The wide rnnges lay dim and mysterious, gray and pink nnd lav ender, as if the hand of a Master I "Inter had colored them, ns indeed it had. The Hoekfacc at the west was black with shodow for all Its rugged miles, the eastern uplnuds were bathed nnd aglow with purplish crimson light. In Corvnn lights twinkled all up ond down the one main street. Horses were tied nt the hltchracks nnd nmong them were the Ironwoods from Courtrcy's Stronghold, beautiful big creatures, blood-bny, black-pointed, noticeable in any bunch. Thero were no finger marks, however, the blue roans, red roans and buckskins with the four black stripes on the outside of the knee, as If one hud slapped them with n tarred hand, which hailed from Last's. There were horses from nil up nnd down the volley. Cow ponies nnd hnlf-breds of the Ironwood stock which Courtrcy would not keep nt the stronghold but wns too close to kill, shouldered plntos irom me iiiuinn settlements, big, hnlf wlld horses from over the mountnins at the north. Inside the brightly lighted snloons men passed buck nnd forth, drank neat liquor nt the worn bars, played at the green felt nnd canvas covered tubles. At one. the Golden Cloud, more pretentious than the rest, there foregathered the leading spirits of the valley. Here Courtrcy came and jilnyed nnd drunk, his henchmen with him. lie was in high mettle this night. Alwnys a contained man, slow to Inughter and to speech, he seemed to have unbent more than usual, to re snoud to the human nature nbout him. He wns not playing steudlly as was his wont. He took n turn nt poker with three men from tho south of the Vullev where the rlvr ran out of the Bottle Neck, vton u hand or two. threw down the enrds and swung away to talk a moment with this one, listen n mo ment where those two spoke of hushed matters. Always when he enmc near he was accorded deference. There was nothing sacred from Courtrey of tho Stronghold, seated liko n feudal placo at the north head of Lost Valley, no con versation so private that ho would not como in on it if ho chose. For Courtrey was the king of the country, undisputed sovereign, the best gun mnn north of the Uio Grnnde nnd south 'of the Line, if ono excepted Jim Last. With him tonight were Black Bart, tall, swarthy, gimlet-eyed, a half breed Mexican, nnd Wylncklc Bob, his right-hand man. Without these two ho seldom moved. They wero both able lieutenants, experts with firearms. A formidable trio, the hree. werit where nnd when they listed, and few disputed their right-of-way. Courtrey. n smile In his dark eyes, tho wide black hat nt an angle ou his Iron-grny hair, leaned against tho high bar and scanned tho crowded room where tho riders played and laughed and swore with abandon. "Heard anything more about Canyon Jim?" he oeked Bullard, the proprietor of tic Tho Golden Cloud, "ain't come In yet?" Bullard Htook his head. "No nof ho won't, according to my notion. Tl Ink ho miutook th' False Hidge drop. Ain't no man could mnko it up ngnln without th' hammer splko nn' rope." "Il'm don't know. Don't know." mused Com trey. "I've always thought it could be done. There ought to be a way on th' other Hide, seems like." "Well, ought an' Is is two diff'rent things, Buck." grinned Bullard. "Sure." nodded tho king, "sure. An yet " "Hello, Buck." A' soft 'mnd touched Courtrcy's shoul der with n snbtlo curess. He wheeled on tho instant, rendy, alert. Then ho smiled nnd, reaching up, took tho hand nnd held it openly.. "Hello, Lola," he said, "how goes it?" Tho newcomer wns n woman, full, rounded, dark, nnd she was past master of men ns witness the slow glanco that sho turned Interestedly out over tho teeming room, even while the pulse In the wrist In Courtrey's clabp leaped llko a racer. , Sho was a perfect specimen of a cer tain type, beautiful nfter n resplendent fnshion, full of eye and lip, confident, calm. She wns brilliantly clad in crlm-t-ou and black, and rings of value shone on her ivorvllko hands. Lola of the Golden Cloud was known nil over Lost Vnlley. Men who hnd no women worshiped her nnd some who had, also. At the Stronghold nt the Valley's head thero was n woman who hated her, though she had never set C)e on her Courtrey's wife. If Loin knew this she hnd never men tioned It. wise creature that she was. Proud of hor beauty nnd her power, sho nad reigned at tho Golden Cloud in supreme indifference, even to bcr men tliemHclves, It seemed, though hid den utflcrcurrents ran strong In her. Which way they tended muny n reckless buck of Lost Valley would have given much to know, umong them Courtrcy himself. Now she pulled her hand away from hira nnd sauntered over to n table where five men sat playing, laid it upon tho shoulder of ono of them, lenned down and looked at tho cards in his hand. Tho man, n tall stripling lu a sllvcr studded belt, looked up, flattered. Courtrey by tho bar watched her, still smiling. Then he turned back to Bui lard and went on with his converse -tlon. Over by the wall a man on u raised dais begau to tune an ancient fiddle, (CONXIIsUED X0M0BB0W1 WELL-F IT tSM'r MTTLE-OLP TOM HARVARD JUST TV1E MAN 1 WANTED T0 3EB -SAY TOM, LISTEN I'M SOINS TO LET VOU IN ON (K UTTLE TIP I GOT THIS? STRAIGHT tfcOM THE FEED BO I (NVESTEP O,00O rVE OOT f17,000 PROFIT NOW A'HO 8ELIEVE ME KIP I'M GOING TO PYRAMID - THIS INTO p, WAt2 LOAN BUT SAY, LISTEN- IP YOU'VE GOT ANV LOOSE POVJGH LYING AtiOUND THAT. ISN'T W0rilN6- lU. give: You this but i don't WANT IT PEDpUEP AROUND CAN YOU KEEP A SE.CR.E.T ? t ( V r. v ryw NOW LISTEN- DONT HAND ME ANY SECRETS VM THE GABBIEST GUY tN THIS WOR.LD t don't Know what your, proposition is BUT I'VE HAD THEM ALL ANP I NEVER. GRABBED MYSELP A WINNER. YET WHEN THEY STUCK I3G IN THIS WORJ.D THEY SAID HEIIE'S ONE 6UY WE'LL KEEP POOR ANP THEY'VE MADE GOOD AM NV I IHF iSE BEEN A CENYFR POLE FOR THE 0I6GEST SUCKER CIRCUS IM THE WORi-D I'Vf RPPN TV4PT Blft TAR&E.T IN THE SHOOTING GALLERY FOR THOSS BIRDS EASY TO HIT I'VE" BEEN GYPPED OH MOKE SCHEMES BUT I'M DONE WRAPPED OP AND DELIVERED GOOD-BYE ANP GOOD LUCK 4W; V - v, I L-L . Ol --TjI ., 'i PETEYAnd So It Goes By C. A, Voight ( .say. vhy dowt i "70w vomew gto iu f01 )This oyerall stoutThat's IHE TCACTtCAt- VHIVJG V 10 DO H. II a , .... - if Vv. -T-IM SbGLAOVOO aaoH vi J P APPROVE of it IiIKvSIW !, ) B& uwcte peTeV -ilISwSF t "S n I VL CERE MADE Jv f f. ' l jA TH7 ) HIS SIMPLE UTH-E f mim .- M-imm I l, I rii rm jrnj. v w . i The Young Lady Across tho Way Mnwiw i "I'PfK f V&MirtU" ilUiy Mo Tho young lady across tho way says her father Is so entirely non partisan in his views that sli doesn't believe he ever in his life yo much as thought of voting any thing but the Republican ticket. ON THE STRENGTH OF THE DAY'S CATCH By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG i "'HOW ABOUT IT, DAO ? D? 1 '.GIT A NOTE EXCUSlN, MY ABSENCE FRVt SCHOOL? Ail tvr- k. 1. I - -fc 17- - C- yf -to A. SCHOOL DAYS . -: f f ti IUJU i,, , , , l imhfj Jhz, m Tve wwrs of trade. SOMEBODY'S STENOGHave to Put These Skirts to Some Use Cop right. 1U20, by Tublic Ledger Co. n.. ii J! ay naywufa' Hoe-s REPAIRED There! I'm Glad I REMEMBERED "15 STbP W am' Get The Boss' SHOES THIS AOOA! I F0R60T "EM fcSTEf?. OAT AMD EARlif lost mv Happy MEAL TlCKtT.' Igf-fl. o n ?" 1 i,X-l4r H sm AJOVf LETS SEE -l'3oT Some orauges For THIS AFTERfOOAJ p A ills T'ZnT TLlft.r? I. THIM6S For MOM AMD Two Boxes OF CANDY. I SgESS ThATS AUC : I .'V1 '' , ji.Vn'lhi'.n i- 'A .ri .mk.' m s,- x i skss m . i ' mmA . u jm hcr . esL) "' . mmmnimAssr rn& III 3S Iv'SW 1 mslFwt m vw- I 'm? - "--sZ fP r1 MOW Boss. DOai't Get headpu OF COURSE X GOT 'TOuR SHOES look in LEFT, AIO. 2. yj mot im aio 3, simple -They're okahqe&'A If (j in ucpiw). . iwo - me MIDDLE I rs one - GoTI ?3SH' A -E - HAVWARO - 7.9 "CAP" STUBBSLife Is Hard! By Edwina SW TJDN'T 330NTCOnE AROONlTIBkf FOR GOODNESS 5AHE' A l 7 itft I WlA?I I HERE WITH THAT lUrtlJK,1 GO ionE.VJHEREELb . "N. I (fe HtRfe'. TonrMj I ' I ' A3P MOHE FROn fAb To -pLHYJ VM TRVIK&T WE'RE HOMb m y ASLEEP IW V TME OFFICE ON WlP I TO FIGURE WHERE lNTO'5v I 8SJW, TH'NET J V CCPUKL0; . llh, Y y.VvtV MONEY WeNT , iSirnfr V TIPPIP V iw lf(f" T'CmjM WStfy T7!74 '-: ; r-" K .. II !J i .'Ti5 " L sai tV'i Ikr r . , 1 it 7 Pi . n iw '!M J rH rn ? ", h 5H ..i .i li .4-1 ...... ' M. ' TXJLSSZtMf&.tik J) Lfe., '".Jv i" WlM ..' v . hLTA'A-' S."to-?Jv.f .y'ti. t ,, . .Vl&'7rA p j I . . ui . .1 THPKL. .... 'XI ft&kiJm -ir. - . . , x h&s v . '.tf&aiifrtoa&rt ivAJaL