V ' ,.; ;' 'if": ' tf v. ' .- i n. ..tv " if-, . ' i - - f &i EVENING PUBLIC LEDaBR-PHiriABliJLMlA, .TUESDAY, A'PBIL 27, 1920 TOR SALE VWIW'llMWllKiaiMOTillliKWWIIiranlflTOiWW Central House Wrecking'Co. 1 2th &Spg. Garden "Tlic Place for Most Any thing" in Buying and Selling OFFICE FURNITURE STORE FIXTURES Complete Saloori Fixtures PLUMBING SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds etc. etc. etc. Phone Poplar 1136 i nmmimmmmmMmmimwmmmmm ANTtUUB furniture public, sales also hand- mahogany, enmn Virginia Colonial Bleetss Wednesday. April 2S. at AnncneW." Her. rvvllle, Va. For eomplelo Hit, write, Kd ward O. llutlcr or Clarke Courier. Berry vine, va. ...... ....- t.miiuiiniiiiu Large lot desks, safes, file, cabinets and general office furniture, stores fixtures. We Iluy. Sell and Exchange. PATTEN KURNITURK CO. T.OCttST 4070 1127 Altflt flf. Race 2008, JIHKOIin buylnit jour paints send n postjl for our salesman: rooftnir cement, 11.40: roof paints. 00c; house paints, 12.50) floor steins, 12.40: floor dressings. 70c per calloii; ".phi t rubber roofing paper. 12.75 roll. " merlcin Oil and Paint Co , 2435-87 N. 2d RESTAURANT and lee-rream chain and shies, new and med: low prices Chair Vtrhanre. H. Ii. cor. (1th and Yin) ala CHAW WAIii lUiflC. ircua, ..u.rii , enr. 'Inch flat pitch ovals; try nrenn's liquid inniilna glue. 85o half Pint 1301 Marshall at. i:no LADY'S .l-etono diamond ring, ltalley, Rsnics A Diddle; lady will take 0 for It. A s"2. wirwuic MSW. MACII.. Singer, drophead. J25. IWIni range. 4 burner. Acorn. 123: 25 Italian guitar. flu, i none t;ynyu bib o. hlORAOE batteries for aalo Blx volt. 18; 12 . .. .a. a.II....I In Anf1 etnn Ktaf Mint. lOll. III. jnJBtn.tij. ... nvu'i vv.,, u.. ....... .. iittri. and n. i.tiw t. Locust anng. BAKES, tlreproof: closing out loo slightly med modern makes; cheap. 72 N. Hh, POOL TAHLHS, 2d-hand. bought, sold renf- fVI' - . ..- 'M Ml...,! a.. rt. cxcnaiisiM,. ,-..-. .,... v........ ...... pTroN'OaKAPHS rep'd. records phonog'lts p'ght . o-cli. Werschoff. 005 Walnut si BUSINESS PERSONALS ' DIAMONDS BOUGHT know we pav the full market valuo for them. We hsve the trade therefor we piv to to o r"r r-nt. WE NHKD AM, HIZr.3 AT ONCE 9o us and bo convinced. We ujy tian tickets for diamonds. , , flulta 21-22 over Child's Tteitaurint (ptl- KELLY & CO. ?oy-T4 niAMONDS BOUGHT ,ilVyh.,Wom,,Pt'0,carr,pe I twicnt Ksiaies uiiuj'v .1'." ',;-;v ,;.?.., The Diamond ishop 10m ai. Market . Mr "N triNSBl'Itq sold I the Rrocery and dell- taieisen wnre in iieirj aiuuun. "', .,,.,. Srs"' .T..1I' VaC 'Wr&osy A"ap I DIAMONDS BOUGHT I lurtrtY W BMITH 717 HANSOM ST . ftKKH'F. for mailing address: mall receive! and forwarded promptly to any address: r.a.nnnhle charges Urn. 201. St.qirard flldg. ItAVK lour old baby carriage remodeled like new. Ktandn.nl P.anv Cerrlase. 2510 M 1th si Vhnne Main 5541 A A8HBS removed from cellars; all kinds of hauling done. 818 Huttonwood. Mkt. 4421. EI.ECTllIC TKKATJIBNT. also manicuring. Office. 4142 Market st . second floor. . VOMAN'3 khaki bloomer milts all re- claimed. 35c Francis. 120 X fllh Iti'ltltlSR OOODS of all deerluTlons re- i p1red Andrew T. Ulrcliett. r.Q:l s, g2d M, S.KCTIUC treatment and manicuring. Jtooni I mi. Heed llldg. 1215 Filbert st I.oc. 3002. j I'l'HIiU' stenosrapher, speclllcatlons, etc. I nna M. Qulnn. 020 Chestnut Wjl. 3053. I " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXlKLLKNTDPKNINO IN II KL1AH1.K L. PANIMNtl 11USINBSS KOR A CHRIS TIAN MAN WITH $50(111 CASH. MUST TAKK ACTIVK INTERKS1 AT H.NCK RU8INUHS IS ONE OK MERIT AND ES SENTIAL TO ALL METALLIC AND IN DUSTRIAL PLVNTS: ATIHACTIVK Rlu I URNS EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. MECHANICALLY INCLINED MAN PRE KF.RRED STATE A(IB l-'ORMER Orel' PATION. 'PHONE NCMDF.R. ETC . IN 1-IRST LETTER. DON'T APPLY UNLESS VOL MEAN BUSINK8H AND CN Kl'l int.L l.l. AMOVE KKQl'lllHMKVrs All l)l!Ei-S , tjo. LEDGER OKKK E. Pants factory; fully equipped and in operation; short dis tance from Lansdale. Pa. M 526, Ledger Office i M.K ni.inufnriurlug biMlness f.ir sai, in eti e estate price altraetlie lonsr estuti ihed Including bulldiniis. foundri, ma 1 1 nf nieial mil fl'.lihltur Hlinpv. alue SMlinlft burnne will e o'd nlthoul Inl'lil 2- 1 P La irencc 520 Hnel st "c - WooilUtic) 51)0'.' V TUIvHRY CHNK-CTIONTJR'S business, mm ,Ior, .; apartments and garuun for 2 cars, dolnc fuunihlng business, prlie $23.(l0 for a quick VM. A McCRKA, Ardpioie 2.0 Aidmore. p, MOVINO PICTURE thejlre. central pan nf uy, $200.0uii; make offer SelUe , f, 4th and Callo.ihlll. Wan I xl Ms ymina. energetic, will Invesi J.iooi) sionoo with serv.. In a going concern- I i. a must stand closest Invest aluti. fini tarMculars in ansvvci. A 010 Ledger Off MACHINERY AND TOOLS Plant Wants Machine and. Electric Work r'am equipped with machinery fni grneral niacliiue slion and elecirle work, isn einplo.v 00 men and girls; 8000 fret floor spice. 2 'ai'road sidings. central Pennsylvania, seeus manufacture of tUapl- articles reaulr i a machine or electric v.'orli Addres- with 'ill particulars P O. llox 21(1 Wlllijims lort Ps LARCH STOCIC Rebuilt and guaruntced engines, pumps, sir compressois and machine tools, send for complete cslalogue of .atock HKRMAN I. WLVnORKH, 053 N Pionl st M:w and rebuilt refrlgeratlnir plants bought, sold and erected. The Robert J. llernmaii man Co.. 611 IJouroe llldr. ' 1IAR1NB KNOINE. leg boiler! outnrfor a 15-Inch tugboat Apnlv Peter Hagsn 1'B Walnut at,. Philadelphia. Pa, ' ULBcrnic motors machln toTJE TOWKR RQUIPMKNT O nRIEN MAOHINERV CO., 110 N 3D ST. HORSES IIOKSK. 185, strong oung horsj, suitable tor farm or buslneeai trial Riven purchaser. Rese nf lRi-Vmllh shop 317 N 17fh st TI0AT8.M0TQRB0ATS LAUNOHEB I''flR SALE Motor yacht Avenger' built 1IB 74x15x4 ft. 0 In enra heavv con ftructlon. flush dttlc type twin-screw a 70 ' ,p ''Sterling" II D. motors fuel ca 'arltv 1250 gal.i "Delco" UO-iolt Beneralor Ied. 15 knots. Kor immediate sale will ,Itr!n'v. Apply to owner. Philip Wunderle Ha loJ Pegg St.. Phlladslphlo WATCHE3 AND CLOCIW 1XPI.IIT fiWHH vvalch repulrlngi repeaters. split aaconde, etc Rogers, watch nspeclor tnr O, R, R. 40 H. 17th '.oiust 1210. : ROARD WANTKD ANTKD, 2 rooms and private bath, with board, for man and wlfo, In private Chris. !,'," ,amllyt Oermanlown or Cheitnut Hill O'sttlct preferred, willing to pay tilgli price for satltfarlory acoommodatlonai rtvv by ' 3800, Kortli F h lade phi. &Vt, li I. l'l(l.:M U.r..... . ! 'udlnc ptop-riy. evteiint .corner lovallon In norihwtitern section. dlllng entirely modei-n; thrlvlnp hulnts. Kur osrlkulari . tl II McCRACKlCN. 252S W I." 2! ' .. DlsmondStO. ",B" , ...... - ......... ..rL.v'U. 111. I100MS TOR RENT linOAIJ.UT., 8., ,328 .Most altraellio m. ,WI. hall, If ;,., WMnLy.g?.tM,. rOWRUTOM AVI!., 3018 I,ar . . .', tinfurnlilnd room; by the w"K reflSedi'J beaiitlfu surround ncs for rJ niXS? a Td reasonable rate: newly paoersd PSi?.i0,?.lj'' also 3-room suites . Jrlvnte bJth: nc 'ho'n'lS1 keeping excellent table board A , block ??nm HKlV. iifll.1""""" C"y """ rtllSSS! T- ,1Tli1'J',V. n.. 310 (near Spruce) (The prrini - -"Hw.rai I1C. fuVnl.nVda.,UV0.W',U!J.",C-u'uf'''J dalli and w?Jk& V.'? doub" roomi electric' linn.. an'V1w,ly rotes: conven ent to sta. S. .,","omm,,""Ion "r tra"v.llni "" "-im mram neai. 'W'tk'Wlll?!!- " h."kep: 1BK"ntlm'V?.4-4,!er?;ur"..!:Ll room for ATVw-;oyAt.f";,-encyS?s,';iH ROOMS WANTED T'k.V2H youn ,ntlemen want 2 roomrind BOARDINQ BI.MWOOI) AVK. 0001 Vaeam-le. fie vennlT. """ hom. Vook"n " eo" vi nvint t0 Westlnghome and lto Island- de linii "umm'r nom! "rounds" aarden nd APARTHENT3 S,S,V-:,lN; "nfumlsliid housekeeplns; apart r.mCnt: J.u,',1 eomlJed: ery attractive; T near Paik; aleeplnc Porches; 3 and 4 rooms with 5KJ. u ipJ?n fr nspectlon dally and eve. - -" "ui nn opg. uaroerf sis HKTir.AIAT.N APAJITMKNT8. 2107 Walnut ' lJ"diomely furnished apartments of Vll,S: i"ime .!$ " charm of splendidly sppolnted furnlshlnrs. gsrage privileges. WlflWIPI- inn. f, . ........w4, iuug-iw ransom si. 'ur. hkpr. R.nP.ik..1"i 8 -ro.om.Acn b rented until Repteniber 1. rent J100 per month. White. side ft McDonaldson. tilth and Pine. APAJITMKNT IlUADgUAUTHrtH ?M,.'..1?"n!5'li a specialty. Sherwood Rl:?'"Zy' 223,s- urd si., soma very attractive, turn nota ; somo honsekeeplna-. nil ST., jr.. 2316 The Wynnefleld. entire second floor, f urn., houiekeeplni, 3 rooms, hllelienette; ntlvate hath: desirable; reas. 1410 W. TIOUA Five and 6 rooms, just completed; open; J55 ar.d JOS. UR.VKT1IV. U2H Chestnut .1 1801) VINK (I.oejn Square) 'J large unfurn rooms, kitchenette, dlnlnjr rni., prlv. bath. modern, desirable In every detail; references, '"'Ui.P'JNT -Furnlahed. finely Bltuaud West . rhlladelphla npartmtnt. Juno 1 to Oclnhcr 1 . tni) per month. Phone Preston 2H70 W. PINK ST.. 1001 Two rooms, private bath, 2-fl front, unfur. ; no hskpg; tBO per ma. Fnrolshed WII.I. Styr,ET from June t to September 15. furnished apartment, B rms, and bath, orivats porch. VA sor.ires from Elevated; best of references requited: no children: 12S per month. Phone Paring aso J after 7 p.m or wrlle .t B20. I.edser Office, WicsT pnn,ni;i,piiiA (ToMMOIlTdUH APAHT.MKNT Rt 225 8. 44th R large unfurn. rocins, bath: jearly lease mndermw rental, Cerslmn. on premises t,ANtr01WIC l iirt,ijuu.ir. on riiumw arm oaxn, $ltl l ilHS ii. iuvniy, ov o, lull SI APAnTJNTKNTf. ANTED YOCNO married louple desTrs houeekcotiliu apartment, 4 to 3 rooms and bath. Went Phlla. or suburbs; yearly If aso: film, oi unfurn ; not over $70 per mo : poss. In June Write JJ.J Jt, P. O Hns IBM. Central !(. Mllill,E-AOED couple, without rhfldien. reyponslble and desirable want .1 or 4 unfuni housekeeping itioms. A 428. Id. Off FUKNI3HED APARTMENTS KA1RKAX APARTMENTS. Wayne ale. and School lane Oermnntown: 7 rooms. 2 Laths ,irnlshed. II. 3 JOHNSON, agent 121H t nistnut at. : WILL sublet pt. from May l to Noientbsr C fur., 0 rooms and bath; Fall fix Apts , Wavne ave. and Schoul lane Cln. H. J. TOHNSON Aat r.ns lialley m a-, WELIri'RNISIIED API' 111 tliel bert pari of West I'hlla.. ref lug.. P 310 Ledger Oflie DESIP.AHLE 5-ioom-and-batli Apartment from May 15 lo Septe-nber 1 reasonable Phono Woodland 3304 J, APARTMENT to sublet from siiy 27 to Sept. 27: 3 rooms and bath: furnished or unfurnished; seventh floor The Oladstone hpitUCtJ ST.. llllu Extremely dimlr 21-Hr f-ont enr irfe prt.'. bth: bande'lv fnm Ml e" I'll Kl.TEN A E -Tiiivs Ta m- rooniV tiiii t- bath, all ,'oinenlein e (U'roiau-'!i"J'-''!li!L Atlantic crrv. N. J. Hi:l"riri'I.LYfnnilslwd 4-iooni spsitiiii.i ft'i" '.iiriltnn $t(iii() for the aeason I1 22k Ledger lifflfe APARTMENT HOTELS ' THE"GLADSTONE It Til AND PIV! SVl ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE HOTEL SUSSEX 1312 Walnut at Jusl opened A mow I'lianning and per fectly appointed small huteV: Inspection Is cordtalti Itnltcd anil ; lslt will convlnis you that .ou hite dUtovered n most satis- fsctoty answer to me fiuesiion nt Where to lhe n lien eto nnr In Philadelphia " HOTEL COLONIAL TrwiSr filect apartment fsiutlv hole! !n the centsr of the city, oneiating on the Atmrlciiu plan: eur table will Plea"" tlie most nxji-ting. C PITMAN IUKER. Jr. Manager BARTRAM A'PARTMENTS ""' 33RD AND CHESTNUT STS. A few large, cool apartments with bath for t em dining room service, unexielled THE DEllARMORRIS American plan, l IIM.TEN AVE AND .MORRIS ST OERMANTOYN THE LITTLE "ilOTEL 223 S. Ilroad af A good place to live while in Philadelphia. TTOTTREKEEPING APARTMENTS FINEST IN PHILADELPHIA WITH ALL THR LATEST CON VENIENCES 'I wo smsll apailnunts wuh klulieiirlt" - block.s from Hlltenhouic Sauare: most modem apaitment in Plilladelphla. Apply A II MILLS West End Trust Hide I'nrnlslied IDvNDSOMK. modern, furnished housekeeping 'apartments. 170 to 1100 per month, renter cltv, earl Icalo ALDER''' 15 .MILl.tf. 401 vvt End Tiust Hulldlng "(Tr!l UREEN ST. HouseWceplng'sparttn'ts. private buthi 140 and up Seo Janitor. REAL ESTATE FOR SAE CITY iirti!'fHc:inp 'dni1 n is hj ij riw ui m i i u :mt im jiii tm.tiHf ma ri n !; f h -j t:-i h N. BROAD STREET To buv or sell see us time are some we have left 152024x154 tao.000 2110 Modern l7'500 2247 Rear street '-!2'K2" 2211321x151 lear street 27,000 2SI7 -Corner JJ.000 2241 Rent 1105 tear street IB.500 M. GETZ & SON, Inc. 000 LIllERTI UI.DO. WIIi1lirll!ttMiliilllllMli,lBl!lll,filiilMliM5Wia:il..:Hii!,il:M:;liJ 14)3 TIOOA. 12 rooms, aull apts Cur 23d and Norrls, suit aot 1025 W. Ontario; porch, 7 rooms 2077-03 Oranlte st Prankford. porih, 7 looms 16IIS Kranklln 10 looma, possession 3252 N 'Jd, porch, 7 rooms 2143 N 7lh 0 rooms. 182 W. Dauphlni 8 stoiles 2I7S Sergeant, cor Bepvlva. giocert at 251H Kepvlva; 12 rooma. 2310 Amber, corner Arlaona. JOliS llrldgc. Kkfd. : 6 rooms, hot waicr 430 Wlngohocklng, corner Inrence. porch, 7 rooms. 2210 Hancock: 8 rooms:, possession 1012 Weslinorelandi porch, 4 bedrooms (iooo 050(1 3000 2500 4000 SOUO 3000 2200 8300 200U 830(1 S.'OO 4000 H200 5000 AUlWlV.S-1 '1 4Q-Q ..MW.MVfc O. 2M5l-4S-45-4T N. WARNOCK -Two slory 0 rooms, conveniences! 1st go yard LLOVD. 714 Walnut at 2502 N 17TII ST.-Ten larg. rmi , . all I con. veniences. nuimi " " . -.." "" -.-... '1883 OlLVTZ-eSIx rooms, path, ahedi IIHOOj' ' J430 'pVanWIWTNWr.. 203 Llbsrtv Hide. TTa saw n r-. Tsss r . ..fsA.Baa.Inak . ". .'i"aa"" e tsnillinl T 3sT' l.Tntltls-itni j "il KEiM&mVKMU Wlf Wd. ' JJ ' -it REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITV SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. 9th and Callowhill Streets Desirable location, near 25th st. and Talr mount ae,i 2 3-atory corner stores and dwellings, and 10 2-story dwellings; total rentals. $.1520: price $00,000. 112R-27-29 Vine at. and 112224.2(1-28 Tearl si , and 8 rear houses; suitable for fact' (,'2,'.',l,,' lot 03x140 ftl price ISO.00O. 28oO-ri2;34..,lO-S N Tleeso St.. 0 2-story dwellings; annual rentals (924; lot SSx70; ..prlr 9300. 41i4.ltt.18 Kensington ave,, 3 2-story dwell ings; annual rentals fS04; price IS700. 170o ttaster St., 4-atory dwelling, 10 rooms: suitable for small apartments; price ,. J 12, 000. lilft Mnster si., corner Bouvler st.. 3 story, 12 rooms: suitable for small apartments; .Price $8000. 1731 N, Park ave., 3-story dwelling, 13 rooms: .7B00 lot fx7B ft, 17a3-flR.37-39-41 N. IJelhl st ; price 11700 eh. "10 ratrmount ut store and dwelling; rental tOOO; price BOO0. , , 1027 ralrmount av,, dwelllnr, lo rooms: rental $300: price 13500. , 840 N. llsmbrev st., 2-story; annual rental .,t20. price modi , . ,, 43R N. Franklin at , 3-story frame: lot lOx . .!. moo. MYK11H tt IIAItTlf Itldge ae. and 10th st. 9J5 N i:,Tll HT. Throe storv. 10 rooms and , bath wiu sell quick at 15500 1707 WAMjACIJ ST Three slory, 10 rooms and 2 baths; prlco 7B00. 1847 N. 1STH HT. Three slory, 0 rooms and bath: price 14500 2180 N. COT.LRUB AVR. (corner) Three story, ID rooms and bath; price J1000, 1553. N. 11T11 HT Three slory. 7 looms snd bath the prlco Is cheap. 4060 WAKEFIELD HT.(aermanlown) Three story, 8 rooms and bath: price 280O. 17t4 N. 10TH ST. Three story; sell to set- .tie estalo, price SSOtO. 1518 WOOD HT. Three-story dwelling, cen- trsl location, Increasing In value. ' 821 N. 11TU ST. Three-story dwelllnr. 8, rooms and bath; price 13800. 347 N. BTH wr. Large central dwelling. rented at S85: price 14500. 2S55.57 N. WATTS ST. Two slory. brick. ! r rooms, bath: smsll home or Investtnsnt , 8S8 N, ItAXtllllKr ST. Two story, 8 rooms ' and bath; price J 'J 100. 1002-4-0-S flEYllErtT 8T Four nice little . houses, rented at 114. ' 427 OEOrtQM ST Two story, 5 roams, sold inn ViTri! ot n. . .. .- 1H0 KATERHT Two story. 5 rooms, as- iiiiSwnnii c!V. "Hi ","" '""". ....' bridge (o Ksnuwortn St.. ana cstenning ot 191 -OOD RT -Three story. 0 rooms, near tn,t wMtl, , deph ,..wrd about 89 f( Parkway; aure to Increase In Nalue. jjotlca Is hereby glvin thst tfis under- MVEItH to TtATtTH signed has been appointed masler hv the P.ldge ave. and 10th at court In (ha above matter, and that n .meeting will bo held at his office, 505 HAHHYJ. KOEIILKll A CO.. 1420-U2 Chest- chestnut st , Philadelphia, on Friday, May nut t . or X TET.ANr. West Etld Trust llldt 1503 Walnut at.: If you are fa miliar with values In this district you will admit that $225,000 Is not an unreasonable price to ask for thli proposition, 30 Hamp den road (00 tli and Market ats.K any one desiring- a aubstnntlal. well-built, modem 2!i -story semliuburban home, with 0 rooms and private garage, will be aerlousty Im pressed wiin tills proposition, umy sii.uu"., Immediate possession hot-water heat, elec tric lights, hardwood floor and larva lot aro , a few of the desirable features. 5347 Addi son st,: two-story poreh-front "-room home; good condition; nice Isrre rooms: posserslon I loon; at the price J.1S0O It Is belter than othsrs in the block selling at $4000 and aver 401 to 415 Appletrce si (4th and Arch sts.). i looking for a business propertv7 Here Is one that will Just suit your needs If )ou re-1 quire substantial construction. 'Iok at It R'jtate must sell. Con be bought below as- I sessment, 1610-1012 pine st , runs throughito reai street; rltw for apartment alteration ' at $3i).00l it neeiN no further salesmanship to sell V X. DKLANT. West Knd" Trust Hid., or II MtllY J. KOEin.KR & CO.. 1420 2.' Chestnut st. Hell phono Torust 0703 20..M N 20TH ST . W r. brownstone. .$5000 I 1027 Huntingdon st , 10 r , rood order . 4200 2418 Master at . I) r . only $100 cash., .IflCWi 192H N. 23th at . If, near Rldg- ave. 39CO 3410 N Houvlejr at 7 r .' porch front S000 m;i .v, ,-viarsion si or pnrcu rroni r.iniu 142d N 27th st , 7 r. opp Park 3000 233S N Opal st . 7 r . while plumbing 2500 2308 N Garnet st , 5 r . 6 houses 220U KKRirjI.K lftm N mil St ... ., .., ... . - --- -- COLOnKD fyUYKHH I 142S N lOlh St. and 14SB N Aldr st , ; iiul rear . . $4500 li.',7-39 N. 11th at . 3-aty dugs emh 4000 1407 park ae , s-sty dng . des loc . tnui) 1015 Alder st . 8-sty. dive . 7 rooms '-MHIO 14l5Warnock ft.. S-sty. dwa 1700 SAMUEL T. FOX 4 CO S E cor. 0th and Cal1owhll e(e 1 CORNERS S W cor !mbert . Dauohlti 2-stv , dwg 7 rooms, shed, sldo porch . $400u S W i or 25th and Huntingdon, 2-st 1 store and dwa , 4 bedrooms, vacant 7000 i N W. enr Indiana and Orkney. 2-sty ' store and dwg.. 4 bedrooms. A-l eond 0500 N W cor Clearfield and Marston 2- stv dwr.. 5 r., rnrch-frt., Im. poss. 3100 I CI II MiCriiclteu 252S W. I.ehlsh DIs JMn I UKAUTIKUL 3-story horns: nrownstone front, having It rooms and 2 baths can be ftnsnced on JU.uo, price $000 owner I will reoaner throughout i J. C. FULLER Spruce 4130 10 S LSTH T I 16t N nfl'II ST. Thre-Htorv store and dwelling 2 baths, corner, old-established i cujtom tailor going out vt bjslnirSs on at -' loiini of poor health price nltli business thOOD clear will glie )oisesslon In 30 das ion pa.inint of siibstHiiL.t di-ooslt BERTOLET DUO N ISth ef CORNER STORE K-.n-l ml section -'037 raia!nin ae l.arga.u fo- quid. buer $3100 .11 (leu & Sun Itu . 60ft Llbett' llli'.fr BROAD & DIAMOND Beautiful dwelllnr, 22 rooms nell adapi d for apaitments; mat inortgsge $14,000 pil-e $21,000; worth $2d,0i)0 M. tielr. t Sou. Inc , 000 Llbsrty lildg I 1714 PINE SI '14 looms 2 baths, r. ooin ..leplscs elec 1 tile llglil hardwood floors thrmisl'out hand I om"ls Onlslifd and In exiellent order liberal leimi immediate possession D, H CHAMliEHS 710 Commercial Trust II dc yenilier l'hlla Tleal Estnt Hoard STRAW11ERKY MANSION q. j N y:Ll st. (cor. NerzeantV 3 .iv i J540 X 3d st. (cor. Sergeant). .1 tv sn fiom Pari;: li.-w. heat, clcctilo light. 12 roomi 5 on third floor, excellent opportunity at offlie. 19000. O If. McCRACKKN, 2528 W LeiiiBii -ave Diamond 340 I'HRKK STORY brick. 2H31 N nth at . with garaar in 1111 rr- sveees 11 ironey lines Sil.r-'K.lv"?.. l"W"rP.,h.,0r a3,nPvrf: I Market st Phllsdelphla ( 274J N. 25TII 7 rooms, porcn, hot-water neat, eiecirio hkiiis; occupiea ny owner Immediate possession. Walter V Ashbi ;1- 26 U) N 20th Member Phlla Reel Estate I.17WI .1 UEACTIFUL new homes with garsge and inciosea porcneai mnju urmes st tat u at and Northeast Boulevard) sample nous open afternoons and Sundavs I j HBNNBR. 440 W Wvoni'ng avs. 2800 I1LOC1C N. 24TII fiT--Dsndy 2-storv 7. room twin house; electric lights, nowh 1 painted, immediate possession, price right 1 THOMAS. 2315 W. Lehigh ave A REAL HOME 2800 block N 28th st i.t side: 8 rooms, bath, norh .t.cin '" V l'-.,,OM,hlV,U!f"U1,l0n ! IRA T 1IIOMAH. ,f!15 w. Ihlgh ave 4. IIOOM houses: convenient location, vvtilte plumbing: 11050 each if lot Is taken. I Suarggi.. J.uiJ,a!f kV:1 -."talSoarYi eonn ni.OCK Orlsnna st -Sis liou.. -.-,. financed. 11350 each THE IMlninv ' REALTY CO., 818 Parkway Rldg. Spruce 8509 . 2712-14 FLETCHER Lot 13x130 sultan's for tesmster or automobiles Walter V Aahby. 2040 N 20th, Member Phlla, Real Estate Board. 2010 MARSTON 7 rooms, porch, hot-water heat, electric llghta: occupied by owner Walter V Ashby. 2840 N 28lh. Member Phlla. Real Estate Hoard 2118 N, 2'iTH 5 rooms, porch, porcelain Plumbing: occupied by owner Walter V. Aahby. 2840 N. .9th. Member Phlla. Rssl Estate Roard. 1 408 S 46'ni BT. Wine -story brick house, modern Improvements I'LYBSEH s. KOONH. 416 Harrison llldr 3. W. corner 15tli snd Market. 2800 -LOCK, N 27TH ST. Eight-room. porch-front house; bargain. 83200 R. a ' PRICK, .ludson and Indiana ove. (Member , Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard ) imviti-tv nosa -1D1H W. Caiev su .rl 1M.iED,7Pm. ih front ViuV; ih'i' ...t- nsw painted nnd nap.; barg at 14600. 1 Wev;t 1020. John A. Harry 507 Ld. T. nid,' I fMMKDIATH PpSSWHHION- -4411 N. Mar-1 snail ai. iv,., ........ . .vwi..-, -i, utgucrn ' conveniences ; price 15010. THllMAn V. McTHAlt 14(0 N' .M M 45U HICHMOND S'l ri.,....tnrv brick property, now used sa Him n, a restsueant. Ituffell 254 K Olrard ave. i. .'... ...,i ij. ui, mi., h ,B u... -. llAlWHlviuvjK. pi,. .u iiu wm iae" UU rooms and bath, front lawnsi only a fsw left Hhlnehouss 82d and ctltwatar TWO-STORY HULIDINO. Race nnd V? Pelt sti WILLIAM C HKNKERT1. 1421 Chestnut st. 1528 MABTKR HT. Up-to-date apartment hnuset sood Investment: cheap at 114. Ann TAU1.AWI. . .":Z . .... aaa aar-l . -. " 000 Walnut st j 110 WALLACK HT. It will pay you to innV Into the ourrhass of this house! h.r. aatn at 52I10. TAULANK. 800 Walnut. 6lS I7TH flora and dwelllnr. LKWIS COHBrl. .d. 17th and nainnrldge ats T214 N. 50TII ST. Desirable dwelling! va. csnti 15000. TAULANB 000 Walnut mi HRUNNER ,HT IM4.47.40-6a. 0 rooms and bath. Behuraot. 4227 Osrmsntown ave. MONTaOMKUT AVB,..' West, 1719; 4 stories. 15 rooms, for sale, 720 8, BROAD 8T Thrse story, modsin. 'l.lnWlS COHICN. 2d. 17th and tlalnbrlalia. j0? AND 1027 lUlNnitlDO- HT. ' J, NBWWNAPrCK. 018 Land, TOM ldr, REAL ESTATE JOR SALE CITY ? SALE N. E. Cor. Walnut and Juniper to Sansoni, 28x 2303 streets. ( Enhancing in value nvery day. Splendid opportunity for the investor with a vision of the wonderful future growth of central real estate in Philadel phia. , JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 Chestnut IL 11BAL ESTATE NOTICI: in the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia County. , Anrll Term. t888. No 009. Estate of John ,1. Joyce, deceased. In m tistlnn for leave to aetl premises situate on east aide of Drnad at .containing 100 ft ,n rront on nr0aa t , from Haln- 7. at 3:80 p in., at which time bids for the i above premises will he received Dlds to hu rrcorapsnlcd by certified check or $5000 as deposit. CHARLES J. THDDLK Mailsr SMALL HOUSE Bargain In 7-room houso: wide street excellent condition: 2540 N. Hsdenham $31V), excellent opporlunltj il OV.T7. t, SON. INC 008 Liberty Illdr. PLOTS OF LANDi.0vr.',Tp LOWEST PRICEH LOUIS S. GINSBURG 1201 CHESTNUT HTItllKi Ans ground anywhere In Philadelphia Over a quarter century's experlonce at yjur service ONLV 2 left- $450(1; porch-front dwellings i 4 bedrooms, 0th aboo Indiana Worater i 3604 Oermanlown ae. Abemelhs 182S Chestnut st 40SG N. HUTCHINSON Six rooms, bath porch, hot-water heat. elec. : $0751); mort , gaats $0(K). WHSTNKY. 2113 Libert v Illds- 'ORLKANKHT. 2143 TO 01 Sir rooms, bath Hna ,he,i p, best buv In N. II. etc Janofskv "rails' I4t4 H. Pennso. Pnruc 344H .1ST y,T , PKNIIOSW AND MOVAMKNSLVO AVH3. J. NELKON DICK. HIS Land Tltl mig 45'i RICHMOND ir. Three-stun brick propel Ij. now used n flwelllng and res taiirsnt Riiffell 23 4 K. Olraeii t. UAIICJALV for utllc'l; lale; 2255 N "iHlh st", , 2 story, 8 ro.uns modern plutnblti; etc . in4Ri-Ion with deed J 4033 N. HUTCHINSON ST 2 storv 7 rms T porch hol-t.atcr livat, prompt poss. $0750 P'Mine Wwlnut 7144. !TH fjhertv Tilde. 10.10 UCRMANTOWN AVE., store. 14 rms 'J baths: uosesalon: Drtui, $75011. Oivnei .'tri Ueechwood ave . Colllngdale. Pa I'hon. lliilldlng laila. ractorv Hlles. K.(c. I'OR HALE- 04J2 lncaster aie . with old building; light on 3 sides; lot triangle, i sire 127x31x08, rood for factory or garagt R .1 Nsall 1001 Chestnut si MOST desirable site: ery central. UOOirfeet. light on .'I sides: on railroad frontage, no cssli required If lmproied Met REA. 7020 (lermantnwn ave. , 710 CARPENTER HT. it al. 12 PiopeiliZs suiranio ror erection or mru. build tie THE LAND TITLE AND 'I RUST CO Mr Walker Broad and Chestnut sta llmliiess Properties and Slores 2040 KEX8INOTON AVE Modern store In a wnnlerful business location; vt 111 ell rrisoitiib'e for quick sale. JANOKSKY A (IH.T 1414 S I'enn -ti'iHle Hnriice Oil" TWO-.STOHY slore and dug., pocsrsslou giioj business neighborhood: XHol X Stn st i t M n i Waln'tt .'4i I ME-ST V. bldg. In ..entral section, po'ss" at n.ire Sldel & Co, 4th and CullnivlilH Kjlorlj THREE-STORY comer facior.r"nr(iuoT"aoy ft elei trie light and power, eleiator now occupied aa aiitonoblle sale and repair ata. Hon. tools and equipment may sluo i,, nMr. rhasiU $25,000 without equipment. puses- ' non J L, Steicnson & Son. 822 Land -rule. FOR SALE For about SO cents a .quare fool 0-atory lirlck factory building, faring Ihiee streets plenti of light, good puir.r plant and e'.evatot 1,oi.t 35,000 uimr,ft bulldjne can bo seen nuv time at 1035 41 N Front si 1'hlladelnhia rWO-HTUHY brlil; fo-ctot. anon s.j f7" s'eam h'at eletrl. light and poet Hn a pi.je.'slon In 00 daya. price 110.000 j I atuvsnsnn - Son H22 Lund Tltl. -loiy oute. vii.tis, w iwmii anrt hsth ' I In nn .lava h. .. a a ... n..t I1.1.UO0 Twelve lots 111 Logan. lfli7o In eluding corners: an improvements mads. FHHD J SCIHBtwi. U2B Chestnut st INDUSTRIAL PI-AN1S, warehouses aant J 'LnUS-rjNZ?iL.Ji8?ij':jn1 d 'Lils factories. Manufartnrlng rimr. FACTORIES AND Pu'Tcitr biris vai-hre In Pnlladslphla LOUIS n OINMBURO 1101 Chestnut st. 128.00U fiQ rf 2 3 snd 4 storv buildings, concrete and brick construction heated wired sprinkled, 1350 horsepower 4 large Oilers, sidings and dock- site 4 acres S00 ft riverfront we handle fattorles. sues ami warehouse exclusively fiom an engineering "'"';"' ;."-i ".. ..Vj.'.L ",'. T" .cll "' '""" J ALAN MTDDLR!roN'naP0"" K.r'-r' specialist ami production engineer 002 Wldener Rldg . Philadelphia FACTORIES AND SITES r.v i iv" '"Jll"""-' mnuuiJ HI Ml titores and Uwelllaga A Good Business Corner Corner Csyuga nnd Oermanlown hvs 8 slory 2 baths electrlclts vapor hsat. possession July 1 Thomas H. Evoy 1S20 N. 17T1I ST. 3-stori brick: good buv I THE IANI) TITLE AND TIU'ST CO ' Ml-. Walker. Hroad and Cheslnui sis I 2052 UEMANTOVN AVK,-Possession at owe Beldel k Co, 4th and Callo vlilM WKSr I'HILADKI.PHIA Boulevard Apartments 47 TO 05 N (I3D ST ,u i.u.uvn nnu m.ii.ii cacilliui . ThoroughW .modern tvve.fHmllv houseke.p. " apanmeniso rooms ana patn each floor; "f.,'"fvtr"m ""LV'" '".? '.Bl all properly JACK KUTNER 525 Real Estate Trust Rldg (Member of Phlla Real Ralato lloird! Walnut M40 Aak for Mr Ingber. Race H91 J73O0 KACINO the new Mlserloordla Hos pital grounds; complete home In excellent condition, having hot-water heat, electric light, hardwood floors throughout, possession 10 ""ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 52d and Larchwood ave. Woodland 4860 OWc awn evenlnaa until B o'clock 1288 8. 50TH ST. One at Hie most ..omulele and beautiful homes In the Sherwood sec. hot-water heat, eleo. light, hardwood floors throughout: tile ahower batht lnimed poss Apply at my realdence. 00M AVhltby ave. or ,-ibone Wld 55H5 W Pnderprlced at 7fl(io 22 HCO.NKSTOUA-ST -rwo ory 'p7rc7, whiu olumbln. LEWIS COIlicv ...r..A-' 17(h and lulnbrldae sts,, l Lincoln Rids' S10 CHKSTNUT ST.. 10 rooms, 8 baths J85.000. WM.T, llnilia. .205 IUT??fnV' JlVr,, NrnnrLn 521B ADDISON ttT-Twu atopy, p,,IC, V.Wlrl "OHBK. d. 17th and ItalnbVMr": BJSfi IjANBDOWNB AVK. .KIght rooms: nWH-tri-ve- .V..IIWI viv u jJoyiaP! rood V .OI w. "V". -M REAL ESTATE EOR SAVE CITV ', ,,,,., ... ..... FOR SALE LARGE MODERN FACTORY AT 10TH & DIAMOND STS. FRETZ BUILDING RAILROAD SIDING VOn FULL PAKTICULAKS APPLY ONLY TO LeDEL REALTY COMPANY I 1208 NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. )giDlimWllliMIlllH 8. NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS Physician's Modern Home for Sale ? PfVr,,B P''BST. .MrtDEIlN tini.'HES OS HPftL'CE "tTREBT IN THE J900 tjIX)CK. TilOItOUOHI.y EOL'irPKD WITH WAITlNO-UOOM. .-KAT IIOOM. ALL ON THE UltOCND '"."", oaisiAirs. umi;i.. i"ii LIVINa-llOOlf. LAJIUE DINlNO-rtOOM. MATIf! Tltrm. T'l.ni VIVt: Iinrri.rtl5ri..n ttnnltu Awr. tiAi-lr. rrtt,t..pii ii9ll..nE,,J,0ot AND MODEHN HLBEPINQ PORCH. THE HOUSE IS W. IX'Ml""' J "P-TO-DATr. AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AST. CAN HE HOl'dll'l 1011 $25 (100.00 LESS THAN ORIGINAL COST Jesse Jay Schamberg EMPIRE UUII.DINO 13TII A WALNl'T STS. RACE Nlt MliMffl'IBMffM WEST PIHLADKH'IHA 1 r, ? 111511 0VERBR00K ' afWlrlTviV HUMJtiUJt,Mt'K11 mHmB' -"'wgsJ 24 ,SOLD OUT OF 34 These superb liomes lime n Uirrcl rout' cm lew im Kio-foot "byitle Mrd." with a "parkway" In the middle planted with ornamental shrubbery maintained by th city. Olio blucK tiotn rcIkidIs:. Bhopi and double line of cars. Ileuses me now belli).' built on Hie opposite aide of sueei iu aeu ror nearly iwice tne price Southern exposure, Hot-water heat. iiouieiard street Terraced lawns Concrete slaps Inclosed heated porch Equipped with acreena Ample radla'inn Two blocks r-. ii. 11. to nroau at. Individual garages, !fy rilivnnd flnnm t hrnuirhniit Hrislit, chen,rul Interior. Your Pftl VA'l'l.; CAP.AC.lt nil) would have to pay ntornco for your enr at u public aruRe. SEE SA.MPLK ioi:si-: 6135 Lebanon ue. and mal.c jour Rolcctiun earlv. The number Is limited. 6100 hlrck Lebanon ave Take eeatil to 6 Id st north on Ovcrbrool; car to Lebanon ave. 1 100 block north snt on premises, or Paul G. Baseliore, Agent .WlitliWIIIIIMHHir MlIN P IV. ' II Walnut Street -58th to 59th Street REVI .(RVIItV Mi M I IN' till .'Vl'1,.11 , i I i-y 10 LARGE, SPACIOUS ROOiMS soi'TMEits h.sptisi iik v .p. I'on'j ru i v , ri-: diiiv !; s, t WITH A I.AlKlI- (lUtVil. , . I MUiC I'lRIUi F' Ktll.Vl Pl.lJKl' A llOU I'LS .tmes Xaent on Premises 7!U PENS SQl ARE Ul DO HrRli'E 4734 miwiiiiMiriiiwMiajmfiiiiiff "HOME RUYERS LA KRHROOK" Uu Hloi K VVMiiie'Aood rd I furni.hd Mill Rio, k 03d st 7UO lllock Marlvn toad WEST P1I1LA DELPHI V .MOD nioik Addison st 1400 Hlock N. Allison SI 3S00 Rlocl; Ii'alllmnre ave houst has uaraue 00O Rlock Christian st 1018 South Conestoga st 5400 Wock Do l.anrej s! 570O Rlock He l.ancsv- st 5800 lllock De Lam ev si. 5S0H Hlotk Cedar ave 200 niotk s sitih t 1000 lllock 200 Hlo-'k rlaxler si Kdgewood si (100 lllocl. S .ITtli hi has BAtsge 57th si 3ih st 700 Block S son lllock S LOWER 214 South "PEN i:NISUS $7300 FACINO the new jllserlcord.a Hob pltal grounds; complete home in eicel con having hot-wafer heat Me, light h w floora thioughout. poesessslon to suit ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 52J and Larchwood uv Woodland tsOO i (Jfnce open evet.inss un i' Hjiuy. IR30O SIX ROOMS AND HATH convenient I to 58th and Clieatei ,i.e J50O cash pa deuoelt anu move In ' ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD .d fti.d larchwood ave Woodland 4S0U HIIIBH-STORY linnie vv Hi 2 hatlis 0 bea v.tn.u l.inn. llM t ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD M4 nd INhWrtod.ie aVnndliind tsfln , 'Fx'&&p "h AR HUK . LhUfULU " 32d and Larchwood ave ... ,, . .fcA.. """'""ii ..nn SllKRwiiot-i aeciion. .io Aaiuann ave Beautiful Si-story porch-front dwelling, hoi water heat, elf (tile light tile bath, built in shower; a real home, bargain TAt'LANi: Olio Walnut st a4rt-H4S V Olsr ST -A Leauilful u loom house. S4R0II OROSSMAN A SONDHKHCl 300 MAbTKR Ul'lLDHRS HXCHANOE MutKi-yr 250 L1-G!T IlliUART HIEIXW StIIDI.V Six rooins and r. ... ..... ..i. .... . palll. ao9U lumiKjn, iirpr iviiuui CROWLKV 1237 N COIh at 3534 CAMimiDOB ST. Desirable 7-room 59 00 atorv mull amount of cash reoulied Robblui 32a Real Hslats Trust Rldg Walnut 5240 BOTH AU. OIHARD 7 rms., portin, gooi loc" leooil. Crowley, owner 1 237 K. f.Odi t I1AROA1N for aulck sale 0135.37-80 Oien more ave. i porcl. front Call Wnlnut 44B2 DH leANPBY, 5228 2-sty porch dwelling! nrloe I8H5Q. Kutner Real Kat. Tr. Vlldg. iJ500-VACANT, 51 Haddington niwTy ' ,nova?td. Crowleyj 1237 K. 0th, ,! porcn uwaIiiiis, iiiubi us ooiu lo Bents 'oriritnie Aptriiiieni liouees in Wesi thll estate. WALTBR V ASIIRY. 2640 N 20th. . delphla. aarano attached, co-ntr tran?iiJ Member Phlla. neal Kstate Hoard bavlnr three sparlmenta, ' ' "'' 1 ' - I III I I il'UII , IDIIAV (1A.A .. HLOCK OSAOH AVK lleautlful 2- ,u.tiL.Mi.ili.,'VX.?- r'h at atone awe ling. O rooma and hath. "jjj-v; ::i:::. ...-. ....... iiri-n 'REAL ESTATE EOR SALE crrv ITXK)H SECOND FLOOR rnitiAX n urncB A?.n oj'k.iiai iri CONTAINS PANTUT. LAROi: flEnnOOM AND WALNUT 3204 WEST PH1LADICI.PHM . or ours, tiur nouses have I Your selection of pspfrlng ,'rom pmpos'd I Klreolace. Lsrge rooms with smple closet space. Mirrored dnnra r.ieciric ataiton lleautlful tile bathioom. nnalile vnii to mvii Ihn $10 to 1 1 r. w.. 14JU CIII.STN1 T hT HOOM 209 'MW'WMU! IKS ATTENTION iKO H.oik l.an h vooi tOOll Klmk l.oi usi s' 310(1 Hloi k P.r.i st 5Snil l?iock I.inllow t "ilOii lllock Thornua inn ' ii a i. I 3 lions, tl iui.ee lias garage TOO Hlock S fldili si .'(ill Hlock N". (,0th ' tlOd Kluck Mestmlnser a Slim Hloik 'VVilnin 60(1(1 lllnrk Walion a 3 Ihiiiksi. WOIi Hlock Wlllnns ale 2 hou..,. V.ou Hlock Woodland Hf 3S18 lleno st coloied ecion vL'HI'RIU' PROPER I 1K l.l.AN'ERl'II Neiv house liivllnip line (arake IvlP.Kl VS ('iiln.r houee Hione with ttatage ROEMO.SI' To inrge pmpen'et & McCOY 60th Street IN I'll. 0 111 IA IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5400 Block Webster Street I im slur poi. h fiom ll looms bi.uk laiui.liv i,i, imtliroom Dutch hall rn . irl.. ngliis newl papered and iaiiitd miiv nnd mahosanv throuahoui -IMlIUC llOUM. .1413 BENJAMIN H. LEITERMAN .".'I PnVKIEl.D 11I.D.1 i i.a i iiesinut si '( VV'ovlUrd '117 wsr" mo ",.1".. , , brick 10 incms and 2 baths liarduood ! tSSr B' '"o-:"j '"-X the.mut ... 5.000 hiock tl... U. 1 , R rooms anil bath hunlMnAj Ha ... ...At... . . ' L .' 7: -'-'-' 'ii-wi I" eioi niviiy anu s.K noi-waier neat an oodoi ,111111V ... .LI.AH... AAA A, 1." . ... ..-.. tunny to purctiaaa one of Vet I'hlladav i.l.in m,.i .i..i..kiu i ..a ..' ' . "iiflae.. ..,A a ...Vb. uTAt.Au, ,m-,.,u iiunies H. D. ARCHIBALD Lil.UT Ished third floor screens Included Ur lawn. OUIlt and Market sis section ' riS.f! fare to cltv , possession at settlement; small amount nf cash required, low tax lai. Springfield water the ral place to live J HOWARD MKCI-H, JR. 5203 Rac- at. APARTMKNT HOl'ML! 12500 taah will purchase one of linnit-S A HEAL UARQAIN" Robinson. N. S51. II room.. r,:;A ,.., excellent condition. 18500. nosseseian J KITNI-R 523 R. R. Trust ma. RAfr.lt, a.. I00. block! act aulck: im. narcali train: price 15300. -jC. t n, t.1. T I j lies iijii'IM. k. A. A.. if K KUTNER. Real Kstate Tnt flldg. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE HEnMANTOWN Special Offerings PELHAM 7 Carpenter t.. twin dwelling. 12 rooms; large lot, 28x257s convenient to Carpenter Sts.. Psnna. 7t. It., and trolley; -nnnderful looatlcn; pries, $I2,()0. PELHAM $40 W Phll-Ellena it., detacbsJ stons residence. 12 rooms and 2 baths; large bedrooms: lot, 70x150; thor oughly modern; extended lewi finest location. Llnccln drive section. PELHAM 10(1 W llortter st . stone twin dwe. Inc. 10 rooms and 2 baths, central heat, good location, price $12,500. These properties are all be sold in a few days. An from so great a number. decision. WILSON & CHADWICK 700 MORRIS BUILDING rWii!Hi!wiiiiiiira mwm I $5500 $6000 I NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I CLASSY" BELFIELD AVE. HOMES In Germantown E Live In this wonder spot, etuse to Washington I.sne Station and bsautlful parks. Y To-atorr. 7 latge rooms. Dutch Hall. uantr onthllchen, laundr. steam heat, electric light Large lots with terraced 1 1 out northes jf ONK HAS ROOM FOR OARAGE 5 These sre teal, modern homes In every sense of Ibe word, snd worthy of your prompt Inspection, as there are only a few left 6 (Take I' A It to Washington Lane Station or by trolley, transfer Chelten 3K Avenue lo Chew Street and walk North I S' SAMPLE HOUSE. 0214 BELFJELD AVE . Open Dally, or fe .1 8TENT0N OREENnERCI Onner. J 520 Bulletin Building. iH&.iir.mUliMffiSM.MfcKlisM AYKST PHILADELPHIA 10 Left Out of 83 At S5400. The best; ex cellent location; perfect home; hardwood floors throughout and all that e;oes with it. Pemheiton street, 5500 and 5C00 blqtk?; first street south of Cedar avenue (6 blocks south of Market street). Sample house open every day. PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1201 Chestnut Stieet Member Phlla Real Kslalc Roard tfiminWiiaiiwiffjfflMWiiiiiM VACANT GROUND kipp: ffiR nt'ii.DiNc. 57th & Walnut Sts. ,;r:i ivr Burn sids- W VIATT ST NOR I'D SIDI. SKNSOM ST SOI'TH Mil, ? I. I50VI.AV U'07 S 6(lui si ymmmmmMmmmsmmm bhuu jw $3800 Fits our pocketbook. Con venient location, Cecil nnd Alden streets (between Green way and KinRsessing; avenue.' and ruth nnd 58th street). N'o. 2050 .outh Alden open every day. PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1201 Cheblnut Stieet Vfcmoei Phlla Real Esisle Uosid 5481 KDUl AVE 3 toi ,nnie 4831 We. ion a" 3 storv MM.! I.i'"i' oi ti 2 to v 11 III 3J.1 SI 3 stoi v MVth sr Ixvoud .ive .' fc' '' "iI3 I. a' ( tiwood ae J sio v lint H 344 n .' si i 5717 Hoffman ae 2 eto' tollil 51ft st J stoiv icmnei' 133.1 S 1 1 son s .' e'"i I44S. N Hiri .' (Oi ,M)3fl Washmglnr. J e sld ' .ISIIV Msvel eve J ve 711) S 51 si si 3 flo.v JOHN M. C. ENBURG 5J07 HI! I IMOP.K A K UNEQUALED HOMES ! tin .! f torn bu .' ncl a WINDSOR AVEXUK AND 11FTY-SEVKNTH STUV R'' JI ST IIKIM1 KIMSIIFD $6000 With Garage $6500 CW.SO'I Bl' Dl'PIUMKD JAS. C. ENBURG. Builder . it IS on Walnut tn 51th A I'liesia' .1 until ei 10 5ih A Wa rmgtou One rquare eas' 'i Im will be advan.ed Via 1 1020 to J 1.01' i.o.aied ti inn Dee r-h.e -.heriMod - linn OP 'be oltt' Slile WILLOWS AVE. $8000 VI RKKT K0 VI WIDIl Ide.l.v planned home b'ti.r of 'he ieai materials procurable 7 laiga uiims all-tile bath hoi waiei heal -tectrlcily D.VSKMr-.NT LAUNDRY ROOM "ample House Open, 5407 Willows avs H. E. SHORTLIDGE ".J,,8 IJKRMANTnWN 1107 WAGNER AVE. Three bedrooms hot-water ht . elec Im losed porch early possession. Thomas H. Evoy wa .?? AVB IlKAIfTIKt'L 8-room poreh-front house eieouiu iiKiiia. ii.iunuiij uyors wnite and ' mahogany nman 300U. send for booklet. 15000 !' '.' ,..,i!,; . .,Vvi",!'., .n!1. muiana ii ii. riuirv .iiiviBou nnu Indiana ave jnmir rnii.B.iu in omi r.atsis llnsru IW"( DWELUNO lot 40x180 living room dinina room, kitchen snd laundn 0 btd rooms end bath. 8K30O. H 13. ICVNtS "O. Rullelln flldg. 1 flldc. 0rOB luiif.i d."iTinI o ;Som. hLmhd,,,ii;h,rt..ColNIi;B -t'i S8 Doriet at. i brleli jr.ixc. o- jTiniiuvo s REAL ESTATE EOR 8AL , pyjlMANTOWN a. r, of Choice Properties MT. AIRY f42( Royer '.r don't miss this tnla( dnclllng; 11 rooms: mooyrni newly papered and painted: let. JOiIWt 1 block Mount Airy Sta., Reading K. R ; price, $12 500, a MT. AIRY 4 43 Devon it , convenient, to Mount Airy flta . Reading- II, It., and trol ley, thoroughly modern: lust rni' wled: 9 rooms ind bath: alio 1W Devon st . price. $10,500 each. MT. AIRY Jilt Ciowen ave.: tart atone resident!: s rsal heme; 12 large rooms and 3 baths; let. 100 fret front and 2M feet deep: over half acre; large aa rage; southern expeeurei prlee, $2J,50O. open for inspection and will unusual opportunity to select If interested, we advise quick mmrmwMwtKmsmBMMmmK Locust 25081 SPECIAL OFFERINGS 550 Wade it 4 bedrooms, 4 bedrooms, natn JA5 Iierk ey si $4,300 4,759 5,500 0,000 6,000 .000 6,000 6.2(0 7,006 7,800 8.000 8,000 8,500 8.500 9.000 t,50 IV.500 11,000 II too 12,500 ua in -5 W Louden st liAilrnnroa l.fl.n twin. 3 103 W. Hansbei ry befltooms. electric 4542 Oleene. st . tvrln rooms .'SrlaS 141 IV Ilansbsrfy li-drooim, loundrv 5720 I.no.r si . twin al 3 0 h.d st 3 5 bed- rooirs. 27x145 Ogtl Chsw at . S bedrooms, hot-water heat, electric 5014 Neivhall at . twin, bed room, hot-water heat 117 W Louden st . 3 bed rooms, hot-water heat, elec tric . . 44l Grcsne st, twin. 4 bed rooms, laundry ... . 131 W l.urav st . twin. 4 bedrooms, laundry 121 Apitev St.. twin, 4 bed rooms eisctrlo 321 W Logan st 3 bed looms hot-water heat, elec tric ... 4C10 Morris st 3 bedrooms, hot-water heat. elsetrlc. garage other features.. 4820 Ureens st . wln. 4 bed rooms, hot-water heat, elec tric 5022 Greene st twin. 0 bsd loome electric . 138 W Louden at . twin 4 bedrooms, hot-vvaier heat electi lo lift W Washington lane sln s.e fi bedrooms hot water hem slectvi. 5.100 Blick Wavne eve twin 0 bedrooms i.tetiiic Thomas H. EvoywAVNKAvr ll iIawle I OfPER THR ITOr.TAlWINO UN- I'Sl'AL PROPBRTIKB M'HOOL LANE, 5",i acres, adjelnln s.gs propel ties In this exclusive see-1 on House n eicsllent condition. I 'i bedrooms billiard loom. 4 bath- corns, stable garage. gardenr"l house en Pries 176,000. Jfa be -enisrt f nnlsrHd ttr the summer, 1600 per month Pr liege of purchase i OH QT KEN I 4N AND STOK. LET ST Sxcepilonally good loca tion in bedrooms, billiard roem. 4 ha'hiooms raiage Price IS5.000. OVk P.OAD NKAI1 SCHOOL L4.NE ciiiiiii. I'olon.al houas t bed rooms. 2 bmhrooms garage Pries 138 (ion l"ON l NKsR MIDI vl.K AVE. -7 badrooms 2 imhieoms. Price 1-2 0(H) Midvale Ave. & Stokley St. Queen Lane Manor (lermantown 3266 WWIiiii MWJHfi MWiMSlt .IVr.W"liMOT ittWaW. IDEAL HOME WITH GARAGE s-ui d. a ii'd -nine dwelling south. em expoeuie r bedrooms and 2 baths el-ctncitv, hsid.vood floors, lot 40 by 170; spars (o- garden 2 squares to (Isrinaiituvin s.e ai Sedgwick sts r nn excaiieiii condition Immsdlatt iB.eM un S. C. T0URIS0N in 4 IciU.rt sr OBRMANTOWN I'll .n imi AtlO (Jin. 44S1, ui i'mi i '':Jl'JilU'iitffi.tl4Ht'ja4lll)fcMW MMr'iii'iiiTiiWMi'MiMicrcir.wwjii.mEiiM S EAST SEDGWICK AVE. & Detached tione dwelling 7 bad rooms j M ar.d 2 balhs hot watsr heat, alee- V irclt hardwood floors largv lot, IK it n old shad' excellent condition; tg. ii .A-,(.n .urm iiMiaiioii inia prop fX cltv shou J tit seen at once. I S. C. T0URIS0N 1 i.jiir'i.twi HuumiMmMiaw w $9750 Semldeiacted stons dwelling, living loom, dining room kitchen, laundry. A bedionnis bath and storeroom, eiactricitv 2 suuarsa lo Oermanto-n "' S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 1IOTKR ST PHILADELPHIA Germantoarn SOU (lermantown 4411 CHARMING HOME, $9000 I Three storv 'win alone and brisk ' i oiisviuiiion iv rooms ana ? Dgtns, stesm hsst, electricity, parquetry foots, mahogany and whits finish. eal suburban atmosphere, near fine, public school sample house 3I yv Hedgulck st open Sunday or any time by appointment CHAS. T. WAKEFIELD 12M CIIBSTNUr 8T- au i ' s:. ., . . 'A Issass-Ute,'' $ lnV St,..nJrSorn, S'rsffiU' W, )'hviivi i ly. a. V ?! : fl . t. 1 51 'A t 'tl 4i I I dJm&kSi; &; J,- . .V ,