t . V "k?vt;v T?t"i flIW'vi il " f ' ',!' i N. " ?T .:- -Ar. ,. " V , ' x) ,S x 4, l I 1 I , v .y ; t .. t t i t- , e ? EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIEABELPklX TUESDAY, kPRIE 27, i$0- c V ? i , rj? R fr 1 s ' K' 1 J$4 v. 1 h.m OWIJH' RflP ftyf.F? feiftF.'j Ttfr'-Kiit' IMill ttHML' RSir'. vi-p i .s ' it .M ,'w V f. w t " ii m un - :ur 4" Xil ;,.f?L-i c Sl 1 ..71 Um ill 1 KH j WJ'J 1 L III Pi . :r.j k. tSfc t'.ff if hB? DKATIIK Visitation 91 Kdward'a Ileneftelxl Pwlely. woolen nl Carpet Turn Worltera' Union. 'Loral 825, Invited 10 funeral, Thursday, 8 Mil ,. m , late, residence, 1 ltf i:. I.eh1gh ave ( lmii renultm masx at Visitation 1'hurcn 10 a. m Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. .. nnrrriN' April 24, 19:0. charles d 'Jtueband of Mary A Rrlttln (nee, Thortim) fd. 78. Funeral Tuesday 3 30 P m from 823 Lonry it Fox Chase, I Interment Cheltenham M E church Grounds . IJROOKS April 25 JENNIE XI datuh ler of 1Mb Allen and Jennie Iltooke until IV Funeral services Wednesday 2 p in pte clsely, at her uncle's residence John Tallow SI731 N. Mutter tt Interment pnvat CAHRIOAN Suddenly Arrll 23 JANE widow of Peter (arrlaan. Helettvex and frlenda Married Women V V M fo I'allty of Oeeu Invited to funeral Thurdi , 8.80 a m 2111 Master at Solemn renulem maan pt J iirapem ( nurn to a m inter ment Holy Croea femeterv Auto funral CELI.A On Apra 1-5 MAltIA CIII.UA Ine Drlchetto) v-ldow of Andrew Cella ItelatUea and frlenda are Inxlted to th funeral, on Thursdaj mornlna at 8 30 o'clock from her late reiden 16'rt " Molo at Solemn requiem man al 9t lllta a Church at 10 o clock Interment at ltoly Croia Cemeien ciiVKlvKs uiuanee) pni s.i anv hi ., a .u , ('IIAtlLKH luneral Med 8 a pi from the Kawin rorrear nome noimeeourir. lie nulem hlah m at 31 Poinlnlc I'.hunji Ji a m Interment Porrot llomg i emeter Chleato, III COLI.m'N - Apr. I 21 MUlUMtKT wife f ratrlrk ollllon Helntlvea and friend? Invlteil in fnnrml rfnda . 4.10 a m tasldence 182 Shura lan Manaunk d- emn requiem maaa at St Juhn Iho nptlt Church 10 a m Interment tft John i , Cemeten t'ONLOV -pnl J8 JOHN t on o' Ttohert ard th lale lirtdjet Conlan ed 20 Itelat e friend .ind emplojea of Phllndi i Phta Klectr, io. inxlted to funeral Thur day, a 30 a m from f ither t rn.ldn-e 822 an Dilin .t Tnrnnv rteoulfm n ah maea at 3t 1 eo a Church 10 a m lnt , Domlnlra Cemeterx DICKSON April 25 our beloved mothT rt "i.r. winnw or 'mum l'ick-umi ated 71 ltlstUe ami frlendt Invited to i attend finera! at the restdenco of her son in Jaw J.ihn Mci!lnie 21T ItuOKle- at Rrlxtol Pa Thuredx prll 29 2 p ni Interment Bristol Cemeten DIET. April 21 MAflGIW DIKT7 rierlcea Turda t p tn at 'eiidente o' brother in-law Georre Dleix .'.T,3 V lla--sard et Interment Tremont Px DOCGAI April 20 at il home Pa rti Aparttnenle Wavne a e and chooi lan Oermantown ROBERT Mn ollMP'K mix band of Pmllx Fredericks Dotigl I'ue n lice of funeral will h slen DOY1.L At Salem V J Apr I 25 MOR RI8 V DOM.K aaed l rtelath.-x a .1 rrienna tnitit i funeral residence til Carpenter t from hlx lata I Wedneadax Renul-m mxx t Mar aicn. i . i;nurcn p a m Intermen yt Iarj a Cem tery Satrm DRPCKEVMI1.1.ER On rr I 21 CHARLES huxbant of Rosa Pmekenn I ler aered 04 exr Relatives and frlendx ari Invited to the rervlees nn Tuexdxv een!nr at 8 o clo'k at hlx late residence 2MO N fith et Interment Druate. 4t Northwood Cemeterj DUFFT - orll 2 El 7.nnni 1- At VR TIN, wife of lamea 1 Duffj lleutixex and frlenda are mlted to attend fut eral Thur day 8 30 a ni from her la'e rexldenre 0..0 Sa".bron are Solemn requixn inas ft. Clements fhtjr, n io a m Interment Holy Croex Cemetery FKNTON April 5l ELIZ . mfe f tti Ham H Fenton and d.iuahter of the late John a and Ma' Therolls. ae, rtt p. nerai services rnurxda 2 p m at hr lata realdenee 4S11 s lpi i 1 rsar Interment private Remain, mxv be Mev 1 einexfla enint ri.AVVVWV A.M 11 tl rr Tt r- ii f John FUnnerx dauahter of Hridaet xn.l i late Mtchi'l Lvn--h lat of Rutins sh cnariestown ( ountv ji. ireimfl Rela llxes and fnen.lx lnMte, to funeral Wed RJI0 a m lito reldence. 19,-,D lionitz st Solemn h gh ms of requieii st teihen s 10 a m Interme-it H' Sepulchre Ceme-terx-oitplx xr-i . viumrTH xi GILDCX i iee t; njher' n lllon of XXIJIrfin R Gl de Re,atiea nd frlenia (ni:j to funeral Thuied 30 a m ate re denee ;;in rtttwaier st !nerrn roui.m mass Si fh.rlex r huri-h Ham Im;. men Hit c'roxx renteterv 41ITHCV1 -April 2X T the Mor-. xnts BELLA daueh'er of ate .amu-i and Ra lie! Glthens ajred fix Rflatlws and frlendx In sited t funera en Ire. T. urd 1 10 ' T r residence ,f R.,-o - p Mn-im 7 n litltn ln'ermrt HxdliineM N I Rematnx ma be i in- i Thuin afl-r 10 a m ORXNT Anrll 21 Xixp.TVRET LOWRT widow Fdward J Grint l-erlre at rest d-nce of on In-Iiw JI Frank Jsr-elt 3412 N 22d t xx'.dnesdav x n m HEINF.JLXN Xnill ,'tl CATHRI.NF wldou of Jot-n Henr Hetnenian iged x Funeral Thuridav from h-r late resident ' 1140 S flth st ramden N' .t "ni,ct at S p m si Nszareth Eianse ul Luthera i I'hurrh Kalalni axe and !ul9 t i umd-n N J lntermen- prhate e i tniden fmeter Wends mi .' XVednesda after 7 p n HFSS At-il '.-. EI 17. VIIFTH K rtf John XI Hexx I-unerii eerx.ee 1hu'erlt I p m xi ler a rei):i, t 12! XlJf r et Interment prui " HIPPI h - Cpr 1 .; (HXRIoriK ' I -TLR RIPPLE R!atle, rd filtn-le ir '-rt ii the eer i e Xertne-da. I r tr ' I x fillxer H Ralr Rid; H20 xheatnu si Interment private fll'STOV April 'I XIM1Y I dijchler fll f he la f n Irt Vifi attxil riahac, i f J liar jn Tfln. live, and friend, milled to attend 'ii.-rul Wednesdai 2 p tn late re.ilmce tilt Morris a- llem-iinx nut lie xiewed 1 lexdsv aveninc Interment M un- Morlah i'mwip IPE April 23 JCMKS r hubinl Caroi ne V lp (nee Kneernti I'.-lat ej and friends Perkins lodge 4j ;. nd A il Unlverit R A I'hnpter 210 i oi in - thian ii 1 1 U r Lu I u "temple X. (I i s rn H'jeipi'a uiu'in P II 12a Iiivi ed to funeral xxeaneic Iij 2pm !at residen. 3340 XXibtfter st interment r.rrvood Ceinter. IO.NE1 Xprll 20 MXRY DUItcniY dauihter of Albert and Eluibeih 1on-s aged fl ire s n f"uneral stv ce Thurx at 1 o'llork. re. HT1 & Jd st lnt pri .Ldniii en KLiTERKR Entu'd irt i rest in Iliir day April .'.' 10J0 i.EoP.i.F XX Kl I TERER l ,- i,r thvr ' re I- 11 Gamp and Al Keiierer o - Li a' M Remain. l.riuthi from xuni n N" H fi i Interment A in c emeter -i Louis xp-i KNEL1.XXOLF -Xon 21 Julls KNELle WOLF huerund nf U"e Anni Klisabeth inee Graft aged 73 RelTiax Hnd frtenl. also member, nf all i. ixie tea Tl.iira l.irder tafel und nmpiovey of the xroAa tae XX or, -. in vt led i) 'u-vral Tlm-sdev 2 fnr tr ,m jtjo Iteiie i . lntermen 'lleltcn til . i nrne'er 1 r, lis tll.i V edne. L - i a KOnl'rl'MCX X .r . i.RORi.F VlA.XHlNi.r'iN Ren j in- I irl Pli renr K i p nnai i-a 4 s i e. llrn e n i nt . r. ill. J'l tl i d I'opet S - Punera , , n e pr , ' famt l.XPl.l in Xpr .1. ln-X ii. li. - lannella Mm his i xi I I uliei i . I.aui Relativej n, frieu 1. inuifi t , 'ji t Thuredai x m xij s Mlllred .' SI etnn hig 1 m. .. i. ,r ux.l .t . -I i C hurrli ti k ru Ititeini.ti ll.i v i ro.- , I-OPGIISLY --Apr.l -t, Mil 1IALI huaUan.i nf E Uabeth i" Li .iihne ree c pert) m. I . ,n ,if Marv F and t' Mtchnei V I,, uahne 1) ie i,(jtn e of fune- from his J'e IF.ident.l- MO', p-inefl,d .u JIASH'N -April JC 1H2'I -TAMI-T HOLMES .' XX, Hard E xtid Myra R Miiuii nge,i 3!v veare Relative, anl fried, it- . ted tu 'in era a r te. v t i ne.fls-- rfi - p m at par. nt. res den -402ti ti.ai, i ' li .rtner p n..- MellLNRX -Ap ,1, tSXIl Jiw -.' Ir llnr XI ll.nr- it-I 7u Kn. . 1 r I.e. Ih-i . i, in i. 1 a e -p. lenre ." , 1 N N'l It .-i.r ! 'i.'i .Mount IVrf e , emeter, XfcKKFXIX" -'-I. low n' I i -i. XlrKeen i lives ii ri i f nils ti e l.-eS A' . r"l f . TI I K- tdli . . e Pmi I I Prlend. a V' nie.riH 7 Inent Xlal --ti Kp' si e-n. s JO IXNF il ill" Rla f l-Terp aers t hn Ramon d 1 p tn 1 1 1 'n'er MI LI I P nr I .'I I X si i .' n Robert anr" a e Mx Mr . 1 V I Fu neral rin-.ds , Xn a rt I . ie res dence 111 w Xn . Han -e..t ma x. k.' I-dasr1 . i hit- i ii a n If" rxient Ho'v spjl tr. i .mrt-. IIIIM'AXU - i!- .' TllfiXtaa I" IS hand nf T eeil r. y ) ,n ip s t so i o' Kla P ml K te'l! 1 Mir jn al it 27 IXrf'r servte.. a. .'. F I oaan x IJeimanto-xn XX "Inenla 3 V in Ini' T) ti' prlvai- Mi'LRI idle- Xrr 24 XI A K MORRIS 'nee llin.o i'e if XX ,1am P Murrla sn 1 niiher of 1 I i.il Realve nnd f ner de n te 1 tn firera Thjradav Io a ni from her a e rea dense 1304 ha-aii at Interment t ni' VEAL Apr I." HVRRtETTF w .' nf WluUm Ne. Kela ivea ant frlenus a si William M.kne j ,jge , 41 s of II Martha Aasmbi N 4 A O K of tr ?I tnvi-e,1 to attend 'unerai servlcra X'edneeda-. K p m st her late reslderre 2237 N Hiuer . Intarrreni Iiurdngfon N I at .anve-i.n e of the famllv NFPLET A- V ne'snd N" J April 2X J XI.IILHT huxba d 'f Xfar.ps Neupn ' Neplei Itelat e. a, f ends Invited tn funeral servue. parln-x nf Samuel XV Kehr V Son N XX nor le and V arnonri sts XX'ednetlas 2pm pre. lavl Intarr sue J-.-r . ,id I'rme-.rv OSWXI D -pr .". S.'l) XIARGXRFl x Ife f ie as I' I 'lawald ed a. Fiineral X" edreioxv t r in 1107 Bel. is si Frankf' rd PAl LAK - Xpr I .' XIAKGARIT M a ,.,w nf lnrt-ph Pa jUk n ii miiher of XI--. Renlamin i: Guneon RrletUe. and fi end tntlied tn runxrai t nuraoa H 10 a n residen e fjd r orx st s nim requiem tnass a' Gea i huich 10 a in Interment private Pr.AHl F -.-lilddenU Atril .'", I'XROLINL (tiee. Srvd n w idnw of Jonn I'care Iy- neral Thnr.!v 11 a n rrom the res' !en " of dajshinr Mra Mrv .Mullen I ima TJelaware cmn Pi -rvli t ppi r Chunh, Ptkelatiil Pa . n in PFIACM Xpr I 'U after a br'tf lllne.t ! KMIL1E 1 w fe of 1 linstlan Pflxiim Ir Relativea and friemls nifmbrs of 7 on I'N.)LRTKKU4 CEMKTKBT TOT14 ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK itMMC H srlces; reasonable terms. aNEIUaslde, .'. lroltx sttsnag. Mai QrHOUERS Jali'" BROAD AND JF DIAMOND navrita Lutheran Church. Colonial Chapter, No. 87 O K .i I.adler,' Auxiliary I'hlla. Confee tloner' Ao , Zlon Lutheran Church, Krank lln hlov Vine, Invited to funeral aenrlcea. Thuraday, X 80 p m Interment Weat Iuret trill Cemetrry Itemalna may b viewed Wedneaday 8 to 10 V m J30 N, Itandolph It VL'i: April 3S J. B8BMINB MA TIIILDB widow of Charlea O Ilaue M. D ael 8S at her realdence 121 N 10th at HMatlvea and frlenda InMted to aerjlce Wi-dneJda 2 p m , ( the Oliver H Hal-lllda- . 1820 chestnut at, intenrint prhate KUTTKIt April a. OHAIlLKa H. hxn hnd of Mary flutter axed 80 Cinnal crv e Thur .' olork. rea ITS'! . Water si Ini IVrmvood rrlenda mavcall fd jja WrrlUll.Kll. APTH P, KUm .yflll widow of Dald It ScltiHer Jr !lelalle and frlenda InMted to the ar Ice Thuradij i p ni at ine uiner ii tiair ahus , o-u h-in" t Interment prUt( SHIPKlir Apr I 25 OKOP.OK C . eon of the late Lhrtitlan and Catharine selfort l,ifi.1 avlra TllriaV R H in tt th pulors of Mr Henr Schneider A Son l"3't itermantown Interment Wodneida Northwood Cemetery SBUI April H JOSEPIIINK "e To mat Tifo of Walter Help Ki-nera I Wedneed 8 Jo a m reldnce 04 y waiep ni uirn water al man mam or requiem at.Jy Philip1-. Church 19 inierineni Jlol irA. ,nAi, Sllini.DS Arrll 20 of diphtheria RAT MONP on of John J and Uartrod tthlld al ri-ellenre of raren-a 170t S BOtli et Int. orlvat Vedneilaj mornlns, cathedral Cem lr Vn fiiner.il sitt'TE t Newton llirhlande Maaa pni ;, TluNK A Hltl'fti. formerly or Phllad-lphla on of lat IranU Aabury and nna M Shut funeral Wednesday yi.MP-tOV OUIIICI1 ".prll 24 nLCANOR id w of Kdm Earl aimpeon (nee Alexander1 P-nerai erlea Wednday, 1 r m late reetdeive. SOOO V Uroad at IriternT-nt prlat Itemalna mil be xlewed Tue'dav eienlnr 'MITII April 20 ANN'V T ineo Oela inen wife of I rank F. Smith, aeed 50 nela- . " and frlendi are Invited Io funeral. ' FHda I . tn parlora of l.mannel Aahai i, lntei ment Mouit ' - " .'-- tw....-.. . - -inal meien 1PFARIM! Voill 25 10J0 MARV ,1 nldn". of Thomas P Spear nr anil dajjhter of xrircsret V and the iAte William lire ner Relatives and friends Smiled to' .x'lpnrt fune-al Ihjrsdx. 8 "10 a m from i 'he late roldem e sij N nti a' Solenin, ' I requiem mars a' tt ATith.x a i hurch 10 .a r Irtermeit Hon t'roea Cemetr. tTEIV xprll 2tl EI.1ZVHF.TH widow o' lMlon Stctn aaed 3x Relatlver ard frtendi in'teil to funeral eentces Thursdev 3 p. , , m rexldenie of her son Albert H Stein i I 457 Northeast l.ou!exrd Interment private il.anmiew Cemetery apprat'' .udden',N Apri 25 HGRACF ' r ci nvrt f hlvinii r m nt the , ,,. Theedo-e T and Amandi M 9 ibr t I sn (vi w .1 h led at 3 p m wermexiai. xprll- s d li s iio residence shoot'n. Pj TF.W1.R1 -VP'1 21 VRCHIRAtjp - "n of the late Samuel (1 c and Corne' i Stewart Relxtlcea and friends olxo I elrom Ule No 451 Y und A M I Mille Lcdse No H0 I U O F . ard P,-no man Tnt-e No 239 I o R M. lnclt-d I tn the je.t t Wednesday 2 p m . at the loiler II Rjlr Rid 1820 Chextnut Interment at Wet l.au-el Hill Ccmster piMe o n flowers TRP KLCMi-April 2d ETHEI I? 'ie xlrr w fe of .1 Oril Strickland ?--I lcs Tl urx 2pm 5510 Thompson a" 1 iMermen- private Pr cnd ml) call cdiej dx renit r PXMPK Xpnl .'.', APOI.PH TXMPI. aired 34 Relit vex ard frlet de. cmplo e of p Rumpp A Sonx are Inxlted to er- i see eCnedfti. 2 p m parlo'a of Ous A Klrchner t3l X Ih i;h lntermen "hetten IIiI'x ''e-neteij Pt lends msy ca'l rueirdav eveniir J. AYUOR On April 21 .MART R T T LOR i?e res ox Wedfsda afternoon 2 o cIcck ot her rejiderre 811 N Slth " i lntermen' t xjnmt Mori ill Cemeten. Prtend ins ca'l Tu da i-mns ' TltiiXT.X!- Aprtl 2.x LTHJAP. J aged 18 cm nf 1 dnx looie Tr-nnt.ie Service ednesds X P m rexidc (" of jranrl e.lhei X'her Mom e rljl "X 'o'x h t-r'pod- M- -.. ."lied.1- ee-- ff TCRVPR Ap-ll 21 XX'RIOHT T'.RNEP. In ri '-Oth e.r Funen.il TVj'sdai "2 j. in frc-n uts ite residence Knowltoi DU- xvare U Pj InlC-ment Mt HoPu Cemetery XORNDRXN -Xprll J4 .xt u k oix uf liuorae igr-nrpn n-e -wfi r uemnri nd friends Im ted to fu-ie-al Xedresda 30 a m ate r. terice J, 41 17re st HlBh rem mi it,xx M lanlsits rurch to In e'm-nt H- H-Jf-mer cemeterv WRING CUD Cur .1 112(1 ALKN TINE J liu.oind . f it late Msrtha XX eln card inee McG tin e' Kelauve. khii frienl enip!ovx of Ildwin f it er Rope Co cojrt Mount xernii U7 r ..; .x xnfl cik dale X er In No - -' "v atten I fune" . 'rum h'x .ate revi R-nta'nx mav be n in'trinetu 2xl&a a. W-dnerda I JO i m dence 1313 Janice viewed Tue. x u 10 p nolia -fieterv XOorX"XRD Apt 25 Xlnntronixrv Hospital Norrlj.ovcr. .-l-txx . P vvlfli cf - Hr.nton IVVi.lvurJ Relatl -s or I rtiendx ttivlien -o fiiner, rijrslav 2 p in a lier !x le.iden e 24 Fort.xt . ' i oi shuhocrfei Iriermept private ciulpn ' emeterv XX rr he. tr cxi era nx.e tanx Yr.rTER HENRY P 'n Pre.bvlerl.n llo-M'ai April 25 Relathe and friend-tnlt-J to funeot exivK.es XX'ed 11 a ri at ie res.dem c of Mrs N'ehnla. I'mbrlr -xi i.icen e XXoodbitrv N J intxrmen prha'e ij--een . I erreter Iff.Al. D IttTl-f,XILNTr. I C-JP PTCTE OP CIIARLI P. Gst, !. reused I "e--x text menta" -i-iox ' ' ejtit of c her. ex P G d "--'. 1 hai c heen granted tn FTDEI tl V 1 r.l'.'l nOM 'AM t ins) PH 1 r I Ot (.' LIN a! rero x njebtel -o th xa I e.tat are -e i i -t-'J i'iake wjir-n' . nd nose n x I x mj i3a.ni ire i,nif t n txert the-ii "i'heut tje.n 4t ,,. 0fl t, t, , d. n -nv .12 ,31 hestnut !- i.ade'p 114 Piea'dent XVM p GLS XIR X tit rv mt " PERSONALS K"BlSON rt rr. 'i I i t S nrrr i P.ea.- I -l! adier Mas Tr LOST AND FOUND i II XRXI I - Ptlliadell i n ' and XX i il. -,. XI II U Hl-n X.MSon 'harm 111 V eft 111 ..d'ti .ml Mar-ei to eath 1 ilieial reward if returned .".Hit XX 1 owe ave li'.N il.KUII.U osi ut .andowne xp' ti n re-halred fov tern.- with lilkcU a- ve or nurmnis inhai irtdrlsCd Mr Fdga - I anrdo no Pa I ct"is- iur i J-11 no ird Tel. phone Larsdn-sre o Ri J' Ri E rm ' h-un It." It li ever nc KOI"c nu i - i -T to-i 1 1 1 cl p l fur Tom 'ln -" I rin.e Wl' .XVi 1 t- ir xsi .ri i f ej m h p X.' i J I' w f lien.e l I r cr' tV L' mberg I " i,r.j - . I .siit I- I 1 un 1 (arrte- or pet p neon tixi m Cih'on tnnrks oisner can ha . H.ntif' nc all !'mnt 200:: M 1 Ml I in n !K I let at Thrre Tuna M'a' 1 11 tieit Amb er Pa n Sarurdav Apri .1 pi 1- lufcl iinta 1 nif c Hisldeab o monev 1 u 1 hi ii liberal re ,ai.i paid for letutn 1, same ni nforiuH.uii uhirh will lead tn a -e uur no uursuoria asked Chart.. ,K 1 a pent. 1 .In XX" -.Vjinerx at Phlla ' it. Intila Phone Iserslngrun 710" pritT F0.1i" Saturday on Losutt n i-i '"li purax contain ng mono Pbone J' eion 113. HELP WANTED FEMALE .vni.'i x xxftxiLN x itii or XXITH-ilT KNPHRIEM E TO NURSE IN MBNM"AL DLPARTMENT OV PHILADEL III" i.FNFRM H11SPITAL "541 II AND PlNB sr i.llfljx PAY 1 XPPI Y MR!- FLRKK CHICI NURSE ,"fc .r.Pi(iif. IIPK.RVTI.NG Xn f ' 1i o. cupa inn suunc women PS.IIM XN'EN f 10811 lONn JH X WEEi: TO -?rART RXPID XLVx.NcLMKNM s i OZY REi RKATION ROOMS hot li vciies x r cos i HIKP REQCIREXIENTS XRK HEXI.TI' COMMON SLNSK i.iVXD SIGHT LOOD HEARING e viij re x b.n son ioji xrch -rr .ny of ihe foMoning f mors coniemen VIIS SMITH 100 Majkt t MISS ORR 2 w. Chelten see HISS REII.I KY ! -e 6.D SI" THE BKI I. lEI.EPllON'E i i OPPENNx CxSHIERS FNPERIENVED OR 1NKNPERIENCKD I APPI Y RUREXP OP EMPLOYMENT i 'asiiier" Umieii ptiin-n visrinaniowp ave I CLERK Ttm Pubii Ledger Co desire, t e services of a young woman witn a Utah ichool adu cs'lon or Its equivalent wt h or w 'hout axperienca Apply Arcountlnr Deparimtnt Dth and C'litstput sts. AV for Mr, TVIt - i L WlVAMUfritu Vieed on telephone T to abiicii ,ds..wi.pi.r" ' -"OSIM'IONS TOR MEN WHO CAN EARN VvAVAMAKERS imed until, prion to J "licit 'dvsr'lslng THI; rjpjj, TKY xVANT, PASSA.1ES Tnd a.P.liry desTreSMelYohona numhaJ"?1''1" " 'lo AND FROM HAVANA, CUOVI , nlTrt Idi.r Office ,f ,n '2 WEEKS' 'xCAV.ON A YEAttl SEND Womn' aoecla ti shoo C I. I " WH i-eosrer unics haIIXM'.s AND RSTKRENOEH. STATING 3IEI.P WANTED irEM!Al.E CltAMHBRltAlD, white Wrlto Mra. O. It Packard, Vl!unoa, Pa., or phona Uryii Mawn 84 before P 8ft anv momlny CLKRK8 WH RKOOinR CI.BIIKH STOCK Otnt.S. MKSSBNttBRR ANLv TTPtST8 KOR VAnV OUH DRPA11TMKNTS' AVPIA KMP1XIV. ItlllN'T IHIHKAC. KIT 1JROS 8ril AND MARKET STa. CI.nnK THE ACCOUNTING DICPKRT M15NT OK THP. PUtlMC I.KDOP.R CO I1KSIRKS THE SKnVICKH OP A rOL'NO ,C)XAN WtTIf TWO YBAItM OP HIGH SCHOOli TRAINING OR ITS KQV1VA iiDNr. ask for in. pntcrc pi'Bur iEDonp. co 8TK AND CHESTNUT Mffl I L.URK in to 20 Seara quick and accu into at flturra to aaalat bookkeeper, de, fiartmtnt atore experience preferred It, K. eeea 1122 Chealnut at CLiRRK wanted In factory offlci mult be imod penman and nccurat at Ijirea Ap- p' National HI'QUlt Co . 1101 tlennood ar . OREM VKKRrt Clirls. experienced to nork In coreroam Applv Ple-tclter Worke initinrv vn t anq inenwon a COOKINO and housework, no waahlni. a re i liable settled womxn, German prrf . e cellcnt home arl asee, ref rm 29 Pelham I roa-' Otn Phona Otn 44 I DltAWERH IN, experienced on pattern work ' In open shop naxes J42 per week! 4H , houre ateadt work M 517 Idaer Office DRR4RRR ON" l.CKS AND CPRTMN MUST RK KXPERIKNCF.D. PART OR FULL TIME PPI.T NORTH MKRICAN iwr. CU 9111 SI .L1;1-Ulll,.y AVE DRESSXIAKERS EXPERIENCED OV FINE WORK xpri.T BCREx-t; op empiotmbnt WANAMAKKR S FINISHERS ENPERlKNCCn ON DRESSES APPLY BUREAU Or EMPLOYMENT X ANA MAKER S tf) OIRl.a WVNTED ON ER 18 TEARS OP GE IN I ITTI.E CIGAR DF.PXRTMEST LIGHT AIRY FACTORY DESIRARLV: STEADY XXORIx x.2 WEKKS A TECH HOT Lt'NCHBft SKRVPD XT I.WS THAN COST GOOD PAT. EXCELLENT TREAT.MEN r LIGGF.rr MYERS TOBXCCO CO 3D NI) ONTCRIO 8TS. GIRLS oi er If. ears steady pol tloti BOOd wsees 13-hour week Frledberirer Xaron Mfe. "Co -I60O N lMtt at near Wajna Junction GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN- WWTT.l) 1X3R PXCKING ICTNG XNI) XII. . ELLXNKOt WORK. LXPLR1ENCL NOP NECUSSCRY PLHCSAN'T SURROUND ING $!2 TO START AND P.APIP XD XNcEXIPNT LPNCH SLUVKD XI . .11 N VTIOVX' BISCt tt CO 1301 GLENtXCXID AXF , dinLi AND WOMK.N to hae met x i led .nother n-ti lot of maohlne. also I ei uh.I oi.r a.erxb'trx deuartmentx. now it I m oupu'i-nr time for ti io recjie stead - v jr vi t j rnooeu iii tu-iaic. aroiuig i rot.i. rr. I to ttglr eleva'ed cxperlenco no lecsiars cooi p irnerx with ispi" advxrceinent 'r.o urface or SUbwax C4.r to .12. St . Stancm Xnnl fae'ii - oft i. H I I l It i . l r. h r , , "' pin- and is ivx nar wrappna beai ni- machine operating SilMitr.U STEEL XND REXRINcj." 1 Jth an J Xer on Ai e INC" GIRL i general 1 -.iisenor. wr.ite or col- ed in suburbs anul' fjtnlb new house, P -,e. xielrx 1R42 R tlt2h- iars avei. rfic m . sh 'tio-i P ' tlHh POSltisn. I HPTKRX ll It. 'lOSlhFT 111 OX"E VKcKlX'tCK H XVDICEUCIIIL1 1 i:THeJR GOOD"' PXUIRELLX Iipanmenn x o , ftni de hoee - I o ar -e.U apis t, tmvera ivite full par- J i x X if pirxent p ace eir,.v.o,ncn Xdd-ese M 521 1 edier i if re INSf Ei'TRES'- iwi ensad on women a xu ta 'oa' and dre.trs permanent po ' on Applv ..ootid 1oor X"jnaniier A Itro.in il h jnl M.iret r GIR to s. t -n -e of oibv and do ;nl riiunhrwor aid turndlns XYrlte Mtf A K 111. I ii.. X.llaiuiu Pa or ?- ' llnr 'I'",' 84 CilRll, rxperience ,artcl u. satiric ttl ' ""room tun s 1 .-t hi- XX'orl a I oundr. il 't ri il.et vvoid ne ! LA I'.NDHLSSb'i Steadv isomer 11: paid b I month. Xpti c tillilri.s Homeopathic Hos- ' pltal Frsnfc'ln and Thompson sts 1 L11N', I 1S1 XNCf. TEl KPHONE OPER X1TNG IHf MO.r INTERESTING CXORK IHh LllY I OR YOUNG WOMEN" I IN 114 PER XXEEK TO TART RXPID INCREASES FINK OPPORTUNITY FOR XDVANCEMENT XPPLY XT ONCE XT rtOO.Xf 714 ROURSE BUILDING 4TH BEIX5W MXRKfcl' ST X .X XI 'IO 3 P U WRHT IF UNXI3 E IO ShK X1ISS JENN"IN"G I M XIli minted e,oret( rjnklis wxt'ng ant iirn nf loer ftoo' no washing ref Cal a' r. lj at .'21il fl Larcty . XII N'DER Lperered 'eendf warned h a-ee pnntx manufacttiier on. ulio ui voi v s'eadilv (n ftoi slste exp.r snre ard se ars expected XX r a tn Penn Pan". Im Ho .'I Re.rlrj; Pa H'FH E ' LKRIs I. t good opportun f state experience ard aalar expected X XD4 1 edger Office P.xPP.R HONES G'r's .tick to the pa.e iheee vou learn a ro "ng stone gathers rn mo.s ve, ran tiKri cair rf a few 'tame-. , -ir 10 i-iri Mi'l-r 432 York a e be i een tth and 3th sts below- Nob t- ' ALR01RL for ladles specialty srioa es. i perlenrad for nil depta also beglr.ners i, uowen ntim 17 Ciermantown ave I i RKTARY who has experience in this line ox will lo required to ke.p farm and iinisa accounts hlfn tecretarlsl vvork of n buxlr.ns. and pr.vate rature only those with experience need spxl. P 422 Ledger Offlre ViKNOORXPHKR wanted for t, v off e in nt h, efflclant one with legal axpertmca preferred state age experience anl sulari Jesfred P 418 Ledger Offli e M fa n 1 aa -. I rKNOGRAI'liKK for large office must be . experienced hours 6 10 to 3 p m no Saturday afternoon work rnd no overtime cnod nnrnrumtv for Adi'anr.tn.ni .tl... i Ms psr week Xsk for Mr Partltrton of i ' is Ameriinr Store. Lo 4th rnl Vohle an STENOaKAPHER Seerelarv for husv xfr utlie renulrlPir a real aailstant, excellent npnortunlty for yourg woman with ambition and abllltv hours d lo 4 10 lunch served at n ant Write fall particulars P 428 Ledger Office s'rKVOGItAPHUR -Yoirig lad. for'pems- t ent p-telttan Address stating age ex- i p.rl.nce and eatar, desired P 421 Ledger Oft et SrEN'iHJRAPHER and t"p!st--Muat rcTirit petent and experienced sood salary and n!-,i-Htit nurroundlngs Kenslngion distrtct II .'2 P Hex 14V " STENOGRAPHER - Reglnner good opunr. t nuts stale aaiary ejpecttd A 303. Led. IBLEPHONE OPERA 10R P.XPKRIENCED tiEIL OPBJK A TOR APPI Y BL'REAl OF EMPLOYMENT WANMAKER, -4. I l-T.f-.t'B-fSirt.f'. Ill-Mil lilt xl list. ... t 1 HEtP WANTED 17EMAI.E TO 8TAT-A r-HOMK This will apeal to than who are farted to alay Indoor durlna tfce day with many Idia momenta on their hanvjt; that idle moments can be made producma alone dlintrird. clean eonatructlv lineal the main esientlal Is ti have a telephone In your own homat the remuneration for the services you civ as I attractive! many of our corresponds nta In this Una of endeaor ar maltlnc as hlih aa I2V0 a weak If you are Interested In learn In th details wilt .ou call upon Mr. Atac Donald, Room 804, Perry Dld( 10th rd Cheatnut its.. I'Mladelnhla? WAITRTCHS. first olass, wanted family of 4 (rood waees. Apply to Ro Arden, 69th and uy line. uirorooK. OMAN tor ceneral housework, :ooklnr; no lacndryons who would appreciate a rood homai ref. Call 010 "rant ... W. Col llnnawood N. J. Phona Jolllnrawood 34W WOMAN, colored, centeet, rood rook, for General care of house, family 8 adults, leference required! fine nlace for worthy p-rpn. v nn, mwr Vllicr. Of7'0 GIRL, permanent position, light woru must .j neai. imams, lirown P.xile, Inr 018 Cheatntit at. WOMEN FOR CI EANINO DAT AND NIOHT WORK A1TLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT W VNAUAKER'9 YOUNG WOMEN AS CASHIERS APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEU S TOLNG WOMAN wanted for off Ice work In the sales and adxertlslng department of n faxt-sronlnc manufacturer Apply Jacob i Miller Sons Co,, makers of Laite shirts , 10th and Raed ats, ' HELP WANTED MALE A8RUSTOS GASKET MVKKRS, experienced alio young men to learn casket making-, tesdi emolojment Auply II W, Johns ManMlle Co 210 N Broad at ATTEND XNT.? MEN IN MENTAL DE PARTMENT PHILA GENERAL HOS TITAL. 34TH AND PINE STS : GOOD TAT. APPLY MRS. BURKE CHIEF NURSE. X.LTOMATIC OPERA TOR'S ' Grldley PMter t Jnhnxon operators W. tt S lTRRFT-ITHE OPERATOR VKRTTCCL BORING-MILL OPEltATOKS GRINDERS. EXPERIENCED ONLY Dav and Nleht INSPECTORS EXPERIENCED Mlcroiietera and Ruaes PCRNACE HELPERS Stradx men &u tnil nmht LABORERS "teadv dsx work for good men ROYf xiechlne helpers aged 18 to IP Ho lint write appli STANDARD STEEL ND BEARINGS ISC 4 th t ant xterlon ae IAUTOMA1IC SCREXX macnliie sei-un men , on Clexcland automatic? 'thus II Dallett j Co Rrnxd and Federal MIIAMLRS cperlonced on patiern work: in open shop wages 141 per week: 48 houra. atead 'inrK M 515 Ledger Office KC-OMvLKPWR wanted b GKIvLLPWR wanted bv manufactuijnc nd importltts textile firm must b ). t .iciojrtant wlt'i experienrc knowledge pert ' of offin mnni,irni ...ntlxl rntA oonor . tunltx for riiht part) state aae. references ana xiinr exnecred p aui ieoter cmire mmu ww v. nVu ,-. T. ,i.. I" "V" ;",';;:" ". "," '..' .i.v: . . nnai: IBcjt.on. nr aat.rv .rner-t.d P "'8. ' Wdre- O-lce BOY over IG active, IMei tgent and amh' nous to '.earn advcrtlxnr and selling ex cellent chan e for advan jment In pav and position Applv after 2 31 n m to Mr W-stcott Xdvertlelnc Department Public 1 efltf. tit ! nnd Ches'i u , BOY STRONG BOY WAXTKU, CO.nFINI , a riov ii mini, privileges- grant i:d l i XPPLY "ERRER-URADl F.Y CO 1427-33, VINT ST THIRD FLOOR i HOI Permanent position trtit be o ei. ill i van u 'or advxi i.ir.i-nt XX'l'llani" Iltunn ! Ji"" !lp oi i i .ti nt st I IvCiY - i itnl i ut tne denartnitnt Gentl.e Aoii1'' 2d floo- A HartuiK & ( o Klkl-PJ 1 Rsie t IICiY STRONG LCA RAPID AHVANCF .i-' A1TI.Y i".i:i!i;i.il.UKA il l.l 1427-13 VINE "IIIIRli FLOOR ROYt tilling expeilen e di lln? and tapnirs tnt Iron can xe jre steadv work In a clean, up-t'i-tlaie fartor In 'iulre foi Deparlrii'ni No 12(1 faco-y office H T. Palsle Co 3201 Arch HRAKKMKN RRAKEMEN IIIIAKEMEN ,. A t , , I r,''1 'xeirn exp,neiicet nn preferred .I'-u miu vwiiiiiir io ir.rn fu'l pas sir.tie bo 1 t imtru'ied f"i Jerxev i" t and vldnlt . goo I nacex and full boxtd Fu fu.l pa--tlciiirx nee rompsnv. repre.-ntariie sfirr . 7 j m i das 221 N nth t ' BPSS.BOrS (COLORED) XDoL I 17 OR H YEARS OF XGE l-OR RESTAUR XVI XPPI.Y BFREAL OI EMPLOYMEN" T XXANAMVKER .- rtrrLLR tu in ir,d 10 1 .lie Prot e.iant permapxri posit on p eaatf is rile an inv. ref'rei n and wages s:ri"'ted Xtis Miur.i- lln i.i'nr Newtown Suture P. 01 penre Nevi'oisn Jm'n'' 1 ' AHPhNf EP.S v anted ric-i men, ongjob. plents of osertltne xpp s employment nffir- Seurs-Roebui .. noert.ij pwln lighten contractois Rooreve t toulevard and Aelum pll.e Pranltford ai transfer on 75 to Oakland emeterv CARPENTERS vv inteil for lns.de nmsh at the McClatchv building operation opposite SOth st station ot the Market st e .ut.J I'XRPENTKhS wanted on inm rte form work overtlui" t i Hughes Foulkrud Co ttsvti'nii nnd J1 eieiiave ' I, ERICS A fiw rhop ,-lerka mintod musi he cood a fltuie. .o to 12 tei vseek Xpn'j tn our P lladelphla rmploiment Offlte HUM! Xrcli New York ixhlpbulldlng I'nr-vnrntlni irtiLl.i:ritJR and aic'esman permsneiit and p-ofltable oit.de poltlon, slar ad sancement foi surcessful nun Appb after 4 p in (iil l.ancir- ae aik for Jlr Ito.deid I IP "-ilIPYVHIi IIIP t I.r.AXKfi' No heaw I ftlr I.XRORPRS Ifv.MK RKPXIRMrlN OR PXVER-J XPPI.Y LMPLOYMKN1 nKPxRTXIKNr RICHMOND AlKeXK NORRIs' ST i HKCORA TOR X laice ntld nlil...lflll,.ha.l . house has is has a sen desirable position imm for a thoroush'v exprrlenced d-rornlnr nn. ivhese Uiowledge of turn turn draperies and floor coverlnL-s assure, abli t tn artistically fuinish an anllre lioune in in best of taste an utiusuil opport in ty for the rialtf man P 311 ledger O'rlce i ' v ..... ...PSi'W8,,. ... A ! .'.AiAWW-r "hi-'aT.! V 'a'x.r'rtiiM.'ii' - V-"'- .'1. 2- - -.--.' '-' "U.nm WORK APPLY M1U.NK A VTKIISTKK. 1J14 REACH SI ' LRXKTSMXN Jtinloi for dm.iling and tracmz un tool and machine sscr, Appli at am e brinulng apei Imenx of vour work Thn Miller l-nck Co 41H1 Tacxinv st . ITcd I URAI-'1 8MAN perlenco on attuclural detalter, witn ex. cjnvevor si steins preferred P. If flesumont A ( o HtO Xrch st DRXXX'ERS IN experleried on pattern work In open ahoD waxes 143 oar wesW: 4S liours steady work M filfl Ledger Office DRY GOODS firm wholesale lias opening for stock man mutt nave experience, rlv age experience and salary desired in rlrst letter A 302 Ledger Office ELK AMOR OHWH POR wanted colored lo run elevator am take chama of small apartment house most have reference and 1,'ense Arplj Xlbert M Greenfield N H cor 15th and fhe.tnot eta ENGRAVERS "IWO URsr-CL-XHM UN- ORAVKHS ESPECIALLY GOOD ON SfRIIT STEEL AND COPPER PLATES AND MONOGRAM DIES AND WILLING TO RETOCCH MACHINE WORK: GOOD SALjlRV EXPECTED II. CONK LIN, 188 V.'llll ST. N T. EXECUTIVE to taka charas of atock as sembly department In larjs out-of-town men'a jlothlng factory,! mutt b thoroughlj experienced ln.,tlia clothlnr buslnsss: eg. cellent ipouiiunlty 'or flrat-claaa wan, f 01, 1 dx;.r Offlrs. -L. GLASS PA C KERBTWO fXPrleni4 paeh. era, Xpoly Wf. Hllsr, 32x V'oodiafid. six ljri a H3ELP WANTED-MAIiE FKRDERS wanted to feed Job and cylinder qutttnc and. creaslna presses. Brown A Ttalfay On . 41t N. rVanklln at. HJDLPEns Men wanted aa helpers, truck- ! mq io worn in wareroorm Brown A nailer Co . 41ft N Pranlilln at. . TN8TRWMICNT MAKERfl KXPHRIttNCKD MAKING Et.ltr. TR10AU INSTRUM K N T Si WM WILL PAY GOOD WAGES FOR KIRST-CLASI MKN POSITIONS AIIP! OttTSlDn OF NKW TORK, S1CND rotm NAMF. AND AD DRF.8S. WE WILL MAIL APPLL CA1ION BLANKS AND THEN MAKE YOU OFFER BY MAIL: IP XOtJ ARK A P1R8T.CLAHS MAf AND WANT A.l WAORS, IT WOULD PAT YOlf TO INVR9T1 OA1B, . ADDRESS CITY HALL STATiOtV. POSTOl'FICE BO. S0, NKW TORK CITY. Are xoti tired uf mo Ink around from one Job to anothet loslnx time and money? GOODrEAR Offer permanent work with xood monev to 2000 Inexperienced men for rubber trades. Good porklnt; conditions Educational adxantaxes Liberal oa while learning Appl In person or commtinlcale Factory EmploMnent Office. with THE GOODYEAR TIRE RUBBER CO Akron Ohio The Cltx of Opportunity GARDENERS and laborers wanted 100 to 800 tor n hours Appiy C C Lewis, csro of II, A Trsser. Countv Line Station. Ardmoic Phonx A-dmoro S8 LINOTYPE OPERATORS on tab ari.1 r.l.. logue xvork in Ohio: night ahlft. state union or nonunion M 834 Ledger Office I MACHINISTS nanted. all-around men. ex" perlnced on engine repair work, none but , 8rat class ned xpplj. William K, Ruwell, 7tW Noblw xt , MACHINISTS wanted to work" In private mnchlno al on of Industrial plant. Brown & flsllev Co 410 N Franklin si I MAN AND WIFE Tor family of "2, xvlfeTfor Cooking- and housework; man to take care of irarden and general work. Write O. I, Knthns". P. O Box 60. Strafford, Ta or rliono Wa;n 38l I MAN AND WIFE for a Country Club in Philadelphia good opportunity for right I couple: nn el i borate meals but general MAN xvanled to worls around leather ware house Applv Wilkinson Reger 301 l inrixi. si . .. .. .,ntpVu, hem In a lumtw, U.TTU ',,, ""x,. " lumbxi vard caH " . , ME' HXNH AL ENG1NELR Due f.xtni.Iiir with ship auxlliarv and l.olxtlt'g machines, good open InK for light man Apply SCPf.RIOR IRON WORKS CO Superior Wliconsln MKCHANK thoioughlv experienced on all makes of trucks: steadv position, good s.ilsrv. Applv l.-jB N gqth at. LN Mursgx oattxry orl.i goml pav, Preniilllll Ulirl h?ui. J'l!.. Kmh. .!. A 'sbor tlouhle Applv 7 a m anl all ila LUMBERMAN desires poaltlon with whole Phlla S'or.i. rt-nerv en urtarlo and C xals or tnfp concern xp In retail urn) MLN" HMrtme-n . ...-.. ..- i mfc . furnish best of rets A (127. Led Off - -- V i ,v uinii.vuia a i. .rki.Jii. inline nuianreu Lacli n'etit Atintv ri 41 n' Vfir. N" Front t UX K.N III LPLRH -Jiant.,1 fc.h. ,.. h h.if aa" snturdav. free m-dldl advice luncu ifiiinlsbe, at cost Applv National BIscuL I f.o HOI Gletmnod ave Pa INTER S HEI PLR (YOUNG MAN t ON CHXSSIS 1XORK APPLY WANAMAKKR S GARXGK. " W COR 22D XND WALNUT SfS PORTERS DxY AND NIGH r WORK APP1 Y BUREAV OF EMPLOYMENT XYXNAMAKER S P l Hi iNS IN RESrAURaNT HROILEP.S SB.COND COOK ORDER COO Is RUM CHER A PPI HIREXU OF EMPI.OIMEN! WANAMXKER S REPAIRMEN ENPKtllEM-KD O.N ELECPRIc l.MP A PPI t FIl-REXU OF BMPLOYXIKN-1 IVX.NAUAKKR S SALkxMN Capable aggiexsisn man rns. nJlmf ""' i "llve and oleaslnr psi ".?.".". .comirilsslon basis, earnlnit capacity unl tnlted opportuntx to secure executive position A ilia Lds-er Office. .lAucsiuA rvso experienced stoik x.len me" Irswlnar acroi.nt Phnne -nrii n (,", SALESXIKN ' IR MKN" ff IK I x I PLniKNi KD PRKl KP.PKI) XPPI 1 HI RKXP OP KMPI ov vibni XX XNAMAKER HALfJXlLN i anted Ve want a. UinlKd nunibe gr hlgh-clasa salcstuni to repre sent out Iio ise In exc'us ve territory lien who Ijsse some l.noedse of Industrial aid spenu!itie lnxetmen.ts prefened do not bother us unless sou have xbllllv ard a weeks expenses ahead dead beats wind i Jemine-H ,,d booei s lannnt it,allf , siilitlv I leeltlmiiie and a big money maker. Address i A IJ Da n 3.-0 Stahlnun llldg Nash- I vllle Term ! POL R I NVpi?iVvrrnVA-rtx?M- u..a ' MIPS" HIOH o'li'Ic"'".' 'sTu'cR I T Y'f O !W.V KPN;ff.:Kiffi?i!fti,AA?DBKM " " uox SIGN XVORKER Wanted first visas all muium uruii ann urnnz sixn worker omv rtrat'iass man need anplv good onportunltj for r rht nrt P ,.'0, Ledger Office SI i P.A WITH HRjiT CLASS DLIONPP.s fPKRIENCi: nv nnr.T.TNtn MILL nil 'i.y.'f.'n ItExVT SPECIAL MACHINERY. iESIRK MEN" WHO ris KIGUItn T ItBhS E.S AND MAkE ORIGINAL LAY DBS ?r.,4Sh,,",.A;K AKE ORIGINAL LAT w ' ' n t ai r j tirt riArrjltlriM r. Ul "iRrln1' KDUCA'r'""V AND SALARY "READWLLI. ENGINKKRLNO CO EASTON PA S Ufifii -J'Ht.Iv MAN AI10L1" 23 TEAR1 OP np- 4 OR x YEAns' EVPERlKNf K lAXIHIAR WIMH OPPICB METHODd AND GENERAL ROUTINE, MCHT HAVE ARILITT TO HANDLE DETAIL -a Piiii B OP DEVELOPMENT TO HANDL15 8AI.BS COIUtl SPONDENCE XND OPFirn flL'PER VISION POSITION" IH rrrENOGRAPHIf MO START Villi DPPINITL ADVANtE- MENM in INSIDE XXORKt ADXEIiriSLNG ua vvuiihi AnxEIiriSLNt: VALUA1ILB RUT NOT EH PNl'SUALLT GOOD OPI'UIt THE RIGHT XIAN TO Pfi X GOOD POSITION XVIMHIN . CALL OR WRI1E MR i EXPERIENI H VALUA1ILB RUT NOT EH SENTIAL. AN' I'N'PHITAt.l.T Onnn rimx.i. TUNITT 'f"OR THE RIGHT XIAN TO Ppr HIA1MI. I.r I.N- A GOOD POSITION XVIMHIN I TU .' TtiAltn. C'Abli OR XX'ItllE R XVITTCUTT. Anx-EKTISINO DEPXRr M12N1". PCRIilC LEDGER PIULADEU PHIA BTENOORAPHER Tounr man with two :r three years experience one conversant with sales correspondence preferred call Uter S 10 p m., or write Mr .1 n. XVescolt Advertising Department Publlu Ledger "o Bth end Chestnut sts SIOCKMEN FOR FURNITURE AND INVOICE DKPAnTSIENTS APPLY DUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT TTANAMABn'S :$ , HETiP WANTED MAIiE SUPERINTKNUKNTEanerlencid vest ahoa superintendent: exceptional opportunity for rtrst-clsss mam Apply Henry Sonneborn Co. Ino., Pratt and Paca Hi.. Bltit more. Md. , BUPKRlNrKNDENT Experienced ioat aho auperlntendent for out-of.town men's cloth- 'V f..c'n'!. excsllsnt opportunity for man pf ability M 8q7. Ledger Offlf TITLH OFrtCfiR Title company daairea lilah-class man with ltnowltdrc of New Jersey titles and abtllty to Install a title ratem to take entire chars, of lis tltlei work) aentroui salary and splen? did opportunity for the rlihl man. Send replv, statins: experience. Qualifications, etc tn M f.23, LcOcer Office, ' , , TO STAT.AT-IIOMK3 Tlila will appeal to those who are forced to slay Indoor durlns; the day with. many Idle moments on their handsi these Idle iio mrnta can be made productive alone? dlxnl rsd. clean, eonatructlva. '.inesi i ,uln es. aentlal la to haxa a. tlenhona In your own hAfms thi rdMHnkpiltnn eA 1,a a..t ... alve us. Is attractive: nany of our corrs. 1 apondenta In .his line of endeavor art makln as hlch aa S200 a week. 'It ion art interested In learhlna; the details win xoti rail upon Mr MarDonald. noom 30i. Perry Rids; lth and Chestnut's! . Philadelphia WANTED By a larre BrM..(J,nf;..,c' In Pennsylianla Capable nrat-clax; foreman to take charae of Resembling (vahe) noor , , FOREMAN Experienced foreman to take tliarce of a croup of mllllnr machines TURRET LATIIK OPERATORt .Must bo experienced, first-class men on small brass work Applv by letter statins ace experience and money expected M 531. Ldaer Office WANTED by atructurnl steel fabrlcatlnc concern In thn Pittsburgh district ona structural eimlneer oxnerleticed In dcaicntng and construotlns; ateel frame mill and fac tory buildings, as yjell aa commercial build ings and Industrial plant construction gen erally Ona experienced and reliable estimator One experienced and reliable take-olf man for atlmatlng department steitly positions far the rlct.l men In applvlnir ahe full psrtlculsrs avtlnc within whst time vou could report for dutv w. w, UKATiiiin go. Pittsburgh Pa, YOUNG MAN with some laboratory experl-f enco in aaiei aenariment or laooratorv apparatus and supplies, William", llrov.li 4 Fsrle. tno 1118 Chestnut at YOUNG MAN to learn silver uollshlnx. first class reference required Apply by letter onlv P 418. Ledger Office General GREEN KWALIP8 A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT SERVICH SOLICITS APPLICATIONS from trained men and women with an actual business ex perience and rlesn records: no others WANTED NOW Office Mer exp wholesale grocery business, Bkpr ft Mgr. food product line, Acct take charge: Private Secty. to president of large Corp. (female). Asst, to Emplovmcnt Mgr g-ood Interviewer (rrolestanl). technical man J (referred. Two Asst. Ukpra Stenog-. and Iknr.. 4d. Stenos. Secy (female), 1S.1 Foremen and Supts, with mfe exp.. nn other. Other rood openltiss for business men nnd women; also for college and techni cal men Applications from local and sub urban residents only. No rcclelry or enroll ment charjrex of anv kind 3.10 S. 11th, Him a 1M7 MEN AND LADIES WANTKIi IO LEARN BARBERINO Increase, your earnings b'c demand for barbers, day or night clsses TRI-C11Y HARDER SCHOOL ' 22S N. Bth at.. Philadelphia, Ta. WE TEACH YOU TO DRIX'K AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES OPEN SUNDAYS J25 rull and tomplete rourse 123 DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES LICF.NSES Ot'CRANTEED SXTTLV:R'S 1601 SPRING OCIUIEN ST TOUNO MAN wanted for newspaper work one able to read arch teeta plxns pre ferred Addreta M 321 Ledger Office situations -wanted-femalt: COCK. th,or. exp , able to take charge: N Mt teeort, camp, hotel first-class famllv also 2 sisters waitresses about middle of lime all trained workers A 703. Ledger Off GIRL colored, light, xvijhea work In doctor's ofl'ce. age IS Apph l.'.I.II S. Opal at. GOX'ERNESH Kien.li im.l Enalleh vert capable good seamstress 73. L'dcct Hrnurli. llrond and Oarflcld SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE CHACFFEPR married ase 34 dsslrea oo xillon with flrat-clnss private famllv 12 xears" experience" Lest reference Xddre.s. Chauffeur. 1017 N. Corllex st Phllu . Pa r r MAN. single, good character self confident and aniDitious i.iiohi e or aiuunirx wishes ee.iireialb'a uos of am kind. X 0.IH Led Off MAN. first class, sterling thaiacter and ex ecu the abll , services available for tnana gerlal or secretarial duties surh as mav be required by big- bus organisations he Is a Sheldon School a-rad . also holds civil service rstlna- Sfl!, In bus admlnlst n A 410 Led Off TOUNO MAN Executive and ineLhjnical ahllltv know .edge nf adi re Ins; building; couitru tlou Rood ref A ''J!- Ledger Ofllcc EMPLOYMENT AGENCIE: MRS HARxKY. 1010 Rlttenlouse Sauare Re'lahle help wanted fur cveiy repueitv XX XN TED Xt otn e .ll.h 12th et cool.. I ivs'tresscH, tixtui.erri,de.t u sea laund ses 1 1 STAMJS AND C0IN3 ! SI AMPS AI.1U-XIS xNI) -R PPLILS for stamp col'ectors PHILA STAMP CO 21 S 17TH ST STOKAOE AND MOVING Dougherty & Sons. Storage Get our apeclal late for moling In our rell hle mid nirefii . c 1 ! pu,,iH1 j(i,)s Kes stone Park 11 -7 hijtl t pi una Da r,W TERMINAL .s.V'.o n.umbla and Sjd'iliani sis local ard in. C" stant- m vug l- 'Ji.ttt.ous experLnJ.'. 1 ..., .iK.n tlllftt T rOuf innm. f. ..'lrnCsl i.t-:, .atl.n.'e Piopc DlM,,n,V,i' aV."""" . . . . L..I. 1 1. .... ... VICTORY STORAGE" ...ill", Filbert Phone BUmuht ,(); , e.tinnle PI rcc Xrrt.M van. 1"" rlDELITY FIREPROOF WaRpiiQI svu 1811 to 1819 MARKRr ST U EH WISH LOXD oi nr' of load to oi fmm i lliilllniore ai.il XVaxh.nrtn.. 'i." ."' . 1 5,m ' I fltv Kaston o- Portia ml v' i .. '; I - .) nnd Maj 10 espe-lented ,Pn uidM , XX ills on s-loraje 1C47 411 N 17th r ut tai. -im- siiinniiiT nf h. u.'hiii c7 ,i , -rtiu. v w.t-i -"..,.. -m, i 'IM-PHtcr h MONAni 11 HTGP.AOK O ,tS70LA,Nl'AV ILR AVIJ. AUTO SKRVICH RTORAGP PXl LING IONG IH'W-AVCR ttnVFNo GlltARI) H rulf AOL l)Tg o7rxrdiTT'-fins liig pcl 'nr; atorstx Pop 1 Jo p, r., 4 ji WANTED Don'l Sell Your Diamonds l i til vou fee ui vse are paving the in rmaxed price foi d emnndi for more than - se,,ra we haie been busing diamonds and olliet nieclous stones from the laise Jewelry fid department store, and from their cu- tcners r.comtnended to in e also bus old told and allver mav vie l.e 0f service tn vou On i transxrllopx nr aluivx i r.nfiilrntl il Tlfiis It' LEE & CO 7H! XVyln'u st WE HPY OLD CIOTilEH Mens s'lltx ovengats trouseis nines Isdirs suits c ial Mrext and eienlrar drevxes full i-lue Write call or uhone Filbert 2171 or Pllt.ert.U72 SELKISOHN CO 340 Nijith si XXI". 1IUY women a men s nd"hlIUren i vnrn clolhlnir and shoes" best prices paid our autos rail fit on- (.otivenlente '.i cltv or puntrj noc'al or phone Sterns Rxraaln House Sd7 N apt s Xlarltet "(48 XV WE XVANT Hi otn. ho s.hold (ciririlurv fllln tlltn n.i ..... store future.-, oftl cash h nest xxliu phone us abuiit It Locust 4214 Old Church Co 12ih and i h.ri y at" CLOTHES Cast-off shoes end hata boualit Heml postal Sneldman 0.'2 ponlae .t USED AUTOMOBILES DODGE winter dmss 400 XV pinn. Gtn 1(117 top A 1 nond t on Xd Maffnil at lleriiiatitowu HI li K roadster unusua barasln 1171. terms open Sundsss and evenings Simp mn s LXMIi Rlilxa a a Ill's c XDILN.XI 12 Pa.xenga! uruii, s'l.lit repairs u imt 11.5 open i-undv and ii it 1333 e et insa Idge mi rolll) loadater excellent (ondltinu 122." termsi open Hun and ei.s 133 Itlil ge a e 1017 eORD, Htudgba'kei In good shape. 731 K II road st bIMPLEX closed car 3 perfect condition Hiet.nn Garaaf, 4th t and Pi ii'unihla ave SOLD for etorate. L m r tourtny car 7X4 a nroxn si IU18 IIUICK TOURING meihanlcllly per fect! great barga In 2011 N Itread at. LIIIKRTY, cHUmIIy. real classy car, a snap. '200 N Itrond at ' OLDBMOniLK TOURLN'O: must be aold.". real Sartxln. 'tod N Rroad st HA'iNES TOURING, 'a to lOlSj a very f"it can acrlflce nrlcs 200 N Rroad at OVfiTlLAD 010, '."de) 10 230 aah.""iiT .nca 'klv I xN"(P.Y -Q , dm S- 'toVj aavMS RATTKHlLS. (J volt, -apullt for J1U; iq'iTl tfa mv. inlU rlnth at. vv UIBYHoLETj'ilt. tourlnr. Hn, condltlonl cscsh vt tsrma, tit Rica at, iirrxi mit,' A- l. d.'.Vd'.a' s.,::,"" -':)" ' , p ,sfer nuirl er and w III , Vou ' .'"' 1 X n.AS STORAf.L XX XltKHOPSL ' MSnrj, I nnd 37lli sts Par ng 781' Wxt i.l"'l USED AUTOMOBILES r us&r will help Io ao've. Tratieporlatlon problems. The Powerloli Dlffetcntiai ran nnlv bo appreciated after USlnr tho Old Economy Tnirt. ,,J' '' ran nnir i conditions ,.-, -- - w --.-. ui, iiiiirr 1'ARK. 1201 BARGAINS IN USED TRUCKS 1 I't-Ton Auto Car pneumatic tiles. I - I -Ton Maxwell 1 "-Ton Studebaker pt express bod Sec era I good Vim Trucks with 1 post express and panel bodies Truck Bodies 1-Panel bodv aullnblc fur I ton Fold, like new 1 Six-post cusiom-hullt expieux body, suitable for anv 2-ton truck 1 Panel custom Uu it Imrti euluble tot auto car, Seveinl good second hand bodies cheap LARSON OLDSMOBILE CO. Broad and Brown Streets (S0O NORTH) SEE MR FISHER "IRUCK Dlx 1SION POPLAR 4C7 PARK 129t A REBUILT VIM TRUCK J107 S3 on Delivery BALANCE A YEAR TO PAT Rebuilt repaired guaranteed by manu facturer and equipped with new Urea, a bodv to suit ymir business. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CQ. HROAD AND Ht'NTINODON STS WILLT8-KNIOT1T. h cl . 7 pass Not ofleTi do wo haxe cat of Ihla txpe to offer be ratieo the Improve with uxe. and owners keep llicni but till, owner wanted a closed car Ihl. Is join thinte to bu a car ith sdr'dnidi teputatlon l"lmo pi.MiKlits Onei eurs Ocerland Harper c'o 1B2H Arch MAXXX'HI L lourmcs rosdsters and sedans Just ov i hauled and reflulshed, splendid ui d Theae i,r are aold one-half cash and ba.ar.e M. R months ar very low prices Mxxvi-iii-c halmxrx Sales I'orp 210 N Broad nt Phone Hnru e 401 ur Rsse 1143 for il-ipoiislratlon ' AUTOPARTS SCHOBLR. .13.19 MARKET ST. MOON. II cylinder 7 passenger I speeds 0 good tlrea unliolsteiv ctiud paint iron 1 meohanlcal cond good You will be pleased when vou ace It Hettnr hum. though Tim ravmentg linen tvcnlngs Oterlnml-Harper Co . 1020 Anli at OMi'LO. X. I ION I nqtiare rimu Ilioad st aasea sou SIM) tu $2tt on h iixud rat, see r. ir s'oi-k otnl be ronvlticed all makes all i iode' J 1 30 'n ' jineiuent terms open Sun daa and evttnlngs sXH"-(iN s ; lldaeav .". Xll7l. HLV tne folios' lna" nils xiax well lillh Is n-lnil 1 I'lln lli.wole 1'ils I Old .IMS 111 ,..n HIS I hlllri.eih 1U1S 11130 or 71 itheis balintn 1 veai tu pn Isioueo Xlotor .r Co 213 N llii.ad Phone Snrnr. Itil?." " S1UM.. NEARLY ALL xfojjLT.s7TIItU CIPOHLY OVERHAULF.D AND RrH IN ISHEDi MANt HA KG A INK SEE Mt Ma. XRM'HPR S1PM. XGEN'CY (lil'l N" IIRHMj i'HAL.XU'.RH toitrlnk. condition $030 1, Uroad PIissrllKei H lioiveis CAIHLLXC Sfj 7-pas. touunir. XX'istliighouJe snori. ao-nroer peri.-ic ennu : caaii oi leru s StAnlei Autn co 010 N Uroad UU OLDS.XIOIULK I.iriLU MIX tourlni has been left vv liti us tu dlsposo of. used ver. little Krntixe Motnrcnr Co .".'IH N.Rroad i XUHLAt' LA 4 pasrair phaelon, splendid ennilltliiti cull o terms Stanley Lu 019 N' II road cALll.LXi model .13 summer ard winter lop in excel cond See Mr Hunter Mar- rnon Xgetirv 720 N Rroad al Pnnlar 7070 PRANK LIN lourltn. HUD run less than 2 months, like new, a real baigalu Phone Ponlar :i.M4 Call 1B40 Poplar st PXCLAUD tln H nn I e l.ou4lit at mil N" Rroad In flrat-rlass condlliuu a bargain Htsuli-j Co PIEIH.E-AIIROXV C-M TOl!RlN(( 0 nassen gei like nnv ut a bargain cash or terms STXNLEY CO OlD N llrnad at MITCHELL SEDAN lke new can bo'pur chased at i larse discount STANLEY AI'TO CO illli N" Ilioad MARXION CIll'XtJtY ROADBMER 1018 perrei i cotiditinn casn or terms tsTA V LEY AUIO CO 010 N Hr0, ji mm III It Is loidster run verv little can o. piirthaitd In pav Ins I30O cash, baliime ens pxim"iit Kiouas Motorcar Co, 213 llr Kd ' I.I.II.HI'X tourliK llllll. tull LJaranteed mans entriis bltf burzaln. act fern I. H Ron era 243 N, Rrond 1011) hMHKX run only few hundred miles will asrrlflce for (illicit tale Ktouae .Motoi cie Cn 213 N Rroad st "I h '.LXM tujrlnc flrjt I'JAi -ecures iii fire condition open Sundaes und nveiilngs Mmnson". 1 331 Itldse ase DODGE lllli( delivers a real snan leriiis-to suit, open Hundass ami evenings Simp son a 1131 Hldsn ave SIUDK11AKER 11U7 lilti- new 121)0 i balance weelrls , nnen Sundaxa and plnxs Slinn.nn s 1133 Rldre axe uli eve LLDSON IlinousliiA. i'"ot shook ubeurbeis sood tires. In (Irst-cUis rtinnlnif condition 2027 W Huntlnsdon st I'll Diamond 13 1 IORDS 20 all ip.n Sui.dn s till RldaA ma model. J.-25 tin tarmx. und ewnlugs Simpson s toil SALE 11)17 Fold tourlp bod. Apply lames Rrunt Lsncaster pike, Overbrook, Pennsv vanla XV A NT U D Hudson touring lunouslne Rich ards MS XX' Phil hllena, at Phone Ger nmntnirti 40711 XviNMLN 4S-H P touring car, thoroughly uiriiimi.u, iiiu.i nv .c-n in ih- npprcciateil. Tha XVInton Cn 140( N llrn.d at. Phlla PAIGE U-33 7-pasengtr touring, excellent mechanical condition' repainted, spare tire Pnnne Melrose 0(3 j v "' "" Kin CIC tuuttnt late model, atartsr, electric lights, big bargain 1323, tsrmsi open Hun- day a and eygs wmnswi's Iri'W Rldaa ave CHllVllOLITr 11)17 tuurlncr. IIBO cash i bal snea weeldvi open Sundays and avenlnga, Simpson's 1311 Rlilxe .v. l.IHERTY chummy rondatfr. 1018 modTl: fully equipped: at a sicrince. limn pay. menle L S Mowers. 243 N llrnad. CHEVROLHI' 1018 tourlnc, issli is. a nee veekll 4T x ' KY -O (Hit N. Ilka new, 1173 Rroad at. . MAXWMI,L Oil) louring, like new, at bargain, .sih or terms. u I-v 11 1.1 X- "-rt 'la fc n..i.j -. IIHICIC, 118. Ilea law. 1-"hanlc,ly perfect, rA lfx iw sfrane(.-ai5.4 W. ,.1road y HaVW,' HtA X75JUC. "e-r'W el, USED AfJTOMOnir.rq t ipiyjgK "Passenger. Bus" road Larson Oldsmobile Company iflttt(ora " .BROAD AND BROWN STREETS MR. FISCHER Truck Division sit (; Automobile Paintino $v&-WiAt delivery promises J" gVeit ' 7 'V,1 ','i hln.burke;fo"nCgherCOT;e.?flinf(rf1rV.,r nnlah Come Sdrs7,eYor yotiViel ("''"" Martin-Alexander Co. ?vnm!jsn wicKin.nn l-jbi ... ... hi nnt-iiii. - t. ...-. il!n '" used Stuclebakers and c i r,rf" n!t at bttraxU. prices. ler,n,C "d" ,?')" """i etiupped to repaii htudJbnker ca?i ". ''J, notice a. moat romplctc nick Vf ..VJ1 hand, eve are also inMn..t.. ...Tfn.t mokes "" " '" ""'r o'it "ALWAYS AT YOLR SF.RVirp WEST PHILA. SALES CORP KOik -.l s..., , . wMl .,,.,. ..,. "iiiiii..tsranne llfimmi ni WJj; JtfcJUUILD STOWAGE," KA i TERIES xma lair teed equal to new $ I U.UU ol I biTi'.ry In it voi "X'lisnte CATTF CD'C irtn cnmvM GXiiDEV t BUICK u,e'' "-Wh not buy ,...... uicn .xnmrir Will nip LIJ Rlll-l we take In exchange for nrw r,i, r. I , utely guaranteed by Mr W ,k. "h , been Identified with tho a.i. 0 r.T,i, ..' for the past 11 vcars lMari wi'k.v '"'x ' n 017 NVIIrnsd P.ir 511 P. I to' 300 H. P. FIAT A??!!lD.In0,nr rr in'1 eOIPtllete SH0BER. 34th & MarUi SPRINGS AND AXLES FOR ANY AUTOMOBILES SATTLER'S AUTO REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS RRING YOUR IIROKKN PctlTS WE MATCH THEM SATTLES, Inc. FARMS - Atlto Mai , u trt'ckx Pa 1 1 CliHltimi. n lands. National 4 Mit he) I'll u i i MlfilX xi I Hi 1.1 f ninil Ir Hi. I I Pji-ll I- caiiiuncM I ocumobili oiilnni hi n imn i. uoa triiller Ranibl rprlnL. 1 mirniiu limit, N int.. ,v 71 dlffre t llinill tl an "tii Kxclig . .'1001 fhe.ipu On-n Sttnila . OVERLANDS. I..-.V .. 7M "mi'ii i snn .nils all . ., . - - . ,k ' - n.i 3 pisi oilver. Mn chumms toadstcr al lu-1 r ni a tl inodnls mimi.IhI 11.-,-., i...i... ..-. , , 'll0 Psyments nmi e.-ii,s. (mf .enii imrper C"o tn'l) Xi xiiAi.xiK Its 7 nd s tnss I. r i lu' CHALMERS 7 and S pn.s overhauled and refliilidie.l l n ' Q onn reiinisiied i ,i, u. rtf rhes cars are sold mi haif a.ti and tulititi I in s mnitii. at rrv m mic iUIIil (I.almem Sales Corp 'lrt V llronlit Pi.l Srtu-e 101 or Race M4S for demontrtjn I KjVl.h: l.ntu Hi? i ,..i ..... in ., L lent condition nn It" . . l.l'.. I1QKP XfHItnlllV .1 nan . f. . I . .1 Iaa,,..! I ats FlUI.Ua) .Xlir 25 to Xn . 1 1 1 ; Incluslv 1 t IlT V. A li . . un. i fl. ., I n 1'- t 1 Maxnrll trucks. Hum 20IIII mllee r Urartu lllr nr rt mn tw it, iiiiirn rMin X. Dtltui . urcy n.t- -,. t 108 -. ifai'i, nii-r .vnrn .t, nt ftiUHin. '. Id and XXmIiiiii .t .xpnlv after April 20 nt snarriKTi ,1 t,l MnA VI uli,, ... 1 I LhMNGlOV rtivr"3pas. iiiiutlfu ll"'I .mil a motor vou villi be proid ef it is on t bo with us long tl-xt eom I'm served Time pxvment. Op-ti ennlnii Oi eriand-Hirper Co 1 tun X ri h si lb IN UUDC1E CGI I'll un- re! riv lire, huh t-xtrn gend ni ien car til" t i.ll.l-halrttau U.I.. .... Hit S llrna.-ll perfect Pliono Spruvt 101 ut Rate "".I U foi dittw 243 N , si 'nt tun 1 PRIVATE PAR IT lilniies tu x. 1 ..t Il' I (.pass tour ii In P-rf .ur tu cw I calls- and otlerislse can I- see ' Mil Lnuiiu- 0iae. q -md Market l. I HPPXIOUILE Nearis ill rem. .leled isei i ouclily overhau'ed and efinmhed nc-P- . .Im.I I.A...I.. r- . .. ... ll..MmnS I..v.tai uaiHAiii rrn .iir iiuin-i m...,,.--- , Aaenrv 720 N Rrnnri xt I'nnlar 7M .i I IH ICKH Wo have a ver Inr' tu ' im-irionei riuich rirs "nt i .-.- dostne out at a laiire illsrom t MYWLSIi .xtjni cci ntu n nrnsd ' MAJ1MON, nearl all model, .-in i .mit. I Onlshed siiorantced tis" I j Hrnu 1 or ces See Mr Hunter xianni xttner 720 N Rroad st Poplar 7070 I 1DII) i OLE aero niotanna 4 i J r- sense! overhauled repain e I sn I cirr in i neis t ir tuarsntee tue i-m.it' ' , 243 N" Ilinsd a finis era S'l 1 1 4 paseencer tn va s ri . Pi lauilAi. in ins iiBiinsnrie-i cars h ' i ,'-,f..1 has been Inft null ux tu dispose cr Jln terms Krnuxe Motnicar in .11 ll'0'11 - of the handxfiriest caej WONDERI'Ct, iiinii arads hciinl-i " model 7 iia.ienacr lourlm i ir must lis sj i In nt once SMI) 1. H Rollers Mi i rr o IIRI AND touring 'jr ni I nulck buyer. 1022 S I roni 3 30 n m ;- ...I a ... ft ! i al it it. t, .urs ayiiis'rtti. . lu. ii i onli CO" ....,. -,t-u ,- e-. i nnm I'l, nines, luin iroiiei ruse .. v -- T Crn.s 39th and I srclmond s e . I l... . .,, - r. ., ur-r . s- if.lfi ii nrt 1 .. .. -.1.1. ii n rti.i.. it'i,' uonrs line vni I. w ir.i , "-''., n ami.i'v AUTO i'O (I'l N llrnmi cat l. H rrui i n . Iirnwji , lll'U'K. Little Mix 3 pasxentei i'lJ J " ble baiBBtn. See .Mr iluntir Marnei Agencv. 720 N Uroad. ,. . . b I EARNS KNIGllI' limons nr "''''. ,j,( i anion, uargain nu ei. - Poplar at Pnnlm M244 t DODGE tourlnc tlmrousiin !n"J"ur.' many extraa etc barium ' era 241 N" Hroxd . ' . I HALATutSsTd;ii psi fe, i lund tij tiewlv painted eu ' '"l' " I Roweia 243 N Uroad . - 1 CHANDLER tour . 101 S. ,"".',nn-ndllroVlt I Hunter. Marmon Agency .20 N JUptoj XVANTED-Hlghest price pali I "' ,'"" "' ar Stanley Co '.U X Rro Tj.rjjiii . I LAUIlTl.Ai roadster Stanley Co . 010 N nue iie.i 1lM.lt little reasons?.' CADILLAC 111,10. run xerv '02 04 N inotaj1 i ror nuicu aaie, iriuio HUlfK Hair, arinan ..--- '"C ra J 7. 11.20 In .perfc. t riiiinltiB nril'ij im.n-ht nn I me 202 0 4N Iiroi.! r r7i"U17. HUDSON speVd.ter. i01o.M njv. j 1, her, caah or terma "" -Q' " '",r7, rws.snil .mirlnir 'lUlNl 1230 ". '" h "in tcrma 20.' N Uroad st (tiOl aedan. 1011L rnredoor run DODGE illll NIlriid.. Stanley in itEO roadster, like new cash or ter.n ' nilli ley un nn. .. ....'.- ..;..,- ,...i. i.t. model, line condd iJ 'i.''-.'".1Vy.' i-i'iQ it.es st fcffljtt-fffr 1U1U OAKIND, run BO',,, mWf t raa. rash or isrins .0- N r ,uu-rn lCfK MODEL lHlDuAloorltl.. U easy terms ..m .. .j. , - - nlo (iiinillex .-- MOTORCryLOLEs'ANOJOX0. ae-r.An sv;y, i V , " 1 .-S X ll A.r .Jill 'hktkSkk '.l''l ll'kll (l ?!,' LJaa ?a