'unwr ' . jj a T' - ";."r w; :""."? . J fwrrir'jy wm '.' 'rtT u '1, , j l"'-r s,' ,f' ' " ,' f, -.'. ,' JVtJ WFFW?? "-; . " JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE f ' Nancy Wynne Sees Several Handsome Frocks She Tells of Miss Cassatfs Trip to Europe Many Engagements Announced of Late YOU bco bo many odd colors thcso days that you nro apt to wonder If dark blue, tho farorcd color of many years, Is going out, but it Isn't. I've seen any number of bluo gowns of late and bluo suits, too, and tlioy are cer tainly mighty good looking. Mrs. Alexander Van Ilcnssclncr has b stunning dark bluo suit. Tho skirt Is mado of the plain material, laid in knifo pleats, and tho short jaunty box coat U embroidered In gray and bluo Just above tho hera. Her rather small hat of black straw is covered with n lliht bluo curled ostrich feather. Another smart bluo suit is that worn by Mrs. ltobcrt h. Montgomery. Her coat Is also a box shape and has em broidery In shades of blue, red and chrome. Her Small toque hat is of bluo straw, edged with flat, light blue flowers. . DID you know that Ellen Mary Cas satt is going to Europe next month? She will sail on tho twelfth and will to to France nnd England, and, while in England, Bhe will take part In tho International Olrl Scout Conference, which will be held in London in July. Miss Casaatt is the commissioner of the Olrl Scouts of this city nnd started tho movement here; nnd tho other dele gates to tho conferenco will bo Mrs. Julictto Low, of Savannah, and Miss Lttclla Parsons of New York. Miss Parsons Is a member of tho National Girl Scouts' executive committee, while Mrs. Low Is tho founder of the Girl Scouts In America. DON'T forget the Mask and Wig performance nt the Academy of Music tonight. You know It's a bcnotlt and, so far as I can remember, It's the first time tho Mask nnd Wig haH ap peared for a benefit. Said benefit is the Seaman's Church Institute. Every box in tho Academy has been taken, and It will certainly .bo a gala affair. Tho last boxes sold have been taken by Mrs. George W. Childs Drcxcl. Mrs. Horace Brock, Mrs. Frederick Baldwin, Mrs. Graham Dougherty, Miss Fanny Cole nmn. Mrs. Harrison B. Wright. Mrs. Holllnshcad Taylor and Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd. DID you ever know anything like the number of engagements nnd wed ding dates sinco Easter?, Two debu tantes engagements were announced on Saturdoy. Then there is tho Whcclcr Brlce engagement and wedding in June, and Miss Nnllc's engagement to Pern Corse. The debs wore Mary D. Xcwbold, who is engaged to Stephen Colhoun, nnd Evelyn Smith, who is engaged to Fred Le Mary Ncwbold, known to her Inti mates ns "Dickie." is the daughter of Mr. Clem Newbold nnd n niece there fore of Mr. Arthur E. Newbold, Mr. John S. Ncwbold. M.rs. William .T. Taylor nnd Mrs. Bcauvcnu Borle, Jr. Her mother was tho late Mary Scott, n daughter of tho lato Thomas A. Scott nnd a sister of Mr. John Scott and of Mr. Alexander Scott, who married Miss Helen Struthers several weeks ngo. Stephen Colhpun's parents lived in Maryland for many years' nnd nro now established in this city again. Ask an old I'hiladelphian : "Do you know tho Colhouns?" and with couutcnancu lighted up he or she will say, "Oh, yes, indeed ; they were relatives of tho Bnlilens; but I did not know that any of them were left hero in Philadelphia. Awfully nice people. Used to go every where. A sou engaged to Mnry Ncw bold? Isn't that a delightful match?" So you kpow what those who know think uf that alliance. And Evelyn Smith's engagement to Fred Leo is another thoroughly satis factory one. In fact, all four that I have mentioned are "just right." Eielj-u Smith Is Mrs. Tommy Hart's sinter. Her mother was Miss Margaret Newbold nnd her first husband was the late Harry Smith. Sho married Mr. Harry Adams about five or six years ago, but he was killed in an auto acci dent In Capo Mny three summers since. 9 I In the Re-creation of l III "-' - Vliffl JL Hrw tiff I j wfrv j Vh t We take exceptional V II Jj M pleasure in presenting for l 0 I Tomorrow S AL III I It I -0 ' III . Unusual Offering j m of lW r Tailored Suits J g '1 59.50 W v J II Simultaneously with this Store's f " ' I 11 greater development, the introduction of Ml I III new executives, and the announced war- j II I o' I III ranty of superlative values, this offering Mil 8 a t0'ccn a demonstration, indeed of , HI tho policy of The New Blum Storo. IJI You may choose from twelve indi- , 01 vidual models in Navy Tricotine and fine t II novelty mannish fabrics, some of these II being enlivened with contrasting checked U II skirts. The Tricotine Suits are especially I I ' lR I attractive. All of the coats have rich II I ' Sl linings, smartly enhancing the style. VX I f T7omew's and Misses' Sj jj tir The Store of Personal Service 1310 Chestnut St " '--"i i.i.iiii i urn mm wm i) i T f- " iter & ' M"--n ?.:" a or-XMU JU Mfc-.-.u.V.urlirl Evelyn Is ycry young just out this year and very attractive. JOHNNY is only three, nnd so when Y mother sat holding that new brother In her lap for almost an hour, how could you expect him to be pleased? You couldn't nnd ho wasn't. But ho didn't say so. Oh, no! Ho Just played round nnd looked up every now and then under frowning brows. FInnlly ho just could not stand it another minute, nnd wheu unsuspicious mother was not looking ho walked quickly across tho room and lammed little brother over tlio head. "There l" said he, "tako 'at." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Tho marriage of Miss Angela Nolle, daughter of Mrs. Jesse Nnllo, of Long House, Bryn Mnwr, and Mr. Irving I'emborton Corse, of Minneapolis, Minn., formerly of this city, will take nlnen nn PVMnv nf .1 'ii. .i. homo of Mrs. Nallc. .'?? wlll have no bridesmaids, but little Miss Hebe Dick and Miss Betsy Steel will bo flower girls. Mr. Albert Nnlle, a brother of tho bride, will be best man. A very small reception for the im mediate families nnd a fuw friends will follow Inn pnromntiv Th. ...A.l1t..M t.nH been arranged to tako placo sodu after iuu uuuotiQccmcnt or ino engagement, ap Mr. Corso Is obliged to roturn im- tnrmntnlv in Mfnnnnnltcf ...I.... 1. Mill ' "..iiMviniiu, ..IIU1V mtjf will live. Mr. Iteglnnld C. Vnndcrbllt, of New lork, will entertain at a dinner dance tomorrow evening after tho wedding of Miss Madeline Cochrane, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Cochrane, of New York, and Mr. Philip H. P. Randolph, Jr.. Ron nf Mi- Ptillln SI T Trn.,.llnl. of 300 South Twenty-second street nnd liUKewoou, p. j., wnicn win tako placo at 4 o'clock at tho homo of tho bride's parents, nt Nowlctt, L. I. View." TtnYhnmiifpfi ntinnmiM. I.a. am gagement of her daughter, Miss Mildred Morlcy Hey, to Mr. William Johnston Piatt, nlso of Koxborough. Mm. MflrHlfl Tverr rtf rkttAi1intV tn announced the engagement of ' her uaugiucr. .miss Marie Elizabeth Kerr, to Mr. Willard D. nolt, of Philadel phia. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Edward Ken nedy, of 12203 Walnut street, will cn tcrtain nt dinner on Friday evening in honor of Miss Mabel Bricc nnd Mr. Walter Wheeler, whoso wedding will take placo on Juno C. Miss Anna L. Foulkc, daughter of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm G. Foulke, of 1M3 West Tulpehocken street, Gcr mnntown, will entertain at dinner this evening. Mr. and Sirs. Albert Kclscy went to Washington to attend the tenth an niversary of tho opening of tho Pan American Building, which took place last evening. At the ceremony preced ing tho ball the speakers were Mr. llninbridge Colby, secretary of state: Mr. Rllllll Ttnnt tnemnflv .M.nlniw nt stole; Mr. John Barrett, director gen eral of the Pan-American I'nlon nnd Mr. Albert Kclsey, of this city. Mrs. Isaac Clothier. Jr., and Mrs. Ledyard Hpckscher will receive at tho tea on Snturday afternoon, following the second of the scries of musicnles which will be given duriug the mouth of Mny nt the Merion Cricket Club, to the members and their friends. Tho artists will be Mr. Earl Pfouts nnd Miss Helen Curpcntcr Pfouts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles A. Munn, of Woodcrest. Undnor, returned to their home on Thursday from Palm Bench, where they spent the winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Slater Water man, of Navnhdo and Hnrtwcll avo nucH, St. Martins, will return to their former home on Seminole aveuuo about the middle of May. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman, with their family, expect to go to Bay Head In Juno, whero they have taken a cottage. . Mrs. Edward Middlcton Storey, of bvBlnin?3P pubeiq ifjyjf .?' :;., mmVmmW f i ;" A J i ft L. i JHBHHHRH l'hoto by llachrach. MISS ISABELLA FISHBUllN Of Baltimord, who has b"n visit ing Miss Jane Maulo, nt her home, 2217 Rittenhouso street City line, Ovcrbrook, will entertain the Luncheon Club nt luncheon tomorrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ashton Dcvcrcux, of Lincoln drive, St. Martins, have taken a houso on Bryan street. Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard MeNcclcy, who have been living on Pcmbcrton avenue, Bryn Mawr, will novo Into their new homo nt HaverforjJ this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlnfield Shcnrd, who havo been nt the Golden Swan Inn. Mount Airy, this winter, havo taken an npnrtment on West Springfield avc nuo. St. Martins, and expect to movo in tomorrow. Tho Tucsdnv Afternoon Bridge Club, of Wayne, will meet today at tho homo of Mrs. Edward Alexander, nt St. Davids. Tho members Include Mrs. J. 'Bertram Mitchell. Mrs. John Dunlap, Jr., Mrs. John Barnes, Mrs. II. J. Patton, Mrs. Marshall R. Ward. Mrs. Louis A. Watt. Mrs. Robert Elmer, Mrs. Humbert B. Powell. Mrs. M. F. Scanlon nnd Mrs. W. P. Cochran. GERMANTOWN Sliss Helen Lawton left yesterday for South Bethlehem, Pa., to attend tho spring house pnrtv nt tho Delta Tau Delta Fraternity House at Lehigh Uni versity. Mrs. Frnnk P. Medio, of 138 West Luray street, announces tho mnrrlagc of her daughter, Miss Cecilia Marie McCue, and Mr. Joseph Tnul Simou, of Oil City, on Saturday at tho Church of St. Francis Assist, Germantown. ALONG THE READING Mrs. L. F. Schacffcr gave a lunchon, followed by cards, on Saturday at her homo In Fort Washington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stnnlcy Charles Burns have returned rom their wedding trip nnd will bo at homo at 130 Wcllens nvenue, Olney. The bride was Miss Madeline C. Conahan. Simplicity GOWNS FURS The mark that sure of style Model No. 657 "-'" 1' "' ' "- Il"1 nEA Isn't it graceful and good-looking this La France pump of Keystone Kid, with its long slim lines and beautifully shaped leather heels ? La France Shoes always fit wellbecause they are carefully cut and finished. They always wear well because they arc made of thoroughly good material. We think the new La France models are particularly attractive. Why not come in and try them on today? 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET HaMnet THE BIG SHOE STORE 1204-06-08 Market St. Jl itji!i,Ji('V.lKi tL'ann-irar TIOGA Mrs. Augustus Grctztngcr, of 0710 North Seventh street, gnvo a birthday party on Saturday nttcrnoon nt her homo for her Httlo niece, Miss Eliza beth MacDowcll, in honor of her fifth anniversary. Tho decorations com bined pale pink and pale bluo flowers, tho color schemo being carried out in tho gowns of tho kewplo dolls and tho knitting bags which were tho favors. Miss Margaret Phillips, Miss Norma Fclton, Miss Ruth Hainan, Miss Norma Klmkcr, Miss .Tcsslo Ferguson nnd Miss .Vivian MacDowcll were tho guests. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. John Reed, of 4054 Lnrchwood avenue, will bo hostess at a lunchoon nnd bridgo at her homo on Wednesday. Her guests will include Mrs. Ronald O. Shrlglcy, Mrs. Harry Adams, Mrs. John Grccnwcll, Jr., Mrs. W. J. Sny der, Mrs. Warren Moss, Mrs. Ralph Moss, Mrs. Everett Nelson Strang, Mrs. B. Gelg, Mrs. Joseph Donahue, Mrs. Waldo' Fchllnp, Mrs. John Latchum, Mrs. Richard Nelms, Mrs. B. Cornell, Mrs. Christopher Donner, Mrs. J. B, Fleming, Mrs. Frank Strauss, Mrs. Frank Elliott and Mrs. Francis M. Brooks, Jr. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. James C. Fisher, of AU'lll OUUU1 oevtuivvui.. ..i.vvv, o.u .u- celvlng congratulations on tho birth of a daugmcr. Mr. James McLaughlin announces the engagement of his daughter. Miss Sara V. McLaughlin, to Mr. William A. Tourlsh. The wedding will tako placo in the fall. Friends of Mrs. Edward P. Dough erty will bo glad to know sho Is rccupcr atiug from her. recent illness. Mrs. Douehertv will bo remembered as Miss Marie Grinnan. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The members of the class sewing club of the Girls High nnd Normal Schools were entertained on Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. .William G. r. 11 l.- I.am .Inntrlifnl. MrR. Arthur W. Hood, and Miss Amanda Bcltlcr. sister of Mrs. Unrroli, ai ino norae ot Mrs. Hood, 243 West Rittcnhonsa -imt- n..n.nntnn'ii Thn rliih includes Mrs. 'Carroll, Mrs. James Crawford, Miss Anna Arthur, Mrs. j. xiowuru. Blair, Mrs. Anna Alexander, Mrs. J. Tf t..llA MVn Tturthn Tnvlnr. Mfftfl Leo Benynurd, Mrs. Thomas Ncsbitt, Mrs. Mary ncpDurn, airs, iuu oilier, Miss Emily Harper, Miss Anna Har ron. Mrs. A. W. Lofland. Mrs. W. II. Ridings. Miss Henrlcttn McElvcc, Mrs. Anna Stirling. Mrs. .7. F. Stccnson, Mrs. Dnvid J. Blank. Mrs. Frank Brandt, Miss Frances L. Smith, Miss Minnlo Slnw, Miss Helen Ware. Miss Laura Price, Mrs. A. J. White and Miss Hannah Pinkerton. FRANKFORD ' A reunion of District No. 7. Pn. P. O. S. of A. will bo held at the Or thodox Theatre, Orthodox street, near Frankford avenue, on Tuesday evening, Mny 4. A musical program has been arranged, .and spoccucs wm uiso uo mode. Mrs. C. Chalfont, of Arrott street, will bo hostess tomorrow afternoon to the members of her COO club. AT nn.l TVTro TT. FUnnW Wnlf nf 1131 Herbert street, nro being con gratulated upon tho birth of a son. Simplicity is always alluring, tempting, fascinating! 'And the Summer Modes of FreDeMan most fittingly typify this quality of assured and fashion-approved charm. MILLINERY 1302 Walnut Street makes you sure sure of value a. $10 mimWmmmm9rs ( , tuesdxf, MISS ANNA GARDINER WEDS JOHN I. ROGERS Marriage Will tako Placo This Evening Loech-McCurdy Nuptials A wcddlne which will tako place this evening will bo that of Miss Anna Iioatrlco Gardiner, nlecn of Mr. John Gardiner, of 1800 Pine street, nnd Mr. John I. Rogers, son of Mrs. John I. Ilogcrs, of tho Aldlue, nt the Second Presbyterian Church, Twenty-first and lyainnt streets. Tho Iter. Alexander MncColl, pastor of tho church, will offi ciate. Mr. Gardiner will glvo his nicco or ICoscmont, will bo matron of honor nnj 4U f.f.t. . . ... . . "iiu mu unacamaius will do flliss Klanche Gardiner, Miss Katharlno JJ?rs, Miss Mildred AVlllnrd. Mrs. IUchard P. Brown. Mrs. W. Hobart Porter nnd Miss Claire Itocsch. The brother of tho brldeijroom, Mr. Frank Kogcrs, will bo his best man. nnd tho ushers will includo Mr. Karl II. Rogers, Mr. hdwnrd II. Rogers, Mr. John 1 Gnrdlner, Mr. Melville Wright. Mr. John Gardiner, Jr., and Mr. Charles II. Henkc s. A small reception will wljow at tho homo of the bride's uncle. After their return from n wcddlm, trip, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rogers will live In Morion. I.EECII McCURDY Mind Tlnln.i r,n.l.M.tn. r-i- i daughter of Mrs. Robert McCurdy. of ....miu.uwu, wm no mnrricu nt u o'clock this evening In the Jcnklntown Baptist Church to Mr. Clarence Exton Leech, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Leech, of Oak Lane. Tho ceremony will bo per KrnVvd r tho brdo's uncle, tho Rev. LI'T? F?' of Denver, Col., assisted uy the Rev. George Young, pastor of the church. The bride will be given in marriage by Mr. Ilnrry T. Patterson, of uM.rani.town. also nn uncle, nnd will be attended by her sister, Miss ;w!.nc. (, Mc,Curdy, ns mnid of honor. J.no brido will bo gowned in white radi um silk trimmed with Chnntilly Incenud will wenr a tulle veil, cnrrylng whito sweet peas nnd lilies of tho vnlley. Thn mntrl et hnnnt. n.111 .-- iL mothcr s wedding dress, a deep cream uuiuiuc. Bin unu a legaorn liac. uer flowers will bo pink sweet pens nnd Knnn-drjitrnnn. T.ltfln xrica Tn-.un.n Dutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. ""rai vi di'uuiuiown, win do uowcr Ctrl, riritnunri (n ntnlr n.irnH.irA nJ quaint bonnet, carrying n basket of ow.-i.-i cuh. luusicr ijrew xouug, wn of the assistinp clergyman, will be tho finer lienrrtr Thn Knctf mnn M.lll 1 r- n . u. . vb..u ...iw uiui ,V.I1 UU li . . Ellis Pearson, of Glcnside, n cousin of iuc urtucgroom, uqa mo usners will include Mr. Robert McCurdy, brother Gleudon Tongue nnd Mr. TJallctt 'isles! n itn-iiuuu win luiiow nc ino nome ot iuu iiuuu s nioiucr. upon ineir return fpnm n .1fltnf f.ln T nH.1 "r ..w... .. ..v.u.uD ...f, .Ul, UIIII iiirH, Leech will bo nt homo in Glcnsldo nicer juno io. OUNOED 1 35wiguyer . I w ;'M P 1214 Walnut Street ij ;4 For Wednesday ' ij !l Twenty-Five U m Tricotine Suits r dNA Kn ; 59'50 .' J I " Taken From Regular Stock ' ,,, j p Stunning Frocks J I $QQ.50 '! Hi - Am ; Taffeta, Georgette and Tricolette ') ' I ALL OF OUR 1 v! BEAUTIFUL MODEL HATS f. '"" NOW BELOW COST I I 1 1 I I'M ll. in mmm -. 'I I tj j 1 1 1 I II 'iVl'V 1-MT ! i '-i't J, K. -!. -' i'Hi;,y. ' 'j'iQH ,i;';i'!',. r,',,' ,'!.,, y, i. m. 'i,r'lsi ,i,',u$'Xl'L biMHi BBWBES 4 1122 Chestnut St. -.. l!l. J C. J - 1 T- s Vuouiy ona oiunaora ramous uver nolt a century Dewees' iJjl$'1ti$& Dresses, S $10.95 to $55.00 A two-pieco man-el having all of the advantages of a ono-pleco dress with none of tho disadvantages, aro these s3 Justrito dresses. Developed of voile, pongee or silk. Delightful Cotton S Dresses, E $9.75 and $12.50 s Voile, tissuo plaid nnd coin EE spots for misses and women nro shown in two very 5 charming styles. You will ss ngrco tho prices placed on ss theso dresses aro extremely low when you sec them. H The Talk of E Vacation Brings to Mind Dewccs' TOWNcouNTRY U Suits Worsted Jersey $26.75 to $39.00 Swagger suits of non- uestructibic puro worsted jy zzz jersey, inciuuuig our very r new models, aro just what you need for traveling and tho cool days of vacationing. Tho coats may bo worn as ss sport coats with your sep- nrato skirts. All colors in your size. "T iVV ftpim 27, dk20 WI83AHICKON Protestant Episcopal Church, under tho! direction ot Mrs. iirancis iian.ru uuu Miss Ethel Suddcrs, will glvo (i dramatic entertainment followed by dancing, on Snturday 'evening, at Woodvnle, tho clubhouso of the Amcr icon Bridgo Co.'s Club. Tho comedy, "Mr. Sprfeg's Llttlo Trip To Europe," will bo presented with the following talented amateurs in the rast: Mr. Ted Rhoadcs, Miss Elslo Wnllatls, Miss Miss Carrie Firth, Miss PJthcl Ambler, ' Mr. Ilarmon Johnson, Miss Jcsslo liabby and Miss Elizaboth Hugdcn. Miss Lucy For, of 233 Rochcllc ave nue, has returned from a Uireo-wccks visit to Miss Bess Kloso nt Milton Pn. , i.i Ki.Atk w -. ".itnii iipipii iflllf. i ROXBOROUGH j nn rf.MA AllAhnh rnn fhn Anrll hostess of tho junior nuxlliary of tho uplpnnny ljUtncrnn vuurtu, b -. included Miss Myrtlo Katzcnbach, Mrs. Leo Wethcrill, jviisajaisio " Mildred Mack. Miss Carrie Zulser, Misa Eleanor Hchacffer, Miss Mabel oite- nttte, Miss Edith KauenpHcn, " Florenco Allcbach and Miss Esther Allcbach nnd Mrs. Henry A. D. Wnckcr. ii. .j nr.a Tnennfi TTrnrv Ewinc. of 533 East Walnut lane, spent the week-end In Atlantic wy, luv' celebrated tho eleventh anniversary of their wedding. . MOORESTOWN r -.l fi Vnvlln Stokpl. Mr. .Hi. iiim ..not ,.....- .,, -. i r ttriinrtn Ai-m.tpnnp. Air. nna Mrs. Asa Wing, Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Hmlth, Mr." nnd Mrs. Edwin Palmer, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Clcmlt Hopkins, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thorton Holllncshcnd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Do Jeng, Mr. and Mrs. J08cpu auiuvan, lur. uuu ". Foster Reive, Jr., Mr. Hnrry TValton, n- T1nlfnn Xr Vlrtnr Wiprman. Mrs. Mary Summer, Judge nnd Mrs. .losepll wnsKlll. .Mr. nnu Jir. .ijisciiu Potter, the Rev. and Mrs. Irrdcrlck Nnrdcn were nmong the guests nt the tea nnd dance given nt the Acorn Club for Miss Knthcrino Glllcsplo on Friday. Miss Isabclle Brown, of Philadelphia, alanine hpr nnplp. Mr. Morris Long. of Bridgcboro road. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Gaskill havo sold their home. Fair Garden, nnd win travel through Europe this summer. DELAWARE COUNTY Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords have gone to Lexington, Ky., to nttend thp races, where they havo entered sov ernl horses. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle, of Ou the Hill, near Glen Rid dle, nrc entcrtnining Master Wnlter M. Jeffords, Jr., during the absence of his parents. Dr. nnd Mrs. William Hyde Appleton, of Philadelphia, visited friends in Media during the week. Mrs. G. Lewis Mayer haB returned to her homo on Valley road, Ardmoru, from n stay nt Atlantic City, 1658 -V T ,. 1 giir I Will mm V4H SUftSWlTO fiAi llim Nil IrlRll ill II insMSuiSrfliiii iS Unique Entertainment Miss S. A. Moore, of 0038 Lnrchwood avenue, will givo a unlquo entertain ment nt her home on Snturday afternoon and evening. It is called n "Smoker, Poker, Pool, Euchre, Bridgo nnd Five Hundred Party," nnd tho guests nrc in vited to go from three to fivo o'clock or from eight to eleven o'clock in the evening. Tho nffnlr is given for tho benefit of the "Bohemian" booth which Miss msiama0sama:ssmssss Excess ,Weight"Dangerous r" MEANS that your organs aro impeded by useless, fntty tissue. TOO often women resort to drugs to correct eriln which can alone be remedied by Nature. THE SIMPLE, natural method, scientifically ndmtn stcrcd by the Collins' System. ELIMINATES EX CESS FAT, purges tho body of all impurities, Improves circulation and tones up tho nerves in short, restores the body to vigorous health the real secret of happiness. Trial Demonstration Treatment Gratia COLLINS INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Bellevue Court Building Phone, Spruce 6i8t 1418 Walnut Street Hairdrcssing Mitntlttm New Tailormades For Smart Town Wear vlllll) I ' Blfc. Wil llli w A M M Our Formal Opening Soon as Our French Stone 1306 Walnut Streel Beginning Tomorrow A Most Exceptional Clearance of 300 Women's and Misses' Spring Dresses Sale price 38.00 Values 95.00 to 125.00 Every spring material Satin, Taffeta, Tricotine, Tricolette and Beaded Georgettes. The latter are in beautiful shades of Navy, Slack, Flesh-White, Brown and Taupe. All Sales Final a.!lrsTrgVrW'aiHj i, ;vj JOB. !' Moore, will hare in charsa at the. -r-.r i. fete for the Miserlcordla Ilosnltal. 1 in the month. Miss Moore will bo sistcd In receiving on Saturday bjr Mrfl,. ..u M. E. II. McMlchcn, Miss Laura'. ' ' Blackburno. Mrs. Vincent Carroll, Mrs . -j A. L. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Joseph OarrolL .'; Miss Isabel O. Mooro, Miss ICathcriwri, Corcornn. Miss Mary Hestor O'Brie&l J Miss Kathleen Concnnnon and Miss Isa- f4 bcl Corcornn. Tho guests will not roi ti eelvo tickets, but will mako voluntary f' offerings. i " Department tim iwr 3iakAbtn Z Presenting several unusually attractive models developed in the most fashionable materials, especially featuring straight-line mannishly tailored styles 'Eton and Pony Jacket effect with plaited skirts Will Be Announced as Salons Are Completed 1 af2,- rJ r.-7 y&j 'ill 1 3, Vil -w Ti h c m vl 'i d jv J : 1. Vk if h hi" t n 'fl if '! Ml, CM - nr 'If J-H Ay'i'ii 1&tk