IV S!v Et" V PftPr 7 " A n i UV 'P'K,' V . ' .1'.;? r- v.r" V.'. v? 'mV M EVENING PUBLIC -LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA MONDAY; !Afttfr26, 1?)2Q: c ,u ' tf - 'tyjl BAN REVOLT IKS PORTS ccordinc information clvcn out at ATLANTIC FLEET FOR N Y i mllltarr hcidounrtcra hv General ll " ' UHI ' ,u rlcc 1 run "' '' ri m. uaiies, eommanrlcr-in-chiei or M ., ... .. - the revolutionary forces lu northwest No u- s- Warships at Guanthnamo .umco. i According to thr bulletin. Oenernl Arnulfo tiomez is nieuaeinK Tampico. PURE FOOD LAWS PUSHED I of ndultcrntlon nnd misbranding of pro I irlvtnr.v medicines. Washington. April J6. Rcbol Forces Advance on Man- zanillo and Mazatlan. Cuaymas Captured Federal Prosecutions Upheld In 49 , Ordered to Mexico i Out of 50 Cases (uantanamo nay, Cuba, April 25' Washington, April 'JO. (Mr .S. 1'.) (delayed). f By A, ll No idilrn of 1 fiovernment phnrscsi liivnlvlne viola- illy A. T.llthe Atlantic fleet In Ounntanamo buy Hon of pure food lav were upheld In1 irSu W .o A'exican wnterfor.y.ni,, out of flf.y cac, recently lau to meet the revolutionists marching) I "i" fleet will all at f o clock Monday decided in federal courts, 'It wa- an on that place U imminent, according to i ,01 , voik. advices received here today from Met- 'Admiral Cootitz, chief of nnvii nl opera- nouticed today by the Department of TOIL FIELDS THREATENED By the Associated 1'rrss ffnllfttvinc the ranlure other racific coast port or Mexico. .Man-I A ,ptiieliiinnr of federal troops lm ianillo, state of Coliiiia. is menaced by j,fPtl ,,, frnnl jpieo Citv lo Michoa revolutionary forces, ni-corriins to an ,. in nn rfr01t t0 pr0NCUt further ic offieial bulletin issued by the honora ' ,con ninonR the people of that stale. military officials here. ) . The bulletin said that General Ren- Lo nseln. Cnl;. April - A. teria Luviauo. who oncinnlly revolted ' V i 'I he nty of l.iiaviniis. Sonorii. oti Jn the state of Michnocan. had invaded , the (i.ilf of I alifornia. was captured Collins and was thieateninc the capital ' April r' without a hnt beins hied Ii citr, Collma. ntirl Mauzanillo f'000 Sonoin stale Moops. commanded U VMHIIJII .1 life. I I rmn, i.i.vtu.u,, iu Captain N" K .iacob'on, of the Gulf Mail Mcamcr Nehalem. ftom Coriuto to San KrnneNco. which armed at I.os Angels harbor yesterday. ! linn. ilt mi, i, ,n,-n nn i.,,.,i AKririimir-. icn actions were naseii The revolutlonarv nrmv under General 'he HnRshlp Pennsylvania nnd it is ex- on the ndultcrntlon of tomato products, Aiiseln Klores Is ' ruuidlv approachios pectpil Hint Sccrctnry Daniels will board t iucludins catsup. Mnzntlan. the advice- said, while the the flaRship in the vicinity of Chesa- j stock feed made fiom cottouaeed meal federal troops arc said to have burned I penkr- lay for the trip to New ork. , ..., bridges nnd to have tlirorui up fortinca- Kr,? the fleet Is due to arrive at aboil . ' '"kl ,1,c h' oi "'" "ns: tion apparently with the intention of 10-W ocock Satuidiiy moriiins. 1 I the most frequent chijrsc beinK that of mnkinE ii stnml will remain in the North river until misbranding. Crinncd salmon wns the General rornrio uonxnie. wno re c "" "' ; i'""- " M"m " ""- ," ' . " r , ;:; . ii.;."" lilt ,111111 iiiiiim in viiiii "riftiin-t Seven actions were based on the charge belled last week at Linares. Nuevo " "oro liberty Au ITlfia, onora. .pru - i,ron. is said in Mexicnn ollicial reports 01 KMiiymH", nn- . i. tjWi ee mr lattletieldv with - vr wbliew tunura muiiur.v ivn'ivir inui-,iu ntnu that Guaymas joined the revolution when the st4ite seceded without a battle. The port of Topnlobampo was taken by General Angel Flore durins the lirst week of bis campaign mi that state, they said. Sonora officials said thc believe the desire for American warships lit Mcx ican ports was due to the fear of for eigners thnt Carrnnzirs ships might bombard the city. N"nal bombardment is expected nt Mnzntlan. the present objective of General Floies, it was said. Tampico oil flelds have been rut off from rail communication with the bal ance of Mexico by rcvo.utionary troops, lo have been defeated by federal troop-.. WOULD EMULATE WILSON Liberal Candidate for Presidency of Chile Promises Reforms .Santiago. Chile. April U(. Ity A P - Artum Allesandri. former mini-' ter of the interior, was nominated for president of Chile t'lda.v by the con veil tion of the tillied liberal partiis. lie iccclved M)l of u total of PJilO vote-. lie favors lompulsory nrbittatiou of labor dispute-! and reform.-) lo improve the legal status of women and said, if elected, he would endeavor by progres sive policies to emulate President AVil- -on. A convention of the more moderate liberal elements for the nomination of , a candidate lo oppose Senor Allesandri will be held May 'Jl. wm ftBJyiM Grounded Yacht Elfay In Port Washington. April I'll.iUy A. P. t The schooner yacht Klfay. owned by Ru-isell A. Alger, of New ork, arrived at Hampton KoaiN today iu tow of tin coast Riinrd Mnnning, which floated it HStenlav from a reef near Hufort. N. C. 1 BENEFICIAL LOANS .11 Ltint ?' on Hot f hold f 'rs lure 1. ?ffll EJtttitr a (f Inrforstri Vof' Coll Wrt e a t' o irn. ic I i ' i BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY l.leemrd-Mnner-I.rnilers .'A-L"' Building i?Tll I't.OOK ' FLOOR N. E. Cor Broad & Cheitnut Sts. I.lcentfil lu Mnte H.inklnc Commlsslonrr Member of Chumbfr of roininrrTe Mi-mbrr Honnl of Tntlr Jlfmber Lrcat Rrfnrm tlaren to i;ilml- natc thr Ijmii Miark l.vll. Ininrpornlrtl A well - organized and going business, manu facturing a patented and nationally used machine part necessity, desires lo sell a third interest for $50, 000.00, the money being needed to increase produc tion. The article manu factured is admitted by all engineers who have seen or used it to be superior in every way to other similar products. It is an essential to all direct-connected ma chinery. A 602, Led. Office. Prevent Baldness H d ! iirc fr our K r,n T HiHhar.tVs) If th root ' i'i 4 no' itjt'ovffJ f h jt i m ftj ion M noun sit f u ro" t h of Umtrou h t li . rtiin rn boifle ' ri n n n vrif T" ient LLEWELLYN'S Plillndclphia's Standard Druu Store 1518 Chchtnut Street (iinu brush Ii thrm nt 1 ,n a I ' ur 1 ,, sesHLpaDBSB-!! I 1 LSJLIJJ JLf -11JLL1 iiiiiiiuuiim y 1335-1337 Walnut St. (Opposite Riti-Carlton) Tuesday Specials 38-0l Values to $S5 49-75 Elaborately Beaded with Crystal Deads m and new Eyelet Embroidery Values to $75 Georgette Dresses ffQ.75 In all new Summer Colorings as well as QPqJt Tricotine Dresses Beautifully Embroidered and Beaded Taffeta Dresses the dark shades. Exquisitely Braided, Beaded and Embroidered Values to $S5 mil oircci WJ uiuuiu miu. umui wiun tit -- -- iurUrV.' h"' CT 3, 'o c, o. d;s .Vo Approvals A'o Exchanges BBM'I liJ.'aey 5ffffiWi.iwfrrrTTgKrT. ........... iTTiTiT. iT? ririTiTr.Tri iTi . i WANAMAKER'S ' WANAMAKER'S Demand Growing Daily For these Wonderful Cloths Built to measure for $50 o NE Hundred different patterns rangin?: in values from $65 to $75. Fine flannels, light woolens, serges, wor steds, tweed effects. nm AJP We are building suits in either Norfolk style (for out-of-doors) or plain sack styles for business wear, without extra charge. WILLIAM H. WANAMAKER 1217-19 Chestnut St. I George Allen, inc. 1 i 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 I 1 Chic Transparent Hats 1 irjo j;- -emu niofli- j; of In ird "Ma'.r.- .inrt fl'ie .-. r.s Brn ri i IS hi' r lr,an'1,(1 e rh wo' 'e.slilonab'e v -in rf mitin,r c ha rrcaf."! h lirfitorJ nnmb of theei ptunr.irK h.i's ai wr bhv h'-v will B atwat 'n vn', 'in' i Vn .f lo .r?' a- i i -i.rj nil v i r t 'n .- m ihr v reeent ("'nmoM V Prices Begin at $20.00 National Lace Week Specials French Net Luces and Flouncings A Sale at Half Usual Prices Vn extraordinary npportunit to secure beautiful net lces at a traction of their north; a glance at these prices will give .some idea ol the allle. The laces arc Iresh new pieces on fine French net. wnzz iiiiiiilllilililJliii'lKliggl Best Millinery 1 allies in Town Charge Accounts Opened 1115 CHESTNUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Furs Stored' and Repaired "-fc Tomorrow A Very Important Day in yv n o Uur Am? Sale f 1 ersary Firs Remember These Reductions are for This Event Only CI Come to the Anniversary Sale of Furs Tuesday: ready for your instant selection are thousands of Fur garments and rich pieces that carry the impress of finest quality and that are marked at Anniversary Sale prices, showing: marked reduction. There are double reasons for these Values! The preat primary fact of Our Own Manufacturing and the celebration of our Anniversary: Reductions of V2 on the average! 4TC We will be glad to Reserve your Purchase on payment of a J Small Deposit : Payments to be continued throughout the summer Net Laces- with edc emlvoidercd r, three-color rfTcct.s with Pink, l!lue. inlet and Yellow .is ilio predominating shaaes. the nets arc :l to ri inches wide, an excellent lace for trinimintr or ruffling; values tc SI. 00 a yard, specially priced at 38c a yard. g yard Colored cmhroidcrcd riot edge on 3-inch net, value -10c, at 20c White Net Lacee rll inches wide in a aricty oi patterns; half pric. now maiked, 2ic, 30c, TjOc and b.ic yard. While Net Laces 27 inches wide at half price, HOc, Ujc and 80c yard. While Net Laces 22 inchco wine up to JiG-incn widths at half price now S100 a jard. Venice Laces, Half Price W -' th'W.cf .1 Mnncli'ifi " e, ' on !' fine ,ior cil ci, ( tc.s "i urm "''-1 i'1 ''"I u '' eilpc rfinl ixfition The ju i..f hifl' " i iti'l " h lf .!- "" . r i - nlMs r not o e h.irl r neis. Th i , -pi in,i "PP ti i ' ' i i "-c .'i i'il ,n jt Prices Now Kantfing Kroni iOc to S2.00 S' I Trcfoussc French Kid Gloves in S Button Length, $5.s50 a pjiir T'ici.'t1 lx 'I .oi in r K 'i m i ' i e n in '1 ip p ,i k Br'i .ii'' " '"" ' '" ' r'"' "'"' " l "' ' "" I"1 'K' ' m fl'l.rpry lagl ful i' ii I i em h n en M-re i,- .ipt' W e wp C' ' K " 'r r 'isfomrs this pi "- r,v " ''S' T '. II' I .'i ' KOin ii. h.tl I i, dl.tj I .. Pd svoulJ "c scod .i.ui- .i ii ifKiw m if" xlr I'rlir Fur Coats 74.50 89.50 in- .&!! llo-OO 155.00 KfllltflJ from .Marmot ..15.011 'marl npoit model. l.irK" lial collar and cufts. Taupe Coney lr':-l" Tlui-n-n'Mitei ' i n c i model; larc "--'PC collar ulri.i I. mi flaied IW'l inodtsl h.. I t ollnr hrl! i nff Nat. MutKrat I umn sliav I Col A .Hid borc'fr of seal . ninan -port model. VERY SPECIAL 17 Choker Scarfs Ih v n ii' a! Snu'i i quii el and A J- .' 1 .in Op . nr $14.50 Rnliucd I mm ;'fl.J0 Scarfs Heaver ili'own Ko. . . . Taupe Fox . . . 'Jap Cross Fox Skunk' Black Lvns . . Scotcl. Mole . . Aust. Seal llriliiird fruni le I'rlic SuT.oO $21.30 :;:.no 2.L.-10 ;!7.50 21.ii0 05.00 .)9.."0 K5.00 ri'J.r.O H0..i0 2!..-i0 iT.ijt), :ii..-io 21.u0 11.30 Choker Scarfs Trimnied Australian 4ai 223.011 .5tai ,..... - I.are .hawl and curte of Australian Opossum. Hudson Seal...... ...250.00 JR,J)Q rin selocl'd nl. m made iu'wv in snort "rap effect Natural Raccoon. .. .293.011 jgZQQ Spoil trodil in fine qua!- mvj.uu 1-y rlaiU sUins Taupe Nutria n. i nuality 0'iarier lrnRth model iffn ii Sktinh. .nd Nutria Allen's French Hair Nets 10c Each : $1.00 a dozen A have nisi resolved a lnrR nnriat n of inn- ciui amrod ih ir et Hie si n'mot thin "''' h ff ""imrr hut ,, Mil man- "B UtnliilR tii' pi ice at which we liao Ixm t'llins; 'ii'iii i..r ovr c-n M yeurpJ ' a ' "Wo a-uaianloe citv nel in ho i'lni and in ri r,iton.iMn luai & or Me will cheerfully if plan, ihem lip-on Cap Sliapc in Both Large and Small Sizes Import Special Slruight Shape in Extra-Large Size I, L'ra8lOTMm,l:!!mi!XlS - -r a i';-n;. 193.00 cl I rimmed Hud. Seal. 175.00 ptfQQ l,irg aliawl collar ami ''""'"' 't 1 If I . 395.00 395.00 VERY SPECIAL 42 Scarfs I .i'K' an n h! effr , is of Wolf ii T'jx in Hlacli Taupe ot U'ou n $19.50 Reduced from Mi. 51) Nutuia Squinel . Hud.soii Seal Aust. Opossum Raccoon Natutal Mink Jap Mink Stone Marten , Hudson Ray Sable, lt"luifd from Sain 1'rlcf .521.30 517.30 ..24.50 H.50 . a"..r.O 21.50 . 37.50 21.50 . 55.00 39.30 . 55.00 :tJ.50 .110.00 fii.50 .125.00 71.00 Stoles Auht. .Seal S09.30 S 10.50 Hudson Seal 125.00 91.30 Natural Squiiul .. .105.00 110.00 Aust. Opossum 175.00 121.50 Jap Mink 1 10.00 89.50 Kolinsky 195.00 151.50 Kit Conev 03.00 111.50 Natural Mink 395.00 293.00. Coatees i Inn Mink PnrffCtU iriHtelied P'l'o iiiart box coa' rnnn'i Taupe Squirrel .....525.011 laiint jipoit model , lliiesi rMiu Natural Squirrel. .. .573.011 Fine dark .skins in siuait ..port model scutch Mole Wrap.. lnlins! ' h iM rod i. nff 145.00 S 475.00 natty Caracul Wrap 895.00 .C J1 -in. Fi ti -do) Klat y"W .I'd VERY SPECIAL 23 Seal Stoics Lone w ido io.es fine elk 1 mm;. Iiihiious Australian Seal ,$49.50 Reduced from $75.00 Aust. Seal Kit Conc Hudson Seal Mole Skin ..flfa'n.OI) S9S.50 . 155.00 79.50 ..225.00 115.00 350.00 215.00 Taupe N'utna 175.00 110.00 Reaver 330.00 215.00 Natural Squirrel . . . 495.00 395.00 Mink 595.00 195.00 Sets Skunk Raccoon Taupe Fox Taupe Wolf . . . Brown Wolf .. Beaver Mink .... .$35.00 531.50 . (15.00 49.50 . (15.00 19.50 . 75.00 31.50 . 75.00 51.50 .150,00 98.50 Liberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted Wanamaker9 s Down Stairs Store Tub Skirts Have Been Warmly Welcomed by the weather and by the women who want to wear tneni. UQtton ramie, ; gabardine and galatea j are the materials used in these first arrivals, with ! tucks and buttons for j trimming. $1.90 to $7.50. Silk skirts for Spring and Summer are. $8.75 to $37.50. (Market) New 6 Voiles Reflect All the Colors of Spring There's pcachblossom pink, rose, the soft greens of younp; grass and willow trees, the silver gray of maple branches, buttercup yellow and the yel low of forsythin. All these lovely tints, aswcll as the more prosaic shades of navy, tan, French blue and black con be had in voiles of smooth and even weave, 44 inches wide, at 75c a yurd. Figured Voiles Start at 48c und there arc scores of pat terns nt 58c, 75c and a ynnl. You can scarcely conceive a pattern that is not here. Par ticularly pretty for women s summer frocks arc the dark grounds printed in Georgette designs. French Ratine Suiting, $2 a Yard It can be used equally well for separate skirts and sports coatees, and comes in French blue, Copenhagen, lose, dark lilac, wood brown nnd white. 38 inches wide. (Central! 150 Boys Will Get Splendid All- Wool Suits at $18. 75 (10 to 18 year sizes) Some of these were marked quite a bit more in stock, hut sizes were broken and they will surely all go quickly at this price. Four good, well-tailored Norfolk models in brown and may mixtures. They arc made with the yoke-back, box-pleated or plain-back coats nicely belted and pocketed; all of them arc lined with mohair. Trousers are generously proportioned, lined throughout and all the scams arc taped, to make them more durable. (Mattery, Mnrket) Men's Shoes at $7.50 a Pair Dark tan leather shoes on English lasts whose good appearance warrants their wear anywhere are in straight-lace style, durably welted. Boys' shoes of black or dark tan leather have sensible round toes Sizes 1 to fi, $0.90 a pair. (Onllrr.r, Mnrkrt) Women's Coats and Wraps Reduced to Surprisingly Low Prices $15 $19 $23.50 to $36.25 i Almost every woman feels that she should have a coat or wrap in her I spring wardrobe and to get one nt I such a low price will be a pleasant surprise. j Long coats and short sports coats, capes and dolmans of velour, silver 1 tone, tinseltonc, goldtonc, burella, and jersey, are in the season's best styles , and colors. The cape pictured is $19. In velour l or burella it may be had in tan or Pekin ; the yoke is silk lined. This is but one example of the many extraordinary values. (JlnrJ.fl) If wJV fl J 115! 7 ' ? b.i ep M I An Opportunity for Women to Choose Good-Looking Dresses at Low Prices $15 $20 and $25 At S15 wool inrsov flrns.qps in hmno. nnvv nv Prkin nm wnll foiWnrl CxhL A tunic model is trimmed with silk and tinsel-thread embroidery. , k, A Large Group of Tricotine Dresses at $15 'ftllV$& Fancy it, tricotine dresses in good-looking styles, nicely made! There ;LjJLk ;' arc many models in navy blue and all of them will look well out of doors on coatlcss days. Most of the dresses are collarlcss and there arc short sleeves and long to choose from. Al 920 wool jersey dresses in taupe or navy arc embroidered with silk and have broad lucked girdles. . Pretty Taffeta Frocks at $25 Various New Models Selection in this group is always interesting, for almost every day sees many new dresses added to take the place of other models that go quickly out. Navy, black and Copenhagen are the shades in greatest number. As for trimming! Pleated frills, narrow ribbons, bits of tinsel thread embroidery, a touch of lace at the throat, etc., are used to best advantage. (.Markrl) ' ems For Your Window's Delight White marquis-otto curtains aic of good "old-time quality" a.s one of our salesmen said when han dling them admiringly and the customer agreed. They have deep hemstitched borders, wide, pretty insertion and edging. S3 a pair. Couch liammocKs . 16.50, 18.50 to $15. (Onlriil) arc M0, Dainty Pink Crepe Nightgowns at $3 They arc in three -lip-over, styles that effectively combine duintincss und durability. One is a plain pink crepe, em broidered with pink und bluo French knots; another is pink dotted crepe with bluc-birdj scattered over it; the laht is pink checked blue-bird crepe stitched iu blue. (( rnlral) Some of the Most Fashionable Women's Footwear of Today at $5.40 a Pair One-ejelct tie of black putcnt or b!aik dull leather hnc welted oi turned soles and high heel!.. 0ford tich of cafe an lait kidsktn ure cn graceful with their turned solos and baby Ficnch hcls. Oxford tict with durably welted soles and medium heeli. aic of dull leather or black kid.-kin. 8 Styles Included Sues are bioken, but there is. variety in every size and the values arc remarkable. iciirmnut) Neckwear Pretty and Inexpensive is made of organdie and lac Vestees are $1 to $3.50 und between these price thcie are dozens of styles of sheer" organdie trimmed with pretty laces. Made entirely of white or cream color Valenciennes Incc they are $2.50 to 53,'Jo. Collar Sets, $1 Of snowy white organdie trimmed with lace 01 wee hem stitched rufllrs, or of iokt, maize, flesh, and French blue organdie they arc hem."titchc 1 and trimmed with ruffle-. (( fiilrnl) Sound Savings on Japanese Straw Rugs Kvery rug is a rug to be proud of the quality of trw straw, the double warp, the patterns, the .stenciling and the binding they all mcasuru right up to the exacting Wanu maker standards. Particularly popular is this room-size rug. 9x12 Feet at $9 Very suggestive of Summor homes are the American wiin grnsb rugs, wool-und-fibor rugs and the many rng rugs. All would do equally well as all-thc-year-round rugs and appeal by reason of their moderate prices. ' ' (ChrMnut) Adora Corsets "Those nicely lilting cunetb that arc so comfortable" one woman aptly described them. Adorn corsets arc made es pecially for vViinamaker's and ure sold only In the Down Stairs Store There is a model for every type of figure from the slight to the very stout. $2.50 to $10 (Central) ' r "V '., smmii 1 VJ . IL-Afct'