w, v. ;, 11. , 'fV i ,r 1 .i ,.r TJSED AUTOMOBILES Buy a Used Car Without Regrets How many times have you had the hard luck to buy something and then regret it afterward? Nearly eveiy one has had that misfortune. In buying a Used Car, you can't afford to take a chance on being dissatisfied later. If you will let our ONE PRICE plan protect you, there will be no reason for any regrets after the car is yours. At first sight, you would have faith in these Used Cars. HUP Landaulet, 1919 HUP Roadster, 1918 HUP Closed Car, 1918 PAIGE Touring, 1918 SEND FOR A USED CAR BULLETIN GIVING DESCRIPTIVE DETAILS OF THESE CARS Sweeten Used Car Clearing House 338-340 NORTH BROAD STREET p flnv naorl ci' flnnnrtmnnt, of six and eight cylinder Oldsmobiles, including 1918 and 1919 models, closed and open types, all overhauled, re finishdd and winter prices still prevailing. Also a most complete list of other makes that will prove satisfactory as to price and condition. 1919 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Coupe 1916 Chevrolet Touring 1918 Chevrolet Roadster 1918 Chevrolet Touring 1919 Chevrolet Touring 1917 Rco Touring 1918Dodce Touring 1918 Dodge Sedan LARSON OLDSMOBILE COMPANY nn nhnnr Potilar 4007. Kd stone Phono Farlt 1201. DANIELS EIGHT 4fins? The following used cari have boon traded In for now Daniels. W havo these cars In Kood londlllon and priced thorn right for quick salt). Demonstrated SPECIAL 1919 MURRAY "8" Sports model; excellent condition, with lots of extras. HARMON 1917 Sedan. MATHIS MOTOR CO. 674 NORTH BROAD STREET roriAii nFIPi AH the Stnndaid AlakOH and ) tO A I nOUStlllW i'lllUH 40 Discount uIvSIkI BflASKiiT gar. AUTO- PARTS SCHOBER MACHINERY AND TOOLS LAiian stock ".built and guaranteed engines, pumps, air compressors anil machlno tooisi tend far complete catalogue of stock. HERMAN I, WINTERER OliS X. Front st. WHEN In need of repair why not consult ua nil let our experts? Wo are (lino In a po sition to take caro of vour machine, work. dwbcoll-edciah machine co. 1007 N Bd lit " NEW anrt rebuilt refrlReratlnir plants bought, old and rented. Tho ltobert J, llerry n.an Co., 611 Hourae, llldg. MARINE KNCJLNE. leir boiler, outfit for a 16 Inch tuiiboat. Apuly J'ater Hasan. 110 Walnut at . Philadelphia, Pa. electric motohs machine tools power equipment OUniBN MACHINERY CO.. IIP N. BD ST. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought & . sold, we buy plants. Yearsley&Co.,224 N Sd 11ALIKQ presses. uortablo elevator emtin. ment. K & II. Co., 4UB-107 N. Sd at. OLD GOLD sHII PAID for ol6 uold. silver and antique clocks, Rortrs. 45 S. 17th. Locust 1210. ROOMS FOB RENT Tfra i ST., 1810 Beautiful front room and WAL1 LN1IT HT Hllll't Mlxnlv fn.nUh.l vn,ima Centlsmen! evrentlnniil mn1a Irs 4''I7 VV lOis SPRUCE ST , Ilolmehurst pnubla and mile vacancies, beautifully furnished, ''inning water; private balhi, elect! lo lliiht nones. 1T. IBT"' N . 130 (HOTEL RUItlcT" """" yB-to-datg front rooms, electric, h -vv heat,' ill! unrt weekly rates, conv. lo stations, wd accommodations for traveling; people. MTH HT., No H01 Ooa oi a lane fur to ili. rooms) private bath! houitkeeplngi u -zly fi V- " ? IV "used Automobiles FRANKLIN Brougham, Scr ies 9-A FRANKLIN Sedan, Scries 9-A FRANKLIN Roadster, Scries 9-A FRANKLIN Touring, Scries 9-R Used Car BARGAINS hns insf. O Tf.'rl n nnmtinv 1919 Oakland Touring 1916 Hudson Town Car 1918 Hudson Touring 1916 Hudson Cahriolet 1918 Buick Touring (Winter Top) 1918 Maxwell Touring 1919 Overland Touring 1918 Overland Roadster 1919 Nash Sedan 800 N. BROAD ST. USED CAR DEPT. I MARJION 1915, 48, 7 passenger I Touring. aois mums mt .1 All Sizes -Firsts Guaranteed Kelly-SP., Goodrich, United States, Fisk, and All Makes Used Auto Parts MOTORS, REARS, GEARS, STARTERS, TIRES, MAGNETOS, AXLES, CARBURETORS 34TH & MARKET ROOMS FOR RENT HANDSOMELY furnished room In largo modern prlvute home, electric llHhts, 10 minutes to City Hall Telephone Rating 41ft. NICELY furnished st-rond tloor front loom, board If desired Preston 2217 W I'KNNHYIA ANIA Sl'llt'ltll N OAK IiANK MrBe 2d lliMir furnished cor ner room, two gentlemen or business couple: reference Oak Li;iin HIIU J ROOMS WANTED THREE young gentlemen want 2 rooms and bath, convenient to business section, pos- session by May 24 P 233, Iedger Otltci'. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE AND MORniS ST. GERMANT0WN 20 MINUTES TO P.ROAD ST. STATION Kurnlshed and unfurnished suites BARTRAM APARTMENTS 3311 AND CHESTNUT 8TS A few npartments. large rooms with bath, for rent, either fcr the winter or yeari dining room service unexcelled THE GLADSTONE II Til Vp piSMn s-i'q ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF H0TEL"C0L0NIAL w"'& Select aprtment family hotel In the renter of the rltyt operating on the American plan; our table will nlease the most exacting. C. PITMAN RAKER, Jr.. Manegsr. THE LITTLE HOTEL. 22.') 8 llroad st A good place to live wblla In Phtladglphla, iENrS' vmpio w APABTMENT3 TENANT and apartment In central city apartment houso: will sublet furnished apartment from May to November: 0 rooms, 2 Irnths; terms on application, o. C. and J. P. Ilowker, 4871 Main st,. Manayunk. UETIf.AljyifN APAIITMKNX8, L'107 Walnut . at. Handsomely furnished apartments of 1. a and a rooms, embodying- all of th corl. ness of homo and the charm of splendidly appointed furnlshlnyat garnge privlleires. , APARTMENT IIBADqtlAnTKns Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood A.1?'' -A,e''nc' Ti!i " ,lroa;i ' Somo .very sttrnrtlvo furn. npts.: somo liousekeoplng ruilNlSHBU APTB. Will sublet from !n? ..ln. Auk IB, B months. 8 rooms, 2 baths. I T Tl.M..n Aivh., VOID m. . ... w w.r.Mir. lKf,,, lan l.nPKtlllll BT wjJ HAVE soveral deslrablo npnrtments In . "'I'll locniion, par particulars see t HANK T.1N IT BPITZEIt Ik CO. llion Venango, 332 H IdTlt HT, May to November, fur nlshed apartment, 2 rooms and bath. 1,. M Wlllson ixm HUNT, fur, tor. summer month, apt., ft rms. and bath. prlv. porch; 2 mln. walk from station Telephone Wayno 728 w. APAIITMKNT with nrlyatn bath, 0O pTr niwiiiii i- iu iuRfr uince. PINE HT.. 1B01 Two rooms, private bath, 2-fl front, unfur.j no hskpg; 1BO per mo. AttlWIOUK miHI.llASE ap.iruncnt, n rooms and bath, third rtnor, joo; 1 block from station. Ardmorn 2B .7. T.ANHnOWNB lANBDOWNEsix rooms and hath) Mil. Chas. It. lluckley. SO B. 40th at. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FiUllFAX APAltTMENTS, Wayno aw. and Hcnoo( inno, Oennantown; 7 rooms, 2 b;hs; .urnlshcd. H. J. JOHNSON, agent. jM.o iirnmin ST WIUj sublet apt. from May i to November 1, fur., B rooms and bath: Fairfax Apts., ilJT,oo?'c . nd School lane. Qtn. II. J. JOHNSON, Art, BOH llalley hide:. Pl'I'N. APTH.. cent, loc: by week If des. Sherwood Apt Agency 22 8. llroad st. OKIlMAXTmVN 332 K CHELTEN AVh-Threo large fur nlshed rooms, prlvulo bath, electricity, for light hoiisekfeplngr IBS per month XKff .IintlEV SEAHIIOKB ATLANTIC 'ITY Ill'AUTirtll.I.Y ntrtNIHHKD 4-room apart ment; flno location; 11000 for tho season, T 228, Lodger Office APARTMENTS WANTED iiiii'iiiMnrcnmirnnniinKiriuiiiiinTmiimiinniiimmniitartniiiininiiiniiT APARTMENTS VaI Is scarce and expensive. lIous are hard to get Apartments satis fying nearly all tastes are listed by us. If vou hon an apartment whlcn ion doslro rontcd Immediately consult the NEW ERA REALTY CO I.IDKRTY ni'IMUNQ g iiimiiiiiiraiiiii!raiiiiimiiiiiiiiraii!iiiiiii!i!ii!Miipi;iimit APARTMENT WANTED before September 1, In central, select neighborhood no lee than 4 bedrooms nd 2 baths: hnuakeeplng. At.HBRT 1IAL1.. MOUNT HOLLY. N J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE city PLOTS OF LAND d- i r Immedlats i v o 1 o pment: LOWEST PRICEB LOUIS S. GINSBURG 1201 CHESTNUT STREET Any ground nnywhero In Philadelphia Over n Quarter century's experience at your service INVESTMENTS 234fl-4S-r,0 nireh at . B rooms and bath: rent J14: prlco 11400. t.2 tp 3i N Moscher st : rooms and bath. Porch; rent 1U. price J183U. JOHN T. DOYLE 2739 Kensington ave. Desirable Homes, Early Possess. 37IH Oram at . modern, vacant 1(1400 2."53 K Monmouth, well built, h -w. lit. 41100 21H2 N Sdtli, well located 4800 2H13 Hart lane, enr , hot-uater heat .. 4730 2120 N Muscher 8 rooms 4750 JOHN T. DOYLE K,n.lB!5 nve. HAVn 2-story houses that can he bought at a price that will guarantee a good prollt. Information can bo had of PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1201. CIIEBTNITT ST. KENSINGTON AVENUE We han several deslrabln locations from $71100 to J2R.O00 Get n etoro oi lh.. IIITB-IEST AVENUE in tho Northeast. JOHN T.DOYLE ,-,, INTERSECTION OF 2 MAIN Thoroughfares, Kensington avn and t'um berland st , southwest corner, owner will tnlm mortgage. Buckleys' Real Estate Office 1"34nii: Cl'.MHEULANI) HT "ONLY $395(-BARGAIN Immiillato nnasi'sslnn. II rooms anil bath pt fcllent ronilliion side vnrd 17x70 ft 332.1 Amber it noie I'rankfnnl ami Mloghrny qves Omier 022 t'hslnut it snrnnd floor ONLY $2300 BARGAIN" Immediate ioseslon, 0 room brl-k duelling llpeles heater, bath ue ppeipii Hnd painted throughout , 111 E t'nmhrln st owner, H22 rnestnut st s .cord floor LOI)HEI) buers. 13011 to I3III 31st at . Ave looms, porches 1 have manv others If you havo a little money Join the Negro Home Iluvcrs' League and let im help you own your home. Jarkson, 1312 S'ouih street second floor Store and 10-Room Dwelling 1123 COLUMBIA AVE. All conveniences tmmedliite pnvcsilnn UEALEUM. SPi:'lMfcTUtn ihhuusiN Etllng (2Sll and Montgomery v ). 1800 block, flminced MICHAEL A MALONEY , 1021 B nnth m lrI AND ARCH STS" ROIOS S30 000 CHARI.EB II. Hl'CKI.EY 3D S 40lh st HI. VI '1 ll'L'L new homes with gninge and Inclosed rorches. 3000 Ornns t (at H si and Nnnhenst Roulevoid). sample houfe open .ifiernoons and Sund.ijs HEVNKR 4111 W. Wyoming ave SLh N IH1II HT , 11 lltlUllh ANO HATH NIIED HOOD I'OK ROlJMINd HOl'HK PRICE 13300. EDWARD M lilt VHAM. Hllc' I'EBSDR 'Id (1RAIIA.M ft (1IIAHAM. WEST KN1) Til HL1U1 SI'RL'CE VIII 220 CHLSTNUT HI' linmidlate poisesaion 3 htronK floors, corner prop-rlv gas sn.i electrlclts. elevator, cheap for quick sale Apply 10-12 8. Doluware uve Lumbal d niui ,u I1ITH AND WALVliT Stands alone, 12 rooms 2 biths, hot water 31 B 40th st IMMEDIA'lll possession 1 tins .l.iiiiscm mi Eurther particulars upon application to Rurton C Simon, northwest rorner 0tn niui I'.issvunk nve """' Q..T U lit 111 KT Cvnlnul, A .I..l.i . 12 rooms and .') bnths. thciri.uclifj modern JOHN McCONAflHV. Jr . 213 Liberty Rlil, h W COR Cleveland and Diunhln. storo and dwelling, prlco tinoo Ediiari I v nraliam stii cesser to tlr.ihnm A Orahaii West End Trust Rldir Hnrmejim ""laI" N E COR I'.'th and Cuinherfand "st8, ,.. nnd dug. l rooms. 2 tilths, price loiinii Edward M Orahnm, successor to (Irabam i flrabam West End Tr llldg Spruce "Im f1 30JU N. UTI I ST Two storv 4 rooms and lint i on second door, bargain I'rankl n II Sl)ll7er & (Vl 13011 Vena nan r"lln 2108-10 ARCH HT 40x114) back street, wii'l nillllli". ,UB;.r"""1 '"i'n l l-llllltlt. UOK Ilallei llldg Walnut 14U8 ""' ul", 11111 WALLACE HT It will pav you t0 l1, Inln (Via niifr hna nt Ihla t. "!"". lu gain at t5200 TA1H.ANE QUO Walni'it '' ID.'S MASTER ST rp-tu-dato apartment rAt'lJvNK. UOO Walnut st ','a""' 11 iui'r-n V'1-' i r.iigeiey s story, H rouiiis. iiiuu.-ii Ximstrong ft Co rooms, modern nliiiniilng. 2 mortgagei mo t nesinut st l.ltu N 17'IH HI" Store and duelling v .ant. nrlio $2400 OREENWELL i DOR NAN 422 B n2d st J" TOR HALE 33U0 Hancock st 4 rooms and bath and porch i price 12300. CAMEHOs 2RI1 Kensington ave ' POR SALE Store and dwelling, near els voted station; price 13300. CAMERON 2811 Kensington aye " '1ST ST. AND MOYAMENSINd AVE I NELSON DICK, 1118 !,and Title II Id, HUM) AND HI27 HAlNllltHKlE ST 1 Nelson Dlfk 018 Land Tlile llldg 1214 N .'10TH ST Desirable dwelling, va ant t.Vinil TAl'LANE 000 Walnut st 21011 N HiTH HT Three sty , Or bath Franklin H Bpltrer Co 130(1 Venango noil, tit It A PW M'P Thrn.itnrv uin. - 03U.as HACK HT ThrfvMory (orft prgp rtle H r Adnnr 141H WBlnut it rllv1 n x A tm m ii i o I JB2R-27 N SYDENHAM HT n batik. Goldsmith, Bulletin llldg, -n rooms and r ft s m"I' """'"" '' "i" mini id inimniiiiriiiinniuiiinmm,-' (tEDiPHiiJBBErimX ' miir'Af REATj ESTATE FOR SALE CITY Brand-NewModerate Priced Homes 6500 Block Torrcsdale Avenue Located Jr the "Northeast" eccUor of Philadelphia. This is ono of Philadelphia's most desirable semjsubuiban sections. It is rapidly beinrr. built up vith high-grade homes in anticipation of tho opening of tho new Frankford Elevated, which will bring it within about 28 minutes to tho business center of tho city. Your dollar will buy more here than in any part of tho city, and there's plenty of room, puro air and sunshine for tho kiddies. Built for the "Home lavex" with the marlmiim nt ntulf. comfort niid conuftiltnc T liyasjian Ir. ni. rioseto J'r'lvflrHtnlr l!W31RallillssJp!lSI'm fle'iool MilJBlr!''''''''''' Double III IP " " ' "" " ii (his of Price ttott: Net itonthlu Kxrtnut About 133.00 MimMiml mwiMi9SMWMmcz:::. U 'suSufllB3BniSSHEaHBHl!2sll,''r' 'rar sxMBJjTJ i !'sMilpWLS:53as1MaEPtlc: IV nnn. ft. Theso houses liavo larKo Dutch hull, dltiltiK roum. Kitchen aiitl outkltchen wllh laundry tubs nnd tollot on the llrst lloor tind three beautiful rooms nnd bath on tho bpcoikI floor. They nro beautifully flnlBhcd throughout In whlto nnd mahogany, with tho latfKt fixtures nnd plumbing. Hot-water heat nnd electric light, gas range. Torraced lawns and largo garden plot In rear of house. Tnko any Frankford car, change nt Mnnrarcttn, Street to Torresdftlo Ave. car line. Sample houses open dally nnd Sunday. Agent on promises. PAUL G. BASEH0RE. Agent 1420 CHESTNUT STItEET SPRUCE 2420 FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES ' FOLLOWING PROPERTIES TO CLOSE AN .. ACCOUNT 200, Palelhorp st , S-story dwelling 2'1J0 N. 2d st.. 3-story dwelling. 472 N. 8th st., 3-story dwelling. .11 1 Noble st., 2-story dwelling 2187 N. 10th st . 2-storv dwelling 2110 N. loth st., 2-story dwelling. 2130 Sharswood St., 3-story dwelling 2732 Frankford nve . 3-story dwelling 842 FEDERAL ST.. CAMDEN. N J. Thre-storv corner dwelling. 21133 S. 110th St.. lot 43x100. Eight lots, 72d nnd Psschall. 13x70 each Above properties nil rented on monthly leases. Terms to suit purchasers for oulck sales. APPLY CARL HANSEN 524 Ileal Estate Trust Rulldlng Phono Wnlnut 3S10 4-STORY BLDG. 28 North Ninth St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LOT 18x00 Assessed $34,000 First Mtg $34,000 FIVE YEAIIH Price $55,000 WM. A. GELBER 1224 N. 42D ST 5v! 114 NO. 13THST. N W COR APPLETREE ST EXTENDINU TO CLARION ST. 20x115 Four storv well-ronBtructed property: Knod lorntlon for retail or msnufac turltiK buslnesi j possession : close to Market st.. excellent llaht. 3 fronts; eood location for retail jeweler, cloth lnff electric shop, houhehold utensils. Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher vc WE HAVE u very deslrablo property for sale; It Is n small apartment hulldlnff. lo cated on a corner In a central neitihhor hood, where values nro Increasing lapldly; It Is beautifully fu-nlshed and all th" apart ments me occupied at Httractlvp rentnls, nbout 2(i,(ino in ensh Is reciulred to handlo tho property; less If tho property Is re financed; tho Income on this Investment will amount to nbout 20 per rent per nn num, this does pot take Into consideration tho nroflt to be made from Increase of values In this neighborhood nor the attrnctlvo spec ulative features of tho property SHERWOOD APARTMENT AOENCY 225 3, Rroad st. Phone Walnut 317 HOMES for sale In all parts of tho city; list jour wantM with this office LIPPMAN HOLMES LEVINS rranl ford 2SK1 42(111 Frankford ave 1717 N REIJFIELD ST ' ' ,T N'elpon Pick HIS l.inil Title Hldg ractorle-i TUREE-STOR' corner factory, in ono si ft electric light and power elevator now occupied as autoiiinbllo sale and repair miv ..,. ,wita in,l pniilnmnnl mm dun i... ...... lion, tools and equipment may also bo pur- i ill,, "I"'" ...... ---.. .....j ..irw i. ,i based. 125 lion wllhout equipment: possi . - , a i... ... -,... I. C!.... c , . . .. I. i.m nun minimi equipment; nosses Ion J I, Pl'-veneiiii .M nun n.-j l.anil I 111 TWO-STORV brick fnctoo 31100 so ft . ateam heat oli trie light and power, and a i 2-story brlrk divelllnp, il rooms and hath possession 111 !' iin. ,1111. cwu.iimr j . Stevenson on S22 Lind Title I MOST deslinblo site very ientr.il, tlOiin ft lUb'lll nil ini'" niii'-a in;ir(iiiu ironlnu, i no ctsIi reiiulred If Improved. Mct'ita, I 70211 (ierminiuwii im' FACTORIES AND SITES PATT0S (I TOMI.INSON. LINCOLN HLPi, l'nclnrli-. M.inufnf luring llnnru j FACTORIES AND FACTORY SITES Everywhere In Pnllidelphla LOUIS S Q1NSBURO 1201 Chestnut st. TOR RENT OR SALE 3-Story Factory Building J25-27 W. FLETCHER ST Annlv tc Oivner. OEO E. SATTr.rn Phone Poplar H21 1(101 Sp Harden st. $1511011 Tivlve lots In Logan 1(1x70 In eluding aryners. all Improvements made riIKO -1 SCHAEFER, 021) Chestnut t INOI'STRIAL PLANTS, warehouse variuTt ihiiu ,ii"-". .1... '.i,-i .(iiuiane ,11, STEVENSON ft SON 822 Land Title Store and Duellings SOCTII PHIUVDEI.PHIA corner, sinr,. dwililng established ovster and ki i t iialnrsi 22H Ledger Off Ii e and am HikIiii'i.1 l'rnpertlcn und Stores TWO rooms, for nroftesloual purpmTes mar Allefflienv and Kenstnirton nies r 1Ivmi anr.t I in nnrmeasi Her unn Appiv If J RAFFERTV 3157 Kensington ave 28 N 10TH ST. lKlt lilxllil. 4 storj bldg.. all Improvements, possession of 3 floors at settlement, will llnanie Harry Schorr, CO Hnllev llldg Walnut 141)8 1113 N TlANDOLT'Jt SI" Three-stnrv garage, 20x110, elevator elec Prbe Jl'tOO, rented mnnthlv nt 140 A ROEIIER Jr 320 W C.lrard ave COR Svdiiiham and Tioga Store & dwg . electrlcltv. h -w heat, newlv ren vacant Franklin II Spltzcr & Co . 1,11)0 Vcnntiso GASOLINE ALLEY He'll Say It Is! MUli! TiIqt old Ricn -ru,urT IvHCN Vco Couch up Rip J?CPAJCVl I - .. .. ii,- n..- - 1 I hrDOriAri-.i -..- a r--..,v i.-m lr I 1C7 Icil-U All- IllJ UW UOLMT r I iW'' friV t Iftifl I -'i-u 1. I fflr AM'TillHC Tn Puw nrcAiKr- I V ONfC A VCAB Vrtu'l5 CTAC7CO A J IrTi caw cn cac! if us (quid) TeOiOy COuK. y VSFL- Ttte NiCKcts $hoot our J " y iTmc back LS f ' VAX - r . V, V . 1 iH. Ill i v z.'- V. I A-tT")? "ifi - i. (f a.- : il - i VM A sM'm ;.-,,.. $r$tf ju Anh wff ym N-w'i,rM i 'WM i mm - . i wt? -iHfMgu tii ar ii i n 1. Jr'. . - i - - lyg:l f TllW T.(CRS TJCCS iAND SCW. T INSUKAftQB AND 71 IP BIRDS VOO ' -i 55 I TAKC OUT AND ZHTeRlMH IT IV0RTH IT ! ' 1 V takcs 0001:11, ecucic WE I V CS. Sp 5?V -v- ' or J wL Ml REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY ROOM 209 AVE8T PIIH.AllEI.PHIA IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5400 Block Webster Street Tno-story. porch-front, (1 rooms, brick laundry, tile bathroom. Dutch hall, elec tric lights, newly papered nnd painted, Ivorv and mnhtganv throughout. Samnlo hense. 3413 BENJAMIN H. LEITERMAN 221 PENFIELD IILDQ 1328 Chestnut st Walnut 070 Woodland JW v 12 Houses, 300 Block N. 62d 10 Houses, 1300B!k.S.Paxon MICHAEL A. MALONEY 1021 S. (10TH ST. On the Lincoln Highway 742 N. 63d st . 3 story. 2 bnths. semide tached, southern exposure, modern, posses- riuiij (HtiKiii it'i 'lui'n iut:r LamBert & McDermott Pel 3777 m V I13d Ideally Located Overb'k Home 02S N (llth st 4 bedrooms, semidetached, modem, lot 25x101); possession Lambert & McDermott ,V? "i - Ot i 4 CORNER PROPERTY iS W cor flSth and Lansdonne ave. hol I water heit. elec lights, eti , im pbss : nrlc I tlimiii 11 S Miller, 1482 N B'.'d Hel 77a FOR HOME BUYERS Sr0?IS.V"Hf;r'rn..Trl- a'cSon"1- ""' cl" -l Et) AHRA.MH Walnut MIO mooo-. 532 S. 59THST. -,7 Modern main-street home, practically new 3 bedrooms Iiic1om.i1 porch possession ' Lambert & McDermott "n?, V?? Vacant-Renovated-Overbrook J47BO Cor (17th. Haddington & Lebanon av 1.1(100 (1013 Haddington (1 rooms, storeroom ji.Mlii nilM Haddington (1 rooms, storeroom rnowi.KV 1237 N (IQth Helmont 11,141 W r."il8 MAI.CO.MII hT 7 rooms Inclosed tn.li . possession. IKSJ llnitfleld St., 7 rooms mndrn, ii Cobbv ' reel- boulevard JOS. ALLEN POTTS n,Z)e ave 5543 LANSDOWNE AVE. Store and dwelling: immediate possession. nrra IMftOO H S MILLER 14S2 N 1 Relmnni 7.1.1. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity hnnrtw t. story dwellings $!000-S4S.V); nlso have a corner dwelling vvlth brick building sult nblo for carngo purposes, at n b-vrgaln J. K. LEE SMITH. 3(102 .micaatcr ave HOrnilL'Viiii nr investor good hms . ,-,100 i DiocK, iKui-ii "i , , mis pens,, $281)0 ea Empire Trust Co . Hth and Lancaster nve' SHERWOOD seitlnn. St. II Ashland ave Ileautlful. 2-storv porch rrntit dwelling hot-water heat electric light file ,,"), built-in shower "real bom- bargain. Jnooo." i TAHLANL i"Q Wnlnut t I 112.'. S IdTIJ "ST Semldetariied, por"h front. It rooms J bitlu. large pantry , lauiidrv lot 2.-i flxhiJ pn'-es.lon S-vptemi,,.,' . llldg ' fQ"er . ., . ; " 1 SPECULATORS nve eevral groups of SPECfLATtiUh vve ,-ive several groups of 2-story properties In West Philadelphia I which ran be bought at a good figure for1 1 nukk sale. D J MULLINS. 0002 Hpruto I st Relinnnt 210. I HAItlNd ST Corner dwelling, 12 rooms lirch, hot-.vater heat "'lettiic lights, hard wood floors, price !2 ono .1 K LEE SMITH mn2 I,an.-ii.-r ov Itir.i) M 1TIIAN' '-T vacant H rms and I bath, tliorninhlv mo.iern newiv papereil 'ami painted laige tTroie front, good coniL I Kevs at 1355 V 7Hl'" lll'.lll. ? Ili'VI. HAIK1AIN I I'.OIUNSdN N 3',1 S'x rooms Hutch hall, cxcellrnt inndltluii .'.5n0 pusse'slon L Kl'TN'ER r25 It E Tni-l Rldg I UP-TO DATE HOME, witn latest Improve I menls. 5845 Sanom st . for s-vlo under 1 reasonable conditions. Apply Mr. Wahlbure. f,S2t Chestnut st 1 mil SALE Si j room house bath and laun drv nl 175 N 5li t . price reasonable I Apply HI 15 Catharine st 1 INVESTORS Prlco $1700 rent 117; good condition, nln 5-room houies (133 to (15-v N May st near niui v"l" station, to ilohe nil cslate .'i27 H r.lllli st B217 lfALTlMORE AVE Eight moms, va cint May 1 Pino thlUUI OREENWELL ft DOHNAN 422 S -i.'d st mini HI OCIv. Until. Id st 3 houes on south side of strett, 3 doors from ,12d st . ut .1 b ircalll .Max, v 'iM'J Anh et , W FOR HOME lU'YERS I'lttlcr st . 2SH-3S. II rno'iis bull. Iiundr porch, ' rice ffM) KIIS'I'.R It E Trust Rldg 12.'" S Rl lt -I' Slv rooms vniant. nrico JSJOO. IIHEENWELL & DURNAN l.-V '" r. j,t t -ptn CHEbTNl T bT IS rooms 3 bMhs $35,000. WM T II X.RRIS 203 Haverford n o Nirnertn. i'n linitART HEU1W MEDIA Six n.nnis and bnlh near school Crowley, 12.17 - tmi r.sTII ur Market -J stv . hr ponh S.isno Ernidr T-ut Co 44th anil I.sncnster ave 1500 RLOCK S. 7lh Ht xjs.Mi llino hlorli Pas.-hull ave t'J'nO Woodland 1(i,'i7 j iH7 V 5KTH ST nrico reasonable, TirFv mvner Tioga 3180 ' IH I.VNi KY. 322J Tuohioi) porch iir' iirve130 Kiitnir lb il Est n, Tr llldg I'RA.IER S.. Hloi) blk ai k .uick this Is n lung piiie J330O Kumer It E Tiuit Rig Ill KIXG ? 4 I &pritj 3, U920 HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE WEST 1'IIILAIHCI.rHIA Ullllll SIEGEL'S Artistic Homes aro nearly completd. 47th & Larchwood Avenue Clarence R. Sicgel Builder of Artistic Homes on Premises Ifilllll 5019 to 5039 UPLAND ST. (BIST b. CHESTER AVE ) EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECULATORS Two-story, porch-front homes, con taining? Hutch hall, hot-water heat. 7 rooms and baths owner will sacri fice for Quick sale. 0023 OPEN H1TNOAY FOR INSPECTION Thess homes could be resold at a profit of J800 each. For further Information WM. J. O'BRIEN 1033 WALNUT ST. Walnut 1103 VACANT GROUND Ripe for bultdlnr 57th & Walnut Sts. R7th St., both sides Walnut st., north side. Sansom st south side. L. ROYLAN. 207 S. COth st. lllllllllllll SWARTLEY Offers Rcrtl Opportunities Only 5500 to $1500 cash required OVERRROOK CORNER 1903 Wjnnewood road NARHERTH 20S Woodland nve , $3500 MODERN WEST PHILADELPHIA 2in s r.stn st , jiiinio M4 M .-(5th st . $71)00. 728 S Knrragut. J72O0. r.304 Race st , J0500. Iluy a 4-bedroom house on an R0-ft. street $4200. 5214 CHESTNUT ST. RELMONT 1410 Sti minnnnifnuiu'Hui'inimnitpninH lirrHmirtHiiimiiminninnniiinmiijiriHiifniTiT f Overbrook Homes NEW SAMPLE HOUSE orEN MARLYN ROAD J (South of Jefferson st.) THE MOST COMPLETE AND COM PACT 2 -STORY HOME orTERED TO HOME-IUJYERH 20-tt stone fronts, private garages, inclosed nnd heeled. Cement porches. i Central Plant Heat (that Insures plenty of heat and hot wnter) Trunk room Hnd maid's roo.n In basement. An all-lMe bath with stall I shower. 'Moss & Taylor iT FOR INVESTORS (1400 blork flleninore nve , 10 houses, port h fronts well financed flnno block, Wallon ave 3 bouses, can he bought at a good figure. 300 block N. Robinson st 22 hou'es; well rnortgnged In good condition fi.'OO block- lyicust st 7 houses In good inndillon 4 bedrooms 3400 blork Addison st 1U bouses, well llnin-d I.T15 1 .'Ono block Pemberton st n houses; well financed. ABE K0LSKY 8c CO., INC. -. Wist Philadelphia Rranrh Offli-e 317 8. notfi at. Relinnnl 14S Telephones West 132 THRIFT nu.n 1 "i Thrift it b"( ult irl urnUr Miur nun roof n allrTrtre rrtf' wUhin fh r i h of h11 $3800 Cei il mid Akl-n sis IJHOO Mnck eou'h between (.ireenwiv aiid Klngscsslng aves and 57lh and '.Kth sts Convi nleut Iniatun We have No 200 S. Alden et 1 P"n 01' r d.iv for Inspdtlon. PHILIP N. ARNOLD l.ni i HKSTNl'T ST. MftnbT Thiln It-1 il INtnto l.oanl 0203 PINE ST tJx rooms nnd bath, In closed porch, hot water heat, electric light built-in tub und shower Cor Raco and fSrnss Large lot, f) rooms nnd b. lh. 1 st in hot inter hent. electric light 25x1110 liarago privileges, J0750 225 S 51st Thee etorv. 11 rooms. 2 baths, desirable location 5531 Cath irlnc Inn lulrmms steam and ilectrtc lirei'fat room $7.'en CARPENTER & WILSON Relmont 107 i'..'.' i Market st IIS HETl'ER TO III Y tl.VE OK TJIKJE ri-vv hi '."smiiini; iinvitJN tiia.tj- TO VV (111 VUl HAP IMMEDIATE POSSESION flIOO block Iocust it Hput ioun pnrrh. Kn?r llftli btlo Iuivp ItvltiR ru an beautiful dtnlntr room and icUent nn Kit hen on flrnt floor 3 bed rlmml nnd tiled bathroom on fit?rond floor nril8tlr paprlnr mahogany nnd whlto pitntlnj? Krmi h vindoii rai npfn flrcplnrpn hardwood floors throtmhout elfK-trU llKhis. hot w at r heat gnr.iKf In rear .nmplo hnusp U IS Imusf nt OHO U UimKUMAV ni?tnl FQS I.lnmln Hldg IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Just 6100 BLOCK Completed LOCUSjTTREET I'no storv ponb from rt ruMis and batb hit water beat cli'drle ligbt banlivood floors Ihrougboiit tiled liathronm stationary tubs real nptn fireplace trariKe In rear sample bouse IU4S Lot tut st Agent on premises 1 to 3 p. m , Hunit.iv a. 1 to I p m Ulllnnanie OEO 11 I.IKRERMAN Son Lincoln nidg Ylll'It nPl'ORTl'NITY IS on n tlie master key to fiROO block Osage ave ,M00 block Rodman nve 1S0O block Larchwood KMin block Ellsiioitb HKItU If sou llKlOO ' inno H0IIO II ,0) Also about SO others all modern ihmn-K. out Reniemb. r CROSS stands for all that s Bond Mlth and ban hunod ave (.251 PINE ST Adjacent to Cobbs ( r.ek parkway, n rooms, hot-water beat cleitrb light, hrnduond floors throughout Imlosed porch Immediate possession If lb sire 1 EUGENE L. T0WNSEND S W inril ANM IIALTIMOltK AVK 4032 SPRUCE ST, Tot 2flxlS0 to r nr atrPt beautifully anft iHifull Lonnlruiied a t i.inldt inched rsliloni . lontalnlnk 14 i nm . parquetry tlnura eld lluhtH, tc caruKQ paco In rt-Ur HO HI U' pruio tinnir EUGENE L. T0WNSEND W cor 4l)th and Raltlmore uv 833 SO. 49TH ST. Three-ttorv svmldotached residence 13 rooms Includln S bath electric ll-rhls" pamuetry floors excellent location and transportation fsillltles early jiossesslon EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S E cor 4l)th st and Raltlmore am KlJ-i N DiiTH ovarhiook llelnhts. mod'ern" st sld. sard At A butli on U'd lloor Adolpb i asnar (10th and Lansdowns v. foil "s ,"10TH RT -Six rooms and bath hot water lient, electrics llvht, price .lduo' V. U, iKKennu, 1533 in. llreeio avi. ItEAL .ESTATE TOR SALE WKST rlllLADKI.l'IHA 11131 OVERBRO'OIC Wa "HOMES OF MERIT" i Why contlniio to imy tin exorbitant rent for ootne old-fOBhlonexl lioiiao or stuff npnrtttieiit wiien under our convenient pnynient plan you can nava a HKAND-Ni:W modern liomo with IncloRed heated porch and private para go In tho most deslrablo nectlon of the city at a net oxpenso of only about $C6 per month? These superb homep. havo a direct Foutli"rn view on a 100-foot "boule vard," with a "parkway" In tho mlddlo planted with ornamental Fhrubbery maintained by tho city. Olio block from schools, shops and doublo line of cars. HcAincs are now belnir built on the opposite side of street to sell for nearly twice tho prlco of ours. Our hou'cs havo Southern exposure. Iloulevard street. Terraced lawns. Concrete steps. Inclosed heated porch. Equipped with screens. IJrlght. cheerCul Interior Hot-water heat Ample radiation. Two blocks rom proposed P. R. R. Electric Station to llroad st. Individual carafes. Hardwood floors throughout Your PHIVATi: OARAnrc will would have to pay storage for your car at a public garaRe. SHK SAMPI-K HOUSB 6115 Lebanon nve.. nnd make your selection early. Thn number lav limited C100 block Lebanon uve. Take elevated to 63d St., north on Ovcrbrook car to Lebanon ave. 1100 block north. Agent on premises, or Paul G. Baschore, Agent HOME BUYERS, (1VERRROOK Wvnnewood road Ulock North (13d rt. Rlock Marlyn road WEST PHILADELPHIA South Coneatoga at llloi-k li ust st , 7 houses Rlock De Laniev st . 2 houses Rlock Irving St., 10 houses Rlock Do I.ancey st : 8 houses. Rlock N 37th si : 2 houses Rlock De I.ancey st ; 3 houss Rlock Ifaltlmcrn nve. Rlock South Frajier st. Rlock South Melville st.; 2 house Rlock South Edgewood st Rlock S Melvlllo st . 1 houses Rlock Kouth 37th St. Rlock Woodland ave Hlock Larchwood ave, Rlock Saybrook ave, Hlock Locust st Rlock Relnhart st. Rlock Norfolk Kt Rlock Osage ave Rlock S 4 lit Ii st . I houses Rlock Pine st , 2 houses iriock S 50th st. Rlock H 110th st. Rlock N GOth st. Rlock Hanson st , 3 houses Sir, Mk 700 104 3200 5400 32110 570(1 700 nsoo 3S10II 10011 12(10 20(1 13IU1 7110 4500 57110 4HII0 110(10 4 MOO 5i00 4IMIO 1 2011 r.nno 1 21)0 700 200 1DU0 LOWER & McCOY MMI MODERN HOMES 1148 S. 00th street; Scull-bultt homes. Just completed, 4 bedrooms. enclosed porch, hardwood floors . $11,000 1031 S (Kith street, semidetached H rooms, hardwood floors, modern. . 12.000 1225 S. 50th street, boutlful 8-room house, hardwood floors, perfect condition 11,000 fiROl Chestnut street, 3-story corner house, 14 rooms, excellent condition. 17,004 CP.41 Pino street. H rooms, hnrdwood floors 10,000 0002 Pine street. 8 large rooms ail modern MoO 413 S. (12d stret, 0 rooms, hardwood floors, Immediate possession.... 700 4343 Brown street. 0 rooms, hardwood floors 7009 5820 Carpenter street 0 rooms. In excellent condition A500 5818 Rodman street, 0 room", all modern ,. 20O 51131 Ixicust street, (1 rooms nil modern, Imm. possession OO00 5841! Addison street (1 rooms, hardwood floors niJOO 5K30 Harel avenue: fl rooms, all modern B800 584S Webster street. U rooms, a'l modern Rgoo it)51 Irving; street, 0 rooms all modern bsoo f3J s Allien siren n rooms nil mooern BSOO ABE K0LSKY & CO.. H West Philadelphia Branch Office, 317 South Sixtieth Street B Relmont 14R8 West 1B2 MfB11l!MflWMI 1 .WHAT TO DO? flecur' jour home now. WHY? nr rn in all l,n aFdutr-fi with build liiK Tiff onsiderabU My 1 $5400 Co? hoinr th it npt-nl t" Xhr mot crlt irnl wnrkmnnhlp inntprlnl nd dcor-tlnn-j an Monro vt careful aupTX llnn HPpariitn ontranrrn from llvintr room and linlnt; rcom to acond floor, both roal and Hun ranKtn ptirqlaiu ulnk and dratu Niard laundrv tran' Hardwood Floors Throughout U-rj ptvl mtvhofranv flnlnh A fs and nl a tow, left Snmpln iouh . No ."ifiGJ. upon pTTY dnv PEMBERTON STREET hetw-'in SMh nnd .7th tn Mlrxt n'rrt iijTh of '"(lar h K hint U. ..uth of M k PHILIP N. ARNOLD l.'lll i'IIKITNTT 'il M Milit-r Phlla ltl Estate Ron nl -TKHAI. h'jmffi for Immodiat po! ion hot m itwr li t hwrdwond floorn thr niRhout rlfrtrl hchts nn nri l".i itiC town PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1 J.. I ( HKSTNl'1 t-T 53D ANH ATHAKINH Thr" ntor. trlct 1 in ilcrn rmim for f.aruK junr ItKe a brand neu home (J baths prellorit lot. it Ion acini Immedlatn jtmonninn Vh bo. flttin lUrdv hnrnf np-n today "See MATTHIAS About It" NL i: ron 5'JP XND Alu'f sts Priirtrtip and MnrPM tl' m HAIL Hi 'ME iViln Ludlow st. with K iraR. atid all ImnriHPinents for srIb under von reasonable conditions Applj i .Mr It i i "ilJ I'h-sinut st Ruclne.. 1'rnpertleN nnd stores lid Willi T Vpt and store, nnanr.,1 I and store e business g, ! Im illol fir live huslliess scp.iinie i in rnr i ui"! in" .1 1 fiFV 1"J1 S I Oiti vt Mli HAEL V ii v. M.i MV.RKET T-n sini v modern l.ipt.. store uusurpissoil liuiness loistlon MjCllvri. A MAUIVEY 1IIJ1 S Bllth l tiiirnne. O R viiK i. nth and lliluniore ave upuclij l.'l rs lot riJJ7it, for sale only, i MICHAEL A MALONEY loai ti lld'n et I ,'L:L,,LNIJ!!'L uiiiiiiii:..iiMi iiui'isii'iiiHifiiiiEii'iicaiiiuiiiuii'iiL ijii w.u I I BARGAIN V liiutlful detatbed huuie with bsl im t.- f isround In ttin old seitlin ii i rmitntoivn 1 minute s walk of Cler iMart nn ave and .'I minutes fron btati n Inimedl ite nciupaniy Te'e nhoi c.f b e ttpruce ii'.itl" lesldiinc ion Ire 4731 John W. Graliam, Jr. il.Tf 1 AND TI I'I.E 111.1)0. fiiuiraihiiwiwium U'07 Mi:iUV A l. - ArUdnum t h"lt.'ti ip tnllHf intir l iiuuli tn with lutnl wooti ihroviahout imnifMmt po-tii-HHlnn nm tf tho pr-i'ttifnt eMerlors in iho Kuvt fJt'r mantown sftllon. attr.i'tlvo trrntu IHlliin A. 1Tnrilv nc 7l V Mroml vn 7 1 h?J Ni:VIA lUMUT MOM!: it tooum itml tiixlh hardwood rttinrn hut wiittr heat laine lot prU- rifiht, I0U0U, tlllS Norwooil at CHAS A M V.HO.V i ' N E Roulevsrd Vvo 1071 J 000(1 ROSS 8T Six rooms bath laundry, imrch immediate possession Ll'iiin (II 'Q W HEAVE Mill Oerinantow n an Ruslness I'rcniertles and Mures !. Mio OEHMANTOWN AVE .1 story brick storo and dwellln-r, suitable for fruit and produce business DJinel O Uon nell nn Land Title Ride I.OHAN 41133 N m'TCHINSu.N'--hl dellnhtful rooms and bath, completely modern and In tx ceiient condition linmedlat possessiun in spec t b appointment only DALLAM L HARTLpT Inc . 4701) . llroad st yomlns HI.M N CA.MAC Cciiiveiiiint lo iruln and trullev t-arlv possessiun iidJnlnliii.- U'vn mlnE ave , a bedrooms splendid condition . s ii- inu'niin Dallas t tlartlev Inc 47011 N llroad st vvioinim H71 N7'J I'OPHES.iip.N- 4tlH Mervlne st L' story 7 rooms, bath strictly modern Franklin U BuiUer & Co., 1608 Vcnin(io. '"' v; T1. HEAL ESTATE FOB SAUt 1VF.HT VIIH.AIHCT.rHlA . m? Tour selection of paperlnr. Fireplace. Larue rooms with ample. closet space. Mirrored doors. Ileautlful tile bathroom. rnnhle vnn to navn tho 110 to tlE vou 1420 CHKSTNUT ST. ROOM 200 s ATTENTION! cnoo Rlock Sansrim st 4KD Rlock Westminster ave nun mock Thomas ave lioo Rlock Walnut st 1400 Rlock Ora's Ferry road, 3 house (1000 Rlock Walton ave. 550O Rlock Willows uve.. 2 houses . 3-o Rlock Woodland ave. 3S33 Reno st. (colored buyer) 140O Rlock N Allison st. OTHER HECriONS OF CITY 700 Rlock N 27th, 3 houses' 2700 mock Hivaln st , 3 houses 700 Rlock N Pennock st.; 4 houses 2.00 Rlock Rrown st ; 4 houses 2700 Rlock Thompson st ; 8 houses 2700 Hlock Cibot st , 2 houses 13(10 Hlock N Marston st . 2 houses 15(10 Rlock N Marston st ; 3 houses 2700 Hlock N 15th st 10 houses . 1700 Rlotk Poplar st (business property) . SURURRAN PROPERTIES Llanerch. Pa new houses, Johnson built Narberth, Essex ave ; house and lot Rosemont Ta , 2 largo properties , COth St Store Properties Sale and Rent Also Several nuslness Opportunities 214 South 60th Street i-il'EN EVENINOS t'NTIL II O'CLOCK !!!lM!!91NMr FOR HOME BUYERS INC.. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS '" -- i1 1.1M1AX The Most Beautiful Homes in Logan Facing the Spacious Lawns of the Widpner Home Stone homes with garages, English style, enclosed side - approach porches, heated ; real open fireplace and many other modern appointments. Take Old York Road trol lry to Sommprvillc Ave, walk west Vs block, or P. & R. R. R. to Lojran Sta lion 2 blocks north on Broad St. Sample House Completely Furnished Greenfield & Taubc Penn Square Building Aiil'VT UN rRE.MtSER I ni'l'i" -tl l.'l RACE 1(114 spmm tniroiiripjii'in iwia'ts misWitginiioiinniiHra 1 Quality First Homes I 1 1 th St. & Somcrville Ave MOll NllRTH rk York rd ir to Somervllle ave unlk 2 siiuares east ?iio-stor, porch white and mahoe anv finish 11 large rooms and tiled bath with set-In tub and shower: P'asiered basement laundry hard- I noon noors tnrouitiiout, electric lights excellent heatlne and plutnblnir Do inn neias in- mailing your selection, Limited number only MAURICE H. MATSINGER Ro, F,t,i T-..-! D1J D iii.ui uoiuit iiuai UlUg. Walnut HOT Member phi a Real Estate Hoard Miiininiiimiiii'iiiii'.i'ii'in . iiaiiMini in rMiiiiiiiwiiia u ren " DESIRABLE SECTIONS tm ii v ii ut, din n i ).' i ii,i, fi-.r, s im, l.'i.l.' i amiss 11 17 13ib st 1)1 7 i omnia avi H'."V S Kith IT'.'ilN IMh 1" IT II llt-id am iiioii b U Miriinn (il.M V i ittnii 1121 H i it,,, K j,, HII. S I oi n I'iJJ N 101 11 A N I) , I 1 300 BLOCK BOULEVARD 1 t Irnrtt( f iii tt .k- -.... b iirranired through ' DALLAS & HARTLEY, Inc. I70U N IIROAD HT W YOMI.Ni N71 T yg " ...... mm r-.n'aia ifoafa nm fin iiriiiiiini'iiiiiii'iitii'i'ntti'ii! N. W. Cor. 12th & Louden i rooms bath en losed heated porcl GREENFIELD TAUBE nirvv urunnin tr Locust 41) 13 44 Ilm 1814 411 17 N i MA( Tbre. slorr twin, with.! hm-iiater heat el.ctrltlty hardwtW floorsif' sdjoinlnn train and trolley at th pries of4 fer-rf one of the ist buys w? havo on our"' bisjks luilas It Hart el. Inc 4700 N, Ilm.., .. II'. .....I..- .,. limn ivy 4S, . . .. .. , . . .mini, r ii .,. ?!-.i. '."f'i "T T0".'- "rootn. an. ..-an.un. itiui,, iiuiiiriiinin possession! ad ' loUiitiB Huntinit f'ark attractive terms. KsvaA in offlie Dallus & Hartley, Inu 470i AT' llnad st Wyoming Ml K7li v "',. , . 81)2.1 N 18TIIMo4trn 0 rooms and bftaji M elec. hardwood floors. te.. price, tu3.? 'it is - LV S ' IV r Mi j it I ? s '' ; I?' A 4 $ U ri l T - I. l $ y uo vane) oiue. Wttlnul iJ v, . ,fj 4 i jy'iv4fttalyiii8 aayLilhcV-'v . .r.u. &Ldy.,-, ., . .v.v&r,.n, ... , i i- ("L: i Uici&'