Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1920, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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JVancy Wtynnc Talks of Persons, Places and Coming Events.
Mash and Wig to Give "Don Quixote, Esq."
for Seamen's Institute
f A MOST representative number of
J. wrtmen gathered nt Mm. Alexander
Van llennselacr's home, 1801 Walnut
street, yesterday afternoon to meet the
Princess Cantacuzcnc, who, you know,
Tvnn originally Mian Julia Grant, and In
a granddaughter of our lato President
U. 8. Grant. Tho princess wan alto
gether charming nnd gavo n most In
teresting talk on conditions In Russia,
explaining very carefully how the real
Russians had striven all through the
dark days to keep with tho Alllesnnd
to kill bolshevlsm and were still ready
to do so with assistance. Mrs. George
II, Lorlmer, who Is chairman of the
Princess Cantncuzeno subcommittee of
the Russian committee of the Emergency
Aid, which In turn has Mrs. George
Wharton Pepper as chnlnnan, intro
duced tho princess most gracefully hnd
tvo wero treated to n talk of more than
an hour; a talk which was most clear,
most convincing and extraordinarily In
teresting. Certainly her twenty years In Russia
hnd given her an Insight Into Russian
llfo nnd tho people. Slio had learned to
understand nnd lovo them nnd she made
her hearers understand them better and
want very much to help them.
I noticed Mrs.. Arthur Ica In the
audience and Mrs. Charlemagne Tower,
Mrs. J. Bertram Lippincott, Mrs.
Thomas Learning, Mrs. Sidney Keith,
Mrs. Willis Martin, Mrs. Norman Mac
Leod, Mrs. Gordon Fettermnn, Mrs.
Stanley G. FlngK, Jr.. Mrs. Chnrles M.
I,ca. Mhn Grace Smith. Miss Kmlllc
RIvinus, Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Jr.,
Mrs. Antclo Dcvereux, Mrs. W. Allan
Stockton. Mr. Kdwnrd Stotesbury,
Hw Helen Klelsher, Mrs. l)e Witt
Cuj'lor, Mrs. Alexander 'Williams
Riddle, in fact there must have been nt
least a hundred and fifty women there.
Tea was served after the talk.
DID you ever sec such glorious hair
as Mrs. Bob Large has? I saw her
a few days ago at an evening affair, and
It was just as wonderful as when, at
eighteen, she was one of tho belles of
her first season In society. She has
been In mourning for some years for
Mr. Large nnd has not been going
about much. In fart, only this' year
have I seen her nt opera or theatre.
She was wearing n stunning frock
of blark lace, made with a high bodice
and long sleeves over a low-necked
foundation and her -white neck fairly
glistened through the lnce. Her hair
was like on nurcolc of light. She nnd
Mrs. Walter Steel arc two of our
women who have steadfastly refused to
wear their hair In tight, nccording to
strict fashion, but they arc both so
pretty they can enslly afford to stick
to their o'wn stjle.
WELL, I for one nm certainly glad
that we shnll have n chance to see
that horse again next Tuesday night.
And ou know, I guess, what horse I
mean. None other thnn that Rosen -ante,
with her Spanish bark legs nnd Am
Russian forelegs nud their ultog'-thcr
fascinating four dancing legs. In other
words, tho Mask and Wig Club has coti
fented to nppear nt the Academy of
muHie for tho benefit of the Seamen
Church Institute, In which so ninny of
tho prominent men nnd women of tho
city nrc no interested just now.
You know it Is proposed to build a
large hotel for penmen down near Second
nnd Walnut streets. Most of the cities
with harbors ham these hotels and one
is badly needed here, hence the drive
for funds recently started.
Among those who will entertain
In boxes ou Tuesday evening will be
Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer. Mrs.
T DoWitt Cuylcr, Mrs. John A.
Urown, Mrs. Charles 13. Coxc, Mrs.
Daniel L. Hutchinson. Mrs. George
Mel'ndden, Mr. T. Charlton Henry,
Mrs. Sidney W. Keith, Mrs. Ernest
Law, Mrs. Charles Henry Scott, Mrs.
Herbert; M. Howe, Mrs. Livingston L.
niddle. Mrs. Thomas (J. Ashton, Mr.
John 0. Bell, Mrs. Arthur Lea. Mm.
Hcnrv S. Grove. Mrs. Kills Jackson,
Mrs. 'Strieker Coles, Mrs. Alba John
son. Mrs. Edward Stotesbury, Mrs.
Myers Fitter, Mrs. Stanley (J. Flagg,
Jr.. Mis. Charles M. Len, Miss Nina
Lea and Mrs. H. Dobson Altcmus, Mrs.
Henry Reed Hatfield. Mrs. Theodore
Cramp. Mrs. Ilollinshenil Taylor aud
Mrs. William 0. Warden.
YOL Uuow George Arliss was to havo
been guest of honor at tho Cushman
Club today, but I have been told that
the fa. has been postponed until next
Frida, tho thirtieth, because todny be
ing Shakenpoaro's birthday tho annual
entertainment nt the Edwin Forrest
Home is held nud Mr. Arliss is to be
the honor guest of tho old actors and
actresses. Mrs. Florence Enrlc Coutes
will read from Henry the Eighth, nnd
there will be n play, "Tho Gloss of
Touth," written by Horace Howard
Furncss, Jr,
YOU ought to go out to the rummage
Palo at :504a Market street, which Is
being held today nnd wns opened yes
terday. It is for tho Chnpln Memorial
Home for tho Blind, on Woodlnnd live
nue. nnd Mrs. Samuel Austin nnd Mrs.
William Woodward have the affair iu
Mrs. Woodward was telling ino jes
teritay of tho wonderful things they
hac. She is so Interested in It nil,
because being blind herself she knows
uliat a joy the Chapin homo is to these
Uenty some persons, both men nnd
vomen, who live there. Mrs. Wood
ward is chairman of the ladles' nuxll
Inrv of the home, and every one thinks
o much of her, with her cheerful no
eeptiiuro of the loss of sight ; nnd her
desire to help those who hnve I lie Fume
Mirrnw but no menns to help them
tcUes, just makes people want to open
their pocketbooks and give to this home
Iu which she Is so Interested. They
are very nnxious to build nn ndditlou.
that a few nioro persons may be cared
Mrs. Woodward told me 'that the
ministers sho has Interested havo given
Neii their overcoats for the sale today
nil tomorrow.
And while on tho subject of rummage
ales, did you know there's n wonder
Kning on at 008 Chestnut street for the
ftxinl service committee of tho Chil-
P. N. Degerberg
1621 Chestnut Street
Scotck Tweed
$65 up
for WOMEN and
And their things arc
"DETTy had had a party one day last
- week and the rcmnlnn thereof con
sisted largely of four different kinds of
candy. Well, on Sunday aunt nnd
uncle went thero to dine, nnd the candy
wns brought out. Every one was having
a wonderful time nnd Betty's mother
remarked once or twice: "Really, I
am nfrald Betty will be sick with all
that enndy." nnd she spoke anxiously.
But vwhen Betty came In from play nnd
examined each of her precious boxes In
turn there wns real feeling In her voice
as she remnrked, "I don't believe I'll
get sick eating too much candy."
An interesting wedding to society will
bo that of Miss Eleanor Noble, daugh
ter of Mrs. Woodbrldgo Noble, of 217
West Mt. Airy nvenuc. Germnntown,
nnd Mr. Geoffrey T. Hawley, which
will take place on Tuesday. June 1, nt
7 o'clock, nt the home of Miss Noble's,
uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
A. Jnnncy. ."7 East Summit nvenue,
Chestnut Hill. The Rev. John Chap
man, of St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
Chcs.tput Hill, will perform the cere
mony. Miss Anna L. Lartori will
net as maid of honor nnd Miss Mcta
M. Jnnney nnd Miss Alice B. Jnnncy,
cousins of the bride, will bo brides
maids. Miss Mary Jane Ilawley will be
the flower girl nnd Mr. Ilnrry Dower
will net ns best man
Miss Dorothy K. New bold, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Newbold. of
Laverock, will he mnrried the enrly lart
of June to Mr. Lothrop Ritchie, of
Pittsburgh. The wedding will take place
at St. Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill,
nnd will be very quiet nnd small on nc
count of the family being in mourning.
Tho wedding of Miss Alice. Gilpin,
dnughtcr of the late Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred
eric Morton Gilpin, of this city, nnd
Mr. William Henry Lloyd, nlso of this
city, took place at noon yesterday In
the chapel of the Protestant Episcopal
Church of St. Luke nnd the Enlnhnnv.
The Rev. David M. Steele. D. D., rec
tor of the church, Performed the cere
mouy. The bride was unnttended. Mr.
F. Bnrnnrd O'Connor nnd Mr. Francis
Hopkinson Gilpin, of New York, nnd
Mr. Henry W. Spnchmnn. of this city,
netcd ns ushers. After n wedding trip,
Mr. and Mrs. Llojd wiM live at the
southeast corner of Fifteenth and Lo
cust streets.
Tho Chestnut Hill Rending nnd Lunch
Club, which is composed of n dozen res
idents of Chestnut Hill, nud which met
nt their houses in turn, ench Thursday,
lias been discontinued until the fall.
Mrs. Randolph Justice, of Meadow
View, Bryn Mnwr, gnvc n smnll family
partv nt her home on Wednesday. Those
present were: Mis. Wlllium B. Hart,
of Button Wood. Radnor; Mrs. Jnmes
B. Kempton. of Radnor, nnd Mrs.
George L. Justice, of Wildwood, St.
Mrs. Clarence W. Dolnn, of Rose
mont, returned to her home from tho
South yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Wilson Curtin, of
221." De Lnnccy place, returned to
their country home. Brentwood, llo.su
luont, jesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Oelbermnn and
family, formirly of Carpenter lane,
hnve moved Into their new house 1111
Seminole nvenuc, abeve Willow Groo
nvenuc, St. .Martins.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Willinm limes Forbes,
of VHInnova. Hre planning to spend the
summer nt their cottage ut cntuor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Willinm H. Mnurcr, of
the Wood-Norton, Germnntown, will
entertain nt dinner this evening nt the
Bellcvue-Strntford. in honor of their
daughter. Mini Ruth Maurer nud Mr.
J. Albert Oldnch, whose marriage will
tako place tomorrow. Tho guests, who
will include members of tho bridal party
and n few additional friends, will be:
'Air. and Mrs. George Seaman, of
Poughkeepsle: Mr. and Mrs. II. F. M.
Oldach, Dr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Hurst
Mnier, Mr. and Mrs. David D. Crnmer,
Mies Dorothy Oldnch, Miss Margie
Westerman, Miss Elizabeth Boyd, of
Washington j Miss Ethel Stevenson,
Mr. William Hurst Oldach, Mr. Fred
erick Oldnch, Mr. Herman Oldach and
Mr. William W. Daniels.
Mrs. Wnlter L. 'Foulke. of Mer
maid lane, St Martins, Chestnut Hill,
has returned to her home from Miami,
Fin., where she Brent several weeks.
Mrs. Chnrles Goodman, of Fishers
avenue, Bryn Mawr, entertained four
teen membero of tho children's dancing
class nt her home a few evenings ngo
after tho fancy dress mcetiug of tho
class, which meets nt the Merlon
Cricket Club. Among her guests were :
Miss Kntherine M. Ludlnm, Miss Betty
Snowden, Miss .Tnno Snowden, Miss
May Smith, Miss .Tnno Phillips, Miss
of Rich
A Most Wanted
Spring Model
and for Tomorrow
HO Everywhere!
Were these Pumps offered
nt $10 you'd consider
them cxcollent values.
At ?0.85, thero is no argu
ment necessary, particu
larly sinco $10 is their
lowest price elsewhere.
Fetching model, with
Louis heels, turn soles. A
very special economy
value for theso two days.
Royal Boot Shop
2nd Floor Savas 2t5
I208-8-IO Chtstnut Streat
dren's Hospital,
splendid, too,
i Kt&r
S0. .
y r,i
Photo liy IJachrach.
Mrs. Clothier Is chnirman of tho
committee for tho Vynnolood
Pony nnd Dog Show, which will
take placo this year on Wednes
day, May 12
Prlseilla Goodman, Mr. Stuart Dar
lington Ludlnm. Mr. John Stewnrdson,
Mr. George Worth, Mr. Frederick
lr. ueorgo
hllllps, Mr. .In
mes Snowden1 nnd Mr.
Charles Goodman
.A.nS(1 Mrs Joseph B. Hutchinson,
of inoi Spruce street, will return to St.
Davids. June 1, to occupy the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roever, for the
Mr. and Mrs. P. Thornton Dnshlel,
Miss Alice Dashiel and Miss Virginia
Dnshlol hnve taken a home qn Chestnut
nv"'n,1 lcynd Seminolo nvenue, Chest
nut Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fnlcs Baker.
a it vi- b.f'oc Tiding the month of
April at LnkCWOed- nrn nrnnnto.l . -.-.-
turn to their home, Old Oaks, Rosemont,
on May 1. '
A series nt tlia fin......... :it 1..
1 un bive Junior -of the Saturday
Club, of Wayne, at the clubhouse dur
ing tho month of May. Mrs. W. Alleu
Farr. president of the club, will be the
The Women's Club of Cvnwyd held
a meeting on Wednesday. Mrs. Robert
Brown gave several violin solos nnd
Mr. Michael Dorizns, of the Unlvcr
Ji. ,f l. cnnylvnnin, gave a lecture
with lantern slides, on Palestine and
the Icar East. There wns a reception
following the meeting to the new mem
hern who havo come in during the past
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles II. Wetzel and
iituRuicr, iiuHs uuruaru wetzel, of the
Wesley Apartments, Wayne, have Just
returned from Porto Rico, where they
bih'ui Huverai wccks.
"Alice in Wonderland" will be given
ut tho I-ower Merlon High School audi
torium tomorrow afternoon for the
benctit of the IJryn Mnwr endowment
Miss Evelyn Swnrz will eutcitain the
members of the Omcen Phi Simon
Sorority, Upsllon Chapter, nt her home
tomorrow afternoon. Her guests will
.C 4U
Millinery Importer
1517 Walnut St.
a week-end
George Allen, inc.
1214 Chestnut Street 1214
We have planned n wonderful showing for Saturday of
Trimmed Hats for smartly dressed women and the younger set.
You have an opportunity in this special collection of nowly
created lints to jjet just the hat you want for that particular
suit or gown. These
Remarkable Value Hats
are $10.00 and $12.00
No two models alike. All trimmed In our own workrooms with
best quality braids, ribbons and French flowers they wo mato by ex
perts of experience.
Tho Braids nr I.lserc, Hemp, nnd Satin Finish. Tho models nro
smalt and medium pokes, nicotines, nnd mushroom brlmu.
At n glance you will notice they hao tho stylo njid value of Hats
nt a much higher price.
Trefoussc French Kid Gloves
in 8 Button Length, $5.50 a pair
French Kid Glovea In I' JC or ovorseain sewn In Whlto, Black,
Beaver and Brown. This Is n belated Importation bought for delivery
last fall when French Oloves wero cheaper. W nro giving" our oustom
era this price advantage. Thesa fin French gloves aro hard to obtain
and would be (rood valuo at tho regular price.
Silk Hosiery With Clocks, $2.75
Slight Seconds of the $5.50 Grade; Half Price
These nro a tine gnuKO, puro silk hoao with Ilslo garter tons and
doublo Roles ; they havo full fanhloned feet and come in black with
whlto clocks nnd white with black clocks. The imperfections are
almost Imposslhlo to nnd nnd we havo tho same quality in our regu
lar stock in firsts at ss.SO n pair.
Venice Laces, Half Price
Wo nro showing a wonderful collection of fine Imported Venice
I.aces In narrow, medium and wldo edgex and insertions, Tho prices
havo been lowered to half ns the various widths are not to be had
in sets. This Is nn exceptional opportunity to secure fheso wanted
laces at
Prices Now Hanging From 50c to $2.00
Allen's French Hair Nets
10c each; $1.00 a dozen
Wo havo Just received a largo Importation of our guaranteed lmlr
t: thev cost almost this much now to Import, but we aro mill main.
new ;
tainlng tho prlco at which we have been Belling them for over eeen
Wo guaranteo every net to be perfect nnd to glvo reasonable wenr
or wo will choerfully replaco them.
Slip-on Cup Shape in Both Large and Small Sizes
Import Special Straight Shape in Extra Large Size
include Miss Margaret Malpass, Miss
Anita Kaurmnn, Miss uorotiiy .louns
ton. Miss Dorothy Kolb. Miss Edith
Thompson, Miss Maud Thompson, Miss
uertruae uummings ami ansa iumi
Firth. Tim nnrnrltr has nlanncd n
dance to be given nt tho Delmnr-Morrls
on May 8.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. W. Schmidt, of
0105 Christian street, will entertain nt
a card party nt their homo this evening.
Their guests will include Mr. nnd Mrs.
Wendell Swift TrcdieK, ur. nnu .Mrs.
Edward W. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Seltz, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rollln Rlchnrdson
Meyers and Mr. nnd Mrs. Bucks.
Mrs. William J. Coane. of 0,180
Church road, Ovcrbrook, will give n din
ner nt her homo which win uc ioiiowcu
by n dance nt tho Ovcrbrook Golf Club
on Saturday night.
Mrs. Harry Bower, of 4S00 Cedar
avenue, will entertain her "fiOO" club
this nfternoon. The members will In
clude Mrs. Hiram II. Illrseh, Mrs. Ru
dolph Sossnn. Mrs. A. II. Hartung,
Mrs. Frederick Donneuhowcr. Mrs. Carl
F. Lnubcr, Mrs. Jacob Boiswangcr,
Sirs. A, P. Rosenberger, Mrs. II. P.
Orlcmnnn, Mrs. Harry Bowers, Mrs.
IT. ArfoH. Mrs. Thomas Schmltt. Sirs.
J. II. Bowers, Mrs. W. II. Rittcr, Mrs.
F. W. Haltcrman, Airs, .incou Mchrei
bcr, Mrs. C. F. Wall nnd Mrs. L. Es
Mr. nud Mrs. Kahn, of .T1S Christian
street, nrc receiving congratulations on
the birth of a non on Sunday, April 18.
Among those who are entertaining nt
the baznnr which is being held In St.
Monica's parish hall, Seventeenth and
Rltncr streets, on the evenings of this
week nre: Mrs. J. Murphy, Mrs. Jo
seph Halpln. Mrs. John P. Donahue,
Mrs. Gromllck. Miss Aune Crowley,
Mrs. Johu McCool, Mrs. John Scott,
Mrs. Nell Devlin, Mrs. John Gnlen,
Mrs. MeAullff. Miss Nellie Cnffry, MKs
Marv Caffry, Sirs. D. Dorsey. MNs
ll"tn Eli-off and Mrs.J. P. Stahl.
A surprise reception wns given on
Tuesday evening In honor of Mrs.
Clara S. Ogden at her home, 220S
Hunting Park avenue, by tho A. W.
T. Society of the Temple Baptist
Church, of which Mrs. Ogden is the
president. The guests included the
Rev. nnd Mrs. Herbert Agate, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Walling, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Wnlllng. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk
Ogden. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Hammer, Mrs.
Hacker. Mr. Frank Hnckcr, Mrs. Ed
ward Moddock. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
T. Jennings, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick
Myers. Mrs. E. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Lyons, Mr. und Mrs. George
Dawson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallace Culp,
Mrs. Symond. Mr. and Mrs. W. Burt
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. John Ogden,
Miss Jane Cgdcn, Miss Emllio Craven,
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Buchanan, Mrs.
.L II. Thomas. Miss Millie Thomas.
Mrs. Steelcmun. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel
Kemp. Mrs. II. L. Graf aud Doctor and
Mrs. Hownrd E. Mcllor.
Mr. .T. Ilnrrv Rowers is entertaining
the members of the North Philadelphia
"Cozy" Card Club this afternoon at
her home. 4831 Cedar nvenue. Her
guests include Mrs. William H. Rittcr,
Mrs. Adolph H. Hartung, Mrs. Fred J.
Hnltcrmnn, Mrs. Jacob Schrclbcr. Mrs.
Hiram II. Hlrsch, Mrs. A. T. Rosen
berger. Mrs. Hnrry Orlcmann, Mrs.
Chnrles F. Wall. Mrs. Jueob Beis
wanger. Mrs. Frederick Danucnhowcr,
Mrs. Carl F. Lauber, Mrs. Pauline
Schmidt, Mrs. Lillian Essllnger. Mrs.
Harry Artolt nnd Mrs. Rudolph Sosna.
Values up to $30
A rummage sale for the benefit of the
Holmesburg Home and School Associa
tion will bo held in the Men's Associa
tion Hall on Saturday.
Mrs. Monroe Taylor, of Illgbce street,
will entertain the members of her Tues
day sewing circlo at bcr homo next
Miss Hortense Midland, of Ilcgerman
street, will be hostess to tho members
of her card club this afternoon,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence .Tncobs nre
receiving congratulations on the birth
of n daughter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Peoples nre be
ing congratulated on the birth of a son.
John B. Robinson, of Media, is
the guest of her son-in-law nnd dnueh
ter. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Welling Wyckoff,
of Pittsburgh, with whom she will re
main a month.
The sixth annlversnry luncheon of
the Sherwood Century Club wns re
cently given, under the direction of Mrs.
A. Eylcs, the club's president. Those
contributing to tho musical progrnm
which followed were Mrs. J. H. Hayes.
Mrs. L. G. Payne, Mrs. A. Stein nnd
the Rev. C. J. Blschoff.
Before n large nudleneo at the Ersinc
clubhouse the St. John's brnnch of the
Girls' Friendly Society gnvo two come
dies entitled "Tho Gentle Jury" nnd
"Her First Assignment." Those who
took part Included Miss Dorothy Tnr
rnncc, Miss Mnrlon McCoy, Miss Ida
Kelly. Miss Mildred Tyson, Miss
Knthnrlno Spring, Miss Bertbn Phil
lips. Miss Frances Craven, Miss Mil
dred Lowincr. Miss Mildred Spring,
Mls Frnnccs Lloyd, Miss Mary Evans.
Miss Elizabeth Koyser. MKs Mabel
Diamond. Miss Elizabeth Kelly. Miss
Mary Pollock, Miss Florence Huns
berger. Miss Dorothy Leiby. Miss .les
ie Gillam, Mins Knthnrlne Grey. Miss
Frances Burns, Miss Katharine Kelly,
Miss Elizabeth Dcnvcs and MNs Nina
Pugh. '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fox hnvo
arrived from a six-months' stay in
Scrvla, where Mr. Fox has been in,
charge of nn American reconstruction
unit. Thev are visiting Mrs. Fox's
mother, Mrs. J. R. Umstnd, of the
An attractive entertainment nnd dance
will be given tomorrow evening In tho
Mnsonlc Hall, on Main street, by the
members of the "Bible classes of Mrs.
Ralph Woerncr and Miss Lillian West
erman, In nid of their work in the
Epiphany Lutheran Church. The pro
gram will include n humorous sketch,
with Miss Mildred Bornmullcr, Miss
Marie Barnes, Mr. John Levins nnd Mr.
Forrest Allcbnch In the cast, and chor
uses by tho classscs.
ffiitz -
-jSSZ S3it5jrJl I IlKV' fit,
a v?onderful shoxCing of
embracing designs from
c-Oerp v?ell-knovn
Modiste of Paris
Our Formal Opening Will Be Announced an
Soon as Our French Salons Aro Completed
Ik rvw V rv
ftHEHU 23, 1020
. .
Marriage to Tako Placo Thi3
Evening Orill-Dono-
huo Nuptials
An nttructlve spring wedding will take
place this evening nt the home of Dr.
nnd Mrs John B. Egce, 2015 North
Eighth street, when their dnughtcr,
Miss Ida E. Egee. will be mnrried to
.Mr. Walter E. Winter, son of Mrs.
Carolina Winter, of 3305 North Fifth
street. Tho Rev. John W. Richards, of
St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Seventh
street nnd Montgomery avenue, will
perforin the ceremony, nnd n reception
will follow. The bride, who will be
given In marrlag'c by her father, will
wenr n eown of bridal satin with a veil
of tulle, nnd will enrry n shower of
Bride roses. She will be attended by
Miss Caroline Winter, sister of the
bridegroom, who will wear n pink
georgette frock and will carry pink
Mr. Arthur Turner will be best man.
Upon their return from their trip Mr.
Winter nnd his bride will live at 2015
North Eighth street.
An interesting wedding of the week
wns that of Miss Esther F. Donohuc,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Dono
huc, of 1231 North Thirteenth street,
nnd Mr. Robert II. Grill, of 3572 Queen
lane, Falls of Schuylkill, which was
solemnized on Wednesday afternoon in
St. Malachy's Church, Eleventh nnd
Mnster streets, with the Rev. Father
Fleming officiating. The bride wore n
gown of soft white taffeta, with a veil of
tulle ('audit with clusters of oraneu
1 blossoms, nnd enrried Bride roses. Miss
Norn Donohue wns licr sister s only at
tendant, and wore n gown of orchid taf
feta, wlih a mnllnc hat to match, and
carried orchid sweet peas.
Mr. Grill hnd his brother, Mr. David
Grill, for best man. The service was
followed by a. reception nt the home of
the bride.'H pnrents. The bridegroom
nnd brido left for a trip to Niagara
Falls and Canada, nnd upon their re
turn they will be nt home nt 3513 Queen
Announcement Ih made of the mar
riage of Miss Alberta B. Kirk, daughter
of Mrx. John Kirk, of 3400 North
Eleventh street, nnd Mr. William T.
Brown, of Cordle, Ga., on Monday, by
the Rev Willinm Bnyley Forney, of
Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Mann
yunk. Mr. nud Mrs. Brown will be at
home at 3400 North Eleventh street.
The wedding of Miss Helen L. Cowlcs,
3ftthJKbenttf ,
Tailored Suits
29.75 36.75 49.75
Smartly tailored and neatly fin
ished. Serviceable, sensible,
Motor Coats
Street Coats
32.75 to 66.75
New Tailored Hats
Mann & Dilks
dnughtcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Douglas
Cowlcs, of 1323 Silver street, nud Mr.
Paul J. Dacmer, of Moorestown, N. J.,
took nlace on Wednesday nfternoon In
the Church of Our Lady of Mercy,
Broad street and Susquehanna nvenuc,
with the Rev. George Boylo officiating.
The brido wore her traveling suit of blue
cloth, with n braid hat to match, nnd
was attended by Miss Helen McPhllips.
Mr. Nelson Cowlcs wns his brother's
best man. A reception nt tho home of
the bride's parents followed the cere
mony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cowlcs will ne
at home iu Moorestown, N, J., upon
their return from their trip.
The wedding of Miss Veronica C.
Collier, of Sixty-third street and Gi
rard avenue, and Mr. Charles J. Tryon,
also of this city, took place on Wednes
day nt the Church of Our Lndy of the
rrr ,,
In Sunday's
FOUNOtO 1656
"' -T-TT
Quality and Standard Famous Over Half a Century
Mourning Gowns
$35.00 to $89.00
A most complete showing of mourning dresses in
Crepe de Chine, Poiret Twill, Poplin and Georgette, fea
turing dull buttons and braid, dull beads and embroidered
Georgette. They are displayed in an exclusive corner of
our second floor salon, and authentic advice of our ex
perienced salespeople is an important factor considered
by those who know us.
1 Vl
ftp S
Special Reduction
Oxfords and Pumps
Friday and Saturday
Sagacious women will lake advantage of
this exceptional opportunity to purchase
Dorothy Dodd Shoes of national reputation
at prices far below today's market value.
A selection of all-Havana brown and
black dull kid and patent coltskin.
Market, Corner Twelfth Street
Rosary, SUty-thlrd and CathV
streets. Tho Iter. Peter 3. M
rlt-4- nfflrlnlrrl. Tlin lirlrln ' ntte
liv Mlsn "Unf-lnn fl TTitrlinn nn trials'
honor, and Mr. Robert Collier was tJw,"
best mnn, An informal reception, M 1, j
Uw..l tl. -... t iU t.AnA A t lift 1
tUtU II1U Ut'lClUUUjr 111. UU UUWU wi -"" 'l J
u.t.t. .. l.l-L r -.i nr.-. ma'l .t.'-i
iiiiui-, 11111:1 Hlinii air. auu " ..' .1 ;
left for n iveitrllnir frln. TInon ihefr -5 f
return they will be at homo at BIT f!
North Sixty-third street.
- . . tl Hf
iiisnop jaui iwattnews, ot rrmceion.
was 1110 guesc 01 :ur. ana .urs. Jiiamunu ' y
Mnulc on Wednesday. ; ,(,
ti a.
Miss Cnrrlo Love. Mrs. O. E. Htrat-, Z
lan Mm. Oenrcro Ferrler. Mra. .InmM H-
Oladhlll. Mrs. J. S'. Bulst will be anion .'5
thn iriiiulu nt n rnrd nnrtv eiven h tho 1. K
" rM" '-- "- r ...- ...
d Club of Rlvcrton todny. 1 ' ;
Public Ledger
wmsm i
" m 7
HS"fl if'Ll U. JL J.J.V (
mjiujJX4-tu --.
- I .11 J i S
Chestnut Si.
Coats of Black
$49.00 to $125.00
Tricotino, sergo and poiret
twill fashion these good-looking
three-quarter and one-half length
coats, and they are well lined with
peau de cygne.
Black Suits
$49.00 to $75.00
For the woman who favors a
black suit wo have poiret twill and
imperial pergo cut on conserva
tive, finely tailored lines. In
short, whatever your needs for
mourning wear, or if you prefer
black, you will find an extensive
assortment of superior grado
coats, suits or gowns.
, TiH
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