.' A m BT Plf (- p ' Jt."y. i . . i" irat British and Penn Relay Teams Busy on Franklin Field : P. M. C. Faculty and Girls in Overalls ' V .... . wwmmaajtr.J! wwi t ,- :cu-:.i s-su i-? r - rv MM .liMlliiv r"7-""" PP - VWWM'UiTpV,?n-v " ir-f'i v" & sift rT. i s t i i . . v x aFS v ar j s .'5 , v m iiuj ikv,. " i j . . i r v S W v. "TT- "'K . rfs v "'?' ' v- ' Lv.i2vaHH.v 2u uitossaeKKSi HiMfllHli ?! .. 'PA h. .i . . ' r- '-T J7.WV . Zlt0'A 'O . ' Vv vvH'.dt-.'i'..vv - . s '.1-K-?k2;tf '. :.!.? ;5Av:v7r;Wi"S'',fij .irm'AsfiiiKiiB ElZTFrarars? P--S" :a-:.-A SHlHMi, .. , .. assaEBeaaaBSBMKiy Lilcer 1'hoto Service. SIX OXFORD-CAMblUDGE SPEED SlEN, who arrived on Snturdny from England, were photographed ns-they sprinted at Franklin Field yesterday nftcrnoon. They express much coniidencc in their relay team. " Ua&'lKwKl WS&k fi.lmz s ".''iu.i VK& ASS3S &&& a. Ua.XV Jj'W'v CHINESE GIRLS of New York join the Overall Club. The little tots are Poldi and Mina Lone Tack Sam. Thc-e " ofllcial uniforms need shortening. Ledger Thoto Son Ice Tdner Photo Seilre AGNEW MauBRIDK, a lawyer, member of REAL OVERALLS, and borrowed, in a determination to Penn's class of 1882. at the ajje of sixty give the high cost of clothing a jolt. The girls arc Miss years, does the 100-yard stretch in 114 Helen Bradson (left) and Miss Alberta Griffith, the first seconds. He is seen on Franklin Field three female members of the overall crusaders in Philadelphia, times a week. r tV '"iv.Ttj . k.-'i-V 4' Ji?,x - V-JT , ' m - v 7, &m '" v"S'S"' Vi'w i' .'-ti P-v ! s hi?v' L, ,"'' 1 !eAtiK3w -.jt .mxi1.mtLfr'km. w .. V.-CX.J r t MHKHUVrT VUHk. .T .uiKAHB UV J T VSMMbfHIKaiV , .-. !T1BJ ' ' i i "nCfBnBBtKk. fwNlSSSlL.. ,JHHH!SlT7ZHViVM&BkR7 Hc BBtcK OTHBB s JjBBBBBBBBftz ttVBBBBBr' Adfl VBMBBBBBsBBSBBBBB39aHBBBBSH fmmWS3m;k WwWamffll mVumm KHfm 1 "XSHPBiisS? tssfeiSbiaffimsaBsaspBKeraf&w (Misssaaiej r52S3ZXSKjm jsvTWRTCTia Ledger Photo Service, SCORES OF STUDENTS were on Franklin Field yesterday nftcrnoon watching Penn's relay team in their workout. Several private trials will be made during the week. Eight of the picked men can be seen on hc; cinder path. - '-S3nSiSB&Wt& In' rnatlonl THE NEW BRITISH AMBASSADOR, Sir Auckland Geddes and Lady Geddes, photographed on a coast guard cutter, to which they wore transferred from the ship on which they arrived from England yesterday. Lady Geddes once lived on Staten Island', New York HURDLING a height of 5 feet C inches at Pinehuist. X. C This plished by a h'irse ovned by Mrs. Warner, of New York. :,:;mMmm Western Newspaper I nlon. remarkable jump was accoin The rider was Hegarty. . v T-swfgj , i i milium, m,?ti,3&L V-Bi..- - jBB'j- . 'yfrfx.'tsei'JV'!Sv:'nT-.'Mv' 'Twf j,.,-.- '-'it':!i'v-'i';'i;;J"' -rwiWii9HHHHHHSKZIl .'..w.l,. '"J OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO THIS IS NOT A CHAIN GANG But it is the Faculty Overalls Club of the Pennsylvania Military College, at Chester. The club was organized just at the opening of the school hour yesterday morning. The faculty group is headed by , Prof. Earl K. Wallace (loft; and Dr. L. P. Wymnn, dean of the college (right). THE BEAUTY CORNER I ... I , $ . ,..-w-)N .h-wiN, -11111111 MinmiHririiMiMM Mii iimmiiih i I ! iiiii mil X. T Le.lyer TJioto Hervlie, 'FITTING FEET on full-fashioned stockings at the Thomas E. Brown & Sons factory, Second and Westmoreland streets, at the COMMODITIES made from cotton collected by Dorothy Carson, and those that rate of forty dozen paira a day. The operator is E. Landenberger, 30.. 1- streoU originated from carbon, by Theodore Ginsberg, being displayed at the Drcxcl School, Six teenth and Moore Htrccts. MISS MIRIAM MODEL, 350 Jackson Street, Philadelphia Photographs for this feature should bo submitted througfMho mail, addressed to the Beauty Corner, EVENING PUJJLIO LedCQD If r H 4"skF.irtJ' t ( J . A) . f : - Ait ,jl j ty-ua .I.1 nlb-tjdl . ' . ii '"-"-";'! w-t... Kf1 ..'AXI ifctfuMfevt t-&jm i.JV!! TniV, . sii'itz&fr L i Jii