e "!" i' , nww??;. t .: . t' '"- . Wfi f ,"'" ($ s- .vavii ;. -? tTBLP WANTKDMALB toiijniu. experienced on truck worm i familiar "Flii rtbu'Wlnf. AjjPlv Amorl cnfr: n"see, 80th and Columbia nve. ..t exMrleneeJ In cracker baking. Keib "SfLwMl h" -'' 98 N. 2d st. ntK rare men wanted i assistant for u if i tacking department, mfg. concern. Serin Philadelphia. , with omo experience .. fcijJdlln feme.le help deelrablei state a-e '"J'Vln.rftnrV. Reply. P. O. lift IMS. MtlN t.tter' WUfkl SOUll HKVI c'"ui..m an1 hnnuli 41 1)4 hours weeki no mi""""...""- r.rj' ......... n ...... thof trouDie. ! ' " vi yffll mnrnre Tmnyrv Co.. Ontario and c. iTXlNTBHM wanted on wagon work. Apply IAB,ir,ni".WIII-.Tonn'. 2,1211 nidcre Vf. Sii-rKHNMAKUllS, mule, first-class. Apply rATii.. l'"tlrn Works, 1112.1 N. Marvlne, rOBTKflS. DAY AN'D NIOHT WORK apply jiuhkau Of bmplotment WANAMAKEn'fl fnTElW. OOLOnBO MEN FOH OB NERA L P WOllK. APPLT HfLK) & KILBUHN rflnP.. iTH ANI OLKNWOOD AVE, PUttt, (JLAZBinB Piberltheed men oh closed aulomo t'lle bodies; bl pay ateady work AJTLT HALE & KILTWIIN CORP.. 18th and Olenwood ave. SivbT HKATEItH. ApPW Steward ft 'sieVeni Iron Works. 1720 N. sth, b"aLK8MAN Large grocery corporation re eulres the services of a first-class salesman in oil on druar trade: Rood opportunity for a lire, cnergetlo man. Address united Whole ?.V Oweery Co.. IMIl.tll N. M it, HALEBMAN Sail machinery; btar, aalea: food chance for idiancemtnti commlaalon baalt. Oltea Kn (Ineerlni Co., Inc., 1S37 Cheatnut at.. Phlla- fliipni. !' SALEaMEN WANTED fDUR EXPERIENCED FTOCIC SALES. MENi 1IIOH-ORADE ft". SECURtTYi LO CAI' ENTE1IPHI8B ADDnEBB P. O. BOX inoi. rmi-AiJcm-ii. S'ALEH BNOINEKn A lrcc corporation producing htrh-rrade lubrlcatirir oils and rrcatea M In need of a man ouallfled aa aalea engineer, for the idllcltatlnn of the railway trade. lit ehould bo an engineering graduate, wbo hai had practloal exporlenco In loco motive and car shops, and muat be thor oughly familiar with rolllne atock operation iiid tnalntenanca. ntmuneratlon will bo by salary, with traveling cxpeneea paid. Headquarter rhlla dtlDbla. In reply elate at, height, weight, educa tion and experience: all replies will be con flaentlal. P 315. trtger Offlw. SAWYKJl. band rlo iaw: ateudy work; good wxea for capable man. Apply Penraon A Ludaiclier lumber Co.. Delaware river and Wee I mnreland et. bAWVEH. croticut, ciperlencen on cigar bOlM. S1IEIP & VA-NDEOHirr. 814 N. Ijwrence. BECnETAnT-STENOOIlAPlinn A man ABOUT 38. WITH 0 OR TEAIta EX PERIENCE AS BTENOOnAFHER AND IN IIAN'DLINO BALES CORRESPONDENCE: WITH ABILITY TO INTEREST HIMSELF IN DETAILS! EXPERIENCED TO BOMB EXTENT, AT LEABT IN DIIIECTINO CLERICAL WORKERS AND TAMILIAR WITH OFUCE METIIODB AND ROUTINE GENERALLY: POSITION 18 8TEN0 CRAPHICAL TO START. WITH DEFINITE ADVANCEMENT IN INSIDE WORK. IN ADVERTISING ' 8ALEH DEPARTMENT: EXPERIENCE IN ADVERTI8INO VALU ABLE QUALIFICATION. RUT NOT EBBKN T1AL: AN UNUSUALLY GOOD OPPOR. TUNITY TOR THETxiOlfT MAN TO PUT HIMSELF IN A OOOD POSITION WITHIN 1 OR 2 YEAR8. CALL AFTER 2:80 P. M. en write j. n. webcott, advertib- PARTMENT. PUDLtC LEDOER. SHOE JtAN PinOT RATE A ahoa, factory of. nation-wide repu tation for th auallty of Its womenrii ahoea wanta a auperlntendent of manufacturln with ability, energy and ezperlencel tha man who can flu the pcaltlon acceptably haa an unuiual opportunity before him: communicate by mall, atatlnar are. and complete details of experience and other qualifications; lattera will i "J5. .'" trlfjest confidence. L I. Wlghtman. Technical Adver tlelng Arency. 00 Union aauare. New York. SOLICITOR for collection agency, state or. ip. and aalary exnected. A MX. I.M. Off. BTENOORAPHERB Large manufacturlnir plant requires the eervlcea of at least 25 stenog raphjra at onea: good aalary: poiltlons ara first clsss and perma nent: good opportunity: stalo ref erences, p lid. Ledger Office. ITOCKMEN TO HANDLE rURNITimD STRONO. ACTIVE MEN APPLY BUREAU OF" EMPLOYMENT TVANAMAKER"a TOUCHERS wanted, exnerlenced on cabinet worK: gooa wages. Appiy ciroia rnono trarh Co . 122T Oermantnwn ave. WANTErj A donor to give blood to save tha iiro nr a patient. Apply Mt. birtil 110s Sltal, Bth and Reed mis.. ri Phlla, TVOODWORKINO machine hands on upright inoiurr, saaper. Dana saw ana jointera; r..i wma, niKw t-o.. zna una I'aseyunK. TOUNO MAN. not aver W1. with fair Hiic, tlon. wanted by Investment banklnr house: muit start at bottom: only an ambitious lad 1 "' quaimcations ana salary irr.j f hum, LOgT UHlCe. TOU.NOMAN wanted for newipaper work; rne ante to read archltecla plans pre- -.rr.i. AQnresa m aan. Ieare liITIPe, flenerml nnrrwvwi t tvd A BrECIALIZED EMPIA1YMENT SERVICE RU8INEHB DEPARTMENT SOLICITS APPLICATIONS from office man- gen, accountants, secretaries, carresnond- nt. bookkeepers stenographers, executive ' nu women lor variour ornce noemons. ... . KNCHNKER1N ODEPAnTMENT SOLICITS APPLICATIONS from engineers, technical and roller men! master murhanlp. fimlllar with steam and refrigeration, handle a force of power plant uatjstanta; assistant mechanical engineer, largo manufacturing Hieni. loremen inspectors, with manurac tarlijg or Induetrlal plant exnerlence. nEOllIiiKMRNTHpnivii.wni'a APPLICANTS MUST BE UNDER 45. Anpll eallons from local (ind miburban realdenta jnlwno othera. A thorough Investigation ex tended on every po'ltlon, No charges of any Kind unless nosltton is actually accepted. "M H 11th elnce IRflT. -MEN AND LADIKH WANTED , TO LBARNLIIARHERINO increase your earnlnra; blr demand for rtrbers- dny or nleht classes. Tm-CITY nARRER SCHOOL 2?R N. Dili at,, Philadelphia Pa, VK lYliH TotI TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES OPEN BUNDAY8 ?!n rull nnrt complete course 123 DAY AND NIOHT CLAKKE8 .... L'CENHES OITARANTEED "ATTLP.IPS, IBOl 8PRIN0 OARDEN RT. STTTTtTTQTJB WANTED FEMALE DrtESSMAKBR. ,xv, fliter. designer, French .?."'"! '''"Ires few dressmakeru; I8.B9 por v. A Sin T.dser Offlc, SOCIAL SECRETARY or companion deslrea ni .c. ,n refined home; hank and social Tef. : n. '.-"' entire charve of orderlnr. servants. Je If reniilrd. M t.der Office. WOMAN, colored, wanta day's work; a-ood rfrnr, aim Montrose st. ?!0. IADY. refined, thoroughly compe t.If..1 " ,ul '"' chawe of private score iVis ew .rk! ""Hint reference. L. II. K "IU S, si. .SITUATIONS WANTED-MAI.E I WANT Mt.ui;,.r(,m an U'rly man In tha real M Jf?kdin "' his work done by a man of ft with lots Of push and enerirvi T l..u thn U ZlSSf- PJ wlth l""9 experience will iM?S?,e-0' Ul('n hl place: write m In i oir r PP"niinent, in 47. Ledger c,iAV.li;',,'EM'. whit , single, wisher prlvste experlenos: do own r. mip. ii.:." r. " u-. i tiy nr A' umry. nnepei. aailll miller. . lit- - . ' :. -..".-. b-nl.T r-c-"-f viti.noiirr, nuonor, ahll'tV n.lS co, rccountant w be avail JJieatton' H ,,r'c'y. irst-olas.' man. iSid wrSSJiiV:8 yr ?."' Prlencs rovers binwSVl92 . eeounUnr. . manufacturing 5Hn'' ;r.struclloni real rstate, puhil. tim.M,na. 'V"1?!", "prt " ""-fee. man. JL.V5. n,,ii ytintr nr, account nr and Jrcb.ndlslng. Address' D IT- P. O. Box !S.J 23. eia. atenotf.. nt-v. r.tl. taVfn i,TS??t 'I" Prm. pos. wUh opn. -utUrti P4t rffsrenot,, A22, Letl. pf, ) . v EMPrX)MEira AOEW01B8 FTtENCH, Swedish nnd other excellent cooks, waltrcsej, parlormaids. Proteetant-Cath- ollce chambermaids, .laundreaies. Prench maids, governess, Protestant couple, sea- enorr. n aniea. Duuers, vulels, footmen, couple for country, Frennh children's maids. Sc ,i'jr't"?V' t BOOK wiin kitcnenma ds, fl 20th ehambrm11"' Mr- nOQERB, 013 'M1Jfti KA&i ".1..l..L,i'r"' -P.honet Spruce w.., n.r..lv rii.uMi.itiis, crronn. cnamwr maida. Iauhdr8eii wftltrMseF, ladles' malrtn. e.. ;v,;..r-. v..,:","7"'.""" "..""' alsd cooks, chlldsmalds, kitchen maids; nil nationalities. WANTED Competent Prot. chambermaids n?.1.1. pPTif. "u,ll8i teady sifuatloni ret. JOIU nntnbrljlge at. USED ATJTOMOBILE8 ONE SQUAIXC from Broad st. saves yoil .- . m ' "' v.. n uaeu car: iutr cars 10 select from! open Sunday nnd evenings. niwrrw n. mflo IHHTC aye. KVKli.1We r headcuarters. all models, tourlnrs. roadsters. dtlverl S09r ..n. t..... L..r..-vci..zj.:. !- -. ., SIMPSON'S. Hian Uldgff ayg. n'n1' DODQE 4-door' Sedan: same ap new: bf HUICK nOADBTKR. very rood condition, 1 ftldgs ave, " "" " "na Dunuay' CHEVROLET 117. like new; real barraln: 1373: terms: open Sunday and evenlnas SIMPSON'S. HUM hldre ave. BEO TOURINU. 1D1U. elegant condition: blr '"" ,Ji'J"j ;,."""" vvn ounaay and evenlnss. ISRn It I die sve. OVERLAND : perfect condition: blr argalni bimpson-'b: 1 ms nidVV ""'"" FORD. 1-ton truck, first-class condltinn. panel body- cam or easy terms, 2000-67 B. Brnsd st. 1UIK HUDSON speednteri like new: has beo'n Irft 1 with us to dispose of. Krouso Motor f" fn.. 21S N. tlrnnd t. ' '"' BUICK. 1918, Ilka new. mechanically perfect mod tlrem tenna arranged, 202.4 nTbw ad. BTUTS5, 1J20. In perfect runnln order! caii ... .... ...... .... ..,.., ,v. i,. umiq Y,a RUAtiD 'hummy; oxcellent condition". a.V'a Hi llflinu n. CADILLVU. inili: run very little: reasonable HUDSON speedster. 1020: like new; rtno rubl hr: cash or terms, 202-4 N. Irroad st. 1 ...in n. n,j iruiin IIJ.T n, H-QSfl at. Ecfi DOC tourlnr. ipih: fjr.n r.h 1.. .. on terms. 202 N. Brnsd at. . BUICK TOUniNO. 4 cylinder: private owner: 1919 OAKLAND, mn nooo miles: lots of ex tra! rah cr terms. 201 N. Broad. BATTERIES, 0 volt, rebuilt for 110: eaual to new. 1304 Vino st, ' BOATS.MOTORBOATS LAUNCHES ln SALE Motor yacht "Avenger": built 1918; 74x15x4 ft. 6 In.: extra heavy con struction; flush deck type; twin-screw, 2 70 II. P. ''Sterling" ll, b. motors: fuel ca pacity 1230 ral.; "Dafeo" lKMolt generator: speed. 15- knots. For Immediate sal will sacrifice. Apply to owner. Philip Wunderla. 118-102 Pegg st,. Philadelphia. 10X1 SALE CWIfli!'l!!niffi!llliil!ll!ill!iii:iliili;,iIl!llll!l'Hf!ilimillOTIi!lfilIMiill!:illlllIT Central House . Wrecking Co. 1 2th &Spg. Garden "The Place for Most Any thing" in Buying and Selling OFFICE FURNITURE STORE FIXTURES Complete Salo.on Fixtures PLUMBING SUPPLIES ' BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds etc. etc. etc. Phone Poplar I Mb b m.s OFFICE FURNITURE Larro lot desks, eqfes. files, cabinets and general office furniture, store fixtures. We Buy. Sell" and Exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 070. 1127 ARCH HT. RACE 2nS. ANTIQUES China, copper roods, cut rlan, magnificent furniture, statuej. ull paint ings by masters; dining room set worth I8OO0, ifrgeous parlor st worth. tSSOfi. for sale half price, separately or lot: family returning Belrtum. 1882 Pine at. DESK 0 ft. oak bookkeeper's desk. 3 drawers, 2 high stools: Remington No, 2 typewriter: typewriter's chslr: 24 ft. of 42 In, office ralllnr: also a wall gaa grate com plete. Woodland 1700 II, KEYSTONE FAST PRESS for sale. 18x20 cylinder, electrically eaulpped:. also 12rl8 Goldlng Jobber; both now running. Armstrong A Co.. 8301 Frankford aye, GOVT. BLANK3T3. PANTS. SHIRTS, COAT8 AND SHOES AT A LOW PRICE: SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR DEALERS, MORRIS AXELROD 717-10 S, 12T7I 8T. BOOTBLACK BTAND for sale: 6 Insldo chairs. 4 outside chairs, with awnlntr. Call at Roadside Hotel, Sit S. 13th at. A. S. Jones. BEDROOM, living rm. & dlnlnr rm.. period turn., household goods, 30 ft. hose & real mahogany cabinet rrand piano, mra; all like new, 484,1 y. Franklin et., Logan, RESTAURANT and ice cream chalrn and tables, new and used: low nrlcer. Chair Exchanre. B, K. cor. th and Vino sts. HARDMAN UPRIOHT concert piano. In good condition, for sale. 410 S. 41th street. BUREAUS, ouk and mahog. ; .13-panel rtoori, chandelier, wall chairs, niBliog, bi, ,tc. M. .t Cfuchlin. N. E, ror. 18th t Wallai-e. CHAIR CANE, rushes, reejs. woven cane, M-tnch !' P"ch ovals: try Br'nn's liquid r enulno rlue, H.V half pint 1800 Marshall t . TREES, Evergreen. 200. and 30 pn oaks at half prlco: must move them. Chan. W nuesall. 80S Real Estate Trust Bldr. OA8 RANGE, perfect condition; cheap B. 4th st., third floor. 120 POOL TABLES, 2d hand, bought, sold, rent ed exchanged, Keafer. 820 Olrard ave HEATERS Two No. 43 Rival hat-air heat- eri. 1087 Rldre ave. Phone Poplar 4 "as SAES 2 Marvlns. 40 In. hlrh, heavy walls' rennisneo nwr in w. .1,. unrrspoon ril.lg. BAFEB. fireproof: closing out 100 slightly used: modern makes: cheap. 72 N. i PHONOGRAPHS rrp'd.. records A nhinog'he P'gni. e rcil. rr;iiuii. uu.i walntlt It. HORSES HORSES Pair of young horsi at a sacrl- flee; w sell separtely. Rear of black. smith shop, 317 N, I7th at. Dmcl- MACHINERY AND TOOLS LARGE STOCK - . Rebuilt and guaranteed engines, pumps, air compressors and machine tools; send for complete catalogue of stock. irgjlMAN L. WINTERER. 033 N, yrnn ., THREE-HORSE MOTOR, time clock, forming rolls, llyuld mixer, exhaust fan. 12x0 turn Inr lathe, W. A. Adams. 4th and Arch. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOor 1 M TOWEII EQUIPMENT iuoLS O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO., 110 N. an ct HALING presees, portable elevator couin. " rnent, K. A II. Co 403-407 N, 8d '?"" Wanted GELATIN PRINTING PRESS: must be In flrst-class condition ami take a sheet size 22x28 or larger: for eign made press preferred. Write, stat:ror price, condition and any other Information of Interest to Vnx 80. 814 Kinney Building, Newark. N. J. STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS. ALBUMS AND SUPPLIES for stamp cot'ectors PIIILA. STAMP CO.. 21 8. 17TH ST. WANTED WB BUY OLD CLOTHES suits, overcoats, trousers, shoes, suits, coats, street and evening L'iL1 .i.!u-'i M rii?L or phone. Men's ladles' dresses BELIOBOHN CO., 840 N. Bth st WE BUY women's, men's and chijdren' s worn clothing and shoes; best prices paid, our autos call at vout convenience In city or country; po'1, f Phone. Stern'. Bargain 1nu ie. 887 N 4th st. Market 2418 W. BROKEN Jw'f- Hiitlqu.s, pistols, coins: coin book with price I pay mailed 13a. j,h.' nn.; ! people's Store ),2Hn B, llth.Wal4.ilii CAST-OFF clothing boughtl v.t pay hlrlieat prices: we call anywhere, anytime, I'hons rilorrt ! 1'iiuvri Zltj pru. moo. rr.rm..-.. ...n.. .,, tiouin SI ClAmiEB-Casl-off shoes and hat. bought. bana "" ...-......, . wiiit ai. t PAY highest prices for old clothes mj shoen send postal. Perlows. 804 Callowhlll, WAT0HE3 AND CLOCKS ISXl'iSUT SWISS walcn repairing: repenlrrs. bdUv sscJiius. my. iwiii., wiuii tnspscior lor P, , O., It. It." A, ITtb. Locust jSh. USED AUTOMOBILES BULLETIN' Good Used Cars HUDSON SUPER-StX Limousines, Touring Coupes Sedans Speedsters All have been overhauled and are In flrst-class condition. Price range as low as $1000. CARS OP OTHER MAKES Overland Sedan, $750 Maxwell Touring-Willys-Knight &i,, tau Overland 90 U'M ncwi "00 Velio Tou'i"' 'c)0 USED TRUCKS Ford, 1-ton, worm drive. Ford panel. Vim '"," Panel; J325. Vim ''on covered express. Stewart ,To" covcrod Express. GOMERY-SCHWARTZ M8-I40 N. BROAD ST. Automobile Painting While our facilities for strictly hlch-erafi feltnlshlnr are perhaps tho most complete and larrest to b found, the strain In lieeplnr delivery promlees Is great: It will nnne of rreat assistance If patrons who Intend having their cars reflnlshed will Inform us at their earliest convenience: then dates can be ar ranged, so that car will not be out of us for any length of time: TT bake each coat of finish ns applied: this InsuMs longer wear and far handsomer finish. Come and pre for jourself. Martin-Alexander Co. AUTOMOBILE nEFINlSHErtO r.'o.isi-iao need si. Dickinson 2201 Mali 170 A REBUILT VIM TRUCK 1187.81 on Delivery BALANCE A YEAlt TO PAT Rebuilt, repaired guaranteed by minu- fscturer and equipped with nuw tires: a body to suit ycur nuslnees. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. mtrAr ano Ht'VTivrionN bth. BTUDEDAKER DEALEP.S otter a number of used Btudebakers and cars of oth.r makes at bargain prices; terms It desired: we are equipped to repair Studebak'r care on short notice: n. most complete stock of parts on hand: we are also equipped to repair other makes. WEST PHILA. SALES CORP. Mill and 'alnut Phone Belmont 04S0 AUTOS WANTED LATE MODELS Will Pay Spot Cash K0LBER, 620 N. Broad St. AUTO REPAIRS Springs and Axles of All Kinds Over C000 to Select From SATTLER'S 1001 SPrtlNO OARDEN STREET CAN TOU USB A NEW OH USED CAR Oil TRUCK? Our special time-payment plan has made It possinie lor many pcnpir to oiari in nusin.ss fAr hmelves with a truck and for manv to enjoy the pleasures and comforts of a car: prompt Inquiries csicntlal. OWNERS' AUTO FINANCE CO.. f437 Chestnut St.. 2111-18-18 Ni Marshall t .Philadelphia. Pa, RI IirK used rare Why not buy your uu,v-" used cars from us? Wo are au thorized Ilulctc dealers and the used Bulrki we take In exchange for new cars nre abso lutely guaranteed by Mr. Wllkle who has been Identified with tho sale of rtulck cars for the past 13 year. Edward Wllkle Mo tntm Ca. 017 N. Hroad. Pop. 313. Park 207, SPRINGS AND AXLES FOR ANY AUTOMOBILES SATTLER'S 1001 fiPRINO GARDEN &T WILLTB-KNIOHT. 8 cylinder. 7 paesenrer; not often do we have a car of this type to offer, because "they Improve with use'1 nnd owners' keep them, but this owner wanted a. closed car: thla la your chance to buy a car with a world-wide reputation. Open eve nings. Time payments, Overland-Harper Co., 120 Arch St. OVERLANDS, all models. f and 7-paes. touring, 2 and 3 pass, roadsters. 4.pani. chummy roadstor: all other nukes nnd models; special basement bargains ctery day; time payments: open evenings. Ovor land Harper Co.. 1020 Arch st, LIBERTY A. Continental motor, mromberg carburetor, Tlmken bearings and rear: ab solutely perfect condition, mechanically and otherwise: ran be seen at Pulaski Avenue Oarare. 3727 Pulaski ave. Owner. Philip N. Arnold. 3HS2 N. 17th st. (280 WILL buy the following: ini8 Max well, 1018 Overland, 1018 Chevrolet, 1018 Ford, 1U1H Briscoe, 1018 Chalmsr. 1018 Paige or 73 othera; balance 1 ear to pay. Krouse Motor Car Co.. 213 N. Broad at. rhone Bpruce 2078, You Can Find Any Automobile PARTS AT SATTLER'S HtOl HPRINCl GARDEN ST. HTUTZ. 4 passenger. 10 vaive. model 8; one of the handsomest cars In Philadel phia has bten left with us to dispose of, (1000; terms. Krouuj Motor Car Co., 213 N Broad nt. 300 H. P. FIAT Aviation motor: new and complete. SH0BER. 34th & Market AUTOPARTS SCHOBER. 9X39 MARKET ST. 0 EltLAND 4.passenrer 4-cyllnder famous chummy roadster; the real small family car and the blxreat seller of them all: buy this car. soe the country enjoy yourself: time payments. Open evenings. Overland Harper Co., 11120 Arch st HTUDEUAKER. 4 cylinder. 8 pasivnger Willi oiir time-payment plan almost any one can afford to buy this car; It's In Bond shape and will please you; come nnd see It. Open evenings. 0erland-Harpr Co.. 1020 Arch st, ' OVERLAND, 3 passenger, 4 cylinder, 83 K. P.; Just one of these comfortable, power ful, enay riding cars left: known from the Atlantic to the Paclflo: come und see It: time payments. Opn evenings. Overland-Harper Co.. 1020 Arch TJtUC'liH Autocar with turnlture body, n good condition, same being replaced with larger trucks: price (730, Apply garage. j, n van nnvpr i n.. i amn.n. p. j. BTUTZ. NEARLY ALL MODELS, THOR- I111J11L,1 UVbllMAUbbU ArtU IW'.I' IN- IBHED: MANY BARGAINS. SEE Mr. Mao ARTHUR, STUT2 AGENCY. OHO N. BROAD. fHE ATLANTIC HUl'lNI.NU CO. tins for disposal a limited number of used chassis. capacity 2 and 3 tons. Communicate with llie I'rt.nnwny I I I nrmnui c, rn'iaqeipnia AH TRUrtTEE I am selllnr 4 trucks, t with dump body 2 with express bodies, 1 rlinln chtssts nil halt-ton; 1010 model. I 113, Ledger Office, I01H HUICK roadster; run very little. t ran be purchased by paying (500 cash, balance easv payments, Krouse Motor Car Co,, 218 N nrnsd t. BTUDEHAKER limousine Ilere'u a chance to get In burlnex lit a low cost! eusy monthly payments; come sre thla car. Over is mljHarnerJlWnArch. lull) ESSEX: run only few hundred miles; will sacrlnce f"- quick sale, Krouse Mnlnr Car Co 218 N. nrnad st. STOItAOE batteries for sale. O volt. (8; Is volt. MO; poeltlvelv n good eon. Star 8to-. age tlattrrlea 206 N. Iftth st. Ixicmr HAUi. MONllOE. 3 passenger. I 1H model; eicel I lent condition. Jainri Ford, Mllbeumo uaragiy, "! an" amrii sts. 'lliTASWl BUSINESS FERfiOtfAM DIAMONDS BOUGHT Thousands are brlngjp diamonds tp uj to turn Into cash. WHY NOT YOU? They know wo pay the full market value for them. Wo hive the trade therefor. w pay lo to 20 per cent. WB NEED ALL.8IZE8 AT ONCE. Heo us nnd be convinced. Wo biy pawn tickets for diamonds, . . , Oulto 21-22 over Chlld'D Heataurant (orl- aie. KELLY & CO. aMmi-fyhM. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ffurhhhErb.hrlpvifC.miM.r Tlie Diamond Shop AMIk? DIAMONDS PAY 150 TO $1800 e aali. Cll. h" t ! 3 . A. Aicuu icti MO neat Est, Trust BOUGHT ft s'trVh" Walnut 4084." DIAMONDS BOUGHT titnnT W. BMlTIf. 7IT HANHOM BT. ALL CLAIHS -of unpld bills for Wolf Holt, mnn should h presented before . Wednea dsy. 21st. 0 W. cor, 8th and Norrls. HAVE your old baby carnars ramoflelM Ilk new. Standard .Baby Carriage. 210 Bo. 7th t. Phone. Main BH41 A. PUBLIC stenographer,, specifications, etc. Anna M. Oulnn. 020 Chestnut. .Walnut.HOIlB AHIIEH removed'from cellars; aii kinds or h.iillnr done. 81W P-uttonwood, Mkt, 4421. bl.TCCTIlIO TnfiATMKNT, also manicuring, Office, 4MJ niaraei mi. spvuiiu wji, IlUnBEIt OOOD3 of ll 'ICflPi'0!!". r paired, Andrew T, Dlrohett, B03 fl, 22d t. EI.ECTHIO treatment and manicuring, Hoom 103 Heed nidg.. 1218 Filbert at. Loc. J903. BTTBINESS OPPORTUNITIES VOn PALE A flno opportunity for any Arm wishing to go into th manufacture ot bdra'jlo machlnryl full line of pattwns. drawings and patents, together with the con tcctlon for hlrh-ilasa tools; owner's reputa tlon A-t wishing to retires price nnd terms very reasonable. Address C VIS, Ledgei OfTlc. 13000 CAPITAL to (lnancd Philadelphia proposition: jwny rn ?." .. branch: excellent opportunity; no retvrtch scheme; government work. M 330. Ledger wrnce. iitiatufuti miponTMNITT for the right man, capable of taking full charge of office: fully experienced and In position to Invest (13.000 to (23.000. Write particulars In lull. A uo, x-eaaer vnicu. STOBAOE AND MOVING Dougherty & Sons, Storage Get our special rate for moving by our reli able ana careiui iron. -n i-opitr 4000 Keystone, Park 1127' nlrht phone Dla, BBiV. TPRMTNAI wahehousb lEJiVlllirL AND TrtANBFErt CO. Columbia and Sydenham sts.. local and long cutanea moving by courteous, expertencd men: clean, dust-proof rooms for furniture; l nn fstlmile, Plione Diamond 7g. ATT.AS Prolght Forwarding and Consoll aiunojj, (,ar y,rvlce (J co-operative. It Is safer, qulclier and will save you money, ATLAS STOItAOE WAnKHOIISE, Market n ml Pith sts Itarlnr 702. West 7 32. WANTKU, truck to tako 2300 pounds ot steel In small Hocks from Latrobe. Pa., to PhltitddphlH nr Irvington, N J. Phon Immediately. Dl Casting Co, of New Jersey, Irr Ineton, N J. VICTORY STORAGE B20fl Vtlberl. Plione Belmont 4650 So ettlm-'H', Plcrc-Arrow Tens, PIDELITT PIREPROOF WAREHOUSES H 1811 to 180 M-UIKET ST. KOIl pacitlnr t shipping of household goods employ THE JOHN RHOADS CO. Storage. MQ'dnff. Carpet Cleaning. 4IB7 Insster av. MONARCH STOItAOE CO 3870 LANCAH TER AVE. AUTO 3ERVICE. 8TORAOE. PACKINO. LONO-DI8TANCE MOVING. BOOMS FOB BENT BROAD BT. 8.. 223 Most attractive rms : prlv. hath If des. : excellent hotel service. CHE8T.NUT ST.. 2043 room adjoining bath: sired. Third-floor small table board If de- CHEHTNUT ST.. 2107-O9 Neatly furnished front room: also single room; abundant hot water. WALNUT ST.. 204U Furnished rocms and apn-tmentsj modern conveniences, 7TH. N.. 2317 Vaeahcles. furn.. complete hounekeeplnr: secend floor: deslr.: res. 11TH. a., sob Furnished rooms, running water, double psrlors: business purposes. 19TII. N.. ISO (HOTEL HURlCj Up-to-date front rooms: electric, h.-w. heat: dally and weekly rates: eonv. to stations: rood arcoTwrnodatlc-ns for traveling people. 2P. N.. 140 One furnished room; man or woman . 1728 CHESTNUT Suite. 2 beautifully fur nished rooms, with bath: Stelnway grand plsno: electric, etc. ATTRACTIVE furn. apts.. somo housekpe. Stierwnon Ant. Agency. ;' w. iimnn si tX)0N 10TH 3T . above Hunting Park and Jlou' vnrd: 2d floor, nicely furnished room;j re fined gentleman or couple: breakfast optional. 44S X. 10th t , ATIVNTir CITV. N. J. PARK AVE.. 1013 N. Unfumlhd, 4 rooms and bath. 3d floor 00; electric. BOABDINQ SrnUCll. 1033 Pourth-story front room: southern exposure, with board and table board. BOABD WANTKD BOARDING HOME wanted for mother und young baby, where baby will bo cared for during day. Apply 1432 Pine at. APABTMENTS MODERN unfurnished housekeeping apts.: Just completed; 3 and 4 rooms with bath; (100 to (113; nothing like .them In Phlla,: In spection dally und evenings. S. U cor. 20th and Spring tlarden sts. JSETH-ALLYN APARTMENTS. 2107 Walnut st. Handsomely furnished apartment el 1, 2 and 8 room, embodying all ot the cosi ness of home and the charm of epiendt&lf appointed furnlehlnrs: garare privilege) APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood Apt. Agency. 223 S. Broad st. Some very Httrnctlve turn, apts,: some housekeeping. THE TOURAINB AIT (No. 806) for runt, unluriusnea; ieie urauiumi, jiiay i or iur nlnhed tn October 1 At.nlv 1320 Spruce -m, TO HCHLET Suite. 2 rooms and bath, tmii- housrkeeplnr; low rent. Pelham Court. Qermantnwn. K. K Johneon. FUHNIKHKD APARTMENT. 3 large rooms, private bnth and all conveniences, tie.ir all curs and Reading iralne Phone Otn. 2inm, 2,".7 S. 10TH ST Beautifully furnished -,. room apartments; June 18 to Sept 13 ' Loc. 2808 J. PINE ST . 1B0I Two rooms, private bath, 2-fl. front, unfur.: no hskpe: (30 per mo. eanbdownt: LAN8DOWNE 8U rooms and baths (121. Chas. II. Buckley. 80 8. 40th st. FUBNISHED APABTMENT3 FAIRFAX APARTMENTS, Wayne ave. and School liina, Uermuntown: 7 rooms, 2 Laths; furrilshed. II. J. JOHNSON, ugent, 1 'J18 Chestnut st, WILL sublet apt. from May 1 to November 1, fur., 6 rooms and bath; Fairfax Apts,. Wayne ave. and School lans, Otn, II. J. JOHNSON. Art BON Ilalley pidc. SPRUCE. ltllO Extremely deslr 2d-floor room; prlv, b.vth; handsomely furnished. APABTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT WANTED . before September I, In central, select neighborhood no less than 4 bedrooms and 2 bathi: housekeeping. ALBERT HALL. MOUNT HOLLY. N, J. APABTMENT HOTELS THE HOTEL 8USSEX 1812 Walnut et. Just opened, A most charming and per fectly appointed small hotel: Inspection Is cordially Invited, and a visit will convince you that you hae discovered a most satis factory answer to the question of "Where to live when stopping In Philadelphia," THE GLADSTONE urn vr 1VI- HT ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL- COLONIAL ATfi,;?Ti?DHT. Select apartment, family hotel. In the Venter of the cltyi operating on the American plani aur r'pvk'ifrKEi?. 'Jr'r'My.y- THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American plan. 'HEI.TEN AVE. AND HMRRIS BT. HOUSEKEEPINCr APAUTMENTS BNEST IN PHILADELPHIA WITH ALL THE LATEST CON VENIENCES Two small apartment with kltohsn. ellS IU block from nltlnhous Bquarel most modem apartment In Philadelphia. ApPly A. B. AIILLS West End Trust Dldr. HEAI. ESTATE POB SAMI i,i COIt. 28D arid Morris, enalta . fC522 ioa w. nntftfio. oorchl 7 rooms, .. l?rVy Granite st.. Frankford. PO'Chl 7 room.2oo 1BOS rrnnkfln, 10 room! possession. (4000 02.12 N. 2d. porch; 7 rooms "?" 2148 N. 7th. 9 room... "SVV ma w. uaupnin. "" .A ..VV. iRort 2178 Sergeant, cor. Hepvlva. gro. tore?. ?Rgo 231ft Amber, corner ArUona ........ Iw 430 winffonocKinu. --".- tioOO m$Lsfrr&Vxim Wi K..". rhJiinut ONLY $2300 BARGAIN JS llCjtF J 1 . --w EASY TERMS .... .luU.. iAlas. BUt-room brick oweiiuig. wij.'"" ""jv bath: newly papered and P'V.TrfJiEnSet 414 ll, Cambria st. Owner. 622 Chestnut at., aecond floor. - PLOTS OF LAND S'.C.r.'EUft idwest rniCEa LOUIS S. GINSBURG 1201 CHEBTNLT BTrtEET Anr rround Anywhere Jn Philadelphia. Over aquirter century experience at yntr aervlcw SPECULATOrtS How of 33 poreh-front houiesl never before offered wholesale: will Wll uwect tn.,1".9. first mortgagee: D. and L. funds . no tenant irouDiei o "" -"-, L"-,:ri This Is a clean-cut proposition and require feel money to wlne- Uio deal. A 313, Led- ger nice. TtTTT" "JTTZT 171 'lu oit , . 14 rooms. 2 bnths, 0 open fireplaces, cletrlo light, hardwood floor throughout: nana aomely tlnlahed and In eacellent order: liberal terma; Immediate polon. d. d. crrAMDErt8 710 Commercial Trust Bid. Member Phlla. Heal Estate Board ... .. ,nuntw DT. Modem 7-room dwetllnr. occupied by owner, hot-water heat and electric lights; early possession. v, AMBT Member Phlla. Real Estate Board 2.11t N. MOUVIER ST. 178Crokey i- ., 2703 to 2722 Cambrldg at 2ABON. Marshall st. :928-203O-2O4n N. 2d at. OOLDSMITH. Bulletin Bldg. , ONLY $3950 BARGAIN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six, rooms and bath: excellent condition, side yard. 17x70 feet, 3323 Amber St., near Frankford and Allegheny aves. Owner. 023 Chestnut st., second floor. INVESTMENT 2020-33-87-82 Iloblne and 2218 Mutter at. Well rented. Owner will allow liberal fl t mortsage remain. .'. WALTER V. ASHBY 2040 N. 20th at. Menbcr Plilla, Real Estate Hoard. RKVrv. ".ktnrv nrch. front homes: rt rooms. bath, hot-water heat, laundry; 3?00 bloclc N. 10th st. Eight 2-etorj' nomes. o rooms, bath. hiter; 3600 block N. Delhi st, ; 6 car Hues, TIOOA 330T J, . 2743 N. 2STH BT. Hot-water heat and electric. 7 rooms and porch; possession can be had at once. WALTER V. ASHBY 2640 N- 20th at. Member Phlla. Real Eetate Board LOT 18x130 2712-14 Fletcher; suitable for automobile or teamster: includes dwelling. WALTER V. ASHBY 2640 N. 20th st. Member Phlla, Real Estate Board (4100 NORTHWEST $4100 Electric lights, la.und.ry tubs, porch fronts, 7 rooms: only 7 house remeln. WALTER V. ASHBY 2040 N. 20th st. Member Phlla. Real Estate Board THREE-BTORY dwelling near 10th and fllrard ave.. 10 rooms, nice varrf. mAm n. trance, conveniences; only (4000 clear: also Z oilier Close oy ior oiiir cacn. WM. I. CRAVEN'8 SONS, 1340 N. 7th et. VtV. HAVE A LIST Of Nmall hnn w.ll mortgaged, well 'located. In eery part of me cuy. vvnm n-rumi LL" "u interested In7 r. Ai-s.t:il IIKKKI. "!? ""L'TH PBNN SQUARE 10TH AND ARCH STS. BOxlOfl (36.000 CHARLES II. BUCKLEY 30 S. 40th st. WONDERFUL bargain to colored buyers: store and dwelllnr. 1222 Oxrord at.; can he used ror any uuuneas. wnunsjuN a SONDBERO, 800 Builders' Exchange, 18 0. .III St. .'in. n' - ". mcimt vntuable business comer In htraw berry Mansion: exceptional harraln to nulck buyers. GROSSMAN L SONDRErtO. SO',1 Mater Bulldcra' Exchance, 18 a 7th st MarKet on. 40TH AND WALNUT Stands alone; 12 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat, e ectriciiy. nsrawooa noors; possrss;on CHARLES H. BUCKLEY 34 s intii st. ONLY 2 left: (43HO; porch front. 4 bed. rooms: 0th above Indiana. WOIIBTER. 3804 Oermantown ae. AUKWiMIII. IQn i.n.linut 1000 ULOCK. N MARVINE. : story. II rooms: BOO block E Wlldey t . 6 roonis: must ne eoiu iw "-vl J.. . Realty Co.. 813 Liberty Bldg 1114 W. MONMOUTH hT (near Hancock and Cambria sts. Two-story '.brick dwelllnr. 'corner 4 rooms and bath; pr c HDftO TlIOB. V. MVTEAR, 1440 N 2d a. IMMEDIATE rois . 111! N. Marshall st.; porch front. 7 rms.: all mod. corns. : nrlcn IsRSn TIIQ8. F McTEAR. 1440 N 'jX. 2.i.ri N, 18TH ST. Ten rooms and biithT5V; blrable location; possesion; price (3200. PAUL M. MYERS. Franklin and P,.n1.V 3032 W. YORK ST, Lot to back street: room for garage, will make gool store. Itnblnson, 37th and Catharine sis Wdld.laa? BIJILDINO. 8!xlO0. suitable for most any purpose: 720 tn 72 Ine sr. P JVC. OOLDMAV.. 731 Wnlnut ( 1328 MASTER, ST.- Up-to-date apsrtment house: good ,.rlY.r?lmnti,.t''!,'aP t (14,800. TAULANE, OOP Walnut st. 348 POWELTON AVE, Ten room, hath, hot-air heat- pos at sett ement Seldel t'Q.. IIlU.s ' " '"'"""' 111 WALLACE 8T. It will lay you to look . "moo. TAULANE l00 Walnut. r""n Tnn fAMUmrxIE ST. Five room. t,.k ixiseesslon nt once. Seldel i. Co., jnc ' 4th and Callowhlll 3011 HOUSES FOR HALE. Hll sectl.iiu,; $l00 down; balance cars" as rent KENNEDY. 4011 8. Vim Pe't st. 1720 S HitiiAii M - .1 stnry. modern. LEWIS COHEN 2d. 17thand llnlnhrldse 240(1 N. ORKNEY ST Fl rooms and hath, Seldel A Co., 1 1 .- . 4th and Callowhlll 2031 N. FAIRHILL ST Seven rooms, bath. Seiqei u i-u. inc.. --.in i.iiu i annwnill 03d-38 RACE ST. Threo-story store prop ..rtles. S r Adams 1418 Walnut st. 1214 N. aOTH ST Desirable dwelling. . rant: (000. TAlTLANh. BOO Walnut st. Building Ixits. Puttory Sites. Etc. FACTORY SITES '10 ACRES PENNA. R. R. Best section of illy for labor WILL DIVIDE OMrr 4 street fronts Address W 3, P. O. Box 0181 Faetoriee, Manufacturing Floor FACTORIES AND FACTORY SITES Everywhere In Philadelphia LOUIS 8. OINSDURO 1201 Chestnut it. ' TOR RENT OR KALE 3-Story Factory Building 2825-27 W. FLETCHER ST Apply tc Owner. GEO. E, SATTLER Phone Poplar 1821. mm 8p, Harden st Wnslness Prowrtle anil Stores llei-i IITrwnn Airtr. Two-storv building. 2000; rear entrance; price (8300, MYERH RARTH. RIDOE AVE, AND lOTTt I.NDUHTK1M. PLANTS, warehouses, vn-ani lands r.-il'rond snd water frontage. . i MT'evrvsoN r- SON vj t"n,i tci . Starrs 'iml Uwelllnaw 21EAI. ESTATE VOTi 8AI.E , . "TV Harry J. Koehler&Co. 1420-22 Chestnut St. FOR SALE Northwest Corner 56th &.Larchwood Ave. Here la as attractive 2-story store and dwelling, with garage: thousand of pereen pas thla buy corner dally; suitable for any business ap pealing to residential section; build ing I thoroughly modern and Is priced below that of lmllar eltca recently sold In this Immediate sec tion; come out, look at It today and act quickly: at (18,000 our profits for the year should pay for the prop erly. 1930 N. 12th St. Large 3-story dwelling on . Sot over 43 feet front ace; look at the splendid alteration possibilities to obtain a. large Income, and the price la only (10,300. . 890 Holly St. Three-story corner dwelllnr (corner WESTMINISTER. .AVE. AND JIOLLT ST.); (his corner dwelling ha hot water heat: there are no restriction to hinder altering Into stores; only $7000 buys thla property. 2534 N.I 5th St. Looking for a good business stand or a dwelling near the "Phillies" ball grounds? Why not look Into tho atxne; It' cheap; only-13000. 2254 N. Camac St. A home especially appeallnr to the person of moderate mean and one who must get hi money's worth; bero It la at (3100. 5009 Upland St. (61st st. and Chester ave.) A desirable 2-story, "-room, porch front end house; lot ilo feet deep; hot-water heat, electric lights.' Dutch hall, new fixtures, paper and paint: Immediate possession: only 13300; I've seen othera selling at (7000 that did not look as well as this. 6208 Master St. (Overbrook section) Six fine large rooms, bath and laun dry, steam heat, vacant: will reno vate at cost; little cash required fo finance;. only (B0O0. 1 839 N. Camac St. A person that la cranky on the point of construction and dislikes tinsel and gingerbread, will find this 3 story. U room house his Ideal: at (43O0 It often excellent opportunity aa a home and an Investment. 1510 Seltzer St. (10TH AND I.UHIOH AVE.) Two-storv. 7-room dwelling that can be bought for J2023; swssesslon soon; look at It: It's u bargain for the prospect that can act quickly and knows a good thing when he sees It. 607 & 609 Brown St. Construction auswrb. 3 story dwell Inr offered for sile nt a remarkably low figure for quick ,!, jou cun't go wrong buying one of thv.ee homos. If only for speculation. THE WISE MAN SEES AND BUYS TODAY! THERE ARE NO DISAP POINTMENTS THE DAY AFTER BLOCK OF MODERN Two-s t o r y porch-front dwellings, near 30th t. L Station; bargain; (20,000 profit to be mad here by retailing; let us show sou how. Harry J. Koehler & Co. 1420-22 Chestnut St. 11ELI. PHONE LOCUST 07011 Vi- -;r SEAL ESTATE TOIl BALE PITY SSSiiiEiSi Your Rent Problem Solved , ELABORATE, MODERN, TWO - STORY HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENTS, containing five rooms und bath on each floor. Located In the MOST DESIRABLE SECTIONS of tho CITY. The rental Income from ono flnt will approximately PAY ALL CARRYING EXPENSES. Tho rental for the apartment occupied by tho purchaser WILL PRACTICALLY BE FREE. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. Sample apartments open for Inspection, C418 Chancellor street. , J. A. Richman Realty Co. 1205 LIBERTY BLDG., BROAD AND CHESTNUT STS. Central Properties, Wholesale and Retail District. Immediate Possession. f&ti!jlftTiJUi.G ICJM1MIMIMM WENT 1'HII.AlHCI.eill.V nSKnanKian JOHN P. FALLON HOMES Walnut Street 58th to 59th Street A REAL COUNTRY HOME IN THE HEART OF THE CITY 10 LARGE, SPACIOUS ROOMS SOUTHERN EXPOSURE. A 35-FOOT PRIVATE DRIVEWAY WITH A LARGE GARAGE. LARGE TERRACE FRONT. PLEET & BOGATIN, Attorneys AGl-JNT ON PIlEMISJJa 710 Pcnn Square Building EffiiaramiaEitiiJKrjEiiciiicruTiiffir.iiniiEiaiiiia! HOME BUYERS. ovcnnnooK Wynnewiwrt road f.oels North 63d st. ntocli Marlyn road WK3T PHILADELPHIA South Coneetoaa et. Klorlt lxtiust at. ; 7 houses" niock De Lanceyet.i 2 houses Block Irvine Bt. ; 10 houses Block Do Laneey St.; 0 houeos. niock N 37th rt. j 2 houseu Work De Lancoy st. : 3 hou.s Dlock Italtlmore ave. Block South FrsElr et Block South Melvllln st.' 2 houses Block South Edgewood et Block S Melville st.i I houses Block South 57th et. Block Woodlsnd ave. Block Larchwood ao. Block Saybrook ave. Block Locust fit. Bloclc Relnhart st. Block Norfolk . Block Osage ave. Block S. 4th St.: 4 honoes Block Pine st.; 2 houses Block S. 50th st. niock 8 flOth et. Block N. (10th at. Block Hanson St.; 5 houses S16 00 700 1048 3200 MOO 8200 5700 70O nsoo 3000 1000 1200 200 1300 700 4500 5700 4800 6000 4800 500 40OO 120O A800 1200 700 200 1500 LOWER 214 South OPEN EVENINGS iBtHiiiijimm MODERN HOMES FOR HOME BUYERS 1148 B. 60th itreeli Scull-bullt homes. Just completed. 4 bedrooms, encloeed porch, hardwood floors .. . , ,. . ... I0S1 S. OOth street: semidetached. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, modem. . 1223 S. 50th street: beautiful 8-roon. bouse, hardwood floors; perfect condition ... .... ........... ... ,.... ..............(.. 5801 Chestnut street: 0-story corner house. 14 rooms, excellent condition. 5041 Pine street. 8 rooms, hardwood floors 5002 Pine street: 8 largs rooms, nl. modem 41H B. 62d street, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, Immediate possession. ... 4343 Brown street; tt rooms, hardwood floors 11820 Carpenter street; 0 rooms, in excellent condition B818 nodman street; 0 rooms, all modern 50ftl Locust street: (1 rooms, all mortem, Imm. possession 6S40 Addison street: 6 rooms, hardwood floorj 5H3'1 Hazel avenue: 6 rooms, all modem H84H Wbster street. 0 roonia, a'l modern , ii war Irvlnr atreet; 8 room, all modem 36 53J o. Alqen sireei. rooms. iui uiwrni . . t I ABE K0L5KY k CO.. INC.. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 3 West Philadelphia Branch Oflice, 317 South Sixtieth Street g Belmont 148S oroiMaMiBffl pitv Fiir-lM 128.000 (J, KT 2. 3 and 4 story buildings. concrete and brick construction; heated. wired, sprinkled: 13.10 horeepmvr, 1 Inra-e filters, sidings and dock; site 4 acres. 800 ft riverfront: we handle factories sites and warehouses exclusively from on engineering, Tiufacturln? and Industrial etandpolnt. J ALAN MIDDI.ETON Factorv specialist nnrt production engineer. 002 Widens-r Bldg . Philadelphia KOIt SALE for about 00 cenis n. ft., 0-storv I brick factory building facing 3 streets, i plnty of IlKht. good power plant and lea- to-. about 3.1,000 sq ft : building can be se-n any time at 1035-41 N. Front St.. Phllsilelnhln WKhT PHir.AnET.PIUA WHAT TO DO? Secure your home now. WHY? TncrcaiiK) in rM ltripf nKnolatod with build Inff rluf conhl'lf rnn! May 1. $5400 Cou bonus Hint up.nr; I to the most crlt. Icji, vorkrnan.shlp, material And decora tions an evidence of careful supervision separate entrances from living room anil dlnlnc room to second floor, both coal and gas rnngeH porcelain sink and drain board, laundry trays'. Hardwood Floors Throughout lory and mahogany flnlih. A few, and only a feu left Surnple house. No 5082, open evpr rial PEMBERT0N STREET h.tt"n 5Mh and 57th sir. (Orel mi r.-nt outh of Cedar ae , 0 blocks toulll of Market st ) PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1201 CHESTNUT ST. Member Phlla Heal Estate Biard THRIFT munt siicrcsa Thrift . best cultivated under your own roof An attractive price within the reach of all. $3800 Cecil and Alien He (2000 block south, between areenwny and Klngsesslng atee and 57th nn.l 58111 sts,). , Convenient location. We have No 20.10 S. Alden st. open every day for Inspection. PHILIP N. ARNOLD KOI CHESTNUT HT Member PhlU Heal Estate Hoard AT FAIRM0UNT PARK A THREE-FAMILY APT. HOUSE 1230 N. 41st St. Lot 27x1 12 Bach apt 7 rooms and bath, thoroughly iiiiiuarii; . wwiimriwi oppnnuimr ior an in I vestment or Individual who wishes to live .n home rent free, income 1270O a ye. I "nrrylng costs 117.10 by living In one fat i tour Income will be llhOO u car. against carrying casts of 117.10. i HOnillNS 023 Real Estate Trust ISldg. I Walnut ,124(1. $270.) N LAWHENCE. near "orli at 12OC0 Ingersoll near 18th st. UII00 N. Marxtne, m-ar Oxford st I titien W. OlBss 00.1 neal Ktl Truit Hl.lit I N. W. COB. 41st and Locust. 13 rooms, baths, flee, new hot-nlr circulating ss tern, garage. poHelbllltles Immediate pos session, price 112.000. Apply ovimr. U135 I .und Title Bldg. 1 040 KENBlNOTON ATi. Modern store Ti I u wonderful business location, wilt sell eaeonuble for nutck sate. Janofsky A I Oranat. 1414 H Penn Pnuqre. Snrtice 844m 22 N. HIST HT -Nice home on wide streeti I elw;.. porch front: Immediate possession twner will sell furnlehed or unfurnished .1(1110 lll,OCli nES'O HT Five linusi-s. .Vnniy W KtlAll a(tv . ni.I Heal Est Tr iimJT (KITH mNivp illraroi '. .orv 7 rooms, norcn 1'ItOWI.KY (owiierl. 1287 N flnth ."' ' ' 5218 ADDIHON HT.-Two slory. porci w-t.-w t f ae Mw 4V4 4UeS) REAL ESTATE gOK BAT., PITY WKWT l'lllf.AIKT,PIIIA J Spruce 4731 BKifflOQi ATTENTION! I 6000 Block J-atu-om st 41H0 Block Westminster av? inoo Block Thomas ave 1 .1100 Block Walaut rl i 1400 niock arat Kerry read; 8 Ii (1000 Block Walton ate. i S.-.00 Block Willows mf,: -' houses WOO Block Woodland ave. j sell 3C.13 Iteno st. (colored buyer) 1400 Block N. Allison st. OTIIKH SUCTIONS OK CITT 700 Block N 27th; 3 lious- l 2"iio jriock Hwnln st.i houses 700 Block N. Pennock at.. 4 hoiu 2700 Block Brown et . 1 houres 2700 Block Thompson s ; G houses 2700 Block Cabot et ; 2 houres 1300 Block N. Marslon et., 2 houses ISOO Block N. Marston st ; 3 houses 2700 l.loc.k N 15th st . 10 houres 1700 Block Poplar si (buslnesv vroixrty) SL-BITIBAN PBOPKnTICS Llanerch, I'a : nv houses; Johnson built Narherth, Cesex ue. ; house nnd lot Rosemont Pa.; 2 large properties COth St. Store Properties . Sale and Kent Also Several Business Opportunities & McCOY 60th Street UNTIL 0 O'CLOCK West 152 iOmiuwMi'w I ITCfI.-!BIT,l::.R r? Hl'Y ONE THB3B . ..., nwopni.K, ui.ir. t ,s TO WISH Yi " HAD I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 0100 block. Locust st..fpaclous porch, Enr , lish style, large Ihinjrtoom, beautiful dlnlntr room nnd cxc'llArT Baj kitchen on first floor. 3 bed chambers and tiled bnthroom on second floor artistic paperlmt. mahogany nnd white palntlnjr French wmrthwM real open fireplaces, hardwood floors tnroughout. electric llghta. hot.water heat garage In i rear, eamnle houic H148 Locust st OEO. II I.inHKHMAN ent 508 Lincoln Bide. MY HOME 1011 H. 5.1TIC T-Inclo.d porch. Dull b hU. dlnliur room kitchen a large bedrtiomti bath snd l.isement laundry: Is h.'Hid with hot water and Is full electrii- equipped hardwood floors throughout buslnis compels mo to Hell .it on. . the prlcr is right can lv seen iiolfind 6073 Jll.'iOO to quick buyer possession .nil? ?.' "Sln "' "" 4 beilrina.. h. a ec gas. .12.13 Osage use ll rms. Si bath, h . aa i n $11,000 12.000 H 11.000 n.ooo n io.ooo m 8.100 ,n 7000 n 70110 nl c.-ioo m o2oi n iirnm r.onn If r.iKio n r.sin ag r..vm oo m .;: ? ?I."iHot nlr' electricity gas. .ii. Aith ct cor --Basement irnmiem J.0.!,' b'k .?m SI"J ,-.XWl ' modem."' 5i:i:t Thomas av., -Hot water el. ' ,":- Slil 1nnwoo.l r.l Owrbk Mod fhssn 21.10 l.lmhMIIlk, . hous..lH,th ,.rles "P ltoblntin. 37th and t'atharlne sts Wit Id 1337 0203 PINH ST Six rooms anil both. In . losed porch, hot-unter Iihiii, eleclrlo light hullt-ln tub and rhowar ,ePlr' ' r. fac and dross Large oi 0 rooms ("."'J.1' .'.? .,'"' ,r ,ln' er hull electrla o-W..-"'- fcarage prlillea-, JII750. 225 S ..1st Thr., story. 11 rooms. 2 baths: desirable location "-. 55.1.1 Cstharliie---Vrur lieilroms steam and electric t.,.a'fni room, Too CARPENTER & WILSON Belmont 10,17 H3SfJ .Market st. yi'IVUItAL homes for Immediate uonses". ;;;rph(,,u?.i-ctrVhr,'int::.rr'.1 PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1201 CHESTNUT ST HAN E J-Morv housve thai can tm bought Ln F'lc" that w" KU-rnn-ee n c;o'4 protlt Information can l I ml ,,f PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1201 CHENTM'T ST Vacant-Renovated-Overbrook 5551 LANSD0WNE AVE. ..... ,,. i-umer more and il trlllnir hai atr heat, bhu and elicirt. II? ' ' . SHORTLIDGE " timtk ts.-.oo it Ml C'umhrldgn l 7 roonis porch, tares rooms, excellent location. WAI.TEIl V AHIlnV 2H40 N 20th st Member PhHnitinhin IIhhI Ktei Ttiar.l ,ii'aihmmii in, we iihv niiine u i-nrnpesi iwu-iamil naib left, iu lluvers, niririiy IIIUIITII o TOt)mS urar ine cjraie,q, in ijio uest ss si -nilMUPiliillN, nm. and see GLASS-GOLDBERG ' FOR HOME BUYERS O202-O4 Master at , modern for 1.1500 for quick action will close out KP AHHAMH WsImiI Mn BlllinWOOU JKVtltm llaiilitlf ill '.nt irw .lAl l l.,l . winjifrvnt . 4 l0.Vw.t't h"f '-:'Llo llfht. tile buUt-la shower! a real heme, harkslrtl TAULANH. g0 Walnut L wmsmmM f the tuiual w "V 'Si ',' V4 ..' . fji w m - i i a SV - ii V iW.L .6u'i;ri .. wii ' ,. ,-,- K' -v ,;t, if:s .Wiifl. .WftKeafflafl. l$Lih . .T I , .4 tttfsVfliA-.1TfW