Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 19, 1920, Sports Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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iwB. " ,nti' tfiVAwvmmcm'i'-fi'-i-.' . , sk-yrw.. . S!SWtt"" .- -w Yirvwjw ' k'hw.
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Mad Printer Flroa Bullet Into Dr.
J, W. Markoo's Head as Ho
Passes Plato
X,jv Vorli." April 10. Tlionins W.
StinpUn. known nNo ni Thomna W.
Shfllpj-. n nintlmnn. recently esmpecl
from nn' nvlilin. snoi nun kiiihi ut,
Tmf " .'inrKOP. ununKiiisimi
.... l.n u-nu InLilntr Iin I lie Mil-
nrrrnn. u- n. - r --
lotion fnllowlns (lie sermon In St.
(iforsf'" 1'rntestnnt KpNropnl Church,
twtty tiFT noon ,y,j,",: , ..
Tlien the niiwlii ilanhed down the
,1,1 tnwnnl the door, flilnjc one bullet
t Herbert I,. Hntter)ee, lirotlipr-ln-lRv
t 1. Mnrenn. nnd nnother nt John
h tidloninn. sexton, wlio Rnvcil hw
Ilk by throwing lilinolt prone on the
floor Thin Irnden pellet Rimed the left
li..t f .1. Mnreun '.lonef. I'fnd iislirr.
A third went over the hcnt'is of men nnd
womrn In the renr peH to the left ns
ooe cntern.
jlr. (JoorRc B. lJrewcr, ninrt n noted
nritenn. wnx nipped In the left tliiuh
bvii btilletiwhen lie cmiRht the mnnlnc
In Stinvpxnnt I'nrk nt Fifteenth utroet,
nftpr'n "HiI chase thrnilRh wrcnmlnR
tlirnnp of women nnd children.
u'liilnnf l-'ellowoH Mnrcnti. nreNldriit
df tlip Merrhniits' Aiwni-intliiii. was wl.li
Itoctor llrpwer. and at the forefront of
th clino with Mr. Morgan nnd Doctor
Brewer woic .Mr. iieuemnn unci .ur.
n niieiniit was made by any of the
captors to hurt the prNolicr.
Cimiikin Mid :
"I went Into the church this morn
lni tn listen to the sermon. During the
nfrmon 1 heard the minister say that nil
trouble I" due to money and the people
should wake up, even If ypu need. to
utiib tlicm with n daRRcr. I thoURht
this was the right time to wake them
up, so I shot the man near inc.."
Wlirn told what Hiiniikin had said he
unuVrtoml the rec.tor to have said, Sex
ton Tiedeinnn exclaimed:
"The Hernion wnx a very beautiful
one, nnd contained nothing ut all like
that." - .
Tragedy Follows Sermon
It was shurtlj nfter the senium that
the truRodj occurred. It took place nt
VivSt p. m. in tnc MHitii mImIc. Mr.
Sattrrlce wulkcd up the south side of
the south aisle ncarct Sixteenth street
pa.inR the i-oll-ction plate. Blbuw
to elbow with la I in was Doctor Markup.
pawing the plate to the people ulttiiiR
on llic north side of the south aisle.
When Doctor Maikoc approached
quite cloe to Siuipkin. two or three
foct.witrcs.es Mild, the lunatic reached
into hi Inside cunt pocket pulled out
the rPMlcr. snapped il to position like
id experienced mnrksmnu and shot the
plijiiiriaii. The collection plntc with
the' money on It clattered to the floor.
Jlr. Tiedeinnn. the sexton, hcnnl the
report from where lie stood in the icar
of the eh u roll.
"It "oundeil like an aiitotnohllc back
fire," he said, "lint it was louder than
tint. Ther I saw the smoke. I rushed
down the aisle nnd saw n man coining
toward me wavhiR a vmokiuR revolver
from oce side to the other. He lirnl a
hot at me and I dropped to the floor.
Tin- inn it fired another shot, nnd when
I rot up he was running into the park
Wife Wears Fatal Shot
Pr. Markoe'M wife wiir in the gallery
of the chin cli when her husband was
Wiled. From where she -at "die did not
iff me tiiootinir, but beaid the rcvolvir
"I anhody hurt?" she a-ked Mor
ton I'aj ton. a friend, who witnessed the
fT.-iir nnd who went to her immediately.
"c. your husband. " he said, ni.d
Minrtpil her to the hosnital. She i.s now
prntratpd and under tne care of a phy
Mcinn. Simpkin was taken to a police station,
where lennj lellirious mid other paper".
JnemlinR nu nffectionate letter from
imliith. Minn., presumably from a
ujhtrr. were found in his kcts.
Siibspqiiently he wm removed to IJelle
we Hn.pital and plnccd in the psxcho
pathie ward for observation.
Came Bast to Kill J. I Morgan
After Siinpkiii'H nrraisnment on n
narsp nf homlciile this moriiinR. when
".was hel.i without bail for n heariiiR
"eduesdny, Assi-tfltit District Attorney
Sliaushnpssy Raid be bad obtainp.l
rom thp piisoner a voluntary confession
Pi" hf ''i1;1 0", ,0 H''1 -lty to kill .1.
I erpont MoiRiin. but had found he was
I ad. and that he then planned to sluv
J,n1lJJ,r,tnr,seutative CieoiRe IJ. Miller,
!'.' i?'" nnt Mrrf fo1' wlat I did."
nlu " Wni ,,,0,C(1 ns "Whig. "I m
Vrs. r.ry for "0(,tor MarUw' wife.
T heart uclies for her.
w",1 ? (!""l('p I''1 '' " n" w :
o. w . T ,1!!'.'1 .Bot aw,y with this I
ould have Ml i-d Coi.jcHs.imin (ien.Sc
"hi e in f "l,,!,tl'-, ' '","''1 yU""
V f ,,.1",JII,,:',I'. 'If J"u see an I.
the iiiii " ,',,mi X"-r "IU ndvocntiiiR
iw hfciff-.nno,,,,T ",an Mll,u,,, ""
Assassi,, a Hellsious Fanatic
l r"rir.yMn y1"1 r,cvrulfl b.v the polite as
rarinl fan",i,,1 wl' took pleasure in
Kth irn,on" '" 'lff",iit churches.
u who alwajK wo,,t armed in fear of
k?A r'""-inI to insane nsylunu. from
..7'1' IV ( (Kirinnni I tt . .
hnl. ....:""''"" '". '" '"csuta.
n" ' ;, ' "naRo, anil elsewliere.
ne pollc,. announced Hint the prls
Bolglan Nobleman Third Choice
of Woman Who Thought
Rich Marriages Futile
.(ej fuller H'ikjcI & Underwno'l
Noloil Ntirccon who was Main In a
New ork rhnrth yesterday whilo
pasIriB a collection plate. Thomas
W. Shelley, alias Thomas W.
Siniphlri, an escaped patient of an
Insnno nNjIum, Is cliarccd with the
Figg Tells Senate Committee
Prosecution Will Follow
Where Facts Warrant
k. -
Ky the Assodatcd I'rnss
Washinston, April ID. InvestiRatlon
of profiteering within the meaning of the
Lever food-control net probably will be
completed within thirty dn.vn by the
Department of Justice. Howard B.
F'Rg. special ussistant to the attorney
general, today told u Semite committee
investigating shoe prices.
I'lnscfiitlmii will follow where facts;
disc'osed warrant action, he said.
Approximately 00 arrests have lieeniMl,f sni''
made in the government's campaign
URiiinst increasing prices. Mr. Figg .said,
and of those cases brought to trial nbout
Ki per cent had resulted in convictions.
"How many have gone to jail?" in
MUired Senator Kenon. Ilepublicou, of
"Perhaps twenty-live or thirty,"
mi in .ii r. v igg.
Asked by S
those jailed were
teers." .Mr. Fig
Mrs. Helen fiailatln Welsh, whose
engagement to Count .lean vou Zennc
l'"i', n ItclEian. has Ijppii nnnounced,
wllKunll for Burope May 2"i for the
wedding, provided pnssports can be ar
ranged by Hint time. Hhc Is to be
mnrried in .Inly. t
Mrs. Welsh snid today at her home.
Chestnut avenue. Chestnut, Hill, that
though she has not scon the count for
the last three yenrs, the romance has
beer, developed by correspondence. The
fount lives In Paris and tins large to
bacco plantations In Bulgaria.
Mrs. Welsh first met Hip count In
Paris Arc years oro, nnd again In
Philadelphia two years later.
Sirs, Welsh has been married twice.
Her first husband wns (leorge Kidder
Davis, of Wilkes-Karre. She was mar
ried to him in 1808. and to Charles
Xewbold Welsh In 11)07. Her homo
lown wns New York, where, as Miss
Helen Onllatln, n great-granddaughter
of Albert (iallntin'. once secretary of
thp treasury, she occupied n high posi
tion In society.
Wilkes-Hnrrc Irked iter, she said,
and nfter living a short, tiino. iu the
Pennsylvania city she persuaded Mr.
Davis to move to New rk. Difficul
ties came fnst. necordlng to testimony
given loer. nnd Mr. Davis loniplnincd
of his wife's dressmaker's bills. She
hi ought suit for divorce, charging de
sertion, and Mr. Davis did not contest
it. Tlint was In .Inly, 11W1. and the
decree wns granted the wife.
Three years later Mrs. Davis met
Mr. Welsh, a son of John I.owbcr
Welsh, former prcsldeut of the Union
Traction Co. Thev wpre married and
lived together until the fntl of 10M.
They had three' children, one of whom
died. Divorce proceedings were started
by Mrs. Welsh October 1. 1018.
The divorce was granted No ember
18. 1018 and not long after Mr. Welsh
married Miss Bdnn McClure, nu artist's
model nnd manicurist.
Mrs. Welsh No. 1 announced tlint
ninrrled life among the wealthy wns
"I.ove files away unless husband nnd
wife bnve mutual hones and interests."
Much n comulnation seldom
Chestnut Hill woman, whose en
gagement to Count .lean von
Lcnuckcns Is nnnounced
Advertisements Today Call for
Estimates on Work to Com
. plote Structure
Many Porsons Aro Injured and
Tolograph Service Is
t-xisls in the ranks of the wealthy."
Revised Soldier Relief Bill Goes Be
fore House This Week
Washington. April 10. A daily cash
bonus of l.LTi. instead of SI. 00. forJ
former herrinn meti iu tne Ifitnut ti nti
Senator Kenjon whethei i of the House ways and means subconi-
l"K or nine prou- iniitee. WHICH is Wlilpping tills leglsin
aid Roth kinds were, lion Into shape.
1 A bttt Ik lioPnr nremirpil imitpi' lli'n
.vshcu ii any lanners. uinnuracturerfl, divisions: 1. Cash bonus. "J. Home
or deiilers in hides hnd been prosecuted, I aid (two plans. I .",. Vocational
Mr. 1' irs said no action had been taken l.cducntibn. 4. Paid-up insurance,
against that brunch of the shoe in- ". Hevcnue. It will be ontioual with
iliutry. as prosecutions hud been largely I soldiers, snilors and marines ns to
against retailers. i which of the four plans of relief they
Sir. Figg explained that fair-price I shall take. Chairman Fordney plans
committee organizations have been set! to putdi the measure through thelloiitc
up in many states
"I have heard tlint tiiesc committees
freiiuently inc composed of the very fel
lows who are doing the proli leering, "
said Scuutor Kenyou.
"I think that i's a mistake," Mr. Figg
this week.
Fifth Ward Case Prisoner Must De
posit $7500
Upon application of the district at
torney. Judge Davis, in (jiMrtor Ses
sions Court todn. raised the bail of
Minim" Clnik. the "man with the
peglns-es" Iu the Fifth ward case,
fioni SAOIM) to S7."00.
I lie iirosfcutor slated tlint lie liml i
positive information that Clark wns I
Cumberland County Institution Is
Planned by State
Iliirrisblirg, April 1!). (By A. P.I
Pennsylvania plans to erect u state in
stitution fur inebriates and ilrug ad
dicts. The commission having charge
of the matter will ask the appioval of I
Governor Sproul for thu erection of
three cottages on the HOO-ncre tract it ,
I has bought iu Lower Allen township,
uuinDei'iauii county. i
At a conference between the cnminis- I
sion. which is headed by Highway Com-
inissioiier Sadler aud Doctor Martin and .
his staff, plans were discussed whereby
iuc lusiiiiiiioii uuiii or uouei super
j nn ,.T 1,a laiin.tninn, AF II... .1.1.
11 hoot t,i Me,. I .. IiiiU,II..Ma.. ,.f !. .'-!"" ."' ."" M.tiiis.. ... ..wii.ii.
...... ,.r ioi. L .. . J ii I . i ' ' er l.nglneer u. A. Kuierson. Jr., i
I InL'es Inuin. "f't ,",llt't,n(,"lt " I submitted n plan for eighteen cottages,
if wnfi 't' is alleged , ommssi'on ms not Bnielcut
that he led the eighteen frog Hollow ,...,. for aud. n nrocram. '
gunmen arouuil Hie Mil i ware the ilav ' '
the niuriler was committed.
( lurk was to have been tried Wedues
(iaj. Tuesday night J. Hiirwood Dail ,
tin nttornc who was his bondsman.
tinned biui over to Clerk of Courts
iPaul M Urecn jM(.kntn lie. Klu , nnj Jlar-
nari't Uw. 5104 Jrffrrton 1
(Jpnrsc J. Iluchntr. 1711! t'ojuga K., and
l.om M III lUiej, !.!- uaUka Hi.
SOT N. I ulrhlll 1.1 im
KIIZKbcth H. Morrlton. 32.1T X. nth at.
John C. Carrick. llaltlniorr. Mil , nnd IULj
K Aunlln, Atlantic City. .N. J
Tlinothv J O'Donnr.11. low siai,pniaii,
al.. and Anna M.t Brad). IOl'J Mhacka-
niaxon nt
Wlllam V. Virtue. --.1 Ardmoie at . and
Hcbrrca "hlttlr. H33J Dclancy al.
Xflunn II. Elsenhardt. U. 8. N.. Annapoll.
Mil , and IMna E Mlllfr. 3111 Natrona at
OMirite MeMiihon, SOL'S Ocdon at.. hiiu
'tlirlma Mlllrr. B437 Westminster av.
Joarph II. Hull, llathoro, I'm., and Mary
nuDard. uu.'o w roller it,
Divorces panted iu Court No. 3 today Va "IV".'. ISStoV. """
tollow: fJDtnfn R Toman, Sfl.T.' Janey at, nnd
ll.mv J tirlirlnwr from Rmma OrH..Marer r;-. ? "" Janey at.
. i
Director of Transit Twining to- j
day ndveitNed for bids on SfiOfhOOn ,
of contract work on the Frankfort!
Thei bids for column foundations,
steel superstructure and stations on
Kensington avenue nt Tiogn street and
nt Huntingdon street tire to be opened
May 11. On May 18 the director will
open bids for station platforms and for
stntlo'us nt Kensington and Tnrrcsdnle
avenues and at Frankfort) avenue and
Pratt street. On May 2."i bids fur
plumbing and electrical work will be
It was stated by it man close to the
Mayor that, the program of the ad
ministration is to complete the "L"
lirst and then reach nn agreement on
operation and cost.
Legal advNers of the Mayor nrp in
vestigating nil ordinances on transit
passed or Introduced iu Councils s-lticc
Uli: when the Taylor imii first was
Thomas IC Mitten, president of the
P. It. 'P.. nnnenred this afternoon lie-
fore the Chamber of Cnminerce transit
elinmlttre to explnln the traffic plans of
the transit company. Mr. Mitten
outlined the entire traction situation .
fiom the viewpoint of ho companv and
explnined just what the corporation is
willing to do In nn agreement with the
city. tr. Mitten will appear before
the committee again Friday.
William Perrine. n newspaperman,
will appear before the committee Wed
nesday to give his 'views on the qucs-
t inn
Knwin Hulley, president of the
I'rniilcfnril Board of Trade, today ex
pressed gratification at the move of the
administration to complete the "I."
"Wc. in Frankfort), look upon it ns
rnrtly the result of our booster niove,
nuni nnd luncheon. It is the first step
toward the realization of Frnukfurd's
greatest wish." ., igut
Thoj Public Service Comnussjnu. to
day will Inspect the tentative loop serv
ice nt League Island. The service is
to bt given n trial operation of thirty
days, The traction compan.v contends
that it will lose money on the seivice.
League Island officials oppose this view.
The commission also will invcftigntc the
operation of jitneys to the navy yard
It has been charged that the machines
nro overci owtlcd and the service is poor.
Urge McCrosaln for Magistrate
Lawrence K. McCrosslu. chairman of
the Democratic committee of the ThliM
ninth ward. Is being urged for appoint
nieiit by Corel nor Sproul to fill the va
canny caused by the dentil of Magistrate
McNennv. Mr. McCrosslu lives at ill-l
South Thirteenth stieet. He served in
l'.uiope under the Knights of Columbus
during the war. '
Little Hock, Ark.. April III. A '.scorn
of persons were killed nnd many In
jured in storms which swept serernl
counties in northwest Arkansas last
night, according to meager messages re.
cejved today over demoralized wire
At Hnrkny Vnlley. twelve miles north
of Danville, seven people. n of fchem
members of one family, wnie reported
killed, with .ninny persons hurt. At
Hiekeyvllle. sixteen miles south of
Clnrksvllle, three persons were reported
Killed anil iniitiy hurt.
Denver, April 10. (My A. I
Mlizzards that swept over several stages
til thf. ItnelfV Mnlltitntn fnttntrv vnutri.
day anil Inst night had abated consid
erably today. While n light snowstorm
is Hilling iiem and in .Nebraska nntl
W.toming, thn wind, which had been
piling the snow In huge drifts, block
ing railroads nnd city traffic, lins died
Several passenger trnlns stalled fn the
snow banks last night were dug; out
cany today. l liree ministers njnong
the passenger on n Cnlon Pacific train
stalled near Longmout. Colo,, con
ducted services in one of he convches.
A train blocked near (Jirnrd, Neb., 'was
icteased today.
Tlie state of complete blockade that
prevailed Iu Denver yesterday has
caued a milk shortngn. Dealers say
their supply is virtually exhausted nntl
the prospect for replenishing it be
fote tomorrow Is poor.
St met -sweeping machines nnd snow
plows are hard at work opening the
streets. Downtown hotels are filled
with people caught in the heart of the
city by the storm and unable to get
home. Two trains arrived here todav
over the Murlingtoti. but all others were
reported Mutlctinite."
Work Will Be Explained at Annual
Meeting of Mission
An insight to conditions in the Sudan
and other sections of the world will be
given by speakers conversant with the
situation ut the nununl meet lug of the
American branch of the Sudan United
Mission, which will be held tomorrow
night at Friends' Meeting House.
Twelfth street below Mnrket.
Addresses wil be inndn by thn Itev.
Dr. Samuel M. Xwener, of Cairo.
Cgvpt. editor of thn Moslem World: the
Itev. (iciiigc Irving, international see
retarv of the Y. M. C. A., and Dr.
II, K. W. Kiinim. general secretary of
the Sudan Mission.
Dr. F.dward G. Khonds will preside.
New Jersey Governor Opposed to
Tax Feature in Measure
Trenton, April 10. 1,'nilcr resolu
tions adopted by the Legislature just
before the two houses recessed last Frl--tlny
all pending bills, except the appro
priations bill nnd the Hudson tunnel
nnd Camden-Philadelphia bridge bill,
are dend, having been orderetl filed In
thn leglslativn morgue In thn stntn li
brary: Despite this, however, there
may be attempts made to open up the
legislative mnehlncry before sine die ad
journment, which is expected Thursday
Thn fate, ns far as New Jersey is
concerned, of the entire Hudson vehicu
lar tunnei project to link New Jersey
with New York ond the proposed bridge
from Camden to Philadelphia hangs iu
the balance. As thn bridge and tunnel
bill now stands it provides that thn vot
nrs shall nt the next November election
vote on thn tiiestlnn of a bond issue of
S28.000.000 for New Jnrsey's share in
these projects and alo on the nun.stion
of n direct state tnx to pay the interest
on the bonds until such n time as the
bridge ntul tunnel shall be self-sustnln-Ing.
It Is thn latter proposal that has
caused the trouble nnd inny defeat the
entire legislation this year.
It is understood tnat i.ovcrnnr re
wards is opposed to nny state tax. pr.tl
if thn House passes the bill in its pres
ent shnpe it is likely to be vetoed, in
which nvnnt It Is difficult to sny whether
or not the Legslnture would pbbs it over
the veto.
Migratory Act of 191.8 Held Consti
tutional by Supreme Court
The migratory bird net of 1018. de
signed to bring migratory birds under
tnc protection oi inn leuerni govern
ment Instead of thn states, was held
constitutional today by Jbn Unitnti
States Supreme Court in Washington.
The Inw Is designed to enrry out pro
visions of n treaty between this country
nntl Great Mritaiu, making the laws on
migratory birds uniform in the United
Stntes1 and Canada.
Professional hunters in the Middle
Yv'cst contested the constitutionality of
the law us infringing upon state rights.
The net has been In effect since its
passage. It gives the government the
power to declare thn open nnd closed
sensons on birds that fly north nntl
south, according to the sensons. The
group includes most game birds.
R. V. Bolger Selected by U. S. DIs
trlct Attorney ,.
llobert V. Molger. IC-'tTi N. Thirty
third street, has been named nssixtnnt
United States district attorney by
United Stutes District Attorney Mc
Avoy. Mr. Molger wns presented to
Judge Thompson today nnd will start
Ills official duties tomorrow.
Molger is twenty-fight years old. nntl
Is n graduate of the University of Penn
sylvania law school, class of '15. He
lies been associated with the law firm
of Vnn Dusen &c Johnson. Hn will
sever his connections with that firm.
Governor Confident of Election
as National Delegate at To
morrow's Convention
Dover, Del.. April 10. Governor
Towngnnd and his friends this nftnrnoor
clalmnd twenty-six Sussex county dele
gates out of the forty-two delegates from
that county which will come here to
morrow to" -thn statn convention nt which
delegates to the llnpubllcnn national
convention will bn elecjcil.
As one Towr.send supporter said.
"Unless trickery or unfair methods nm
used Oovnrnor Townsend will poltvnlj
be nlnctcd nt tomorrow's convention ns
n national delegate."
Chnrges of voting n large number of
Democrats In two or three of thn dis
tricts in Susex county were rnportctl
hern tody.
Members of the stntn. Hnnnle nnd of
thn Housn when npproached ns to the
effect the prinTnrleH of Saturday would
have on thn suffrage resolution frankly
admitted that it would have none what
ever, that should thn Scnato pass thn
rnsolution nbout which them bns bnnn
mimh doubt nnd thn bill bn sent, to the
House, no Influence, national or stntn
en n changn thn situation in that body
Sennfor Palmer, of Sussex county, wns
Money for
THOSE who conlcm
plntc travel, cither in
lliis country or ubrontl, irtuy
obtain from ns Letters of
Credit or Travelers'
Cheques which enn be safe
ly carried nnd easily cashed
in any part of the world.
Trust Company
415 Chestnut Street
nnd ."
Hroatl and Chestnut Streets
Northeast Corner
thn author of thn statement (n the Sen
atn nnd Spenker Corblt, of thn House,
speaking for the House.
The result of the primaries In Kent
nnd Siinsnx counties, which urn claimed
by the organization, undoubtedly means
the election of T. Coletnnii till .Pont m
national committeeman from Dclnwnrc
To Discuss Delaware Bridge
The Dnlnwnrn rlvnr bridgn project
will bn thn chief subject of discussion
nt thn fourteenth nununl banquet of
thn Market Street Merchants' Asor
atlon, to be held nt thn ltellcMic Strut"
ford on Thursday evening.
Moderate-Price Gifts
Silver and Silver and Gloss
Almond Dahes
Waicr Pj'tciers
Crackers and Cheese Dishes
r'uiiik Now tick. The ca-e wns not tried , u'&hrl,'1v
Hie next day and (lark was temauded to '
.Miiyiiiiinusing prison. Kpliruim I.ip
"chutz. now coun-el for Clark, told
Judge D.tvis that lie was mutlv to 'put
iluce $.-ii(i() ea-h bail, but did not know
whether he could rni-e S"."i00.
n... .. ...uuti
.Zr Uor" In London in IST0. the
C u intc.r; w,, d'0'1 "n "ft" thn
' London ,i ' ,,H 0l"iiSht up in a
"nuon orphan asylum.
I'Vcqucntly iu Asylum
C in V,','!:1 Iu', ,'"", to the United
rttr k,..ui .,-,1,,,I. ,vn" ,0 Minnesota,
CuS nfnl !T'i'" WooilsWe, I,. I.
mu of criticNm of his "rolling
iMlM?rn",'' l,c M'1'1' " flfrgyinnn
to tht rJZw,V H(I ,,lm 'om.ultted
d .. "'J8 KnV Ayni. I In escaped
DO ti'ntt a ---,"- -.KM, ; rsia nil
Duim TuZ ",ri,r,f at ,!", InHlBiii-e of n
"arrWiA ,l!,r(l tlmo ! I mil
lo chil. .' . T wo,mn"' They bad
milled ' nn(l l.'lH wlU' ,la'' Ill" ""
her iiiii h "" n"",u,' Thcu she 'and
"Wl e,? t,f a f''"'l rlcr.
(!ry.'! L K1 ".". ".' ,ho s,llll'i I"
Iol nr irliV ;,' rto get u
''U all Hrh, (jpors" yesterday I
:'8nnfhun'.n ' neftr'1 ,,,c mlnlHtre
'ii t treat them L mile "
urn t . .. -....,. ,
UtLh, ,'.i ". tolil detectives, I
Wwl With an impulse to shoot.
KS WrCCl 0n the Readl"0
4ln.i!le' 1a." AP-I' 10. (Hy A. P.)
C6,r' "'" freight caw were
fpC imiP 5Lh,oUer on tlio PIillu
Ttmple last nPil'111"1, Kallway near
a the ,'"", nKl't; when tho drnwhend
beurath th T ''wwin' loose nnd fell
JllnV h' Wf0B' "" . passenger
'" 1'ottsvliu .B... war" "Pmllng
wr i lc, "l"1 Allentowr. aud tho
lr"a?thn .n,'' ,t0. Rct n? ! walk
t. itn-WrccH t0 tl-'n sent from
uV-tity ft onl" J mn" tnm n "
te tlcuretj
I'aullno K .MhiI from llenrj V J. Msrk.
lletiPMiN" rolllli) fnini Hub PoIIIId
Li'iia IN-'txinun Johnmin liom Ilertfrt
Jlue l. 1) U)ti from l.slle K Do Iinc.
Kluinor llrcmn from Archie Jlrown.
.l-nnl T. Ilrmlley from jBinua F Ilradlpy
llari lftt I. Neilerrsv from Mulcolm U.
N clerrey.
Ji-nnlo M Andorson from Walter CI
Alulel F041.
AtiKUstus II. Ilorneman from Kmrna i:
.lemi Klor.iU from Jarnen W. Florltlir.
Mnbel !' I'lrlil from Hurry M. Tleld.
Helen M. Iloollnrr from lnrencn ,S
Ha ni li Isnon from ThnmAs Innn.
Ixirrnlnp H Ulerck from Lewis K. Cllerch.
Mne II Zembroilt from Urwln Zeinbrmlt.
JlHrle M. UhIo from aeor V. l)al.
I'fter J Calldii from lUrrlot M. fallun.
l.llllHti It. Hnilth from f'lnul M. Hmllli.
Kh ailbcrt front Nnmu.l tlllbcrt
Mutx-I II Vearlck from Io J, Ycarlck
.IompIi SchwrzvalUer from Mary Schwari
v abler.
Ileraee Do Wolf from .tun Do Wolf.
Mlllan W'alpert from Harry A. WHlpert
.Varlo 15. Aahmore from William II. Ash.
more '
rlhtr l.lpntililtr. from S.muel I.lpachlti.
Hamucl Taarhner from Kllifl Taschner
tlesnle I Dllvcr from Robert II. Olher
llerth.i MeNultv from JoMph .MeNulty.
Pauline Itebel fioni Charles Iteliel.
Kiancca J. Meehan from John J. Meelian
Katie M. I.'irenlz f n ni Jullm I). I.nrcnu
PlorrncB P l.'bisc fiom IC.lwIn O C'loie
Tlionida M. Powora from Uoruthy C.
Maratiorltc II .Mlchaela from Martin 1
Tiara II T. YoUfiK from ItanrUll T Ynunt,
lilUnholi I,, Teylor from Itulwrt n.
.Inhn llrernw'alt from Ilaxel I, flreenwalt.
I'alvln J. Irlu from .Manila I!. Irwin.
Ilel.-n (!ell from Walter P. alb
Kllralvth A. Youni; from Jamca Tounc.
niort si jnnniinn. .n:ri mriu si an
Bather K Wlihtman. a038 Stella at.
Iteeale Harrla 10'JO P. 501ft at., and I.ou
B Jona, 1(120 S. SOth at.
William B. I.ans. 0S Penn at , and Krnnia
Kolb. 100S Orthodox at.
Slohn J. I.ocue. if39 S. Warnock al , and
Malwl r. Kellv. S4nfl H. .Mole at.
John Ilushea. '.'IKR S, ISth at., and Mary
Mnrrla. 11BR Wlnton at.
Itead Hncap, 840 Wvnwond road, and Edna I
r. tximiiK. lieu mil, l'a.
John Shoemaker. Norrlatown. Pa . and
Magzl E. neorse. Norrlatown. Pa. I
Datlel P. Uallaaher. 1348 H, Carlisle -at . '
and Mary McWIIIama, 3422 Powelion au
.Mt Mppinan. .104 Ianue at., and Saran
iturig.. o. .lonirnse ar.
Joarph l aimnn. Oil City. Pa . and Cecelia
M. MeCue, 188 W. I.uray at.
William H. Kruu. .101 Arch at and Chris-
tell I. nocan. 837 nallroad avr
Michael l.rmbutla. 477fl Mrlroae at . and
Heaale Vawadalta. 4778 Mrlroarat. i
Sumurl nenohls. 4431 Woodland ar . and
Dalay noblnaon, Drtrolt. Mich.
Frank C Uureh. 1038 Hush at . and Urn ma I
Oichar. 0603 N. 13th at.
E HAVE a good
opening for a first-
class service executive,
experienced in handling
general accounts.
Advertising Agency
Evry Phait, of Salti Promotion
400 Chestnut Street Philadelphia.
! .
ik1'' A
m i y
A Safe Investment
Yielding 8 Per Annum
Double Security
Earnings Three Times Interest
Tlio Sccurctl Gold Notes of tho
Philadelphia Company afford these
safcrjuurds, and In ncjdition arc free
of Penna. Stnto Tnx and 2re of the
normal Federal Income Tnx.
The Company has a dividend rec
ord the equal of which it is difficult
to find. It has declared dividends
continuously since 188G, with tho
exception of only 1 year.
Write its for particulars
Carstairs & Co.
Investment Securities
1419 Walnut Street
Uembars rhUadriohla aai
Nt York Stock Eichantw
Broadway, N. Y.
-rr a wv nrr. ti-vi ,. CI
1424-26 CHESTNUT ST.
Beginning Today At Our Expense
Special One -Week
Price -Breaking Sale of
Intensified Values in
A Limited Quantity of
Perry Suits &Topcoats
Straight from Our Regular
$45, $48, $50, & $55 Lines
At The Uniform Price of
This is the first Intensified Sale we
have ever held for which there is
neither rhyme nor reason-M:hat is, so
far as we personally are concerned.
There simply is no opportunity to
save money on woolens or workman
ship or by special purchases today.
How then do we come to hold an In
tensified Sale? Look in the right
hand corner at the top of" this adver
tisement and you will find a phrase
that tells the whole story at our
expense! Formerly, the Intensifying
was done on the Outside. Today, it
is done on the Inside. Ordinarily,
we pick the pocket of Opportunity.
This time we've had to dig deep into
our own. Of course, we did not have
to hold an Intensified Sale at all, if
we didn't want to. We certainly
could plead plenty of excuses for nor
holding it. Bur we could not over
look that there never was so much
need of a if Intensified Sale as now,
never a time when the public was so
. hungry for a big buying opportunity,
neveF a season w hen an old-fashioned
Intensified Sale would be so good for
sore eyes and anxious pocketbooks.
But please remember !
We can make this great personal
sacrifice for one week only, and every
garment that is not sold in this Sale
at 340 w ill go back into regular stock
next Monday, and be priced at and
sold for 545, 34S, $50, and $55.
The Suits and Spring Over
coats comprise all the kinds
that icr arc selling, and all the
kinds that people are wear
ing. Therefore, Jurther de
tails arc unnecessary.
I e:
! 1 1 aiiwwiiia
" '
Sixteenth and Chestnut Streets
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIHIIll I
"" i ljHl.in, i)l 1 M
,u , .. "'Mi.
' 9- l-A.'
: fxA&a