' .. n ! St 'i rptf. ESTATE TOR SALE REAL E8TATB FOB 8AIi REAL ESTATE FOR BALE t ItEAl, ESTATE TOR 8AIB BEAL ESTATE FOB SAI.B HEAL ESTATE TOR SALE REAL KBTATE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE SOU BAliE rnt OITV titV WI'.HT PtimtllRI.PIItA WKHT PIIH.AI)KI.PH1A vi:ht piiiMnr.M'iiiA ni'.BMANTOWN OKRt.NTOVN i. ' M. G. KRAUSS TL Walnut 4214. Warehouse Delaware Avenue 17,000 Sq. Ft. Cor. Three Stiecls Quick Possession Cold 'Storage Delaware Avenue New 2-Story Building Modern Also Lot 2G00 Sq. Ft., in rear Corner Front Street 2J3 North and rear on Water Street New Improvements 25.1-55 N. FRONT Elevator Modern Well financed 312 N. FRONT Produco Section Elevator N. V. Cor. FRONT & VINE 5 Ruildings 56x100 Early Possession Well financed Chestnut Street Near Second Street Through to Ionic St. 22,000 Sq. Ft. Floor Space Electric Elevator, New Steam Heat Plant, Electric Lights Heavy Construction J. Becher Anderson 1524 Chestnut St. Spruce 4CS4 I HAVE very desirable property' for 'ill; it a small apartment bulldlnir. lo- fa on A rnrner In mnnl . !.! lm Jd-fcuhff valiiM nr Incrnailnc rapidly; uiMuuiuiijr iii"niiinriiHna mi tne upurt- Ijlt Sr nfYMinlArl at IlMfAAlll. .. out IJO.ono in cash Is required to handle ''r"r less u tne properly is re need, il c Income on thin Investment 'nount to about 20 per cent per an--. ... . ' not ,al0 ,nt" consideration OrOut tO be mnit frnm Ini-can .... nt vain.. fli nnshbnrhood nor the attractive spec- i!rt.n,.l.S '." " ln Property. iwir.iiixi.il, AI'AHTilENT AniINCT " """"1 t 1'hono Walnut 3,17 FOR SALE Two Five-Story Stores 123 & 125 N. 8th St. Possession Mav 1st. 1920 WILLIAM C. BENKERT .1421 CHESTNUT HT 3-STORY FACTORY Centrally located prick hWg., Bbout 5500 SO. FT. Elevator, electrlo Itcht. team heat. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION M Ml, Ledger Ofllce 2452 Brvn Mntvr Atr ' Lot ni.i h,i. m. Only Oarage """T.rTOW '0nr,h" "c,,on wre-nnouee NEW OPERATION awr?'5"' e'Ildtaclied. cement porchea. I'" to troTVy tVnJA'Vi '.0" 100 ?" dl I iroi ey, tinmed ste ihiihi on KUHN & LOWERY till AND HOCtfT.AMn ONLY ORARnATM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION '-, 70 hi, 'Vwr "'lllton. aide nlford aim ft! ?3-3 Amber at., near wiii.T. ..Mni1 Allegheny avea. Owner. lml fMlnin Owner, 023 "-luin noor W unoccunied Divpllmr,. i ism !?B.l.HuufiwnnAN. ffliSirA,Api'W'- ,oti i nurmnriiniini .. j i,. . w '" Him fjriA nvB A REAL BARGAIN Moo 4 Mou'ni vL1.. "8 ,';. from corner Br.,i v;' ffiS-JSLM'iBi KHK1.L & CO . BBS N. ,7Tn 13S!1''1"" 143S V llik ft :SJLrrtnh"n 5SV5 Wrvli . 1212 War nock iaIiSU.B, ""' ..... r i .,....:" n !JLU Williams S22 Walnut at. I'M hou... ...,A ' rKNTION Pil ivii;:.M."i"-5 tt- ""' r Tlr.eer -."JOIN Vth. ll'Wi""0!""";,'0.'. ,Bx?0i '"ownatcna ? rlehi T?i' J r.b,h!1. '"ondryi newly --J J Ilin.V n... chrl.ttan at. '.,rlin : coniTiiiJ houae practically new, '" 8unji n.,i'on' 'ro"t ""J bek porch iv E' ivt mILiP' K,nJ.P,f' J"lion and In' fcjjSft Mimbcr Philadelphia nl K lh.';.JTONT. V.?'?00' .mortitaBia 98000; , V .'. q TiT " "Tfcat ala. xf. cor ":." .. "ti jic.iiuff. 'w.. ' LTO "! aeb; "m,::.-rR,?;?" "Pfimwi -TAlir.ANK."B7n'';'.'.,,'f.? ?.' ". Mllih ii TT-r wnmiu at. symond m. tarker yyliJU ll ,f." '.'5 sti.- SMJW N. E. Cor. 8th &, Lociist Sts. Nos. 700-11-13-16-17-10-21-23' Locust St. 73 feet on 'j 8th Street; 100 feet, on Locust Syreot. Llfeht on" folir sides. 12,000 equaro feet. Here is nn unusual building opportunity. The property is right on the new subway, loop nnd appreciating in valuo every day. This lot is rlpo fdr improvement The era of enhancement in real cstato values which Philadelphia is ex periencing will affect this property directly. 1003 Filbert Street xit'iiiiHaijiiiiMiiiiawiiiaii'M warn iin fjjBjijj 3 VALUABLE STREET FRONTS NEAR GERMANTOWN AVE. innKaur.Au lot $18,000 HERBERT JAY MYERS Member IMilla. Heal Kalate Uoard. U GINSBURG FOR GROUND BENJ. GINSBURG 1101 Pennsylvania Bldg. N. W. Cor. 15th 5c Chestnut Sts. Phones, Spruce 929 and 930 Hibbcrd B. Worrell & Co.? T-Ho Cr''.n' "" mol-rn heat, electric. An7? V,1"1 S' ? "'" modern beat, electric. ?XJ5 ''"ndswlne It rooms, I.ISno. Kw.')!"11"11'." loiiiiis. 11800: rent $1S. .ili '"rlnthlaii nr.. 11 rooina- J0700. 1SJS Jft- Vernon. II rooms. 1H.W .,?.- Jt" ..?"'?" " room". IMOU. 'I'ii H- !nth' n rooms; innou, ,?JiJf; 1!"h- ,s rooms: 10.100. 'ISS jy"!'!"' n ro"ni. 2 baths. -JJ5 Perkloinen, 11 roomn. J4200. SI?? Wllp.. 10 rooms; jnsmi. sfil SS-,"r; ", 1Brv3 hl'. nn heat. Sl!l?.pr!P Harden. 12 rooms, side yard. 2210 Wallace. II rooina: $4000 170-i Mt. Vernon. 4 hatha. Boulevard Location New Operation $5800 2d st 4000 row. 7 rooms hot-water heat Sffiis.1!1.;!? -s-r.5'&....?r?!.. "" v-.-v vv. .,..., niiiiiJ'IT- linillQ OpflJl, KUHN & LOWERY ftTH AND ItOCKLAND STS. 171ft COI.UMIIIA. store nnrt dwclllnB . 1H24 Columbia. 12 rooms.. ...... 1820 N. irtth, is rooms . HI18N.'17th 18 rooms iHOl K, Norrls. store and dwelling. 1702 N 18th, 13 rooms . 1037 X 30th. utore nn ,1.rAt1lnn $8000 7.1110 0300 oooo 2001 Olrard live. 13 rooms. 121HN 28th. store and dwelllnr 4onn inn.2nin-202aN. Camac. 00" ximo ooosto:K 2I3H N. 7th II rooms. 2044 Nicholas. 8 rooms. 2127 Perks. 7 rooms 014 Montgomery. I) rooms. m..ni' s:oo 2300 ftR'SlLSl.- Jrt0'5i.h- 8 "'"'O room. WM I, CltAVKN'H SON'R.2010 Columbia ave 111(1 WALLACE RT. It will pay you to ii. into mo pumiase or. inis house: barT,i. t 1.1200 TAULANi;. tlOO WalmiV "rgl"n 18HU N. bTH fT Nino looms bath. 3-atorv dwellini:: good condition, this Ih n bare. in Pe. JAMKS J. HAOAN BI2 Christian " ' 110-21 VANIIOKN HT. lot 30x8(1. rented a i-wo frame house.. quick, taks mini for both TtKKSKK 2201 N 7th 167 ClU'.lSrl.XN HT Hnd bulldlnir In rm?. $8030 clenr Immediate nosJeaVlon r; .1. It. JVIinri.l.A 1111 Chrlsll.n .. I.AllUi: comer store and dwellimr ZZZl Palrmount parli; suit any business ffl 4227 Oennaiitown ae APP'y 170J CAYUGA fjr.. 12 rooms cornr""nT erty; lot 62x100 Apply RCJIUnooT 4?t Oermantnwn ave ' -T niLillK AVK. Fourteen rooms; II acre.. .11 Improvements C. KnNHT riEnnV bimJ nidge ave. nosborouah 1208. f""tlr' 0'8 2120 N J N. 20T11. 8T. 8-aty. dwc. coni.ii r.. bath hot-alr heat, eas: $4300 Ch'.l I" st Co. f.14 Oermantown nv, ihI - or. Tru llnlldlng Its. Factory Wltes. Kte FACTORY SITES 10 ACRES PENNA. R. R. Uest section of city for labor WILL DIVIDE . OIln 4 street fronts Addresa W 3, P. O. Box 3484 ONH DKRIHAHI.K LOT. with railroad front. ace, northeast corner X. P, It. n. und in dlana st. 22.500 snunro feet; euliable for stonuyard. coalvard, stornEe ur en plant j ir. nuo.vns. ias h. sti, at. FAC'TOriY HITR In Manayunk mill district between Heading and Penna. It, it . an. lnu.mi.-MI . .."... u -u Urilll, Appjy 110WKKK. 4171 Main at,, Manayunk. DITMAX, N. llenner Wlsslnomlna-. flo-lOii'-Sydenham. R Wyomlnir, 20x8S uu,,,wu' i-j ii. rirr at m . t.'h walnut. Vsftorlrs. Manufacturing Moors FACTORIES AND FACTOllY SITES Everywhere In Pnlladelphla louis b. aiNsnuno 1201 Chestnut at. I'ACTOIIIKH, IKIILDINtJ HU'KS Oinund with siding locust 2018, rianders llldg. MAR0NEY fie DILLON ONE DKSirum.H l)T. with railroad front age, northeast corner N. P. u. n. und in! dlana'at.. 22.r.0O square' feet; ail ab"e ftr stoneyaru, coalyard. storage nr lea plant J. H. rtllOADH 1B.1 n Mh it ' Ournse 1010 rniANDYWINB Three stories: I0x7s to strieti built ovor entire lot wouitm.i. co nm x. 17th t. Rtoree nnd Ilwelllnrs 1027 QKHMANTOWN AVK.. 0 rooms and store: eieciriciiy, noi-waier neat; 2 fronts! u order: It a a. fcargaln at.lUOOO. "'""' fine iw.i-ni-.u. ii.vi n. im at. 10J7 QliltMAXTOWX AVE. Nina rooina X. store, electric. lililS fronts, ni" . den It's a barg. at $0000 Itsese-. 2j!ni j tii, ijat) AND 2140 COLUM1IZA AVfc'.L'afly possession .price right. . riy QUINN. mill Columbia ae. L'022 COI.IMHIA Htore L dwg , 11 r : m' 'Tease, rent $7B: ISnOO.Qnlnn.fuin Coim'!; .... U tVPir Mine. mYtli rila.nin. COIIBN. d. 17th and llalnhrldge st s'. I.IJWIS M'sjseJinnsr WAnKllOUSK. east .Market at,, very de. Irani location and build ng, BAMUBL. M.aAYWSY, 1809 'in at. ""'' Tnelnrlea FACTORY SITE LOT 100k ion Three fronts, with 20-flfl.tOO-ft, street! houndlgaj 2 eTj.ircn from Ynihlnton u,i u iruiu uroaa at. . James J. Hagan, 912 Christian von HAI.R tft atMMtt On ..nf. mn t a.il.M hrleV rnin4 t.nJiM ...!! ........ riSnlrvf Hahl; a-o-jd power plant and eloya tor; about SS.OOO an. ft.) bulldln can b iA7 .f'u,"! t 1035-41 N. Front at. I'nllaaeiphla. FAUTOntF.f AND WAltBIIOUSES flooo to Sim. ikio mi vr. roSilBHRIONi riAlLnOAD niBTKntcii 737, WALNUT 65,000 Sq. Ft. of Floors JI.000 felt ef land with It. 11. Idlnr, 30 Master: poateatloii: easy term. wonnwi.T. co . t,m ft. 17tii lvnow plant. :p mllca from city: ISO. 000 aq, II. I teenia, ft. i i'Mnry bi(tr. . It. ft. i riq,i birealni niKTKniPfl 7BT Walnut at. ' 2814 TO 284a N. 4TH HT, Three Poors and S?'' l"1!!8' Slant i Dnemion November) 10.000 aq. ft. DIBTEIUCH, 737 Walnut. niiifneaa Proprrtle nn Stores T . CENTnAI. walnut ht. iohhi:rhion prick m.non r 2ii2. i.KnV;n okfick HIJ2 ItlUOK AVW Two-storv bulldlnx. 2O(!0. rear entrance! price IV.OO. MTRns t, iiATtTit nmon avr and ioth TWO rooms, for profmMonal purposes, near , Alleeheny and Kensington nvea ; llveit spot In northeast eectlon. .Annly If. J. rtAf-FBllTY. n(f.7 Kensington ave. lNUUSTHIAL Pl.ANTH, wi.rehnues. va:ant land rnllro.il olnl water frontsse. T I.. HTHVENSON h WON. 822 1-and Title. WBHT l'Hll.Al)Kl.riHA 52d & Walnut, New Auto Section M42 anU 44 Walnut, in ft. front each. 0210 and 12 Walnut. 1.1 ft front each. I). P. McCONNKt.I. Rn'UO" 572." 1207 Harrison Midi THREE-FAMILY APARTMENT Ilenl $3000 per annum- B rooms and bath earhi 4 private garacea In rear; reasonable terms. JAMES 11. WINC'IIEM. . 17th snd Raneem st. On the Lincoln Highway 742 X 3.1 st : 3 stoiy 2 l.ntr.. sml... taeheil; southern cxnos-tre modern, posses slon; balsa In fo- niilck huer. Lambert & McDermolt nil W OWNEIt leavlna; clt) , ioses0n In June! 0124 Columbia ac; $13.SU0; a story stone and brick, aide-yard house built In 1DIB: on deep lot with driveway In rear nnd room for Baraae: hlKhost part of West Philadel phia, 400 feet east of n.1il st. H. j. aib bons, nttorney, 110 N. llroail at. tsooo 532 S. 69th St. Jsooo Modern main-street home, prictlcnlly new- 3 bedrooms: lnclod north; possession Lambert & McDermott HS.'&fP ATlHACTlVUi bargain; 41135 Walnut T tnndern In every respect: 3-story Hi room. 2 baths, pamu-try noorn nirouchout kitchen ...f -. l...... .II..- In n..r.l ...j!.'. ,l"r'l . parqu-iry noorn nirouchout kitchen aaths, tile; In perfect condition can seen by appointment Auly in. M or., care John Prlco 4. Co,. 3i.u Atur , nr.in, nil- wi-i- Aiar HIHJ . tin only bo t II. pvn et 1 i Preston 343: $3,100 st , 7 rooms RMt ramh-ldsc porch, large rooms, excellent Inrat'on. WAl.TKIt V. AHIIHY 2ii io x "nih .i Member Phlladeinhla Heal IVtale Ponrd Vacant-Rcnovatcd-Overbrook 54nn!J !r,?,ri "Jlh. lladdlngton . Lebanon av. i.tn.00 rill.l lladdlnston, 0 rooms, storerdom 4.-.-.11.1 rur.i itadrtlnictc-11. 0 rooms storeroom f-nowr.nv im x tioih lieimom pmi w. CORNER PROPERTY R. W ror 3.1th and I.ansdowne ave , hot water heat, eler lights, etc., im noes., price IIMMill K Miller. 1482 X .'.2d nel 77.1 SolK MAI.CDMH ST.. 7 rooms Inclosed null . posses-ilon. .18.12 Hndfleld st. 7 roomx modern, n Cobtn rrel' boulevard i.-..-( ii, ;i- i .inn. . ri".i' n"XU JOS. ALLEN POnS 400,1 lleltlniore ave Ideally Located Overbrook Hnmn n;.8.N Ollh St. 4 bedrooms: ..H tni-liod: modern lot !J.-,lnft i. "eml.de. nciioo: modern lot i:.,ti(m. Lambert & McDermolt . --. ---- -- -. . -- , m lllinuul.,1. 403 X. 03d Pel 3777 EXCBPTIONAI. opportunity, handy to I. 3. story dwellings, suiuu-sissu; also ha corner dwelling with brli-k hiilMin able for garage purpn.es, nt n. bargain J. K. l.KK HMITir, 3HII2 Ijinrast-r ave MAHKI1T RT. IXYV, 42x1 IS BnTWKENT..VrH AND .'.flTH STR. J. A. PATTERSON, 130 S. 1 5th 5463 THOMAS AV n.Vmnt'atHf?IOc'A'.0n7!Oon0rrn!u? s?"19 fth X. 13. COIl. U.II AND llACi; hth.two: atory storo and dwelling: good opportunity for Improvement: price tnooo. " D. V. SrcCONNKt.r. Rnruee .1721 . 1207 Harrison tim. i .-. u.iiun n i-. i.orner dwelling, 12 rooms porch, hot-A-ater heut. olectrlo lights hard! wood floors: price 112.000. . "aru. .1 K. t.nK SMITH 1002 7inen,er , MARKET ST LOT 4x113 Between Both and r.Olh sts J. A. Patterson, 130 So. 15th St. 5543 LANSDOfWNE AVE pJPe," $8500 dw",ne: Immediate possession: H 8. MIMJin, 1482 X 32d Bemn ni 3231 HAVKHl-Oltl) AVH.3.sty. end housil good apartment, rooming propoetlon "r homo for Inrge famll . 11 rooms. 2 baths Newman , llnll 32-12 Qerninntown nv. B800 1JLK. AXOOHA mod ; tiou hom MB Liberty Hldg. TKll. 7 rma., strictly .Sew lira Itealty Co. 22 N. GIST HT Nice hom on wide .lre.t' elw.; porch front; Immedlvito possession' owner will sell furnished nr unfimil "t, i" ' POKSKHSION (iwnor returning tn vXi York will sacrifice 3-story dwelling" iimi.k hall, hot-wntor heat, electricity '' J. ,.. stands alone. P 201. Ledger Office" l"11'"' S. 48T1I ST . near Hazel ave Moderot.- sljed 3-story twin. 10 r.. I bath T laumlrO tubs, electric llghu. hot-water h'eat ..v hrat C1IA3. L. IIHOWN ti CO.. 217 H Iiroad VACANT R70U block Christian st.. 0 roomi bath, electric lights, hardwood floor iJotl wutor haati.tn home, buier a bargain Htuvi'.u oiao inestnut st. SIIKIIWOOD section 3S11 Asniand ave ' :?rorCVlirH0,nt ..iell-ng iienutirui 2-story hot-water heat, electrlo hnllt.ln nhower: a. renl hnmn. hn .. ,.:.,!! TAULANU HOP Walnut Vt. ' """' 008 X. 41ST ST. - Ten rooms. 2 bths. Inclosed shed, stationary tubs. Apply '"""' JAMKS I). WINCHBLI. 17th and Ransom sts N. W. COn. 41st and Locust. 13 room, ., temllKeV ffM.l?ir fl,J.,y ! OKUMANTOWN fill Hnnsberry at 57e77C stucco, stands nlone: porch and balcony in rms,, ba h and laundry; block from wm ave. trolley vind 2 blocks from Queen li2! Station A 220. Ledger Office. wueen I'on 4U-.11 X. HALKOItp. excellent locution' 1.17 X. Peach. 8 rooms; end house 3801 Atch. corner store ami dwelllnc newlv renovated; arant. ". nowiy 1038 Oermintown aye . 8.t.. ,oro . . ,WW" riiiK.i, n;n Market JlllLVII.LlS AVI. 11 rooms, dutch hsll modem, wldo front terrace, near nlih school anddouited. Sir. Ilerner. liar n2 dav ouoinnfi .ii.tii ai night bPKCUI.ATllUS- e have mi.p.i .. . story properties in. West I'lilladelnhi. -n!SP -C. MnL0JUll,iiiVr.fB00lJ-nw"' fw ".u'v".,"in. o,o- "" uuu- fPruco Belmont 210. PI LT-TO DATi: HOMlj. 0B18 Ludlow t . with garage and all Improvements, for sale under very reaaonobln conditions. aud y Mr Ilenyl B812 Cliestnut st. "uuiy S7HO Semidetached. reception hail To rooms, electrlo Hants, nice yard: exceiinnt locaUon WEST PHILADELPHIA imAI. KSTATB CO. rOQO Ilaltimoro nve llUAU ClinSTKB AVE. No. 6001 Elegant home A rooms and bnth. hardwood floors throuah. . .ua.ulhlnL' innflt.ru .. n u.. . " noi Ii below Chesler ave. uui. ",',i;.' "' .v.- .. rciiM,arz. ""uuianu :ij j. HOIK!" MOSef ST. Five rooms tiath, porch lmy wlndowa, bot-viater heat, white pTumfc Ing: mortgages $2200 each; wl aell at . I'.V.sIn Call Diamond 3022 W. 3813-13 PEMHEIITON ST Chance for .... o n.nii .iinnrn Snrimn H.UI1 -4l. I'enn acinars Spruce H44S nn .- UP-TO-DATE HOME. wiin latest Imnrovs I st . for ss a up,... menis. i".. -..-w, reasonable conditions. Apply Mr. Wahlburg. nH7H I lll.pil.uv.. J312-I4-1H MANTUA AVE Eight rooms bath, h'ater porch $40otl: new roof a: will nnnnce (IftlSCOM 21O0 Cuthnrlne ' w" auiO CHESTNUT BT IH rooms, a bathV BU$35.000, WM T llAnniB. 2US Hav??ford nve.. Nroertn. ra NINE 2-atory P"rch.front homes, rl rooms', bath, porch, flflcb block Pnybroolc n"e IM I. TlinMArf, 211B W. Ihlirh st. U7U7 PASCIIALI. AVE. Porch ilwelllng7fl rooms bath, laundry, hot-water heat electricity U. H sTtl .1 l I'. 1 , lOH 181,1 Anh si mju'i.'!1 I'HII.A . south, enelosrd noiih race, main streeti moderni six rooms nj h.thi occupied bv owner A 202 Ledger nn 2 S. CONESTOOA BT Two storv. porch. ' white plumbing. , LEWIS COHric. 2d ;or nth and Hslnbrldse. 1113 Lincoln Hldg 3113 jW' A I lA ii-W .pTitTT'Vl ',u''y..,',ieh. 8. W,T l.r- io Jk-v.i ...s. . ii,,i.w,.'i HUK. 17th and Ilalnbrldsa sts. VACANT GROUND lllpe for bulldlne 57th & Walnut Sts.- C7th St., both sides. Walnut st., north aide. Hansom at. south side. I BOYLAN. 207 8. 00th st. FOR INVESTORS 0100 block nienmor ave., 15 houses, porch fronts, well financed. . BOOO block, Walton nve.. 8 house! can be bought at a good figure. .... 300 block N. Itoblnaon st.. 22 hduscsi well mortgaged! In good condition Yewdell at., between Market and Arch ate.! 7 houses; bargain to quick buyer. CnOO block Locust st., 7 houses! in good condition; 4 bedrooms. 0400 block Addison St.. 10 bouses) well financed, $3'i0 6(100 block Pemberton at., 6 houses; well financed. . .. 0200 block Woodland ftve., 0 houses! ripe for alterations, ABE KOLSKY & CO., INC. West Philadelphia Branch Office 317 8. 00th st, Belmont 1188 Telephonei West 132 Overbrook Homes NEW HAMPLB HOUSE OPEN MARLYN ROAD $,t (South of Jefferson st.1 .. Tltn MOST COMPLETR AND COM PACT 2-8TOBY HOME OFFEBED TO llOME-DUVEBS. 20-ft. stone fronts, private garages. inclosed and heeled. Cement porches. Central Plant Heat (that Insures plenty of heat, and hot water). Trunk room and maid's room In basement. An nll-tlle bath with stall shower. Moss & Taylor HOME BUYERS We nffpr thee, few select properties. located In the bcaullful Sherwood sections; 010 block It, Conestoga st. 3131 Elliott st. .1321-2H Hatfield st. 1200 H Buby st. . nooi Whliby ave. and other properties. 3021) Baltimore nt. r.'SI Osnge ne. '' PhononCVobdland 031.1 for parllculara or "r"' YARNALL BROS. MTH AND WHITBY AVK ? FOR SALE 3928 LOCUST STREET LOT 13x173 Individual 3-stnry stone dwelling 10 roims n baths TWO-STORY GARAGE WILLIAM . BENKERT 1121 CHESTNUT ST. n"3 N 02D ST., OVKnnnOOlC Three lory 12 rooms, 2 baths, thoroughly mod trn.l6t 28x143. bargain; $13,000. 732 N B30 ST. (boulevard! Three story. 12 rooms. 2 baths: Ideal eery respect. 1'hone for appointment. FITZPATRICK 1341 N. 00TH ST. BELMONT 4314 SPECULATORS 4 REAL BARGAINS ON MARKET STREET " Bttween 80th and 02d sts - act quick Joseph H. KasscimonM,- PEACH STREET West side, between Springfield and Warrlntton as Two-story porch-front houses Oood condition Samplo house 1224 S. Peach Street Price $3100 WM. It. I.OWEB It SON 2310 t'n'umbla ave. 0208 riNU ST Sit rooms and bath. In closed forch, hot-water heat, electric light built-in tub and shower. Cor. Baca und Oross Large lot: 0 rooms nnd b.'th. 8 story, hot-water hent. electrlo light. 23jfl00; garage prlvllegea: 107AO. 223 S 31st. Throe story, 11 rooms, 2 baths; debirnhle location. 35TV fathnrlne- Kcur bedrooms steam and define hrenlffast room; 17200 CARPENTER 6c WILSON Belmunt 1057 8229 Market st. IT'S HirTTEB TO BUY ONI3 OF T1IKJC XtW SU.NMIII.-Sl'; lIUAlKrl TlIA?. TO, TO Y fEng. Olnlng i first W1PII YOli HAD IMMEDIATE POSSESSIO! 0100 block Locust at,, spacious porch lisil style, hiihh ii.iiih iuuiii, uuauuiui i room and excellent gas kitchen on floor. 3 bed chambers nnd tiled bathroom on second Coor; nrtlstlc parerlng, mahogany und white pulntlng Krench wlndowa real oiwn flreplncca, hardwood floors throughout, electric lights, hot-water hent, garage In rear, sample house IU4S I-ocuat st OKO II l.lF.lll'ltMAN. ngent, 3DH Lincoln Bldg. 11I:aIT1I"-I. olo-tiiliii.ii.l U-story West 1'hlU homo, navimr 13 rouma and 2 batns. on lot 3H17H. to rear street, main thorough, faro, with splendid trolley service: assess ment If.'iOO, tlnur.ced to 10300; purchase PrlC9muuJ.C. FULLER Phono Spruce 413rt. 10 8. ISth st. MOST ATTRACTIVE HOUSES IN A CHABMINO NRIOIIBOnilOOD; Willows ae. betwem 38th at. nnd the Parkway: theso ure 3-story, porch-front houses. 10 rooms each, gas nnd electrlo light, modern plumbing; mar stores, schools, .churches park, tennis club etc. Terms of sals aro easy. PKMHEBTON KSTATEB. Owners. Harrison Bid,?. (13th and Market ata ). ' 03D AND CATHABINK Thrco story, atrict ly modern, room for garage; Just like a brand-new home. 2 bath, excellent location, vacant ImmedLito possession. Oh. boy. some dandv horn Own today. "See MATTHIAS About It" N K. COn.32fj AND ABCII STS. YOL'K OPPORTUNITY IH lltSBU If ou own the master key to 3800 block Osage ue iOOOO 3800 block Bodman ave n;,(in SHOO block I.arrhw'ood 0000 3800 block l:ilwnlth 10.3011 Also nbout 80 othera, all modern through out Remember CROSS stands for oil that's goeii nmn min i,nrriiviiuu uvo. 4032 SPRUCE ST. Ipot 20x130, to rear street; beautifully ana iiirefully ronstructcil; 3-sty. nemidetached residence, containing 14 rms,, pnrfiuetry floors, elec lights, etc ; garage space tn rear, sold to settle cstitto EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S 11 cor 40th and Ilaltimoro ave (5251 PINE ST. Adjacent lo Cobbe Creek parkway; 0 rooms, hot-water heut electrlo light, hrndwouil Moora throughout. Inclosed porch; Immediate pohsosslnn If desired. EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S. K ll'TK AND BALTIMOBR AVR APARTMENTS! les, we hae some of the cheapest, 2 family Hats left; Individual heat era, strictly modern. 3 rooms and bath: near the elevated. In the best section of West Phlla. come and sen us GLASS-GOLDBERG ,i ? 12 Houses, 300 Block N.62d 1 0 Houses, 1300 Blk.S.Paxon MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1021 S, OOTII ST. 833 SO. 40TH ST. Three-story semidetached residence, 12 rooms, Including 2 butlu electrlo lights, parquetry floors excellent location and transpoi'tsllon facilities early possession. EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S. E. cor, 40th it. and Usttlmoro gvs. NEW HOMES Wl private garage.) '12 SOLD IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS VISIT OUR NEW SAMPLE HOUSE TODAY. OPIM DAILY. EVXN1N03 s B iSIH Si WILLOWS AVE. btiVnd CSth Sts. TIIREB 8QUAHE8 SOOTII OF BALTIilOBn AVKNUH These heiisrs are a reproduction of, our last row of 28 In Id adjoining block. Tike Bonis 31 In Suhwsy to 63d snd Baltimore are., er derated! psis south (2J st. Wslx south 3 blocks. ms A MrnFViTT B:n8 chestnut street JUO. M. IVICLCVll 1 yt J0Hi noACII. On Tremlses Member of I'hlladelpliln Ilenl Estate Boaril 5iiii LAST OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE RENT FREE 5400 BLOCK CHANCELLOR STREET (SOUTH SIDE) DON'T pny. cxorbltaBt rent when you can secure a beautiful 24-foot-wido, thoroughly modern, two-story, double-porch apart ment containing 5 large, beautiful rooms nnd a tiled bath on each of the two floors, with fixtures and decorations- thnt arc out of tho ordinary, for tho price of n small house. Very convenient to L stations and car lines. The rent of one apartment will more than pay your entire carrytaeT charges. Homcseckcrs and investors, don't pass up this last opportu nity. ONLY A FEW LEFT. S. I. PERUVIAN M. H. ITSYNS0N 733 WALNUT ST. Walnut 6313 CIS CUKSTNUT ST WhI 3030. Boom 301 jMIMMM iiiiHii.M 1 ' 228-230-232 NORTH EDGEW00D STREET ONLY $4200 Tour modern. 2 story homes each v.ll!i 0 rooms and hnth; terrace front, steam heat, porch and stationary wuthlubs, 2 aiant. 59 1 2-1 4-22-24-26-30-34- 38 SUMMER STREET $3650 Beautiful 2-story porch-front homes containing II rooms, both nnd sta tionary tubs. ACT QUICK. ONK VACANT PERLMAN, 733 Walnut St. WAI.NCT R313 II ii1iiijEii,!flH!1!i!Biiiia;iBii;3i!ira'iiiiiHiiiiiiiii:n,'iiiiiiiMi:iri!ii!il3 1 1 1 i r w SIEGEL'S Artistic Homes are nearly completed. 47th & Larchwood Avenue Clarence R. Siegel Builder of Artistic Homes on Premises H sieiiiiiirmiiiiiihii'iiriiMmiiiUiSiihiHffiiiiasiiiiiitviiaii'iiiit&ii1; SWARTLEY Offers Real Opportunities Only $r,00 to $1500 rash required ovKnnnomc corner 1003 Wynnewood road NABBEnTU Woodland ave. : 20S S3500 MODEBN WEST PHILAnni.IHlIA. 210 S r.sth st.; Jimoo M4 S. RUth St.: 17000. 72S S Knrragur 17200. 3801 Bare St.. JflMO. Buy n 4-bndroom house on an 80-ft street I42O0. G2M CHESTNUT ST. BELMONT 1410 uuri:!i!ii!iiiii!iiiii!i!iiiC!uiniiiiii!iiniii.iiiuiiii!iii uwm mu r 6400 PASCHALL AVENUE $16,000 115 Ft. Front x 188 Ft. Deep Eighteen rooniH, 2 hatha. 4 open flreplacea. Interior woodwork of white oak hot water heat, gas and electricity, garagA to accom modi to H cars carrUiker'a hnune adjoining garage Kultahlcfor private hospital apart ments or clubhouse Apply John J Kelly, 73d Wldener Building, nr 0102 I'rmehall ue und Annu M. Coughlan, 040U Paerhall hc 1114 S OOl'll HT 4 bedrooms end house, now, acant. modern: will finance L.im- bert Mi Permntt. 40'1 N. 03il. Belmont 3777 1042 N SliTII ST Two-story hri7k. pnr.h front. S rooms hot-water heat modern and In fine condition: immediate posseanion HOMEHl'VKR or Investor 2 good lime , 3 1 HO block, Ogden st ; 7 rms , pchs. K'SOO e.i Kmnire Trml Co.. 41th snd Lancaster ao 102S N 6UT1I Ovefbrook llelghls modern 2 st . sld vurd, 4r h hath on 2d floor Adolnh B Caspar, OOlh and LanMowne a ilOSIK Bl'YERS Have some bargains In 2-storv piirrh-front hnusfs; cnnienlencea TEAMIllt 0737 Woodland ae 0217 HAI.TIMORK AVK. Eight r'lomsT va cant Mnj 1 price IOOOO. IIRKENWIILI. t nriltNAN '22 S f.tfd at i".n M iil'UY ST Six rooms 'sJ!' 13200 llREKNWKLL Ic DORNAN C2d t M.TII nr Market 2 sty , 8r . pur. h I3SO0 Empire T list Co 4tn ami l,anr isler nr U0T1I uboo Olrard! 2 storv, 7 rooms, porch. CltOWI.KV (owner) 1237 N. OOlh st 111.- Ai".I hT . N HI (33d ft ArcliV Bargain, nth nr 42 On. kill Phone Itsnlik yl2 S 218 ADDISON ST Two story porch I,cwls Cohen 2d. 17th and llalnhrldge. ' Hulno l'mi-ertlen anil HI on s 110 H 001 II ST Apt aud atom. Onaiiced good location for lte business n-parate entrance to upstairs MICHA1J1, A. M . I.ONBV 1-l 8 OOlh st 31113 MABKBT BT 3-storv modern, large ator... unsurpassed business location MIClla-KI. A MAl.ONKV 1021 S OOlh st Onrageif aAUA(U: until and I Ilaltimoro nv . capatlty 125 cars lot 62x278; for sals only MICHABL A. MALONKV 1021 H 001 h at Burrs and Dwelllnrs LStores and Dwellings, Possession n!!H I.nnaster ave , Baring at )AM)0 nnoii asoo AH2H Lancaster ae. 331V Baring si . . E. V. LANSDALE tli! YYLNUjr 8T. BY APrOtNTMEXT Or.BMANTinVN wiimiMraiinsiiro. im 43 G0WEN AVENUE Detached stone hnu and garage for 1 c.ir lot IHU13I feet flrst floor has hnll llhrar parlor din In? room. pantr Hnd kitchen, basement hnslaundiN nnd billiard rop-m. second floor has 4 rooms and hath, third llnor has It rooms nnd bath, hot-nlr hi at with hot water colls glilng addlilonal rad iation to seiei ii rooms gas and electric light, ili.se tn Jtlcunt Alty Station (I' and ft ). and Oermau town ac troiirj Glyndon Priestma K T ermantowll Member 1'hlla. It. K. Board . nirrm iwMiiirn rami.usiiiim nr.n'raiinraniciirtiKal CTWBimWlHif.m'BIOT g 304 SCHOOL LANE First floor Hall, library, rooms, kitchen, laundry dining rieennu noor Tnrco rooms bath. Third floor Three rooms storeroom. and and Hlectrlc light, hot-air heat One block from Wane ave trolley and near Chelien Ae Station on Pennsylvania Ballroad Glyndon Priestma K 7 e r m a n t o w 1 Member Phlla. H. E. Board 1 IDEAL HOME WITH GARAGE Semidetached stone dwelling; south, srn exposure. 7 bedrooms and 2 baths .electricity, hardwood floors, lot 40 by 170; space for garden 2 squarea to Oermantown avt or Sedgwick sta tion excellent condition, immediate possession. S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 IIOVEB ST, OERMANTOWN Phone Utn. 303. Uln 4131. WMWffBilOiHIllOiil jiMlill BARGAIN A beautiful detached house, with half acre of ground In tne old section of Oermantown, 1 minute's walk of Oer mantown ave and 3 minutes from station. Immediate occupancy Tele phone oftlce Spruco 3U0. residence. Wyoming 4731 ' John W. Graham, Jr. 337 LAND TITLE BLDo. MMlinMlg pnMiKai urn mnrnMrnmrnmsmm g EAST SEDGWICK AVE. I ?re.ar hiT-'wi??; m K trlilty. hardwood floors lot 100 bv 5 ISO. with old shade, excellent condl g tlon. possession Ideal location, this S. C. T0URIS0N 70lSKB8,n8T0.oa5l?dJS?w iii!iniiM!i!nciAwa STENT0N Modern dnelllnss. readv for Imtiedlats imaaeaHioii Price,, from 115.1)00 upward Open dally and Sundas. Trains to Ste . o'soo Noith r Ut e,l"ton ",e- to MAURAN. DOLMAN 5c CO. N E cor. IlriHd an I Chtatnut sts. $9750 Semidetached stone duelling; llvlni ruom dining room, kltrlmn. laundry. 0 bedrooms bath and storeroom! electricity; 2 squares to Oermantown. C. T0URIS0N 7014 IIOYJSII ST, PHILADKLPHIA Qerinantown SOU Oermantown 44:11 MODERN DWELLINGS immediate Fossession Send for List MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N !: nrnmi nnrt t'hm nut nh Miiril"!! V in (.nsn. ..H.l front detached dwelling, electricity Kr.Hh wood, lot 3UX.114, Colonial brick? high tlir' raced front, recently papered and painted Ihrouahnut. dlrectll nonnallM All... . J"HR'ea llrecll opposite Allen Un,H," riost delightful section (fran Kk from Lincoln Drive. Ilann "' '" 15J for appolntmSm r 11. 11. most town, one block i;--'.T - ..- ."-: ; . ..- r Phone cnestnu BKAUTIFUL S-rfK.m porch- rnnt home iZ:. trio lights, hardwood floors y ,,""; 'iJ mahoganv llnlah ,3000 Inspect flu vii. Sharpnark st It O FlllCli. Jtul.on anri Indlnnt ne Member Phlla Itesl Bat i..T HEBE'S a homj tluit la bound to appeal' in inr ..... uiii i, fiiipenocKen at 1 fl rooma and bi.th. Inclosed porch, entirely mr, mi nlca street. 107011. 'r?H V'n.rV...m"2' 1 FIELD, 1218 Cbeitnut st. ' "akb- s V! New Three-Story Homes With Community Tennis Courts$1 1 ,000 . Very unusual' feature. These houses hax-e never been offered for I salo before. Are most attractive, ha garage, enclosed heated . porches, large rooms, modern bathrooms, with built-in shower and nil modern appliances, open fireplaces, large front lawn nnd aro only ono block from Fern Hill Park, a 40-acre playground. Pulaski Avenue and Apsley Street come out today and sea the homes, which are In Oermantown's meat convenient section. Take train to Wayns Junction nn Bead ing B B, (340 trains n day, nutrk service) short walk to the properties, nr take car nl at 13th st to Wayne ave and Apslel st and then walk one block to Pulaski ave, JOHN H. McCLATCHY, Builder and Ownef 0fice Pulaski Ave. and Apsley St., Gcrmantown THERE IS A HOME FOR YOU IN GERMANTOWN Hosn Wade Bt 4 bedrooms bsth! early possesion 14 20n filH Marlon fit 3 bedrooms, bath II 300 103 W Hansberry St 3 bedrooms, electrb 10.000 4342 Oreene St Twin. 0 bedrooms; lot 23x125 10.000 3720 Knox Bt Twin. 3 bedrooms, lot 27x144 10,000 141 W. Hansberry St 3 bedrooms, hath, laundry Jfl.OOO RDI0 Wakefield 81 Tnln. 0 bedrooms: lot 30x200 10,000 0811 Chew Bt. 3 bedrooms, hot-water heat, electric lights 10 230 3014 Newhall St 8 bedroomai twin, hot-water heat. Immediate possession.. 7.00d 117 W. Louden St 3 bedrooms; hot-water heat, electric 17 KOO 4041 Oreene Ht Twin. 4 bedrooms, laundry . . ,000 134 W. I.uray St. Twin. 4 bedrooms, laundrv is (no 321 W. I.ogan St. 3 bedroomai hot-water heat, electric, lot 10x120 ',.',' ja.'nno 4R20 Oreene Bt Tln 4 bedrooms hot-water heat, electric ' (l Mm 4830 Morris St. 3 bedrooms hot-water heat, electric: garage '" in' iu)0 IBS W, louden St Twin, 4 bedrooms, hot-water heat; electric. ... '. 1111)00 115 K Washington I.ane Twin. 8 bedrooms, hot-water heat: electric ' 'bit 32x110. room for garage in nan 3022 Oreene St Twin (1 bedrooms, electric J! ! on 4!22 Oreene St Twin. 4 bedrooms. hot-v.aler heal, electric, lot iixilio' ' fliiooo THOMAS H. EVOY 4800 WAYNE AVENUE pU...,...Ums,j.fin -ri.it,iiimiiimr!Na: I Nii0CIlO4ZaiiCU i 228 W. H0RHER ST. M Attractive a'mldetsched house In m a beautiful neighborhood: lot 40x W 123 feet, large enough for garage. 85 rirst floor contains living room S with open flrcplsee, dining room, SR .uAn arirl tallrlrlrV Second floor hss 3 rooms and bath. Third flour has ,1 rooms. Central steam heat and electric lights. Glyndon Priestma Kl ermantowii Member Phlla. B. K. Board if unanini nni m.' in mwinin-.iiriirriTirT'Vj'ii'nmill"" Kra'lllM-WIlllWilll;5''11,1.1 UUIlMWi: UjlllUUI.miKi.UIKll.MWWTMa ,r "" 5035 PULASKI AVENUE Three-story twin house In n isrv conicnlcnt nelehborhooa; lot 220x112 . ., , First floor contains living room, dining room, kitchen. Isundrv In basement Second floor has 3 rooms and bath Third floor has 3 rooms. Ver good hot-air heat er electric light. Glyndon Priestma ermantowlX Member rhlla B. E Board BffliMM BirjBaifiaJimiJW 6334 JEFFERSON ST. g One block west of Oermantown ave. at Washington lane, semlde-a,-h,l A.atnrv rluelllnff. first flcor 3 llMng room, dining room, kitchen m snd laundry: second floor, 3 rooms M and bath: third floor, 3 rooms, j clear la light. g Hlyndon Priestma VI I VJe rmantowlx H Member Thlla. Real Estate Board Smr.iiruir.nisi mi n 11 ainmtciciiiuamL'Enam wa iHBinrw n iTHncninn pmiiTnivHiiiim) A BEAUTY . Detached Immcd. Possession Stono and atucco residence, with 2-ear stone garage, located In one of the most deslrablH sections of Queen l.aiin Manor Residence contains living hall, living room pantrj Kitchen and laundry on flrt floor ." bedrooms bath and large linen closet on second floor, 3 bedrooms, bath and linen cloet on third floor Thoroughly modern In every respect and finished as you would desire It. 0r ' acre of nttractl'ely planted ground. Price J33.0O0. Yoim opportunity;, act quickly J. RUSSELL WINDER 4lUl WAYNE AVR I 12730 20 desirable 7-room dwelilnga. iMrcelaln plumbing, porch fronts. Will positively In ert ase In value WALTKB V 4.SUBY 2040 N .'0th st Memher Phlla B;l Ettate Board 2010 STEN'TON WENUE Enclosed porch, lot 13x123, hot-water heat, electrlo lights hurdwood floors WALTER ASHBY 2040 N 20th st Member PhIM Beal Estate Board BEAL'TIFCL ti-rnniii. porch-front home, eleo- trio ugnis paruwooii noon, unite und ma- ' hogany finish l.iuuii inspect No 3(1 West I n fl l.ifTrtr 1.. Sharpnark st Indiana nve. Board Member Phlla. Itoal Eaute UTN 311 Hnnsberry st , 3 story, stucco, stands alone porch and balcony. 10 rms . bath ami luundr) block from Wuvne ave. trolley and 2 bluckH from Queen Lane Sta tion A 220 Ledger Office. $18,000 Fine home 11 rooms and bath, near Carpen ter station $:ii)ih)0 neighborhood, lot 4uxl,'!3 M 434 I.k-ir Off I." 2UOO BLOCK JL'PSON ST Modern il ro.im norch bouse, possession. J30'IO R n FRICK. Judsnn nnd Indiana ave. Membei Phlln Real Estate Boaril NICE CORNER. 240 Dors.t it.; hrlck new 0 rooms win! bjth. ixirch nnd summer kitchen, electrlo lUhts flrst-elnss condition tHIiin J P l'iman (13711 Oermanjown ave.' IIAVK a house for sale In Oermantown. iflnii block MusgtMVtv st r-airlflcc. nrlvato owner l'hnn Titian IIIKO '" KKANKFOUD BEAUTlFl'I. NEW HOMES Arrott and Oakland sts : location unMurpassed vrr select everv inml ern Improvement: 2 squares from elevated and high school, ndjuivnt to Park and boulevard . 2 stors semidetached; lot 21x123 readv fur Immidlate poesesslun. sample houso open. ELMER B HAMPTON Builder nnd Owner Agent on promises 2075 E. Victoria St. Two story steam hsat, electric light; rooms Including laundry, lust renovated Immediate possession, open Suudav WM. H. LOWER & SON 2510 COLUMBIA AVE i 1302 tU-tie HABRISON ST opposite Frsnk. icra nun dcnooi newly camnleted .inn. hnutt, o rooms and bath. lncioed if.k ra ra im nrftl l.An-u .... . 1 1-.- must" be'' .Vin- to" W a'ppreclate. '"elj financed, agent on premises. Immediate pov session. OiDtnn. Llebermgn. 8422 .Frankf ford ava. 308 Lincoln nirtr , OT.NKT BAUER-BILT HOMES Now Being Completed, $7500 Walter S. Bauer, Builder SAMPLE F,MA N f.TIf ST Am?ni5MrT? v,0R1K "' - best for itT monej 3732 N r,,h .t Apply only to th ths 3311 N nth i. Storew and Hwelllnss MODERN stores and dwellings, right In ths st rV-'W'"1 ':i7N 3th. 3003 N r.th rlnme(d,...3rC.1.n...l-v, s ,w '-venl.nc,.h. OI.VKV BEALTT CO 3311 Slh st 5000 Row Hutchinson St. Built by Fischer N;' room house. 17 1 r, . w.'d'h pamuetn- nir. .(...V.... tiled bathroom, with shower, hrleit' mantel m min room, hm ..:. iVliV KUHN & LOWERY BTH AND nOCKLAND STS. 3 i.oThlk)neJn.rtt .'."? wonderful lbcstlons 4513 York r.l "a ..'.' 3. 1,orf' lvTln l.i; iVlB DuncaVn'on H "I"'- "'" ,"P- J!"" ???' (II) OOO 000 j puncunnon a? 13,(100 nor) nnii ITtnv u 'V-'-l!-u-, 'AHKKB ..... .. munu ii 312 Lincoln Bldg -'.-.J1.' i i1,r.0"1 . ; 3 story cor houso. i'Tooi y.,h " ' lot MglOO ft ..100 block Jt 12th st . 2 story, modern. no- .- baln. nil comenlences. 112. Duncannon nve , .1 atory I" rnnm. W. D. CHAMBERS s AD st 4932 T n - .1-. - b-nutlful homeaj In Logsr . -i.i.i.T...!?0'i rooms and tile bath, built-in laundry In asem.nt mahogany and white, hardwood floors. throughout J ALLISON lumS11 4711 N Broad st Wyoming 03.1 4032 lirTCMlNSON ST One of the mn.f beautiful home. In Logan Flsher-bullt 0 rooms tile bath built-in launln basement- mahogany white, hdwd floors throuJhom' " .1 Al'isnn Tarker 4713 N Broad Wm oV , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3442 N 11th st .porch front, fl rooms tlla bath, hot water heat, electricity. Woodland 4014 J. ATTRACTIVE HOME -1028 Duncannon , .""of "ft "nrr ,w,,n- 1" rooma and bath! I'd 23xS possession Slav lBt vt MiWHK cor 11th and Wlndrlni ave WVOM1NO AVE . 1 II J lISHtttiful locution" pleasant home modem tile bath back stalrwdO ery low price for quick sale- pay to Investlsate onr Wyoming .1441 ' J. I.OOAN 4O0 bl' Mnrvlne. "Mlllette" built house, thorourhlj modern 2 story 0 rms ilde jard Includ screens and awnings: earli poss Becntel 3232 Bldge or 3001 Marvin. LOO AN OOP Luray. 0 rooms; electric hot. water heit. garage vacant- price S70OO' make offer M 411 ledger Office 3U 11 PARK AVE Possession. iABK llrif lo dwelling lot 40xllH u rooms. prloi. llechtel 3232 BliKe ,te. 4U02 N HL'TCHINbON ST Seven room's hot-water heat, hardwood floors. Inrlosxi laundo- 10300 MALLOM 2M41 V 8ih t 4uii.- .- iil 11 ins.iiH sr Seven rooms-hot-water heat hardwood floors Inclosed 1 Isundry 10300 MAI.LON 2t41 N nih , " TIOOA $3800 $3800 16th St. (3700 Block) Above Erie Ave. 2 story, G rooms, Dutch hall fin ihhed in white and mnhofrany, electric liprhts, stationary tubs, modern plumbing, thoroughly icnovated. Sample house, -3710 HERBERT JAY MYERS 2004 Noith 32d Street lii.HNTOWN OFFK-E 4t7-lr Bll.I.r.lIN 1UII.DINO MEMI1EB PIIII.A REAL ESTATE Possession Today $9000 j h.i" ., flnUrln ' 1- rooms es i silently arranged hot water heat. gas and ".'.'."''r Tior-u stutlun I .11.1t tensingionito TIfJOA Only 3 left 1700 block W Paclflo st . north side W block below Erie v., K rooms and rath laundry, iwrth, terrace front almost on ft Int. 4 bedrooms, 4 "171 snd Tioga station I3O0O II WEISS 123 se."i7h3V Pa,r;r".ft''r- ,,hone Wtt,nut 88- 3230 N. 16TH ST. ims bath and laundry hot-water heat r til,, hath and kltcheni a 1 condl' lot 23x123 for permit to examine an. HHOF.MS.KKR 7th snd Kris P PROMINENT Tioga corner bouse 11 rooms nnd bath, hardwood floors, rUdrlo light large lot. Plenty room for gar.tge: nrlr. 14 000 Apply Hlla Hnu.lngCorp.com. monw faith Trust Bldg . Phlla TWO-STOUT brick, porch-front imi... a rooma hath and laundry: all conveniences! v. -lleni condition. Immediate possissfot?' 1K24 N Orals at 1711 W TKHIA HT Stilotly mod. through- out fine built porch. IS rooma 2 baths- 1. 1 2.L 0 (i H.oeo, l'asy. 1ml" A Htl'51' ERIK AVI N V cor 17th at 2 (ty J rms In.'loseil porch. HEItllERT JAlf MVI-RB '.'not N' .t?d .t JA PEUCV ST "OOI N 32rt . N I.OOAN .--- rtlllTierillls-a as. ..- . ''" v uii wun car. . 4-03 .v ia,h"., '-" -,'V-. "''- gar .11. MOO 1,1k u-.-p,!. "V """?'a . . . in 47.11 Niiih'.."'3.;,''tt stairs, n.n 4T1M V sWii ' "'"' sra. , . p.-, 3JJ N. 13tu ,t f room- and bsth . S 2 wJ?Xsi&X;'srr' w,ch' T - 'm , J M ?.i n i . n I ' 1 .".4 ii ifi m K1 !1 in) no 00 ii M U'J t l. f I tf "'.a IM n ri i m !n TI .v ,!', j 'kJ i.jt-, ..-. n.l'.,i W,