wm i"I-vV ; . nyT x, v-Mt ' .&' k H4i JSVJ&SUKG -ttXJBLlO r j- ( J.w" 7 s WILDE'S EIGHT-ROUNDER WITH MURRAY MAY NOT BE ONE CONTINUAL ROUtiD OP PLEASURE - . ' - - - I ... ... . - - - - I - ,..,, . ! l'j NO INFIELD IN GAME LIKE A'S OF 1911-U JIMMY WILDE TO MEET RUGGED FOE WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND IN BATTLING MURRAY WEDNESDAY ENGLISH RUNNERS WORK OUT AT PENN Vf. . W AT THE CAMDEN SPORTSMEN'S CLUB My KOIIERT W. MAXWKU 'A Vrnit nlmot lie mnntliH in this lountr.x, .llitimy -J-Vllil thr fl.vxvriglit (lininpinn, rxiili'iitlx i xxonilct kut it there willy lire ntij formlilabl llwls;lits ntul nciir ennjnms ou thin MiIp of thr xxnlrr. He- Inn met the pifU 'of thcnvntiil. with thr rvputlnti of Wiitir Shnrkr-y. irornl tufty victories. Tlio Sluirl. buttle xxiih IIip tir-'t on the little r.ncllMiman'H lM. tt tic ho naturally (i too uiixioif to rnnkc good. That gnvr- him the wrong mil of the jlccfolon, Fliit nflor thnt ronter xu out of hid MVstPin lir tool. on Jllko Trtlr, lUbn Afthcr. Mlokry Ituio-fll. Vji1.v Wnl Jnro.nnrl the Zulu Kll. xx inning hiI1x in rnrli inu 1I' 'flrtlially wiped out the tUvi-nm up to 11(1 pound-, oinn .times clving uxxiiy sex oral potiniN (o his opponent". Tlioc Jtouotls xxoro iixoirtlupoK the onh thins .lininn lm-. gixen way in hl life. Wlltle U n pnplllstii' freak and could not lirln hut win championship honor. lie i turntv nine ,r;ir- old and WClgllA 107 pound, vliMi moans hi- is fully drwlopnl. has all of hi tii'iisih nml lots of ninl'iili'iire. Hi' o,ipo jh;tlts who vralr- iiiij where near hi- weight u-'inllv me indpvplopod kiN and link the eperi"iieo to she him ;i food battlP. Therefore he h:i been foreeil o tnl.p on opi' ncnts woishinj; up to 110 potiniN or i cumin idle. Oq Wrdnevhij uiuht. in I'mndeii. ilib' will meet one f the moot rusped xntinir jn'iiilenn n in the near lniutiilii- eJj,lit i'lns. Ilnllliiu Miirrnx, who will fiirnlh tin other fiQ per rent of tho xxitnl up. N .llmut Hie he-t of lm Hod In these n.'irt and lnnilil she Hie elinmpion n me;ii fight. The l'.uttler in a Rood hitter, fairlj eleT. and hi ddltinn will Inixi' an expeueiirnl adler in ,foluin 1 iiirn Murray ran do some dnmaee if lie rter ionneet with Vildp's chin, nml that"'" what inukix (he approiiimns Content fo popnlai Herman Tin lor. the promnier ami iintcliin.il.fr. pn'lid a fun n J one jeterd'n. wlneh i new in the houi4 s.ini". The admission downluir w.is S.'l antl S."i, nud I he eliMipei neat were sold out fust Then the demand for them in creased and Tax lor look KKKI of the S."i .eat. re-tumped 'thMn and sold them for SI! It i" seldom that a promoter takes a lo-i of ."JUfWfl. hut Taylor ix one of thoe ruj- who has the intercut of the public at lira it CU.AIIK ' with ii" wi:nysnY's IT 1t'if mil hnrr biitllr pmbnhlii n ill hr tin hn brfuir Miitnij for 1'.nnl. Ill litant to cute Jo home early iicjI month. -in-nii, mid although tlio I in innati tlic xxinnins, the ristiltt make the I'ubs dull look a , Cjs' Defeat Big Surprise. ONE of the hip surprises in baseball ln-t week xx.i the xxork of the Chleaei) Cubs in Cincinnati. Only three tniiles were plaxod, the ledn taking all of them. Tin ift a very poor wa, from a Chletico xlrxx point, to -tart a fltnmpioti-hip niuall ot Yry sad. t At this time of the xenr pitehing i "" per cent of the atreugtb of a ball dub. Thi- ii be-au-e the hurlers usually develop more rapldlv than the luttet- and lrie tliinus their on xx-nv until the hot weather -i'i in Ciieaso wn e'xperUd to produce the pitflims la-. of tne h.iirui. hut the star flopped Cincinnati xxas -aid to haxe a wieikcd luirlins staff, but thi- dope appareiillr was xvninc Aux (way, the Ued henxer- lield the opposing batters to fewei hits- and runs Ihun tho-e with the Cub-, which si em iaightj strange. 1 Alexander and Vauchn sot tlieir- od -uete-sivc (ax-. and on Saturday (ieorge Tler failed in hi- uttimpted 'comp-back. Ceorge la-led n innlnc- and xielilnl -ix hits and four runs, showing that hi- aim i not -o weak as was supposed Otherwise ho wouldti t have atuek around for the halt dozen eha"ln. Martin and llcndryx also were bumped for clusteix of runs and hits. This proxes Mitchcll'H tixe star tuoundsmen must Impiovc in a big hum. The weMeru clubs ure unusunllj stroug and it will akc mighty good pitching to stop them. Last winter the ("libs had a chance, to get Kppa Rlry in a Irade. but Mitchell tinned It down. Now Ilixey is going Rood and Crax-nth wouldn't part with him for any thing. Looks as If Mil' hell made a bum guess. Another big turpi iso xxa- futni-hed by the llnston Itrnxcs. Stalling' men took two from the (Hants hrcautc of superior pitching bj Kn.xer-, .Mc(,iinllen and ()cchger. This spring the Hravcs looked worse than any ball club in the fast set. Now they arc xvalloping the highly adxer ticd liiants. llnsehall surely is a futin.x game. rill' H hitr Soir ivtUlenlu perked up nnd rnlloittl llrlroit, pullinr) a udilrit inrrnf in form. pntttor.t Here for Scries CKiri'lTlI and his Washington outfit will be tod.ir for a three-game series xvlth the Ath letic-. CitifT ran Into some rough treatment in Ilo-ton, dropping both bull g-nnes and seeing his pitching aiv, Walter John-oii get knoel.ed for a gool lu the opener, W'nllri prob.ild.x xwll lr it ncain todax The Senators this vcar are stronger than I.ir and "Xpctt lo make their pre-encc felt in the Ameiicnn league. Tlic mil lipid I- exreiilloirillj good, xxlth Milan In left, Sam Itice in tenter and i'obbx Jtoth In right. They not only are fast, olexir oiitlielder-, but al-o can xvntlop the bull. Thej form the prmcipul attack of the Criffineu. .loc .ludze is the oiilv veteran in the intlrld. Hart is, ixlio was xxith ltnOfilo la-t xi'iir, iilnjs second; Jim O'Neill, the Shrcxeporl star, is at short, nml Shannon, formeilj of the A's. is al third, (iriflith has becu xx-nrrted nhout the hot corner all sen-on. lie intended to ti-e Leonard there, hut Joe is not ,xet in shape. Illlerhe also was a i.mdldnte. hut couldn't get further than the benqh. Therefore there are three new men in the intield, and it xx ill take time to get them going properly. Hfttl! 'i ilnt llirmvrlrei prowl nqninrl the 'oh., Acct, oettum a ."') oil Inenk on the rn, Vn one erptctril it, for Connie, too, ioi n lot of kids, ami they performed like rrtrxini. Phillies Home, on Thursday AVVY cn.VVATIl will lend his IMiillj brigadp to on Thursday to opin the loenl National League -iii-oii xvlth Itrnnklxn. The I'lnls have. been plaxitiR some good baseball despite a poor tiaininR tiip finxvv. xvho l- one of the harde-t xvoikiug managers the locals ever had. wn- up again-t it in llirmingham becau-c of too fre quent nun storms and the fact that another club also xx-us tiaininc at the hall park His men couldn't get in much xvoik and. to make matters woi-e, they ran into terrible weather on the trip North. Tnc I'liiN haxe four good piti her- in Ilixex. Meadow-, initli nud Causey. Some of the others show promi-e of i!ex"loping later on, o that department should not cnu-e w.irrx Thlul base still i- a tritle weak, but President ilutei loil.ing for a good man and will pa.x big money !. the iroiii person. 'rL' outlook for the .teuton is not to Hcrf. l ei urwn lOtO, bv rnf,'i- I.cdgrt lu Cnmbridgo and OxfordMon Try O x." . . Cinder Pnth in Prolim-" inary Practice British Relay Team "to Sbc Wildc'Fitfit Among those to witness the bout between. Jimmy W'llde, of l'ngtand, the flyweight ebatnplou of the world, nnd Ilattling Murray nt'the Canvlen Sportsmen's Club on Wednesday night will be the Oxford. Cambridge relny team An invitation xvas ex tended thn British' runners to rbe guests of the promoters of the fight by Herman Tn.xlor, manager of tho Camden club. Iler.xl Kudd. captain of the team, in accepting the Invitation stated thnt he and his teammates were oxcrjn.xed ox-cr the opportunity fur nished them to ee their countrjman in action in this country. GAVVY town Morc slender of budv and limbs than tho n era go America nathletc, the five English runners leprcsenting C'-am-bridge and Oxford I'nlvcrsitlcs. hud n "workout" this nftcrnoon on Prnnklin Kield. They arc here to take part iu the Pcnn icln.xs. April .'!0 nnd Mn.x 1, and ofr the next ten da.xs -vv til limber uii nfter a lough sen xoynge. They arrived from abroad i'riday night and are quartered ut tho Philadelphia Cricket Club. 1). G. I. Iludcl is captain of tho team. The other members arc W. (1. Tothum, H. It. Sinllard. W". A. Montague nnd V. It. Milligan. Al Shrubb, tho fnmous distance runner, is coach, nud Colonel A. X. S. Jackson is manager. "This id topholc x cut her. the hotter tlic bPttcr," remarked Hudd, tho cap tain, us he prepared to stretch his legs down tho field. The visitors xxorc blazers nnd sxventcrs with the light blue of CVimbridgo and Oxford's dark blue. Shrubb said tbc runners xxould tnke it ens.x for a while. The.x have had a good rest after a hard season iu Eng land, lie -aid After looking over tlic splendid couu tr arouud St. Martins, Coach Shrubb said last night that the athletes will do some goltlng. cricketing and tennis playing iu the mornings and then go to Franklin Field each afternoon for a workout. Sexeral of the British lads are smiicu goners. . s Aneftii v'Ate I ) .... 0 ., I uota New J . ,5 f yf HER "" x. - I . ttiMt f fr; y . v ' S i . Mffaiv I r r . j . 1 l:kMBS The Best Wc Have in This Modern Era Is of the Cleveland Club, With Reds' Basemen Second Tlm By GBANTLAND RICE The 1-ist Of All ,. (HeprMei by supgcttlon) iipOWABDS die' many ifmca before J tbelr-death: , , , The'Tallant never taste death but .once, i Shakctpearci Whether -it'it heaven or whether it's rH t , Or whether ' mrreli leep: Or whether it's something in between Where ghostid the half -gods creep- Since it comet but once and it comes to all , , , j On the one, fixed certain date Whu drink of tho dregs till the cup or- ,'t'W -r. On the gray day set by Fatct Let the shadows OLYMPIC MARATHON TRIAL Seventy-alx Athletei Run 25-Mlle Course Today To Go Abroad Boston, April 1!). Leading distance ninners ot America axvuited the starters' gun at noon today for the twenty-fourth annual American mara thon conducted by the Boston Athletic Association. Seventy-six athletes had prepared to traxel the twenty-tlxo-mllc course from Ashland to Boston. The race was the official tryout for selection of America's .Oljmplc long distance team. (roups from Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Washington were among those lined up for mo stan. retcr cw t 1....1 -i e ll I,. iUI invuuiiuuo, ui -'s wi uu ,m I UMIl -Oil IU lll.lll.KU IU IIU1V l.l- i . ., . ,..! . U- -.l ..I.. m ,.Lo fn i.rnetlees .tnllr nt l.'rnnk. I Horn on me pmins oi .unrmuon unu w no lln Field." he said, "but the fact finished seventh last jcar, was entered , SPORTS AMONG AMATEURS rplin Cramp Shipyard bus organi7d -i, a first class traxeling nine foi the owning sea-on. Man-igcr Paile has slgned some nexv sta. including 'PJfcher Downs, formerlx of the Har "rowgatc Club; Moffct, xxho cnught for the Tacony Club last season: Schwartz, ot the Southern League, and Finlan, obtained from the Ashland, Pa., team These, added to the xeteran piavers of last yenr. should furnish Cramp's with n first-class team for the coming xenr nnd enable them to plnv xxnh the be-t of the semi-profe-sional t'lims aiound Philadelphia. Manncer Dailev i noxv buex- nrran inc a schedule and has booked some of the best first-class teams, including i.ebanon Steel, Pencojd. S. B. A. B W, Flcishcr. Forty -eighth ward, mid Camden A. C. But there are a few date.s still open on the -i hedille. and Manager Pailex xxants to hear from the first-class home tuiii- aiound ihe citx or uearbv '(.)in- wi-hnu thi- attin tlon should addre-s J II Oailej, Belgrade sinet, or phone Keii-uif 1301 W. fihtfriocMl ( . I mav i fir artlrvl 3H5 XX u rcvt x .irs lard old XV "trt t t-uchs .3J Hi"' WVslmorc- orviMsl A, i. (iiuijxi flrKt Uns Tre"l ;!(us SSi S.iuih XVIntijn -tr'"t. llsnilleTllle II, xiartln Dunn, 4'.' (S C. i.iwayi tm Ill'-hmonJ ttrctt Alison A. ( IhwjxI Bcnnd class Louts Kans. .'.3H South Third htrect, llutihluson . '. iimv). first clns W Chambrs. l.'lt, North Ifutihlnioii Btrctt. Xxelinme . Mur)li. 1JJK C, (ii iyl ftrt rlnii J Souen Thlrtj-rtrft kiruet SPORT WRITERS MEET R. W. Maxwell Nominated for Presi dency at Session clh.(,i "I","?1 """tl'-t "' 'I" rnlluriclpMi "PortlnE X'rtor- h-o-lntlon for the purposo ir nomlnatlnir . pmiliirnt. xltf prerldrnt. trrasurfr. ircretsrx anO tard of voirrnora Tor tho cntulrn: jfor v. held irday arternnon t th llot-I XX'dlfon, xrllh I'reif dent Jnmes XV GHni7 presiding II xxas decided to hold thn tuinu.il election nn the ccond HuhdHv In Ma,, nt 3 p in. polls oivn from i' n in. to ,1 p m and fol loxxlnc the rumom of earo Sunda Jlav :m. was named to decorate th craxes of de parted memhra -.y". andldntes or president are r.obrt x Maswell U I-rtoy IT-'ics and William i: llrandt that xx e are located rather far from there lias caused me to chnnge my plans. I believe the gooil fresh air out here in thp suburbs xxlth just enough exereisc in the morning to keep the men actix-e and a good workout In the afternoon will be very beneficial to the squad." After dinner last night the English athletes engaged in n few games of cards and Shrubb saw that they xvero headed for the bed about 10:.10. Uncertainty surrounds tb.e racing ability of the invaders." On the other linnd. at least, txvo American two-mile L relay teams haxe performed in near to rcionl-nreKing lime oxer inc inaoor tracks this last senson. ngain today. PICK OLYMPIC FENCER J. B. Leicester, Jr., of Yale, to Be 8ert by I. F. A. The Intercollegiate Fencing Associa tion executive committee concluded Its annual session yesterday moruiug at the Hotel Astor, xx here "several items of la tere! to college experts with the foils xierc decided. It xvns agreed that John B. Leicester, Jr., of Yale University, the individual winner of the foils on Saturday night, xvill make one of the Olympic team to rcprcbent America nt Antwerp. Fearing that Leicester might not earn recognition; in too tryouts of the Amateur Fencers' League of America the Intercollegiate Fencing As sociation has agreed to defray his ex pcubes on the trip. It was on this ac count that an ndmisslon fee xvas charged on Saturday night, and as a consider ab!. sum xx-ns collected at the gate the Yaleslan Is sure of his trip. the coward cringe as And ha waits jor the ghostly hail, iriifc Ac raliunf turns to the gloxcxng dawn That lights up a new turned tratl. One by one till the line has pasted The gutter-bom and the crown, So what it a dap or a year or two Since the answer's written downt What ii a day to a million years When the last winds sound their call? So here's to the days that rest be luieen And here's to the last of all! pAIlPENTIER not nfrnld to meet J Dempsey." Just what man xxould inn he nfrnld to meet where the at tached prospectus called for a bonus of $230,000? P3B. only a small portion of this nmount otherR have entered n lion's cage with nothing but a mop. Tho Best Infield THE Tigers have been awarded the pink cross for having the best out field. How, then, about the best infield in baseball? A close inspection of the lists fails to reveal any old-time Cub affair or any thing approaching the Athletic galaxy of 1911-12-1.1-14. There isn't a great infield in the game. There are several good ones, but no marvels of perfection. Infields belonging to the Giants, Yankees. Dodgers, Cubs, Senators, Ath letics, Phillies, Cardinals, White Sox and Browns arc either erratic or un tested. The best infield in baseball belongs to The next best belougs In Cleveland, the Reds. Cleveland's is tho best infield In the American league, and for all-aroiii,! value is a bit beyond the Reds. Cincinnati's Infield Isn't vtn all. Ma, cast by a number of kilometers, hm with Daubert, Rath, Kopf nnd Oroh It Is the best in the National LeaKUl. Defensively .It is about on a par with Cleveland. But an a run-m,aklng groun it doesn't pack as much power. A IM AM IT tXiADf f9 fffiA Alt.- .. I fields run weaker than any other dennrt Uil'Uk VI IUJ. All of which is due to tho fact thai once, alar veterans oro wearing out with only a few. infield youngsters of any me.rit such as Holloeher or Fris.1 coming on. v" TITE SEE where profanity will be abol ished in the American Association Ibis season, but. the movement to abolisi, profanity in the buukcrs in still in t, infancy. n ALLIED statesmen are none ton tt. friendly." Whereas the alllr.1 sportsmen are still twinging into Loil competition, proving once again that fo, broad-minded spirit, sportsmanship i. still n number of leagues above so-called statesmanship. WHAT dolh it profit our to keep I , " eye upon, the ball And later dtp All shoulder blade and go and spoil it allt (Copvrioht. J0. XII Hahts reatrvti ) 1 ' Ij film ibft w m ja ana Beit assured- " Faultless Pajamas & Night Shirts "Ihlilginwear ofa Nationf XtMutCM latTvat-SKMl.CMxia I t join a Oltnuoud A southpaw pltrhrr iwmll lik tlr-t-i ai-s team M Siutuii 1M. utvnuc. Ielrt Nhehle r.uld .Ik" to ' tarn i roet tlon ius umpire of flret . .se sim r l'reddy Nltihle, -7 Ka-t (.ornnbll ir ! Stnnton I lull il Hal iv OJJs JefT. I.- ftr.t f'aee 1. Bingles and Bungles Tria Ppaker plisr iiuiut'r of the In-dl-n. xient nobly to his own rt ue este na. slammlne out i do ibl. and a honi njn Thla hlpd " l-iund reel off a xlctory or Detroit. 11 to I ill ton Stnlt-I'nuell lulr ilnm Nt. no'run L nn it 1 J TM'lu Ihrrr thru, thr thrUUt. at tli I'hillxri t in I ht l,tn 7llv MIM'il , l line'' nt ' r r l . , 'ot . ! I.rtt thrnt'fjti n fjrnu Irf. to r the lumtii' r. fo thr mo-. S A 'ie to thr pirt. I Qiuker I It r .M XMULtmi. f.Unts l.iiii hr ,l"..l .North t-.ifll-. cl.tjs-str.it. t flrst-ens Imttfrj wants In Join flret. i Urn. n .in Lrl VXVtxr an.'l .North felith tret ' PNUadelphU Professionals cIkkv Ulll x.ra -TM Njrtli Mnth first atrct II C. ua' i 1 1 -Jim K --nt'-en i II .ij 1I -Jufatrr . '. 'hom- flr-t riaa- XX'lIIiam A. llarklns .1JI 1 lor ax-nu. i.h'ir P.i relmll Field riul. (him'i flr-t r'tfe- 1 B. II. Cavanaujrh tiS'JS XXujdlard axenuo. Hoover flnh 'nml flr-t . 'i-XX llll im Tatta. rare of Jlowxer Kins lhlrlctith and i Duttonweod ttrct-, (.olilfn Rod rtli l. n ertrn up i 'I tn ' Randolph (. lanaw. hixtn to rlahleeti virsold X it.illi 'Mil a.l Xaliii.ln av tiue. Indiana rtuh aai. ilrt rlaaa Jo .Mel mii L'ino Norili 1 lilrii-Umt trret. Delnlil 1'. (. hji Tret elans i: Mir lln ,: Nirih l!lht.rrth slrt'i Dellinar D. Jfjlund . A. uuml f rt el . o ith r"l'l" nth i Harr Hi'-, t wwt riiiudeipiii i . r Veara old Hol lloen iiiil. or pbone XXoodlanl 311 II .1 nn'l It It l.nini hart ". Arrow Braoran rius 1 1 n;n n rtt '.r frit r a ' li . V T. Prllelwnl . ' 'h' L. XV. l'o K'.S f-'outh I. i - Iei A. r. 'i" i n yar old Johti r t-d I'm nk II n A. ('. .'i ot 1 hntnpiin X. i n ' nr. old Khi u Hit Htr' I f ri ent I . I . Vi..nk Halla. I llelrn C lult ' i vi no- idr f X l .. I MiumM i ohn V firten to 1 i ortll Vxten -- tiitn lVliilr Hlieiu mhh euro Inc the mnnej uwiit from the I'ul., (IriitiniN, Ie Xleuilous ' mid Jark Miller hml Ihe lionora In ton. I l.f let Ihe (.ninls dnun ultli exen hlta and oub rm while .lark iwled u four-MV-ker "2 'he .rlnlil-fleM tflnils. tin. tlret homer ot the ew Virl. kniMn. Saturday arid -Sunday Soccer Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Hohlfeld 3. rielaher. 2. 'allied nnsT division Pibjion'a, S New York fihlji. 1 ALLIED SECOND DIVISION St l.'o. 4: Wolfenden-Shore. 1. I alrhlll forfeited to Wanderer P-ra. A LLIED THIRD DIVISION St Carthace, 2; Aucenalon. 3 IMtnam forfeited to FrancltVille, Al t.IED SPECIAL DIVISION plf'ton forfeited to KIneilni Kood forfeited to Natlxlty SUNDAY OAMES r'ninn. (1 Nutlxlty. 0 I'm ".I '-tare 4i Nw York Ptlp . St i irthait' I All-Stare. 4. Mcrehant 3. Ilethlchern, a. w illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii foenir t'f-'m i oat th tnrk l -h liar, q oiimo mn ,ctrr hunrlnij l '" ' - nt Halt! norr 'fh , t f. thr ifrieri. I w I i l.m.r (nw h '.I! No - nten to elcht 1J". North Msd.-n erond rtn Tunt-a voiilb i ,ev- ?nHph A il I'll". Cre-'un Nrr Ti"l 'n1" Huiiivtn :n.'i - n I I "U I to eurhtfni I T1r-.t-ljta rno-i 'r-rt 1 xt r fli' 111..1 I -t. I.ltke' X. fn ear Id I hoektnff etrr t The enme domi lliilllnio' iviri n won- S tier ne.ikin; in retrrao Knllh. llfteen - lwei. on lnll were drawn lij the lo cluln." hitkmen ilurlnr llie afternoon. Thl Isn't qulle mord. Cnrmll Drown aet 11 Ud Vier hak In 1014. uhe.11 he. ulnnr and tin. attended, nuf.el flfleeji butlera ut llrtrtilt Mllll Itoil filu v.n, I . Th- "fnrd famhrldi runnre rroh-thiy ix 1 itnl on' of th eam.N 0t Shltn- I'ark thiii w.k That advance dop. almut the ' 3 (.mo.-! si f ih llrltliihers la about to be I " . ... . O.r ,t s .rrr .rhrdulrd tn oflr t ,1 it,. f. Uln r friri ttlf. It ash!ti!;tfi thit. attrrnvon. ninl thr fhtlllr, u rre again on th Uianti' oool. 1 nt X . 1. ) ork. lhl mnrnlnir Ihe f!ant. fiil, lletrnlt nnd MuMilnslon tna.il rlenn tilntes In the "won ' i-vtiintn. 1 ii Wilei I ' UC-.I Tim rrlnv. .snenK-r nmt VutJi did 11 r v.-.., vot 1 n ii 11 1 msr 11 l ifitfi Mllt I'.n h-r I r-t r' lis R J . 13 n I- r mi tn to Hht jo,. 11.'.. xvinno 1 ftret lase l ra. It. 'eri.. Trnnkford t lull 'Horn 1 tt lHf-ul . t .1 II 1- II trW. l'denl llesrrte (ltd, (hw i P. A. Pl"rl " "f I Qluh. 015 Lliejinut 'tr'ul 1 Milan 11. ( . 'hnr-) XUrt VXolf- . 'em. ... 1 It X ' rouni Ta I " . IVrtx-elpl'th XXnrd p. i.j f irfn l ill- I CrahHir IflliU u'h maa 1 untwi ."." " "tra tr i r a I'ox f.2S Xf nii f h t hull, r'luh tn unrrd tie I" "- XIinne-otn et. rnn m a t 1 ro 1 .I j I tin riieei cub ur- iluinpnina of th- 11 hi 1 ird RACES TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE SEVEN RACES DAILY Special Pennsylvania Railroad Train ieavei Broad St. Station 12:34 P.M., Wett Philadelphia 12:38 P.M. Direct to Course. Admission Grandstand and Paddock, $1 65, including Gov ernment Tax. FIRST RACE AT 2:30 P.M. rh- nnswrr to J. II. II. 'a nuerr la "Ye' I 1'nrnir. sometime first limnn nr .1,. nlnrfeen I l'lillli, una the futher of M-r.ildlne rnrrir. S!l. re son MmtII rlnh 'iiiii' i ' r o JIL'13 Jlonuni ni nenm nilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilr Say to Your Repair Man Kony-Kronve GENUINE LEATHER SOLES firaj I'prrr oia nji 3arld- Hovlh rhllnilHpIil thirteen -var l i Ferry rood TlMrlHifl A. A. Mny flrst rtaw AAaml. ttS .North Orin uia tr-t Hon nl lirhtren UMawarA flr Mali" J T." 'hampian RnU pot their IriC In'- n t tt rn Qn frt,i, Pittsburgh. lln' h ft tut h r tin! I ilnms . rr nt fnr ftttlc, hut ii u A i)i' a enor i thr OD'ii.ny litniny nief! ht P r its mnternillj in ther two-tun rally il t v r inrnr c tuuah i fi the onrn IL It, , M'N.iV ) r ini f 1 WrtV t or jtr SHOPS GCNTLCMErt Mxorrr niamtBCTeia wr MANHATTAN SHIRTS ik ratLissirau 1011 CHESTNUT 111 8. THIRTBBNTH Rmkledee X. I . .'lldr C110 North miiaii n-nt XJarrhr 're' s V Moreler J, TlHKer r.n?" iatrs aiiten are old -Hm-rfur I ai' nil' Xdelphl II. . 'Iintnn ai. i '.I ! Xlttosta to'ir' ;;i ' ins.l n MTt-n sti ert Th Ijw.1 l'.trk imrniw nn"1 1rt claaa William Hen,!.. ISI". North rwmtletn 'treet. . - I'hlla'lelnhln r a.js .7 J i slret f'rnfessionnN ILiehT Mil lhumi first x.uth THl,.r IMnMrU A. Farrell '''il" i I. i.iwa)l iirltiiti etieet llrl lUm XV" Hosier I llT ( lnr. no; - mi ll hi 'trst I rink! n -U-e-si roe t rtohoit Vlneland luh Uml fue. bill A ihrnfl"! s iilon, Prt r-f ,, s .. Vln in. land N J lorer . r. id I . ir.i"ff (iihiI fifteen aiTten t i --IT S'orth rnurtll st-e-t n(il Jo l. i'h 'ana' I I adden 2.i:t I Purneh i.r etret Wenl I'lillailelphlii All-Mtira 'mul flrel lawb-slainea l-.dwarde intt Xrrtnt utreet A plleher letltn 1"II noiil.l pluii-r 1IU tn toin first elasa 4010 I her stre.it rr'illnrer X C ttnmi rr.t rasa O Malley 2118 s-oijih ll.ta. str' I Johnn l. Anne r. (. fawavl. first nisa-Osrar rjortnati D'lcnul sire, t and I.ehisrh avcjiii llosnn. 17S7 lllln- it ,m i flr-f lohn IIA AmiH riuh aa) sixteen etshten ycai'il oJ'l John Pojle 213.1 rWseant atre.t flrst-tliss tillrhri n trw till) Jilllfr 'l.'ll tn Join st I rt I 1K North riilllr V. it W ltllle!lije xi. r, 1010 e.U stiost Twfvelmelien ftel mi'i flr Itaiu Kolliuclur 11M Norm i JW. i ' ' A. lairnrl firm Iiiil Somtrsil MAJOR BIDDLE TOURNAMENT I TOMOR. NIGHT FINALS, 18 HOLT'S IV AM, CI.AM.K.S I bllx-rinan i Clay Ml;llva I. Ieod MeTamn v ulnncr Mrt.urrf h (.anmm ' Hi" r !'" nrifup x Grahim I xrulliu I " Hunt Sin Hi n Mii'ovin Krmrbu it i i aailA Wonner x Xt Kmney. Cherrv is f-pr mn-r lioualiorty - xVnod XV I lb. i nil u t-aiiders . M' rrlfleld m llullotk ralniT is rriuiivu j iiini if .iiiui-r Threo v. ml una J.XIcfann va Hhseran ! Itiilh' lrnwll Xtooney PHILA. JACK O'BRIEN'S J&Ai T Ileserveil. X tin I loor. Sl.OOi llalionr, BOe Have You Any Physical Defects? jou hax-r. you d Letter let ir xou naxn you a Letter tet our ex- pfrtR look ou over ana feu jcu Jiow von can beconw stronir It'a your own tsmit ir ycu iiep xxcaK oijr correc. ttvn pverclHoi h.ixn helped hundreds of mon atul bo.y:. Pome in and ue'JI tell ou more aliout It. Greatest Bout of the Year New Champion? Maybe CAMDEN CLUB illiidilon ie uml Xllrkle St) Wednesday Nifrht AI'HII, 21 jixixiv nTTMNn Wilde vs. Murray J OTIIIII H-UOI'M) IIOlTrt llrketa nt lintel Ulncliuni. I'rlree. SI S. S3 and K. YMCA 1421 Arch St. Next time you have your shoes fixed ask the repair man to put on Korry Soles. They arc real leather, tanned by a secret proc ess that makes them wear twice as long. They are permanently waterproof, flexible, and won't slip in the wet. If your repair man does not have Korry 5olcs in stock he can easily get them for you . See that he docs, for they arc worth it. Korry Soles will astonish you by their wearing qualities and their very great comfort. As good for dress shoes as for work shoes. Try them on your kiddies' shoes that will be a real test. 7ls lelilcli and t line ia XVII lund are- I" ,n(more.tliib (homei flllfn - ultn SITIBE PARK I llW.ll.l.f. Ill I Athletics vs. Washington ' nl l :m i xi lirirn tl "c lh'" s"lr I'ini'icls & -u.ildlnt Everybody's Going llllll I', tsKATH run UMitir, xtiuii-, antl nATTI.INO MUKKAV. KHIITT tin Sale llnlel Vendlc ewss(und. 13lli auil l'llbert tftrccli Billy Dovlno vt. Martin Jud.o Johnny Campl v. Marty Kan Muckln Riley v. Roy Ennii Mike Kornt v. Jack Tolanil XOLMI HARKY(KIU) Chaney vs. Brown i-rnls nn sale, molar prleea, Hlnr. ham Hotel, lllli nil Market Ktrtt Auditorium A. A.. 6th & Brown TUESDAY EVG., April 20 0 SUMMATIONAL C0TKST'J V Korry Soles are tanned by the J. W. & A. P. Howard Company, of Corry, Pennsylvania. They are used by reli able shoe repair men. If yours does not have them, notify our local branch and we will sec tliat you are supplied. J. W. & A. P. HOWARD COMPANY 3rd and Vine Sts., Philadelphia. Telephone, Market 1 721 il ' ' v 1j