Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 17, 1920, Final, Page 7, Image 7

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. '
striding ljb
'Ms Lhttt Belt TclU tlih Stdry'
of a Family Beast of
A "family WM 6t burden" is 'W
olald' in "Miss Iiuta'Sctt," another
of' thd Infrequent full-length nbvef of
55ond Galo, rtotnblrf for her fritfrn'rit and
ghrfwd hof fc stories 6t Friendship Vll
lng. The heroin if slio tan bo crillcd
Mich Is so denned ,lr tl, cnrly P" of
the book. Like "Tho Wfiwcomcs,"
which Thackeray subtitled "A' Novel
Without it Hero," this novel can bo said
to bo without cither a hiro 6r heroine,
in tho romantic routine sense.
Lulu "makes her homo" with her
eluter and brother-in-law. The burden
of obligation Is on her heavily; sho
has to mako good-for her own keep and
for that of her garrulous mother, also
a recipient of tho bounty of Mr. Dea
con, pompous, self-sufficient, wordily
important, wlndlly jocose. Mrs. Dea
con Is a plaintive, flabby, futilo sort of
a femlnlno invertebrate, and also there
aw her child, spoiled and pervcrso, and
Mr. Deacon's wandering brother, with
his Marco I'olo talcs of his errant life.
Lulu lives up to 100 per cent of thp
old saw that woman's work W never
done. Hoyond thirty, sh6 has In tho
background half ri life timo of drudg
ery, of suppression of sentiment, of
canceling of desires. Tho brother, takes
in Interest In her and the reaction of
her starved cxlstcnco to his romantic
personality, especially brilliant iu her
stodgy environment leads tor tragedy.
Hut out of the tragic issue Miss Gale,
nith fine nnr compelling nrt, effects a
believable denouement that Id likewise
satisfying to the sympathizer with Lulu.
This, novel is slighter In substance
but more pointed in significance and
penetrating in Insight thriri her last
and longer novel, TBlrthi" It lias
the unerring sense ortrtio characteriza
tion, the odd and convincing details of
"buslntss," the happy turn of expres
sive phrase, and tho tnng of irony and
satire that belong to tho author of the
Friendship Village stories. Hut It is
deeper than them. It does for tho
Middle AVest what Miss Alice Urown.
Mrs. AVllklns Freeman and others of
that school have dono for New England,
that Is. presents n genre picture, with
all the lights and shadows, nil the detail
of person nud place. It hns amplitude
and accuracy.
MISS LULU DBTT. ny Zona dale, Now
York. V. Appltton & Co
Miss Glsagoufs New Novel
Ellen Glasgow has written on en
tertaining story of the modern South,
called "The Builders." The tale cen
ters about David Blackburn, n man of
strong will and of high purposes which
arc misunderstood ; his wife, beautiful of
face but twisted of soul, and another
woman, Caroline Mcodc, poor but pa
trician, and n nurse in tho Blackburn
home. The triangle presents a problem
In love which tho closo of the book
falls definitely to solve, though event
ual happiness for those concerned
seems to Ho ahead in the mists of the
future. "The Builders" is skillfully
written and tho reader's Interest is not
permitted to lag.
BinUJKIJS. By Ellen Oil
en City: Doublfday, Pa.g A Co.
Doctor Fdris on Courage
Clergymen, Sundny school teachers
and others interested in moralizing
anecdotes will find the Ilev. Dr. John
T. Faris'S "Book on Courage" to their
liking. It is what is platitudinous!)
called an inspirational volume and Is
the first in a scries of such books to be
issued by Its publishers. Doctor Fnris
discusses the courage of elf-conqucst,
the courage to face obstacles, the cour
age of Industry, the courago of facing
consequences, courage for the sake of
others, golden rule courage, courage
through companionship, and God, tlic
bonrcc of courage.
Paris, rnlladelphla: j. II. I.ipplncott Co.
ARE you keeping In touch with tho
world's Interest In tho subject o(
Spiritualism ?
Prn opinions for and Asalnsti the
Inter-Church movement ana Spiritual
Ism: Psychlo Experiences; Spiritualism
In Religion, Philosophy and Science;
evidence of survival nnd communica
tion: sketches and pictures of leaders
In the, work: an unusual presentation,
of this suhject In a (M-page, two-color
cover, new standard size magazine. .
Not sold on .newsstands. Ask for free
printed matter or send 2tlc in coin or
stamps for a current copy: as much
material as you would net In average
inn-page book. Address:
088 Hand. MrNallr nide.. Chicago. III.
"Conrad" waa a study of youth;
"Cynthia" a Story of loyalty. In
"Tho Worldlings" Leonard Merrick
use3 the two supreme themes a
man's honor and a woman's love. IMSl
E. P. Dntton & Co.. 681 Sit, A.. N V
' H
i 8
By Ethel and
James DofranOs
j n it e a t ii
' from the West
that the Eastern
er J Ikes. A com
plete panorama
of life on a Ari
zona Ranch.
Thrill fellows
thrill from the.
beginning to tht
satisfactory end.
In. ti.7S net.
TUB MACAULAY CO.. I'ubll.hfrs, N. Y.
Wb.a Lift
Wn Swift
asWft itsBBBBBsH
Wdn Dtitb.
Yfli Sudden
Ifi !wi'S!j b4 dfature
fiW ifM .? In th eld-
duiiiiiu Miami
Band plays at 9; organ at 11,
11:55 and 4:50
Chimes sit noon
Bright News of Springtime and Lower Prices
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store
New Hats
Feminine and Fascinating
Transparent black froths of becomingness
thoy'ro the hats tftat ono wanta for ovcrilnrr.
Srriall( Smart tdrbans arc of satin, ribbon
or straw tHo- last outlined with glyecrined
A large, drooping hat of lavender straw
with a colorful swirl of ostrich in various hues
ha3 a surprising facing of black and is repre
sentative of tho many Summery hats to bo
seen in all corners of tho Millinery Store.
' There's d universal charm about tho hats
around $12.60 nnd ?1B, vdry few of a kind, quite
often only ono or two.
Spring Sunshine Has
Brought Out Gardening
Their colors aro as gay as the tulips and
hyacinths that are blo'oming now.
At $3.50 to $5
there are Unertc smocks in green, rose, pink, and
strawberry trimmed with touchds of embroidery and
colored stitchery. All-white smocks are also in the
California Smocks, $5.90
to $16.75
Only a climate that produces year-round gardens
could produce such smocks as these. They aro of
Japanese cotion crepo in tne most delectable shad
of lilac, watermelon pink, bisque, brown, orange.
Japonica red and jade green. Quito often two col
ors ure comDinea in we maKing. of a smock and
heavy wool embroidery, in bright colors, trims
nearly every style.
Seeds for Happy, Summer Frocks
Must Be Sewn Now
and these lovely materials are the seeds from which the pretty dresses
' New Voiles at 1$c a Yard
45 inches wide
Orchid Gold
Tan Pearl
1 Chinese Blue Coral
Canary Pink
Rota Nile Green
Fleth American Beauty
Plenty of Navv Blue)
It has a peculiar, delightful radiancy of
color and on the pretty frocks and blouses
it will make!
Dimity Checked Organdie
in plain colors: pink, blue, canary, white
of violet, is 32 inches wide at $1 a yard;
3G inches at $1.25.
Cotton Ramie Suiting
at 65c a Yard
Rose, pink, blue, green, navy, black or
tan suiting, 3C inches wide, is" very attrac
tive for women's Summer suits, sport3
jackets, button-on suits for little boys and
dresses for girls.
Snowy Whiteness
for collars, vestecs, childreri's frocks, etc.
Mostly pretty voiles and Swisses, the
widths are 3G and 38 inches wide at 65c,
75c and 1 a yard.
Capes Are in High
Perhaps you've noticed how many well-dressed
women are wearing them. They can be had in
such a variety of materials that there is hardly
a Springtime occasion f6f which a suitable cape
cannot be found.
Tho cape that is sketched can be had in velour
or burella in Pckin and tan at $25.
Other pretty capes start at $23.50 for an accordion-pleated
affair of navy blue serge "and nt prices
which rise gradually to $73 there is wonderfully
wide choosing. Capes of silvertonc, velour, gold
tone, duvet do laine, tricolctte, tricotlne and vel dc
cygne are to be had in all the fashionablo shades of
the seasbn.
Sports Coats of Wool Jersey
have many friends and no w6nderi They can be
had in tho sports length or full length and are in
plain navy, black, tan and brown or in heather mix
tures. $15 to $35.
Tho jersey coat that is sketche'd is in brown or
green mixtures, half lined, at $29.50.
(Marketf . . .
A New Hat for
the Boy?
Straw hats in roll-brim (that
can be'worn turned up or down)
or Norfolk shapes are in Alack,
brown, tan, navy and green at
$1 to $3.50. For boys of 5 to 14.
Tweed hats in bulldog and
Swarthmore shapes at $2.75.
Blue serge tarns for little
chaps are $2 to $2.75.
Caps of tweeds, mixtures and
blue serges are $1 to $2.75.
(nailery, Mnrket)
Soft Little Dresses for
Baby Dear
Yoke or Bishop1 stylo dresses of
soft white nainsook or very sheer
lawn. Simply made little affairs
with lace or embroidery edges at
the neck and wrists, some with a
bit of hand work.
For tots of 6 months to 2 years.
$1 to $3.50.
Silk Petticoats
$5 .
In black, navy, brbwn, tan,
dark green, purple and many,
many changeable hues, they
have pretty ruffled, corded and
accordion-pleated flounces.
Silk jersey tops with taffeta
Taffeta flounces with lus
trous, mercerized cotton tops.
Taffeta, $3.50 a Yard
It is 85 inches wide and an
excellent quality for Spring
frocks and skirts. In seven
Brown Copenhagen
Taupo Nary
Silver Gray Roe
Women will
irom such
and 35c each. All
course, and in prefc
Women's Colored
Handkerchiefs in
Gay Array
eniov choosing
wide variety at 25c
pure linen, of
:t.v rnen V.1..A
lavender, brown and blue tones.
Plain White Handkerchiefs
for women ore good quality linen
at 15c, 18c and 20c each.
Initialed handkerchiefs in plain
white are 85c each.
Men's Plain or Initialed
Plain white linen are 25c and
45c each.
Extra-size plain white linen are
White initialed handkerchiefs
are 45c each.
Important Notice
Vfomen's Neckwear
Printed Georgettes
Organdie Flouncings
Will be marked at special prices in the Down
Stairs Store on Monday. Full details on page 5.
.Spring Coats
for Tiny Members of the Family
It's high timo to lay aside the heavier Winter wraps, for the sun
is warm nnd bright. Fresh, Snringttmd coats for little boys and girls
-of 2 to 0 years are ready for the new season.
They start at $4.25 for a little black-and-white checked coat that
has a tie belt arid is lined throughout.
Then there are coats of granite cloth, shepherd checks, serges
arid tweeds at prices which rango up to $16. Quite unusual is a
little tweed with raglan shoulder, $15.50.
Spreading Forth the Last of the
Immense Shipment of Japanese Straw Rugs
There is still an excellent assortment in room sizes for houses', porches, offices, Sum
mer cottages, etc.
The rugs are woven with a double warp, stenciled in oil paint and bound all around
good, serviceable rugs.
4.6x7.6 feet, $3. 6x9 feet, $5.
Oval-Plaited Rag Rugs
Whoso Quality Makes Thetri Unusual
18x36 inches, $2.75. 36x72 inches, $9.60.
25x64 inches, $4.76. 4x7 feet, $15.
30x60 inches, $6.76. 0x9 feet, $30.
American Wife Grass Rugs
20 Less Than Present Prices
27x54 inches, $1.76. ' 80x72 inches, $2.75.
8x10 feet, $7.50
4.6x7.0 feet, $6.
6x9 feet, $9.
9x12 feet, $9.
8x10 feet, $12.50.
9x12 feet, $15.
Wool-and-Fiber Rugs of the
Better Grades
6x9 feet, $9.75, $12.50.
8.3x10.6 feet, $17.60, $21.50.
9x12 feet, $18.60, $22.50.
Also d splendid showing of inexpensive Axminster, Tapestry, Wilton and velvet rugs
most of them much less than today's prevailing prices.
Fresh House Dresses Made in
" ii Ms, i,
a Dozen Pretty
Ways at $3.85
Some Are Adjustable Dresses
Well-mndo drcfeses 6f gingham irt plaids and checks, percale and
chambray. Some are straight-line styles atid most of them have
pretty white dollars nnd cuffs.
One checked gingham dress has an organdie ruffle around the
collar; another, of chambray, has a braided collar and pockets. The
ono sketched is of plaid gingham with a white poplin collar, cuffs
and pocket tops, and tho sash tics in back.
Tho adjustable drtSasCs are of porcalo in gray, blue, pink and
lavender tones, trimmed with rlcrae braiding.
Bungalow Aprons at $2
They could Very easily be called dresses; tho one sketched (in
blue or pink chambray trimmed with ricrac braid) could bo worn as
a dress. They aro all trim and pretty in plain chambray or figured
1000 Percale and Girtgham Aprons, 45c
They flro all neat band aprons of gonerous size.
The percales aro ruined or trimmed with ficrae braid.
The checked gingftairis have ruffles all around.
Men's Shoes
Built for Spring Wear
$7.50 to $10 a Pair
As tho weather warms into
more norrnal April temperatures
rrien are on tho lookout for lighter
Ndw shoes of black and tan
leathers on English lasts will
satisfy their need.
Brogues at $10.50
Black and tan DrogUe Oxfords
which do you prefer 1
Oxfords for Boys
small or large (meaning the
boys, but, perhaps, it might apply
to the oxfords, also!) are in sizes
10 to 13 H at $5.50 a pair, And
in sizes 1 to 6 at $5.25 and $6.76
a pair.
All are of tan leathers and are
made on the best lasts for grow
ing feet.
1000 Pair of Women's
Pumps and Oxfords
$3.90 a Pair
4v vk
(A Clear Saving on Every
The pumps are of black calfskin or of patent leather with high, curved heels and
turned soles. The toes are pointed and the lines long and graceful.
The Oxford ties are of black calfskin in a serviceable weight with welted soles
and low, broad heels.
No Need for Philadelphia Women to Don
Denim When Good Suits Are
$18,75, $23.50, $25 to $39.50
Special at $18.75, heather-mixed jersey suits in
brown, blue, green or Oxford tones have large
patch pockets and well-tailored collars.
Special at $23.50, wool jersey sports suits with
Tuxedo colliirs, patch pockets and narrow belts are
in gray, tan, French blue and taupe.
250 Sports Suits of Wool Jersey
$25, $32.50, $33.50, $35
Brown, blue, green or Copenhagen heather
mixtures to choose from and the suits are all well
tailored. Some have roll collars, others Tuxedo
collars and there are various styles of pleated,
pinch-back and inverted-pleat back and interesting
Special Groups of Navy Serge
Suite, $18.75, $23.50, $28.25
Buttons or braid or both trim the rippling
jacket3 and there aro various models to select from.
Other well-tailored navy serge suits are $36,
$37.60 and $39.50, - '
Eton Suits, Special at $25 and $35
une smart little suit at 525 is of navy serge.
Tho jacket is trimmed with braid and the skirt is
accordion-pleated, as you see in the sketch.
The others, at $35, are of black-and-white
check velour. The jackets are trimmed with but
tons and finished at tho collars with satin ties.
A I it M :
$-r $18.75 M
Fresh, Pretty Undergarments
at $1.50
Camisoles are in two dainty styles of pink satin, trimmed with
lace or shirred with elastic at the tops; both have ribbon shoulder
Bloomers of pink bluebird batiste or plain pink crepe batiste
with pretty ruffles nt the knees.
Envelope Chemises of soft white nainsook are in four styles,
trrmmed with embroidery, Ince or colored hemstitching.
5Za S.&O $25
300 Rustling New Taffeta
Dresses at $25
Sheer White Frocks
For Girls of 8 to 14 Year
Voile is youthful and charming
in its graceful simplicity in
dresses that are tucked or hririd
embroidered. Some are trimmed
with lace and several styles have
ribbon sashes. $4.60 to $18.76.
Individual Dresses for
Exclusive tailored models 6t
fine checked and plain-color ging
hams, some of Anderson gingham
and sheer organdie, coatrfrocks of
cotton crepe embroidered with
wool and pretty, frilly organdie's
are in styles especially suitable
for young girls. $5.50, $8.75,
$9.75, $10.75 to $29.50.'
New Gingham Frocks
for girls of 6 to 14 years aro in
a great variety of colors and '
styles. Spring schooldays call for
many tub frocks, and this is the
fm,c t2.Kftt a suPPly- ?3, $3.50,
$4.50, $5 to $6.75.
Quilts, $3
Filled with soft white cotton,
covered with figured material
on ono side, plain on the other,
and scroll stitched. They are
72x78 inches.
They are especially nice for
Summer cottnges.
All sorts of lovely blues, from French blue to navy, ure among
these charming frocks, as well as black and taupe. They are made
in dozens of delightful ways, showing beaded bodices, many frills and
mey iwve snort, long or three-quarter sleeves.
At $22.50
taffeta dress with a long overskirt which
there is
at intervals with black or blue sotitncho
is banded
Navy Blue Tricotine Frocks, $15 and $17.50
There are seventeen models at $15 1 most of them are cut on Eton
or bolero lines and have nccordioh or knife pleated skirts. Braid or
contrasting silk embroidery trims them.
ahnJll'J8!;5?. cut .n "traljcht lines and are embroidered
about tho pockets and bodices with black silk braid.
Navy Serge Dresses, $7.50, $9.50 and $13.25
,, TihcA,0 is but a.,imitctl quantity of tho dresses at $7.60 und $9.50,
though there arc about one hundred of the dresses at $13.25. These
In Eton or straightllno styles, braided or beaded.
200 Wool Jersey Frocks
$11.25, $17.50, $18.75 and $23.50
Sfery ttn sfc toT. " CntCC8' " tU"1C8 "e"
Georgette Crepe Dresses
$20, $25, $39.50, $42.50 and $45
Lovely flowery patterns are among these charming afternoon
ST;M0me havo flo,we"d bodices and plain taffeta or crepe dechmo
skirts, others are made entirely of Georgette,
Bon Ton Corsets
$5 to $8.50
Front and back lace styles in
topless and medium low or high
bust models for slight to average
stout figures. They are splendidly
made corsets of broche and pink
and white materials with a differ
ent kind of clasp in the front. It
is made so it will not unfasten
easily, as tho ordinary clasps
often do, much to a woman's dis
Snowy Cotton Table
Damask, $ 1 . 1 5 a Yard
Lustrous cotton damask, 88
inches wide, comes in several
pretty patterns.
Pretty Ribbons
for Hairbows and
Special, 5 8c a Yard
Satin-striped taffeta ribbons
of good quality, 5 inches wide,
are in rose, pink, light or Co.
ren blue, navy, brown,
red and white.
Cfntrl) .
pennagen blue,
!....,. -"is., i.;i . ! r Jt.v. .- .' -i
. I- . fM