H wflnW ? WW IvHMB sft ' rvj-. $-.w. '- , itwi. m. ?-& .. wv ? - 'v ."f Euenmtj public 1 HiT .. .fV" fi-f KS , - ' V r4. Trf , .1 Stt- -J 1 " , " J rv-iTf C V V - U:"vh. f. PHILADELPHIA) -SATtT&DAYr AmihW&Wtos - ,. .,--'... -i-iJ-v,. ., -M- M flfcmfct. Miss Betty Baker a Sponsor at Hog Island: Tennis onWanamaker's Roof ': Temple Co:eds Dance C':r.j3Grcsrr J -Tr- "VluttawiviJ.Vi V V ft " J i,, 'A v v w- s. ..v. . ' t . 1- 7t" w S5-v, ,13', L . k, k&tKl , . -i rKiiiasilMl - - - - - "f imYVA V""WAW A( 1 l 12. siC ' CA .ter.Kri UTHR3aK Ledcor Photo Service. GOING BACK to the "dorms" after the evening work on the Swarthmore Collcgo farms. Miss Ida Meigs is doing the heavy work. Her passengers are Miss Eliza beth Griscom and Miss Ellen Swartz. They are volunteer farmerettes jrorc's,- lBBKV!rvRBr IPi. jl i Bkip .vw"v3 LStB V'..BB ( '-i mbI Hc9Hr-HHWi))yiu&M2MfMR''E39v jS.v A 'BBwP&-'E!,-BuHr EmBBhRbBb 1I3b1hBHjKj9!BS9HIbh Ik jiSiiWbSmB 'BiiBiy TtWIIBBprMlllBr -IBPBHIW ' jBhhbV ' ; BiBBflBBinNB'-ri u-iitHjHl, V SC. TWt. ; V. . ?yT . ,. w B' Z -" "'B T.. .A. FJlVv-iK Klm'f?'4i ZVy-iWhtmitlllKIilWi tti. 11 .) . w ' i .- a e, . t w ivJ.ti MriiH:tj'iiMtfBi(.iiv,;::;Titti : yi)r.v:ur 'uufuHKtMi1;:')i li ; .ttr?A ' J 1:&&2j.,j,U-.1C JA!LanW.' v. " ' rt.AJfi'il.XKr4lVvvfci 'A'VVWI .JA HmW yA-WH rtM'jl . ?" - I!'f5rT?;(irt..vJ' Mr'.?Tr.tv. ,-'''"' Vpriiir.-M.twtfaVOkyiWliiV-vSWJ.ytj-1lw.' A Ledger Thoto Service Centra! Newa Photo. MISS BETTY BAKER, daughter of Sccrctarv of War Nowton D. Bakor. who named tho WAT.TRn TiAMPnsr.TT ihn miis!eal conductor: his wife, n daughter of James G. Blaine, and their three Jolcc, a merchant ship at Hog Island, at noon today. A bottle of champagne was swung daughters, are on their way to Europe, where Mr. Damrosch will conduct several royal concerts. From the left, 1 States army ship Marne, also launched today, did the work with a bottle of water, brought were snapped as they went aboard their ship' from the river Marno In Franco " . . HwvwMwwMvAMwMmMMM m. i . t '4nt i ii ii ii iii i i 1 1 i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 Mi ! i 1 1 1 n i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h i i i ii i Mil mi ii in i i r 'i no HkBVHWJHHHHr ?. I QHVlflHBWJMMnflV Ledger Photo Service , Ledger Thoto Service Ledffcr Photo Sorvlce. Lodger Photo Reric WON ALL HIS MATCHES on the Wanamaker roof. He REPRESENTING THE BELFIELD TENNIS CLUB, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY CO-EDS who appeared in the dances of a French play given last night at the Bcllevuc-Stratford by THIS SMILING VOLUNTEER reports that h is A. W. Gore, of the Cynwyd lennis Club. The contests Ralph Hothersa 1 has been taking part in the tournament Le Ccrcjc Francais" of the university. Bottom row, left to right, Misses R. Lawronce, E. Cope and P. Davis. Back row. lcs his job in tho West Philadelphia yards of ate part of the annual tournament of the Philadelphia of the Philadelphia District Lawn Tennis Association, Misses A. Marniora, M. Bishop, I. Davis', C. Knight, C. II. Preston, F. Butler, H. Flanigan, G. Garrod and R. Erb the Pennsylvania Railroad. He is F. C. Mitchell, District Lawn Tennis Association being held this week on the Wanamaker roof a Pcnn student ' OUR C1TYS WORKERS AND WHAT -THEY DO jMBgME.Bjja THE BEAUTY CORNER WORKING ON A MUSLIN CORNER STAYER MACHINE at tho David MJss Nellie Thompson, 410 Pierce street This machine covers tho wire stitches jia corners are ooverea lA&att Photo Bervlce. Weber & Co. factory, Fifth and Locust streets. The operator Is MAYOR MOORE presenting a piece of flooring, taken from Independence Hal!, to Mat- MISS HELFM nnAnqnw oka vh, m,i f Phllndelphis itches used on tho corners of the box lids with muslin. . About 3500 . thew Brush, president of the American International Shipbuilding Corporntion at tho LN BRADSON, 254 North Marvino st., Pnllaaei :d In a day ' launching of the Independence Hall at Hog Island yesterday. It will be used for tho baso Photographs for ita feature ehould bo iubmittcd through. , "-" - ivi.viiui,MM,i. ""K ioiuiiu yeoieruay. it will DO USea I0r tho baso i";'j ur tfua cuiwre gnouia 00 anomww """Vinnrf ,1 of a name plato on the ship. Frederick Morris, of tho United States ahipplng board, is """' uMrcaaed to the Iietnity Corner, EVENINO PUEUO LEixu. i ra iu mo V'lul-UKrujJH 1 I. ' ll'.! toM. ., . -. a ..!;,.. . m f I r ... , . 4 - ' '4 !. X 4Ji4 Y r F . i;S;.