A' " A MniA CITTA' Dl SAN REMO v$v ";,,,U Oil Stati Unit! noti Saranno Rap- prcsentati Nolla Prosslma Conforenza Intoralloata i.nia. p- Ai fl burleson. Postmaster General- p.rtst. in nnrlle. Robert Underwood T.hnnon, 11 m,ovo Ambasclntore Aino rlc.no per l'Hnlln. lnRcern' oggl I'arlgl ef noma. I'fiH non hit rleevtito nlcunn I'.trmlone ilnl uo Oovcrno ppr recnrsl ilia OWf-rcnm Intcrnllentn flic nvra' ,om a San nemo, per rfpprcsentarvl ,1 suit OnlJl. ' . ........It. l .lte 1. Jell ronicrru7.ii iuwhu -i unc ... . .. MttnnlfirA nttnnxtnnn nlln bin ual" i""'"-"'"-'- L,,..t0ne riRiinnlantP i orcupn7.ione one ,'l . . 1. .1.11. t..nn r.nn. Franfoforte iia .inncm-nr ui'iiv -. ruiniln nri'irntern' nllVsainc del ctsl, " " "" , . , Conclllo mi compremoMFo am qunie hi urebbo nroorilfttn con la Jtigoslavln, i .pern coil clip possn osscrc rngRltinta not solu.lotie tlcflnitlva ctollo scabroso nrcb'rma Atlrlntlco. .. .,,..1-.... ,ll Tnanrn ,1'Tte.lln. tin. . 7.1 t ,,ittl. nro!pntrrn nlla Con- : '" progctto mlrantc n stablll. lite le rate Interniulonall del camblo. Roma, m nprlle.In Sau Remo fcr- ' ..-.niter! nn- nninvltfA I n ' i,r 'r'.r.v,''..':i'i AiTr:;.-fc: rtnderanno parte nl Supremo Con- lllo itibllltn prj; i 10 (orrcnte. Han mo mm' 0" " tcntr0 ,,clla nli' YinnrUnie rwiirn-imi n-iii .mini ua S) II slrtciiti- WINou lnsclo' 'Koropa. r t-Itxli nrnb'rnil die xrvtuuuo H- -! Cumprrntlono la qiirstlotir- Adrla- ...,lln 'I'liira nnntdio l'nvnti7.fltt .'"..".., 'r i.. rr" i" i Ul'l M AV$NtMv l-DAtf, BRJL' 16, 1920' , fV I ,' yy t. sft? Mtl) TlOOSKinK. April , IB, ivtiiivi m ner f"jm yer. ftArrAH nOOB- Funrl itrvleu nt hr fl rtiidtne. Hulboro, P.i Btur dy, 3 p. m. interment prorate, MOTD. April IB, RLIZA I10TD, (', o'olook, at hr lata rettdanc, 4U40 Haiti ava. Intarmtnt private. nn.OW. April 14, MARY B., wife ot Thomaa llrown and daughter of Michael and Mary IlfHifun. Hclatlvfa nd I rlenda Inv.tod tto funeral. Haturday, 7:80 a. m.. lata real denta, 454 Vf, Woodlawn ave , Uermantown. Solemn man St Vlnoent'a Cnureh B a. tn. Interment Holy Sepulohra Cemetery, nucK. April is, MAnaAnrcT j widow of Cheater A. nuck..of Lanrdale, Pa,, and daughter of late Jamea and Catharine Kin cade Berrlcea Raturday, 2 p. m., at Oliver It. nalr nidr, 1820 Chcitnut at. Interment private, Northwood Cem. nemalna may be viewed Prldrfy eventnir. CHAlinEns. On April 14, 10'iii, TIKIIKC CA DAMAItD CIIAMBEIIS. aged 02 yeara, widow Bamuei K, Chambera. at her home. 1H2 B, Kveritr7n nt., Wet Drove, Pa. Funeral from Weal Orove Preabytjrlan Church, Saturday. April IT, 2 p. ra. Train leaea Phlladolphla 10:40. CLARK. April 13. MATtY R widow Wil liam Clark. luiatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Sat., 2 r m from realdenc of eon. In-lawi Babnrt Johnaon, 423 Cumberland at , Oloucetter, N. J, SerMcei at a P. m. at P. FIH'CATIONAT, JACOUARI) nnd ahaft dealantna? Inatrnetlan wanieai mania or naiuraay anernooni 1 HI' ilat uric. Idrr oinre. IlothRexea Our.a-raduatea ore tn conetant demand foi good-paying poeltlona, Orcg-g. ahqrthand, the eaay, apeedy ayatem. Complete bualneai and aecretarlal vouraea. Uay and Night ciaaeea. inienaue iraining, Knroll any time. Call or .write for full pnrtlrulara and catalogue. l'jm.i. niinur.s i;ui,i.KOI5 and .College of Comnercei ion rnf'invt wt. PhUadtlDhU . LEARN WIRELESS In the achool the (sovernment eetected for tralnlnr 2000 men. KttablUhed In 1011 The.flrnt achool teachlnc wlrelena eselualvely ID A.m'r'.c!: J,R!.'2'l rnel Set and new De Foreat Ilaelfo PhOne In operation, Eipert lntrurtir. fall , rilll.A. HCHOOI, OF WIRKI.1SW rnrUwiiy nidg.. nrond ti CheiTT Sti Phlla, PIJAT1IH K, Church Chewe.N, i. Int. churchyard. rrnnai may can fti, era. CORSOM At , wyu.iuti jit HlitJ A1X lUllll, 111 April IB, Mra. MARTf 8, COnSON, wlffl of John w. Coreon. Bervlcea at her lata home. Cape May Point, Monday, April IB, 1:30 p, mi Interment at Cold Spring), N, J, CUNNINGHAM April b, at Wichita Falla. Tex., PFTEIl J huahand of Cath erine Cunningham. Funeral on naturday U R'SO'K. m . from hlj late realdence, 2010 B. Tioga at. Solemn requiem maag-at the Aacrtiaion at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy nryuicnre uemeiery, DRFFENIIAUOH. DIIFFENIIAUCH. Reli Invited to tha.aervloea. Saturday, 3 p. m., -Atirll 14. nni.T.A R. Relatfea and frlendg are at hla late realdence, AMI vine at. Interment DRATJIN private at Northwood Cemetery. Camden, N, J., papera pleaae copy, DIONAN. On April 13. at South Iing home, MAIACKT, on of the late John and Ann blgnan Ilelatlvea and frlenda Invited to attrnd. funeral, on Haturday morning, April IT. at 8-30 from hla late reetdence, Ktiutb Iinghorne. Pa Solemn requiem maea at Our Ldy of Clrace fhurch at 10 o'clock Interment at St. Dominic',, -Ctmetery, Holmeaburr. Autoa will meet'' 0:30 a., m. train from Reading Termlffa.1 at Langhorn. matloci. DIT URKB April 14, EMZATlISTlf OS MOND. widow ot Ixnla A, de Ilree. florv tcea Monday afternoon, at S o'clock, at (he realdence of her daughter. Mra Alfred P, Parker, SK2H Addlann at. Interment at I)KAT1IJ Femwood Cemetery, mug Viewing tfunday ae LOST AND FOUND nrtOOCJI Loet. diamond bow-knot n'P?,c'! eaiuraay, April lu, hi ',rt,uViii.J oooh contnlna 0 diamonds and I; alampeo HELP WANTED gEMALE STENOGRAPHER Permanent POJi,n r1i perlenccdi illnlnr room In .prrnlaj ; k after 11 a rn. or phone Keyetone MMi- HELP WANTED KALI MtlMieAn.A-..i ii MAiir R. widow of broooh contain. 0 dlamoMda and a "'-" ?! 7J ,n "j "'. -.,"'..; J' .ta u.tk. u, .!." t..'..i... ti.f.iiven and, - "j -j. "r!. -i.'i"". - ."...;-. -, - . z-z- frlenda Invited to funeral aervlceie Haturday a p. m. N. K, cor. 4,itn ana uaiinnuro ,, Interment private. r.tri- i ,. .j ...no ti ir. of1 onice nun winter at, urrmanwiwu. -- EPrEI.. April 14, MIRIAM V w'". n' gon, platinum, dlamond-etudded rim of wrlet Auniatu. and daochter of Knll and Itl" watCh. Return to 801 Wleter at. German Richard Hudaoh, aged 2I Rolntlvea anil toun rrrt,lvtl rwra, " Co.7 Che.tnut and ' PIAMONU Ixt. between t'helten ave. pot' to J. II. Caldwell juniper eia frlenda Invited to' tuneial aervlcn Haturdny v n m in, a .., m imnrnnnnn n, Olney, tnt, private, Nbrthoo-l ometery. DO(l Iiat at I.inadowne, April (. w re I haired fox terrier. Willi black and yellow marking; collar marked Mr, ?-"r1,VcotV ncenee ia ro , " neflowne 3D, tJHwmiimiim'nii immn nmwin rldle truppc finnro'd nel baclno Itub', Son Itemo ' la rltta' plu con Ifciiutemriite nitnata prr la ronferena ia varola. poielie' trovail uub1 ad tiia'n ilitatirn da I'arigi. Koma c ,.....n In otnrlrn erl InrantCTnle iraiti"". ' -"- - ,. ma' ha aniiHo In paHgnto personaRRi ilhJtrl romc iNnpoieone. i-apn iiw n, tnnmtnre Jeilerlco dl Uerinaiiln the rl sltrattenne tlal 1881 1 1888, Glu Upe (Jaribaldi, le imperatrlcl d'Aus- rii a e (11 miasm, II Kc dl wutttcm- itric, 11 liran uuca nerRio ui Avuv-iin, mllio Zola ed 11 (ienerale von Moltke. U dlta' e' gin' affollata dl ufficlall, irtrrtari ed implfgntl dl dlffcrentl na ioni e la moltloHlmi corrlspondentl dl tiornali. Mllann. !." nnrllo. Xtiovc r rleorose Usiirc onn ulnto preie (hi Ooverno er liniitnip In omuiimr.lonp m generi infieita' MiperlliiP. I'er II rlmaliente t rorreiite anno e' Htata proiblta la mpottonoi dalrealero del hurro, itte eondenato, rami in touscrva ed tltrl generi nlimeutari. Strayer's Business ColleRo .r''l!f d'.,"BI"'A Qrealeet nalne Relioel 0T rheatnut St. Phone Walnut 831 LKARN TO HI'FAK CORRKCTI.Y Private Individual leieona In Knclleli and Frenchi rapablc woman teacher. SOU N. 23d at. prone Poplar L'flOO'W. French For. R month yon learn to a iciiui ,pnak. underetand, read and write SDnnish ';! langUagea (lutard School jpniiiau , t,,nr1,r !, rh..)nut St TE.XCIII'.RH WANTED Poeltlona walt- ntlon for toller And inol rriidnftfa Mnnvnv TK,OllT.RS' IirREAtr. lOOt Market it. . Inat fre .rglatrnt, enooi Norm1 STF.AMSHIP XrtTK'Kt POULTRY AND SUPPLIES TCAM MAMC BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS ftjr Aorll lintf hea are l.eaxilv tionked. it v can accent eorno additional orders at cMcke of the above tarlteii CtilcU fo- Mnv dellery should be con etd for AT OVCK. uur iwuHfateo ueerrlnn liters turo, He Old Reliable." mailed free on requost. Orchard Poultry Farms II.irget Hatchery In the rity) 39SO Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. EARN-LINE Incorporated 188:1 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Sfeiraen General Cargo Regular Service ' Philadelphia Manchester S S,,DcMoineaBfidgc"APr.20 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Golera". . .Loading 5S "Coquina" April 26 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. msmsmm JjlL Floor SJm $$$; Finiahlgm n Dries HarjdasLavajNHn WSrZ vMmmX& KflB lsBK&rtvci u ivSrOvittllaBisHiWWi1 iimiMiiiii(iwiuMuiiii(iiflisiJ' Has your home seen the effects of LAVA-VAR? Your furniturp, wood work, floors and stairs can be made bright and new '' tn a few hours with i . LAVA-VAR. It flows smoothly and evenly. Appbed tonight, it s dry tomor row morning. LAVA-VAR makes a lustrous, hard, clastic, waterproof surface that will resist scratches and heel marks for years. At Your Dtaler'i All Colors and Clear Fclton, Sibley & Co., Inc. Philadelphia. Kanujaciuren of Colon, Paintt ana varnunct inc wt ISO-01 rEiNDEl-At the realdence of her daugh- yirk'S,n'coi r. m ler. .MM O B. M.-Clregor. BHu Ilalt more Ijanadowna, P. , II mvm A..-H , At tr-c, t ...ir-i .e . tvinnel. I rrwnrUt loi, i,anai Servlee Friday, 4 p, m. nt the Oliver It i PIN Iat, platinum diamond bar Pin, Wed Hair llutldlng. 1820 Cheatnut at Interment! neaday, April 14. reward, 818 Land Title unwell, Mum, . i Mldir. Phono Bprtie 2BflH. . FOX Hiiddenlv. Anrll IB. JAt'OIl It . hue- .. ' 1 Iband of Elisabeth II Fox. Relatlvea and PO'.ICr l;0"t, perpetual policy, Inaurnnro I frlenda Invited to aervlcea. Monday 2 p m . i Co of the Htate of Penny . No '' 2(120 W, Fletcher at iniermenv I mmr nunan lonigomery i,ihihi. ,..,.;.. realdenPA South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Frlenda may call Sunday evening. vniarpn . a.m TnlfU l,.t,flni! nf Mary Fra'aler (nee O'lieary)." Aelatlvea nnd irienna invited to runerai, nai , n j a " 149 Richmond at. flolemn renulem mnaa Immaculate Conception Church 10 n m In terment llnlv 8pjlre Cmet"rv liAlUII.NIill APrll 11 IIAIIIWIill I 1A21 RDruco at Annllratlon has been madD to company for A duplicate policy. Return mime to 1021 Hpruee at. HELP "WANTED PEMALE il'iiiiiiiiiiiiiililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll GREEN STAR LINE U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer BAILING FROM PHILADELPHIA to MF-niTRRRANKAN, (JRKEK. ADRI IT! C. BLACK HEA AND LKVAIST rORT.H CJIAS. KDRZ. At., nrexr) nulldlng Phone: Lombard SlOt. Main 1S20 American ateamer NOTICE The arrived at 1'hlladelDhla fj o'clock Am Uonaigneea anouia can ai tnia oince, aur- "Hog linuoipiiia u u uiix'H April liim. :tland" from iotl. Constantinople. at t'nii iuia lacllr with ua: othervtlie, demurrage and other render bill, of lading, nay frelorht nml r.. celve delivery ordera; also file thMr permlta charge, will accrue In accordance with bill nf lading. All perMna are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the ereer. aa no debta of their contracting; will he paid by the Captain or by Chaa, Kura co,, inc., Agenie. urtxet uunaing, Phlladelphln. SI'RINH RFAORTW SPRINO RF.SORTH ATLVNlin C1TT. N. J. ATLANTIC C1TV. N. J. ;K !PlliixaliiHpr7?9BWa5irfia4Sr - MaBflgMAfBflgaiaitflgag-"iu4k!Bi Ajndmmsiwi W-amAr nanatav p' hi i 't7(gailB4raBBBlifBlHBaia11.f bT1XC Etlrj t aHE5tlr I1 il kVralBn (jhe A.mbassador , Gtlanllc GtysNewestandinostDistlnctlueMel Dnittr mnnniumlnf AmV..i,,lnRnrii1il Qiratom A HI bflalOd Of, M .--.-v. ......(M.,(l,t,, nillUUVDUUW, AAWVVIO JV..M, (a tlit Iloardwalk, yet In the quiet, excluslva Chelae midtntlal dlitrlct. Spacious aun decka overlooking ooean. irmpoonr loncurts every evening;. Danclna In famou. mil tun Jkcanea tea room. Catering to Mlect clientele. Write or booklet York : Ambattador. At lantic Oitv; Ambasea dor, hot ingtlei; An brutador. Santa Har oara, Alexandria, Lot Anafle SPRING AT CITY 11 r Vftlt Will inl tit. aMv.Mte.il I Grti!."" b'Jnt ha. crnved ao long; the f iw,Vr J' returning health and th.r,i .."l" "nn 0I 01" ocean luita turmoil of mind and body I l.i." r In u coiy. comfy rolllnr ;r. aoilng uatrhlnir the faahlnn'a ra- hi' tVlng Into the wlndowa of S?k ,m ,h"p" - or watohlna; the horae ih. J. lT iu"1 aeroplane mantuvere on ... Men will hUAn Itrlncr mntBl rfttt .""Wtalliv I NIIm i of nntrdwalk, num-roua theatrea JJ tmuHment palacws. Uancln- and Sui.; ."!! hu't-, p'" Renowned golf (;'! and perfect motor highways. I Till: LKADINO IIOL'HEH ' i l op"1. Hna wll furnish full 1 InlnrmAtlun. ratna. ttto wtlborooil . Bltnbtim l llouie Hotel St. Cliarle !? Slelburne 'WhHiII .".tlon and schedule of LOn. .,,ii (lrodfaelllllea con suit lucal ticket agenta. Hotel Dennis Hotel Cheliea Hotel Strand Tb. WiltiKire The Holmbarit t&emiM . ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. , I An.AnveTi caa PIar Hotel I of DisuiciioiBndRcalConvTSrt i IrmaFROoroARAoa. -0 capacity joo. litotorrjr.JJiatAtA rk y" ll-LWD V "High Tide." ' In the slow old days men cjit logs in , the mountains all the year, slid them down on the snow to the streams in win ter, and floated theni down to market on the spring freshets. The lumber sup ply had just one "high tide" in the year. But "The world do move," and lumber has to move much faster in these days.' With all the incessant drain on our stocks they must always be kept full, always at high tide, always ready, to meet the growing demands of our grdwing list of customers. And so our organization must be kept always growing, in order to keep its efficiency at high-water mark. We are planning new and larger quarters here in Philadelphia, new concentration and shipping centres in the South, and greater facilities at every point for keeping stocks at "high tide." In building you wijl find that you are always needing more than you planned or pro vided for. We are always plahning to meet that extra-demand. Some day you'll build. If you want the work finished on time, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD. . . William M. Lloyd Company TUB LUMtJlStt CENTRE 29th Street and Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia ESTABUSHKD 18C8 SOUTHERN OFFICE CHARLOTTE, N. C. IU .11111111I111II111II1111I1111I11I1111I11IW rlTKAMtlllP NOTICES' STKAMMIIP' .NOTICES . -2KvrnHvii.i,K. pa. GALEN HMl 1 WBNEBSVILIEIPA. I 1 Li, .,NOW OPEN LI 1 C i 5" TJ"4 Made. B.lfc, H I hn3,.'rH,d!rwu,,''",u I I ftualVu ? S;u' ' " ' tn- 0 U lpUt ,1, dj!., a H,,ai, v a NsET HALL p" year. Cheer ful home comfort, i n nr .u. ..'u' home comfort. rM i.VL1 '"utlful mountain W.Ik.. HOAtii " aanatorlum.. &" waul, uit watMEaviLiAK, pa. VV, Creston on Hoard walk at Mentprllrr Are. Now open Private batha, running: water all rooms; elevator, Spring ratee, It, jl, RKTCVKS. GEYELIN AND COMPANY (Inc.) Shipping and Forwarding Agents ANNOUNCE TE APPOINTMENT OF MR. O. E. FAERDEN AS MANAGER OF THE CHARTERING DEPARTMENT, J ' ', Olf THEIR NEW YORK OFFICE y ' 69 Penrl Street New York Broad 280 103 South Fourth St. ' Philadelphia Lomba'rd 'l20r ' NEW MANAGEMENT I ltxccLsmcrvoenkwtMocuisiNr Kentucky Ave. Reach Can. sno thrpuchout: olerator: IS up dally! ap ""iy vimrr piwn iiku mecxiey Modern y! apeclal A Fetter. Let ns make too feci at homo fn the "City of Robust Health' Hotel Morton ,Oeean End Vlrslnla Ave. Capacity S.W. aTltTator. pritnte batha. ete.i always open. THE WILTSHIRE Vlr.lnla ave. and beacU, Capacity 850. Prlv, baths, runnlne (rater, elev., eto. Amtr. CSS .flPJ0.'' aprlnr ratee. Booklet. 8AM IKL KLLIH. Ownen N. ,T. COLLINrl Mrr. Try CLARENDON Hotel Vliflnla Ave. near nr.ch. All room, with hot and fold runnln. wateri private bailie. PITNEY N'w YorK Ave" nur Dtaca' wsll-tiooktd food American and European plan Noted for wsll-uooked food Flret'dat) service. Capacity 3SO. Noted fo I. Brae warm rooma. 1 Hneelal erring ratee on applleatlon HOTEL , EDISON fft J hotel from beach. Comfortable rooms, Run nlne water. Private batha Rpl. Bprtnr rates HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alwavs open. Alway. ready. Term, mod' erate, Phone or write. M. Walsh Dunoau, HOTEL BOSCOBEL "l-Sr IB up we.klr Phone 11T. A INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. AMERICAN LINE WHITE STAR LINE x. ' Adi April 24lMar 2 June 10 May lMy SOIJuna t ,' May lSlJune 12 KKVT TOIllt J'LYMOtJTII miwitiintinn SOUTHAMPTON One Class Cabin and Third Class. New York Kr. Paul. viilladelnhla SEW YORK lIA.MIIUltU MVhurla. May BJnne lBUuly.SllHept. 11 ilonirolla .... J.May 2 July 8l.u. 14 " PIllLAUELrUIA-LlVKRVOpL Wynooch APr! 118 lleglna -.-iuy n Ifaverford May 28 "hILADKIaPIIIA QLAHOOW Eastern Bea iffili a 4ri.mei" Mny IS A PiuiAnELriiiA-HAMnDKa West Kkouk .: "FJ.i Hteumer "f 1B N. Y. CHEU1IOURO BOTJTirAMPTv AdrUHo .April Jr.Iay Siuly 8Aue. i Olympic tfi'vrss-'a NEW YORK- MVBRPOOL Jlcg antlo April Sl i , Orlana May lj !i!"" C1"0 May lSJune 10lJuly'' nMl '"nrSIJune'lO NEW YORK AZOREfl OinnALTAR NAPLES GENOA f""0 Mny 27JulT si Kanoplo May KJuly a U.tr1rtW Kf ll.n.U 1 rl..Atna trit,APB Rr Ice. Saturday 1 Hi) p. m , at realdence of aon-ln-law, John II Clark. 122 Creston ae , Audubon, N J. Interment private I'rlcndt call Friday, after 8 n m. . ,. GORMAN At Atlantlo City, N J April IS KATHALEI-.V daughter of I, T and Mary A, Uorman. n.ed 4 years Funeral Monday morning, Interment Hol Croea Cem elerv ItnALET Suddenly, April II. JOANNA F, wife of James II Ilealey (neo Hulllvan). Funeral Saturday, .10 a, m , hrothcr'a resi dence, Joseph C. Hulllvan 118 N Sharon ave, Aharon Hill, Pa Requiem maei t'htirrh of Holy Hplrlt 10 a m Interment Cathedral Cemetery. HKWITT April la, RICHARIJ R, htn Innd of Josephine Hev.llt (nco Altmejer). Relatlvea and friends alio nil societies nf which he waa a member, Invited tn funeral. Sat B'tn n m . rp.lil.nr. .11.17 NT nth at. Solemn requiem maes Churrh of Incarnation 10 a. m Int llnlv Heptilchre Cem JOItNMON PACKER, At. Wvmdliurv. N ,T Anr'l It J 17.7r. I. JO'tNPON d nmhtu of the lata Dnnlel J and Martha II Packer Funeral Saturday, I 30 P m . from latn reel denre 41 S Ilroad at , Woodbury, N J. In terment llethel Jl'NKIN At his home the Welllnulin, Ao-ll II JOMEPH DC FORIIST Jl'NKIN' Penlce Frldy 2 p m . at OlUer II Hair Hldff t1"0 Cherinpr at tn'e-ment prlvite KELI.T April 12. MART C . wife of Lawrence Kelly and dauuhter of Juhn nnd cntnerino (ininrnnn iiointnen ami irienns n'o It, V M Sodality of St Rrldaet'a Churrh are lnlted to fun.ral. Rntunla S a m parents' re.ldeneo n',17 Ron man at Filla of S huilklll Solemn requiem inae.J i-i iiriar.i a i nurcn u , ni inicrmeni Westminster Cemetery KOCIt prll II ( VROLIN'K KOCH, daughter n' late Adolpli anil Murv Koch uervire Snturdav '' p m rrsldnre, l.'ll W Sera-rant art Interment prlule LYNCH April 11 EDWARD huahand of Honnrah 1. nrh Relnlltea and frlenda In lted to futirral, Saturdny 8 10 n m rea. dfnec. 1 I.aboritoiy Hill Fall of Srhuyt kill Hoi.nin -eou m mass St Iir naet ." I Church 10 a m Interment Westminster Cemrirn MAVMFIKI I) On April It JOHN CLARK MANSFIELD Hard 71 eare Rilntlxea and frlr, ils al.n Cnurtl.nd Saunders Post Mo 21 fl A R ar Inslteil o the eervlrix Sunday nftrrnonn nt 2 n'elnrk nt thi- resl denc of his on 2II3I V Marxian st In'.rtr. Northwnod ( rn.rerv MARTIN April 1.1 11120. MICHAEL hue band of Marv A Martin (ne Wynne) and enn of the Into WIIIKini and Mary M , Cnuntv Donegal. Ireland Rolntlvea and frlenda, alto finn Haltarlor Counrll K of C ! Dlv No. 2.', A o ii Holy Name Society and It .m. nnnnin inneu lo runerai. .Monna. 8 3D a m Into residence 214(1 W Cumber land at Sol'mn requiem ma.s Ht Cnlumbn'a Church 10 a tn Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery McFADDEV rrll II 1020 OEOROE. Iieloved eon of drome nnd Olun McFaddrn (nee lv.iffenberer) aaed 2.1 months Rrla tlei end frlendi Invited to aerlcca, Satur. day. 2 p m parents' residence .1111 N Dambrcj at rrlends may call Trlday ee nlns MriRRlTT rirll 11 WILLIAM C, hu band of Ella V irerrltt (nee Harlrtt) Rrla tlc frlrnd" OUet Lodge No 007. F nnil A M ; members of tho Memorial llantttt Church, Invited to funeral .ervlces Sat , 3 p. tn . late resince. 1018 W Dnunhln at Int prlute Mt Vernon Cem Trlends may call Frl nfter 8pm MILLER April 1.1 IOIIN n MILLER, nerd 81 "erlci Snttird-iy 2,lo p m nt "(in S Orar et , Me Hi, Pa Interment Mer'ln Cemetery MORRIS April 11 ANNA ELIZV IIETH dnujthler of Ant a Ellrnlirth nnd late William S Morrla l"une-al Saturday. 2 p. m . late realdence, 2fl0"i N Park ae Inter m.nt nrlinte NEWNVM prll 11 HESTER E DODI), wlfoof llnrr It Nnam Funrral aerxlces Saturday 3 p m 41118 Paerhall nn Inter ment prlnte Frlendi may call Friday eve- NEHTfcR April in. PFSAN K widow of William A N'ester nged 8.1 Relatlea and frlenda Imltrd tn funeral aerre HaturdBv, 1 SO p, m . at the apartments of William H Jtatt'Mhv .1116 N. Rroad at Interment Tr'nlt" I""iera" tlronnds. 0rmnntoi n PAYNTER Suddenly. April 14 MVRT r: A wife of John T Pa) titer, naed ,'.(l Ser- I rn Saturd ly. 2 p m. late ronldcnio, 20112 Wr.tmnnt it Interment nrlvit RODOERS April 14, KAN.VY. widow nf SS Jamea Rodeers Relatlte. and friend. In S ilted to funeral Saturday 8am re.l- dence. 1741 S Cleeland a Hlah mai St Thomna'a Church !) 30 a m Interment Ca. thedral Cemetery SAVID3K -Ann! 11 CIMRI.CS H hi " lod hushanl Ellen M Snvldce (nto pihn), - 1 in his ,Vilh iear Relntlies frlendi and em plovs nf Kline Seldce K Co. are Iniltia SJ22, to funeral seniors Sat 2pm late re-il Eminence 20 Ninth ae,. Ilnddnn Helehta N I - tm private Ev-rereen Cem, Camden Re 1 ' ' n nln. .rv hr ewe,l Frl evr 1 SCHOFIELD At Pitman. N I Arlrll 11 I WILLIAM SCHOFIELD. aKed 70 Relat'ver I""" iririius uiYiiru iu lunrrai errices, jlon- Mw 2 p m. residence of eon In-law John 11 nipiey 111 i.ine. m. Lamuen Interment HnrlrlEh Cemetery SCHOTT -Mirll II JOSEPH F SCHOTT Itlotlics nnd frlTdi. tniltr.l to fnne'al aerv Ire. late residence, 2.11 W Highland aie. Cheatnut Ill'l. Siturdjy 2pm Intermeti "'sEE'DEt April 11 FMMA M widow of William Srede as'd fl'i Relatives and friends Inilted tn funrral eeri Ires Saturday. 2 p ni Into reidtence Sfllj N M.mcher at , Olney Interment Odd Fellow,.' Cemnterv FrJends may ltw remains Friday. S to 10 p p. SHANK In Mnlvern, Anrll II THOMAS S SHANK hushind nf Mnr Miller Shank aged 71 Rolatliea and fr'enda also West Chester Neat No 104,1 Order of Owln are Invited tn attend funeral without furthr notlm Sr1cea In Malvern llnnllat Churrh Sundav 2 JO p ni Intciimnt In adjolnlns cemeter SMITH. April 14 HARRY TYLOR. 12ns Elm at El Paso Ter Utr nf Phlladol phla husband of Mary CI Hnd son of late Charles uttd Slargaret E Smith Funeral at EI Taso Tex' 4TERN-URF.YER At WanlilnRlnn D (' April in ANNA W wife of I Stern Fu neral aenkes Sntnrdiy 1pm lit hT paronta' residence, 37JU N IVri at Inter ment private 1 TEAL Anrll II MARY EI.T7.AHt.TH, dr.ualitor of late CaptHtn la, nh nn 1 Mary . Teal Rriatlira nrd friends Imiled to fu- Vrnl arnlcia iturdus 2 p in lat ri- d,nce IH13U wasntnion nie inwrmeni 1 n no THOMSON At We.t Cheater April 11 nnOROE II THOMSON- In his Ulth iwr Funeral from Inte realdence 111 N Walnut at Wrat Cheater l' Saturday 11 a m Intermeht private TINOf EY N'oi- '-Tthim Pi A"'lll D LAMONT TINCIFT aired 8.' Funeral from late residence Haturihiv Vnrll 17 2 p m Autos will meet I! 10 fain it Avon dale, Pn Inteiment prliats Sundii 1 p. m TtiWnndlands Comoter Phtiideiphla , WALLS April 11 1020 IIl'Oll J , hue land of Anna Walls nnd son nf the lite Juhn .nhd Elisabeth. Walls Funeral to which Mutlies and friends are linlted Sat 8 a in., ffm hla late residence, 1725 K Moamenalnff aie Solemn maas of requiem at Church of the Sacred Heart 0 3d u in precleely Int Holv Croas Cem YOST April 12. 10211 M VROl'ERITK II, wife of Alan V, Yost Rrlitliea and Irlends arelpvltrd to the sirlc. on Frldav rvenlnit 8 o clock at ler late ialdene f(J58 Spra.tie. strret Or'nantown Interm nt laturdav nt Oxf.'r.J p ATTENDANTS WOMEN WITH OR WITH. OUT EXPERIENCE, TO N11R8K IN MEN TAL DEPARTMENT OF PHILADELPHIA GENERAL HOSPITAL, 84TII AND PINE BTS. OOOD TAT. APPLY MRS RURKE, CHIEF NURSE ......... .i. ... .. wmta enn ejKNOOiiAi'liEii, experionrwi. .e.-. - - nectiratei mut noaaesa Initiative nna tact! opportunity to ndvance, II K. Mulfora to., 420 H lth at . RTENOORAPHER .--.-,, OPPORTUNITY FOR ONE iNTEItT.PTF.D IN HER WORK! PERMANENT! ADVANCE. MR-NT IN POSITION AND SALARY UP TO YOtT STATE EXPERIENCE AND HALARY FXPECTFD M 402 I.EDOER OFFICL, STKNOURAI'IIKR, experienced. N. w. ."c- tlon Apply U u, I, tn, lioaa ai. " of Richmond, Employment uepi "d t 21 N. TKLEI'HONK OPERATORS Olrls "Pr': need on telephone, to solicit advertlslna;. will pay salary and bonus, atate experience and salary deafred telephone number. If any. C 438 Tdaer Office - nnt.L TELEPHONE OPERATINO I An ldc.nl occupation for younit women LEARN A PROFESSION WHICH IS OPEN TO YOU ANYWHERE CHIEF REQUIREMENTS ARE HEALTH, COMMON SENSE OOOD SICHIT, GOOD IIEARIN'O HOURS ARE SHORT. PAY IS OOOD 14 A WEEK TO START See MISS STEVENSON. 1011 ARCH ST. or any of the following- If more convenient TYPIHT, EXPERIENCED APPLY HUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'H WAITINO and ehamborwork, white, Prot estant mtrrld routle: mother anil daugh ter or alslera a moat desirable position tn private family on farm. Apply Uox 05, E. ijowninyrnwn, j-a. CLERK Are; you the youn. man for whom we are lookln.T If you have ability. some renerai ortice experience and a aehnol edtlrAllnn. irrlle. n. fl Cam 8144 Passyunk ave, Atlanllo RednlnaC' I. COMrostTORH wanted to attend .meetln' Sundar. April 18, United Trade. Hall. 22 N Pth at, 2 p. m. Hear ot aomethlnc to their advantage. CRAMPfl' 8IIIPTARD wants BHIP CLEANERS no heavy lifting LAnbRSRH TRACK REPAIRMEN OR TAVER8 ArPLT EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT RICHMOND AHOVE NORRIB AllREbS, white until January 1. or girl to come at noon ana stay unm o p. ntdv Sat a m nm m 3220 Spruce at. WAITRESS, white, willing to RO to coun- try! 2 otnor maiaa i-none i.Tnw,u . WEAVERS on Schoum Uhllnger Jacquard looms Oohrle I'roa Co 42.1 N. 3d. WOMEN TOR CLEANING DAY, AND NICJHT WORK AITLY JiUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN to sell and demonstrate electrical household specialties, attractive proposl tlon Phono Dlcklnagn 014,1 TOUNO LADY must be over 18. wanted for position paying; lis a weeg, environm-ni unusually Rood and opportunity for rapid advancement Address, statins are. P 920, ledger Office MISS SMITH Hill Market at MISS ORR 20 W. Chelton ave. MISS McCAW. 120 S r,2D ST. THE HELL TELEPHONE CO OF PENNA. HOOKKBEPER and ateuofcraplier In archl tens office tnnfliltnt buslneaa woman for general offlre duties 2," to 31 jeara old: hlgh-arado poaltlon with reanalhlllty: ap pointments by phone. Locust 0800. Mr Doraey CLERK THE ACCOUNTING DKPT OF THE PUHLIC LKDORII r'fl fipart.V.ti THE SERVICES Or. A YOUNG WOMAN WITH AUJLITY TO OPERATE TYPE WHITER. ASK TOR MR PRICE. PUHLIC LEDGER CO. OTII AND CHESTNUT 8TS CLERK for ceneral office work In North Phlla aectlnn ndvlao stating; experience and salary P H10 Lodger Offlc" p'r,l!nce TOUNO LADY, accurate at figures, for eta- llatlcal worlc. must operate comptometer, atate full rartlculara giving; afe, expert- enre and aalary expected P !I0 ledger Off YOUNO LADY for clerical work; rood hour.. Apply Superintendent', office. Boa Cheatnut at. TOI'NO WOMEN AS CASHIERS APPLY DfREAC OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNG VO.MAN wanted with some selling experience for downtown more: short hour.. Phono Dickinson 0145. DETAILBRS AND TRACERS Excellent opentne In the machine dtatm and engineering drafting department.: prefer elnile men with high achool education who desire to continue their studies and fit them selves for positions of responsibility. tt possible submit samples of work Factory Office Employment Department THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RURBER CO. Akron Ohio HELP WANTED MALE CXSHIERS EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERIENCED APPLY Ht'REVf OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CIIILDNCR.SE. white, tn lake care of children 414 veara old and 22 months- good wages rail Cheatnut Hill 2031. CLERK billing. Elliott. Fisher operator cor rect nt figures, atate aalary ! 1 T erlier Offlre "-" LOOK Aw hll woman for cooking and dovvnrlalra work: good wage, no waahlnr Apply 1212 Mldialo ave ' " wasning, COOK and kitchen maid, white wanted in Chestnut Hill: wages t0 and J40 1 r.V required Phono Cheatnut Hill 7(1 APPRENTICES TWO TO LEARN STEEL PEN TRADE HOYS OF AMERICAN PARENTAGE TO GROW I'P AH STEEL PEN MAKERS AGES 18 TO 20 TEARS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ESTERRROOK BTF.EL PES' MFG CO CAMDEN. X .1 ATTENDANTS MEN IN MENTAL DE PARTMENT PHILA GENERAL HOS PITAL SITU AND PINE STS . OOOD PAY. APPLY Mil niRKE. CHIEF NURSE. ASSISTANT TO RUYER OF HOUSEFUnNISHINO AND CHINAWARB A prominent department atore of Baltimore has an opening for a man who Is thoroughly experlenrrd and cipable to aaalat buyer of housefurnlshlng and chlnnwarn deoartmenta and to manare and supervise the dopart metita ho will find the aalarv very Inter eating Address giving (he details of ex perlenie and reference M 331 Ledger Office. RECKER, SMITH TAOE. INC.. WATER AND 8NYDKR AVE require the servlots of boy. and vour.g men to learn the wallpaper manufacturing business: good wages steady work, good oppor tunity, also have, openings for mn tor factory work; laborers eictpted. GIRL to ilu plain sewing, tickets and lahel. on conta good wages ..Apply Dreyfo,!, Lang. II K Mulford Hlda . nrn.rt .i t, Lang. It Wallace ate ONE HUNDRFD GIRLS WANTED OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE IN I ITT! E CIGAR DEPARTMENT LIGHT AIRY FACTORT DESIRAIII.E STEADY WORK K WEEKS A YEAR v HOT LUNCHES SERVFD AT LESS THAN COST GOOD PAY, EXCELLENT TREATMENT LIGGETT MYERS TORACCO CO 3RD AND ONTARIO STS. GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN WANTED FOR PACKINO ICING AND MISCELLANEOUS WORK EXPERIENCE NOT NCCESSA.RY. PLEASANT SUR. ROUNDINGS 112 TO START AND RAPID ADVANCEMENT- LUNCH SERVED AT COST NATIONAL RISCUIT CO. 1301 GLKNWOOD AVE. UIRLS AND WOMEN We have Just made nnother addition to nur factory Installed more new marhlnrrv and hive again enlarged our assembling department novella the tlmn and thla la the place to an uro steady work with a modern up to date growing concern, experience not neiea.ary good pay to begin ners wWli rI'ld advamement take elevated, surface or aulmnv cars to ,12d at station Apply fartory ofIKe H T Pnlato Co.. 8201 rrh ai HLACKSMITH'S helper wanted, aleadv work good wages Harry Williams & Son, Ognntr Ps BOOKKLEI'ER Toung man. with about 2 years' experience, of rood character, who la competent Intereated In accounting de partment work and can be advanced. In rr plv state age. experience and salary expected Address M 315 Ledger Offlre BOY LARGE PRINTING PLANT I.OCATED IN CENTRAL SEC TION OF THE CITY. WANTS A ROY FOR OFFICE WORK. MUST HE OVER SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND HAA'E FINISHED GRAMMAR SCHOOL WE WANT A HOY WHO IS NEAT, BRIGHT ASH ANXIOUS TO SUCCEED IN THE OFFICE END OF THE RUST NESS THIS IS A REAL CHANCE FOR A HOY WHO IS AHLE TO APPLY HIMSELF AND LEARN AVE ARE LOOKING FOR A ROY WHO IN THE NOT VERY DIS T.ANT FUTURE WILL HE ABLE TO TACKLE A MAN'S WORK. WRITE FULLY IN OWN HAND WRITING STATING AGE AND SCHOOLING BOX C 533. LEDGER OFFICE I GIRLS HI YEARS AND VP AS LEARN ERS IN OS'E OF Ol'R DEPARTMENTS PLEASANT CLEAN WELL-PAID WORK EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS til TO START NORTH AMERICAN LACE LO . RTII AND ALLEGHENY AVE U1R1, WANIKD loung girl to assist with hbusownrk In email famll . work la for 0 or 7 daa inch week urefi r girl about eighteen jeara of age who will aleep out. v.ppiy In iii.rsoii as quliklv as possible Millar Ant II 101" AAeat Erie ave BOY AVANTED, WIDE-AWAKE ROY TO WORK IN NEAA'SPAPER LIBRARY AD VANCEMENT UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UP A HIGHLY INTERESTING AND EDUCATIONAL VOCATION. CALL ROOM 315. LEDGER OFFICE BOY The Gulf Rertnlng Co. needa bright boy over 10 for work In their filing room and to aaalat with the mall, no previous ex perience required but applicants should write a good hand an 1 be quick at figures. Apply by letter stating age experience. If ny. achoollng and eilary desired. Chief Clerk. 510 AVIdoner Building Ulltl.S lining, labeling wrapping pack ages, start $12 50, pleasant work and reo roatton room. llth ft below Parrlah. FllJl "sBKKEPBR wanted lor rimllv of 3 man, wife and 2-vear-old child small apt.: sleep out hours 7 .In tn tl .In give age and salary exnerted AI 821 1 edger Office LADIES 2 refined educated dramatic ca7 pable In stile and drena fnr manufactur ing motion plcturns Call Amerli in ileauti Film Art Co I'll'l Rrown at LAUND11L"S.H guod Irnnera atiadj Apply Children a llotneoiutlili Hoapital 8th an(i Thonipeon RED STAR LINE V Y. SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP Ilrootiland Iay 1 June 6 July 10 Lapland May 8 June IS July 11 Finland May 15 June ID July 34 Zealand June 28 July 31 1'IIlLADELriIIA ANTWEnx Weat Tarook April 10 Weatern Plains April 20 West Gamboo May S Nervier Muv 13 PuiiBf.r Office, 1319 Walnut St., Paila. ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE PHILADELPHIA LONDON Western '.Mold Mackinaw . . . Eastern Shore , Wutheiia . , , rVDFRTAKFRS IQrflUYLERSl If9 BROAD and I ltf DIAMOND I QsiMMAaBsseaaBiaBMMaBaMiBHaMMMSHVBBaBauBBaaMaBB LEGAL AI)Ai:itTlsi:vi KN TS IIOLLAND-AMERICA LINK PHILADELPHIA UGTTEnpAM A Steamer AprllMay rreuat uuice, sua-o noare Bldi.. Pal, BJ5jT() WHOM IT MAY CONCERN April lo "9 Wllllim AVnlker tailor doi eased a ,. lien 1 .no ,i,r aiiu.ii -.Mira hii in . ar, April Z0 ago AMU any solicitor or oth rs who havn Alay 8 ' n Information In respect to estate or will May 15 ef th above kindly communicate with his iiiuKinei .tinianiii ..iniirr nirv iaiKeri .111 AVhllJleld rosd Stotswood, Newcaatle-on-Tne England? PARTNERSHIPS "eVilMSH' Vir-BmnilW,,,,, private bathsi run. wateri 113 wklr.l 13,00 ua dally. C. Duhre. OCEAN CITY, N. J. RISTAYNP Runnln water In every OIJWinntmn nk e. RLUNDIN. . OOKAN CITY. N. J, "Anefli'a Urt.Utt ralljr Kctor." United States Shipping Board's Passenger Servico New York to Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenos Ayros 17. P. Fli!1 ! " r,nasiiviii, ju.wu ion. IDJ, ..... .Anrll 9B , H, 1IVKUN. 17,000 ton. to) ...Mayli .h.C'AIXAO. li.OOO tons (a) ........May 15 (aiflrst Clash (b) First A Second Clash le) lit, 35 Id Class. " fur patKUi rale, and tthtr parHenlaro apttv to ami; Passenoer Aarnru r te MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE raisrnier Dea'l, lt-03 Ueaver HI.. N, Y alM at the Lints' Office, at Brexel Blag., I Bey.er Bldg,, I 41S Olive HI reel, I PhuSJefplla. I rfalUmr I Bt. VeWlJ. I lOSxX i M.bllt. Alabaaao. DISSOLUTION HF PXRTNLR-ilIlp Notice Is herehv given that the partnerehln between Jeins Hogan and Allchail Donnelly I to. ding as Hogiin & Donurll. denllng In boraeshtjera' surnlles ttr at Nos ,117 and illli vine si. i-uiianeiiinia 1-11 wis ilH solved h mutuil consent on the lllli div nf April 10;o, the said Jnmea llngnn withdraw ing irom ine nnn All aei.ts due tn the said firm nrs to bo paid nnd thus,, due hy the mm dlacltargcd at the nb"e nddieas where the business will bo continued by said Michael Donnellv- ' JAMES HOOAN MICHAEL DONNELLY. EUGENE RAYMOND -. J AVAHHINGTON LOOUE, Attorns). PERSONALS LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATING IS THE MOST INTERESTING AA'ORK IN THE CITY FOR YOUNO AYOMEN 114 PER AVEEK TO 8TART RAPID INCREASE FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT APPLY AT ONCE AT ROOM 734 BOURSE BUILDING ' 4TH BELOW MARKET ST. 8 A. M TO 5 P. M. AVRITE IF UNARLK TO SEE MISS JENNINQ9 LAUNDRY PRE'.S OPERATORS AND FANCY IHONF.RH AVANTED GOOD WAGES HI'Als AND LAUNitY IN. CLl'DED PHII.ADKIPHIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SITU AND PINE STS dored Applj i-hfi Hospital, nth and XOTIl IS Is herebv gtvin that llenlamln . Klein and Jnseoh Grossniun have s-ld the r business at 1812 N Slat at. to Hainuel in."-.! -m... r. - MAID for ward viork dren'a llonieopathk Thninpain MKNIlh.lt- Experienced mender wanted by Isrta panta manufacturer- one who will work steadllv In fartorj state experience and sslarv expected AA'rlte to Penn Panta lnc nox r.,11 Reacllng Pa ' "c" MOTHERS HE! PER white rare for -hoi a, 3 nnd 7 yean permanent nosttlnn" go to country for soring, seushore In a urn! iner Phone Cnwvd Us " ",lm- BOY. over 1" active. Intelligent and ambi tious to learn advertising and selling; ex cellent chance for advancement In pay and position Appiy aner ..- gv p. m.. to rr. Westcott, Advertising Department. Publie Ledger. Cth end Chestnut. BOYS wanted AA'o want 2 ateudy boy., over' IB, ra of age mechanically Incline!, who are desirous of learning a trade Apply to Mr Smith 3d floor aouthwrat torncr Uth and Thompson ata Philadelphia BOY , Amnri'-.in IS to 20 with aom ex perience to feed Job printing preea and to do general preea rocm work, good wages and fine opiortunit fnr bright boy. See Mr Read fifth flor 00(1 Chestnut st BOY (iffbe of manufacturing company in the cen'er 'f the clt) wants a. bov must be over 10 nra of as and havo had gram mar schoil education on who Is neat and anxious to em co",l C 010 ledger (Ifflro HOYS for messengers between 14 and 18 jeara of age Apply Employment Depart ment, Cramps' Shlpvard. Richmond at above Norris ROY or young man tn learn thentlle cord making a good trade and always busi Oehrle Reoa fo 423 N 3d ' BUSHELA1E.N on men'a coat, Applv Mnel lenbitrg Clothing Co , UroaU and Wallace ata third floor CARPENTERS SHIP JOINERS Tnalflr work, no loss of time: long, stead! job GEORGE W. SMITH CO. South IPtU at tfclow Qray. Ferry road DOORHANGERS Experienced men on auto closed bodies HALE eL KILRURN CORP. 18th and Glenwotd ave DRAFI'SMAN. designer and eatlmatsr to de tail, design and estimate ateel for te enforced concrete building; In implication civ education, experience and aalar,' desired, ex cellent opportunity P 024 Idrer Offle DRAFTSMAN, structural drtatlei wltn sa- perlence on convenor avstem. preferred, R H Beaumont ti fo . am Arch at, DRAFTSMEN DESIGNERS LARGE IeONG-ESr.ABLISHED MANUFACTURING CORPORA TION I3CATED NEAR NEW ARK. N J.. E.MPIeOTING AP PROXIMATELY 8000 WORK ERS, IS MAKING CHANGE:! DESIGNED TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY AND WILL CON SIDER APPLICATIONS FROM SINGLE MEN OR THOSE WHO CAN LOCATE NEAR OUR PI.ANT. WHICH IS 12 MILES TO NEW YORK CITY Tool designers, 133-41 per week Machine designers. 113-35 p r week Mechanical draftsmen, tto pr week Mlscellaneora draftsmen IIO-10 per week THIS IS NOT TO COVER IM MEDIATE OPEN I N G S SO MUCH AS TO PUT US IN TOUCH WITH 'A TTrE OF MEN WHO ARE CAPABLE OI DEVELOPMENT FOR MORE HIGHLY PAID POSITIONS AND WHO ARE WILLING TO AVORK, FOR SUCH AN OP rORTUNlTY THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY PERMANENT POSITIONS IN AN ORGANIZATION THAT HAS LONG HAD THE REPU TATION FOR TRAINING ITS AVORKERS AVELL. SUITABLE A RRAN'OEMENT FOR CONVENIENT INTER V1EAV AVILL BE MADE. MENTION IN TOUR LETTER YOUR A a E. EDUCATION WHETHER MARRIED OR SIN OLE RELIGION AND JUST AVHAT TOUR EXPKRIBNi K COMPRISES. Address D D . Postofflct Box 238 Newark DRAFTSMEN Experienced on aheet-metal work O. Box 3833. North Philadelphia SPOOLERS and w aiders on cotton varr.7 wagoa guarantee,! Oehile Broa Co i"i N 3d ' '-' S rENOGRAPHKR,- EXPERIENCED AND CAPABLE Or DOING OOOD AA'ORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WAN MAKERS HTI'.NOGItAPHMt knowledge of bolHikeem , Ingi opportunity for advancement nrD In person. 1000 pomrnonweaUh Uldj. CARPENTERS wanted, union men. long Job plenty nf overtime Apply eninloiment office, Sears-Roebuck operation. Irwin I Lelghtnn contractors Roosevelt boulevard and Asylum pike Frankford car transfers on 71 to nakland Cemetery CARrirr and rug salesman EXPERIENCED PREFERRED APPLY BUREAU OF EAIPIOYMENT AA'ANAMAKER'S CLERKS wltn arocerv experience to work In order and stockroom. If IHU are ambltl..,.. energetic here l a. ohance to connect with a new organlxatlon with splendid futur SjIo1 W,oo'd".ahdAr.v,.y Mr" C0U1'"- ' Sw DRAFTSMEN (electrical Several wanted vrho have had experience in either design ing or detailing oil .ewltcs and bus structure la) nuts, high and low tenalnn awltchloarda; pip Uiouts, ate, permanent position for the right man Apply to R J. Mllllgan, 1000 Chestnut st eighth floor DRAFTSMEN wanted structural ateel Ap ply Process Engineering Co , olu Pennsyl vania Building, DYNAMOMETER teat Inspector. Brat class, drat claaa final mad test Inspector, first clasa chassis Inspector flrst-rlaaa paint and body Inpeotor, only experlenoed men In these, lines need apply Address M 404 Ledger Office ELECTRICIAN!. ANT) HELPERS 23 WANTED ON CONDUIT AVORKi ft. HOUR DAY STONE A WKIIHTI.fl, REACH AND PALMER UTH ENGINEER, heating thoroughly familiar with plan and estimating work. Apply J M Wen. Globe Automatlo Sprinkler Co EHTIMATOR- rrete worx. v-VA1LrtNF:llH un men a Hnellenburg Clothing Co. lar ate . third floor. eatlintte and price con. 81 S lrtaer Offtce. i,qale. Apply N. llroad and Wal- I UARDKNERS and lalsirora wanted nil) men; steady work. 13 far u hours Apply U, ( Lewi., car. of II. A lt.ser County Line station, ATdmore, a phone Ardmore el. I X '. 151 ,v ' vf; t,' ! 1 vV. J ,"V W .tVV 1J4fc, iJM . . - WIS. e'A 1 iiiitef mf n r- Mt" -r- liA ' l&A$i ' f i.a4Kz SMiJaiit rial "! ,'