AS I'l's ' l . r, IS? r I ORGA IL SUPREN10 NILI ALLEATO HOOVEn DROPS MARYLAND Friends May, Reconsider Should Other Candidates Enter Field M.tttlmorc, April 15. Following n mcclliiK ii f Hooker men yesterday, It nns nunouueed It lind been ileclileil Herbert Hoover would not enter the ,. , Republican presidential primaries iu ' San Remo I'ltaha Prosontera Mnrini! nt this time. John T. Stone, president of the Mnrjlnnd disunity Co.. said, however, thnt If other candidates for the Re publican nomination file in Star) land the friends of Mr. Hoover will reopen the mutter and decide then whether to icrousiiler the decision to not cuter. Hnmitor Hiram vv . Johnson author EVENING PttsLIO LEDGEItPHIbAi)EiiPHIA,, THtft&DAY,, "APJtlli. 'Mm ... .. .- i 4 ,... .... ..-.. rr1 rrr rr: . . ' i . WOULD CUT NUMBER IN HARRISBURG HOUSE un Compromosso Sulla Quo- H , j stiono doll'Adriatlco robllsbfil rd Dlalrlbutrd Vnttr PIUIMIT NO 341. Authortz'd to tt.e net f OrloW 8. 1917. on fit. at tha roBtottlco of Phll telphta. Ia. a. n nt'ntrov rjtmatr flmeral. Constitution Revision Commis sion Also Asked to Extend Personal Registration Law HarrlsburK, April 15. Suscstions that membership of the state House of Representatives be reduced nnd that pcrsonnl registration be required for boroughs and townships ns well as for cities marked the close of the second week of lienrlncs of the Stnt (Vmxtl- ired lh lenrc-ontntivcs to start his tutlounl Ucvislon rninmision. TliM candidal' in tln state jesterdav were made bj It. A Zimmerman, of, ,1- i'n i ficranton, last of n long list of speakers upon a great variety or topics. The commission adjourned until Tuesday, when the final bearings will tako place nnd there will then be taken up a calendar of suggestions. Mr. Zimmerman also suggested any one be given the right to sue the state in any court ; a change in annexation, election overseer and voting qualification laws, and that Philadelphia work out its own plan for magistrates. T. Henry Walnut, of Philadelphia, urged the constitution should not lit the judicial machinery of ,tbe state for all time, but allow soma changes to be made. Samuel Ilosenbaum, of Phila delphia, suggested n board of procedure bo provided to establish afsystcm for the courtB, . The governor of the state should be the political leader of the party, de clared A. K. Hatton, of Cleveland, ap pearing for the People's Association of Pennsylvania. llllMllllllllimilllMIMtUMUIIMMIMIlitMBBa T.,m ,- ,,-.,, . --- ,,m.., --""-" .... u.uutiuusiuuMNMA.VMVW.W.V.'M r'GKWWCwrcTVWOTiCKV SaWs1K&73 t"" " m..j.''vnw Paris!, 15 nprile Alia illinium del Concllio Supremo Alleato in San Homo, dice l'Kco ill Parici, sarn' data parti- colaro ottenzlono alia oecupazlonc ill IVancofortc da parte dcllc truppc tran ces i. L'ltalln, il glornale aggiuuge, otto- mcttcra' nl Conrillo un i oinpromc.o per un ncoordo rucgiutito con In .Thro slavin, nelhi spinma die possa uddl tenlrst ad una nMenmlnm' dclln quo Hone Adrlntica. Si dice che .ira chtcsta la ratillca ill ditto nccordo. Tnnnnzl nl rniirlHo slcsso verniniio prcsentate delle proposte dell'On. Lulgi Lurzatti, ex-presldento del Consiglio del Jlinlstri d'ltnlla, relalivamcctc alle rate del camblo per un accoiuo iniornu zlonalc. Itnwctlrs. 15 aprilo Tl Gov rim Itnlinno ha invltuto II IIpIbni n tmindan 1 "suoi rnpiiii"i'iitaiill iilln lonfimi ii Intorallentn ill S in H' mo I llvinm mlnistro poi gii alfnrl i ti n c l la pHr. miiiNtro ill imnnmiii. piutii iniio Bnbato alia volta dell'Italia im- pun dere paite alia confeicna in p.uoln. Koma, 15 nprilr I rapporti ihc la Santa Sede sarcblw stata rappre-eutata al Supremo Concllio Alleato, rhe uvra' luogo n San Itemo, lu MoiiNlRnor Fedcrlco Tcdcschinij sotto segretnno di Stato al Vcticano. ono stati smcutiti. Si diceva che ii Vaticano arebbe ptato rappresentnto tit discutcrc la shtcma tlono rclntiva all'Asin Miuore. Lo stcso Jlons. Tedoscliini ha diohiarto che la uotizia e' infondata p-chcln ritcueva Una manovra ner cicarc dithVoHu' tia Vltalia e la Pruniiu. Vienna, 11 aprllc Vautnggi cum merclali p giudiziari dati wilamente ' all'Italiu dal trattato di St. (lermaiii earanno resi rccipropi -otto i termini tl un accordo tasgiunto tra la tcpub- I blica Austriaca p 1' Italia. -.pimiuiIo 'quanto stampaim. oggi. i giornah organi I del govcrno. Iuocorilo prow tile per una corte arbitrale pir Nistemirc i prjvatl debiti tra i littndlni ilelle duel nazloui, sulle basi ill pii?nmeuti a t-r-mlne. 1 Midditi nu-tiiiui avrauno llbcro accesMj in Italia, dopo li rutt ficazione del tinttato IItalia. moltn prowuli n' ad c. tenderc le lines ft run iarip neirintPriin deH'Auvtiia e toniederu' fa ilituioni per II porto di Ti ieste Glassboro Council Reorganizes Glassboro. XT.I.. April 1" So that . there might be no tiolriiral 'lip-up. Glassboro coiini tl TPorgaiibd at its meeting Tucsdav nijht Thw was the first regular meeting of the council un der the new borough dmter. The council had first organized a week a'o, just n few hours before the old towu ship charter expirpd and was suiiecdcl by the new borough charter WJi '- ,rv j&a&L, s IBaatf KSB-i.N .iffi-i mmfPhn ViVvfT Vi. fcVfi.iB'SOWMiA-wFS ivyviOilHiRni;.'' l ? vw u '. v'tmrnwi Earns $130 Per Day "The Muck ii decidedly the bett truck built for a contractor's use. This truck produces for us a net revenue of approxi mately $130 00 pr day. "From one letter out of hundreds we should lUe you to read. rONCRETE evidence of profitable Mack - Truck performance Mock Engineering features combined with 18 basic Mack patents have developed the Motor Truck the world is talking about. Capacities, Vi to 7!j tons. Stfack International Motor Truck Corporation 2300 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia, Pa. "PERFORMANCE COUNTS" mrwmzi fcW HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER ron cor, Nrw prlnelpl constant up ply: 24 lo HO cations le Hmm radutori. too Ther li noth )nr Jut an sood Frr book Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2nd gvMud TAeGRIFFIN SYSTEM of PROTECTION ts the outgrowth of av ex perience of 31 years m the SECRET SERVICE of the U. S. Govt. PROTECTION Industrial. Hank. Financial. Unsl bcm, rertonul. Inmtlratlons. THE MATTHEW GRIFFIN CO. Matt.iew r ir flln, Pres Trrrr nide. I'hone aprucp oon-cou HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL 1 Refrigerating Machines A'ot ati experiment Not a toy But a p' opeiatins rc frigTalin plant on simple compact-, tniall -call The Robt. J. Berryman Co. Refrigerating Engineer 511 Bourse Bide-, Pliila.,Pa. v: ii I 1 " Gov. Calvin Coolidge - Says: "yiE need forever to remember that representative government docs represent. A careless, indifferent rep resentative is the result of a careless, indifferent electorate. The people who start to elect a man to get what he can for his district will probably find they have elected a man who will get what he can for himself." Fort -three public addrejiei by Governor Coolidge hto been gathered into a book under :ha title f'IIave Faith In Massachusetts" It is a book of sound guidance lor times liLe these a book that will make )oug little prouder of being on American. There is something almost I.incolnesqoe in tho independence of Coolidfe's thinking and the M'gorous simplicity of his st)Ie. Ituvttat voiir book tlorr. r tnd tl.SO dlrrct la A piibluhtri Ilougliton Mifflin Company, Boston SZJWUWW sjpgnSi ftJIT I ITM sOm525?i'B cREJJUVLVlHinUVUirillDtS OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT 44 South 8th St Yju Need This Traffic Service. I i A rc h m . i.t M III !l noriif f . ,i H r r p ( t iforir i I f ,hr t it i j nil i u . tIOli I 11 tf I I I j i, e X I I t I Ihsifl H II 1 ik 1 un i fir lom it nne r t i ntirite puiliarKii or n nhr tranapoi I it ri 1 r I ii ll'i ilr or illicit r uii.r si ii'if f ma . Ulll I nit INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION 123 !"outh tllh !t, I'lMIinlrliilila Walnut 1178 riioncs Italnul 1179 MKuffillnta ii 8kw " '3sW ocers nl ma ' III 4 - "'i 'I I n ,1 -:' dpicyicaie- easy to matte! No etf tfs-no sutfav needed Use MAKE-A-CAKE, made of choicest fruits, seedless rai sins and spices. Other ingredients are in the home. Simple recipes in every yellow and blue carton. Delicious for breakfast, luncheon, dinner or tea. Pure and wholesome. Children love it. Cut out thi9 advertisement. Mail it with two coupons from recipe slips in MAKE-A-CAKE cartons, and your name and address, and receive free a handsome and useful pastry knife. ATMORE & SON, Inc 110-124 Tasker Street Philadelphia J& j i , ,1 , f't Sunday schools, ci.uich socn-ties and lode," rn make money by Introduc ing MAKB-A-CAKU. Wr!t It" S"f tlculars or ask '! Biocsr. L.. I. V JsmSSfr 9 A Mi Jp I -1 BM "".waShSf.Jla.lftBMHi What a real message you can send of kindli ness, of thoughtfulncss, of loving remembrance if you AwJtufttk flowers Then, too, flowers are not luxuries, nowadays. They give, us beauty and fragrance and col or at so cheap a price that sending a box of them to someone means several days' joy at mighty little cost! The Florists of Philadelphia NEWSPAPER MISTAKES CSxECLA Pearls arc trequently al- Ml f Yf liis-iorl tr in npurcninir irrniMftf tuv4wvA .v iu iivnuujjv.1 a.,JUiiLJ of the Opera and important bocial functions, only the reporters make the mistake of calling them Orientals. 1 T E C L A 398 Fifth Atenue, New YorL 10 Rue de la Put, Paris CHARLES J. MAXWELL &. CO. Sole Philadelphia Agents Walnut St. at 16th St. For the remainder of the month Wc will conduct a Most Interesting Sale of Oriental Rugs For volume, variety and alue this will constitute the MOST IMPORTANT OF FERING of Oriental Rugs that has been brought to the attention of Philadelphians for several seasons past. On the larger por tion of our stock a liberal discount will prevail. Represented in it are magnificent rugs in all wanted sizes (large, medium and small) in a wonderfully wide selection of choice weaves. HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. "Floor Coverings Exclusively tor Almost a Century" 1220 Market Street Auto thieves laugh at locks but shy at publicity. No man would Dare to steal a car pro tected by this New System of Preventing Auto Thefts. There is too much Publicity. It doesn't lock the car. It doesn't jam the works. It throws a web of advertising about the theft that Challenges the most Daring. Watch for announcement. Tomorrow Morning Oak Hall Enters its Sixtieth Year of Business- . anfl Begins Its Fifty-Ninth Anniversary Sale OUR Store is one of the city's institutions. It also is an institution in the confidence of Philadel phians, standing for integrity in its merchandise and its values, with an unbroken record of keeping the faith in business since 1861. ' Now wc celebrate ouV anniversary with a Sale of Clothing of com manding importance-important in the great quantities it makes available to every member of the frimily and very important to intending buyers be cause of the savings it registers. .,,.,,, Here briefly set down arc the items of the Sale in the Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Departments 5000 Suits In All ! SG3 FINEST WORSTED SUITS FOR BUSINESS WKAK-AiWYEKSAKY) yj qq h DOUBLE-BREASTED $55 BLUE FLANNEL SUITS WITH AN EXTRA) je nn i pair nr Trmnsrcns s yxoJ3 . ONE THOUSAND SUITS IN TWO GROUPS; WORSTEDS, ) tfo jp? Qopr B SERGES AND WOOLENS, TO SELL AT ) vOv VT OD gj SEVERAL HUNDRED GUARANTEED STANDARD BLUE GESUrreU) 0 Al REGULAR $65 QUALITIES-EACH SUIT WITH AN EXTRA PAIR OF 352.50 R TROUSERS. ANNIVERSARY PRICE ; BEAUTIFUL FINISHED AND UNFINISHED WORSTED SUITS, INCLUD-) QA c AA ING BLUES, FULLY WORTH $55, TO SELL FOR td.UU ? M FINE GRAY WORSTEDS AND HANDSOME BLUE SERGES, WORTH $50,) fc 4 ( rf l ANNIVERSARY PRICE j PV.yU A COLLECTION OF BLUE SERGE SUITS, FINEST WOOL WORSTEDS,) f( M ' WORTH $45 TO SELL FOR J J)OO.UV fjft ..,.. .. .. . . ..rn. n, .1 r,r-r.fin nmnw 1T 1rtT S . A' AISUIHUU. UKUUf UP UUAKAIYU&&1J UbUti SUtrl OU1XO iix sVL-l VTltX fill j SERVATIVE STYLES, WORTH $-10, TO SELL FOR ) 4Jyvv EIGHT GROUPS OF FINE LIGHT WEIGHT WOOLEN SUITS, EACH) & A . -A d SUIT WITH AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS, WORTH FULLY $55, TO 544:.5U SELL FOR - 8000 Raincoats at Anniversary Prices! $6.50 FOR CONSERVATIVE RAINCOATS IN TANS. $8.50 FOR CONSERVATIVE RAINCOATS IN TANS AND GRAYS. $9.50 F0R BELTED RAINCOATS IN TAN COLOR. $10.00 FOR U. S. ARMY SERVICE RAINCOATS. $12.00 FOR DOUBLE-BREASTED BELTED RAINCOATS. $18.00 FOR 'TRAVEL1TE" RAINCOATS 18 OUNCES. These are the days when raincoats are needed most and these tpecial anniversary prices will bring the city's forehanded men to Sixth and Market Streets in a hurry! I 59th Anniversary Specials in The Woman's Shop ML - 4mm r A -UStVk 7. . fTff. .StBWBL .n & ra xm mm ;7ra r ' "TKffi f 'v v iiil ffi ' fill V ft. 'm I 'IM iuT l I JLwH1. H'-Vii'I I (l rtlfl I 'P 8' l.Vf fi "' J'wffl m a f i Mm ' i f ww I vi M fill & fti 'fl "K ts V - v p I S.J9.75 $59.75 SU1L75 S55 '". S9.0.T.". fT t-. 'n ?. I WW -....... T'lVII V M If ?tel'l' For a Wonderful Showing of new Spring Suits and Coats in sample sizes in all the newest fabrics and colorings of the season, among which you will find hardly two alike. This is a special figure far below market prices for equal quality. Sizes 16, 36, 39, 42 '2. $45 For Iwmenpioi kuilg in L'ojien- vultures, wonderfully pop- Cj'lQ nC)hagcv blue. At fj yreeua and V J ) tan ular. $59.75 a -. (for bea $39.75 Urowna (i'm while, For a new nut of navy scigc, coat in box model, tuxedo collar, fancy silh icst. $39.75 fFor dresses of natai ittedf, iol )ors navy and blown, distinctly tiimmed with ribbon loops in harmonious shades.' For beautiful uaiy. taupe and Georgette dresses, beadrl For suits 01 uuiu and black C?CC ijft Uricottnc. Same viovrt black- and ipOUiJJwhite and blue and j i'ij ati in. ed at 55; an unncuil i.alue. F01 dresses of naiy "trye h $29.75 P'ea'crf ruffles in tiers at sldn, lone of the season' 1 mort popt tar !For dieas nf nnui ohie ne. pleated skirt, Holeio jacket, many women wear 'iem coriibina'ion drew tnd ''"' Hard to keep them tn s'ork. !For sports suits of Jcrcj hit ' wool in heather mixture; biici. greens, oxfords, broma. hi ' 10 to 38, always pop'il.r tid tteejul. $18 Boys' Anniversary Specials . S, rrn pKSvIwi?HSSGn,Si!HS 0F WNB QUALITY BLUE SERGE AND ' .50 l SAPS1 CLOTHS THAT EQUAL IN VALUE MANY SITTS - (ShKSSiS?!? SSS.AND 525m NKW MODELS IN THEEW SHADES OF GRAY, BROWN, GREEN. SIZES 7 TO 18. FINEST STAPLE WORSTED & SERGE TAILORING) &CQ FABRICS ($85 QUALITIES) BUIlAollEASURE ( 3 Anniversary Shirts a xt t M,dr0H and pcrcai, wnB .o , ,,M Anniversary Neckwear v Four-in-IInnd Scarfs, in Home Woven and Foreign $3.50 Percale Shirts with collurs to match $3.50 Russian Cords and Imported Madrab $4.00. $5.00 PuK.?,n,k Shirts J8.30, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, ( $1(3.50 Fabrics, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 rs "W " T" I W an Sim a r Af ft? Mmnr (Market at Sixth xviiiiivvi V liUVVH fni. CO Vnore i y j xvmj." ) ;w-t. a WSSXVrf' . .fv vh; a.j "yyf-vw i -M ' m .Hdi- ii U u . H 'tlJHt'-Mk . ' t J . V. f . ,JX '"jriiHi viaw-, J'i . -y n J,,U ! 'JKV f&Bmsitfk&itod L'ti.A.; ti;? i